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Sherlock Holmes and the Great Escape (2019)

Posted: 08/12/21 08:28
by bunniefuu
Pull your socks up
and get to work.

By Jove,
it says I will be robbed.

But how, when, what should I do?

So, White Storm wants
to steal my riches.

This looks like
a smart hiding place.

I'm too clever.

What do you think
Detective Riller?

I've got it figured out.

White Storm knocked
the security guard out cold,

threatened the victim
into opening the safe,

took the money inside,

then k*lled the victim
with that wooden boat.

You can take my for word it,

mystery solved, case closed.

Why not k*ll the security guard?

He att*cked me from behind,
maybe 'cause I didn't see him?

Brilliant deduction. Hmm?

Reasonable enough.

How about
Sherlock Holmes' opinion?

No need, I said "Case closed."

Not so fast.

Although White Storm
has committed many crimes,

he has never hurt anyone,
don't you find this suspicious?

There's a first time for

desperate, perhaps?

We don't need you here,

My genius
has solved the case already.

So don't meddle
with the crime scene.

You're the one who meddles,
I scrutinize the evidence.


That really hurt.

Hold on now, what are
you doing with that filthy soot?

Stop right now.

Sherlock, if you keep messing
with the evidence,

even the Queen of England
can't bail you out.


Huh? What's this?

Why is there a hole in the roof?

You must be Gibson.

How are you holding up?

Uh, a little sore,
how did you know my name?

Just a wild guess.

what is this all about, huh?

Isn't it obvious detective,

the k*ller is still in this room
and it's him.

Huh? Me? This must be a mistake.

You have a lot to learn.

The safe has indeed been opened,

but there's no evidence
of force.

The logical conclusion,
White Storm found the key.

But how would he know
where to find the key?

Before each burglary,

White Storm always
sends a letter to his target.

Alarmed, the target would move
their precious item

to a safer location.

In this case,
White Storm snuck in later,

stole the key, opened the safe,

left his signature card,
then made his getaway.

When our victim
discovered the theft,

he likely scolded his security.

So, out of anger he hit
the victim with the boat.

That's not what happened,
let me go.

That's not a reason
to k*ll someone.

Detective Fox,
what know you of the victim?

A great deal, he was a tycoon
in the whaling industry,

extracting whale blubber
for lamps and he made a fortune.

But as London gradually
converted to electricity,

the entire industry collapsed.
He was forced to retire.

And that is when

he decided
to become a loan shark,

lending money to sailors,

though they couldn't afford
the interest.

That's why
his most valuable assets

were the loan contracts
inside the safe.

Who knew that White Storm
would burn them all?

Gibson was one of his borrowers

and was forced to work
as security to pay the debt.

Enraged that all the contracts
had burned to ashes,

the victim tried to force
Gibson to sign a new loan.

Needless to say,
Gibson refused.

Known for his greed and temper,

the victim lashed out at Gibson
with his fountain pen.

That is how fibers
from Gibson's clothes

got on the tip of the pen.

At that moment, the maid
came to serve breakfast.

Gibson threw the new loan
contract into the fireplace.

Then he pretended to pass out
on the floor.

Oh. Hold on a second.

If the contract was burned,
how could you know this?

Gibson hadn't noticed that
the fireplace had been put out.

However, the residual heat
from the ashes was enough

to singe the contract,
making it no longer legible.

However, when the victim
was writing the new contract,

he wrote it on top of
the evening newspaper

on the desk.

It seems he was too angry

because he pressed really hard
when he wrote his draft.

The ink from the newspaper
had smeared on

the back of the writing paper.

Since printing ink contains
flammable substances,

burnt-out rose singed
through the paper.

Based on this remaining
charred fragment,

I deduced that the evidence
might be on the newspaper.

So I scattered charcoal dust
onto it

and the contract was revealed.

He was a greedy wolf
who bullied the poor.

I didn't mean to k*ll him.

Let's go, save your story
for the court.

Hm. That was some
lucky guess, Holmes,

but White Storm,
the thief is mine.

Also, he might be
out of your league.

We shall see.

Even the cleverest man
makes mistakes sometimes.

Mr. Holmes, I guarantee you,

this is absolutely the most
important invention

after the steam engine.

Pardon, the most important
what now?

The most important invention.

If you don't embrace
the new era,

the new era
will leave you behind.

Uh, Mr. Holmes,
this is better than anything

- I ever sold you before.
- Found it.

this is different.

I guarantee it will
change your life forever.

You can be the first one to...

Please, to the point.


I call it mobile phone.

The mobile phone will change
communication forever.

With this, you won't need to
go all the way

to the post office
just to make a call.

It's not working.

Uh, the line
isn't connected yet.

What line?

The telephone line.

For you, early bird price
of pounds.

- Why not?
- Good grief.

That is three years' rent.

Where will you find the money?

Watson, we can't possibly
turn down such a marvel.

What about our rent?

You're a gifted doctor,
see more patients.

Please sign here.

If you don't embrace
the new era,

the new era
will leave you behind.

Well said.

Mr. Holmes, I heard a rumor.

- Huh? What is that?
- What have you heard?

- What is that?
- What have you heard?

What is that?

It's our new home
for three years.

What have you heard, Bunny?

Someone's peddling jewelry
by the slums

near the riverside
on the East End.

I heard they're stolen goods.

