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02x03 - Saint Sebestian

Posted: 08/14/21 19:22
by bunniefuu
- [ANTOINE] Gay people suck!
- [RENEE LAUGHS] I know, right?

[ANTOINE] No, I mean... pff...

It's just playing games.
Like... you know, I get it.

His boyfriend loses interest

so he just macks on some
random guy at the club and...

stokes a fire of jealousy,
I guess. I don't know.

What an assh*le.

- Obviously, you're too good for him.
- Well, obviously.

Hey, listen, I wanna thank you
for making my anti-social ass

come out tonight, I...

I had fun.

Anytime, sweet cheeks.

You had fun tonight, too.

- See ya.
- [RENEE] See ya.




Pretty late to be out walking alone.

You gay boy.

I don't want any trouble, man.

So you been out at the
clubs, you cocksucker?

Or at one of those bathhouses?

Why don't I just walk
back the way I came?

[SOFTLY] You don't wanna do this.


v*olence begets v*olence.

You throw hurt into the universe,
it comes back at you twice as hard.

It's called karma.


You know, I've put the
hurt on a lot of fags.


Come here.


where's this "karma" that's
gonna swoop down and punish me?

You're looking at it.


remember what a f*gg*t did to you.


- Oh, Jesus.
- [SOBS] Oh, God.

[MARK] Don't look.

[MARK] Oh, God.

Oh, shit.

[MARK] Go back!

Stay back, please!

Please go back!

- You don't wanna see this.
- Oh, my God. Oh, my God!

Oh, my God, her eyes.

Oh, my...!


- Jesus Christ. f*ck.

[DAWN] Why would they do that?

[NOAH] f*ck.

[PETER] I just wanted to say thanks
for... opening your doors to us.

I imagine we're not your
favorite people right now.


- You think?
- Antoine.

She fired a shot at you guys.

They were warning sh*ts, and
I don't have x-ray vision.

I couldn't see through
a wooden f*cking door.

They could be the K*llers.

Antoine, we are not the ones doing this.

The three of us were locked in the cabin

while Susan was being slaughtered,

so how could it be us?

Well, you guys did go in your
rooms and then close your doors.

[BOTH] Shut up, Noah!

Look, look. Susan and
Andy were our friends.

Why would we k*ll them?

I can take a wild guess.

To cover up whatever
happened to that girl.

Really, man? We already
talked about this, okay?

We told you the truth.

We didn't know Talvinder and
we weren't her friends.

You told us lies.

- What happened to her, huh?
- Just stop.

Come on, just stop. Stop.
This is pointless.

In the morning, we head to Gene's.

We use his phone to call the police.

Whatever happened that night,
if anything, they'll find out.

I know I sound like a broken record,

but we all need rest, desperately.

I'll get them settled.

Come over here.

[GLENN] All right.



Smoked pork knuckle.

Which is actually a misnomer

because it's not a cut
from the pig's hand.

It's from his arm.

God bless Gene. He brought me
some amazing cuts of meat.

- I don't know how you eat that.
- Usually with fork and knife.

Maybe a little mustard
if I'm feeling crazy.


Meet me outside in five minutes.

- What?
- Don't let anyone see you leave.

- Why?
- Five minutes.

Thank you for letting me crash here.

Of course. My pleasure.

Dawn... [SIGHS]

I need to say something.


Sometimes, when a cloud forms,

the best thing is for
a storm to come along

and clear all the pressure
so we can all start fresh.

Yeah. Why don't you tell Keira that?

I don't think I'm getting
any do-overs from her.

You need to understand something.

We all came to We Live
As One lost and broken.

And here, we all found the thing
that we needed to feel whole again.

So we're protective.

So you see us as a threat.


I do.

But I am trying to keep an
open mind and an open heart,

and I only ask that you
try to do the same.

I'm gonna go brush my teeth.

The bathroom's down the hallway,

and I'll just go and get you an extra

blanket and pillow from downstairs.

Cool. Thank you.


What are we doing here?

You'll understand when you see it.




- What is that?
- It's Talvinder.

