Like Water for Chocolate (Como agua para chocolate) 1992

Valentine's Day, Hot, Steamy, Sexy, Romantic Movie Collection.

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Valentine's Day, Hot, Steamy, Sexy, Romantic Movie Collection.
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Like Water for Chocolate (Como agua para chocolate) 1992

Post by bunniefuu »

"The onion must be chopped finely.

"I suggest that you put a piece of
onion on the crown of your head

"to avoid the annoying crying
that is caused by chopping it."


The trouble with crying while
chopping onions isn't the crying.

It's that sometimes you can't stop.

WOMAN: Mother always said

that I'm as sensitive to onions
as my great-aunt Tita was.

She even cried inside
her mother's womb

whenever my great-grandmother
chopped onions.



Señor Juan! Señor Juan!

Go get the midwife!

NACHA: There's not enough time.

JUAN: What's happening?

ELENA: The baby's coming.

NACHA: Too late!

Nacha, the maid, said that Tita was
literally pushed into this world

by a torrid stream of tears

that overflowed from the
table to the kitchen floor.




Another girl, Juan. (LAUGHING)

When the fright was over

and the water had evaporated,
thanks to the sun,

Nacha swept up what
remained of the tears.

With that salt, she
filled a -pound sack

which they used for
cooking for a long time.


What a little cutie she is.

That means another drink, right?

Here's to you.

What's the matter with you?

Can't you do it right?

At this point, you've
got three daughters.

When are you going to make a son?

Well, it's not entirely his fault.

Why do you say that?

They say that your
second child, Gertrudis,

isn't your daughter, but the
daughter of the mulatto.

- Señora.
- Our condolences.





Poor little innocent child.

You've been left fatherless and without
milk from one day to the next.

But don't you worry.

My teas will make you
strong and pretty.

The first man who sees you
will want to marry you.

You'll see.

Don't ever say that again, Nacha.

Tita will never marry.

Being my youngest daughter,

she's destined to care
for me until I die.

Feed the girls. They're hungry.

Whatever you say, Señora Elena.

WOMAN: Fed by Nacha, Tita
grew up in the kitchen

amidst the smells of chicken soup,

thyme, laurel, steamed milk,

garlic, and, of course, onion.


- Some more hot chocolate, señor?
- Thank you, no.

Good evening, Don Pascual.

Sit down, please.

When Tita felt Pedro's burning
gaze upon her shoulders,

she understood exactly
how raw dough must feel

when it comes in contact
with boiling oil.

The heat that invaded
her was so real

that she feared that,
just like dough,

bubbles would break out
all over her body,

on her stomach, her
heart, her breasts.

She lowered her eyes
and tried to escape.

Señorita Tita,

I'd like to take this opportunity to
say that I am deeply in love with you.

I know this declaration of love
may seem hasty and out of place,

but getting anywhere
near you is so difficult

that I decided to tell you tonight.

I only beg you to tell me if
I may hope for your love.

I don't know what to say.

Give me time to think.

No, I can't.

I need an answer right now.

One doesn't think about love.

Either one feels it or one doesn't.

I'm a man of few, but firm, words.

I swear you'll have
my love forever.

What about you? Do you feel
the same way about me?




Pedro Muzquiz wants to talk to you.

To talk about what?

I don't know.

Tell him if it's to ask for
your hand, he needn't bother.

He'd be wasting his
time and mine, too.

You know that as my
youngest daughter,

you must look after me
until the day I die.

That'll be all for today.

But I think that's not fair.

You don't think. And that's that!

Never, for generations,

has anyone in our family ever
questioned this tradition.

My daughter won't be the first!



Chencha, see who's there.

Yes, Doña Elena.

You didn't invite anyone for your
birthday without telling me?

No, Mommy. I really don't know.

It's Don Pascual Muzquiz
and his son, Pedro.

They want to talk to you.

For the reasons I've
just explained,

Tita will definitely
not be able to.

Of course, if you want
Pedro to get married,

let me suggest my daughter Rosaura.

She's only two years
older than Tita.

She is amply prepared
and ready for marriage.


- Please forgive me!
- Chencha!

Girls! Girls!

Really! How can your
mommy be so cruel?

You can't just exchange
tacos for enchiladas!

What did she say?

Come and greet Don
Pascual and Pedro

and we'll toast to
your sister's wedding.

You'll let Tita marry Pedro?

No. Pedro will marry Rosaura.

