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SH: The Sign of Four (1983)

Posted: 08/12/21 16:24
by bunniefuu
(ominous music)
(thunder rumbling)

(dog barking)

(bell dinging)

Who the devil comes calling here

on a night like this?

Who the devil comes calling here

at any time, Father.

This has been delivered, Major Sholto.


There was no one there, sir.

Just this tacked to the door.

(suspenseful music)

My God, no!


- No!
- Father.


(thunder rumbling)

We found nothing.

(door bangs shut)

Greed, cursed greed.

She must have her fair share
of the treasure.

The treasure?

What treasure?

Who, Father?

Captain Morstan's daughter.

Captain Morstan?

Captain Morstan disappeared years ago.


He died in this very house.

In India, Morstan and
I gained possession

of a great treasure.

I brought it to England.

Several years later,
Morstan returned to London.

On the night of his arrival,

he came directly here
to claim his share.

We argued about the division.

We argued violently.

There were harsh words, then blows.

I disposed of his body, I had to.

The treasure, Father, where is it?

Hidden, barely touched all these years.

Possession was enough for me,

just to look at those gems,

(mysterious sitar music)

to run my hands through them.

Morstan's daughter, find her.

She deserves her share.

The treasure, Father, where is it?

The attic,

the secret room.

(thunder booming)

It's him!

Keep him out, for the love of God.

Go on, keep him out!


There's no one out there, Father.

I saw him, I tell you!

The one-legged man.

- Oh.
- Yes, Williams?

I heard a shot, sir.

Father thought he saw a prowler.

Search the grounds.

(thunder rumbling)


the treasure?

Yes, Thaddeus, the treasure.

But not now.

Father's dying.

(thunder booms)
(glass shattering)

Bart, Bartholomew!


(suspenseful music)

I often wondered why
those stairs went nowhere.



They're not here, Major.

Gone treasure hunting.

Greedy, like their father.

- Small?
- That's right, Major, Small.

I've come a long way to find you, Major.

I come in the name of the four.

Oh no, no, no, no, please.

The four you betrayed!

The four who gave you wealth.

Oh no, Small, listen.

The treasure's here, it's here.

And we were there, left back there

to rot in that damn stinking hell hole.

You broke your oath.

You even betrayed your
friend, Captain Morstan,

your fellow officer.

Oh no, no, take the treasure.

It's here, all of it,
three million pounds.

Take it.

First thing's first,
justice for the four,

vengeance for the four.

I've k*lled you a thousand times
over the years, Major.

Oh, it was all so vivid in my mind.

Shall I describe how I'll do it, Major?

Shall I?


(mysterious music)

You cheat me of my revenge,

but neither you nor any of yours

will stand between me and
what belongs to the four.

(wind howling)


Is it there?

(suspenseful music)

(thunder booming)

(birds chirping)

(horse hooves clopping)

(horse snorting)

Good morning, ladies.

Good Lord!


Holmes, Holmes, Holmes!


(machine humming)

Like many of your
deductions, Watson, wrong.

Then pray, enlighten me, as usual.

Research for my monograph.

Would this vital experiment

be disturbed by a bit of fresh air?

Oh, another monograph.

Yes, this is on the distinction

between the ashes of
the various tobaccos.

So far I have enumerated
forms of cigar,

cigarette, and pipe tobacco.

Yes, well I'm sure there's a great cry

indeed for such information.


For example, if you can say
that some m*rder has been done

by a man who was smoking
an Indian lunkah,

it obviously narrows
your field of search.

(laughs) Holmes, you do have

an extraordinary genius
for small details.

I appreciate their importance, Watson.

One must always observe the small facts

upon which huge inferences may depend.

And what huge inferences
can you deduce from this?

(laughs) A test, old fellow.

Mm, would you think it impertinent?

No, on the contrary,
I shall be delighted.

The watch recently
came into my possession.

Can you give an opinion of the habits

and character of its late owner?

It's difficult for a man
to have any object

in daily use and not leave the impress

of his individuality on it.

But this watch has
recently been cleaned,

which robs me of my most vital facts.

It was cleaned before being sent to me.

Almost two o'clock.

She shall be here at any moment.


A Ms. Mary Morstan.

She sent word requesting to see me

on a most urgent matter.


Ah, yes.

The previous owner of your watch

was a careless man of untidy habits

who lived, for some time, in poverty

with occasional short
intervals of prosperity.

But finally, taking to drink, he died.

That's unworthy of you, Holmes.

You've obviously learned the history

of my unhappy brother.

You can't expect me to believe

you gathered all that
from his old watch.

My dear fellow, I'm sorry.

Now, I viewed the matter
as an abstract problem.

I really had no idea
you even had a brother.

But your facts are
correct in every particular.

How could you possibly guess?

I never guess.

It is destructive to logic.

But how?

The small facts, Watson.

The watch case is not only
dented, but cut and marked

by hard objects such as coins and keys

kept in the same pocket.

Only a careless, untidy man

treats an expensive
article in such a fashion.

But how could you
know he lived in poverty

with intervals of prosperity?

When London pawn brokers take a watch,

they scratch the ticket
number inside the case

with a pinpoint.

There are four such
numbers inside the case

of the watch you are holding, correct?

Obviously your brother
was often at low water

but he had occasional
intervals of prosperity,

or he could not have
redeemed his pledge.

And the drinking?

Look at the keyhole
for winding the spring.

No sober man's key could
have scored those grooves,

but you'll never see
a drunkard's watch without them.

He leaves traces of his unsteady hand.

Where is the mystery
in all this, my friend?

You know Holmes, by now
I should have more faith

in your amazing faculties.


I have recently had little
to exercise that faculty.

I tell you, Watson, crime and existence

have been rather commonplace of late.

(energetic music)

(bell dinging)

Come on down, ladies and gentlemen.

Round up, round up, round up

for the greatest show on earth.