Shall we go look?

White Storm. Onwards, Watson!

I had hoped
London entered a new era.

Where there is new,
there is old.

People turn a blind eye
to the poor.

But these are the people
who must not be forgotten.

I wish we could do more.

Even if you were to spend
all of your money,

it would barely feed them
for a week.

How much can we really help?

Your words are so cold.

The truth is not
always agreeable, dear Watson,

The new era has abandoned

not only these ships,
but people too.

It's mine, I nicked it.

It's mine let go of it.

I told you it's mine.

What do you mean it's yours?

I helped nick it too,
that's not fair.

Give it back.

There's danger here.

This way.

Come on, let's go,
what are you doing?

Thinking ahead.

Well, well,
what do we have here, then?

You see this lads,
Mr. Heartless,

far from home are ya?

I heard someone is peddling
acquired goods here.

I'm hoping to pick up
a cheap pocket watch for myself.

Acquired goods?

Why not say
what you really mean?

You're calling us thieves, eh?

I am sure you gentlemen
abide by British law.

We abide by slum laws.

Slum laws, slum laws, slum laws.

Since you're all experts
in the law,

I wonder if you've ever
heard of this proverb.

Justice is blind.

Find 'em

Good grief,
I'm exhausted, Sherlock.

Onwards, Watson!

Perhaps a spot of tea
would energize me.

My thoughts exactly.

I must say,
fancy, looks expensive.

Good thing you have
a lot of patience.

Mr. Holmes, these are
all of our cake varieties.

Most kind.

You certainly are amazing.

While I struggle to pay
all our rent,

you go around and
get treated like royalty.

It turns out what Bunny heard
isn't true.

No one would go to the slums
to sell jewelry.


White Storm hadn't gone there
to find a buyer.

He was helping the poor
with his stolen goods.

Could he be a thief
with a heart?

I'm guessing that
every time he goes there,

he would bring cakes
for the children.

So cake is a clue,
why didn't you tell me earlier?

And I thought tea was my idea,

but I see you were
way ahead of me.

In all our years together,
you still amaze me.

Why thank you, Dr. Watson!

- Excuse me.
- Yes?

May I ask how many cake shops
around here

sell this same kind of
lemon cream cake?

Perhaps a few,
I assure you ours is the best.

Any customers come here
and buy whole cakes recently?

All the time.
What do you wish to know?

Any unusual customers?


Hm. There is one.

On occasion he would buy
all of the lemon cream cakes.

- And this morning?
- Yes.

If he buys them all,
then how did I get a slice?

He came late today.

Most of the lemon cakes were
sold to other customers already.

Your slice was the last one.

You're a very lucky man,
Mr. Holmes.

Indeed, I am.

But this man who
buys the lemon cake, tell me,

what does he look like?

He's slightly taller and
older than you Mr. Holmes,

and he wears glasses.

He just ordered an extra-large,
five-pound cake

to be delivered
to Santa Maria Orphanage

for a birthday party
the day after tomorrow.

Santa Maria Orphanage?

Dr. Watson, Dr. Watson!

I heard Mr. Holmes has ordered
a whole table full of cakes.

Do you need my help?

If only your
feet were as fast as your ears,

you could have saved me
from overindulging.

The cakes were simply
too delicious.

White Storm buys cakes
for children all the time.

It's quite benevolent of him.

Come now, Sherlock,

perhaps he just wants
the poor to protect him.

Don't be fooled Holmes.

Wise words, Wats...

you're always late with rent

and now dodgy people are here
smashing the flat to bits.

What have you got to say?

Oh, you're back.
The telephone line is connected.

- Calls can be made now.
- Splendid.

Huh? What is it?

A telephone, my own telephone.

I can make calls at home,
isn't it amazing?

- Amazing.
- Isn't it expensive?

Oh, Alice, if you don't
embrace the new era,

the new era
will leave you behind.

The future is worth
investing in.

At what cost?

My aunt will want to know
why you're late with the rent.

Oh! This is outrageous.

Ah-ha, now who shall I call?

Call me, go on, call me.

You're standing right here,
call you?

Good morning, number please.

Oh. Please connect me
to the Queen.

The Queen?

Young man, don't make pranks.

There are seven other people
trying to make calls.

Let me! Let me!

Connect me
to the Queen of England.

And what did the Queen of
England say to you?

That I'm a royal pain
in the rear.

What's so funny?

The Queen of England,

I just spoke to her
on the telephone.

Isn't that amazing?

I think it's really amazing.

Ah. The mark of White Storm.

I must reciprocate the courtesy.

Story time, story time,
story time!

For a rainy day, let me see.

Hm. What story should I...

Hey, Mistress.
Mr. Sherlock Holmes is here.

He says he needs
to ask something of you.

Perfect timing,
I can ask something of him also.

This is beneath my brilliance.

Go for it.

please give a round of applause

and welcome
our storyteller today,

the great detective,
Mr. Sherlock Holmes.

Must I really?

Good morning.

Actually all of
my detective stories

are written by
my good friend, Dr. Watson.

Please welcome the brilliant
storyteller, Dr. Watson.

Don't you dare leave me alone.

I couldn't find
a more brilliant mind.

You want to hear
a detective mystery? Hm?


One day there was an amazing
trapeze acrobat artist who...

I know, he slipped and
plunged to a tragic death.

