15x26 - The Invasion of Time - part 6

Episode transcripts for the 1963 classic TV show "Doctor Who". Aired November 23, 1963 to December 6, 1989. (First to Seventh Doctor)*

Moderator: Kitty Midnight

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What began as an encounter in a London junkyard in 1963 was to become a national institution in the United Kingdom. The crotchety old man - a renegade Time Lord from the planet Gallifrey - who calls himself "The Doctor" has regenerated several times, traveling with several companions for over five decades.
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15x26 - The Invasion of Time - part 6

Post by bunniefuu »



Part Six

Original Air Date: 11 March 1978
Running time: 25:44

LEELA: Doctor! Doctor!

DOCTOR: Get Rodan.

LEELA: Rodan?

DOCTOR: Get Rodan.

STOR: What has happened?

KELNER: He has stabilised, thrown the fail-safe switch in his time capsule.

STOR: With what effect?

KELNER: The capsule is fixed in its present state for eternity, until he throws off the fail-safe switch.

STOR: So he is trapped?

KELNER: Yes, Excellency. The Great Key. I could have done so much with the Great Key.

STOR: No one may enter or leave this solid-state capsule?

KELNER: I have entrance probes for all time capsules, sir.

STOR: Bring the relevant probe with you.

DOCTOR: Quick, lock the door.

DOCTOR: Without that, no one can reset the systems. Where are the others?

LEELA: In the bathroom.

DOCTOR: The bathroom?

LEELA: Yes, in the bathroom.

DOCTOR: You got lost, didn't you.

LEELA: Well, it's bigger than it looks, your TARDIS.

DOCTOR: Ah no, the mighty huntress got her. Don't you think she got lost?

LEELA: I didn't. How do you know?

DOCTOR: I think you got lost.

LEELA: Listen, Doctor, you gave me the wrong directions.

DOCTOR: Come on. You got lost.

LEELA: How could you possibly expect me to follow those directions?

DOCTOR: You got lost!

LEELA: Doctor!

STOR: This machine is a load of obsolete rubbish.

KELNER: This model was withdrawn centuries ago.

STOR: Make the systems function again.

KELNER: But, but I'm not an engineer, sir. I

STOR: Make it work, or you'll die. Well?

SONTARAN: He has fastened it with some kind of locking device from the other side, sir.

STOR: He's trapped in here now, and this is the only way out.

SONTARAN: I will open it, sir. Then we shall have them.

STOR: He has the Great Key. I want him captured, intact but unharmed. After that, I will deal with him personally.

DOCTOR: All right, let's walk. I've got a wonderful sense of direction. I've got a perfect sense of direction.

RODAN: I thought you said you had a good

LEELA: Shush. Where are we?

DOCTOR: Storeroom twenty three A.

LEELA: Where are we going?

DOCTOR: The workshop.

RODAN: Has he got a workshop on board?

DOCTOR (OOV.): Of course I have. Come on!

DOCTOR: What nobody understands is, the advantage of my antiquated TARDIS is that it's fully equipped and completely reliable.

LEELA: Completely?

DOCTOR: Yes. Yeah, well, almost completely.

LEELA: Where are we now?

DOCTOR: Service tunnel, Blue Section two five. Everything's going to be all right. You just follow me.

DOCTOR: Odd. I could have sworn I've been here before.

LEELA: We have.

DOCTOR: Oh. Oh. I must be in level twenty three B.

RODAN: Well, wherever we are, it could do with a lick of paint.

LEELA: Lick of paint?

RODAN: Yes, clean it up a bit. You know, redecoration.

DOCTOR: Listen, I'm a Time Lord, not a painter and decorator. I'm preoccupied with (pause)

LEELA: Sontarans?

DOCTOR: Yes. Sontarans, Daleks.

RODAN: Don't get excited.

DOCTOR: What did you say?

RODAN: I said, don't get excited.

DOCTOR: I'm not getting excited. I'm not getting

LEELA: (quietly) Doctor!

DOCTOR: (quietly) What is it?

LEELA: You are getting excited.

DOCTOR: No, I'm not.

DOCTOR: Would you get off my scarf, please.

LEELA: Doctor, we've been here before.

DOCTOR: Nonsense.

RODAN: Déjà vu.

LEELA: Déjà what?

RODAN: Déjà vu. It's a common thing among time travellers.

DOCTOR: There you are.

LEELA: We have been here before.

DOCTOR: Rodan, tell her she's wrong.

RODAN: Doctor, she's absolutely right.


RODAN: We just travelled this route ten minutes ago.

DOCTOR: Nonsense. I know this TARDIS like the back of my hand.

DOCTOR: Come on.

DOCTOR: That clock's slow.

(Up in the console room, the Sontaran warrior brings in a rifle-sized w*apon to use on the locked inner door.

The Doctor, Rodan and Leela are sitting on white painted cast iron seats.)

DOCTOR: Come on, we can't sit around here all day.

