01x13 - Blankie Go Bye-Bye

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Good Luck Charlie". Aired: April 2010 - February 2014.*
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Series follows PJ, Teddy and Gabe as they adjust to the newest member of the family, Charlie.
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01x13 - Blankie Go Bye-Bye

Post by bunniefuu »

Uh-oh, Charlie, look at your tummy.

I think somebody's had enough pancakes.

No no.

Oh my goodness, Somebody loves her blankie.

Whoo! All right, dad, now pull out your blankie.

Sure thing, son, Right after I drop you off at a military school.

Oh, hey, look what's gonna happen on Saturday.

Oh, yeah, the truck from the thrift store is coming.

And it's your wedding anniversary.


What time is the truck coming? So how are you guys gonna celebrate this year? There's no better way to celebrate than the tax deduction.

We're gonna get from donating old clothes.

Bob, remember the deduction from our 10th anniversary? Ooh! Guys, guys, guys, you know what? I think we should do something for mom and dad on their anniversary.

Don't we do enough for them on mother's and father's day? You never do anything for them.

Excuse me, I was born, Which made them a mother and a father.

My work is done.

Well, I think.

We should surprise them with a romantic dinner.

You're gonna make a dinner? I think we should surprise them.

And order a romantic dinner.

Then we can serve it to them like waiters.

Why do girl ideas always take so much work? I get it.

If we do something nice for them, They have to do something nice for us.

- Like give us presents.

- Yes.

Why can't we just do it because we love them? Because then we don't get stuff.


today's all burnt toast ♪ running late, and dad says ♪ has anybody seen my left shoe? ♪ I close my eyes, take a bite ♪ grab a ride, laugh out loud ♪ there it is up on the roof ♪ I've been there, I've survived ♪ so just take my advice ♪ hang in there, baby ♪ things are crazy ♪ but I know your future's bright ♪ hang in there, baby ♪ there's no maybe ♪ everything turns out all right ♪ your life is up and down ♪ but trust me, it comes back around ♪ you're gonna love who you turn out to be ♪ hang in there, baby.


Hey! Shouldn't someone go tell Charlie to shut up? You know what? You give it a shot.

We've been trying all night long.

And by "we" he means me.

Come on, I got up that one time.

And when you flushed, you woke her up.

But why is she so fussy? We can't find her blankie.

And we've looked everywhere.

Oh, that's ridiculous.

She shouldn't need something to help her sleep.

What about your stuffed monkey? Coco's different.

Guys, what a horrible way to spend your anniversary.

We should really get out of the house.


What are you doing? Oh.

Mom and dad, on your anniversary I'm taking you to lunch and a movie, My treat.

Oh, dad, bring your wallet.

You don't know what "my treat" means, do you? Okay, we'd love to go to a movie, kids, But not when Charlie's so upset.

I'll find Charlie's blankie and take care of her.

Now you two go out and enjoy some alone time.

On your anniversary.

With Gabe.

And I know the perfect movie to see "star exploders ii: Ticking asteroids" in 3d.

Hey, you know what? The critics hated that.

- That means it's gotta be good.

- Oh, yeah.

Or we could see "the willow weeps tomorrow.

" - What's that about? - It's a haunting tale of a young girl.

Who lives on a farm, plants a willow tree.

And grows up with dreams of becoming a ballerina.

And then on the day of the bigudition.

She twists her ankle, goes back to the farm, Gets married and has a baby.

And do you know what she names it? Willow.

I feel like we just saw it.

And hated it.

Oh, come on, guys.

It's my anniversary too.

No no no, you're absolutely right.

Look, we don't have to figure this out now.

We'll decide when we get to the theater.

- Okay.

- Okay.

"star exploders"! Charlie, I'm looking for your blankie.

Please stop crying.

Oh, look, it's your favorite show "the circles.

" they're the colorful singing shapes.

That teach you about shapes.

I am a red circle, yes, I am ♪ I am big and round and red.


