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03x07 - And Justice For All

Posted: 08/11/21 11:42
by bunniefuu
Goliath: one thousand
years ago,

and the sword ruled.

It was a time of darkness.

It was a world of fear.

It was the age of gargoyles.

Stone by day,

Warriors by night.

We were betrayed by the humans

We had sworn to protect,

Frozen in stone
by a magic spell

For 1,000 years.

Now, here in manhattan,

The spell is broken

And we live again.

[Deep growl]

We are defenders
of the night.

We are gargoyles!

it is said that for a nation
to survive and flourish,

It must become
a community of laws,

Limits agreed to
by its citizens

That allow them to live
and work together in peace.

To live outside the law
is to reject the community.

How can humans accept us

If we fail to submit to
their legal authority?

How can we protect them

If they turn us away?

[w*apon f*ring]

-[alarm bell ringing]


I love shopping.

Come on.





I believe this store is closed.



Look out, goliath!


[Tires squealing]


You've put on weight.

[Tires squealing]




Come on!
Let's get out of here!

Come on!

[Tires squealing]

After them.

[Sirens approaching]

The police are coming.

I've got news for you.
The police are here.



Those gargoyles
are coming this way.

Goliath: split up.
Meet back at the castle.


[Horns blasting]


[Impact grunt]




Last night several gargoyles

Attempted to rob a midtown
jewelry store.

Police report that they have

One of them in custody,

In a maximum-security cell.

[Cell door clangs shut]

-[keys jangling]

[Key turns in lock]

I knew you'd come.

[Cell door creaks]


I told them you're a suspect
in a case I'm working.

It was the only way
I could get past security.

There were two witnesses
in the alley.

Street people.

They can tell the police

Who the real robbers were.

The police can't find
any witnesses,

And they're aren't looking
for more suspects.

They've got you.

I am innocent.

Sometimes that's not enough.

Look, goliath, I'm a cop.

I can't break the law.

But if it ever looks like
your life is in danger,

I'll tell hudson
and the others

Where you're
being held, and I'll--

No. You mustn't.

I could break out
of here by myself
if I wanted to,

But if I run,
they'll assume I'm guilty.

I shall have my day in court.

If we ever hope for humanity
to accept us,

We must show them
that we respect their laws.

[Sighs] all right.

Look, I got a call from xanatos
on the way over.

He's offered to get you
the best legal talent
in the country.

I was told that
the state would provide
legal assistance.

[Cell door creaks open]

Hi. Amy schummer from
the public defender's office.

You ever see so many reporters?

[Gasps] ohh!
Oh, I'm--i'm, uh,

I'm so sorry.

If you change your mind
about that lawyer,

Let me know.

-[Nervous laugh]

I'm really swamped
with cases right now.

Wh-what are you doing?

I'm helping you pick these up.


Look, everyone says
they're innocent.

We need proof.

Do you mind
if I tape record you?

Totally confidential,
of course.

There were two witnesses
in an alley.

We fought the robbers and--




Ohh. Why do I get
all the hard cases?

Tv reporter: an angry mood
has gripped new york

As the stage is set
for the most unusual trial
in the city's history,

A trial that can only
be held at night,

Because during the day,

The defendant turns to stone.

The defense claims
their client

Saw witnesses to the robbery
that can clear him.


We gotta find 'em
before the cops do.


Goliath's been arrested.

I told you we should've
stayed with goliath.

I wanted to stay with him.

You said he's a big boy,
he can take care of himself.

I'll show you who's a big boy.

Hudson: stop it, you two.
What's done is done.

Save your fighting
for when we go
to rescue goliath.

Goliath doesn't want to escape.

He wants to stand trial,

Let the system
prove his innocence.

That's crazy!
They'll crucify him.

We've gotta bust him out!

No! We must respect
goliath's wishes.

There has to be something
we can do to help him.

Goliath says there were
some street people

Who saw what really happened.