Why did you do that?

We looked ridiculous by accepting
your marriage to Rosaura.

Where's the love you swore to Tita?

- Don't you keep your word?
- Sure I do.

But if you definitely couldn't
marry the woman you loved,

and the only way to be near
her was to marry her sister,

wouldn't you make the
same decision as I did?

Eat, my child.

Food will make it hurt less.

Thank you, Nacha, but I'm
just not hungry now.

Just take one bite of
the Christmas roll

and I'll tell you what I heard.

Don Pascual asked Pedro

why he agreed to
marry without love,

and young Pedro told his father
that he is marrying for love,

a great big love for you.

I can't eat. Thank you, Nacha.

I want to be alone.

WOMAN: That night, Tita
found it impossible to sleep.

She couldn't understand
what she was feeling.

It's too bad that black holes
hadn't been discovered yet.

Because then she'd have understood

that a black hole had
landed in her chest

that allowed the infinitely
cold air to rush in.

That night she cried and knitted,

knitted and cried, until dawn,

until she finished the quilt
and covered herself with it.

But it didn't help.

Neither that night, nor many other
nights could she conquer the cold.

ELENA: What are you doing here?

I'm helping Nacha.

You should have been at
your sister's engagement.

I had a headache.

You will not disobey me,

nor ruin your sister's wedding
by playing the martyr.

And since you're so
interested in helping Nacha,

you'll be responsible for
the wedding banquet.

And no sour face.

And not a single tear. You hear me?

Yes, Mommy.

Doña Elena, I'll prepare the carriage
to deliver these invitations.


I'm sorry, Pedro.

Did I hurt you?

Not as much as I hurt you.
Let me explain my intentions.

I haven't asked for explanations.

At least allow me a few words.

I did once, and it was all lies.

I won't listen to you anymore.

One hundred and sixty-seven.

We're just missing three.

Isn't the cake ready?

No, but everything else is.

Hurry up.

It's midnight. You should rest
a little before the ceremony.

I'm going to bed. Good night.

TITA: Good night.

See you tomorrow,

God willing.

Now you can let your
tears flow, my child.


Because tomorrow nobody
must see you cry.

Especially not Rosaura.


I'll finish up. You go on.

No, I'll help you.

We're almost done.

Go to sleep, girl. I can manage.

Only the pots know the boiling
points of their broths,

but I can guess yours.

And stop crying into the batter

or you'll ruin it.



Poor Tita, watching her
sister marry her boyfriend!

One day I happened to see, during
Mass, Pedro slipped Tita a love note.

It was even perfumed!

I saw them holding hands
in the town square.

How happy they looked!

They'll all live in the same house!

If I were Elena,
I wouldn't allow it.

Dearly beloved, Rosaura
and Pedro, I welcome you.

You have come to this
place of worship

on you own accord, to
marry one another.

Don't I get a congratulatory hug?

Yes, of course. I hope
you'll be very happy.

I'm sure I will be, now that
I've got what I wanted,

to be near you,

the woman I truly love.

What did Pedro tell you?

Nothing, Mommy.

Don't try to fool me.

I've done everything
you're thinking of doing.

So don't play innocent with me.

And don't let me see
you near Pedro again!


This is delicious.

Some more, please.

Congratulations, children.

Cheers, Pedro!

A toast! Cheers!





Yes, thank you.

Thank you.



WOMAN: Weeping was the first
symptom of a strange intoxication.

A sense of melancholy and frustration
overtook all the guests,

making them take refuge on the
patio, in the barns and bathrooms

as they yearned for "the
love of their lives."


Nobody escaped the spell.

Several lucky ones reached
the bathrooms in time.

The rest took part in the
collective vomiting spree

that took place by the river.

Mommy, Nacha.

- What emetic did you put in that cake?
- Emetic?

You and Nacha will regret
ruining your sister's wedding!

Nacha is dead!


I think it's best to wait a while

until the intoxication
wears off, don't you?


- Pedro.
- Yes?

It's been three months
since the wedding.

I'm feeling perfectly fine now.


Lord, it's not vice, nor lust,

but to produce a son to serve you.

Our Father, who art in Heaven,
hallowed by thy name...


Tita, I told Mother I
want to cook today.

You've never cooked before.
Should I help you?

No, I want to do it myself.

It's Rosaura's first cooking
effort. I think it's not bad.

What do you think, Pedro?

For the first time,
it's not that bad.

