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SH: Pursuit to Algiers (1945)

Posted: 08/12/21 08:49
by bunniefuu
Oh, Simson, thank you
for keeping open so late

to take care of us.

Oh, that's quite
all right, sir.

This g*n is an excellent
selection, Mr. Holmes.

You ought to get
plenty of grouse.

Grouse are little birds,

not worth the trouble of
eating after you sh**t them.

You wait till you hook into
your first salmon, old boy.

Well, mind you have
everything at Baker Street

first thing in the
morning, Simson,

because if we're
not in Scotland

by the time the
salmon stop running,

the fish will hold Dr.
Watson personally responsible.

I'll have everything at your
rooms first thing in the morning.

Thank you.

Good night, sir.

Good night.

Aw, Scotland.

I shall be glad to get
away from this place.

The smell of heaven
after the rain,

the crisp night air

with the stars
shining clear in the sky.

A day in the bush
with stars to see,

were I dip in the river.

There's the life
of a man like me,

there's the life forever.


Robert Louis Stevenson.

You heard that
rhyme before?

Yes, and many other
lovely irons, too, Watson.


Oh, so the old girl has
lost her emeralds, eh?

Now, Holmes,
you promised,

no more cases till
our holiday's over.

Don't worry, old fellow,

I was just thinking she was
well rid of her emeralds.

Green was never a becoming
color to the old trout.

I say, you've dropped
your paper, sir.

I'm afraid
you're mistaken.

No mistake,
I saw you drop it.

You've just
been told, sir,

that you made a mistake.

But it is the
gentleman's paper, sir.

Be off with you,
my good man.

Mr. Holmes told you that
he didn't have a paper.

Yes, but I was quite
wrong, I'm so sorry,

that is my paper.

There are times, Holmes,

when your behavior
is utterly inexplicable.


I'm sorry sir.

May I recommend a
visit, gentlemen?

A visit where, sir?

The best fish and
chips in London.

Fish and chips?

I never eat
fish and chips.

My friend doesn't
eat fish and chips.

We loathe fish and chips.

Come to think
of it old fellow,

some fish and chips might
go very well just now.

Thank you for your
suggestion, sir.

Come on, Watson.

Fish and chips,
filthy stuff,

I wouldn't give
it to my cat.

Hello, duckie.

Ah, good evening,

Good evening.

May I suggest that, sir?


No, I think I'll have
some fish and chips.

And you, sir?

Just a minute, sorry.

We serve the best fish
and chips in London, sir.

Make it two, will you?

I think I'll
have an order of...


I ordered for both of us.

What'd you order for me?

Fish and chips.

Fish and chips,

nice place you brought
me to, I must say.

I say, take a look
at this fish bone.


Right in my soup.

A fine thing, it might
have stuck in my throat.

Just a moment.

Fish bones.

I'd rather eat
in an alley.

Go on and eat in
an alley, then.

That's where you
probably belong.

Likely as not we'll
both be poisoned.

What's up, Holmes?

I don't know yet,

but something
definitely is.

Thank you.

Fish bones.

Fellow probably was right.

Looks like something one
might find in an alley.

That's it.

What's it?

Fishbone Alley, of course.

What's the price
got to do with it?

It's not the price,

it's the numerals, , ,
number , Fishbone Alley.

Everything these last few
minutes has been directed

towards giving
us that address.

Oh, come, Holmes,
who on earth

would go to all
that troub...


The Duchess photograph,

Duchess Brookdale's house,

Barkley Square.

About : o'clock last...

I've got it,

: o'clock.

But you said you
weren't interested

in the old
trout's emeralds.

I'm not.


I've just been invited
rather surreptitiously.

I meant to appear at
Number Fishbone Alley

at : o'clock tonight.

Mumbo jumbo
if you ask me,

probably no such place
as Fishbone Alley.

Oh, yes, there is;
it's off Mount Street.

: , we've just got
time if we walk briskly.

Good night, duckie.

Look here Holmes,

you're not thinking of
going there, are you?

Naturally, someone must
want to see us rather badly

if they've gone
to all that trouble.

But hang on; it
may be a trap!

Well, if it is,

at least it promises
to be interesting one.

Sinister looking place.

See that?

They're expecting us.

Look out Holmes,
be careful.

Won't you go
in, gentlemen?

Thank you.

Please forgive the
somewhat odd way

in which we've
summoned you, Mr. Holmes.

I admit, it was ingenious.

I'm sure you must
have a reason.

Briefly, we wish to
engage your services

to take someone
from England

and deliver him to a
place we shall designate.

And the name
of this person?

That I'm not at
liberty to divulge.

I'm not accustomed

to working in the dark,

I bid you goodnight.

Mr. Holmes, one
moment, please.

We are prepared to pay any
sum you name, Mr. Holmes.

I assure you
this is a matter

of international

My dear sir,
I realized that,

when I encounter the
Prime Minister of Rovenia

lurking outside an
oyster bar in Soho

apparently for
the sole purpose

of stimulating my appetite
for fish and chips!

You deserve your
reputation, sir.

I take it that you brought me
here on a matter pertaining to

the death of His
Majesty King Stefan

in an automobile
accident last week.

His Majesty
was not k*lled

in an automobile
accident, Mr. Holmes,

he was assassinated.

It's a great loss to the
whole democratic world.

Won't you sit
down, Mr. Holmes.

Thank you.

