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01x13 - Reawakening

Posted: 08/10/21 16:00
by bunniefuu



This is the third time
this month.

Yeah, well,
we live in dangerous times.

[Demona] we should all go
with you.

My love,
we've been through this.

Where do you go, my brother?

To track down the vikings
before they attack again.

-Will you need help?
-Foolish creatures!

Why are you still here?

If you wait any longer,
you won't have to track
the vikings.

They'll be
at our gates again.

Why do we risk ourselves
to protect the human's castle?

She's right.
Let the vikings have it.
We can survive anywhere.

[Hudson] a gargoyle can no more
stop protecting the castle

Than breathing the air.

I will have you at my side,
old friend.

I will need
your tracking skills.

Stay here and keep guard,
my brother.
I will see you soon.

And you, my love,
I never lose sight of.

[Sirens wailing]

Going to the movies, hudson.
Want to come along?

Thank you, lads, but no.
Why go out in the snow

To see something
that will be
on cable soon enough.

Besides, someone has to
stay here and guard our home.

[Chuckles] hudson, we live
above a police station!
What could happen?

You know the old saying.

A gargoyle can no more stop
protecting the castle...

than breathing the air.

-Yeah, yeah, we know.
-Heard that one before.

We don't live
in a castle anymore.

-Bye, elisa!
-Bye, elisa!

Do we have time to eat
before the show?

Whoo! Nasty out there.

So, how you guys surviving
this cold?

Cold does not bother us.

Maybe not, but something is.

Is it not time to go on duty?

Yeah, I guess it's time to do
a little "protect and serve."

Protect... And serve?

The police motto.
It's what I live for.

Protect whom? And serve how?

The people.
The honest citizens.

We protect them and serve them.
And we do it for each other.

You mean the police.
Your clan.

Right. My clan.

Who will disown me
if I'm late to work.

I'll go with you.
Perhaps I can learn something
from this.

Sure. Why not? My car is big.

I'm sure my partner
won't even notice you.

If this works,
it'll be a miracle.

None of your plans
have worked.

The pack,
the steel clan robots,

All have proven useless.

Your stolen spells haven't
done any better.

Neither science nor sorcery
have defeated goliath.

Perhaps a combination
of the two
will be more effective.

The cantrips have been spoken,

The patterns of force
are aligned.

Now it's up to your machine,

[Machine starts]



It's alive! Alive!

I've always wanted to say that.


As you said, it's alive.

-Can it hear us?

Do you remember me?

[Mechanical whirring]

This is xanatos...
My servant.

-what... Am i?

You are coldstone
brought to life.

Cold... Stone?

Don't you remember anything?

I remember... The castle.

Goliath, my rookery brother...

...went to find the vikings.

Dawn came, and then...


Your brother abandoned us
to the mercy of the humans.

He's been seduced
by their beliefs.

It is he who has turned you
into this!


[Glass shatters]

-Come on, matt, what's up?

I know the guy who owns
this place.

He's been robbed three times
this month alone.
He's a tough old bird.

Born and raised here. He won't
let street scum drive him out.

I just wish we could
protect him better. Coming?

Go ahead.
I've got some thinking
to do.

What? Afraid your brain
will overheat

If you come
in out of the cold?

-[Door closes]

State of the art.
I don't even talk loud.

This thing
picks up everything.

Yes, a most amazing device.

I could hear you perfectly.

Why does that man
keep his shop open?

He could be robbed again.
Why does he not leave?

This is a dying neighborhood,

The big markets
won't come here.

If he closes this store,
people will have
no place to buy food.

That's more important to him
than hiding in his own castle.

-His... Community needs him.
-To survive.

[Police radio] all units,
all units.
Code 3 to times square.

[Elisa] matt!

[Sirens wailing]

-Morgan, what's happening?
-You got me.

Whatever it is, it's big.
And it's mad.

-Look out!