GERTRUDIS: Hurry, Chencha.
I need the bathroom again.

Who told Rosaura she can cook?

She gave us all the runs.

Don't do that, girl. They're
like the devil himself.

They say one look from
them and you're pregnant!

Tita, today is your first anniversary
as the ranch's head cook.

So I took the liberty of
bringing you these roses.

Throw them out!

Don't throw them out, my child.

You can use them to make
quails in rose petal sauce.

This is the nectar of the gods!

It's much too salty.

Excuse me. I don't feel well.

WOMAN: A strange alchemical
phenomenon seemed to have occurred.

Not only Tita's blood,

but her whole being had
dissolved into the rose sauce,

into the quails,

and into every aroma of the meal.

That's how she invaded
Pedro's body.

Voluptuously, ardently
fragrant, and utterly sensual.

They had discovered a new
way of communicating.

Tita was the sender

and Pedro the recipient.

Gertrudis was the lucky one

within whom this sexual encounter
was synthesized through the meal.




The rose smell that Gertrudis
emitted traveled ever so far.

This fragrance caused the Villista
chief to seek out something unknown

at an unspecified place.

It wasn't difficult to
realize that horse and rider

seemed to be obeying
superior orders.

- ELENA: Tita!

Tita, what's happening out here?

The Federales came and set
the bathroom on fire.

Where is Gertrudis?

They kidnapped her.


WOMAN: Mama Elena believed the
whole story and became quite ill.

But she almost died when
Father Ignacio told her

that he had heard that Gertrudis
worked in a brothel near the border.

Not a holy house.

She forbade any mention
of her daughter's name

and had her photos and
birth certificate burned.

Today we ate this dish

and Gertrudis ran away.

My Gertrudis!


Where the devil are you?

Your sister's there?

Yes, and it's none
of your business.

Give it to her and come right back!

- ELENA: Tita!
- I don't want my mother to find out.

Where were you?

In the bathroom, Mommy.

You're in charge of
the ranch today.

Chencha is coming with me to Eagle
Pass to shop for your sister's baby.

Very well.


Tita! Tita!

Tita, the baby is coming.

I'll go get Dr. Brown.

Please watch over
Rosaura until I'm back.

Hurry back. I have lots of work.


Nacha, help me, please!








I'm really amazed at the
way Tita handled it.

Rosaura was near death.

Speaking of my daughter, doctor,

shouldn't you come
visit her every day?

Yes, I think that would be best,
given her delicate condition.

WOMAN: Preparing the mole,

Tita knew how contact with
fire alters elements.

How dough becomes a tortilla

and that a breast
untouched by love's fire

just isn't a breast, but
a useless ball of dough.

In one instant, Pedro had
transformed Tita's breasts

from chaste to voluptuous

without even touching them.

Miss Tita, a stray b*llet hit
Roberto's wet nurse on the head

when she was coming here.

She's dead.


Tita never could resist helping
anyone who cried out for food.

She immediately felt the
need to relieve that hunger.

That feeling enabled her virgin
breast to nurse her nephew.


Tita, what happened with the baby?

Did he eat?

Yes, Mom. He drank his
tea and fell asleep.

Thank God!

Pedro, what are you waiting for?
Take the baby to your wife.

Children should be
with their mothers.



(SPEAKING SPANISH) The boy looks
wonderful next to such a beautiful aunt.

- Thank you, doctor.
- He's not even your child.

I'm picturing how
lovely you'll look

when you carry your own child.


Forgive me. Did I say
something wrong?

No, it's just that I can't
marry or have children

because I must care for
my mother until she dies.

What? That's ridiculous!

But that's how it is.

Excuse me. I must
attend to the guests.

Tita, the mole is superb!

Do give me the recipe.

Of course.

The secret is that when you cook
it, you do it with much love.

She thinks I'm dumb.

I worry that someday Rosaura
might need a doctor

and we'll be unable to get one.

I think, once she
regains her strength,

she should move with her husband
and child to San Antonio, Texas,

with my cousin.

There she'll get the
best medical attention.

I don't agree, Doña Elena.

During this political situation,

you need a man at
home to protect you.

I've never needed one.

I've managed the ranch and
my daughters by myself.

Besides, men are not that
important for living, Father.

Nor is the revolution as
dangerous as they claim.

It's worse to have chilies
without any water around.


Doña Elena! Always so witty!


- Pedro?
- Yes.


You'd better stay away
while I feed the baby.