Permit me, gentlemen,

to introduce
my colleagues,

Anton Petzfall and
Matias Churney.

How do you do?

My associate Dr. Watson?

How do you do, gentlemen?

How do you do.

Mr. Holmes?

Thank you.

Dr. Watson?

Thank you.

A glass of
wine, gentlemen?

No, thank you.

For several years now,

a powerful group
has been seeking

to gain control of
Rovenia for personal gain.

The assassination
of His Majesty

was their first step
in that direction.

It is to prevent
the second step

that we have sent for you.

For the sake
of our people,

it is imperative that

King Stephan's
son Nikolas

be returned safely
to his country.

Is he here in England?

Oh, yes.

His Majesty
has been educated

at one of your
public schools.

A wise move,
sir, very sound.

Do you feel
that you yourselves

are unequal to your task?

We're up against a
clever and ruthless group

to whom we are
all well known.

Are they aware of His
Majesty's identity?

No, no one knows
but ourselves.

His Majesty was
brought to England

as a child incognito.

Do you have any plans for
his return to Rovenia?

We have a plane in
Retinues to leave tonight.

However, several steps
will be necessary on route,

and at any one
of these stops

His Majesty's life
may be attempted.

Mr. Holmes, for the sake
not only of our country,

but for liberty and good
government everywhere,

we implore you to
undertake this mission.

Well, now, Holmes, you've
given us your promise.

You need a
rest, you know,

you've not been up
the mark lately.

I'm afraid we'll have to
postpone our holiday, Watson.

But think of your health?

Sorry, old fellow.

Gentlemen, in the interest
of democratic government,

I shall be happy
to do my utmost

to see that His Majesty
reaches Rovenia in safety.

We thank you, Mr. Holmes.

Now, if we are
to leave tonight,

time is short and
there are certain

precautionary measures

that I should
like to discuss with you.

Watson, now, come along.

Will you excuse us?

Come along, old chap.

I suggest that you
return to Baker Street,

pack a bag and
have a car ready

to take us to the plane.

Holmes, I don't like
the whole business.

Now don't get
lost, goodnight

Now, gentlemen,
may I have your attention?

Certainly a forsaken
spot for an airfield.

Certainly is.

I feel like one of the
Babes in the Woods.

Lookout Holmes,
who's that?

I imagine we've
reached our destination.

Everything is
ready, Mr. Holmes.

Follow me.

Your Highness,

may I present
Mr. Sherlock Holmes?

How do you do, sir?

And Dr. Watson.

How do you do, sir?

Delighted to meet
you gentlemen.

I appreciate your kindness

in undertaking
this mission.

Not at all, sir.

I am sorry, Dr. Watson,

but I am afraid
you will not be able

to accompany
Mr. Holmes after all.

The plane we had
expected to use

developed engine trouble,

and this as you see
is only a three-seater.

Well, just a minute, sir.

Where Holmes
goes, I go, too.

Well, I know, I know, but.

Well, first we lose
our holiday, now this.

I don't like your going
off alone, Holmes,

I don't like it at all.

Come, now, Watson,
whatever we must do

in a good cause
must be done.

Look here, Rovenia
isn't very far

from the Mediterranean

and it has some
excellent fishing.

Why don't you take a
boat, I'll meet you there.

We'll have our
holiday after all?

Come to think of it,

there's a boat sailing for
the Mediterranean tomorrow,

the Friesland,
Swedish African line,

cargo and passenger.

I have some influence
with the directors.

Well, that's very
kind of you, sir.

It's not just that I mind
giving up our fishing,

Holmes, you know
that, but hang it all,

I want to be of some use.

And you can
be, definitely.

I can be?

Would you
excuse us, sir?


I don't like this
convenient accident.

Too many people seem to
be in on this secret.

When our antagonists
discover we've separated,

it's more than likely
you'll be followed,

so I want you
to make yourself

as conspicuous
as possible.

Decoy, eh?

Sort of sitting duck.

That's right old fellow,

be on your
guard constantly.

Be wary of strangers,
and whatever you do,

don't breathe a word
regarding my whereabouts.

Don't you worry, Holmes,
you can trust me.

I know I can.

So long, old fellow.

We must hurry, Mr. Holmes.

I don't like it.

My name's
Watson, Dr. Watson.

Oh, yes, Dr. Watson.

I'm very glad to have
you on board, sir.

My name is
Johansson, Purser.

Good morning.

Will you take
Dr. Watson's bag

up to Cabin , please?

Yes, sir.

Sanford will be
your steward.

Good, good.

Have you a
cabin trunk, sir?

Naturally, one doesn't
go to the Mediterranean

without a change of linen.

Quite so, sir.

Be careful of those
fishing poles, young fellow.

There you go, sir.

Your cabin is very
comfortably located

on the port side
of the ship sir.

Good, I hope I have
a nice reading...

Excuse me.

Purser, has anybody
been asking for me?

Why, no, Ms. Woodbury,
not as far as I know.

Oh, may I introduce
Dr. Watson, Ms. Woodbury.

How do you do?

How do you do?

Ms. Woodbury's quite
a singer, you know.

She will be with us all
the way to Alexandria.

Splendid, I used to
sing a bit myself,

Sounds Like
Glacoloma and some.

Pardon me, sir, you're
wanted in the lounge.

Excuse me.


You must sing it
to me sometime.

Ha, ha, ha.

Is this your first trip
to the East, Ms. Woodbury?