(children squealing)

All the way from the Indian jungle.

Seeing is believing,
ladies and gentlemen.

Only a penny, only a penny.

The most gruesome sight in captivity.

The most blood-thirsty
creature in the world.

See him tear and eat
human flesh, human flesh!

- I don't believe it.
- No?

How do you think I got this thing?

(obnoxious laughing)

Come on, ladies and
gentlemen, that's the way.

Only a penny for
the thrill of a lifetime.

It'll freeze your blood,
curdle your blood.

Here you are, sir.

You be ready to sail tonight.

I'll have her ready.

Little children especially welcome.

You bringing your, friend?

I should charge extra for
carrying that little devil.

You've been paid more
than enough as it is.

Just have the boat ready.

This way, ladies and gentlemen.

That's right, only a penny, only a penny

ladies and gentlemen.

Mr. Holmes?

Good afternoon.

Won't you come in, Ms. Morstan?

And please forgive
the heavy odor of cigars.

My friend and colleague, Dr. Watson.

Won't you have a seat, Ms. Morstan?

- Thank you.
- May I?

Oh, yes.

I'm at your service, Ms. Morstan.

What has brought you to our door?


(soft sitar music)

[John] Good Lord, Holmes.

Is it genuine?

It was delivered by
messenger this morning,

along with this letter.

Thank you.

- Oh, the envelope too, please.
- Oh.

Best quality paper.

The correspondent is particular.



No address.

Please be outside the Lyceum
Theater tomorrow at : .

If you feel distrust, bring two friends.

You are a wronged woman
and shall have justice.

Do not notify the police.

Your unknown friend.

Do you have any suspicions
as to this unknown friend?

None at all.

It's all a frightening
mystery to me, Mr. Holmes.

Watson, what do you
make of the handwriting?

The correspondent is clearly a man,

a weak man of nervous disposition.

Look at his long letters.

There is vacillation in his K's

and self-esteem in his capitals.

This is the latest edition
of Cole's report on gemology.

Yes, as I thought.

The Great Mogul.

This is the second-largest
known diamond in the world.

It was first discovered in
India some years ago.

My father was
a military officer in India.

Captain David Morstan.

I wonder if all this has anything

to do with his disappearance.

Your father disappeared?

Yes, six years ago, last December.

Six years.

Well, he had arranged to return on leave

and telegraphed me to meet
him at his hotel in London.

I went there, but was
told that my father

had gone out the night before

and hadn't yet returned.

He never did.

There were inquiries, of course.

Oh yes.

But they turned up nothing.

Did your father have
any friends in London?

Only one that I know
of, Major John Sholto.

They'd been in charge
of the military prison

in the Andaman Islands.

Major Sholto had retired
a few years before.

Did you contact this Major Sholto?


But he didn't even know that my father

was back in England.

Your father's luggage...

No, there was nothing
to even suggest that...

Except this.

I found it most unusual.

I kept it out of mere curiosity.

You found it wrapped in this oil skin?


Clearly it had some great importance

for your father to have
preserved it so carefully.

The paper is of Indian manufacture.

It's a hand-drawn diagram of a section

of a large building.

A small cross in red, and these
four rather unique crosses.

Jonathan Small, Mohammed
Sing, Abdul Akhan, Dost Akbah.

The sign of the four.

I'll keep this for the time being,
if I may.

The note suggested that you
should bring two friends.

If you would consider Dr. Watson
and myself as such,

we should be happy to accompany you

on this somewhat curious excursion.

If you would call for us
tomorrow morning at : ?

I'm so grateful.

It's more than I dared hope for.

Thank you, Mr. Holmes.

Dr. Watson.

What a very attractive young woman.

Is she?

I did not observe.

You blasted fool!

That diamond was
the most valuable of the lot.

Father's last wish was that she should

have her share.

Father is dead.

We owe her nothing.

I feel I do.

Our honor is at stake.

You really are a fool.

- I want that stone back.
- No.

Do as you please, but I'll not stand by

and see Ms. Morstan
cheated of her fair share.

Fair share, damn you!

That diamond could be
worth half the treasure.

When will you be meeting her?

Tomorrow morning, if she agrees.

Well, then bring her here.

We'll resolve the matter.

One third, Bartholomew.

I insist on those terms.

One third,

or she keeps the diamond.

Goodnight, sir.

(suspenseful music)

(horse snorts)

(dog barking)


(Tonga shouts)

(mysterious sitar music)

(suspenseful music)


(door creaking)

Who's there?

(dart thwacking)


(frightening music)


(dog yapping)

(rope creaking)

There it is, the great Agra treasure,

years since I last touched it.

(maniacal laughing)

Yellow bag!

Where's the yellow bag, the Great Mogul?

Where is it?

(mysterious music)

The other one.

So, the Sholtos still deny the four.

Not for long.

Not for long.

(Watson humming)

(both humming)

Oh, you're here at last.

It's almost : .

Ms. Morstan will be here any minute.


That's rather a liberal dosage.

For Ms. Morstan's benefit, I presume.

Well, she is...

How old would you say she is?

Now, beware, old fellow.

Emotions are antagonistic
to clear reasoning.

Holmes, there's something
positively inhuman

in you at times.

A client is to me a mere factor,

a unit in a case.

One can't apply such
logic to a lovely lady.

My dear Watson, the most winning lady

I ever knew was hanged for poisoning

her three small children
for the insurance money.


Where have you been, anyway?

Consulting some recent
editions of the Times.

It's truly amazing
how much one can learn

from the mundane daily features,

weather reports, personal
advertisements, obituaries.


They are usually the most informative.

Did you know that
a certain Major John Sholto

died just five days ago?

Major John Sholto.

No, I don't think I...


Ms. Morstan made mention of that name.


Captain Morstan disappears.

The one person in London
he could have visited

is Major John Sholto.

And yet, Sholto denies knowing

that Morstan was in London.