That's so brilliant.

I know.

Thank you,

the children haven't been
this happy for a very long time.

We're having
a birthday party tomorrow.

Why don't you come by

and share more
of your wonderful stories?

Sure, whose birthday is it?

The oldest one in the back.

Her name is Katie.

I see.

Then nearby cake shop
is well known

for their lemon cream cake.

Why don't I buy one
for the party?

What a coincidence,
but you really don't have to.

That cake happens to be
Katie's favorite.

Her benefactor
buys one for her every year.

Well, that's nice.

I can't believe there's such
a giving person in London,


London has many wealthy people,

but not many
are willing to donate.

The only reason our orphanage
has survived

is because of
his annual donations.

And do you know
who this benefactor is?

Unfortunately not,
he's very secretive.

The end.

That's the end of the story.

Any questions?

Yes, who ate
my muffin this morning?

I'll let our great detective
find the culprit.

All right then,
tell me who ate my muffin.

You did.

Wow, you're amazing.

How come my poop
sometimes floats

and sometimes sinks
to the bottom?

Because when you're a good boy

and eat more vegetables,

fiber is lighter than water,
making your poo...

So don't be a picky eater.

Mr. Holmes, please, is it
possible you could help Katie

find her father
so they can reunite as a family?

Well, I'll try my best.

Children, stop running.

It was amazing to see
Mr. Sherlock Holmes.

When I'm older, I want to be
a great detective too.

So do I, do you think maybe

we should start up
our own agency someday?


What is it?


Happy Birthday.

It must be him.

He is just a lad.

Maybe White Storm is a lad.

No, I doubt this lad
is Katie's father.

How do you know White Storm
is the girl's father?

It was tough work.

First, I had to deal with a
group of crazy little goblins.

Then the giant ogre
almost choked me to death

before I got the information.

Her callous grandfather
didn't know who the father was.

So he refused to take Katie in.

She was sent to the Santa Maria
Orphanage instead,

but the orphanage was
on the verge of closing down

due to insufficient funding.

However, a few years
after Katie's arrival,

a mystery man began to donate
large sums of money every year,

along with
a very special birthday cake.

Still doesn't explain why
you believe he is White Storm.

I believe it.

Only a monster would leave
their daughter at an orphanage.

All of his targets
are either corrupt officials

or those who oppose the poor
or downtrodden.

Having his daughter with him
is too dangerous.

Well, he shouldn't be a thief
then should he?

Sacrificing in the name of
chivalry and justice

is not something that
you will ever understand.

Chivalry and justice?
All thieves must be caught,

and if you don't catch them,
then you're just as guilty.

It's him.


Arresting him in front of
his daughter is too cruel.

What then?

His carriage is parked
at the gate.

I don't think he'll stay
too long.

We can box him in
from the left, right, and center

when he leaves.

He won't be able to get away.

I was going to suggest that.

Keep an eye on the driver.

He won't escape us.

Hello sir,
were you thinking about playing?

You might be too big
for that swing.

A success this time?

Try for yourself.

The largest piece
is made especially for you.

That's much too big,

will you share half of it
with me?

Sure, how is it,
does it taste okay?


Come this way.

They just blossomed.
Aren't they beautiful?

Very beautiful.

Take a sniff, they smell nice.

I'm so sorry,
I forgot about your allergy.

Not at all, they smell lovely.

Come this way.

Oh, I want to introduce you
to a friend of mine.

Sorry, I forgot the time.

I'll come visit again, bye-bye.

Sir! Sir!

- Huh? Where's Sherlock now?
- Huh?

Well, we meet in person at last.

Hello there, White Storm.

You have the wrong man.

And you have my pipe.
Hand it over, Mack.

You are the great
detective Sherlock Holmes.

Give it up.


Are you done?

Want to embarrass yourself
in front of your daughter?

It's just as I planned.

You have the right
to remain silent.


Uh, Anything you say
may be used against you

in a court of law.

Look at you, you should have
been a law abiding citizen.

You are nothing
but a lowly thief.

Since this is
your first offense,

the judge will likely give you
a lighter sentence,

maybe just years or so.

What is it?

Why does everybody seems so sad?

See it for yourself.

I can't read, how am I supposed
to know what it says?

also known as White Storm,

came from a wealthy family.

They made their fortune
from gems and jewelry,

but things went downhill
after he took over the business.

He disappeared from high society

after squandering
the family fortune.

If I were him, I would just
kick back and enjoy life.

Why bother to rob the rich
to help the poor?

Now he's in prison
because of Mr. Holmes.

Keep it down.

The paper calls Sherlock

for capturing Mack
in front of his daughter.

Mr. Holmes, you've been
playing the violin for two days.

Please stop blaming yourself.

Even if your hands aren't tired,
my ears are tired.

Let's play blind man's bluff.

Oh no, I better hide this.

If you think
that's too childish,

how 'bout playing
cops and robbers?

You'll be the cop
and I'll be the robber.

If you catch me, it will be
your greatest victory yet.

Let Mr. Holmes be.

I'm just trying to cheer him up.

Mr. Holmes,
you haven't eaten for two days.

Let's go out and have some cake.

I'll be kind enough
to let you pay for it. Ha.

- Ah! Good idea.
- I'm broke.

- My treat.
- Mm-hm.

I'm tired.