Yes, and I'm
tickled to death.




Yes, Brooklyn.

I've been wondering,
are you the Dr. Watson?

Well, I'm Dr. Watson
of B, Baker Street.

The one who is associated
with Sherlock Holmes?

Holmes and I have
been associated

on quite a
number of cases.

Is Mr. Holmes with
you on this trip?

No, as a matter of
fact, he's gone...

Gone where?

Oh, he won't be
long with us,

he's a very busy man...

he realized...

he came to see me
off to the station,

he said, Watson, I shall
be lost without you.

Oh, I'm so sorry
he isn't here.

You see, I've
heard so much

about his work, and yours.

Oh, perhaps someday
you'll let me give you

an insight on some of our
most interesting cases.

Oh, Reggie,


Oh, excuse me.


I was afraid you
wouldn't get here

in time to see me off.

Here you are, Sheila,

and try not
to lose it again.

Heavens, where was it!

I thought it
was in my cabin.

You left it in my
office yesterday.

Now try to hold onto it.

I don't imagine
it'd be very easy

to replace those
arrangements in Alexandria.

You can forget your music

more often than any
singer I've ever managed.

I should have a secretary.

All ashore!

All visitors ashore!

That might be
a slight hint.

Oh, you'll find Hassan
a nice chap to work for.

I hope I make good.

You will, good luck.

Thank you.

And don't lose it again.

Oh, don't worry,

I won't let it out
of my sight this time.

Sorry, sir, you'll
have to go ashore now.

Goodbye, Reggie.

I make it a rule to
take a three-mile hike

before each meal.

Keeps one fit,
stimulates the digestion.

That and a glass of milk.

As I was saying, she
was in wonderful voice.

I shall never forget

that last night
at the old Adolto.

Pull down now to make
way for a cinema.


Where would we be
without the cow, Doctor?

The cow?

I haven't the
faintest idea.

I'm sure Mr. Arnold
here would be happy

to help me in
organizing deck games,


deck tennis,

medicine ball,


Should I put you down
for the three-mile hike

before lunch, Dr. Watson?

No, thank you very much.

I prefer to sit down
before my meals.

Relax and have
a glass of sherry.

Like Ferdinand the Bull.

I am on a holiday.

How does that
little tune go?

Let me see, I'll think
of it in a minute.


I have it...

Ha, ha, that's it.

Should I'll put you down
for the three-mile hike

before each meal?


Thank you yes,

there's a bag
goes with it.

Thank you.

Oh, lunch.

There's nothing
like salt air

to give one an appetite.

Don't you agree,
Mr. Arnold?

So long, duckie,

see you later.

Aren't you coming,
Dr. Watson?

No, my dear,
I'll join you later.

All right.

What would Holmes do?

I said sherry, Steward.

Carrying a revolver,

very suspicious.

And I tell you, so long
as no one on the boat

knows of our mission...

Things can't be kept
quiet indefinitely.

Certain factions are
still fanatically loyal

to their royal
line, you know.

For enough money
the people will forget

there ever was
such a King.

And once we
have the body...



Small gray plane,

two white stripes.


It can't be true!


Holmes gone!

Dr. Watson?

I beg your pardon,
Dr. Watson?

What is it?

I'm sorry to
bother you, sir,

but there's a gentleman
quite ill in Cabin .

The captain asked if
you'd mind seeing him.

No, no, I can't
see anyone now.

Well, we have no
doctor aboard, sir.

I've retired
from practice.

Well, the captain
requested it, sir.

The captain?

Oh, where is he?

If you'll just follow me.

It's the cabin
adjoining yours, sir.

Right this way, sir.

The doctor is here, sir.

Is it serious, doctor?

Oh, dear, dear, dear,
can't you see I'm busy?

Thank you, Sanford.


But the wireless said
your plane crashed!

No survivors!

It was shot down, Watson.

I don't understand.

I'm terribly
sorry, old fellow.

I meant you to
know the truth

at the earliest
possible moment,

but as you know,

I have a dislike of plans
made by other people.

They have a habit of
becoming too widely known,

and that convenient accident
of the original plane

merely confirmed
my suspicion.

You mean you intended to
take the boat all along?


I made the arrangements
with the Prime Minister

while you were at
Baker Street packing.

Well, why didn't
you tell me?

Why let me make
a fool of myself?

You didn't make
a fool of yourself.

No one could
possibly have known

from your manner
in coming aboard

that our young
friend here and I

were lying hidden below
until the ship sailed.

Your Majesty!

You mean, your nephew,
Nikolas Watson.


Oh, yes, yes, of course,
yes, yes, of course.

That's my
nephew, Nikolas.

As I suspected,
old fellow,

our enemies acted
promptly and ruthlessly

and it's only a
matter of time

until they find the
wreckage of the plane

and discover that
we're not on it.

Well, let me explain
something, Holmes.

There's a woman on board

who carries a
revolver in her handbag.

She calls herself Dunham,
Miss Agatha Dunham.

If she's a she.

From the looks of it,

I wouldn't be surprised
if it's a man dressed up.

Oh, it's not very
uncommon for a woman

traveling alone to
carry a revolver.

Yes, but there's
another thing, Holmes.

I just heard a very
suspicious conversation

between two men in
the smoking room.

Something about
a fanatical faction

and a body of a king.

Oh, hmm.

I had hoped my strategy

might give us breathing
space for a day or two.

What do you
propose to do, Holmes?