Six years later, Sholto dies,

and within five days of his death,

Morstan's daughter receives
an enormously valuable jewel

and a letter describing
her as a wronged woman.

Now, what possible
wrong can it refer to?

Other than the deprivation
of her father.

And why should all this happen

so soon after Sholto's death?

Watson, what does this mark
in red ink suggest to you?

Well, I don't mean to sound obtuse,

but it could suggest almost anything.

Now come along, Watson.

Think back to all those
boyhood romances of your youth.

In those tales there was always a map.

Of course!

X to mark the spot where
the treasure's buried.


X marks the spot.

Are you saying this

is some sort of treasure map?

My dear Watson, diamonds like the one...

...Ms. Morstan received do
not drop from the sky

like manna from heaven.

But what's all this to do with Sholto

or Morstan's disappearance?

Questions that hopefully our expedition

this morning will answer.

Um, a four wheeler has just arrived.

Oh, Ms. Morstan.

Are you ready for the hunt, Watson?


(horse hooves clopping)

Oh yes, Major Sholto
was a particular friend

of my father.

They'd served in many
battle campaigns together.

And shared command
of the Andaman Island's

military prison.

For many years, Mr. Holmes.

Of necessity, that would
make them very close indeed.

Very close, Dr. Watson.

My father's letters were full
of warm allusions to Major.

I never met him, but
the news of his death

does sadden me.

But you did say you
communicated with him

regarding your father's disappearance.

Oh yes, but only through the police.

At that time, the Major said

that he was too ill to see anyone.

And he made no further
attempt to see you

- or even write to you?
- None whatever, Mr. Holmes.

(bell tolling)


- Ms. Mary Morstan?
- Yes.

These two gentlemen are my friends.

Please, uh, but I am to request

your solemn word that
neither of your companions

are police officers.

You have my word.

You don't suppose this is
some sort of elaborate hoax,

do you, Holmes?

One does not bait a practical joke

with such a valuable jewel, Watson.

(carriage wheels clattering)

(carriage rumbling)

For God's sake, Holmes, where are we?

We have just crossed the river

and have entered Cold Harbor Lane.

(energetic music)

Good Lord, a fairground?

Can't be doing much
business in this place.

The saheb awaits you.

(mysterious sitar music)

Your servant, Ms. Morstan.

And your escorts?

Mr. Holmes and Dr. Watson.

My pleasure, gentlemen.

Mr. Thaddeus Sholto, I'll presume.

How could you possibly know who I am?

Logic, Mr. Sholto.

It seemed rather odd that your father,

Major Sholto, made no attempt
to help Ms. Morstan

at the time of her father's

Considering the friendship
between the two men

and their close military ties,

that would suggest a lack of compassion

or a sense of guilt.

The conclusion seemed quite obvious,

guilt, sir.

But it had to come from
a member of the Sholto family

who reflected that guilt.

Now, your father's obituary reported

only two surviving heirs,
Bartholomew and Thaddeus Sholto.

But then it could have been Bartholomew.

How did you know that it was
I who sent the letter?

I didn't, not until we shook hands.

I deserve little credit
for that, Mr. Sholto.

Your signet ring bears your initials.


Not really, but this room is amazing.

[Mary] Enchanting.

As a young boy, I spent
some time in India.

I learned about its people,

the serenity of their way of life,

and when it became apparent

that I might never return to India,

I brought India to me.

I must humbly beg your
forgiveness, Ms. Morstan.

I was a coward not to sign that letter,

but I feared that you
might reject this meeting

if you saw the name Sholto.

But why?

I bear no animosity towards your family.

But Mr. Holmes is absolutely correct.

It was guilt, Ms. Morstan.

My father did have a weak heart,

but it was the terrible guilt he carried

that finally k*lled him.

Guilt about what, Mr. Sholto?

Your father's death, Ms. Morstan.

[John] Ms. Morstan!

(energetic music)
(patrons chattering)

(Tonga growling)

My God, how can you
keep a thing like that?

I thought I told you
to make yourself scarce.

I'll tell you when we're sailing.

- There's been a delay.
- But what about my missus?

I'm off.

I ain't waitin' any longer.

You can have your money back.

Do you wanna join him down there, huh?


- Is that what you want?
- No!

'Cause that's where
you're going unless...

Anything, anything!

(Tongo growling)

We found the treasure,
but when we returned

to my father's room, he was dead.

Ms. Morstan, I do hope you will forgive

my insensitivity for the way

in which I broke the sad news
of your father's death.

It was thoughtless of me.

I knew, in my heart, he was dead.

Mr. Sholto, may we return to the night

of your father's death?

You say he was greatly frightened.


I would say that it was fear

that drove him to his death.

He had lived with it for a long time.

He employed two prize
fighters as servants

and never left the house without them.

He kept loaded pistols in every room,

and there was this strange obsession

about a one-legged man.

He imagined seeing a one-legged man

at the window the night he died.

He even seized a p*stol
and fired at the window.

If he used a p*stol, perhaps
it wasn't his imagination.

Impossible, Dr. Watson.

My brother and I were
in the room at the time.

There was no one there.

The paper found on his chest,

did it resemble this?


It is exactly the same.

How did you come by this, Mr. Holmes?

It belonged to my father.

Did your father give you any clue

as to how he and Captain Morstan

came into possession of this treasure?

None whatsoever.

Do you have any idea of the value?

My brother computes it to be no less

than three million.

Three million!

Ms. Morstan, that would make you

one of the wealthiest
heiresses in England.

Which is your due, Ms. Morstan.

My father grievously
wronged you and your father.

And that's why you sent
the diamond, of course.

I knew it was the only way
to force Bartholomew

to consider Ms. Morstan's
rightful share.

Ah, then your brother objects.

Most strenuously.

He is inclined to my father's fault.

He will not be an easy man
to deal with, Mr. Holmes.

I believe it is time we went
to see brother Bartholomew.