[ANTOINE] That girl who went missing.

No one can know she's here.

"The rare and elusive
lactarius indigo...

sometimes found within dead trees...

and rocky enclosures."

Seek and ye shall find.

Or a rocky enclosure.


[GASPS] Holy shit.

I found her in a cave last summer.
Her skull looked bashed in.

I couldn't leave her remains
for someone else to find.

Why not?

You were on the verge of closing
the deal on the property.


So who the hell would buy land
that someone was m*rder*d on?

This deal went through months
ago. Why is she still here?



'cause her body might be contaminated.

- How contaminated?
- With my f*cking DNA!

You didn't even know the girl. You
weren't even here five years ago.

You think the cops are
gonna care about that?

They're gonna pull my life apart.

They're gonna poke into every dark
corner searching for something,

anything they can find to pin it on me.

You made a terrible mistake.

You should've left the remains
where you found them.

I know.

Why didn't you tell me, huh? Why

didn't you tell me, your life partner?

I could've helped you
figure something out.

- Come up with a solution.
- Renee, please.

I got scared.

Then I shut down.

If I could do it all over again,

I would tell you right away.

Is there anything else
you're keeping from me?


I swear.

All right.


We'll face this like we
face all our problems.




Do you want a hand?

Sure, yes. Thank you.


- Sorry, I'm a bundle of nerves.
- That's okay.

I think we all are.

Thank you.


[PETER] What time is it?

Just past : .

"The Devil's hour."

Thought that was midnight.

[MARK] Midnight is the witching hour.

a.m. belongs to the devil.

[PETER] Okay, I'll bite.


Jesus died on the cross at : p.m.

And so the devil chose the
opposite time, : a.m.,

to pervert his sacrifice and
have a nightly celebration.

It's a time when demons and ghouls come

out from under the cover of darkness,

to torment and terrify us, His children.

Way to lighten the mood, bro. [CHUCKLES]

Three people are dead. Do you
think that would be appropriate?

[MUTTERS] All right.

[MARK] Let's all cut the bullshit here.


We all know what's going on here.

[PETER] And what's that, exactly?

Well, we're all exhausted, but
none of us can trust the others

long enough so that we
can get some sleep.

- You're right.
- [MARK] So the question becomes,

can we set aside our
suspicions for a few hours

long enough to grab some Z's?

I know I can.

I can do that.

[NOAH] I guess I can
make that happen, yeah.

We're too vulnerable sleeping alone.

I think it's safer if we bunk together.

I'm not tired.

I'll stay, keep watch,
long as I can stay awake.

You bunk with me, Peter.


Well, it looks like
it's you and me, champ.


Don't worry, I don't bite. [CHUCKLES]

Well, this is it.

Barely enough room to swing a cat.
But then, I'm a dog guy anyway.



It's not the biggest room
in the house, but...

we've got the bonus of
an en suite crapper,

which I definitely need
'cause I pee a lot at night.

I hope it doesn't bother you.

Doctor says I've got the bladder
of a -year-old boy. [LAUGHS]

I don't know what that means.

You know, I think I should...

I should probably just
try and get some sleep.

Yeah, yeah, sure. You know what?

Here, take these blankets and
I will find another one.

- It's okay.
- No, no, go ahead.



Wow, you are in a shitload of pain, huh?


I know you guys are all, like,
naturopathic and shit, but...


Yeah, I'd...

I'd give my left nut for, you know,

some sweet chemical to dull the pain.

Left nut, huh? [LAUGHING]

That's funny.

[GLENN] Tell you what.

All right.

Now, dr*gs around here are
completely forbidden.

But, lucky you, I don't
always follow the rules.


f*ck them hippies, right?

Now, remember, this is
strictly clandestine.

Now listen to me.

You treat this like it was
cocaine. Do you understand me?

This is between you and me.

Yeah, brother.

Mum's the word, roomie. [CHUCKLES]

[MUTTERS] All right.

Go ahead.

All right.

Well, tidy t*nk's gonna hit the
head, if you know what I mean.