I... I've made
arrangements to hand

Nikolas over to his
friends in Algiers,

the ships first stop.

They have the
means to ensure

the completion of his
journey and safety.

After which you
and Dr. Watson

will be able to continue
with your interrupted holiday.

After which we shall both
need some relaxation.

From the look of
it, old fellow,

you've already started.

What do you mean, Holmes?

Along the lines of
relaxation, I mean.

Brunette, young,

As a matter of
fact you're right,

but how did you know?


And I pay sufficient
credit to your good taste,

to take the
beautiful for granted.

Now, if a girl
and boy should meet,

would you
think it indiscrete

if they had
a friendly chat.

I'm sure you'd find

there isn't any
harm in that.

If they met
again at : ,

had a cup of tea or more,

then he said he
liked your hat,

I'm sure you'd find

there isn't any
harm in that.

He holds your hand,

he thinks you're grand,

love takes command.

Before he's through,

it's I love you.

Now, if the girl
should lose her head

and the boy and
girl should wed,

and they take
a furnished flat,

so what?

That's great,

there isn't
any harm in that.

Ha, ha, ha, delightful,
very delightful.

Now, how about
that surprise

you said you had for me?

Oh, you'll see in time.

But first of all you
must keep your promise.

You said you'd sing, "Flow
Gently Sweet Afton" for me.

Oh, all right, if you
really want me too.

Oh, of course I do.

I wonder if you'd hand
me my music case, please?

Oh, here it is.

So sorry.

That's all right.

Hope I didn't hurt you.

No, no.

Ah, here is my surprise.

May I introduce
my nephew,

Mr. Nikolas Watson?

How do you do?

How do you do?

And my friend,
Mr. Sherlock Holmes.

How do you do?

Oh, I...

excuse me.

Oh, I'm sorry.

Really, Watson,

I've never thought
of myself as handsome,

but that's the
first time in my life

that a woman has run
away at the sight of me.

Hang on Holmes,
something must be wrong.

Obviously, can
we have a sherry?


No, thanks.

Did you tell her
I was on board?

No, no, I just
told her tonight

that I had a
surprise for her.

That seems to be rather
an understatement.

Two sherries, please.

Yes, sir.

I don't understand
it, Holmes.

She seems too nice a girl.

She sings charmingly.

My dear fellow,
musical talent

is hardly evidence
of innocence.

As a matter of fact, the
late Professor Moriarity

was a virtuoso
on the bassoon.

Thank you.

Incidentally, under
no circumstances

is Nikolas
to be left alone,

at any time or
for any reason.

Oh, what are you
going to do, Holmes?


I shall leave the first
move to my antagonists.


Good morning, everybody.

Good morning, my dear.

Not that it is a
very good morning.

Well, at least it's
mysterious and attractive,

not all dirty and sinister

like a London fog.

Blasted noise,

kept me awake
half the night.

Oh, that's too bad.

Would you be interested in
a stroll around the deck?

I'd like to.

Well, come along, then.

Watson, I think a walk
on the deck, is indicated.

Not for me.

Oh yes of course,

nothing like a good
hike for indigestion.

That's funny, they
can't have gone far.

Can't see a thing.

I don't dare entrust a message
like that to the wireless,

it might fall into
the wrong hands.

Well, unless we
should get in touch

with someone in
authority at once.

I do know there should be
three bodies, not just one.

We were told to
use our own judgment

about the best way to...

Pardon me, gentlemen,

have you by any chance
seen Ms. Woodbury and...

Sorry, we haven't.

That's very rude.



Good morning, duckie.

Good morning,

you're looking
depressingly healthy.


Three-mile hike before
each meal, old boy.

I know, good for
the digestion.

You haven't by
any chance seen

Ms. Woodbury and
my nephew, have you?

Don't tell me you've
lost the dear boy.

The question is not have
I lost the dear boy,

but have you seen him?

Come, doctor
a-hunting we will go.

I've already
been this way.

You know, there's
something fascinating

about fog at sea.

Gets you just as wet.

It really is
thick, isn't it?

You can hardly
see the water.

It looks ominous.

Yes, doesn't it?

You're right
about it being wet.

You know, I have a feeling

my nose is a sight.

It's a very pretty nose.

Oh, liar!

Look out!

Oh, well, thank you, I...

isn't it lucky
you were here?

Yes, isn't it?

You, you startled me.

I thought you were
deep in your chess game.

Oh, the lust is
found, Doctor.

Sorry, Holmes,
it was a fog.

Yes, so I observed.

It's colder out
here than I thought.

Come, my dear,

a good brisk hike
will do you good.

I'm sure the Doctor
doesn't wish to continue

now that he's
found the dear boy.

It appears that someone
has been careless, Watson.

'Cross my heart,

I always will love you,

put nothing above you,

cross my heart.

Cross my heart,

I'll hold you forever.

I promise we
never will part.

With you the
trees in winter

will look green to me.

What you will mean to me

can never be torn.

Cross my heart,

your vision will guide me,

deep down here inside me'

What's up?

Oh, excuse me.

Excuse me, will you?


Something wrong?

Excuse me, please.

We're off Lisbon.


We're not supposed to
stop there, are we?

I rather fancied
we'd be getting

some unexpected
passengers about now.

Yes, I think added
caution is indicated.

In the last hours
they've undoubtedly

discovered that
we're not on that plane

and we are on this ship.

