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03x03 - Runaways

Posted: 08/11/21 11:37
by bunniefuu
one thousand years ago,

and the sword ruled.

It was a time of darkness.

It was a world of fear.

It was the age of gargoyles.

Stone by day,

Warriors by night.

[Guttural scream]

We were betrayed by the humans
we had sworn to protect,

Frozen in stone
by a magic spell

For a thousand years.

Now, here in manhattan...

The spell is broken

And we live again!

[Deep growl]

We are defenders of the night.

We are gargoyles!

gargoyles, like humans,

Are communal creatures.

Our clans give our lives
structure and meaning

In a chaotic world,

But there are times
when every gargoyle

Find himself at odds
with his clan.

How he resolves
his struggle,

And how the clan members
aid him in his quest,

Determines whether
this cherished bond

Will heal
or be lost forever.

Hey! Hold it right there!

[Engine starts]


[Officer groans]

[Groans in pain]


Lie still.

I’ll call an ambulance.

[Elisa on recorder]

Have they struck again?

Yeah, but we were lucky.

Everyone is gonna
live this time.

Look for a white panel-truck
headed south on ninth.

We’re ready for them.

Oh, they’re lovely!

They can’t compare
with you, angela.

Oh, brooklyn.


[Goliath on walkie-talkie]
brooklyn! Brooklyn! Brooklyn!

Where are you?

Huh? Oh, yeah,
right here!

Pay attention!

A white panel-truck will
pass your position soon.

You’ve got
to stick with them!

Ah, great.
Too late.

[Tires screeching]

My luck--

Cluttered airways.

[Tires screech]




[Sighs] I lost ’em.

They were
too far ahead of me.

What were you doing
when I called?

We had them!

I thought I saw
something, ok?

I was only away
a few seconds.

This theft ring
isn’t a game, brooklyn.

These madmen k*ll people.

Every day they are
on the street,

Someone else could die!

I don’t need the lecture.

Stop treating me
like a hatchling!

I will... When you stop
acting like one.


Oh, yeah. Like he’s
never made a mistake.

What a nice surprise!


How sweet.


Weren’t you
a little hard on him?

Goliath: I made brooklyn
my second in command.

He will make
a good leader,

But only when he learns

That he can’t
let his guard down.


Something’s going down.

It’s just a child.
Let him go.

Brooklyn: gotcha!

get away from me!


[Footsteps running]

I was only trying to help.


Man, you’re not
gonna believe

Who just got grabbed
by a gargoyle!

-No way.
-Gimme a break.

Did you get the package
to radar?

He says
he’s being watched.

We should wait
for his all clear

Before we try
to see him again.

I don’t like
being on the streets
without protection.

You should’ve thought
about that before you
ran away from home.

Just my luck--
stuck with a couple of babies.

Hmm. Kids living
on the street.

It’s gotta be rough.

Well, lookee here.



Back off, man.
We work for radar.

He ain’t gonna
like-- [groans]

[Boys laugh]


Radar ain’t here,
street rat.

And word is,
cops are gonna nail him,

So give us all you got.


Get away, you monster!



Take it easy.

I--i was just leavin’.

You--you helped me before.


Wow! Man, he--he talks.

What’s your name?
Can you fly?


I’m brooklyn.

And no, I glide.

I’m dave porter.

The smart mouth’s
my kid sister bobbi

And that’s kenny.

Why are you out here
on your own?

A lot of times,
things were bad.

Dad was always
yelling at us

For messing up,
and mom--

She was never around.

Yeah, I understand.

So who’s radar?

Well, we do him favors,
and he protects us.

We call him radar
’cause he always knows
when trouble’s coming.

Kenny took us to him
when our money ran out.

Yeah. Nobody wanted ’em.

I know how that feels.

Hey, but
it looks like you could
use a hand right now.

Looks like I could, too.

-Angela: brooklyn’s not here.
-That does it!

Elisa: you don’t know
he’s done anything wrong.

He may have gone back

To try to catch
the guys in the truck.

Without telling us?
Dawn’s coming.

Tonight we will divide up
and search the city.

I just hope
he’s out of sight.



Come on!
We gotta hide him.

What’s the rush?

A deal’s a deal.

We keep him safe
during the day,

And he watches out
for us at night.



[g*ns cock]

Word is you got
a gargoyle looking after ya.

What gargoyle?

Look, kid!

We can do this the easy way

Or the hard way.

We didn’t see nothin’!

We were too busy hiding
from that monster.

You grubby little mutts!

Radar won’t like it

If he finds out
you’re holdin’ out on him.

Yeah, those flyin’ monkeys
are worth a mint.


What do you mean?

Oh, haven’t you heard?

There’s collectors
who’ll pay a mil for one.

People wanna see ’em.

So, uh, if your scaly friend
comes back,

Radar wants to know
about it. [Chuckles]

Matt, i’m back
in the stakeout area.

Anything on that,
um, missing person?

Matt: not a sign.

Good luck.

[Sighs] later.

Watch it!
Wait a minute.

I know that kid.

The stakeout
last night.

[Knocks in code]

same place, same kid.

