01x25 - Sleepless in Denver

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Good Luck Charlie". Aired: April 2010 - February 2014.*
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Series follows PJ, Teddy and Gabe as they adjust to the newest member of the family, Charlie.
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01x25 - Sleepless in Denver

Post by bunniefuu »

Can you believe it, bob? Charlie's first big-girl bed.

She's not a baby anymore.

Charlie, do you like your new bed? No.

Oh, it seems like just yesterday I was complaining about giving up this room.

Aw, you miss your old room, honey? Are you kidding? There's two floors.

Between me and the boys now.

This room is dead to me.

Hey, now that charlie's got her own bed, I can have a sleepover, right? Okay, how did charlie's new bed.

Turn into you getting a sleepover? Let me walk you through it.

Oh, I love it when he walks us through stuff.

Every time I ask you guys for a sleepover, You tell me I can't because there's a baby in the house.

Well, dad just said she's not a baby anymore.

And he walked us through it.

And it's my fault.


If I don't have a sleepover soon, The other kids will stop inviting me to theirs.

One night of kids at our house.

And we get rid of gabe for a bunch of nights.

Take it.

It's a good deal.

- Fine, you can have your sleepover.

- Yes! Come here, charlie.

Let's look at your new bed.

- You'll love it! - No.

I bet you're glad you spent two hours putting that together, huh? today's all burnt toast ♪ running late, and dad says ♪ has anybody seen my left shoe? ♪ I close my eyes, take a bite ♪ grab a ride, laugh out loud ♪ there it is up on the roof ♪ I've been there, I've survived ♪ so just take my advice ♪ hang in there, baby ♪ things are crazy ♪ but I know your future's bright ♪ hang in there, baby ♪ there's no maybe ♪ everything turns out all right ♪ your life is up and down ♪ but trust me, it comes back around ♪ you're gonna love who you turn out to be ♪ hang in there, baby.

♪ if you believe it's true ♪ and if my heart's in you ♪ no matter what you do ♪ you'll never face it alone ♪ and when the rain leaks through ♪ I'll be right there with you ♪ no matter what you do ♪ you'll never face it ♪ no, you'll never face it ♪ alone.♪.

How was that? Oh my gosh.

Alice, are you having an asthma attack? No, that was the crowd cheering for you.

You were great.

That thing at the end, that was asthma.

Oh thanks.

It's my first audition for a high school show, So I really want it to go well.

Oh, no worries.

Since I'll be playing.

The piano for everyone's audition, When you're singing I'll make sure.

The director sees me do this And when the other kids are auditioning, I'll do this Wow.

Alice, you make a really good stink face.

We live next to a sewage-treatment plant.

- Hey.

- Hey, p.J.

- What you go there? - A cupful of bacon.

Dude, if you don't start eating healthier, You're gonna get fat.

Teddy, I can eat whatever I want.

Nothing happens.

Now if you're through here, I'd like to take a nap.

Why don't you just go upstairs to your room? 'cause this is my fourth cup of bacon.

And I'm feeling a little woozy.

I'm not bothering you, am I? A little.

Can we talk about my sleepover for a second? Gabe, you're distracting me from my housework.

Of course we can talk about your sleepover.

What are you serving us for dinner? Well, I was thinking of making my famous meatloaf.

With a nice side salad.

Pizza it is.

Okay, now I'm gonna need you to rent us a scary movie.

I don't know, gabe.

I don't want you boys to be up all night.

Mom, you just described the perfect sleepover.

Now the last thing is Charlie's writing on the wall.

- What? - Charlie She's writing on the wall.

I can draw.


P.J., breakfast! Morning, everybody.

I'm starving.

Are you stuck again? Mom, put some more butter on the door.

We're out of butter.

He ate it all.

I told you you were gonna get fat.

Kids, help your brother into his harness.

The helicopter's here to take him to school.

No Ooo! Ooh, bacon.

Hi, um, mr.


I'm teddy duncan.

I'd, um, like to sign up.

To audition for "beauty and the beast.

" Miss duncan, in the theater.

One must present oneself with confidence, Not with "like" and "um.

" Now reenter and say it again.

This time like you want it.


Hello, mr.


I'm teddy duncan.

Put me in your show! Please.


Now give me an arpeggio.

Right here in the hallway? Arpeggio.


How's your dancing? Would you like to hear me sing again? Teddy, with a lot of hard work, You might have a shot at being my beauty - Really? -If and I mean if You can show me some passion.

