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02x04 - Night of Hunters

Posted: 08/14/21 19:24
by bunniefuu





[GLENN] Whew.


Word of advice, buddy.

You should try to not act so
f*ckin' nervous, you know?


I'm not nervous.

[GLENN] Really? Well, then
clearly, you're a f*ckin' idiot.

And the bastards in here
are gonna eat you alive.

Just like my first time in college.

[GLENN] Oh, is that so?
Could have fooled me.

- How long you in for?
- Don't know.

You don't know?

- Well, that's a first.
- Oh, yeah.

f*ck, let me think. About days?

- Thanks for the reminder.
- Don't get your panties in a twist.

All I'm trying to say is,

you'd do well to make
some friends in here.

Otherwise, days are
gonna suck real hard.

Yeah? I think I'm good, bro.


Think you're good, huh?

You know what's funny? 'Cause you
remind me of me when I got here.

- Yeah?
- Yeah.

Let me guess.

Out there in the real world, you're
king of the castle, aren't ya?

Yeah. But you know what? Once
you're in here, everything changes.

In here...

- you ain't shit.

You didn't bring your
f*cking castle with you.

You know? No army.

See, in here, amigo...

- you're alone.

Naked and defenseless.

Yeah. So what do you do?
I'm glad you asked.

You got to rebuild your castle.

Brick by brick.

You amass a new army.

You make some f*ckin' friends.

I don't do free lunches.

What's in it for you?

A bigger f*ckin' army,
of course. [LAUGHS]

[MARK] Renee...

Renee, you don't need to look at that.




I'll find who did this to you, I swear.

[SOBS] I'm sorry.


[JUDITH] Okay, Renee.

I'm gonna put you in your bed, okay?

You're gonna have to sleep.
You need to get some sleep.

[RENEE] How can this be happening?

I mean, maybe it's not happening.

Maybe I'm just dreaming it.
I'm sleeping... [SLAPS]

Renee, Renee, don't do
that. Don't do that.

- [SOBS]
- You need to get some rest.

[JUDITH] You need to lie
down and get some sleep.

He was just here this
morning, and now he's gone.

I know.

It's gonna be okay.


Okay, honey. All right, all
right, just give me this.

I'll put it right up here
so you can see it, okay?

There you go.

I have something for you.

[RENEE GULPS] What are those?

I know it's against the rules,
but this helps me sleep,

amongst other things.

Just take two.

- It'll help you sleep. There you go.
- Okay.

- Okay, take that.

Here you go.

That's it.

Lie down.

And when you wake up...

we're gonna find out who
did this to Antoine.

- Okay?


[DAWN] I'm so sorry about Antoine.


We found this near his body.


I know you brought it
for protection, so...

protect yourself.

Colozopam is basically a sedative.

Judith should have talked
to me about it first.

- Renee's in shock.
- I know. But what if she needs to run?

What if we all need to run? Do
you wanna carry a comatose body?

I'll tell you this when it's
time to run, I'm runnin'.

If somebody can't keep
up, tough titties.

Yeah, you running, that's a good one.

Oh, you're real funny.

Mr. Funny Guy, huh? I bet you
think cannibalism is funny too.

Is that some kinda
sick Millennial thing?

I bet me puking up one of the
nicest people I have ever met

is a laugh f*cking riot to you!

You know what? I bet you carved him up.

Glenn, do you have proof of that?

Of course he doesn't have proof.
Why would I k*ll Antoine?

Why would you sh**t at him yesterday?

That was a warning shot, obviously.

Where were you when Antoine was k*lled?

Look, Keira, Keira...
come on, this is insane.

It's a simple question.

Glenn is just f*cking with me, okay?

And you know what? This guy
isn't even who he says he is.

What are you talking about?

Come with me. I have
something to show you.

Here, check this out.

It was right here.

- What was?
- The pills, okay?

He had a prescription with
some other guy's name on it.

Benny... Benny-something
or other. I don't know.

I swear to God, they were right here.

[GLENN] Funny guy strikes again, huh?

What is this? Some kinda
practical joke? I don't get it.

- Ha! Yes, right there. Told you.

Glenn Morgan. Glenn
Morgan. Pantoprazole.

Pantoprazole. It's for acid reflux.

Yeah, doctor says I should
give up gluten or some shit.

But, you know, I'm a slut for carbs.

- Never met one I wouldn't go down on.
- [NOAH] No. Okay.

Look, I was looking for
painkillers in his drawer

and I found a prescription
with another guy's name on it.