You let me know if you
need anything else.

[WHISPERS] f*ck.


[RENEE] I still think we should
leave the body where you found it.

[ANTOINE] For the police
to discover? f*ck, no.

Hey, you!

- Hey.
- Come on, come on over.

Get out of the rain.
Have some tea with me.

Someone's wound up tight.

Come on, come over. It'll relax you.


- Your "tea" is very relaxing.

Yes, it is.

What happened there?

Oh, uh...

it's like a drunken, stupid,

falling-into-a-door kind of accident.

Very, very early this morning.

You're acting really weird.

Talk to me.


It's nothing, it's just...


I'm just really fed up, I'm just...

fed up with the anger in this city.

I am fed up with the toxic environments,

and I'm f*cking fed up with this
empty gay dating environment.

Sometimes I just wonder why...

it can't be like it is with you and me.

It's always so,

like, genuine and authentic.

- What we have is perfect.
- Yeah.

Except for the little problem with

our anatomies not liking each other.

- I do like the vag*na.

- You do.
- And the labia.

And this weed.

Hey, do you know what an
intentional community is?

Yeah. It's the suburbs I grew up in.

Intentionally close-minded,
intentionally cookie cutter,

and intentionally f*cking boring.

Yeah, well, remember I told you my

parents had this summer camp up north

- went belly up?
- Uh-huh.

It was beautiful. It
was really beautiful.

It has these islands and
these rolling hills,

and lots of trees.

What if we winterized the place and
made it a year-round property?


I don't know, we could start
our own community, you know?

And build something from the ground up

with like-minded people who share
the same line and ideas...

Just wanna reject everything
negative in our lives.

[SIGHS] I don't... I don't get it.

- You wanna move up north?
- Mm.

Yeah, yeah.

You could do massage
therapy, teach yoga.

I could teach meditation
and hold healing circles.

And we would be
non-hierarchical and inclusive,

standing for integrity
in everything we do.

We could nourish each other with dance

and music, and healthy vegan food.


There'd be no internet, no cell phone,

no cable TV, nothing to distract us.

It would be paradise.

- Come on!



Please hurry up.

We have to get back before
they wonder what we're doing.

I'm going as fast as I can.



It's not gonna work.

Have to pull her body apart...

bury her in different places.

- Are you kidding me?
- The ground is f*cking frozen, Renee!

I can't dig a hole deep enough
to bury her f*cking body!

Don't you see that?

Okay, you don't have to swear at me.

Oh, God.



Oh, God! Oh, God!


We can't pull this poor girl apart

and bury her in some unmarked grave.

Well, what the hell are we gonna do?

This is not who we are.

This is not the reason we came here.

If we stray from the
values we know to be true,

then everything we've
created will be destroyed.

Integrity in everything we do, remember?

So what do we do with the body?

We give her back to her parents.

And in the meantime?

If the others see this, they're
gonna think I'm the k*ller.

We'll bring her back to the shed.

We wait until the police arrive.
But we do do the right thing here.


Dude, do you have to eat like that?

- Eat like what? What's your problem?
- [PETER] Okay, sun's up.

- Let's get going.
- [MARK] Cool your jets.

Renee and Antoine aren't down yet.

[RENEE] Judith.

Those pancakes smell divine.

You guys are late. Where were you?

There are no bosses here.
Stop acting like one.

We were outside doing sun salutations.

I do them every morning, rain or shine.

I thought yoga was
supposed to make you calm.

[ANTOINE] Let's focus
on getting to Gene's.

It's klicks away, which is a
long walk in sub-zero temperatures.

Susan and me, we saw an old RV
out in the woods last night.

Couldn't we all just climb
in that and drive out?

[GLENN] It's my RV.

And I'm telling you, it's not getting
ten feet in this ice and snow.

Don't be a ret*rd.

You know, we're not
allowed to say that word.

- You f*cking ret*rd.
- [PETER] Guys, we'll walk.

[NOAH] No, we won't walk, man.

Exhibit A, exhibit B.

You still think that's a good idea?

