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01x08 - Deadly Force

Posted: 08/10/21 15:54
by bunniefuu

[Guttural scream]

[Deep growl]

Looks like you were worried
for nothing, mr. Burnett.

I certainly hope so.

[Equipment whirring]


-Hold it!

Hit the deck! [Coughs]

-Do it now!
-Move it!




See you later, guys.

Where's he off to
in such a rush?

He's going
to see show downagain.

- Show down?
-A western. Great movie.

We saw it the other day.

You know... Cowboys,
horses, g*ns.

It must be good. He didn't
have his dinner first.

Movies, television,
video games...

These days, it's hard to tell
what's real and what's not.

Come on captain,
you know it was dracon.
Who else could it have been?

Look, just get me a warrant
and I'll drag
that piece of scum back...

We've got no evidence.

He's bulletproof.

Big surprise.

What exactly was in
that crate he stole?

Non-projectile w*apon

From xanatos enterprises.

You mean, like lasers?

something like that detective.

They are the latest design
in high-collimation charged
particle beam technology.

The laser is just for aiming.
The particle beam itself
is invisible.

How many g*ns were stolen?

322 Of various sizes,
styles and power ranges.

-[Sighs] great.
-Where are you going, maza?

To do my job.

[Car horns honking]



-[Movie theme music]
-just in time.


Something on your mind, honey?

I have a few questions
for you concerning about
that arms shipment hijacking.

Hijacking? Sorry, detective.
You got the wrong guy.

I'm just a businessman.

I assume
you've got an alibi, then?

I was with these guys.
We were out doing the town.

Sooner or later,
you're gonna slip up, tony.
When you do, I'll be there.

Hey, I told you.
I'm not the guy.

And if I was the guy, you
couldn't do anything about it.

In fact, if I were to tell one
of my associates here

To go sell off
some "merchandise"

To raise some
operating capital,

You couldn't do anything
about that, either.

Face it, sugar.
You got nothing.

[Spurs jangle]

[Horse whinnies]

[Triumphant theme music]

[Chuckles] cool.



Hey, cagney.

Are you hungry, cagney?

Be glad you've got a home, cat.

The streets just got
a whole lot meaner.

[Western theme music]

Elisa. You home?

Is that you, broadway?

I was in the neighborhood.

Make yourself comfortable.
I'll throw
on a couple of steaks.

Ha. Thanks.

[Steaks sizzling]


Let's go, pilgrim,
and don't forget the horse.


Sorry. My fault. I was playing
with the g*n. Stupid of me.

Hope I didn't break anything.





Sorry. I'm sorry.



-What in--
-she's been shot!
I can't get a pulse.

Get her inside stat!


I guess broadway liked
that movie so much, he stayed
to watched it few more times

I hope he finds
a comfortable place to roost.

I'm afraid
I have some bad news.

What is it? Speak quickly.

Your friend elisa maza
has been shot.

They're not sure
if she'll live.

[Birds squawking]

Hey, did you hear about maza?


Yeah. Dangerous to leave
a g*n lying around, huh?

[Both chuckle]

[Birds squawk]

We'll make the deal tonight
with our buyer.

Did you have sell off many
on the street?

A handful, to cover expenses.
Might have to sell a few more.

[Slow beeping]


Give me more retraction here.

-How did it happen?
-We're not quite sure yet.

She was trying
to get a stolen shipment

Of particle-beam weaponry
off the street.

It was very important to her.

-Where is she?
-Manhattan general. Pardon me.


Broadway isn't back yet.
I'm a little worried.

You two search for him.
I will check on elisa.

Hudson, remain here
to guard the castle.


Don't sugar-coat it, dr. Sato.

She's our daughter.

I wish I could tell you
she'll be ok,

But the internal damage
is extensive.

The b*llet hit high in chest,
ricocheted off the collar bone,

Nicked the heart muscle
and passed through
the right lung

I removed it
from the base of her spine.

The good news is she survived
ten hours of surgery.

The next 12 hours are crucial.

