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03x06 - The Dying of Light

Posted: 08/11/21 11:41
by bunniefuu
Goliath: one thousand
years ago,

and the sword ruled.

It was a time of darkness.

It was a world of fear.

It was the age of gargoyles.

Stone by day,

Warriors by night.

We were betrayed by the humans

We had sworn to protect,

Frozen in stone
by a magic spell

For 1,000 years.

Now, here in manhattan,

The spell is broken

And we live again.

[Deep growl]

We are defenders
of the night.

We are gargoyles!

self-knowledge is a rare
and sustaining prize.

Hard-won and elusive.

The greatest warriors
are those who know
when to ask for help.

Pride can blind a man
or gargoyle,

Denying him the power
of living the truth.

In these difficult times,

I fear for hudson,

For though he is strong,

He is also
uncommonly proud.

[Speaking latin]



hudson, your eye.


Same dream
over and over.

Why now?

Something troubling you,
old friend?


Can't a soul find
a moment's peace
in this place?

Mary: and I think we,

All of us at people
for interspecies tolerance,

Have to make
that first step.

I mean, we have
to be the ones

To reach out to them, ok?

Gargoyles are living,
breathing life forms

That deserve
everyone's respect.

Mary, how dare
we presume

That the gargoyles
would welcome
our attention?

The only sane response

Is to open the lines
of communication

And let them
come to us.

[Mary resumes speaking]

What was that?

Mary, everyone,
stay back!

Mary: james!

-Let's go.



[Tense music playing on tv]


isn't that perfect?

You'd think xanatos
could afford a decent tv.

Worthless piece of roach.

Why do you please me so,

Only to devil me?

I don't believe it.

My eye. My good eye.

This can't be happening.



Ol' hudson
hasn't seen clearly
for a month now,

But I've been
too stubborn
to admit it.

Or too scared.

-Uh, hudson?

I-i don't want
to interrupt,

Elisa's here.

She's got some news.


Don't mind me, laddie.

Sometimes old lions
just need to roar.


This is not
to be tolerated.

Please, goliath.

It is one thing
for those miserable
quarrymen to hunt us,

But to attack
defenseless humans

Whose only crime
is to respect us--

Human's have
been att*cked?

Earlier tonight.

The quarrymen busted up a group
calling itself the pit crew.

"People for
interspecies tolerance."

What do you know?
We got a fan club.

What's left of it
just got transported
over to manhattan medical.


And the quarryrats
all scurried back
into their holes?

Actually, we caught
a break this time.

The blues picked up
one of those quarryboys

Who got himself
knocked out cold.

-His friends
just left him there?

He's also
at manhattan medical,
under guard,

Until he's cleared
for transport
to rikers lockup.

To the hospital.

I'll see that this ruffian
tells what he knows.

Do you really believe
that attacking a hospital

-Would aid our cause?
-There's still a lot we could
do quietly, hudson.

We could look for evidence
at the rec center.


-[Pager beeps]

Ha, that must mean
sleeping beauty's coming to.

Time for a little
quarrymen q&a.

Without swords.

Elisa, may
I come with you?

I promise to stay
out of sight.

I have an idea.

A quiet one.

Let's go.


What is happening
with you?

You have been
many things before,

But never reckless,
old friend.

Leave me be.

Stop calling me old.

Ahem. [Sighs]


Hey, I know my rights.
I'm not talking.

Well, if you're not talking,
I'm not dealing.

Garry lee packer.
We know who you are,

And we know what you did.

People were hurt tonight,

And unless
you give us something,

Like the names
of your playmates,

Then you're looking
at 4 to 10 in rikers.


Uh, you know, garry,
you gotta believe

That the gargoyles
are pretty ticked off
at you, too.

If they find you before
the police do, ha, well,

Jail starts to sound
pretty good.

Hey. Hey, hey, guard!
I want a phone.

I wanna make my phone call now,
all right?

I don't believe it.
This is more
than we ever hoped for.

I hope you don't mind,

But I had to come
to thank you

For your work
promoting tolerance,

For being our friends.

Don't keep our little
songbird waiting.

I bet he tells his lawyer
he's ready to talk.

Time to hook up
with angela.

Get back to that
rec center now.

If we left any evidence,
I'm fried.


Lads, tell me,
have you had any luck?

Ha ha ha. I'll say.





If I'm to leave
this world tonight,

I'll be wanting company.