Don't be lazy.

You must get out of the flat!

How rude!

Tell me which newspaper
you're from.

Oh, sorry, I'm a reporter
for the London Times.

I'd like to have an interview
with Mr. Sherlock Holmes.

Was "Heartless Sherlock"
your idea?

I wish I were that creative.

So, when would be a good time
for an exclusive interview?

Go away, we're not interested.

It won't take up
much of your time.

That's Sherlock Holmes.

I heard he purposefully
shamed the daughter.

Sorry, this table is reserved.

How about that table?

Sorry, this one's reserved too!

And this one's reserved,
all reserved,

no available table for you.

Great detective,
come and sit with me.

Yippee, we have a table.

You've removed a pest from
our city, today is my treat.


It's the least I can do.

You boy, tie my shoelace.

Yes, sir.

Thanks to our great detective,

the wealthy in London can
finally sleep well at night.

You are truly unstoppable.

Not only did you arrest the man,

you arrested him
right in front of his daughter.

Now that's dedication.

Here's to you.

You ought to arrest
the daughter now.

You stinky skunk,
why are you here?

Katie was so happy before

but now
she's been crying for days.

If my poop
had not sunk to the bottom,

I would've scooped it out
and thrown it at you.

- Get lost!
- Get lost!

Mr. Holmes, I dare say
that inside this prison,

at least half the inmates

have their eyes on
White Storm's stolen riches.

Haven't you read the papers?

He donated everything
that he's stole

and kept nothing for himself.

Most of the shady crooks
in this cell can't read

and those who can
won't believe such a story.

A noble thief is unheard of.

Is Mack in great danger then?

We the Royal Prison Guards
are renowned

for our unyielding dedication.

No need to worry at all.


This is a surprise.

I thought I should come,

best to apologize to you
in person.


My timing.

A failed thief was
defeated by a skilled detective.

No need to apologize.

I regret taking action
on Katie's birthday.

I should have found
a better way.

It wasn't right
for her to see that.

The timing was awful indeed.

That very day,
I had planned on retiring.

Legally speaking,
I can't condone stealing.

The city has abandoned the poor.

However, I wish you could have
found a better way as well.

I thought I was doing
the right thing

until that last time.

- White Storm, White Storm!
- White Storm!

What is it?

Would you like some cake?

I nicked them both.

How amazing am I?

I'm amazing,
look at this purse, snatched!

But you couldn't have
snatched it

if I hadn't lent you my knife.

You are amazing.

Of course I am.
And don't you forget...

That really broke my heart.

Turns out I had only helped
nourish their bodies,

but their souls were eaten away.

Children should not idolize
a thief.

Truth be told Mr. Holmes,

I should be thanking you
for arresting me.

Instead of buying them cakes,
how about books?

Detective story books?

The warden said
you refuse to meet with Katie.

Katie is a good girl.

She deserves a better father.

She's a grown woman now.

I'm sure she understands.

You stayed away to protect her.

Understanding is not forgiving.

She wouldn't have come
if she hadn't.

Time is up,
save it for next time.

Respect her wishes,
allow her to forgive.

I am unbeatable!

She wrote you a letter again.


Let the show begin.


There's no greater game
than football.

Scarface is going to k*ll him.

I'm afraid to even sneeze
in front of the boss

and Mack is picking
a fight with him!

You are a dead man!

I'm gonna beat the daylights
out of you!

So, this Sunday
is the Queen's birthday.

Let's go to the Thames
and see the fireworks.

Fireworks? Boring.

But they boom and bang
and stuff.

Just a chemical
reaction exploding in the air

while burning up
different metal powders,

creating a variety of colors,
nothing special about it.

I made fireworks
when I was eight.

You're bluffing.

Like this.

Oh, this is my new dress.

You're going to pay for this!

Hello? Please hold.
It's for you.

I'm busy,
take a message, please.

He is utterly busy right now.

I can take a message for him.

Oh, I see.

The call is from the prison.

Something's happened to Mack.

Apologies for asking you
to come here

in such unforgiving weather.

I thought you said
your guards

were very dedicated,

how could this happen?

It's a long story,
one you can't imagine.

I'm gonna beat the daylights
out of you!


You broke my tooth!

Hey you, stop!

Get on your knees,
hands behind your head.

Kneel down.

How dare you pick on
someone twice your size?

That's solitary confinement.

I don't understand.

He was a model inmate,
due for release in a year.

So why the serious as*ault?

Why break out?

I thought he was
smarter than that.

Perhaps he had his reasons.

Indeed, it seems
Mack started a fight

to get sent to solitary
for his jailbreak.

That much I guessed.

What's strange is why Scarface?

Why risk his life with
the most vicious prisoner here?

Did anything unusual
happen before his escape?

Was he upset about anything?

No, he just read a letter
from his daughter.

A letter, do you know
what it was about?

No, I didn't look.

As you can see,
the door is still locked.

The bars are still intact.

That is strange.

Oh, Detective Riller
and Detective Fox.

Doctor Watson,
slow to the case I see.

If you and Sherlock would like
to assist me, that's fine.

Have you discovered anything?

According to
the circumstantial evidence,

there was only one possibility.

The way I figure it,
Mack used his stolen wealth

to buy off a prison guard,

and then that guard let him out
in the middle of the night,

All signs point to
an inside job.