LEELA: You said you wanted a rest.

DOCTOR: I've just had one. Let's go and find K9.


ANDRED: If I had a dog like you in my unit, I'd make him a sergeant.

RODAN: Why you can't use a perfectly modern seven oh six model, I'll never understand.

DOCTOR: No character.

LEELA: Doctor.


LEELA: We have been here before.

DOCTOR: Nonsense. Rear area now, storeroom fourteen D. Onward!

KELNER: It's impossible, sir.

STOR: Why?

KELNER: Well, it's obvious. You see, the Doctor has removed the primary refraction tube from his fail-safe controls. With that circuit broken, well, no one can reactivate the TARDIS.

STOR: So I cannot destroy the TARDIS and the Doctor cannot escape? Stalemate.

DOCTOR: Hello. boy. How's it going?

K9: Nothing is going anywhere, master. A state of perfect inertia.

DOCTOR: I know we're not going anywhere. I don't like the idea of inertia being perfect.

LEELA: Little K9.

DOCTOR: Is it clear?

ANDRED: At full capacity, Excellency, just as you ordered.

LEELA: What is it?

DOCTOR: Early warning. Something's broken in upstairs.

STOR: We will do battle on your own ground, Doctor.

K9: Master.

DOCTOR: Leela, the key I gave you.

LEELA: Of course.

DOCTOR: Can I have it, please? Thank you. Rodan, look at me. You are now in a state of deep hypnosis. Can you hear me?


DOCTOR: Rodan, you will help K9. You will do whatever he tells you. When K9 asks you for this key, you will give it to him. You will not give the key to anyone else. You understand?


DOCTOR: Good. Watch the door. Come on. We're relying on you, K9.

K9: Master.

K9: One rod of type three iridium alloy, one metre in length.

RODAN: Coming up.

DOCTOR: Sorry the lift's out of order. Shush.

LEELA: What did you say?

DOCTOR: I said I'm sorry the lift's out of order.

LEELA: Oh. Where are we going?

DOCTOR: What? To the bathroom of course.

LEELA: To the bathroom?

STOR: Very clever, Doctor.

KELNER: What is it, sir?

STOR: The Doctor has set up a biological barrage. My instruments cannot trace human life forms. We must return to his control room and eliminate this barrier.

KELNER: Wait, sir. There is another way. If I can trace the ancillary generator that powers this barrier

STOR: Can you do this?

KELNER: I believe I can, sir.

STOR: Then you will be well rewarded. Lead on.

DOCTOR: I've kept you waiting, Chancellor. I've kept you waiting, Chancellor.

BORUSA: I'm quite comfortable, thank you.


DOCTOR: I had nothing to do with this, I promise you. Chancellor, you know about the Rod of Rassilon.


DOCTOR: And you know about the Sash of Rassilon.


DOCTOR: And especially, you know about the Great Key.


DOCTOR: Therefore, it would be very bad for us if you were to fall into the hands of the Sontarans. No breeding, you see.

BORUSA: It's not just a question of breeding, surely?

DOCTOR: Oh, but it is, it is, I assure you, Chancellor, it is. They're a cloned species, you see. They can multiply at the rate of a million every four minutes. Shall we go?

BORUSA: I think so.


STOR: Well?

KELNER: Tangential formation has been quite altered. The Doctor has made many modifications over the centuries. We should be by now

STOR: Which way?

KELNER: Through here.

KELNER: Here, I'm sure of it.

DOCTOR: Pick a door, any door. Ready? Leave.

DOCTOR: Come on.

BORUSA: I wish you'd stabilise your pedestrian infrastructure, President.

DOCTOR: What? Come on, pull yourself together, Borusa. Hello, sickbay. Quick, curtains. Lock the door, Andred.

LEELA: Let's get out of here.

ANDRED: You go on. I'll hold them off.

LEELA: With what? We must catch the others. We'll go my way. Come on.

DOCTOR: What is it?

ANDRED: Sorry about this. I'm not going to be much good to you now.

DOCTOR: Leela?


DOCTOR: Take these two back to the workshop. You know the way.

LEELA: Well, as well as I did last time.

DOCTOR: It's along there on the left. Second on the left, up two stages

LEELA: Don't worry, Doctor. I'll find my own way.

DOCTOR: Good. Bye, bye.

LEELA: Oh, no.

BORUSA: Where are we?

LEELA: Déjà vu. Back where we started.

STOR: This is useless! Where is the ancillary power unit?

KELNER: I don't know.

STOR: What?

KELNER: Wait! Perhaps the Doctor is individual.

STOR: That is a weakness. Only through unity is there strength.

KELNER: He has hidden it, I think.

STOR: Where?

KELNER: I believe I begin to understand the Doctor.

STOR: I doubt that.

KELNER: It is a utilitarian unit. He would disguise it with beauty.

DOCTOR: Come on, Doctor. You've got a perfect sense of direction.