Those fellows
Kingston and Jerry

were outside the
wireless room today.

They said something
about communicating

with someone in authority.

Could they...?


Nikolas, Dr. Watson and
I are going on deck again.

I'm rather anxious to
see who's coming aboard.

Lock the door, will you,

and don't open it except
for Dr. Watson or myself.

Going on deck, sir?

Yes, breath of fresh air.

I see, sir.

Holmes, did it
occur to you

that Stewart behaved
rather suspiciously?


I understand we stopped
to take on some cargo.

Yes, three passengers.

Oh, Mr. Holmes,
you startled me.

Well, you see three
men have come aboard.

It's what Ms. Woodbury
just informed us.

Lisbon, beautiful city.

Too bad we shan't have a
chance to pay it a visit.



One of the most
fascinating examples

of Moorish architecture
I've ever seen.

Good evening.

Mr. Holmes, is it not?

Good evening.

I'm afraid you have
the advantage of me.

Oh, that's the price
of fame, Mr. Holmes.

Who on earth's that?

I don't know.

I've seen his face
before somewhere.


I think, Watson,

we'd better get
back to your nephew.

This way, it's quicker.

Who's there?

It's I, Holmes.

Nikolas, I want you to
move in with Dr. Watson

until we reach our
destination, understand?

Certainly Mr. Holmes.

I should think you'd want
to keep him under your eye?

I would if it
weren't for that

I think Nikolas will be
safer in an inside cabin.

A porthole looking onto
the promenade deck

is apt to offer
too many temptations

to the three gentlemen in
the cabin opposite ours,

or anyone else who
might be interested.


Is there
anything you require

before retiring, sir?

Nothing, thank you,
Sanford, good night.

Good night, sir.

Holmes, I... I don't
trust that fellow.


Oh, good morning, Sanford.

Good morning, sir.

Put that down over
there, will you.

Breakfast will be
served in half an hour.


I don't see how you
can drink the stuff.

I never could
stand it myself.

Everyone in my
country drinks coffee.

My dear Nikolas,

you don't realize

that it's tea that has
made the British Empire

and Watson what
they are today.

Well, we're both in
pretty good shape,

aren't we?

I thought it was the
playing fields of Eaton

that were responsible.

No, no, no,

it was the
Battle of Waterloo.

Crummy looking stuff,
even for coffee.

Looks as if the
cream had gone sour.

Don't drink it!

Why not?

What's wrong?

Mm, it's fortunate that you take
cream with your coffee, Nikolas.

I... I don't understand!

It happens to
be an idiosyncrasy

of the cyanic acid group

it breaks up fat
in the globules.

Cyanic acid?

Do you mean to
say that Nikolas

was almost poisoned
before our very eyes?

If it hadn't been for the

telltale appearance
of the cream...

Cold-blooded m*rder!

Men who have engineered
one assassination, Watson,

will not stop at another.

I owe you my
life, Mr. Holmes.

No, not me, Dr. Watson,

with his keen
sense of observation.

Oh, thank you, Holmes.

Has it occurred to you
that Steward chap

was the only one who knows
that you and I take tea

and he takes coffee?

You don't suppose

Possibly, poison is
a woman's w*apon.

A woman's w*apon.

They might include
that Dunham woman

if she's a woman.


Mustn't overlook that
little bearded fellow

and his
goggle-eyed friend.

And don't forget the
three charming gentlemen

who came aboard
last night.

Good shot, Watson!

Oh, thanks old boy.

Was lucky, Dr. Watson.

Not luck, skill,
Mr. Merner.

Mirko if you don't
mind, M-I-r-k-o.

Oh, sorry, old bean.

Your turn, Mr. Holmes.

You've um, you've left
your man unguarded.

I don't think so.

It will be more difficult to
take him off than it appears.

Your turn, Mr. Gregor.

Oh, tough luck, partner.


And yet sometimes to
leave a man unguarded

may be a skillful trap
for one's opponents.

You flatter me Mr. Gregor.

I'm not as clever
a player as that.

You're too modest,
Mr. Holmes.

Mirko is most accurate.

I'm afraid I'm not
giving him much help.

Are you conceding
defeat then, Mr. Holmes?

Oh, certainly not.

One always prefers to win.

Even when the price
of victory is too high?

I guess that all depends

on the price one's
willing to pay.

Well, that's
it, Mr. Mirko.

I'm afraid we're too
good for you, old man.

Yes, Mr. Holmes and I,

shall have to
send the drinks.

After your skillful
playing Mr. Mirko,

I wouldn't think
of penalizing you.

The drinks shall be on me.

You are a good
loser, Mr. Holmes.

I suggest we all meet in
the lounge after dinner.

Thank you for the
game, gentlemen.

Pleasure was
ours, Mr. Holmes.

Oh, now we can
really see it.

The Rock of Gibraltar.

We'll be getting to the
Mediterranean soon, Holmes.

Now that you have failed
to warn Holmes off,

our only safety lies
in first eliminating him.

But Holmes is
not our objective.

No, but he stands between
us and our objective.

It seems such a pity to
eliminate Sherlock Holmes.

You may accuse me of being
unduly tenderhearted,

but to destroy
so great a man

in order to
reach our target...

But the target
we must reach

before we
arrive at Algiers.

There's still
plenty of time.

You're right, of course.

I should like to have given
Holmes a chance, but...


Then tonight it'll
be done my way.

You really enjoy your
work, don't you, Mirko?