Hey! Man, this is annoying.

Oh, what's this I found? Is this your blankie? I'll take that as a no.

Let's take you on a walk.

That'll make you feel better.

Yay! Excuse me.

Excuse me.

Great, I think I'm the only woman in here.

Hey, what about? Nope.

I'm kind of getting hungry.

Yeah, you know what? Let's eat.

Pass this to your dad.

Isn't this great Not having to buy that movie theater food? We're saving so much money.

I guess I had a different picture in my mind.

When Gabe said "lunch and a movie.

" I think he said "lunch in a movie.

" Mom, do you have my milkshake? Oh.

You know what? I think it's easier.

If you just stick the straw in.

Hey, the movie's starting.

Really? Excuse me, could you take off your tentacles? Got the cake.


What's all this about? Oh, it's the theme for tonight's dinner.

I turned the living room into a moroccan palace.

So we'll be serving moroccan food? Won't that make dad gassy? Name a country that won't make dad gassy.

Good point.

Are you still looking for Charlie's blankie? I can't find it anywhere.

I thought I put it in that pile of dirty clothes.

We have a dirty clothes pile? Yeah, it's where your clothes magically go.

After you throw them on the floor.

I hope you didn't put it on the donation pile.

For the thrift store, 'cause that is long gone.

- We gave her blankie away? - You gave her blankie away.

- We have to get it back.

- You have to get it back.

- Stop saying that.

- You stop saying that.

You know, I'm usually the one who messes things up.

But this time everything on my side of the operation.

Is going just fine.

See? "bon voyage, Esther & marty"? - Oops.

- You brought home the wrong cake.

Can't we just tell mom and dad.

That "bon voyage" is french for "happy anniversary"? What about "esther & marty"? Who cares about them? They're on a ship.

Okay, we still have time before mom and dad get home.

- We can fix this.

- How? You drop me off at the thrift store.

I'll grab the blankie while you go switch cakes.

Let's do it.

Let's do it with Charlie.

Oh! Yeah! That was awesome.

And derivative.

They did it in "solar troopers: Star quest iv.

" How many stars have to explode before this thing is over? Or so they said in the chat room.

Hey, mom, could you jiggle your purse? My shake's clogging.

Honey, put your phone away.

It's distracting.

My phone is distracting.

From the 3d destruction of the milky way? Do you mind? You were talking too.

About the movie, which is totally allowed.

Oh, yeah? Honey, honey, where are you going? Out.

Excuse me, could you move your flipper? I should go talk to her.


President, Only you can give the order to explode the supernova.

May the galaxy forgive me.

Whoo! Excuse me, excuse me.

Hi, I donated something and I have to get it back.

Oh, dear.

Someone doesn't know what the word "donation" means.

See, darling, when you "donate" something.

You "do not" get it back.

You don't understand how important this is.

I accidentally gave away my baby sister's blankie.

Your baby sister's blankie?! I still don't care.

Did someone wake up on the wrong side of the bed? I sleep on the futon.

Mama gets the bed.

Can you help me? I'm afraid it's out of my hands.

Everything that was donated this week is already on that truck.

Leslie's dog-washing service.

If your pooch is dirty, I'll make him purty.

Side business.

I'm also a life coach.

Yeah, uh-huh.

Oh, I think I see it.

No, ma'am, we don't wash cats.

Cats wash themselves.


Wait, no.

Hold it, no.

Boop boop boop! This is zaalouk, couscous, Tajine, pastilla and harira.

Any questions? Actually, I do have a question.

Is your name really aziz? It is on saturdays between 5:00 and 9:00.

Tuesdays and thursdays I'm raoul from el gaucho.

Oh, cool.

I'm also in the food delivery business.

I work for kwikki chikki.

You mean the guys who wear the rooster hat.

With the cartoon beak? Where's your pride, man? Gotta answer the phone.

- Hello.

- P.J.

Teddy, what happened to you? I went to the thrift store and you weren't there.