This time, we won't be two panicked
people running through the snow.

This time, we'll be a group,
with a plan, prepared.

That's not a plan. It's su1c1de.

I'm sorry, you got a better idea, bud?

Nope. I'm eating breakfast.

[PETER] Here's the deal. Two groups.

Group number one stays here.

Group number two will
go on the trek with me.

And I'm taking the strongest
people. Do I have any objections?

- Not from me. It's a good plan.
- Yeah, I'm up for it.

I can't sit around here
anymore. I'm going stir crazy.

I think it's a good idea.

But do you need to take
all the strongest people?

We'll be like sitting ducks here.

She's right. We can't all go.

Oh, I'm sorry, Judith, I
wasn't thinking. I'll stay.

You do what you wanna do.

Let me stay.

I've taken self-defense courses.


Self-defense courses.

I'll stay too.

[PETER] Okay, guys, guys, it's decided.

You guys stay here.

Renee, Dawn, Mark and Glenn,
you guys come with me.

We leave in five.

[DAWN] I need a minute.


You all right?

I'm fine.


These walkies are old, but
the range isn't half bad.

Any sign of trouble,
you radio immediately.

- Okay?
- You do the same.

Be careful out there.

[GLENN] All right. Get a room, you kids.

I'm freezing my ass off. Are
you sure this is a good idea?

What if they're just leading
us out here to k*ll us?

Well, we don't let our guard down.

- Well, Glenn seems pretty sketch.
- Yeah.

And Mark, "Mr. Wise Man On The Hill."

You know he had one of his
talks with Andy, right?

Yeah, and Susan too, and
they both wound up dead.

What if it's him?

Let's not forget "American
Gothic . ," Renee and Antoine.

What are they? Brother/wife,

Look, if we run into any
trouble, I've got my g*n back.

What? How?

All that matters is that I got
it back, no thanks to you.


What is that?

- f*ck, it's not there.
- What's not in there?

this is Antoine. Is that you?


- Shh.
- Seriously, what the f*ck is going on?


What the f*ck?



[MARK] What? What?

[MARK] What is it?

I think it's a wolf.

Antoine, this is Renee. We heard you.

[ANTOINE] Keep your eyes open.

[RENEE] We're okay.
We're gonna keep going.

[ANTOINE] Be safe.

[MUTTERS] Yeah, sure, let's
follow the f*cking wolf.



- Antoine, are you there?
- [DAWN] How much farther?

- I think we're almost there.
- [RENEE] Antoine.

Come in, Antoine. Can you
hear me? Are you there?

- Maybe his battery's dead.
- [PETER] Or we're out of range.

Either way, the walkie is useless.


Note to self...

try not to think about how many times

big Glenn abused little
Glenn on this mattress.


It's better than the
floor, yeah. [GROANS]





[PANTING] Ibuprofen, I'm coming at ya.


Who the f*ck is Benny Ironside?





A phone.


- It's dead.
- Maybe it just needs charging.

- No, the phone's plugged in.
- Then why the f*ck isn't it working?

- How are we supposed to know that?
- Give me the keys to the SUV.

- I'm gonna start it.
- Wait.

Here's your explanation.

Looks like Gene wasn't very good
at paying his bills, either.

Who gives a f*ck about the phone?

Our way out of here is
right there with the SUV.


Come on, baby. Come on, baby.
Come on, come on, come on.

- [PETER] It's not turning over.
- Yeah, I got that!

Thank you for the f*cking update!

Come on, you dirty...
m*therf*cker, God damn it!

Glenn! I really don't
think that's gonna help.

[MUTTERS] f*ck you.

The light was left on.

- What f*cking light?
- This one above the mirror.

[DAWN'S VOICE] Great. I will
be in the SUV in the meantime.

Which one of you f*cking idiots...?

Well, I didn't...

Look, I was waiting for Noah
to get me a sweater, and...


You are not the sharpest knife
in the drawer, are you?

Glenn, she didn't do it on purpose.

You know that? Do you f*cking know that?

She brought a g*n, and now the
only vehicle is disabled.