(bell ringing)

Good day, Williams.

Good day, sir.

It's quite all right.

My brother is expecting my friends.

He's not been down all day, sir.


Kate, what's wrong?

Mr. Thaddeus, in the attic,

it's Mr. Bartholomew.

I took up his lunch.

I knocked on the door,
but he didn't answer.

And I peeked in the keyhole.

Mr. Thaddeus, it's horrible!

Ms. Morstan, would you
stay with her, please?

And I don't,

I don't... (sobbing)

On the left, Mr. Holmes.


Lend a hand here.

After a count of three.





The sign of the four.

In God's name, what does
it all mean, Holmes?

It means m*rder.

Bartholomew dead?

The treasure!

It's gone!

It's stolen!

Mr. Sholto, fetch Williams

and drive down to the police station

to report the matter.

We will wait here until your return.

Now, Watson, we have half an hour

before the police come barging in.

Let's make good use of it.

As I expected.

It looks like a thorn.

It is a thorn.

Dah, have a care, old fellow.

It's deadly.


Feel his arm.

The muscles are as hard as a board,

a state of extreme contraction

far exceeding normal rigor mortis.

Coupled with the agonized
distortion of the face,

what would be your medical
conclusion, Doctor?

Hm, in my opinion, death from some

powerful vegetable alkaloid,
some strychnine substance.


The thought occurred to me the instant

I saw the drawn muscles of the face.

The poison entered
the system by this thorn

being driven or shot in behind the ear.

This mystery gets darker every minute.

On the contrary, old fellow.

It clears every instant.


to work.

Now Watson, how did
the m*rder*r come and go?

The door was bolted from the inside.

Both the windows are fastened.

But you will observe the cobwebs

have been disturbed on the right.

Oh yes.

A man has entered through here.

- How?
- Here are his tracks.

And the same marks are on the floor

and over there by the table.

This circular repression

is certainly not a foot mark.

Oh no, it's something
much more valuable to us.

The mark is that of a wooden stump.

The one-legged man Sholto feared!

Hmph, excellent, Watson!

Oh, but Holmes,
we're three stories high.

It's a sheer drop.

How could a one-legged man
possibly scale that wall?

He had a very able and efficient ally.

Well, well, well, how very curious.

Rope marks, Watson.

The ally tied a rope to this post.

Then he dropped it out of the window

down to the wooden-legged man.

Their mission accomplished,

both he and the treasure chest

went down the same way.

The ally then dropped the rope,
refastened the window,

and left the way he originally entered.

But how did this mysterious ally

get into the room?

Ah, how indeed.

The door was bolted from the inside,

the window inaccessible.

How then?

Oh, look around you, Watson.

But this time, do not
merely see, but observe.

When you have eliminated the impossible,

whatever else remains

however improbable, must be the truth.

Ah, a hole in the ceiling of course.

Ah, of course. (chuckles)

We will now extend our
researches to the room above.

Stay there, Watson.

We mustn't disturb any prints.

Or, more particularly, the cobwebs

which most helpfully have
been disturbed for us.



A trap door leading out onto the roof.

Now we know how the little ally entered.

Yes, but how did he get on to the roof?

Oh, up a drain pipe somewhere

then across the roof to here.

That would have been
a most precarious climb.


Not for this fellow, I think.

Let's see if we can
find any other traces

if his individuality.





Look at that, Watson.

Good Lord, Holmes.

Could a child have
done this horrid thing?

(mysterious music)

It was fortunate for you, Mr. Sholto,

that I happened to be in
the station when you arrived.

This is definitely
a matter for Scotland Yard.

No sport in it indeed, Inspector Layton.

I'm sure Mr. Holmes will be
delighted by our good luck.


Sherlock Holmes?

Yes sir.

Do you know him?

There are certain features

about this agile accomplice

that lift their fare out
of the commonplace.

What's that curious odor?


It's leaking from this barrel.

They probably keep the stuff up here

to treat the old timbers.


The barefooted ally has stepped in this.

You can just see
the outline of his foot.

What an excellent stroke of luck!

Is it?

It means we've got him, Watson.

I think I hear the accredited
representatives of the law.

Watson, Ms. Morstan need not remain

in this stricken house.

Would you please take her home?

I agree.

Shall we meet back here?

Yes, and on the way back

would you go down to Pincheon Lane
to Sherman's Kennels?

Now he will know the dog we want.

I recognize those footsteps.

- Layton.
- Yes. (laughs)


Inspector Layton.

What a pleasant surprise.

What brings you here?

I was in the area, and if
I may repeat the question,

what brings you here?

Oh, I'm drawn to these
sordid affairs like a magnet.

And I suppose you've already made

a batch of deductions?

A few.

If I can be of assistance in any way...

If you don't mind, Mr. Holmes,

I shall like to make
a few deductions of my own.

- Of course, Inspector.
- Thank you, Mr. Holmes.


(bell tolling)

- Thank you.
- Thank you.

Wait here.

You've been most courageous

through all of this, Ms. Morstan.

If my spirit hasn't
faltered, Dr. Watson,

it is only because the reality

of this terrifying business
has yet to take hold.

(laughs) It's rather like
a romantic adventure,

isn't it, though?

A wronged lady, a fortune
in missing treasure,

a one-legged villain and
his mysterious henchman.

And two gallant knights
dashing to the rescue.


It is more of a nightmare
than a romance, I fear.

Then dream only of the diamond

and the wealth it will bring you.

I'm wealthy already.

Well, to have two such good friends

as Mr. Holmes and you.


I would ask you in for a cup of tea,

but you did say that you have

an important errand, didn't you?

Nothing would give me greater pleasure,

but, as you remind me, the errand.


Goodbye, Dr. Watson.

Ms. Morstan.

(gentle instrumental music)

Poor Bartholomew.

I wonder what's going on up there.

Door locked from the inside,
I understand.

