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04x01 - Thicker Than Water

Posted: 08/14/21 19:26
by bunniefuu
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[NORMAL] Go and hide all you want!

I'll find you.

I always do!









Oh, Grace. Oh, thank God.

I have to get in there
before it's too late.

Please. Please, Grace.

Nice try.

No, God damn it!


No, please! Please, Grace!

Please! No!



There you are.

You know what I love about you,
brother of mine?

Even when Dad chews you up
and spits you out...


... you never give up.

I swear to God. I swear to God.

I swear to God.

I swear to God!



Well, if you don't want it...

What if it's booby-trapped?

Huh. Here I thought my dad
had just married

some bimbo gold-digger.

Turns out you're just a gold-digger.


You okay?

Evil bastard.

Always gotta look out
for numero uno, Grace.

Sorry you had to learn the hard way.

It's mine!


It's mine!


- Help!
- Vincent?


Oh, my God! Vincent! Where's my baby?


Oh, Vincent, thank God!


Theo. Where's your brother?

They took him, and hit me in the face.

Who took him?
What are you talking about?

Please, Mom, you're hurting me.

Where's your g*dd*mn brother?!




- ♪♪
- _


We going to yelling party again?

That's a good way of putting it.

- Why do we do that?
- I don't know, Daddy,

why are we all spending
a long weekend together

when we all hate each other so much?

We don't hate each other, Alfre, it's...

it's just...

sometimes, families
get complicated when...

everyone loves each other so much.

Who pretty lady?

That's Liv.

That's the housekeeper's daughter.

- Alfre's met Birgit before.
- I know.

I just don't think we should
be dividing the world

between the help and normal people.

I don't. Don't call her that.

Why call her that when you can
treat her like that, right?


Hey, you behave.

Do I ever behave?


Boat's here. Alfre, sweetheart.

Alfre! Alfre!

What's she doing over there?


What do you have in your mouth, honey?

There might be lead in it. Alfre!

Spit that out, honey.

Ah! Jesus f*cking Christ!

- You okay?
- Do I look okay?


No, it's fine. It's fine. I'll, uh...

I'll put rubbing alcohol on it
as soon as we get to the island.

I'm sorry.

It's okay, sweetheart,
I'm sure you didn't mean it.

Hey, you can't just eat that stuff.

It's full of icky things
and bad chemicals.

You understand?

I understand.

I won't do it again, Papa.

I promise.

She has pica, okay?
It's a medical condition.

Ahoy, Galloways.

I know I'm late, but I got an excuse.

In fact, I got...

around pounds of excuse.



- Theo?
- I'm here just in time.

Hi, Mom.

Didn't think you were gonna show.

Neither did I.

Alright, all aboard, Galloway family.

We got a half-hour ride to the island

on nothing but beautiful, calm seas.

It's gonna be a perfect day
for a family reunion.






I really wanted the French cuffs.

You're already wearing a tie.

Is it a crime to look good?

But you're gonna be sweating up a storm.

So, Jayden was telling me
about the new VP of Sales...

how he was caught bringing up
expenses on some strip joint?

Says he's gonna fire him.

No, he isn't.

The man paid for lap dances
on your dime, dear.

You have fired people for less.

It's kind of a sport for you.

I fire people who deserve to be fired,

people who don't perform.

Keeps everybody else on their toes.

Well, in this political climate...

Well, I don't give a f*ck
about your PC bullshit.

I give a f*ck about profits.

And so should our son,

if he hopes to take over the business.



Jayden was simply
looking out for everything

you've spent your entire life
building, my love.

You have big shoes to fill,

and he is the only one
in the family who can.


They're here. I'll be down soon.

You look wonderful.

Thank you, my dear.


It's such a nice day for this.
Are you excited, honey?

Yeah. It's beautiful.

Everyone's here. How lovely. Welcome.

Theo, my man. [CHUCKLING]

Uncle Jay!

Stop it with the "uncle" crap.
I didn't know you were coming.

Gee, well, I hope I'm not intruding.

Ah, shut up. You know what I mean.

So good to see you, man.

- Good to see you, too.
- It's great seeing all of you.

Come on. We got snacks, drinks.

And after the commemoration
at the shoreline,

we will serve lunch.

- Merle?
- Yeah?

You're more than welcome to join us.

Thank you kindly, but the fish are

jumping out of the water today,

so I think I'll head down
to the boathouse,

do a little tinkering on the outboard,

and get back out there.

Okay. Shall we?

Spencer will be down shortly to see you.

Liv, your mom's expecting you
in the kitchen.


Can I help you?

I do know how to make a sandwich.

Oh yeah?

They teach you that in college?