You know what, Glenn? I keep
trying to remind myself

to see the scared little boy
inside of you that is lashing out

because he's afraid.

But I really don't think
that discharging your rage

and your fear on others
is of service to anyone.

Don't f*cking talk to me unless
you're gonna speak English.

Do you f*cking understand me, Kimosabe?

Can we just find something to make
this trip back a little easier?


[MARK] Renee's right.



Renee, this is Antoine. Please respond.

She hasn't answered you
in a long time, Antoine.

She's probably out of range.

I'll check the signal in the back.

This guy's gotta chill out.

Antoine's trying to control a situation

that he has no actual control over.

Poor guy.

Thanks for the soup, Judith.
It was really good.

I'm freezing, so I'm gonna go
grab some wood and start a fire.

Well, shouldn't someone go with you?

No, it should just take a second.

You don't want a hand, Keira?


What about you?

Could I tempt you with some
of my world famous soup?

No, I'm not really a
caramelized onion guy.

I'll just have my grapes.

Did you get my letter?

Yes, I did. Thank you.

Good. Sometimes I think
it's easier for me

to write these feelings
down just to get it out,

um, especially in a fish
bowl like this one.

I'm glad you did.




[NOAH] What...?

Is that...?

Oh, f*ck, man, that is. That's
a rotten f*cking severed hand.

- It's Talvinder's, obviously.
- You don't know that.

[YELLS] No more games!

You're gonna tell us what
really happened to her.

- How many times I gotta do this shit?
- Until you tell us the truth!

I already told you what I know.

I didn't even know Talvinder was dead.

Yeah, you and your friends probably
k*lled her with your own hands.

You guys are supposed to go, like,
"Kumbaya" and "love thy neighbor,"

but all you do is hurl accusations
and blame us for shit.

Yeah, because every f*cking thing

that's happened in the last hours

has been on you and your friends.

- I don't need this.
- You're not going anywhere.

Man, get the f*ck out of my face.

Start talking, you piece of shit.

- [g*nsh*t ECHOES]
- That was a warning shot.

Next one won't be a
warning. Just try me.

Just try me, man, see what happens.

Stay the f*ck away
from me or I'll sh**t.

- I just wanna talk to you, man.
- [NOAH] Stay away!

Look, you don't need to do that, Noah.

I took a vow of non-v*olence, all right?

I'm not gonna hurt you. We all
did. We're not gonna hurt you.

- We just want the truth.
- But I already told you.


[KEIRA] Antoine, you can let him go!

You're choking him to death!

Antoine, that's enough!


The truth.


I'll tell you the truth.
It was Owen Turnbull.

- Who's Owen Turnbull?
- He went to our camp, okay?

He was a really creepy guy
obsessed with Talvinder.

He never left her side.

Okay, when Talvinder went missing,

you didn't have to be f*cking
Sherlock to know who did it.

So you think this Owen guy k*lled her?

Everyone did, including the cops.
They just couldn't find the body.

It's been five years without an answer.

We figured Owen dumped the
body somewhere in the area.

We just came back to look.

Why now?

Why now? It's the
f*cking dead of winter!

What the hell is going on?!



This house was supposed
to be a peaceful haven.

Now it's become a w*r zone.

It's affecting us all, this
fear and hatred and v*olence.

Anyone can take a life...

given the circumstances.

I have to get rid of her body.

The k*ller already found it.

If it's not in the shed I'll keep
looking, and it goes in the lake.

- I should go with you.
- No, you're exhausted.

No, I'm fine.

It would be less
suspicious if I go alone.

Besides, I won't be
alone. I'll have this.

- No, please let me come with you.
- No.

How do we face our problems?

How do we face our problems?

Could I talk to you for a minute?

Oh, Judith, this isn't
the best time right now.

- I'm sorry.
- It won't take long.

Earlier in the kitchen...

I saw you. I don't wanna
say you were spying.

I just... I feel like this is...
a much bigger conversation.

Maybe later you, me and
Renee can sit down and...

I don't want to involve
Renee. I wanna hear from you.