I swear on my mother I'm
not making this up.

Peter, you believe me, right?

Peter, come on!

Of course, of course I believe you.

- Thank you, thank you.
- Well, I don't.

And I think you should stay here
until we know if it's true or not.

No. Wait. Keira, Keira,
Noah's my friend.

He can sleep, he can read a book,

- but he stays here.
- You're making a mistake.

- I didn't do anything.
- It's temporary.

- I didn't do anything.
- Noah!

Just be a team player here, okay?

Look, it's safer for all of us
if you just do what they say.

Dude, this is some
industrial-grade bullshit, man.


Hey, Judith.

Are you all right?

Yeah, I'm fine.

What's going on in that head of yours?

[SIGHS] It's just...

such a nightmare.

This was supposed to be a safe space.

It is a safe space.


It is.

I won't let anything
happen to you. I promise.

I promise.

[YELLS] Peter!

Hey! Hey!

Stop! Hey!

[PETER] Hey, stop!


[PETER] Stop!




[STRANGER] Get off me!
I said, get off me!

Take your g*dd*mn hands off me!


Who are you?

[STRANGER] I told you, my name is Megan.

Megan McAllister.

I'm just passing through
from the national park.

Yeah? It's winter.

No one just passes
through. They'll freeze.

- What are you doing?
- See what you can find.

- Renee.
- Just do it, Keira.

I know these woods like
the back of my hand.

I've been doing this trek every year

for the past seven years with Gail.

Wait, wait, I thought you
said you came here alone.

Gail, my best friend, she
died of leukemia last summer,

so I'm trekking for her this year.

Why don't you guys believe me?

There might be two of them.

Where is she, huh? Is she
out there waiting for us?

What? No. My friend died.

[MEGAN] Jesus, what the
hell is your problem?

My problem is I don't know what you're

doing on We Live As One property.

- Spying on us.
- I wasn't spying on you.

What the f*ck is this?

Please, I'll just go, okay?
I'll leave right now.

Okay, Renee, you're acting crazy.

Everyone just calm down.

When did you get here? This morning?

This morning, I woke up in my tent
on the Cedar Creek Trail, I...

Listened to the weather report.
It said a storm's on its way

so I came here to find shelter.

- I swear I'm telling the truth.
- Prove it.

- Prove it how?
- Prove it.

Ask the f*cking reindeer!

Christ! This is ridiculous!

Renee, Renee, Renee.

Shut up, Judith.

What I find ridiculous is that somebody

did a terrible, terrible thing

to my life partner, and then,
an hour later we find you.

- I didn't do anything.
- [SCREAMS] Liar!

- Wait, guys.
- I'm gonna ask you one last time.

I was on the Cedar trail, I swear.

- I swear to God. I am not lying.
- Renee, Renee, chill.

- Renee, she's telling the truth.
- Just stop it!

- I am not lying.
- Would you just stop it?

- Liar!
- Chill!

- You lying little bitch! Bitch!
- Renee!


- I think she has a concussion.
- Yeah, no shit.

It's freezing in here.

Yeah, can you get some blankets?
We're gonna need to keep her warm.

- No, we should tie her up.
- [KEIRA] Tie her up?

She's not a threat.

[RENEE] Don't be such a f*cking child.

Okay. Take a look at this. Look at it.

It's a park permit for
the south entrance

of the park for yesterday at : a.m.

That's over kilometers away, Renee.

That means she was nowhere near
Susan, and Gene, and Andy.

[RENEE] And Antoine,
what about him, huh?

Or this Gail person. I mean, they
could be k*lling us as a team.

I saw her tracks in the snow.

They came from the south. She
didn't try to cover 'em.

I think she was telling the truth.

[PETER] Found something
better than blankets.

Peter, no. We can't use that inside.

I'm down with that. Suffocate the bitch.

Keira, she's waking up.

We should tie her up.

- Tie up her feet, her hands, just...
- Renee, get out.

- But...
- [YELLS] Get out!


[PETER] Megan?

[KEIRA] Megan, can you hear me?

[KEIRA] We're gonna keep you lying down.




[GLENN] Noah...?


[GLENN] You rubbin' one out? [LAUGHS]

Just go f*ck yourself.

You mad at me?

Don't be mad.

You want me to come
in and say I'm sorry?




Hey, buddy.

Sorry, did I make you nervous?


Well, I guess this is it, huh, brother?

Guess so.

Tamarind Bluffs.

