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03x04 - Full

Posted: 08/11/21 11:38
by bunniefuu
one thousand years ago,

and the sword ruled.

It was a time of darkness.

It was a world of fear.

It was the age of gargoyles.

Stone by day,

Warriors by night.

(Guttural scream)

We were betrayed by the humans
we had sworn to protect,

Frozen in stone
by a magic spell

For a thousand years.

Now, here in manhattan...

The spell is broken

And we live again!

[Deep growl]

We are defenders of the night.

We are gargoyles!

Goliath: the tempting
siren song of fame

Has shipwrecked
countless humans

On the jagged rocks
of disillusion.

The yearning to feel the eyes
of the world upon you

Is buried deep
in the hearts of creatures

Whose lives too often feel

The dull, cold drag
of anonymity.

Gargoyles are not immune
to these emotions

Or to their consequences.

[Crowd shouting]

The neighbors
are restless tonight.

We can’t even go out anymore
without being harassed.

David: the rumors
about our ties to the gargoyles

Has certainly made life
more difficult.

-Ohh! Ohh!

But still,
things could be worse.

Imagine if it got out
that goliath and his clan

Are living above us.

Be ready to hustle, jackson.

[Crowd shouting]

[Car alarm]


There must be some way
to get them past

All this fear and ignorance.

We’ll never find any peace

Until public perception
of gargoyles

Starts changing
for the better.

Unfortunately, my dear,

That day is nowhere in sight.

Maybe it needs a push.

[Television plays]

[Tires squealing]

It’s the stuff
that dreams are made of.

Evenin’, boys.

What do you say
we get this show on the road?


where’s broadway?

What’s gotten into him?

It’s almost dawn.

He’s gone.

And you are not
gonna believe his note.

"Hi, guys. I know
this is going to sound strange,

But by the time
you read this, i’ll be--"


I must say, darling,
the project sounds intriguing,

But why didn’t
you run it by me first?

I could have made
a few calls,

Laid a little groundwork.

Fox: oh, david. Dealing
with the media is my specialty.

If this project succeeds,

It will not only bring
humans and gargoyles
closer together,

It might even get our lives
back to normal.

I know it’s no use
trying to discourage you,

So what else can I say
except... Keep me posted.

And, give my regards
to broadway.


"Flying out to hollywood"?

Yeah. Hollywood.

The lad was always
a mite star-struck.

How could he just go
and do something like this

Without even talking to us
about it?

Or to me.

Fox is involved.

she convinced broadway

To agree to
a television interview,

With someone called
shanna coyle.

Oh, that’s big-time.

I have a bad feeling
about this.

As do i.



Rise and shine,

And welcome to l.a.

For me?

Oh, boy.

Thanks, fox.

These shades are way cool.

How do I look?

Sunglasses at night.

I see real star
potential here, broadway.

You do as I tell you,
and the sky’s the limit.

Pilot on p.a.: We have
a bit of a problem, ma’am.

Lax isn’t letting us land.

A small plane’s engine
flamed out,

And their
landing gear’s jammed.

How many aboard?

It’s that pair
of newlyweds.

Novice pilots, too,
according to the tower.

Ground crews
are foaming the runways,

But the odds aren’t good.

Then somebody
ought to improve them.

So where is this
new york gargoyle
pac media promised us?


Quick! Give me your hands!

That could have been us.

a--a gargoyle.

Well, yeah. I...

Well, I don’t care
what you are.

You’re my hero.

[Reporters clamoring]


Wait’ll people
get a load of what
this gargoyle can do.

They’re getting it now.
Half these bozos
have a live feed.

You know, up close,
he’s almost kind of cute.

Pilot: we have permission
to land.

Not a moment too soon.

Reporter: are there
any more around like you?

[Reporters all shouting
questions at once]

Ok, one at a time.

Fox: broadway, over here.

There’s my ride.
Gotta go.

-They couldn’t get
enough of me.

You saved two lives

And the world
happened to be watching.