Should we... Have her sister
fly in from arizona?

Don't talk like that, dad.
She'll be ok.

Well, what can we do?


We can pray, peter.
We can pray.

Don't stay long.
She needs rest.

Maria. Thank you for coming.

Mrs maza, sergeant maza.

Derek. I'm sorry to see you all
under these circumstances.

Just tell me you know
who shot my sister.

Witnesses say she braced
tony dracon at the park manor.

He stole an armed shipment
and she was pretty determined

To get those g*ns
off the street.

Our guess is one of
dracon's man broke
into her apartment

And shot her with her own g*n.

Dracon may even
have done it himself.

-Any prints on the g*n?

But so badly smudged,
they don't look human.

Whoever the sh**t is,
we'll find him.

No-one hits a cop
and gets away with it. No-one.

I think we should
let her sleep.

Keep fighting, elisa.

Don't give up. Come back to us.

Know that I will finish
what you started.

I'll find the man that did this
to you and I will make him pay.

(Dracon) this buyer's
gonna pay top coin
for all this buck rogers stuff.

We're set for midnight,
down near the docks.

I'll meet you there.


Look, let me pass. Please.

Not likely.
I need your wallet, pal.

Come on, give it up.


St... Stay away!


What's this? A new kind of g*n?

A new way to k*ll people?

Where did you get this?
Who gave it to you?

A guy...they call...glasses.
He's selling them.


Down on canal street.
Right near the docks.

[Long beep]

Code blue! Code blue! Icu.

[Long beep]

Flatline! No pulse!


Still flat.

Get the paddles.
400 Watt-seconds.


[Steady beep]

Got her. Normal sinus rhythm.

bring the family back in.

Take it easy.
I don't want them spotting us.

Somebody's following us, tony.

-Probably cops.
-You know what to do.



Who are you working for?

Now we wait for the buyer.

He'll be here at midnight.

How did you...? Oh, never mind.

You're just in time
to help me deal
with the one who shot elisa.

-That's right. You don't know.

Elisa was shot

And the human responsible
is in this building.

There's no more time for talk.


What? Glasses,
you're not making sense.

Calm down. Better get this
moved out of here.

sh**t 'em!

[Electrical fizzing]

You're mine! All of you!









-You are the one
who shot elisa maza.

no! You can't k*ll him.
-You think not?

Elisa will have her revenge
through me.

But he didn't sh**t elisa.
I did.

-It was an accident.

I was looking at her g*n and...
It went off.

I... I'm sorry.



We have much to talk about.


[Goliath] you were the buyer.

Mr xanatos had to get the g*ns
back somehow.

Excellent job by the way.

He'll be pleased that you
have recovered his property.


Are all the weapons
that were stolen here?

Hard to say for certain.

But I estimate that 37 g*ns,
r*fles and heavy
weapons are missing.

No doubt they've already
been sold on the street.
What are you doing?

Making sure that
no more of these
fall into the wrong hands.


Mr. Xanatos
isn't going to like this.

I'll be happy to discuss
the matter with him.

Hey, what are you doing?

Making sure the police link you
with the stolen property.

We have a sick friend to visit.

You mean, elisa isn't dead?

Oh, mom?


-You're awake!
-Oh, thank goodness.

-How do you feel?
-Mmm... Lousy, I guess.

What happened?

That's what we'd like to know.

Captain chavez just called.
Dracon's been arrested
for grand theft.

They found him in a warehouse
with xanatos' g*ns,

All of them destroyed.

He was babbling about monsters
attacking him and his men.

You'll have to leave now.

She's past the crisis point
but she needs her rest.

Hi, guys.

Elisa, it was all my fault.

I was playing
with your g*n and...

It went off.

I'll never touch a g*n again.

I should have been
a lot more careful about where

I left it
we both made mistakes.

Yeah. But you nearly paid for
those mistakes with your life.

Then let's not repeat them.

Come. She needs her rest.


Sleep now.

You're safe.

[Theme music playing]