Another one. Aah!




I've lost power.
We gotta get out of here.

are you all right?

Ohh. Yeah,
I'll be ok.

That dog
scorched my sword.


Hey, you're hurt.

Let me help you
back to the erie.

I can still
take care of myself,
thank you very much.

And I'll be going home
when it suits me.

I should never
have let him go off alone.

Hudson would've been
more deeply wounded

If you had forced
your assistance
upon him.

Yeah, but the quarrymen
are all over the place.

Why would he
take that chance?

We must respect that hudson
is a warrior and proud.

He will return to us
when he's ready.

I can't go back
to the erie.

Not like this.

Oh, hudson,
you old fool,

Time to admit it.

You're going blind.



Any news of hudson?

You should know,

In about five hours
we're gonna transfer

That quarryman
out of manhattan medical

Over to rikers
lockdown sick bay.

You think
there'll be any trouble?

The captain's betting
the quarrymen

Won't be stupid enough
to try to spring that guy.

Ha. Sounds like
a bad bet to me.

Do what you must...

But we will deal
with the quarrymen

Only when we know
hudson is safe.

Hudson: I'm much obliged
for your hospitality.

I did not want
to disturb you.

Disturb gilly and me?

Let me get the lights for you
and get us a drink.

I really don't
have time, jeffrey.

I just came by...
To say farewell.

You can't leave without

One last iced tea,
extra sugar.


Take it.

Uh, thanks.

So, you said good-bye,

But there's something else
you're not telling me.

Nothing of importance.

Losing your sight
isn't important?

what do you mean?

Please, hudson,
I'm blind, not stupid.

You couldn't even see
the drink
in front of your face

Until the lights
came on.

Now, I know
better than anyone

How alone
you feel right now.

That's why I'm getting you
some help.

Hello, cornelia?
It's jeffrey.

Are you up for a challenge?

Well, I have a friend here

Who could benefit
from your skills.

No. Jeffrey,
you don't know
what you're doing.

It's called helping,

Dr. Stallman is the best
in the business.

Yes, we'll meet you

At the clinic
in half an hour.

She can't help me.
No one can.

I'm not like
her other patients.

Because you're a gargoyle?

Yeah, you heard me,

My friend hudson
is a gargoyle.

Oh, I knew
you'd be thrilled.

I wanted to tell you,

But, at first,
I didn't want
to frighten you.

Then, later,

I didn't want
to lose your friendship.

It wasn't hard
to figure out, hudson.

Late night visits only.
Your accent. That smell.

What smell?

Well, you tell me.
Sort of like old leather
and concrete.

Uh, but in a good way.

I'll have my driver
bring the car around,

And, by the way,
don't ever do that again.

[Bell rings]

Do what again?

Figure I'd be a bigot
about you being a gargoyle,

Or anything else.

How could I have assumed
the worst of man in you

When you are truly
the best?

I am sorry.


Now let's go.

I can't believe it.
Treating a gargoyle.

Boy, do I owe you two
for this.

Forgive her
enthusiasm, hudson.

Whatever dr. Stallman lacks
in professional demeanor,

She makes up for
in diagnostic skills.

The bad news
is I have no idea

What a gargoyle's
physiology's all about,

So I'm kind of
sh**ting from the hip here,

But the good news
is you called me
when you called me.

We shouldn't be
bothered this late.

Brother curtis
wants me to tell you
he's on his way.

I think I saw a gargoyle
at the eye clinic.

I'm gonna check it out.

Are you saying
there's some hope
for me, lass?

Oh, that is so great.

diagnosis, please.
-Oh, uh, right.

Ahem. Look, hudson,
there's nothing I can do
about your left eye,

And you're presenting
all the classic symptoms

Of early-stage glaucoma
in your right eye.

So it's all over
for me then, eh?

Whoa, there.
Glaucoma is rough,
but it's controllable.

You're gonna be fine,
if you're willing
to fight it.

I've always been up
for a good battle.

Great. First,
we're talking minor surgery,
nothing big.

We'll do it right here
as soon as I can
round up my colleague.

-Yes, but--
-we can trust her.
Don't panic.

Thanks, cornelia,
for everything.

Just have my nobel prize
speech ready when I win.

[Both chuckle]

I'm back in 10.

Jeffrey, i-i don't
know what to say.

Cornelia's the best.

If she says she can
help you, she can.

This looks to be
my lucky night.