[RG] Yeah.

I've watched you eyeballing
this for the last year.

Gonna get your ass there, finally?

Oh, that's actually
gonna be my first stop.

You know, I was thinking I
would just... I would just go,

I don't know, just chill
for a couple of months.

Maybe head up to Bruce
Peninsula. I don't know.

Yeah, it's beautiful.

Looks real peaceful.

Hey, you know what?

Hang onto this.

- Yeah?
- Yeah.

Give it to me next time, all right?

Guess what?

They found somebody spying on us.

A chick.

Yeah, Renee totally thought she was a

k*ller and went to town on her ass.


Honestly, I didn't think she
had it in her, but wow.

So they think she's the one
that's been doing this?

No, no. Turns out it wasn't her.

So that means that you
are still stuck here.

Mayor of Shit Town, population one.


It's you.

I know it is.

And pretty soon they're
all gonna know that, too.


How are you gonna do that
from inside here, huh?

You gonna try another
bullshit story, is that it?

'Cause I hate to break it to you,

you kinda blew your load
on the last one, you know?

Get the f*ck away from me, man.

This isn't the city.
Nobody's coming to help you.

This is my castle.

Got that?

You know, Noah, I...


I like you.

I really do. You're really funny.

- But you're weak.

You're like a little yapping dog

that won't shut up and
doesn't know its place.

Well, you keep pushing the big dog, and

the big dog is gonna eat you alive

and throw the bones over the
fence to the other side.

Do you got me?


- [GASPS] Oh, f*ck.



- Good boy.


Things got outta control.

And I'm sorry for that.

- We had to take some precautions.
- Those weren't precautions.

That was as*ault. There's a difference.

Renee found her husband dead
in a trunk this morning.

His body was chopped up into pieces.

What are you talking about?

Yesterday, I...

I saw my ex-girlfriend
bleeding out in the snow.

Um, and...

another one of our friends froze
to death with her eyes gouged out,

and then let's not forget Gene, who

someone chewed up with a chainsaw.

Maybe it was a goblin who grabbed
us or some bullshit like that.

We don't know...

we don't know who it was.

Now you said that you
know these woods, right?

[MEGAN] Yeah.

Do you know any shortcuts
out to the main road?

A -kilometer hike in the middle
of winter is dangerous enough.

Trying to do it in a blizzard?

[MEGAN] Do you really
wanna take that chance?

We'd have to wait till morning.

Hopefully the storm breaks before then.

I've got a compass, a map...

I know what trails to take
and what not to take.

Wait, so you think this is doable?

I think it's gonna be
a f*cking nightmare.

But if the storm clears by sunup,

that gives us the whole day
to make it halfway, at least.

Thank you, Megan.








Howdy, stranger.

[LAUGHS] Surprise.

So I said, "I have not always
been a man of the law,

but I've always been a man of my word.

And I vow to solemnly swear
that from this day forward,

I will always respect others,

be a contributing member
of society, and...

to make my family proud of me."

It was some real Shawshank shit, man.

- And what did they say to that?

- Who? Parole board?
- Yeah.

Not a lot.

They just released you, anyway?


What can I tell you? I
guess it was my day.

Hey, cheers.

Hey, to your newfound freedom.

So, where you headed?

Actually, I'm joining an
intentional community.

- What the f*ck is that?
- It's like a commune, but not.

You live in the woods.
You live together,

you cook together, that
kinda thing. It's peaceful.

Yeah, you know it sounds
like a f*cking cult, right?

Yeah. Okay, I know, I know.
I may live to regret it.

But you know what?

I wanna try something new, start over.

I've made a lot of bad
decisions in my life

and I don't wanna take any
of that shit with me.

I want a fresh start. I want
a new life with purpose.

With community.

Anyway, we'll...

we'll find out soon.
Headed out tomorrow.

Hey, I'm happy to drop you off
anywhere along the route, man.

Within reason.

You know, actually, this hippie
commune shit sounds pretty good.

Yeah, I think I'll go with you.

I mean, what's going alone without
a friend, right, brother?

Good to see you, man.




Oh, f*ck!







Oh, God.

Sorry, I didn't mean to
scare you. Are you okay?

I'm fine. Ahem.

I'm okay.

- You know, I'll just leave you be.
- No, no, no, it's fine.

Why don't you stay? I actually
need... help cooking.

- What's on the menu?
- Well, a bean mushroom soup thingy.

It's whatever I could
find in your cupboards.