Or do they teach you to be
a doctor, or a lawyer...


Four years in school,
and you come back here.

A weekend.

- Livinia.
- Oh.

- This cannot be your plan B.
- It's not. I promise.

Look at me. I...

I promise you.

I didn't leave the army

just to serve this crazy family.


Well, if you wanna help me,
maybe you can put

fresh sheets on my bed.

Her Royal Highness wants
me to give up my room.

Where are you gonna sleep?

Uh, we are gonna sleep
in the old servants' quarters.

- Oh.
- Yeah, with the mice.

And the mould.

- And the cobwebs.
- Oh.





What's your problem?





- Jesus!

Scare you?

Sorry. I thought you might be hungry.

Sneaking up on me while I'm working.

Turkey bacon club sandwich,
sundried tomato pesto,

avocado, gouda,

on a freshly baked sourdough bun.

Your hands dirty?

No. Why?


Thank you.


Looks like you got a little
something on your finger, there,

dirty birdy.





Merle, what's wrong?

I'm nervous as a whore in church.

I keep feeling eyes on me.

I don't care what anyone thinks.

Please, just f*ck me.




Oh, f*ck!



Hey, Mom, why don't I just
sleep on the floor

in one of your rooms?

You are a Galloway.

This is your house.

You will have your old room.

O'Keefe will take Birgit's.

- Uh...
- But she's...

She's an employee. She can deal.


What are you doing here, Theo?

I didn't know I needed a reason.

You haven't come to a reunion
in five years.

- Yeah, but he's here now, so...
- You stay out of this, O'Keefe.

I'm asking your half-brother a question.

And I... we deserve an answer.

This weekend is hard on me.

It's hard on all of us.

Vincent was my brother.

Is your brother.

Hey, I thought,

given it's the th anniversary
of Vincent's kidnapping,

I need to be here.

Oh, so this is about you?

About what you need. About how you feel.

About how Vincent's kidnapping
affected you...

I have a girlfriend.

Her name's Cassidy.

And she's...

she's super hot.

And we've had sex

pretty much every day
for the past two months.

So, I would way rather be
with her than the two of you...

especially if this whole weekend
is just gonna be you fighting.

You have a girlfriend?

Yeah. Is that so hard to believe?

No. I just thought that
you were non-binaré now.

- You can be both, Mother.
- So, where'd you two meet?

- School?
- Oh no, she's on my swim team.

- That's great!
- Yeah.

- I'm so happy for you!
- Thank you.

You know what,
I'm pretty stoked about it.

- I bet you are.
- Yeah.


We'll have her over for dinner
as soon as we get back.

And honey, I want you to know something.

I am way more than just an ally.

I, too, received comfort

in the warm arms of Sappho once or twice

back in my art school days.

Oh, yeah.

I fancied myself the Gen X Anais Nin.

It was Lucy, the sculptor.

She was amazing with her hands.

She had this retrospective
at the Philbrook Museum of Art

in Tulsa, where we...
snuck in after hours,

and then, we got naked and...

Okay, let's not do this.




Yeah, now you got some snap,
[INDISTINCT], don't ya?






You come back for seconds, did ya?

Here to break this bronco.


Where did you go?


What the...


f*ck me with a chainsaw.





Who's there?







I'm as busy as a hound in flea season,

so I'd appreciate if you not all
play tricks on old...













And as kids, we were told that
the spirit of the Gentleman

touched this tree, here,
and that's why it died.

All these years I've been coming here,

why have I never heard this before?

Uh, 'cause it's bullshit.

Ghosts are real. Hello!

So, who is this Gentleman?

Well, the story goes that
the man who built this house

died in the wine cellar
under mysterious circumstances,

and that his spirit...
which we call the Gentleman...

still roams the halls.

Mm. What does he do, exactly?

I don't know. I've never seen him.

But they say he is
one of the angry ones.

You know what? I should've
brought my ouija board.

There's gotta be a ouija app, right?

- Not with this cell service.
- Should we do a séance?

Like, ask him why he's so angry.
Maybe he was m*rder*d.

This house is not haunted. I'd know.

Or maybe you're just not open enough.

Or maybe ghosts are a lot
of people's desperate attempt

- to be interesting.
- Ah.

If you're just gonna canvass

for your gullible ghoster support group,

let me take the bags.



Well, I'll let you two get settled in,

and I will see you
at Florence's memorial.

Thank you.

- What was that?
- What? That?

- Yeah.
- Oh, that's a sniveling,

- backstabbing ass-sucker.
- He likes you.

You have to get over this.
He's a good guy.

Don't fall for that snake's
charm offensive.

Better than being offensive.

That selfish prick is
doing everything he can

to take over my father's business.