You've got to wow me.

And so far I'm not being wowed.

Well, I'm I'm really sorry.

No no no no no.

Give it back to me.

- Get in my face.

- I'm really sorry! Tomorrow at the audition, you've got to really bring it.

- Consider it brung! - You mean "brought.

" - Don't correct me! - I love it! This juice is great.

Really really great.

I'm not allowed to have sugar at home.

I huh wonder why.


Maybe we should switch you to water.

No! What an awesome sleepover.

The best one ever.

Xander honey, you've been here Pace yourself.

Does this pizza have cheese on it? - 'cause I can't eat cheese.

- I'll eat it.

Liam, would you like a peanut butter sandwich? - No thanks.

I'm allergic.

- I'll eat it.

What movie are we gonna watch later? Well, I was thinking "monkeys go bananas.

" It's a delightful and funny cartoon.

About monkeys who just go bananas.

That's for six-year-olds.

No, it says "four and up.

" excuse me.

Mom, can I talk to you for a second? - Sure, yeah.

- Come on.


Let's go.

You're k*lling me here! Where's the movie I asked you to get, "zombie blood party"? Well, I got it, but I'm just not sure.

Gabe, it looks very violent.

That's kind of the point.

Now get over there and sell it! Come on.

Let's go.

Our other choice is "zombie blood party" Awesome! Which is about zombies.

Who just have a blood party.

- Yeah! - All right! Okay, guys.

We've got the tent set up in the backyard.

So once we're done eating I guess they're done eating.

He might want a dessert menu.

- What you doing? - Working out.

So I don't have to go to school in a helicopter.

As usual, I only understood half.

- Hey, p.J., wait wait wait.

- What? You've got to stretch out before you pump the iron.

You want to hurt yourself? - No.

- Hey, come here.

Come here.

Let me show you a little something.

Do some toe-touches, all right? Just do what I do.

- You do, okay.

- Here we go.

Ready? One and Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow! No! No! No! No! No no, I think I pulled a hamstring.

What are you guys do Oh! Dad butt! Ow! - Isn't this cool? - Yeah.

Let's stay up all night.

- I know I am.

- Yeah.

This ground seems kind of hard.

Liam, it's the ground.

That's how the ground always feels.

Hey, zip up the door so no one else can get in.


We're still gonna be able to get more food, right? Well, it's official.

Charlie hates her new bed.

Now what's going on with her? Writing on walls.

Won't sleep in her bed.

Well, bob, she's an overachiever.

She started her terrible twos at one and a half.

Bring her over here.

Aw, daddy wants quality time.


Oh! Oh! Other side.

Other side.

- There we go.

There we go.

- Really sorry.

It's okay.

It's better.

It's all better now.

- You really hurt yourself, huh? - Yeah, well, That's what I get for trying to exercise.

Boy, I'm glad that chapter's closed.

Whoa, what's that? Oh, did you turn off the a*t*matic sprinklers? We have a*t*matic sprinklers? It was like being trapped in a washing machine.

I thought I was gonna drown.

The whole night is ruined.


We can fix this.

How? We were gonna sleep in the tent, Watch a movie in the tent, Do stuff I couldn't tell you about in the tent.

Hey, gabe, look.

Why don't you just go upstairs, Have a sleepover in your room and then p.J.


Can sleep on the couch in the basement.

Yeah yeah, and I'll order another pizza.

Tell them to put more pepperoni on this time.

I could still see cheese.

Uh, liam honey, is there a problem? I'm afraid of upstairs.

- Excuse me? - We live in a one-story house.

I've never been upstairs and I'm not gonna start now.

Interesting new phobia.

Okay, sleepover's in the basement.

You're not afraid of downstairs, are you? No, I'm not crazy.

Hey, honey, if he goes downstairs, - Doesn't he eventually have to - No no no no.

One battle at a time, honey.

Okay, wait.



that one stunk worse than the first.

♪ sleeping bag fight! What are you doing? Sleepover's been moved to the basement! No! No! Well, I can't sleep in there if you're making noise out here.


Good point.

Get her! This movie's hilarious.

These monkeys are going absolutely crazy.

Yup, four and up.

They got that right.

Hey, dad, I don't see any difference yet.

- Well, how long have you been doing it? - Twice.

Mom, did you tell the boys they could sleep downstairs? Well, honey, they don't have anywhere else to go.