I was considering using these mushrooms,

but they look all kinds
of suspect, so...

Well, Antoine's a...

Antoine's a freegan... was a freegan.

It's "free food vegan"
is "freegan," I guess.

A lot of what we eat is from
these woods right around here.

Hey, let's party.

- Hmm?

[NOAH] Guys, help!



Help! It's...

it's Glenn! Help!

It's Glenn! Guys!

You know, I gotta say, Dawn, this is

a lot better than your camp cooking.

- [PETER] Impressed.

What is it?

I believe the chef referred to it
as her "white bean Tuscan stew."



[DAWN] Hey, Renee, why
don't you come sit here?


It's fine. Just eat, guys. Eat.

Here you go.

[RENEE] Megan...

I'm sure you've heard what's
been going on around here.

I don't know what to say.

Doesn't matter.

Let's just eat.

Where's Noah?

Um, Noah's...

[MARK] He just said he
was feeling shitty.

And Glenn too.

I'll go check on them, see if
they have an appetite yet.

Hey, Glenn, dinner's
ready if you want it.


[KNOCKS] Comin' in.



Hey, hey, hey, hey,
hey. What's going on?

- I'm gonna find Noah.
- [DAWN] What? Why?

He's not in his room
and his window is...

Look, Noah and Glenn aren't in their

rooms and Glenn's window is wide open.

- I'm going to find him.
- [DAWN] Wait, are you insane?

Don't worry about it.
Just give me the g*n.

No, no, no, no. What are you even
gonna do outside? It's freezing.

- Dawn, just give me your f*ckin' g*n.
- Please. Please don't go.

Wait, wait, wait, we f*cked up
and now Noah's in deep shit.

Give me...

Give me the g*n.

What if it's Noah?

- What?
- Maybe it's Noah.

Maybe Noah went after Glenn.

[PETER] That's bullshit.

Noah's not capable of
doing anything like that.

Yes, he is.

He is, and you know it.

Hey, hey, hey! Keira!


You wanna find Noah? I know where to go.


Hey, how many "intentionally
community" people

- you think are up there, anyway?

Maybe ten? I don't know.

- Think they like to get f*cked up?
- I don't know.

Maybe they put acid in the Kool-Aid,

have orgies every other Monday.
That'd be f*cking great.

Like I said, I don't know.

Hey, you remember that time we got
hash from Marv on Thanksgiving?

Laced with molly. You got all f*cked up.

I thought for sure you were
gonna lose your shit, man.

- What's going on?
- I can't do this.

- Can't do what?
- This.

Start over again with you yapping

about every f*cking thing
that happened in jail, man.

- Look, I'm over it. It's done, okay?
- Yeah.

Okay, man. We'll talk about
the f*cking weather.



I f*cked up.

I dealt dr*gs, and I hurt people,
and I paid for that, okay?

I'm clean now, and I want a fresh start.

Okay? I want a new life.

And I don't want anything that
reminds me of that f*cking time,

of that waste of my f*cking life.

- Waste, huh?

Oh, come on. It wasn't all
that f*cking bad, man.

- What about...?
- What about...? What about what?

I don't know how you got out. I
don't wanna know, and I don't care.

I promise you, I will not rat you out.

But I'm gonna drop you off
at the next gas station.

Look, I have some money you
can have. You just go, okay?

You go and you start over
clean, like I'm doing.

Okay, listen. Listen, man.

You're f*cking tired,
man. You're exhausted.

You've been driving all
night, that's all.

Why don't you just get
some rest, all right?

Get some rest, I'll take the wheel.

We'll talk about this tomorrow, okay?

That day I got out...

it was the best day of my life.

Because I knew...

that I would never have to
see your f*ckin' face again.

That I would never have
to touch you again.

- There was never a you and me.
- Don't say that.

I scratched your back,
you scratched mine.

- That arrangement is over!
- No, don't say that.

- Get the f*ck away from me!
- Don't f*cking say that!








You remember when I said
not to f*ck with me? Hmm?


You really shoulda listened.

Tell me, what am I gonna
do with you now, Noah?


You looked through my shit.

You snitched me out to the others.


[GLENN] And we both
know what you saw now.

Which means you will definitely
snitch on me again, won't you?




[GLENN] You see, the problem is...

you haven't left me with any choice.

[GLENN] I mean...

I can't let you go now.

- Can I?


No, I can't.

Why don't you get some rest, Megan?

You can take one of the beds upstairs.

I think I'm just gonna lay here.