Mother suspects and she'll
have you move away.

PEDRO: Mmm-hmm.

Let's not give her more
cause. Please, go.

- ELENA: Tita!


I could never cut
watermelon like your mama.

Don't worry. Nobody
besides her can do it.

When it comes to
breaking things up,

your mama's the master.


Stop babbling. Come, let's bring
her the ice before she yells.

ELENA: Where's the ice?




ELENA: Tita!

Tita! Where were you?

In the bathroom, Mommy.


Ay, Tita!

The water's too hot!

You haven't learned anything
in all these years!

Give it to me!

The towel! You want me
to wrinkle up in here?


Where's the slip?

I burned it, Mommy.

What are you thinking of,
you stupid little girl?

Save the tears for when I die.

Hand me the dirty one
or I'll catch cold.

You opened the door too wide.

- Do you want me to die of pneumonia?
- No.

You're pulling my hair!


Leave me alone! Go to the
kitchen and finish the chorizo.

- Why are you crying? I hate to see you cry.

What's wrong?

Nicolas came back from San Antonio

and said he passed away.

What? Who died?

- The boy!
- What boy?

Your grandson.

Everything he ate made him sick.

So he died. (SOBBING)

Sit and keep working!

I don't want tears.


Poor child. I hope God
has him in Heaven.

We can't let our sorrow take over.

There's a lot of work.

First finish this. Then
do whatever you want.

But no crying. You hear me?

That's what I think of your orders!


I'm tired of always obeying you!

Roberto's death is your fault!

Have Nicolas remove the
ladder from the dovecote

and keep it away until tomorrow.

CHENCHA: Tita, my child.

- ELENA: Chencha!

What's wrong? Why isn't
Tita coming down?

She doesn't want to.
She's like crazy.

Fine. Then let her go
to the crazy house.

There's no room in my
house for lunatics!

Tita, it's okay.

I want to see my dad.

(SPEAKING ENGLISH) Don't bother him now.
Can't you see he's with a patient?

What's wrong with her?

Shh, be quiet.

Is she crazy?

I'll tell you later.
Tell you later.

this yarn. I noticed you like to knit.

Is the color all right,
or should I exchange it?

You didn't like the food, right?

I don't blame you.

Our housekeeper, Sue
Ellen, is an awful cook,

but my poor son and I
have to put up with it.

Of course, you don't have to.

I'll tell Sue Ellen that
you're not feeling well.

So don't worry.


WOMAN: Tita, whose hands were
now free of her mother's orders,

didn't know what to ask of them.

They could do anything
or change into anything.

If they could just turn
into birds and fly away!

She'd like them to take
her far, far away.

To fly away from herself.

She didn't want to think
or make decisions.

Above all, she never
wanted to speak again.

She didn't want her words
to scream out her pain.

In ,

Brand, a chemist from Hamburg,

while searching for the
"philosopher's stone", discovered...


My grandmother, Morning Star,

who was a Kickapoo Indian,

used to say that we're all born
with a box of matches inside.

We can't light them by ourselves.

Just like in this experiment,

we need oxygen and the
help of a candle.

Except that in our case,

the oxygen has to
come, for example,

from a lover's breath.

The candle can be anything.

A melody, a word,

a caress,

a sound.

(SPEAKS ENGLISH) Just anything.

Anything that pulls the trigger

and sets off one of the matches.

Every person has to discover

what will pull his trigger
to enable him to live.

Because it is the expl*sive
flare of a match

that feeds our souls.

If there's nothing to
trigger the expl*si*n,

our box of matches becomes damp

and then we'll never be
able to light any of them.

There are many ways to
dry a damp match box.

You can rest assured
there is a cure.

Of course, it's important to
light the matches one at a time.

Because if an intense
burst of emotion

were to ignite them all at once,

they would produce such
a strong brilliance

that before our eyes
there would appear

a tunnel of such radiance

showing us the path
we forgot at birth,

the same path that calls us
back to our divine origins.





WOMAN: "Broths can cure
any type of illness,

"be it physical or mental."

At least, that was Chencha's
opinion, and Tita's,

although lately she hadn't
believed it strongly enough.

Now she had to accept it as true.

She herself had recovered

after just one bowl of
this magic beef broth.

John, please don't go!


And I imagined you tied
up with some crazies.


Why not, considering the
mother that God gave you!

I'm almost going crazy.

She has nobody left to order
about, so I get it all!