Okay, well, I'm not going into p.J.'s room.

And you guys are down here, so where am I supposed to sleep? - Stupid parents.

- Heard that.


Stupid baby monitor.

Don't go in there.

Don't go in there! Don't go Oh, man, he shouldn't have gone in there.

Remember, no one is safe.

The zombies are everywhere! Everywhere! That was a good movie, huh? I don't think I'm ever gonna sleep again.

Why'd you have to get such a scary movie? - I want to go home.

- Me too.

Come on, guys.

You're not afraid of a bunch of zombies, are you? Fine.

I'll go upstairs and tell my parents.

Upstairs? Oh, man, I really didn't think this through.

Hey, buddy.

How's it going? Terrible.

Everyone wants to go home.

- Why? - Because that movie you rented us.

Was completely inappropriate.

My first sleepovers a total disaster.

Oh honey.

Relax, okay? I'll go have a little talk with them.

Everything's gonna be fine.

Okay, everybody listen up! Zombies aren't real! Now go to bed! Good night, everybody.


Wow, this is really paying off.

It sure is.

Hey, p.J., do me a favor - Would you give me a hand up? - Yeah.

Hey, that's my favorite arm.

Oh now.

I'm too strong now.





Ow! Oh! Oh, my foot! I I'm sorry, dad.

Are you okay? Ow! Ah.

You know what? I should just go to bed.

Before I go to bed, I've got to go check on the boys.

Oh, my thigh.

Oh, my foot.

Oh, my thigh.

Oh, my foot.

My thigh.

My foot.

Ah! Guys.

Guys, wake up.

- What is it? - Listen! It's getting closer! - Zombie! - What do we do? Attack! Aim for the brain! Aim for the brain! - Yeah! Get him! - Whoa whoa whoa! Oh! - Hey! - Wait, guys! Stop! Stop! - That's my dad! - Your dad's a zombie? I'm not a zombie.

- Prove it.

- Ow! He feels pain.

We're okay.

Dad, what are you doing? I'm just checking on you guys.

Like a zombie? Now they're gonna.

Wanna go home again.

Thanks a lot.

I don't wanna go home.

That was awesome.

- It was? - Yeah.

- You were so scared.

- I wasn't scared.

- You were scared.

- Not as scared as me.

Let's do it again, mr.


No no no.

I've got to go to bed.

Dad dad, come on.

Give the kids what they want.

- All right.

- Yeah, let's go.

- Okay.

- This is so cool.

Must k*ll.

Dad dad dad, zombies don't speak.


Uh Good morning, charlie.

Look at you.

Are you an artist? Huh? Did you paint a picture somewhere? Oh.

Well, the walls look okay.

Oh my gosh! I'm late for my audition! Uh-oh.

Thank you.

Alice, is that everyone? Oh no, teddy duncan isn't here yet.

No no no.


I'm coming.

I'm here.

- there.

- Teddy, what happened to you? I overslept.



I'm going to be singing "you'll never face it alone.

" hit it.

if you believe it's true ♪ and if my heart's in you ♪ no matter what you do ♪ you'll never face it alone ♪.

Stop stop.

What was that? I was auditioning.

For what, beauty or the beast? Well, beauty of course.

Why would I be auditioning for the beast? I mean, that's something that's because I look like a beast.

Why do you have scribbles all over your face? Are you trying to say that beauty is only skin deep.

And what's inside is what's truly important? - Well, actually - Because if you are, - I love it.

- Then that's exactly what I was going for.


Hey, charlie, are you happy now? No more big-girl bed.

Yes, and since mommy insisted we'd never need the crib again, Daddy gets to go buy a new one.

Daddy might be sleeping in his own bed too.

Great news, you guys! I got invited to three sleepovers today! And, dad, you got invited to two of them.

What? I don't want to go to any sleepover.

Dad dad, we're a package deal.

You're going.

That's it.

Now save that for tonight.

Well, charlie, You're going back to your crib.

And I'm going places too I got the lead in the school musical.

I'm gonna be the best beast they've ever had.

Here's some really big news.

I'm eating healthy now, Because I decided I like mysetf just the way I am.

Yeah, she's not interested.

One more thing: If you ever draw on my face again Good luck, charlie.

- What's that noise? - Is that a zombie? Dad, that's getting old! What's getting old? If if you're there, then who's Whoa! Oh those crazy monkeys!
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