Maybe we can track them down.

Demona: we've been looking
for a week, hudson.

What if we never
find a witness?

What if they send
goliath to prison?

Goliath knows what he's doing.

I hope.

You're saying
you didn't see anything.

Is that the story?

Yeah. And even if I had,

I wouldn't stick my neck out
to help a filthy gargoyle.

Are you done here?

Man: I warned you
about talking to cops.

You don't know anything,
you understand?


Hey, I didn't say
nothin', all right?


what should he have said?


Who wants to know?

The n.y.p.d.


That's the police,
in case you're confused.


[Elisa grunts]

All right,
you piece of garbage.

[Elisa grunts]

Let's talk.

[Both grunting]

We'lldo the talkin'...

[Groaning and moaning]

[Elisa grunts]

Fight's over, cop.



Angela. Are you all right?



Back off, gramps.

"Gramps," is it?



Come on!



[Impact groan]

You're not going anywhere.

The others got away.

Lousy gargoyles.

-You'll get
your chance to talk.

I just hope it isn't too late.

We were smart
to waive a jury trial.

We would never find

12 Jurors without a bias
against gargoyles.

If you're trying
to keep up my spirits,

You aren't doing
a very good job.

I'm being realistic,

Without a witness,
we don't have much
to fight with.

Oh, I still think our best hope
is to file a motion

Saying the court
has no jurisdiction
over nonhuman--

No. No legal tricks.

I will be tried by my community
and found innocent.

It may not be too late
for a plea bargain!

Man: there he is! That's him!
That's the monster!

[Indistinct shouting]

Order! Order!

Or I'll clear the courtroom!

I don't have time
to play games with you.

If you didn't pull
that jewelry store job,

Then why were you out
trying to intimidate witnesses?

I told you already.

I don't know anything
about any jewelry store.

I hear they got some gargoyle
for that one.

I can still
put you away for as*ault
and resisting arrest.

Go ahead. I've been
in jail before.

You know you're wasting
your time, maza.

-What do you mean?
-Oh, come on.

Everybody knows
the gargoyle did it.

In conclusion, your honor,
we've heard the testimony

Of officers who discovered
the, uh, defendant
at the crime scene.

And experts have identified
the defendant's claw marks

On the w*apon used to destroy
the jewelry store wall.

The prosecution rests its case.

Is the defense ready?

I want to take the stand.

I can't let you do that.

If we give
the prosecutor a chance
to cross-examine you--

Your honor,
do I have the right

To speak in my own defense?

Gargoyles exist to protect
their community.

It is not our nature to rob.

We have no use for money...
Or material possessions.

I have come to this courtroom
seeking justice...

Not only for myself,
but for all of my kind.

I ask you to look
into your hearts.

Judge us not as the monsters
we may appear to you,

But as fellow beings...

Beings with the same
hopes and dreams as you--

To live in peace.


Hey, enough.

Don't waste the city's money
on a trial.

We know what to do!
Stop the monsters!

destroy the gargoyles!
Destroy the gargoyles!

We have to go back
to the courthouse.

The, uh, judge is ready
to announce the verdict.

It doesn't look good,
does it?

Look, a lot of people
hate gargoyles, even judges.

When we couldn't find
the witnesses,

All we had was your word
that you didn't do it...

Your word that gargoyles
don't steal...

Your word that you live
to protect us.

Then what I said in court...
No one believed me.

I believe you.

I am ready.

[Angry shouting]

Hurry up. If that mob out front
gets their hands on him--

Man: there he is!

[Angry shouting]

They're taking him
out the back!

Come on, let's go get him!

Quick! Get him inside!

[Angry shouting]


[Grunting] oh!

[Angry shouting]




Requesting backup.
Somebody get back here!

I'm not gettin' myself k*lled
protectin' some freak.


[Both grunting]


Woman: ohhh...


-goliath. Don't.

[Effort grunt]

He's goin' back into the jail!
Come on!