Listen, we're all feeling a lot
of helplessness right now.

A lot of fear, and these are
powerful, powerful emotions.

It can easily make us
lose our center and...

cause us to do things to help us escape

from the things that are
happening around us.

I didn't want to embarrass you, Judith.

I'm sure it's harmless.

Thank you, Antoine.

Thank you.

Okay, you stole my g*n and
now they have it again.

What the hell, Noah?

How else was I supposed to defend
myself in my crippled state?

How do you expect anyone to trust
you when you pull this shit?

You guys are just so against me.

I think you always have been.

You even blame me for
Talvinder. Admit it.


I knew it, I knew it.
I knew you blame me.

Noah, we're marked for death,

so what you need to do is
stop worrying about the past

and start worrying about
surviving the present.

'Cause that's what this
is about right now.


[WHISPERS] What'd you tell 'em?

The official story.

Crazy Owen k*lled her.

No body was found, and we came
back here looking for answers.

- Did they believe it?
- They don't believe anything we say.

They hate our guts. This is w*r.

We cannot be at w*r with them
if we're going to survive this.

- Hey, if you're going by the kitchen...
- No.

I just want a snack. I'm so hungry.




No, no, no, no, no.

No, no, no, no...




No! Please...!











Hey, "Benny."

What'd you call me?

You know, my foot was k*lling me.

I hope you don't mind, I just
went back in your drawer

for some more aspirin, and...

I found that prescription
to Benny Ironside.

And I got to thinking either you took

that from some guy named Benny...


Or you are Benny.

And you're here under
some false pretenses.


Well, unfortunately, I don't have
to explain shit to you, do I?

[LAUGHING] No, you're
totally right. You don't.

Let's go see what Antoine
and Renee have to say

about your little contraband pharmacy.

It's warfarin.

They use it to treat blood
clot disorders of the lungs.

It's a life-saving drug, but it is
out of this world expensive, okay?

So then you stole it.

No, a compassion clinic gave them to me.

They give expensive dr*gs to
people who can't afford them.

But because it's slightly illegal

they put random names
on the prescriptions,

so there's no paper
trail. Okay? You happy?


Yeah, that was almost plausible, man.

I mean, you're pretty quick
for such a big dude.

You're lucky I like you so
I'm gonna let this slide.

But do not mistake my
kindness for weakness.

You poke around in my shit again,

- and you'll be very, very sorry.


Do you mind if I chill
in here? I just...

I just gotta, you know, clear my head.

I won't make any noise, I promise.

You being here is enough to bother me.

Okay, I get it. You're...
you're pissed, right?

At me and Noah and Dawn.

I'm a little bit more than pissed.

[PETER] We messed up.

We should've told you guys
about Talvinder way before.

We were scared.

She's scared.

Not thinking straight, and
not knowing who to trust.

[SIGHS] But that doesn't make it right.

And I didn't come here to make excuses.

I just want to tell you the truth.

From now on, no more lies.

Don't make promises you can't keep.

I deserve that.

Seat's over there. But
we're not talking.

♪ I invented sin
That makes the sinners grin ♪

♪ I drown my soul
Before the day begins ♪

♪ The house of shame Is
where my name's the name ♪

♪ Look to me when you're layin' blame ♪

- ♪ Six feet ain't deep enough... ♪
- ♪ For the devil ♪

- ♪ Six feet ain't deep enough ♪
- ♪ For the devil ♪

- ♪ Six feet ain't deep enough... ♪
- ♪ For the devil ♪

- ♪ Six feet ain't deep enough ♪
- ♪ For the devil ♪

♪ I invented sin
That makes the sinners grin ♪

♪ I burn my soul
Before the day begins ♪

♪ The house of shame
Is where my name's the name ♪

♪ Look to me when you're
layin' blame... ♪

- That smell.

It's pork knuckle.

Okay, come on, have a little bite.

- You might like it.
- I can tell you right now I won't.

Come on, have some of the meat.

- Have a little bite. You might like it.
- You're hopeless.

[LAUGHS] All right, more for me.