I promise you Mirko is
more than competent.

We cannot afford
to take chances.

And Nikolas must
be disposed of

before we reach Algiers.

That's because you
don't know Mirko.

I've used him before,
and I promise you,

he never fails.

Because your
strong-arm methods

are apt to be too noisy.

With Mirko it's
swift and silent.



I'm sure Mr. Gubeck
is convinced.

Good evening, gentlemen.

Good evening.

Mr. Mirko insists that
losers pay off the bet.

We're delighted.

Won't you sit down?

What do you have?

A brandy for me.


Whisky and soda for me.

Whisky and soda and
three brandies, please.

Pay nothing for
losing the game.

No ice in mine, Steward.

I can't think why you
ruin good whiskey

by putting ice in it.

You see, Mr. Holmes,

losing the game
always carries a penalty,

sometimes greater
than others.

Well, if one isn't willing
to pay the penalty,

one shouldn't
play the game.

Thank you.

Your health,
and long life.

Thank you.

I think I'll turn in now.

Oh, what happened to
your charming companion?

She said she
had a headache

and went to her cabin.

I think it's time
we all turned in.

Gentlemen, I bid
you goodnight.

Twenty past : ,
it's a good idea.



Goodnight, gentlemen.

Sit down.

There's no hurry.

My dear Mirko, time
to cultivate patience.

It's so much safer.

He turned out the light.

I promise you
I shall not fail.


Oh, how unfortunate,
Mr. Mirko.

These porthole covers are
notoriously treacherous.

I'm afraid you've
broken your wrist!

You, you pig!

You shouldn't have played
shuffleboard today, you know.

When I saw that
skillful hand

and unerringly
accurate eye of yours,

I remembered the Circus
of Medlano, in Paris,

and your amazing exhibition
of Knife throwing.


Oh, good morning,
Mr. Holmes.

Oh, there you are.

Good morning.

Good morning, Mr. Gregor.

I heard of your friend's
unfortunate accident.

Will you please
convey my sympathy?

It may take a
long time to heal.

You have to have
patience, you know.

I was explaining the
advantage of patience

to Mr. Mirko
only last night.

Now me, I am a very
patient man myself,

and I always believe

the result well
worth waiting for,

don't you
agree, Mr. Holmes?

Patience has advantages
under certain conditions.

We are in accord,
Mr. Holmes.

Yes, aren't we!

That fellow Mirko said
he slipped and fell down

while walking
around the deck

at : o'clock
in the morning.

Drunk most, probably.


He's got a
nasty fracture.

Took me over
an hour to set.

I've got no sleep again.

Most regrettable,

too bad you couldn't
blame it on your insomnia.


You know I always
sleep like a top.

Well, I don't
think either of us

is going to get
much sleep tonight.

Oh, you mean that
woman's party?

Silly creature!

What on earth does she
want to give a party for?

It wasn't referring to
Mrs. Dunhams' party, Watson,

deadly, as that
will undoubtedly be.

No, this is the
last opportunity

our three
friends will have

to prevent our successfully
carrying out our mission.

We arrive at
Algiers late tonight.

Good morning, my dear.

I should say
the young lady

isn't looking forward
to arriving in Algiers

with any real
great pleasure.

Do you notice, Watson,

she hasn't let her music
case out of her sight

since our first meeting?

Well, now that you
mention it, yes.

I want you to
ask her to sing,

"Flow Gently Sweet Afton."

And if she
makes an excuse,

ask her if the music
is in that case,

leave the rest to me.

You will see an
interesting reaction.

I'll do it right now.

I still haven't heard
"Flow Gently Sweet Afton".

You promised to sing
it for me, you know.

Oh, I'm sorry,

I'm afraid I don't
know it from memory.

No, no, no, I won't
take no for an answer.

You put the music for
it here in your case.

I'm afraid I don't
feel like singing.

I beg your pardon?

What did I tell you.

Interesting, isn't it?


By Jove he's right.

Don't come any nearer.

If you do, I'll...

I won't come any
nearer, I promise.

But may I talk to you?

My dear Sheila.

I don't know yet

just what you're in
such mortal terror of,

but I'm sure that
whatever it is,

you are an
innocent victim.

I don't know what
you're talking.

Well, to begin with,

the way you acted the
first time you saw me

was a bit of a blow
to my vanity, you know.

Men are such vain
creatures, aren't they?

So I prefer to
think that it was

something unexpected that
you found in your music case

that caused you to
react in such fashion.

I saw nothing.

Oh, come now,
you must have.

And so since the quickest
way to relieve fear

is to share the cause of
it with someone else,

please forgive me if
I attempt to find out

just what it is that your
music case contains.

But I told you...

Wait a minute.

Come along, won't you.


Won't you sit
down, please?

Now, it's unlikely to
be important documents,

since to know their

you'd do need a
time to examine them.

But there is one thing

which is small enough
to be easily concealed

and which is
highly valuable,

a jewel or jewels.


then there's this
fellow Hassan

in whose café you've been
engaged as an entertainer.

He's been
suspected for years

by the police
of two continents

as the largest receiver of
stolen goods in the Near East.

So circumstances
would indicate

the jewels you found
in your music case

are both stolen and
extremely valuable.

And since there
have been no other

robberies in London

for some
considerable time,

I venture to say that
you're carrying

the Duchess
Brookdales' emeralds.

Am I right?

You're quite
right, Mr. Holmes.