There he is!

Well, come on!

I know that voice.

Let's go inside and get him!

[Angry shouting]

The robbery g*ng
is part of that mob.

They must be using
the riot as cover

To break their leader
out of jail.

Could we discuss this
on the ground somewhere?


I have a plan
to prove my innocence.

What can I do to help?

You could let me borrow
your tape recorder.

Why do you need
a tape recorder?

-Brooklyn: goliath!

We've been watchin'
the jail, lad.

We wouldn't have let
that mob have you
without a fight.

I am not going...
Not until the judge
declares me innocent.

Have you gone stir-crazy?

You've seen how much
they hate gargoyles.

I have seen it.
That is why I cannot run away.

Get amy to the courthouse.

And whatever happens,
do nothing to help me.

This is a problem
I must solve...

On my own.

All right,
you heard our leader.

Oh, you must be amy.

This must be strange for you.

Strange? Yeah, you--
you could say that.

Uh, you don't know
the half of it.


[Tires screeching]

[High-pitched squeal]

What took you so long?


You! Blast him!

[Angry roar]


What are you... Gonna do?

The police have
the jail surrounded.

-i am going to help you escape.

Why would you help me?

The humans have
judged me a criminal.

If that's what
they want, fine.

You know that world.
Show me how you work...

And I'll show them a crime
wave like they've never seen.

Why should I trust you
when you know

I let you take the rap
for that jewelry job?

If I wanted to hurt you...

You'd already be dead.

Or maybe you want me
to join up with one
of your rivals.

You, uh...
You got a point.

All right.
That's the last store
I knock over without ya.

[Police radio chatter]

There he is!

You, uh...
Sure this is safe?

Safer than staying here.


Since the defendant has escaped
from custody--

Your honor, I object
to the word "escaped."

He isn't here, is he?

You know, this ain't so bad
when you get used to it.


[Screaming in fright]

And in his absence,
I find him--




There is no need for v*olence.
Don't you agree?

Forgive the dramatic entrance,
your honor...

But I have found
the most important
witness of all...

The man who committed
the crime.

I object, your honor.

It's too late to present
new evidence.

-The defense has rested.
-Your honor,

I have this man's voice on tape
admitting his guilt.

You lousy freak!
Gimme that tape recorder!

-why should I trust you

When you know
I let you take the rap
for that jewelry job?

If I wanted to hurt you...

You'd already be dead.

Or maybe you want me
to join up with one
of your rivals.

You, uh...
You got a point.

All right.
That's the last store
I knock over without ya.

Hey! Mmm!

It's a trick!
He tricked me!

He made me say things
I didn't mean, ok?

restrain that man!

Your honor,
I know this evidence

Isn't being introduced
according to the rules.

But I have learned
that rules alone

Are not enough
to give us justice.

Justice comes
from ordinary people...
And gargoyles...

Striving to do what is right.

I will abide by your decision,
whatever it is...

Because I know that you
are trying to be fair.

In light of this
compelling new evidence,

The court has no alternative
but to dismiss the charges

Against the defendant.

So this bizarre trial ends with
an even more bizarre twist,

As a gargoyle,
wrongly accused of a crime,

Catches the real criminal.

This is travis marshall.

Look, there he is!

Man: look this way!


Man: hey, goliath. Over here.
Why won't you talk?

Give us a statement.

-How did you get him to talk?
-Are you gonna sue the city?

How did you get him to talk?

Just ignore them, goliath.

You wanted a public trial,

This comes along with it.

[Indistinct chatter]

Thank you, amy...
For believing me.

Thank you...

For believing in justice.

Oh, good luck.

Elisa: well, it looks
like he did it.

I knew all along he'd win.

I did! I really did!

Perhaps he was wise
to trust the human
system after all.

Hmm. Or maybe
he just got lucky.

Hudson: lass, as long
as I've known goliath,

He's had a habit
of making his own luck.

[Theme music playing]