And she lectures me.

She says disobedient
women who leave home

"end up wallowing in the
filthy river of sin." (LAUGHS)

I think she meant Gertrudis.

Ah, Chencha...

Thank you for coming.

It's been so good to see you.

I have a favor to ask.

Tell my mother that you saw me,

that I'm fine,

and that I'll never
go back to the ranch.



Can you guess what I'm thinking?


Will you marry me?


I will.

NICOLAS: Chencha!

Come, look at this.


What do you want here?


No, let me go! Mama Elena!




Let me go! Let me go!




May I have this dance?

(SPEAKS SPANISH) Doctor, something very
serious has happened at the ranch.

I'll take care of it. Let's go.

Come out of there, you devil!

You've no right to
steal my belongings.


WOMAN: When she realized
her mother's secret,

Tita cried.

Not for the woman who
had repressed her,

but for someone who'd been
frustrated by love, like herself.


Be kind to her. Okay?







- (SPEAKS SPANISH) It's a girl!
- Is she okay?

Yes, considering how
premature she was.

But, unfortunately, she'll
need a lot of care.

And Rosaura?

The birth was very
complicated, Pedro.

I had to operate

and she won't be able to
bear any more children.

I'm sorry.

Is she all right?

Her condition is delicate. She won't
be able to tend to the child.



We're thinking of
naming her after you.

It's strange that, like you,
she was born out of grief

and will have to live in the
kitchen and drink teas.

And since she'll be
my only daughter...

I don't like the idea.

Give her a different name.

How about Esperanza?


I don't know.

Tita, why does she cry
when she's with me?

- She doesn't seem to love me.
- Shh. That's not it.

She misses the warmth and
smell of the kitchen.

But I want her to be with me.

To keep the child near Rosaura,

the child had to feel

she was in the kitchen
with her Aunt Tita.

I want to marry this little girl.


Just like you and Tita.

Not yet. You're too young.


This little girl will
have to take care of me.

She won't marry.

Is that true?


angry with Rosaura's plans for Esperanza

that she wished her sister

had never allowed those disgusting,
repulsive, and revolting words

to escape from her mouth.

Tita wished she'd swallowed them

and kept them inside until the
rot and worms ate them up.

Thank you, love.

You're welcome.



As you already know, the
purpose of this visit

is to ask for Tita's hand.

When will you be getting married?

As soon as possible.

I don't see any problem with that.

You have our blessing.

Let's set the wedding date.

Well, I think this is the time

when I'm supposed to give you this.

ROSAURA: To the happy couple!

Take care of yourself. Hmm?

(CHUCKLES) I won't be gone long.

I promise.


(SPEAKS SPANISH) I'm almost done.

We're almost done for today.


See you tomorrow.

See you tomorrow. And
thanks for everything.

Pedro! What are you doing here?



- Tita! Come here.
- CHENCHA: Tita isn't here.

- She's washing dishes.
- ROSAURA: Come! Look!


Holy mother of God in Heaven,

take Doña Elena's soul, so she'll stop
walking in the shadows of purgatory.

What do you mean, Chencha?

Can't you see it's the
ghost of the dead woman?

She's paying for something!

I'll never go near
that place again!

Me neither.

WOMAN: Oil of cocoa is an
excellent lip moisturizer.

Every winter, Tita's
lips were so chapped

that if she wanted to smile,

she had to use plenty of ointment.

But today it had nothing
to do with smiling.

The possibility of finding herself
pregnant was no laughing matter.

I didn't hear you come in.

I noticed. You're lost in thought.

It's just that I miss Gertrudis.

I bet she'd like to be with us
tonight, cutting this bread.

Listen, Tita.

I need your advice.

About what?

Well, first let me say

I've been wanting to talk to you,

but jealousy kept me from doing it.

Now it's different.

If you still loved Pedro, you
wouldn't be marrying John.

So, well...

You must help me win back Pedro.

- Me?
- Only you can do it.

Look, I think it's my
weight, my flatulence,

and my bad breath that
keeps him away from me.

What can I do?

Put me on a special
diet, because this fat,

Pedro won't even touch me. (SOBS)

Don't cry.

I'll give you a special diet.
You'll get so pretty.

What about the gas
and the bad breath?

Mint leaves for the breath.

They can freshen the worst breath.

I'll take you off those
foods that cause gas.

Don't cry now, or you'll
have me crying, too.

You're such a good sister!