Are you saying it's me?

You admit it!

How could I do such a thing?

Please Mr. Holmes,
help, won't you please?

Mack escaped from here.


It's not like he's a cockroach.

How could he squeeze through?

It would be impossible for you,

...but it wouldn't be
a problem for Mack.

When did you get so strong?

Was Mack assigned to work
in the kitchen

and did he have frequent access
to this place?

His duties were helping out
in the kitchen every day

and cleaning this cell
every Friday.

And each Friday
he tampered with the bar.

If you look closely,
the bar has rust on it,

evidently from the exposure
to saltwater.


It does taste salty.

Salt is usually
only found in the kitchen.


Can you smell salt?
Why did you sniff the bar?

I was trying to smell
for bodily fluids.

I'm talking about saliva,
Detective Riller.

You scared me.

So Mack was stealing salt
from the kitchen for four years,

used his saliva to dissolve
the salt,

and slathered it
onto the iron bars.

Wow, such determination.

Are you not ashamed?

If it weren't for
your sloppy supervision,

how could he have stolen salt
and spat saliva? Four years?

Are you blind?

What do you mean?

How was I supposed to know
when he was spitting?

Warden, can you show us
around the perimeter wall?

This way please.

Uh, boss,
you really gotta wake up.

Something has happened,
boss, wake up!

Hey boss, you got to wake up.

What if I pop that thing?

Who sneezed?

You did.

Right, why are you here?

Why am I here?

Don't you remember?
Mack whacked you on the head.

Oh, yes.

You were saying
something has happened.

Mack has busted out of jail.

What, how did he escape?

I heard he sawed off
the iron bars

of the solitary cell window
and then climbed over the wall.

The window bars were sawed off?


Oh no, I was the one who
told him to saw the window bars

for me to break out of here,
and I'm mad as hell right now.

I'll still escape and
make him pay.

But where did he go?

I know, he dropped this letter
when you were fighting.

Oh, if only I could read.

Ah, you're awake at last.

Is there any pain?

It hurts so much.

I wanna thorough checkup
at the hospital down the hill.

That won't be necessary,
I'll take care of it.

Doctor, I think you
really should consider

sending me to that hospital!

You see those six rags
here on the ground?

They were all torn
from a jail cell quilt cover.

Six rags,
did he have a bad cold?

What's the use of these?

This is just a smoke screen
to confuse our investigation.

After all,
this prison has a rat.

Help me.

Warden, I just discovered this
rag outside the perimeter wall,

it appeared today
after the snow melted.

Hm. It's torn from
the same quilt cover.

Why has this piece
fallen outside the wall?

Was this water tab kept on
throughout the night?

It's been raining
and snowing heavily.

If the tap isn't kept on
to drip,

it would freeze up
and block the pipes.

Did it snow
the night before last?

What was the temperature?

It was snowing and
just below degrees,

then a few degrees warmer
when the sun came out.

It rained
the day before yesterday

and the temperature dropped

A layer of ice must've formed
on the surface of the wall.

Thanks to this weather,

Mack was able to create
a staircase

and climbed over the wall.

I don't follow.

The evidence is irrefutable.

- Tell them, Watson.
- Me?

Uh, uh.

All signs point to a rat
amongst the guards.


Please let me go!
Help me, Mr. Holmes!

Very well, here's my deduction.

Mack first drenched two rags
with the dripping water.

He then shaped them
into fist-sized bundles

and stuck them onto the wall.

With the temperature so low,

the water molecules
of the two rag bundles

joined together with the water
molecules on the frozen wall,

resulting in the bundle
sticking onto it.

Mack could then use them
as stepping stones.

He stuck two more bundles
on higher spots,

repeating until all six
were stuck on the wall,

allowing him to escape.

When the sun came out
and melted the ice,

all six bundles
fell to the ground,

but I have yet to figure out
the use of the rag

found outside the wall.

Come on, chop, chop,
whip up a plan.


What are the possible escape
routes beyond the wall, huh?

You've asked the right man.

Only one road leads to
Barnard Castle Station.

Not necessarily.

Mack probably spent hours
last night

waiting for the rag bundles
to freeze.

It was almost dawn
when he made it over the wall.

He would be easily spotted
if he took the main road,

I think he must've taken
an alternative route.

If he had opted for
a different route,

he'd have to climb the mountain
and ski downhill.

Lanky, how much time
would this route take?

Sir, walking would require
two days,

but if we ride horses
up the mountain,

then ski downhill,
it would take half a day.

This means Mack might've
only gone down halfway.

We might still catch him.

Good, that thief is mine.

Can you gentlemen handle it?

Uphill requires horseback
and downhill requires skiing.

Of course.

I don't know
how to ski actually.

I don't know either, actually.

I've told you to do
more exercises,

but you sleep on your days off.

But work is just so tiring
and bed is so comfy.

And what could be better
than sleeping like a log

on a day off?

Warden, doctor says
Scarface is critical

and must be sent
to the hospital.

Understood, good timing.

Why don't you two
ride along then?

Dr. Watson can tend to Scarface

and Detective Fox can be there
to keep an eye on him.

- How 'bout it?
- Sounds like a plan.

You guys will
probably get ahead of Mack.

Remember to contact
the Barnard Castle Police

and ask them to join
the pursuit.

Got it.

Thank you and
good luck to you all.