May I?

I left the briefcase
in my manager's office.

He brought it to me
just before we sailed.


so Dr. Watson informed me.

I recognized the emeralds
from the newspaper description.

Oh, Mr. Holmes, I've
been so frightened.

Don't worry, my dear.

Don't worry.

I'll return the necklace.

And I assure that

the reward the insurance
company has offered is yours

and will more than
make up to you

for any loss you may incur

by the cancellation
of the Hassan contract,

and will enable
you to go home to...



Well, I knew a most charming
man who lived there once.

He's now a resident
in Sing-Sing prison.

You know, I'm not
going to have to

carry this briefcase
around with me any more.

How can I ever thank you?

If you really
must thank me,

please do so by singing

Dr. Watson's song
for him, will you?

You're a darling.

Extraordinary sight.

Elementary my dear fellow,

and very pleasant.

Flow gently Sweet Afton,

among thy green braes.

Flow gently, I sing thee

a song in thy praise.

My Mary's asleep

by the murmuring stream.

Flow, gently Sweet Afton,

disturb not her dream.

Good evening.

Oh, that looks
very nice, Steward.

May I help you?

No, I want to put these
favors around myself.

I want to
rearrange the seating.

See, I'm using
them as place cards.

And I put the
name on each.

That nice, fat gentleman,

it was his suggestion.

Hope nothing goes wrong.

Nothing will go wrong
this time, my dear Mirko.

Thank you,
that was charming.

I love that old song.

Now you must
sing for me Doctor,

you promised you know.

Well, if you like.

I haven't sung
for some time.

There's nobody here.

Remember, you told me you
used to sing a song of...

What was it, Loch Lomond?


C'mon now, Doctor,
just to please me.

By young bonnie banks

and by young bonnie braes

Where the sun shines
bright on Loch Lomond.



Dr. Watson.

And this is me.

There, I think
that's done.

Now, I'm going to have a
few words with the chef

to make sure everything's
taken care of.

May I show you the way?

Thank you.

Hardly any difference.

But me and my true love,

we'll never meet again

on the bonnie, bonnie
banks of Loch Lomond.

Bravo, Watson, bravo.

I look forward to seeing
you at the Opera Hall.

I didn't know
you were there.

Seems my voice
is a bit rusty.

You're just being
modest, Dr. Watson,

it was delightful.

Eh, Childre?

Oh, delightful.

My dear Kingston,

why would they have
constructed it so large

if it were not to
accommodate city...

Watson, have you met

Mr. Kingston
and Mr. Childre?

I've seen them about.

Mr. Kingston
and Mr. Childre

are archaeologists.

They're going to Egypt
to excavate a tomb.

And we've just
received a wireless

that the
British government...


Egyptian government has
granted its permission.



they might have been
dug up themselves.

Watson, please.

Was that you
singing, duckie?

I could hear you
in the galley.

Really, it was.

What was it.

Well, it was...

Well, is everybody ready?

The best in board awaits.

We'll have a wonderful
time, duckie.

It seems that we have
rearranged the seating order.

See, duckie, you're
this end, next to me.

I'm not going to let
you off, you know.

Let me off what?

This is our last
night together,

and you've been promising

the whole voyage
to tell me

about one of Sherlock
Holmes' adventures.

Please do.

Oh, isn't it a
little early?


Hadn't we ought to
wait till after dinner?

Well, why not start now?

All right, now,
well, let's see.

Did any of
you ever hear of

the Giant Rat of Sumatra?

No, but it sounds
terribly gruesome.

It certainly was,

it never got in the
papers at the time,

too delicate a matter.

I don't suppose it'll do
any harm to do it now.

It all began one
evening in Baker Street.

Holmes and I were
sitting in our rooms

when suddenly the
door opened slowly,

and in walked...

Sit down, you're
quite safe here.

I don't like the suspense.

My dear Mirko,

as I have said before,

patience is an
admirable quality.

You should cultivate it.

- One of the old pea

they're rare these...

now, I hope you
all understand

the topography
of the place.

It's important,
devilishly important.

Now, let's see if
I can get it straight.

Between these two
knives is the Thames.

That's right,
it's the Thames.

And the curette
is the warehouse.

The warehouse,
that's right.

This boat is the salsa.

No, this salsa is
a boat, of course.

No, no, no, the
salsa is the boat.

Come on, Sheila,
where's your hat?

Oh, I'm sorry,

I was listening to
your uncle's story.


Oh, dear,
nothing happened.

Here, take mine.

Oh, oh, no, you don't.

No, this time I'm not
taking any chances,

I'm going to do
it all myself.

Wait a minute.

I don't think there's
a hat in that one.

Why don't you take mine.

I never wear paper hats.

Oh, well, thank
you, Mr. Holmes.

But I'm sorry you
won't wear it yourself,

I'm sure it'd be
very becoming.

As I was saying,

Holmes and I
crept down the alley

between the sinister
looking warehouses.

This stalk of
celery is Holmes

and this bit of
cheese is me.

Oh, duckie.

But when we reach
the end of the alley,

it was a black wall,

so we had to
retrace our steps.

There was nothing
else to do.

Was it a high wall?

High, it was about
six foot high.

I tried to climb it,
I said to Holmes

it was
absolutely ludicrous,

so he said to me, Watson,
there's nothing else for it,

and back we turned.

Something has gone wrong.

They've been down there.

Be quiet.

It's that
Holmes I tell you.