I'm so happy we're together again.

I'll get some mint leaves.


I told you many times
not to go near Pedro.

Then, why?

I tried, Mommy, but...

No "buts"!

There's no name for
what you've done!

You forgot about morals,

respect, and the rules of society!

You're worthless.

You don't even respect yourself.

You've dragged my family
name through the mud

from my ancestors

down to that cursed
child in your womb!

My child is not cursed!

Yes, it is!

I'm cursing it!

It and you, cursed forever!

No, please!

Close that door.

Can't you see how cold it is?

You're so strange lately.

What's wrong?


Rosaura, what a pleasure!

Those Lobo people are here.

The others want to cut the bread.

- We're coming.
- Pedro, can you help me?

(WHISPERING) We'll talk later.

WOMAN: Hello. What's happening?

WOMAN : Nothing.

Good evening, Father.

Good evening, Doña Paquita.

PAQUITA: What a surprise!

PADRE: How are you doing?



The dog? What's wrong?


The girl is about to faint!

- WOMAN: What's wrong?
- Nothing.

The dog is so old, he
barks at anything.

The devil's dog. It scared us.

- Are you feeling better?
- Yes.

You seem out of sorts.

You've a strange look about you.
It's good I know you're a good girl,

otherwise I'd think
you were pregnant.

- Pregnant?
- Uh-huh.

Only you would suspect that.

- And what do my eyes have to do with it?
- Mmm!

Just by seeing a woman's eyes,

I can immediately tell
whether she's pregnant.



I came to cut the bread and
have some hot chocolate.


Sergeant Trevino, take the men
around back to be looked after.

Yes, General!

Tita, meet my husband.

Juan Alejandrez, at your service.

Pleased to meet you.

Please, come in.


I don't know where she
got her sense of rhythm.

Mama didn't like to dance

and Dad was a bad dancer.


You don't know how much
I missed this food,

especially my cream fritters.

Revolutions wouldn't be so bad

if you could eat at home
every day with your family.

When Juan and I found
each other again,

he said he'd come
here looking for me.

I got so nostalgic for your food.

So, how soon will my
fritters be ready?

I'm boring you, aren't I?

Of course not, Gertrudis.
Why do you say that?

It's your eyes.

Your mind has been off
somewhere for a while.

It's Pedro, right?


If you still love
him, why marry John?

I'm not marrying him.

I can't do it, Gertrudis.


I'll move this off the stove
and you can keep crying.

Why can't you get married?

Because I think I'm pregnant.

Pedro's the father, of course?

- Yes.
- Rosaura knows?

Nobody knows.

Not even Pedro.

I don't know what'll happen
when Rosaura learns the truth.


The truth!

Listen, Tita, the real truth
is that there is no truth.

It all depends.

In your case, the truth could
be that Rosaura married Pedro

without giving a damn that
you two loved each other.

Yes, but she's the wife and not me.

So what?

Did that wedding change
how you and Pedro feel?


Of course not!

Your love is one of the
truest loves I know.

And you both should admit that
truth to Rosaura and anyone else.

Especially since Mother's dead.

You think I should talk to Rosaura?

While I tell you what to do,

would you fix the syrup
for my fritters?

It might be good if Pedro knew
you're carrying his child.

Pedro, it's lucky you came by!

My sister has something
to tell you.

Go and talk outside while
I finish the syrup.

Sergeant Trevino!

At your service.

Can you cook cream fritters?

To be quite honest,

no, but if you wish, I'll try.

Yes, I wish.

And remember, you've
never let me down.

I hope this won't
be the first time.

Why didn't you tell me?

Because first I wanted
to make a decision.

- Have you?
- No.

Before you make a
decision, you should know

that having a child with you is the
greatest joy I could hope for.

And to enjoy it properly,

we should go far,
far away from here.

But we can't just
think of ourselves.

There are also Rosaura
and Esperanza.

What will happen to them?





Of a distant


That sees my pain

That knows my suffering

Come down and tell me

If you love me a lot

Or just a little

See what you've caused?

Pedro and you have no shame.

If you don't want
blood in this house,

go where you can't hurt
anyone before it's too late.

You're the one who should leave.

I'm tired of your tormenting me.

Leave me alone once and for all.

Not until you behave
like a proper woman.

Until you're decent!

What do you mean by "decent"?
How you behaved?


Well, that's how I'm behaving.

Didn't you have an
illegitimate daughter?