- Yes, we had to break in.
- Hm.

And the window?

Fastened, but there are
footprints on the sill.

Well, if it was fastened,

the prints have nothing to do with it.


A theory?

Yes, these flashes
come upon me at times.

Now, Thaddeus Sholto,
by his own confession,

was here with his brother last night.

He admitted they argued.

The argument became heated.

His brother died in a fit.

Thaddeus Sholto walked
off with the treasure.

And then the dead man very considerately

got up and locked the door
from the inside.

I said it was only a theory.

(dog barking)

Best stay clear of old Alphie.

He not only bites, he swallows.

(dog gnashing)

(dogs barking)

Now, sir, what was it
Mr. Holmes had requested?

Uh, a special dog, Mr. Sherman.

He said you would know.

Oh, oh, that would be old Toby.

He's over here, sir.

There's Toby, as alert as ever.

Oh, Mr. Holmes certainly
knows his business.

That dog will follow a scent

to the world's end and back.

Ready for the chase, Toby?

(Toby whines)

No one saw the dead man from the time

Thaddeus Sholto left him.

His bed hadn't even been slept in.

Thaddeus Sholto is in a most
disturbed state of mind,

the classic reaction
of a leading suspect,

wouldn't you say, Holmes?

Classic, Inspector Layton.

Well, then, the net begins
to close about him, eh?

Sergeant, bring Mr. Sholto up.


But what about the poisoned thorn

and the note found on
the dead man's body?

Simple enough, I assure you.

Sholto could have used the thorn

as well as anyone.

Probably did.

This note, this note is
some sort of hocus pocus.

Trying to throw me off, like as not.

The only question remaining is,

how did he depart?

Of course, the hole in the ceiling.


- Find something, Layton?
- Trap door to the roof.

- And it's open.
- Yes, I opened it.

Oh, you noticed, eh?

No matter.

It shows how our culprit got away.

Mr. Sholto, I hold you
in the Queen's name

as being concerned in
the death of your brother.

But, Mr. Holmes.

(Toby whines)

Come on, Toby.

Good dog, good boy.

Holmes, what's going on?

You've returned in time
to see Thaddeus Sholto

carted off to the yard. (chuckling)

- You're not serious!
- Layton is.

Don't worry, Mr. Sholto.

We'll clear you of this dreadful charge.

Ah, don't promise too much, Dr. Watson.

My facts may be a bit more valid

than Mr. Holmes' deductions.

Inspector Layton, I will make you a gift

of the layman description

of one of the two men
who was in that room

with the m*rder*d man last night.

He is Jonathan Small,
a tall, active man,

once a convict, sunburned,
with his right leg gone

and replaced by a wooden stump.

A peg leg, eh?

And the other one, Mr. Holmes?

A rather curious individual.

But before long, I hope to
introduce you to both of them.

(Layton scoffs)


The little ally made his entrance

and his exit by way of this drain pipe.


And he left telltale marks of creosote

where his toes gripped.

I should say he jumped from
this point to the ground.



Toby, now Toby!

What do you make of that, eh?

Good ole Toby.

You continue to amaze me, Holmes.

How could you possibly describe

the wooden-legged man
with such accuracy?

Elementary, my dear Watson.

There was only white
man's name on the map.

The other three were Indian.

The notes found on the dead bodies

were both in English and
written in the same hand.

Therefore, we may say with confidence

that the one-legged
man is Jonathan Small.

Does that reasoning strike
you as being faulty?

(laughing) No, clear and concise.

As to his height, that
is easily calculated

from the length of his stride.

Ah, yes, the footprints in the attic.


I say, Watson, I fancy
that old leg wound of yours

is not game for a six-mile trudge.

But what about the treasure?

How the devil did it come
to be at Pondicherry Manor?

Two officers in command
of a military prison

learn of a hidden treasure.

A map of its location is drawn for them

by the Englishman, Jonathan Small,

who signs it on behalf of himself

and his three Indian companions,

the sign of four, as he
somewhat romantically puts it.

With the aid of this map,

the two officers find the treasure

and one of them
transports it to England.

Ah, Major Sholto.

Very good, Watson.

Now, assuming there were conditions

under which the treasure
would eventually be shared...

Then it stands to
reason that Major Sholto

betrayed those conditions.


And now, we have a fascinating case

of revenge and m*rder.

But if Small knew of the treasure,

why didn't he take it himself?

The answer to that is most obvious.

Small was a convict in
that military prison

and couldn't get away.

But all this could be
mere speculation, Holmes.

It's more than that.

It's the only hypothesis
which agrees with the facts.

Hm, and the curious ally?

Ah, yes, the ally.

There are features of
interest about this ally.

I fancy he breaks fresh ground

in the annals of crime in this country.

Though parallel cases suggest
themselves from India.

Perhaps one of the Indians
associated with Small, eh?

I think not.

True, some of the inhabitants

of the Indian peninsula are small men,

but none could have
left such foot marks.

Where does he come from?

And where did Small meet him?

Where else but where
Small was a prisoner?

Where Sholto and Morstan
were in command. (laughs)

- The Andaman Islands.
- Ahh.

(Toby barking)

(boat horn blowing)

We're out of luck.

They've taken a boat from here.

And I'm afraid poor
Toby's undoubted gifts

do not include following
a trail down the river Thames.


On the other hand, perhaps mine do.

[Woman] Jackie!

Come back here and be washed.

Hello, Jackie.

Is there anything you'd like, young man?

I'd like a shilling.

Oh, nothing you'd like better?

I'd like two shillings better.


He's a fine child, Mrs. Smith.

Lord bless you, sir.

He is that, and forward.

Look at you, you young 'un.

Oh, he gets more than I can manage

when my man's away for
more than a day or two

like he is now.

Ah, away, is he?

I'm sorry to hear that.

I wanted to speak to him.

Oh, he's been away since
early this morning, sir.