Hey, why don't you come with me
upstairs and we'll get you to bed?

Come on.

Wait. Look, the sky.

There are so many stars.

That's what I love about being up north.

The air is so clean and clear.

Megan, honey, what are
you talking about?

There's Cassiopeia.


Okay. Megan, I think... we
gotta get you to bed, okay?


- Megan, what are...?

- No!
- Megan.

- Stay the f*ck away!
- Calm down.

- Calm down. Megan!
- Stay the f*ck away!

dead! You're not real!

Please, Megan.

- Megan...? [GASPS]

No. Stop.

- [DAWN] Oh, God.

[SCREAMING] You can't take me!

Megan. Megan, look at me.

- Megan, look at me.

Look at me! Look at me, look at me.

Hey. Hey.

Hey, you're fine.

[DAWN] You're fine.

See? See, you're okay.

You're okay.

You're fine. It's gonna be...


- Megan!

Oh, my God.




You could hurt yourself,
brother. Stop it.

Okay, I'll tell you what...

I will consider taking the tape off,

but you've gotta promise me

that you're gonna chill
the f*ck out, all right?

- Deal?

Attaboy. Okay.

Remember, you promise not to
squeal like a little bitch, right?

[YELLING] No, no! Help! f*ck, help!

Help me, please!

- Help me!
- That's f*cking working!


- "Help me! He's a psycho!"
- [NOAH] Help me, please!



Shh, shh, shh, shh.

Nobody can f*cking hear you, man.

And nobody's gonna find you out here.

You're mine.

[KEIRA] This is it.

Come on.

[KEIRA] Why is the door open?

- No one's safe, are they, Renee?

What are you trying to say?

You said you wanted to strangle her.

- She was our only way out.
- [JUDITH] You're right.

And if you didn't want us to get out...

I'm not the one who made
the g*dd*mn dinner, okay?

If anyone poisoned her, it was her.

Don't you think we'd all be dead?
We all ate the same thing.

Maybe you gave Megan a little extra.

Okay, Mark, you were with me in the
kitchen the entire time, right?


No, not the entire time.

When you were ladling out the stew,

I was in here gathering the troops.

So you think I'm the one
who poisoned her bowl?

It's unreal.

"Leaves of three, let it be."

"Berries white, run in fright."

That's a rhyme we were all taught
to keep from getting poisoned.

- I did not put those in there.
- [WREN] Bullshit.

It's one of the first
things you would've

learned here as a camp counselor.

I didn't put them in
there. That was not me.


What is that?

[KEIRA] Oh, God.


It's Glenn, right?

Yes, ma'am. The one and only. [CHUCKLES]

I'm Renee. We spoke on the phone.

Oh, right.

Please let me say that it is a pleasure

to meet you in the flesh, finally.


Do you need some help with your stuff?

No, ma'am. This is all I brought.

Allow me to explain.

I'm traveling light
because I'm... well...

the man I was in the past,
I ain't bringing him here.

[GLENN] I need a fresh start.

I need community.

I know you're looking at me like,
"This guy ain't no granola eater,"

but I really think if you... If you

take a chance to get to know me...

you'll find out we've got a lot
more in common than you thought.

You know, I...

I'm sorry. The last thing I want
is to make anybody uncomfortable.

So I... thank you, anyways.

No, wait. Wait.

You're right, Glenn.

"We Live As One" is not just our name.

It's an intent to embrace diversity

so that we can be a
unity to one another.

And everyone is welcome.

Everyone adds a unique
voice to this community.

And so...

I would love it if you
added yours to ours.

- Welcome, my brother.

You guys hug, huh? [LAUGHS]




Shh. It's okay. Just rest.

Just rest.

You're okay. You're okay.

I got this really great idea.

Since you love to scream so much...

I was thinking we should
play a little game.

Play a little game where we see

just how loud you can scream for me.


- [RIPS]


I see.

I see.

- Don't worry.

It's gonna be so much fun.


[GLENN] Won't that be fun? Huh?

- Won't that be fun?


- Huh, you son of a bitch?
- No, it's not... [GRUNTS]

- What the f*ck is wrong with you?
- [NOAH SCREAMS] Help me!

- Please! No, no, no.
- You gonna make me work?

You're gonna make me work to get
a scream now, is that it? Huh?

I'll work for it, you f*ckin' f*gg*t!

f*ckin' right.

- Give me a scream, you little bastard!
- No!

No! No!

- Scream!
- No!

- Scream!
- No!