You'll be damned for
talking this way.

No more damned than you.

Shut your mouth! Who
do you think you are?

I believe in what I am.

A person who has the right
to live as she pleases.

Leave me alone!

I can't stand you.

What's more, I hate you.

I always hated you.

With these magic words,

Tita drove her mother's
ghost away forever

and freed herself from her
psychological pregnancy.

But she couldn't keep Mama Elena
from getting even with Pedro.




Tita, don't go! Don't leave me.

No, Pedro, I won't.


Cover him with tepezcohuite bark.

I'll miss you, Gertrudis.

I'll miss you, too. I'd like to
stay and help you with Pedro.

But I've been ordered
on to Torreón.

- Be careful.
- You, too.

Women soldiers avoid pregnancy by
washing with vinegar and water.

Watch it from now on.

That's enough. Now it's my turn.

Thank you.

Tell Pedro once he's well,
after the revolution,

we'll do more duets.


Let's go. It's getting late.


GERTRUDIS: Sergeant Trevino.

Yes, my General. Let's go!

I'll finally get a rest!


Pedro, congratulations!

You've recovered amazingly well.

You won't be my
patient much longer.

That's good. Thank you.

It's lucky you got here in time.

I wouldn't have known how
to use the tepezcohuite.

Don't thank me. Thank
my grandmother.

Her experiments with this
bark will be famous someday.

Besides, with such a
loving nurse as you,

who wouldn't get well fast?

That's true.

I'll fix you a drink
in the living room.

No, thank you.

I won't keep you from
preparing tonight's dinner.

You didn't tell me the
doctor's coming tonight.

It's just that my aunt,
who came for the wedding,

is anxious to meet Tita.

We were just waiting
for you to get better

before arranging a visit.

Now I understand

why Tita nursed me so carefully.

Exactly! You finally
figured it out!

Come, John. I think
Pedro wants to rest.

See you tomorrow, Pedro.

You should have sent
Chencha with my food.

You shouldn't be late
for your dinner.

When will you tell him

you can't marry him because
you're carrying my child?

I can't tell him that.

Afraid of hurting
little doc's feelings?

It's not that. It would be
unfair to treat him like that.

He deserves my utmost respect.

If you don't, I will.

No, you won't say anything.

First, because I won't allow it,

and second, because
I'm not pregnant.


I thought I was pregnant,
but I was just late.

But everything's good now.

So that's it.

Without being tied to me,

you're torn between
staying with a sick man

or marrying John, right?

You're no longer sick.

Even more reason for leaving me.

My loving you more than anybody
doesn't matter to you.

Neither do all the sacrifices
I've made for you.

For me? Like what?

Marrying your sister just to
be near you meant nothing?

I wish you had just kidnapped me.


We need to talk. It's long overdue.

Yes, it's been due since the
day you married my boyfriend.

Let's start there. You should
never have had a boyfriend.

According to Mother or you?

According to the family
tradition you broke.

And which I'll continue to break
until I'm taken into account.

I had the same right
to marriage as you.

You had no right to
come between two people

who loved each other deeply.

Not that deeply.

He simply replaced you with me.

I married Pedro because
that's what he wanted.

For your information,

he married you to be near
me, but he didn't love you.

Never mind the past.

Pedro married me. Period.

I won't have you two
making a fool of me.

No one's making a fool of you.
You don't understand anything.

Oh, really?

And when everyone on
the ranch sees you

crying on Pedro's
shoulder, holding hands?

I'm the laughingstock!

Look! I don't care if you
and Pedro go to hell

for smooching in every dark corner!

It's good he does it with you
because he'll never touch me again!

In public, I will
continue to be the wife.

And you'd better not let anyone
ever see you together again.

Starting today, I'll care for
my daughter. You stay away!

You'd set a bad example
and give her bad advice.

You can be sure that I won't
let you ruin her life

with this stupid family tradition.

From a distance, you can't do much.

Did you ever see prostitutes

allowed near children
of decent families?

You really think our
family is decent?

My little family is.

And to keep it decent, you'll
stay away from my daughter.

Or I'll evict you from the
house Mother left me.


Don't worry, my sweet.

The tradition will die with me.

Nobody'll hurt you.


This is delicious, Tita. (CHUCKLES)


You're lucky, John,

because Tita, aside from
being pretty and intelligent,

also cooks wonderfully well.

You will even gain weight
with that marriage,

because, honest to God,

Sue Ellen's cooking is awful.