The media loves a hero.

I have calls to return.

Why don’t you kick back
and relax?

Don’t mind if I do.


I guess it doesn’t get
much better than this.

It’s all set
for tomorrow night.

They’ve retrofitted
an old sound stage
in the valley,

And guess who’s
running security.

Fox must trust you

Yeah, well,
she’s got a handful
with that gargoyle.

You wouldn’t believe
the star trip he’s on.

That’s hollywood for you.

is about to find out

Just how cruel
this town can be.

Fox, you don’t know
what you’re missing.

Fox: if you can tear
yourself away from the scenery,

I’ve got angela.

Great! I can’t wait
to tell her.

Broadway, I can’t believe
you went ahead with this deal

Without consulting the clan.

You’re 3,000 miles away.

If you get into trouble,
we won’t be able

To do a thing to help you.

But, angela,
don’t worry about it, babe.

You don’t understand.

They love me out here.

Angela: they?

Yeah. My fans.
I’m a hero.

Fox says i’ve got heat.

[Angela groans
and hangs up]

Uh... I don’t think
angela understands.

How could she?

She’s never been
to hollywood.

You up for a power supper?

My favorite kind.

gabbing with a gargoyle.

It’ll be the only talk show
where the host is weirder
than the guest, hmm?

No, no, no.
We go straight
to the horror picture.

Broadway melody,
the feel-good monster movie

Guaranteed to melt
a heart of stone.

Kind of a robocop/
elephant manthing.

No, no, no, no.
He needs network exposure first.

Maybe a sitcom.
He could be the--the--

The alien pet.

No, no, no, no.
See, you lose the shock value.

You see him every week,
people start to think
of him as normal.

Woman: a p.r. Tour.
"See it. Touch it.
Know it’s alive!"

Ha ha. The broadster
is ready to call it a night.

We’ll regroup
in new york, babe.

Have your people
call my people.

to see you again, fox.
My best to david.

Did they even know
I was there?

If they want
to work with me,

Why were
they insulting me so much?

If I knew that,
i’d own this town.


All right! Yeah!

Fans! They respect me.






Let’s get outta here!

New plan, hugo.

We’ll see you
back at the hotel.


All these people
wanting a piece of me.

They don’t even know me.

Fox: you better
get used to it, kid.

Male tv news reporter:
if it had not been

For the gargoyle’s
intervention last night,

The grateful newlyweds said

They would have
surely perished.

I know those two, owen.

They run a stunt pilot school

Financed by
one of our investors.

It was a setup.

Choreographed to
let the media see broadway

Doing what he does best,

Protecting others.

-How cunning.
-That’s my fox.

[Telephone rings]

status report.

The tail car
confirms it.

No reporters
or paparazzi for miles.

Yes! The decoy limo
did the trick.

They should be ready
to tape the moment he wakes up.

Good. Any waiting around
and he might get nervous.



oh, my. I see why

You didn’t let us tape
the transformation, fox.

We don’t want
my audience fleeing
from their living rooms.

Of course not, darling.

But now I want you to meet

The hottest guest
you’ll ever interview.


[Nervous laugh]

Hi. I’m broadway.

Shanna: today,
a very special shanna.

We’re taping
at a secret location,

Without the benefit
of a studio audience,

Because... Well--

We wouldn’t want
to scare them.

Our guest belongs to a clan
of nocturnal monsters

Long thought to be legend,

And now known to be fact.

This is broadway.

He’s a gargoyle.

Shanna: but what about
people watching at home

Who look at you and just see
your horrible outside?

Well, I wouldn’t say

-Are there girl gargoyles?
-Of course.

Shanna: well, I guess
there’d have to be.


Broadway: but what i’d really
like to talk about is my clan

And, uh...
Gargoyle/human relations.

Yes, yes.

Tell us now about
your love life, hmm?

[Clears throat]


What is going on?



Spread out!


Those baby blues
never did miss much.


And jackal!

Must be a bummer,

Blowin’ your shot
at the big-time.