If it's a boat you're asking about...

Yes, we wanted to rent his steam launch.

Well it's the steam launch
that he's gone in, sir.

Ah, pity.

Perhaps you could tell
me when he'll be back.

You can never tell with him, sir.

But to tell you the truth,
I'm a bit frightened.

I didn't like that one-legged man

with his ugly face and outlandish talk.

- One leg...
- (smacking)

Yes, sir, something very
strange about him there was.

Come down here last night,

my man waiting for him with
his steam up in the launch.

Well, I'm sorry, Mrs. Smith.

We wanted a steam launch and we'd heard

good reports of the, what
did you say her name was?

The Aurora.

Ah yes.

My friend says she's
that old green launch

with a yellow line.

Very broad in the beam.

No, indeed, sir.

She's as trim a little
thing as any on the river.

She's just been fresh painted,

white with a red streak.

There, I thought you were wrong.

Well thank you, Mrs. Smith.

We're going down river, and if we see

any sign of the Aurora,
we'll let your husband know

- that you're anxious.
- Thank you, sir.

Goodbye, Jackie.

(Toby barking)

I suppose it's all rather hopeless now.


And your reason for despair?

They obviously used the launch

to take him to a ship
headed for God knows where.

If so, why hasn't the launch returned?

No, no, Watson, I don't think...

Small has left the country,

nor has he dispensed with Smith's boat.

But he has the treasure.

Why should he stay?

Well, we'll find the answer to that

when we find the Aurora.

You mean, search the entire river?

Holmes, between here and Redditch

there's a labyrinth of landing places.

A colossal task, I agree.

I think we shall call for assistance.

Ah, the police force.

The unofficial police force.

The Aurora is white with a red line

and she's down river somewhere.

I want one boy at Smith's Yard

to report if the boat comes back.

The rest do both banks thoroughly.

[Boys] Yes, gov.

It's the usual scale of pay,

plus a guinea to the boy who finds her.

Right, off you go.

Oh, and, uh, Wiggins,
you report back here

at five o'clock.

Yes, gov.

If the Aurora is above water,

the Irregulars will find her.

In the meantime, there's
nothing we can do but wait.

Why don't you go to bed, Watson?

You look all in.

What about you?

You know my curious constitution.

Work never tires me.

Though idleness exhausts me completely.

(violin tuning)

[John] Goodnight, Holmes.

Good morning, Watson.

(somber violin music)

(lively instrumental music)


Ms. Morstan, what an unexpected

but delightful surprise.

Dr. Watson, have you seen this?

Tragedy at Pondicherry Manor.

Mr. Sholto and entire
household arrested.

Good Lord.

Holmes, have you seen this?


I'm only surprised we managed
to escape arrest ourselves.

I would say we've
had a very close shave.

(laughs) Indeed, Watson.

(both laughing)

Mr. Holmes, I fail to see the humor.

Mr. Thaddeus Sholto has behaved

most kindly and honorably.

He must be cleared of
this hideous charge.

Forgive me, Ms. Morstan,

but you do not know
the energetic Inspector Layton.

Mr. Sholto is in no real danger.

We shall clear him.

I'm glad to hear you say so.

Ms. Morstan, you're
shivering from the cold.

It is not the cold that makes me shiver,

- it is fear.
- Fear?

Mr. Holmes, this diamond,

I feel there is a curse upon it,

a curse that haunts
the Sholtos and the Morstans.

I should like you to keep it for me.

Please, you keep it until it shines

once more with life.

Of course, Ms. Morstan.

It shall be kept here
in complete safety.

I'm confident the day is soon coming

when you'll be happy to
reclaim it without fear.

Thank you, Mr. Holmes.

All will be well.

Let us hope so, Watson.

I cannot understand why I have not heard

from the Irregulars yet.

Find that boat, and
you'll find Jonathan Small

and his companion.

Just who is this mysterious companion?

It's all there in the gazetteer,
Watson, page .

The Andaman Islanders,

naturally hideous, having
large, misshapen heads,

small feet size and distorted features.

A terror to shipwrecked crews,

braining the survivors
with stone-headed clubs

or sh**ting them with poison darts.

These massacres are invariably followed

by a cannibal feast in
which the victims are...

Good Lord, Holmes!

A savage.

(frightening music)

(muffled energetic music)

Well, my little beastie,
we've work to do tonight.

We'll be pulling out
on the morning tide.

So, have an extra feed.

Mr. Thaddeus Sholto
is released, Mr. Holmes.

It's fortunate for him that I could see

beyond the compromising circumstances.

Most fortunate.

It's a very dark case,

and, well, quite frankly, Holmes,

you seem to have some theories
regarding these matters

and it is my duty as
an officer of the law

to allow no chance, however
improbable, to slip.

We all need help sometimes, Layton.

Just what is all this
about a one-legged man?

And his miniature but
murderous companion.

All in good time, Layton.

Come in, Wiggins.

Well, Wiggins, what news?

None good, Mr. Holmes, none good.

Not a trace of the Aurora.


I'm sorry, Mr. Holmes, I truly am.

No, no, no, no, nonsense, Wiggins.

It's not your fault.

Here, keep on looking.

Yes, sir, we will, sir.

Thanks, sir.

It seems your case goes
no better than mine, Holmes.

Good day, gentlemen.

(lively instrumental music)




- Mrs. Smith?
- That's right.

I have a message for you
from your husband.

And about time, too.

He never came home at all last night.

'Cause his boat's broken down.

That's the message.

Trouble with a rudder, says he.

He'll be taking her to the repair yard.

Old Jacobson's yard.

Yes, that's the place.

He says he'll stop there
while the job's done.

Back maybes tomorrow.

Yeah, I know where he'll
be doing his waiting, too,

swilling whiskey in
a pub with some trollop.

And he won't have no trouble
with his rudder there.

(laughing) Oh, I wouldn't
know about that, missus.