Is something wrong, Tita?

Yes. I can't tell you now.

Your aunt will feel left
out if we speak Spanish.

Don't worry.

She's completely deaf.

How can she carry on conversations?

Because she reads lips.

But only in English.

So feel free to talk,
because, in addition,

while she's eating, she
notices nothing else.

Watch this.


I'm marrying Tita because
the poor girl's crazy.



the wedding is next week,

so if there's a problem,
let's discuss it now.

John, we'd better
cancel the wedding.

But why?

Don't make me tell you now.

You don't love me anymore?

I don't know.

While you were away,

I was with a man

whom I have always loved.

I lost my virginity.

That's why we can't get married.

Do you love him more
than you love me?

When you're not here,

I feel that he's the one I love.

But when I see you,
everything changes.

With you, I feel calm,


at peace...

But I don't know...

I don't know. (SOBS)

(SPEAKS ENGLISH) It's so nice to see a
young woman in love cry from happiness.

When I was about to be married,

oh, many times, I cried, too.


Yes, well, I think we should
not embarrass Tita anymore

- with our compliments.
- Excuse me.

What's going on?


I don't care what happened.

It's not important if it didn't
change what's essential.

I want to be your partner for life.

You decide whether you want
me to be your partner.

If you say yes, we'll get
married in a few days.

If not, I'll be the first
to congratulate Pedro,

and also

the first to ask him...

To demand

that he give you what you deserve.



Remember the first time
we heard that song?

I'll never forget.

I didn't sleep that night,

thinking about asking
for your hand.

I didn't know it
would take years

before I could ask you
again to be my wife.

- Do you mean that?
- Of course!

I don't want to die without
having you be my wife.

I always dreamed of walking with you
into a church full of white flowers

and you, the most
beautiful of them all.

Dressed in white?

Of course!

There's nothing to stop you.

Besides, I want us to have a child.

There's still time,
don't you think?

Now that Esperanza is
married and is leaving,

we'll need company.

And no one can
convince me otherwise.

I don't care what my daughter
or anyone else thinks.

We wasted many years worrying
about what others might say.

Poor Rosaura.

If she hadn't died,

she'd really have enjoyed
her daughter's wedding.

You think so? She told me that
she'd never let her get married,

that Tita protected
that girl like a fiend,

and that the house
became a b*ttlefield.

That's right. But let
me cry, all right?


Fortunately, the fights
between Tita and Rosaura

didn't last long.

Because three days after

their most violent
and tearful fight,

Rosaura died of severe
digestive problems.


Ah! Señorita Gertrudis!

CHENCHA: Look how elegant!

Thank God you've arrived.

BOTH: It's a pleasure.

Look at this beautiful girl!

She looks just like
her grandfather.

How handsome!

Congratulations, Pedro.

Your daughter couldn't have
found a better match than Alex.

Yes, Alex Brown is
an excellent man.

Too bad he got a PhD
scholarship at Harvard.

Bad? That's excellent!

No. He's taking her along with
him and we'll be left alone.

How awful! What will you do, Tita?

Without Esperanza, it'll look bad if
you stay here and live with Pedro.

Oh, but before you leave,
give me the recipe

for these chilies.

They are heavenly.

The secret is to make
them with lots of love.

I hope you'll get them
right someday. Excuse me.

How rude!


Your son is a handsome groom.

Isn't it nice that he
married Esperanza?


Yes, it's true.

Then why are you sad?

Get happy. Dance with me.
My husband isn't here.

The next song, Chencha.





Be happy, my child.

good care of her, you hear?

Bye, now.


(SPEAKS SPANISH) I love you.

We're all alone.

I love you!

Nobody hears us.

I love you!

JOHN: If an intense emotion

lights all the matches
inside of us all at once,

the brilliance would make us see

a radiant tunnel

showing us a path that
we forgot at birth.

The soul will want to return
to its divine origin.

WOMAN: When Esperanza, my mother,
returned from her honeymoon,

all she found under what
remained of the ranch

was this cookbook, which
she left me when she died.

It tells the story
of this buried love.

My mother!

How I miss her cooking,

the smell of her kitchen,

her talking while she prepared
the meals, her Christmas rolls.

Mine never come out like hers.

And I wonder why I cry so
much while I make them.

It must be that I'm as sensitive
to onions as Tita, my great-aunt.

She'll continue to live as long
as someone cooks her recipes.
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