[Coldstone grunting]

-[Matt] police! Freeze!
-[Elisa] you're under arrest!


[Coldstone growling]


[Both grunt]

[Goliath grunts]

Goliath, what is that?

[Footsteps approaching]

[Mechanical whirring]

It is an abomination.

Rookery brother?
You betrayed us.


What sorcery is this?


-Come on! Before they knock
the whole building down!

I... Know you.

From long ago.

-You are my brother.
-And you are my betrayer.


Boy, that surround sound
sure is great.

I don't remember any explosions
in bambi.


Now you will pay
for destroying me
and our clan.


[Broadway] put him down, ugly!
And I mean now!

Goliath, what is that thing?

It is one of us...
Or used to be.

More traitors!
You will all pay!


Looks like our boy's
having trouble making friends.

Why are you attacking us?

You betrayed the clan.
Destroyed it.

-We were all betrayed.
-[Demona] too true.

You told him these lies.

-I lived for my clan!
-And they died for you!

Smashed to dust by the humans
you trusted!

Man, oh, man!
This can't be happening!

There has to be something
we can do.

I don't think so,
unless you're packing
a nuclear w*apon.

We have each created
our own clans now, goliath.

You have yours and I have mine.

You have no clan.
You don't know
the meaning of the word.

Destroy them, coldstone.

Let's not be hasty.
I want them alive.

Destroy them
and we will survive!

Survive? Like this?

Appearances mean nothing.
We are the true gargoyles!

They have been corrupted
by the humans!

There has been enough death.

There are so few of us left,
my brother.


[Vehicle approaching]

Goliath, we don't want this
on the 11:00 news.


I'm sure you can communicate
via your robots.

And I doubt you want to see
any more destruction
done to your city.

Perhaps we should move
to someplace less... Fragile.

No! We finish this now!

An excellent suggestion,

I propose we reconvene at...

I'll be there, goliath.
And I'll bring help.

Then... It's over?
Just like that?

Not hardly.

[Reporter] this is
travis marshall reporting live
from times square,

Which seems to have been
besieged by... Monsters!

This shocking footage was shot
just seconds ago.

Looks like trouble, boy.


But if we go,

There will be no-one here
to guard the tower.

[Mumbles] I know. I know!

Hey, looks like
we beat 'em here.

[All scream]

[Groans] remind me to be
fashionably late next time.


Got any spells
to save you now?

[Both grunt]


I... Don't want to hurt you.

You already have!


They always fall
for that trick. Uh-oh!



[Metal squeaks]



[Goliath screams]



[Hudson] a gargoyle
can no more stop
protecting the castle

Than breathing the air.

...breathing the air.



Is he... ?

He lives.


-He's ok.
-[Demona] but you're not.

Thank you so much
for saving goliath for me.

Wait! You said
destroying my brother

Is the only way to survive.

Is that all there is for us?
Mere survival?

-Isn't that enough?

Gargoyles protect.

It is our nature.
Our purpose.

To lose that is to be corrupt,


-And what do you protect?
-Enough of this!


At least I can finish
you three... Argh!

I told you before.
I want them alive.



Don't move!

-It's over, xanatos.
-I don't think so.


[Elisa] it took a while
to lose matt
and get hudson.

Is everyone ok?
What happened to the monster?

He was not a monster.
He was family.

And now he's gone.

I'm sorry.

Let's go home.


When you told coldstone
that gargoyles protect...

Like we breathe, boy.
You know that.

But what do we protect?

The clock tower.


That is merely where we sleep.

This island, manhattan,

This is our castle.

From this day forward,
we protect all who live here.

Human and gargoyle alike.

Are you all right?

-Is there anything you need?

I need a detective.

[Shop bell]

Not again! Can't you rob
somebody else this time?

I'm not robbing you, man.
Do me a favor.

Call the cops
so I can turn myself in.

-What? Why?
-'Cause six monsters
just told me to.

You know what, guys?

The city feels safer already.