I like a drink meself,
but as for the other,

I dropped the anchor a long time since.

Good day to you, missus. (laughing)




Mr. Sherlock Holmes?

No, but, um, I am acting for him.

You may give me any message.

It was to himself I wished to give it.

But I tell you, I am acting for him.

Is this, by chance,

about Mordecai Smith's boat, the Aurora?

Yeah, I know just where it is.

Good Lord, man, this is important.

You must tell me and
I shall let him know.

If Mr. Holmes ain't here,

then Mr. Holmes is gonna have
to find it out for himself.

That's quite impossible.

If you don't tell me,
you shall stay and tell him.


- I'm afraid I must insist.
- Oh.

Of all the deuced impertinence!

Well if you're going to
force me to stay, Watson,

you might at least offer me a muffin.

- Holmes.
- Of course.

Holmes, you would have made an actor,

and a rare one.

Steady on, Watson.

I can never resist
a touch of the dramatic.

But, I think I may have
located the Aurora.


With the unwitting aid of Mrs. Smith.

I know now why Wiggins
and the irregulars

have not been able to find her.


Because she's been
hidden in a boat yard.

A boat yard?

But why?

Why should Small stay?

I mean, escape is his logical move.

After all, he has what he came for.

Watson, you are
the wet stone for my mind.

You have lifted the eclipse
from my dim sight.

Sometimes my mental
sluggishness rivals Layton's.

What did I say?

Small spent years in prison

dreaming of regaining the treasure.

The Great Mogul is the crown
jewel of what he came for

and he will not leave without it.

Good Lord, Holmes, then Ms. Morstan

is in the gravest danger.

No, no, no, the trail would lead Small

to Thaddeus Sholto.

He does not know Ms.
Morstan's part in this affair.

Nevertheless, I should
like to look in on her.

Very well, fetch her here.

And I will call on Mr. Sholto.

Ms. Morstan has been kind enough

to send a wire inquiring after my health

and requesting to call
on me this evening.

We shall require a late supper.

Yes, sir.

In the meantime, bring me some tea.

(muffled energetic music)


(ominous music)



(frightening music)

Lal Rao?

Lal Rao?

(Lal Rao gagging)



- (Tonga growling)
- No.


No, Tonga.

- Where is it?
- What?

Where is it?


Where's what?

I don't know!

I will not be denied.

Please, please, you
frightened my father to death.

You k*lled my brother,
you've taken the treasure.

Please, I've done you no wrong.

Give me the Mogul.

Give it me!

I can't.

My father sold it.


What did you say?

Please, it, it's true,
I swear it's true.

It was the only jewel my father sold,

to build his estates.

That is why you did not find
it amongst the treasure.



Ms. Morstan!


Run, Ms. Morstan, run!

Catch her, Tonga, catch her!

(dramatic music)


(dart thwacking)




Justice for the four.


(Mary shrieking)

(Tonga banging on door)

(suspenseful music)

(Mary screams)


(Tonga growling)

(Holmes grunts)

(heroic music)

(Tonga screams)

(Mary whimpering)

Are you all right, Ms. Morstan?

(Tonga growls)
(Mary screams)

(glass shattering)

Come on, come on!

Oh, Mr. Holmes! (sobbing)

Please calm yourself, Ms. Morstan.

I'm really quite all right.

I'm only afraid I may
have come too late.

(gasps) Mr. Sholto!


(mysterious music)

I'm afraid I must stay here

and wait for the police,

but you'll be quite
safe at Baker Street.

Let me stay with you, Mr. Holmes.

You have been through more
than enough for one evening,

and I fear this long night
is very far from over.

When Watson arrives, I'll send him on.

(muffled energetic music)

(laughs) There, there, Ms. Morstan.

It's only the music from the fair.

What is it, Mr. Holmes?

The fair.

Of course.

The best place to hide a needle

is not in a haystack, but
among a lot of other needles.

Mr. Holmes, I don't understand.

A fairground freak among a lot of other

fairground freaks would
arouse no undue curiosity.

B Baker Street.

Goodnight, Ms. Morstan.

I hope this dreadful
business will soon be over.

Whip up, cabby.

(horse hooves clopping)

(patrons chattering)
(energetic music)

(suspenseful music)


No, Tonga, no!

Aticus, get the boys.

- Come on, lads.
- Buy me some time.




(men muttering)

(suspenseful music)

(men laughing)

(dumbbell clattering)

(dramatic music)


(Tonga growling)

(energetic music)

(dart clinks)
(Tonga growls)

(dart clinks)


(ride clanking)

(bat squeaking)


(maniacal laughing)



(glass shattering)

(energetic music)

A one-legged man and a short savage.

It's straight out of some penny novel.

Ah, there's something up in here.

Yes, it's probably a poison dart.

I've given her a sedative.

She'll sleep now for a while.

You should have called me in, Holmes.

They've surely escaped by now.

My men have scoured the docks.

If Scotland Yard can't
find that boat, no one can.

- We found it, Mr. Holmes!
- Wiggins.

- We found the Aurora!
- Well done, Wiggins.

- Just like you said.
- At Jacobson's yard?

Blimey, Mr. Holmes,
that's absolutely right.

As Holmes said, if it's
anywhere above water,

the Baker Street
Irregulars will find it.

There you are, Wiggins.

- You've earned the guinea.
- Thanks, sir.

While I was there, gov,

this bloke named Smith called for it.

Said they'd need it by dawn.

Well done, Wiggins!

You'll make a first-class Scotland Yard

inspector some day.

Well, if you say so, sir.

I'll get a body of police
over at the Jacobson's

and have those culprits in cuffs

the minute they come in.

Which would be never.

Small is no fool.

He'll send someone in advance,

and if he suspects
anything, he won't come.

Well, then how?

We are going to need

the fastest police launch
you've got, Layton.

Gentlemen, the game's afoot!