Be careful.

You too, Watson.

Mr. Holmes, we're ready to go.

Can we go faster?

My rump is freezing.

The horses are doing their best
in the snow.

You can walk if you still think
your horse is too slow.

Useless creature,
even a tortoise is faster.

We're close.

Once we're behind the trees,
we can ski down.

Come on tortoise,
just a few more steps.

This is the easy part.

Let's go.

Are you afraid?

Of course. Afraid?

Afraid I might be too quick
and leave you behind.

Since you're that quick,
I'd better get a head start.

Why are you poking me?

Are we there?

Pretend I'm not here.

We'll part ways at the hospital,
peacefully or in pieces.

Let go of him.

What's that noise?


My trousers,
stop pulling!

You are a dead man.


Good grief,
I should've gone skiing instead.

Something's there.


What is it?

Sca... Scarface!

You'll not escape!

Where are you headin'
in such a hurry?

Stop right there!

What good is shouting at him?
We need to give chase.

As a police officer,
I have to shout out a warning.

Instead of one escapee
we have two.

We must inform
the local police quickly,

and block off old roads
out of Barnard Castle.

How do we get down there?

As long as one
is not afraid of failure,

skiing downhill
is not difficult at all.

But wait, how do I stop?

Huh? What is that?

It looks like a quilt
from the prison,

but why is it tied like that?

Of course, it's a sled.

If Mack had sledded down,

he might've reached Barnard
Castle Station last night,

perhaps escaped
on a train already.

Maybe, but he couldn't have
just worn his prison garb

and hopped onto a train
in plain sight.

Let's wait for Detective Riller
and go down together.

You stupid tree,
step aside now!

Shall we head to
the local police station?

They might have some information
that can help

or perhaps we should
go to the hospital first.

We read the case reports
at the police station.

It seems Mack reached
the foot of the mountain.

He broke into a store and
stole a change of clothes,

then pick-pocketed someone's
wallet at the train station.

It's likely that he boarded
the last train to London.

What about Scarface?

We searched the entire station
and couldn't find him.

Who would have thought this guy
was a master of disguise?

I've been running around
and haven't eaten a thing.

Let's have dinner.

We have a mission on our hands.

You're a police officer.

So act like one,
focus on the case.

A case of food?


Dinner time.

You're staring.

I have a feeling there is
something you're not telling me.

I know you too well.

You're holding back secrets.

You wait until
the moment is just right

before the big reveal,
so what is it?

Actually, when I heard
Mack had escaped,

I knew it had something
to do with Katie.

I hadn't told you that
she's getting married tomorrow.

After the wedding,
they plan to leave England.


So Mack broke out of jail
to attend her wedding.

If Riller and Fox
were to discover this,

they would wreak havoc
at the wedding.

This I am certain.

Riller was watching us
so I went to the prison,

hoping they would follow.

Misleading a detective

and then assisting
a known fugitive.

These are felonies.

Oh, I see.

This is my burden.

So I feel I owe it
to Mack and his daughter.

My dearly beloved father,

four years have gone by

Father, do you still remember
the last time

we met was on my birthday?

Days before,

I fretted over all the things

that I wanted to share with you.

I wanted to show you
the flowers that I'd planted

and let you taste
the cookies that I had baked,

and introduce you to the man
I now call my fiancé.

I cannot lie, for the longest
time I was jealous

that you devoted your life
to the concerns

and well-being of the poor,
when all I wanted was a father.

It is not for me to judge

whether your actions
were right or wrong,

but even if the whole world
thinks you're a bad man,

you will always be my hero.

And my dearest father,
if there were ever a chance,

I hope one day
to hear everything about

who you really are,
father to daughter.

Will you tell me?

I may not have the necessary

to help you tackle
big problems,

but at least for that moment,

I can be there for you
and share your burdens.

This Sunday, I'm getting
married at St. Martin's Church.

Although you won't be there
to walk me down the aisle,

I know you are with me
no matter where you are.

My husband and I will journey
to universities in the Far East

and pass on the knowledge
of science to the local people.

this is an alternative way

to carry on your ambition
and legacy.

Your loving daughter, Katie.

I do.

I know pronounce you
husband and wife.

You do know you've risked it all
with your jailbreak.

So, was it worth it?


I knew that I wouldn't be able
to walk her down the aisle,

but at least I had the chance
to witness her wedding.

Don't worry, I'll give myself in
once they're gone.

I won't allow her
to have a fugitive for a father.

If this was how you felt,

then how is it you didn't quit
for her sake?

Because I was very naive
when I went to jail.

I thought
I could change the world...

but I didn't realize that
I first had to change myself.

Let's switch to a lighter topic.

I commend the frozen staircase,

but what about the piece of
rag found outside the wall?

The frozen staircase wasn't
strong enough

to support my weight,

fell apart
as soon as I stepped on it,

I quickly had to come up with
another plan.

I tore the quilt into strips,
then tied them to make a rope.

I needed warm water,

so I,
used bodily fluid on the rope

and threw the heated and
soaked end over the wall.

My fluid's temperature
was nearly as warm as my body,

degrees Celsius.

When the warm,
soaked end of the rope

touched the frozen wall,

the warm fluid molecules
melted the icy water molecules.

The melted moisture froze
due to the cold temperature,

forming a strong adhesion.

when I was climbing the wall,

I realized the rope could not
hold up for too long.