Now, this guy I know.



Sweet kid.



[Footsteps running]

Halt! Police!


Kenny: let’s talk about
my finder’s fee.

That’ll depend on what
you’re sellin’.

I’m only talkin’ to radar.

what makes you think

Radar wants
to talk to you?

’Cause I can tell him
where the gargoyle is hiding.

No, no.

Let’s give him
a chance to tell us.


[Thud; bottle clinks]

Who is that?

I lost her.

Police! Freeze!


Stupid punk!


Elisa: matt, the kid had
some trigger-happy friends.

Time for me to call in
some friends of my own.

rise and shine, guys.

I have a lead
on our thieves.

Broadway, hudson,

Start looking
for brooklyn.

Angela and I will
work with elisa.


That was awesome.

-Do you do that every night?
-Of course.

Some guys were here
askin’ about you.

-That’s all we know.

We can’t make radar mad.

Get a grip.

Friends don’t
sell out friends.

There’s a price
on your head,

And radar’s got his hoods
searchin’ for you.

Radar’s gonna
know we told.

He’s gonna hurt us.

Don’t worry, bobbi.
Let’s find kenny

And get you all
to a safe place, ok?

[Police siren wails]

So, kenny, my boy,
where’s my gargoyle?

[Groans] what’s it
worth to you?

Nothing much, say...

Your life.

The gargoyle’s
with dave and his sister,

But they won’t
just hand it over.

It’s their friend.

How nice.

Well, then
you’ll just have to remind them

Who their
real friends are, won’t you?


-Bobbi: whoa!

[Both whooping]

Whoa. Can all your
gargoyle friends do this?

My friends?

Yeah. Yeah, they can.


It’s kenny.

We better call and find out
where to meet him.

Well, where is he?

Deserted alleys.

Wait a minute.
What’s goin’ on here?

Just what kind of friend
is this kenny?

Very funny, kenny.
Now come on out.


Kenny couldn’t
make it tonight.


Will we do?



Let me try that.


We shouldn’t
have made him mad.





for one high-priced bundle.


[Whimpers, groans]





Stand... Still...

So I can fight you.


Nice shot.

Let’s get goin’.

[Can clatters]

Man 1: hey, what about
them kids?

Man 2: ah, forget ’em.

I don’t know how long
this stuff’ll keep him out.


What happened?

M-m-my brother’s hurt.

[Groans] i’m fine.

[Gargoyle swoops]

Oh, my gosh.

It doesn’t look
too serious.

Now, I need you to tell me
what happened.

We thought it was kenny,
but then men showed up,

And they had g*ns, and...


And they shot brooklyn,

And he couldn’t move,
and we--

Where is brooklyn?


Can you tell us
where they’ve taken him?

-Probably radar’s hideout.
-David, no!

We’re in enough
trouble already.

We gotta
take ’em there.

You’re going
to the hospital.

No! No, please!
I know the place!

I know where they’ll
be holding brooklyn.

[Footsteps approaching]

I recently came
into possession of that, uh...

Specimen you were
so eager to acquire.

Would you like to do better
than your original offer?

I’ve got other
interested buyers.

Take your time,

But the price
ain’t going down.

Good work, kid.

Code: Select all

Sounds like a delivery.

Check it out.

You got it.


[Cocks g*n]

Hmm, I think we found
the theft ring.


Let him go.


Another step...

And your little pal
is toast.

-Goliath, look out!

If you value your lives,

Don’t let him go!




[Electronic beep]


You shouldn’t
play with g*ns.




Stop destroying
my merchandise!

Oh, yeah.





Radar: normally
i’m more careful
with my merchandise,

But I should make enough
off the three of you...

To retire in luxury.

The buyers did say
dead or alive.


[Brooklyn groans]

It was all I could find.

Good work.

Are you all right?


There goes kenny!


Don’t sh**t!



-Stay back.

Don’t make me hurt her.

Dave, brooklyn!

Help me! [Gasping]

Let me talk to him.


Come on, kenny.

No way, monkey boy.

You’re the only family
bobbi and dave have out here.

They depended on you,
and you let ’em down.

You still have time
to do the right thing.


Why bother, cop?

You just have
to let me go again.

No probation
this time, chump.

I heard you turned 18.

Happy birthday.


I was so scared
i’d never see you again.

Don’t you
think your parents feel
the same way about you?


They couldn’t.

You know, bobbi,
i’ve realized

That those who are
the hardest on you

Can often be the ones
who care for you the most.

When we came out here,

We thought things
would be easier.

I guess
we were wrong.


Look, i’m sorry I ran off
without telling anybody,

But I really
didn’t know what to say.

You were right
to be so angry,

And everyone was off
in their own world.

I just didn’t feel--

We are your family,

Nothing will ever
change that,

And nothing can be
more important.

elisa figured out

That radar was using
underage runaways as couriers.

This way, if one got caught,
who’d care?

[Knock on door]

Brooklyn: it’s a shame.

A lot of kids
don’t realize

How important
they are to their families.

Goliath: mmm.

It can happen
to the best of us.

[Theme music playing]