We should have
got rid of him.

Good evening, Mr. Holmes.

Good evening.

Party over so soon?

No, I don't think so.

I imagine the festivities
are in full swing.

I just don't happen
to be much of a hand

at small talk
and paper hats.

Oh, that's too bad.

Now me, I always enjoy
that sort of thing.


Then perhaps you'd like a
paper hat as a souvenir.

This one was at
Watson's nephew's place.

I'm sure he'd like
you to have it.

Not interested?

Oh, very well.

That's curious.

Good evening, Mr. Mirko.

Nothing will go wrong,
this time, my dear Mirko.

And after a desperate
chase up the river

and the police
launched the start,

finally apprehended
the soft wappee...

the freighter was thrown
out to see and blown up.

And London, all England
for that matter,

was saved from the
terrible menace

of the
Giant Rat of Sumatra.

Oh, thank you very much.

I don't think
I left anything out,

did I, Holmes?

I beg your pardon.

You're not listening
very closely?

I asked you if
I omitted anything.

I don't think so.

Nothing ever escapes
your eagle eye.

Oh, really, thanks a lot.

Oh, here's my
soup at last.

Getting hungry.



I can't believe this
is our last night.

It's funny,
I can't, either.

Archeologists, going about
like a couple of conspirators.

You notice, Watson,
that our three friends

are conspicuous
by their absence?

Oh, now that you
mentioned it,

I don't see them
anywhere about.

Hello, we stopped.

Yes, we're off
Algiers at last.

Thank heavens for that.

We haven't yet delivered
His Majesty in safety.

I'm afraid I'll have
to take Nikolas away.

So early?

But nobody's getting off
the board until morning.

I'm sorry, I have a
lot of packing to do.

Oh, I see.



Are you having
a good time?

Oh, yes, he's wonderful.


Oh, yes, it's
been wonderful.

Ho, has it?

We can relax
only when Nikolas

is safely in the
hands of his friends.

You remember the
identification they'll present?

Yes, of course.

Good, get your
hat and coat,

I'll stay here with
Nikolas until you return.


The launch is waiting to
take Dr. Watson ashore, sir.

Thank you, Sanford.

Good luck, old
fellow, and hurry.

You can rely
on me, Holmes.

Bye, Nikolas.

Good luck.

How long should it
take him, Mr. Holmes?

Oh, about half an
hour, I should think.

No one could say it's not
been an exciting trip.

That's to be expected.

We would have all
have died of boredom

if it hadn't been.


Sorry, Holmes,
I forgot my pipe.

Don't do anything
foolish, Mr. Holmes.

I dare say you're surprised
to see me, aren't you?

In a way, yes.

Impersonations are
a hobby of mine.

After Dr. Watson
left the cabin,

I managed to simulate
his voice at the door,

which was quite good.

However, it was fortunate
that you didn't hear it.

Yes, isn't it?

I think you must
conceded, Mr. Holmes,

that the last trick
of the game is mine.




Our object now is not
to k*ll Mr. Holmes,

but to get the other
one off the boat

as quickly as possible!

That's better!

Come on.

I must offer you our
sincerest congratulations

on the successful

of your so hazardous
mission, Dr. Watson.

Oh, thank you, Mr. Levitz.

I don't mind
admitting it was

one of our most
difficult cases.

Mr. Holmes is
aboard the ship?

Indeed he is, I left him
guarding His Majesty.

Our country owes you a
great debt of gratitude, sir.

Oh, it was nothing at
all, sir, nothing at all.

Follow me, gentlemen.



That's funny.



What on earth
has happened?

Where's Nikolas?

Where is he?

Excuse me.

Did these gentlemen
correctly identify themselves?

Yes, of course they have.

Never mind about that now.

Ring for the steward,
will you, Watson?


Where's Nikolas?

What have you
done with him?

Mr. Holmes, what
has happened?

Dr. Watson assured us

His Majesty would be
safe under your guard.

Look here, Holmes, there
must be some explanation!

Gentlemen, I'm rather
peeved at your

evident lack of
confidence in me.

Did you ring, sir?

Your Majesty,
King Nikolas!

You're safe, sir.

Heaven be praised!


Your Majesty.

Your Majesty, what's
he talking about?

King Nikolas?

I don't understand.

And the young man who
assumed your identity, sir?

He's safe and unharmed.

We just received
word from the shore.

Three men have been taken
by the Security Police.

But you let them tie
you up and kidnap him.

Naturally, as ensuring
their absence

during His Majesty's
safe arrival.

I can't thank you
enough, Mr. Holmes.

Your Majesty's
safe arrival

is thanks enough for me.

And you, too, Dr. Watson.

We had best be starting
without further delay.

Goodbye, Your Majesty.

Dr. Watson, and
I will not forget

that we've had the
unusual distinction

of having our breakfast
served to us in bed by a King.

Your Majesty.

Goodbye, gentlemen,
thank you.

Goodbye, sir.

Why didn't you tell me?

Didn't you feel that
you could trust me?

My dear fellow,

you know I have the
utmost confidence in you.

It certainly doesn't
look as though you had.

My dear Watson, if
you'd known the truth

you'd never have
been able to

treat His Majesty
as a steward.

Well, didn't you think
that I could play up?

I was afraid that
honest face of yours

might give the
secret away.

Yes, Watson, let
me advise you.

If you ever consider taking
up another profession,

never even think
of becoming an actor.