Sure enough, it tore
when I was halfway down.

Luckily my landing
was softened by the snow.

When the sun came out and
melted away the ice on the wall,

the broken piece of rag
fell outside the perimeter.

I see.

Ah, the wagon's here.

But you couldn't have predicted

when Katie would get married.

Yet you spent years
breaking the iron bar.

An opportunity.

One of the prisoners noticed
that I'd been assigned

to clean
the solitary confinement cell.

So really, I was forced
to break the bar for his escape.

Are you talking about Scarface?

He escaped from the prison


Don't worry, I doubt
he would know to find you here.



You wretched back-stabber,
you can't hide from me.

You want your daughter back?

Show yourself at once!


Jump down.

Trying to flee?
Over my dead body.


- Katie!
- Show yourself now!

Give us back Katie!

Scarface, release my daughter,
it's me you want.


I've come to realize
the more agitated you are,

the more exhilarated I get.

Stop the car!

Stop the car!

How dare you?



I must borrow this.

Sherlock Holmes took my bicycle.

Sir, do your civic duty
and loan me your car.

- Hm?
- Please, take this payment.

Watch out.

Get in.


I can make it, I can make it,
I can make it.

I can make it, I can make it,

- I can make it!
- Sherlock!

He won't make it


That's a dead end,
the other way.

No, no!

No, both ways are not good.

Scarface, I know where
Mack kept his money!

It's yours, for Katie.

Sherlock the Heartless?

You want the girl,
you'll hear from me soon.

I failed, Watson.

I let Scarface escape.

Don't worry, I doubt
he would know to find you here.

You tried your best, Sherlock.

You mustn't blame yourself.

It was my fault.

I cannot believe
I lost her letter.

Katie, even the cleverest man
makes mistakes sometimes.

There was a time
when I had said similar words,

but I didn't expect that
the mistake would be my own.

We've got you now.

Where is Mack?

are you hiding the fugitive?

- What are you up to?
- Where is he?

Tell us now.

Wait, wait, what are you doing?

Hold on, don't come so close.

you're like a wet sponge.

Geez, men don't sob
like little children,

and what's that,
what's coming out of your nose?

Stop that!

Scarface grew up around here,

a known bully
we were glad to be rid of.

He was muscle
for that whaling tycoon,

but once he went to jail,
life was better.

Now that he's escaped prison,
everyone lives in fear again.

We all know
you've been good to us.

Just not right that
your daughter's in danger.

Thank you, George.

his two former underlings,

some other fools are willing
to be his minions.

Be careful tomorrow
during the hostage exchange.

If you need any help,
give us a holler.

We have your back.

Scarface is not to be trusted.

I appreciate the sentiment,

but I must
take care of this alone.

Where would you find the money
to pay the ransom?

Can't offer money...

I can only offer my life.

What is it?

Onwards, Watson.

Where to?

You have me,
now let my daughter go.

Where's my money?

Listen, Scarface,

we wouldn't walk out of here
alive if I brought the money.

Let go of my daughter
and I'll stay.

Once Katie is safe, someone
will move the money here.


I don't care for the poor.

You never believed the press.

I have so much stolen money,

men couldn't carry it all.

- Really?
- You're now a fugitive.

My money can buy your freedom.

Take the deal
or kiss the money goodbye.

You're a smart man.

You know it's the right move.

Bloody hell!

This way.


Your father asked us
to come get you.

Are you hurt?

No, Father...

traded his life for mine.

Don't lose hope just yet.

We can still save him,
but you'll have to trust me.

Your father asked me
to give this to you.

Scarface only
broke out of jail recently.

He couldn't have prepared
two captivity sites.

If we can locate
where he kept you last night,

we can probably
save your father.

But I was blindfolded.

We first need to go to my home

and pick up a secret w*apon,

and as much as it pains me,
I must ask someone for help.

Are those begging tears I see?

You want tears,
I can ask Dr. Watson.

Ah, never mind.

How may I be of assistance?

In the entire city of London,

you're the only man capable of
taking down Scarface.

You're a wise man.

Like I said, Mack is mine.

Catching two fugitives at once
sounds smashing.

Katie, you don't have to worry
now that I'm in charge.

I'll rescue your father and

back to prison,
money back guaranteed.

Sherlock, what's the plan?

After we parted the crossing,

where did Scarface
then take you?

I woke up by a bay
with many old ships

reeking with a nauseous,
fishy smell.

After he met up
with his associates,

he covered my eyes with cloth
and pulled me onto a carriage.

I couldn't see anything
after that.

How about during the ride?

Did you hear anything
on the way?

Any distinctive smells?

I'm pretty sure
we crossed two rivers.

I could hear the horses' hooves

as we crossed a stone bridge
and a wood one.

If this was the starting point,
crossing two rivers...

Head north.

Let's go.

Let's go!

The stone bridge.

Yes, I hear the first bridge.

And now,
this is the second bridge.

There should be church bells
a bit further on.

Turn right up ahead.

Hm. Which way
should we take now?

Hm. Three roads.

- What's next?
- Um. Well...

Well, what else did you hear?

No, I didn't hear any sounds.

What about smells,
any special odors?

No, nothing.

Tough luck, let's go back.

Don't you think we could
explore all three roads?

We might discover something
if we do.