SONTARAN: I could not

STOR: Explanations will wait. My orders are clear. You will follow this fool and destroy the power unit he will show you.

STOR: I have other duties.

LEELA: Doctor.


LEELA: Have you defeated them?

DOCTOR: No. We've got to get to the workshop.

BORUSA: Workshop?

DOCTOR: Yes, the workshop. Come on.

KELNER: How beautiful.

SONTARAN: What is this place?

KELNER: Ancillary power station.

KELNER: Now, try your tracer.

SONTARAN: The humanoids are three levels below.

DOCTOR: Finished?

RODAN: Yes, it's finished.

DOCTOR: Where is it?

DOCTOR: Give me the key. Wake up, Rodan. Give me the key.

LEELA: What is it?


DOCTOR: You know how helpless we are against the Sontarans.

BORUSA: I forbid you to use it. You should never have constructed it.

RODAN: But what is it?

DOCTOR: It's the ultimate w*apon. The Demat g*n.

RODAN: That's impossible!

DOCTOR: You built in under hypnosis. But how to arm it, hmm? Is that why the Key remained hidden for so long?

DOCTOR: I could rule the universe with this, Chancellor.

BORUSA: Is that what you want? Destroy that g*n. Destroy all knowledge of it. It'll throw us back to the darkest age!

SONTARAN: No, Chancellor, forward.

DOCTOR: No, wait, wait, Leela! Don't k*ll him! Kelner, where's Stor? k*ll him.

KELNER: No! No! He's in the Panopticon.

DOCTOR: The? Borusa, the Matrix.

DOCTOR: Hold it, Stor.

STOR: Doctor. This grenade will give me a lot of pleasure.

DOCTOR: You'll destroy us all.

STOR: Yes. It is a glory to die for a glorious Sontaran empire.

DOCTOR: But you'll destroy this entire galaxy.

STOR: Yes, and all of the Time Lords with it.

DOCTOR: And your b*ttlefield.

STOR: Yes, Doctor. But it is a small price to pay. If we cannot control the power of the Time Lords, then we shall destroy it. Goodbye, Doctor.

ANDRED: Leela, listen.

DOCTOR: Hello, Leela.

LEELA: Oh, Doctor.

DOCTOR: Put it away. Borusa, what are you doing here?

BORUSA: Your Excellence.

DOCTOR: Excellence? Excellence?

DOCTOR: Is this some kind of a joke, Borusa? It's not like you to make jokes.

BORUSA: Have you forgotten your induction?

DOCTOR: My induction?

BORUSA: The Vardans?

DOCTOR: (quietly) Vardans.

BORUSA: The Sontarans?

DOCTOR: (quietly) Sontarans.

BORUSA: Doctor, you saved Gallifrey.

DOCTOR: I have? Oh. Well, what do you think of that, Leela?

LEELA: I think you've gone mad.

BORUSA: He remembers nothing of it. It is the wisdom of Rassilon.

DOCTOR: Well, ta-ta, everybody. Come on, Leela. Come on. What's the matter?

LEELA: I'm staying.

DOCTOR: What? Staying? Here? Why?

DOCTOR: Ah, I see.

ANDRED: I hope that

DOCTOR: Yes, I'm sure you do hope. She'll look after you. She's terribly good with a knife. Come on, K9.

K9: Negative. I remain.


K9: Affirmative.


K9: To look after the mistress.

LEELA: Doctor?


LEELA: I will miss you.

DOCTOR: I'll miss you too, savage.

BORUSA: Where will he go now, I wonder.

LEELA: Somewhere else.

LEELA: Will he be lonely, K9?

K9: Insufficient data, mistress.

The Doctor
Tom Baker

Louise Jameson

Voice of K9
John Leeson

Christopher Tranchell

John Arnatt

Ray Callaghan

Hilary Ryan

Derek Deadman

Stuart Fell

Stan McGowan

Tom Kelly

Presidential Bodyguard
Michael Harley

Castellan Guard
Eric Danot

Gold Usher
Charles Morgan

Christopher Christou

Michael Mundell

Castellan Kelner
Milton Johns

Lord Gomer
Dennis Edwards

Lord Savar
Reginald Jessup

Max Faulkner

Gai Smith

Assistant Floor Manager
Terry Winders
Romey Allison

Dee Kelly

Barbara Gosnold

Film Cameraman
Ken Westbury

Film Editor
Chris Wimble

Incidental Music
Dudley Simpson

Maureen Winslade

OB Cameraman
David Goutier
Alan Hayward

Graham Williams

Production Assistant
Colin Dudley

Production Unit Manager
John Nathan-Turner

Script Editor
Anthony Read

Special Sounds
d*ck Mills

Studio Lighting
Mike Jefferies

Studio Sound
Anthony Philpott

Theme Arrangement
Delia Derbyshire

Title Music
Ron Grainer

Visual Effects
Colin Mapson
Richard Conway
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