Taking over? Babe, if you
and Florence wanted to run it,

- you'd be running it.
- Look, Kristy, it's hard enough

- as it is, alright?
- Okay.

If I agreed to come out here
to this crazy shit,

then you better try to play nice
with me and with everyone else,

including your half-brother.

And I promise, if you're nice to me,

then I'll be nice right back.

Kristy, come on. In the hallway?

- People could see us.
- Sex is natural.

Sex is good.


I wanna go, Daddy!

I don't like it here.

This island is always so scary.

- What happened?
- I just don't like.

I want to go home.
Please, Daddy, we go home.

- I'd love to, Alfre...
- I wasn't asking you.

Daddy, please. Bad things.

Let's, um, let's go to our room,

and then, you can tell me
everything that happened.

And I promise...

it's gonna be okay.

Come on.

Why don't you... freshen up?

Grab a bottle.

I'll meet you once I've calmed her down.

Hey, sweetie.



This is completely unnecessary.

O'Keefe can sleep on the couch.

Your step-grandmother
doesn't seem to think so.

Can I at least help?

Got it.

I didn't know you were
back in the country.

Yeah, um, six months, now.


Iraq, actually.

Sorry, I... I should've known that.

Why should you have known that?

I'm just glad you're safe.

I was worried, you in the army,
stationed over there...

We all were... the whole family.

I'm gonna go get some fresh towels.

Your brother's reunion
starts in five minutes.


Sunshine, you rise, but you never set.

And the last time we met
was the first time,

the last time.

The first, the last.

First son.


One egg became two, became my twins.

Romulus and Remus, wherefore art thou?

Why did you leave me that night?

This beach, this life,
is not real if you're not here.

Oh, where can you be,
oh sun, oh moon, oh comet,

that left a tail, a trail of brilliance,

seared inside my mind,

burned inside my heart,
gone ever too soon.

First, last, sun, child.






Maybe we could all just retire
back to the house for lunch now.


Control yourself, for Christ's sake!

[LAUGHING] What the f*ck was that?



I'm fine.

I can stand on my own two feet.

Been doing it for the last years.



Attention, everyone.

This weekend marks the th anniversary

of my grandson Vincent's kidnapping.

I had hoped we would've
found him by now,

which makes this reunion
all the more painful,

because the truth is...

I'm dying.


This will be my last weekend on earth.

I'd like to introduce everyone
to Dr. Persephone Trinh.

She is an end-of-life specialist.

Wait. Wait. Assisted su1c1de?

No. No. Dad, you can't do this.

I can, and I will.

I refuse to suffer the way Annette did.

Dr. Trinh is here to make sure that,

when I shuffle off this mortal coil,

it's with minimal pain and suffering.

So, you said you're dying.

From what?

- Stage IV lung cancer.
- No!

No. This isn't happening.
We're gonna get you back

to the mainland, and we're gonna
get you to a real doctor...

Florence, I have more to say.
Sit, and listen.

We used to play a game every year

to celebrate what it means
to be a Galloway.

And through blood, sweat, and tears,

I hoped to forge that strength
in you, and in return,

one of you would walk away with a prize.

And then, Vincent was kidnapped,
and we stopped.

But now, I've decided to revive
our competition one final time.

Excuse me. Are you kidding?

You're committing su1c1de,

and you want me to play a f*cking game?

A series of games. Competitions.

Each one of you will be
knocked out one by one.

No. No. Dad, I can't do this.

You don't play, you can't win.

What are we playing for?

My entire fortune.

What? No. This is insane.

You crazy old man!

I am your wife.

When you die, everything comes to me.

Not according to your pre-nup.

Who the hell are you
to talk to me about my pre-nup?


I should be able to get it first.


That's enough! Enough!

None of you deserves what I've built.

Not you, Seamus,
you overgrown man-child.

Or you, Florence.

I mean, I've seen better art
in the toilet bowl.

Or you, Jayden.

Did you really think you could
pull the wool over my eyes?

One big f*cking wave cost
my company $ million?

I'm a shipping magnate,
you tugboat captain.

You want my money?

For the first time in your selfish,

inconsequential f*cking lives, earn it!

The games begin in two hours.

Maybe one of you will
finally make me proud.



It's like, no matter what I do,
it's the same thing.



I'm a disappointment.

I'm a failure.

No. You are neither of those things.

- Your father is...
- My father...

is going to die.

And I'm never gonna do right by him.



I am his wife!

And he just drops this on me
in front of them all.

I find out he's ending his life
when everyone's there,

and now, we are supposed to fight them,

when it's supposed to be our money!

I'm gonna fix this. I promise.


Dad is dying.