This is a valuable lesson,
pay attention now.

Your father chose to be a thief.

If he had behaved like
other law-abiding citizens,

maybe he wouldn't have
ended up like this.

When you become a mother
in the future,

take good care of your children.

Don't ever
send them to orphanages.

I remember now.
After hearing the church bells,

I felt pressure in my ears.



The road you took
was the uphill one on the left.

The stress of weighted air
is air pressure.

On ground level,
the air pressure inside

and outside the eardrum
is the same,

so there is no discomfort.

But traveling uphill within
a short period of time,

the pressure
outside the eardrum

is lower than
the pressure inside,

causing discomfort in the ears.

The uphill road leads to
a neighborhood,

about to houses.

Let's take a look.

to houses?
We can't knock on every door.

I remember now,

when they were pushing me
into the house,

I saw some small whitish,
yellowish flowers

on the ground.

Did you hear that?

Target confirmed.

Let's pull over.

The wagon might alert Scarface.

Why don't you guys go ahead
and find the house?

I'll stay here
and protect Katie.


Actually, I'd like to stay back
and protect Katie too.

Why can't you be brave, huh?

I'm slightly traumatized.

What a bunch of mice.

It's fine,
I'll go with Detective Riller.

please protect these two for me.


Have you seen
anything suspicious?

Every house is very colorful.

Maybe Katie's eyes
had played tricks on her.

She was terrified and
blindfolded, but she's smart.

I do believe her.


I must say,
the shadow is really pretty.

It's glistening
like a set of gold teeth.

What is it?

This is the house.

I only see iron gates, where
are you seeing the flowers?

I worry about you, Sherlock.

There are no flowers
at this place,

but when the sun is shining

from behind
the iron gates at AM,

sunlight would shine through
the small perforations

in the iron gates

and cast glistening patterns
on the ground.

Those must be the small,
whitish flowers that Katie saw.

Here's food.


Young lad, the food is
too far away for me to reach.

I'm not your servant.

Crawl over here and
gobble it up like a dog.

Serves you right.

You need to pull it.

What is that?

Hand it over.

No you don't!


Let me go!

Let go of me right now!

Watch this kid.

you're totally surrounded!

Be smart and
surrender yourself now.

It's too dangerous,
please wait.


Hey, we had a deal and now
you have people come after me.

You can't trust the word
of a criminal these days.

Time to say goodbye.

You're White Storm.

Katie stay back, get away!

Scarface, here's what you want,
now release my father.

I knew it,
your generosity was fake.

You stashed the jewelry
and put on an act of nobility.

That's right,
my generosity was an act.

I fooled the world
that I was a noble thief.

Only children would believe
such a sham.

White Storm,
you're to blame for all this.

Nobody crosses me, nobody!

You're gonna get
what you deserve.

Unlike you,
I'm a man of my word.

It's dangerous, get away.



- Run away.
- Father!


I'm sorry.
I failed you as a father.

Let me take a look.

And what about this boy?

Go on, you want to go to jail?

You're letting me off?

Go, but just
remember this lesson,

stay in school and
learn right from wrong.

Grow up a good man, got it?

Didn't you say that
all thieves must be caught?


Locking him in jail would only
expose him to bad influences.

The b*ll*ts didn't hit
any vital organs, he'll be fine.


Mr. Holmes, thank you.

You should be thanking Katie

We were able to find you
because of her brilliance.

Mack, I understand why
you tarnished your own image

in front of the boy,
shattering his idea of a thief.

But I'm curious about
the jewelry that you gave Katie.

Oh, that necklace
is my family heirloom.

I didn't have a chance
to give it to Katie's mother,

but now I can
pass it on to Katie

as a wedding gift for
her and her husband's future.

- Bye!
- Bye-bye!

- Goodbye!
- Bye, Katie!

- Bye-bye, Katie!
- Bye!

- Bye!
- We'll see you again soon!

- Bye-bye!
- Bye!



Father, take care!

You too, Katie!


Wow, what a delight.

- Wow!
- So many cakes.

How can we finish them all?

Excuse me.

Mr. Holmes,
ever since you caught Scarface,

you haven't come by
for quite a while.

May I have your autograph,

My pleasure.

Your lemon cream cake
must be as popular as ever.

I don't see any left today.

Yes, they sell out quickly
every day.

Oh, I must have been
very lucky then.

I would not have solved the case
if not for that cake.

Solved the case?

Now that you mention it,
I should tell you.

Tell me what?

Remember how I told you
the other customers

bought the rest of the cake

and there was
only one slice left for you?

I remember.

When I said other customers,
there was actually only one.

He had a scar under
his right eye

that looked like a teardrop,

a very distinguishable mark.

He actually paid for
that last slice you ate.

He told me to
only give it to you,

but I must keep it a secret.

It was a surprise for you.

We meet in person at last.

Hello, there, White Storm.

That cake happens to be
Katie's favorite.

Her benefactor buys one for her
every year.

Such a giving person.

Even if you spent
all of your money,

it would barely feed them
for a week.

What have you heard, Bunny?

Somebody's peddling jewelry
by the slums

near the riverside
in the East End.

I heard that someone is peddling
stolen goods by the slum area,

near the riverside
in the East End.

Shall we go look?

"Heartless Sherlock" your idea?

I wish I were that creative.

Huh? What is this?