Don't you think
it's time to call
your friends?

I bet they have no idea
what's going on with you.

Aye, and I'll keep it that way
till this is over. Thank you.

Oh, I get it.
You don't want
to face your friends

If you can't see, huh?

What do you think
a gargoyle is, jeffrey?

We protect our castle
or we die trying.

That's it,
and I can't do that blind.

Hey, I'm a good soldier,
too, hudson.

How do you think
this happened to me?

The only difference
between us is
I've never quit fighting.

Ok, it's showtime.

Hi, I'm dr. Carrie benjamin.

This is a genuine
honor, sir.

Dr. Stallman,
shall I handle set-up?

Let's rock 'n' roll,
dr. B.

Mr. Hudson, we're ready
anytime you are.

Aye, lass.
Get on with it, then.

Ok, sergeant, we're clear
of other patients.

You can cue the cars.

Ok, coolie,

We're ready to transfer
the prisoner.

You can bring
the cars around.


Do you copy this?

Lt. Roberts,



Come on.
It's check out time.

Wait. Our inside guy
scoped out a gargoyle
in the eye clinic here.

A real one.

And we got about
half an hour

Before the medicos
at rikers figure
you're not coming.

So we can finish off
this gargoyle?

Ha. Come on.

We're quarrymen,
ain't we?

Isn't that
the whole point?

Is this it, then?

Yep, tomorrow night
the bandages come off.

Now, no fair peeking.

After that, we start
your medicine,

Soon as carrie gets back
with your prescription.

I really think you're
going to be just fine.

Truly I cannot thank
all of you enough.

I'm glad to do it.

Well, looks like
I've got myself a roomie
for a day or two.

If you can put up
with an old fool.

Dr. Stallman,
there's a problem.

Quarrymen are headed
this way.

What was that?
Did you hear something?

Someone running.

We have to get you
out of here right now.

are in the hospital.

I think they just grabbed
that guy under guard.

They're bound
to come after hudson.

Carrie, help me get
hudson to my car.

No, I'll not be leaving.

There are innocents here
in harm's way

Because those animals
are wanting me.

I have to protect them
till help arrives.

That's what
a gargoyle does.

But, hudson,
you can't see.

Someone said
being blind

Doesn't mean
you can't be of use.

Now's the time to prove it.

Let me guess,
you already have
some sort of plan.

Am I right?

We start
by evening the odds.

Hey! Who turned out
the lights?

Hey. Hey, where's
the emergency lights, huh?

I mean, you know, hospitals
are supposed to have
emergency lights.

I cut the lights,
but the other power's
still on.

Good work, lassie.

If we're here,

Then the quarrymen
are heading toward us

From the south corridor.

Come on, then, jeffrey.

Let's go say hello.

[Over radio]
goliath? It's elisa.

Matt and I
are on our way over
to manhattan medical.

I was right.
The quarrymen hit.

I will notify the others
to meet you there.

We still have
no sign of hudson.

Elisa: now you do.
Hudson's at the hospital.

The doctor
who called in the 911

Said he's there
for some kind of treatment.

Treatment? Is he hurt?

We're on our way.

Hey, we gotta go.
If the power's out
the police are gonna know.

So we make it quick.

I am not missing this chance
to nail a gargoyle.

But those things
see in the dark, man.

They hunt at night.

So I'll turn on
the lights.

Ha ha ha ha.

Now, let's get us
a gargoyle.


The gargoyle!
It's here!

Where? Where?


They shouldn't
play with fire.

[Alarm rings]

Get him!
I think he's over there.

-Let's go.



[Electricity buzzing]

Now, hudson.



I'm gonna get every one
of those filthy creatures.

They can't hide.

There's thousands
of us out there. [Grunts]

There's one less
out there tonight.

[Siren howls]

What has happened here?

We just transported
half a dozen quarrymen
to jail,

But here, why don't you
ask the heroes of the hour.

-Aye, lass.

It was nothing
robbins and I couldn't
handle blindfolded.


your good eye.

If neither of you
could see, how--

There's more
to being a warrior than,
uh, meets the eye.

I'd forgotten,

But jeffrey was kind enough
to remind me.


It's been
a busy night.

I'll fill you both in
on the way back home,

Uh, if you'd both
be kind enough
to help me, that is.

Did I hear
that right?

Was hudson
asking for help?

Aye, but don't plan
to get used to it.


[Theme song playing]