But, hey, that’s show biz!

I see you
and your brother

Will still sell yourselves
to anybody.

It’s a living. We can’t all
marry billionaires.




Ha ha ha ha!

Domestic life’s
left you soft, fox.



I didn’t even
break a sweat.


You’re goin’ down, jackal.


One of us is.

Here’s a little something
we put together just for you.


[Gasping and choking]




Sounds like our cue.

-Shall we?

Go home, fellas.

Show’s over.

Both: broadway
has left the building!

Ah ha ha ha ha!

Fox: what else
did david say?

His taskforce
is in the air.

By morning they’ll be here
to begin the search
for broadway.

Fox: trouble is, david’s people
won’t know where to look.

But I do.


I took the precaution

Of fitting broadway’s glasses
with a microtransmitter.

Now I just
follow the beeps.

Well, that’s--that’s
out of the question, ma’am.

I’ve got strict orders
from xanatos

To keep you sequestered
at all costs.

It’s for your own safety.

I see.

You’re a good man, hugo.

Loyal to a fault.

Thank you, ma’am--


I’ll make sure
you get a bonus.

I know how fast
she moves, hugo.

What about
the cybernetic armor?

Uh, she must have had it
with her all along, sir.

Just in case.
I don’t know.

Devoted wife, mother,

And one-woman
vigilante squad.

What a woman.

Goliath. How long have you
been standing there?

Long enough to know
we share the same dilemma.

We have no way
to help our loved ones.

No. No way at all.

For once,
I don’t know what to do.

Have faith.

Faith that broadway and fox
will know what to do.

There’s lamant,
here for his final payment.

You two off
the gargoyle already?

Not just yet.


First, he has to go out
in a blaze of disgrace.

The quarrymen want
to get some use out of him,

So we’re making broadway

The star
of a promotional video.

Promoting what?

You know, the usual:

Fear, hatred, bigotry--

All the things
the quarrymen stand for.




We’ll need to see
the face of the star

Who’s going to blast apart

Hollywood’s favorite
beachfront landmark...


In an expl*sive farewell
to his devoted fans.

once it hits the news,

Anti-gargoyle rallies
and riots will follow.

Jackal: the quarrymen
will have a foothold
on the west coast.


Our villain is stirring.

Is the blaster on maximum?

Any more power
and it would overload.

We wouldn’t want
to blow up our star.

Ready when you are, c.d.

[Evil laugh]

All right, everyone,
quiet on the set.

We have to get this
in one take.

Ha ha ha ha ha!


looking good...


looking very good.


What am I doing here?



Drop the blaster.


Hyena: fox!
What’s she doing here?

Cut, cut, cut!
Do something, or
they’ll fire at us.

Hyena: got it! 5 Seconds
to overload.

It’s locked on!

The blaster’s overloading!



-Oh, no!
-Oh, no!


I’ll take the gargoyle.
You take fox.


She’s already dead meat.


you’ve got to wake up!








I’m gonna enjoy doing this
the old-fashioned way.



This time we both came
to the party fully equipped.

I prefer
the old-fashioned way, too.




By the way, lamant,
you’re fired.

Broadway on tv: what i’d really
like to talk about

Is gargoyle/human relations.

Shanna: yes, yes.
Tell us now,

What about people
watching at home

Who look at you and just see
your horrible outside?

Well, I wouldn’t
say horrible.

David: fox tells me
this interview went much
better than the first one.

The buzz is so good.

I’m getting calls
from every network.

They’re all begging
for more stuff on gargoyles.

And he just wants
to be home.

Perhaps getting
what he wanted

Helped broadway to realize
what it was he truly needed.

And you’re sure
we’re exciting enough
for a big star like you?

Angela, i’ve been trying
to tell you,

All that star stuff
doesn’t mean a thing.

It can never compare
to just being here with you.

I suppose you’re waiting
to be forgiven?

I’ll wait
as long as it takes.

[Theme music playing]