(lively instrumental music)

(steam hissing)

- Steam up?
- She'll go.


There are some gentlemen
I'm anxious to avoid.

Push off, then.

Now, just a minute...


Right away.

(lively instrumental music)

(boat horn blowing)

There's Wiggins.

And there she is.

Full steam ahead!

(boat chugging)

(laughing) I suspect our little fox

has spotted the hounds.

I want no trouble with the coppers.

We best heave to.

Oh, he doesn't want any trouble.

I'll man the wheel, you stoke.

Now listen, this is my boat.

Do as I say!


(dramatic music)

I doubt whether we'll catch her, Holmes.

We must catch her.

By heaven, I'll never forgive myself

if she proves to have the heels of us.

(boat chugging)

They're gaining on us.

Faster, damn you, faster!

If we burn the boat, we must have them.

(dramatic music)


What the hell's happening?

The steam belt's gone.

We're losing pressure!

They're slowing down.

(laughing) My God, we've got them now!

Perhaps they've run out of fuel.

[Sherlock] No, Watson,
out of steam, I think.

Well, do something!

I'll do something.





(ominous music)



In the Queen's name,
I order you to heave to.

Rot in hell!

Tonga, take over.

(steam hissing)

The four will not be denied.

(suspenseful music)

Now, come with me, Watson.

There's a good fellow.

Look out, Holmes!

(g*n firing)
(Tonga shrieks)


Holmes, look out!

(heroic music)


(both grunting)


Jonathan Small, my name
is Holmes, Sherlock Holmes.

I think you'll find you're under arrest.

Lead on! (laughing)

Highly irregular, Mr. Holmes,
highly irregular,

moving Scotland Yard to Baker Street.

You may find it worth
your while, Layton.

A little port, perhaps.

Cuban ' , should be satisfactory.

' , that's when it
all started, in Agra.

I don't hold it against
your father, Ms. Morstan.

He played square with us.

Not like his friend, Major Sholto.

He cheated all of us, even your father.

Agra, that is where
you met Mohammed Sing,

Abdul Akhan, and Dost Akbah.

Yeah, and we were the four.

Good men they were,
too, under my command

at Fort Agra during
the great sea point mutiny.

Together we raided the palace

with the rebel Maharajah of Agra,

stole his treasure and buried it.

We alone knew where.

Drawing maps of the hiding place

and sealing the pact
with the sign of four.

You seem to know a great
deal about this, Mr. Holmes.

Oh, when the facts are there,

a hypothesis presents itself.

Your crime was discovered,
though not the treasure.

You and your three companions were sent

to the military prison
on the Andaman Islands.

Most terrible place on earth!

So terrible that you made a deal

with the prison's commanding
officer, Sholto and Morstan,

to share the treasure if
they helped you to escape.

My father would never
be part of such a bargain.

I'm sorry, Ms. Morstan,
but it is the truth.

I gave them each a copy of the map,

signed in the name of the four.

Sholto was to fetch the treasure,

then arrange for a boat
to lie off shore for us.

We all agreed to the plan.

We swore on a solemn oath.

And Sholto left India with the treasure,

deserting Morstan and the four.

After he betrayed us, my mates gave up,

lost their will.

Within a year, they were all dead.

But I had a new will,
a new reason to survive,

revenge, justice for the four.

I escaped.

With the help of the pygmy.

Yeah, Tonga.

I'd befriended him.

And all the rest you know.

Not quite all.

Why did Thaddeus Sholto have to die?

The Mogul.

The Mogul?

Yeah, the Great Mogul,
the prize of the treasure.

Second biggest diamond in the world.

It wasn't in the chest.

If one brother didn't have it,

I thought the other one must.

But he didn't.

Said his father had sold
it to build up his estate.


Why, then, this treasure by rights

belongs to the British Crown.

You mean Ms. Morstan has no claim on it?

None whatsoever.

It's the property of the Crown.

Let the Crown have it.

It has brought nothing but misery

to those who have touched it.

But aren't you in the least curious

to see what was almost yours?

I'm curious to see what
so many men have died for.

Well, I don't suppose
the Queen will mind if we,

if we take a peek.


You scoundrel!

What have you done with it?

Scattered it over
the muddy floor of the Thames.

When I saw the game was up,
I threw it overboard,

stone by stone.


Oh, what a very pretty tale.

But hardly a true one.

While we were in the river,

he kept being pulled under.

Now, there was no underwater current.

I would have felt it.

Then I realized his
wooden leg didn't float.

Hold him, Layton.

Now, the only time when
wood does not float

is when it is weighted.

In other words, his
confession is as hollow

as his wooden leg.

(mysterious sitar music)

Well, what are you gawking at, Jenkins?

Pick up the Queen's jewels.

So, you'd have taken
the treasure to the gallows, eh?

And the grave.

You were right, Miss, all it
ever brought me was misery,

and half a lifetime in hell.

And a hangin'.


Goodbye, Miss.

Gentlemen and all.

Nasty business, Holmes,
but a most satisfactory end.

- Oh, Layton.
- Yes, Holmes?

The Crown's property.


That was not all
the Crown's property, Mr. Holmes.

What about the Great Mogul?

Watson, the door.

Ms. Morstan, throughout
this bloody tale of greed,

you have been the one innocent.

Is it not right that virtue
should have some reward?

I cannot.

Why not, Ms. Morstan?

You said Holmes should keep the diamond

till it shines once more with life.

Well, now it does.

Your new life.

I was not the only innocent.

Poor Thaddeus Sholto.

He lied to Small about the diamond

in order to protect me.

He died protecting me.

But then, you must accept it.

You cannot let his dying
gesture be in vain.

Take it, Mary.

Take it.

Ms. Morstan, I am
returning your property,

and leaving its fate in your fair hand.

(gentle instrumental music)

Well, for once, Layton is right.

A most satisfactory end indeed.

(dramatic instrumental music)