And there's nothing
that I can do about it.





Can't a man get some rest?

You can sleep when you're dead.

This year's competition...


Is it open to all your descendants?



He can't just unilaterally
decide to do this!

It's his life, so he kinda can.

Whose side are you on?

I'm not on any side.

If Granddad doesn't wanna die

a slow and painful death,
he shouldn't have to.

Theo, you're a lawyer.

There has to be some way around this.

Mom, this is a legal will.

I don't care if he wrote it
in his own f*cking blood,

we need a workaround, a loophole.

And you gotta find one, okay?


Grandpa has days left, and you
wanna spend that time fighting,

trying to screw him over based
on some legal technicalities?

This is your father.

And Vincent was your brother.

And you did nothing.

You stood there,

and you let those bastards take him.

Mom, stop.

You have the nerve
to stand there and judge me?


I'm gonna catch you!
I'm gonna k*ll you, Theo!

- No!
- I'm gonna k*ll you!


This is, of course,
the somber anniversary

of your mother's and my wife,
Annette's, passing.

Death brought you into our
lives, Grace, but every day,

you breathe life into me
and this family.

And in recognition of this boon,

this year, I've decided,
will be a real treasure hunt,

to celebrate what's gone
and what's to come.

All that glitters is gold.


How much gold?

Hm, about $ , worth.

You're not pulling that bullshit on me

like you did last year.

I know not of what you speak.

Giving me sleeping pills
instead of aspirin.

The only rule is, there are no rules.

- I'm gonna k*ll you, Theo!
- Help me!

- Get here!
- Mommy! Mommy!

- Get over here!
- Help me, please, Mommy!

Vincent's trying to k*ll me!

Oh, it's just a toy sword, you big baby.

No, he's serious! He said so!

Would somebody get these
g*dd*mn rug rats out of here?

- Could you?
- Of course.

- Maybe take the boys out for some air.
- Let's go.

Let's go. Come on.


Now, boys, I want you
to get all your energy out.

Run to the other side of
the island, to Sandy Beach,

and bring me back a shell.

Any shell?

A big one and a pretty one.

- Oh, and...
- Red's mine!

That's right. It is.

I don't want you to catch a cold.

Now, go on. Play.


I'm gonna k*ll you! You're dead, Theo!

It's getting dark out.

We're almost at the beach. Come on.

We have to go get Birgit her shells.

- p*ssy!
- Don't call me that!

It's a bad word!

- p*ssy! p*ssy!
- Ow! Stop!

- p*ssy! p*ssy!
- Stop! Ow! Ow!

- Stop!
- p*ssy!




Vincent, wait up!


Vincent, where are you?


Theo, get over here!


Who is that?



Let him go! That's my brother!

- Let him go!
- Help! Let me go!

Get off of me!


- Theo, help me!
- Stop!


I curse God every single day

that they took my Vincent and not you.



You're a f*cking monster.





There's no need for anyone
to suffer a painful death

ever again.

But if you're not ready,

or having second thoughts,

we don't have to do this.

With surgery and chemotherapy,
you could live another year,

possibly longer.

So, if you have any doubts,

it's not too late to change course.

I'm ready.

May I?


I'll be using the same PICC
line your doctors inserted

for your initial cancer treatments.

The dr*gs will be inserted
directly into your heart,

which will speed up the process.

I'll be using a cocktail...

a sedative and a muscle relaxant.

You will fall asleep,
then stop breathing.

Will I feel anything?

Nothing at all.

Shall I stay with you until...

Well, I need you
to oversee the competition.

There's too much at stake.






Everyone's about to go head
down for the first challenge.

But I guess you're not?

Coming back here was a mistake.

- Boat still here?
- Probably.

You know, I have a whole life.

I don't need them,
or my grandfather's money or...


You're strong, okay?

And I know that this is
none of my business...

Yes, it is. You're practically family.


Then think about your family.

You are young, and strong, and selfless.

You're a peacekeeper.

And if you win, you're gonna
look out for the others.

But if Grace wins...

or your mom...

what happens to Seamus?

Or O'Keefe?

What happens to them?







Who's there?




You're here.

Come, Spencer.

With me.

Come, sweetheart.


I'm ready.

I'm... I'm ready.


Who's... Who's that?

Who... Who...

Who are you?

What are you... doing?

I don't... I don't...

think you should be doing that.

I... I don't think you should be...







Like Theseus arriving at
the Cretan labyrinth,

Theo is in it to win it.

You are all in it to win it.

Our first game is an endurance test,

so please pick a rope,
and get ready to climb.

You've got this, babe.


- Care to share?
- Sure.

Thank you.

It's cold out.

Theo? But...





Hello, brother.