I'm locked in the back of a truck.

Ooh, this is cute.

Someone threw this out? What? Teddy, I can't hear you.

Try going outside to get better reception.

If I could go outside, I wouldn't have to call you.

Okay, I have an idea why don't I go outside? Can I hear you now? I'm locked in the back of a truck.

Locked in the back of a truck? Teddy, how could you be so stupid? Um, forget that question.

I gotta go.

Wait, no.

Wait, no.

Um, yeah.

Charlie, hi.

Can you open the door for me? Charlie, come here.

Charlie, where are you going? Charlie, Charlie.

Charlie, can you come here? Thattagirl.

A little closer.

A little closer.

Charlie, no.

No, not the food.

Charlie, please.

Please come here.

Charlie, Charlie, hi, hi.

Come here.

Come here.

Yes, thattagirl.


A little closer.

A little closer.


You can do that, but you can't open the door? Hey, honey, you're missing the whole movie.

Yeah, that's kind of the idea.

What are you doing out here? The guy with the tentacles cut the cheese.

Yeah, it was the guy with the tentacles.

Honey, what's wrong? I don't know.

I guess the truth is it would be nice.

To do more on our anniversary.

We used to do special things.

Now we're eating onion rings out of my purse.

There were onion rings? But I thought we agreed.

We weren't gonna do anything special.

Yeah, I know.

I know we did.

So now you want to do special things? Well, it's better than doing unspecial things, Like sitting in a theater full of 40-year-old nerds.

Hey, I'm only 36.

Okay, you know what? You guys go back and enjoy your movie.

And I'm gonna go see "the willow weeps tomorrow.

" No, honey, wait a minute, wait a minute, wait a minute.

Are you gonna want the onion rings or? Here you go.

Happy anniversary.

I don't think I handled that very well.

Ya think? Oh, man.

I should have planned something.

- Well, maybe you did.

- What do you mean? Well, Teddy, p.J.

And I are surprising you guys.

With an anniversary dinner.

It was all my idea, not Teddy's.

But I can let you take the credit.

Are you serious? You'd do that for me? Sure.

Just remember me on Gabe's day.

- What's Gabe's day? - Surprise me.

Agh! An arm! My goodness, people will donate anything.

A little help here.

What are you doing in the back of my truck? Looking for my sister's blankie.

And it's not in here, Although I did find this really cute top, see? You know what would look good with that? Get out of my truck! But I don't even know where I am.

You're in the driveway of my house.

Mama always likes first dibs on my pile.

Wait, and you still have to sleep on the futon? That just doesn't seem right.

Would you mind telling that to my mama? Charlie, please open the door.

Open window.

Ha ha! Coming, Charlie.

This is so sad.

I know.

First she loses her man, And now her sense of smell.

Her problem is she loves too much.

I smell Oscar.

But she won't.

What are you doing here? - I was worried about you.

- And our movie ended.

Ow! Look, honey, I wasn't gonna tell you this, But I've got an anniversary surprise waiting for you at home.

Really? What is it? If I told you, it wouldn't be much of a surprise now, would it? Oh.

I love you.

Thanks for staying and watching the rest of the movie with me.



Why do I have to stay? Because if you don't, Gabe's day is canceled.

What are you doing here? I have a heart as well as a brain.

I'm not a robot.

I wish I was.

Hey, dad, do you want to switch seats? So then I left Broadway.

I've never looked back.

I can't believe I didn't find Charlie's blankie.

I could have sworn I looked at every single thing in that truck.

Were you even listening to my life's story? Does the name Patti lupone mean nothing to you? I'm sorry, I just - What are you sitting on? - Just a little blanket.

No, that's Charlie's blankie.

Give me that! Oh, there.

Why were you sitting on it? How shall I put this? I have a medical condition known as posterial hydrosis.

- What's that? - Butt sweats.


Well, at least I got it back.

Stop the truck.

Back it up.

Boop boop boop! Okay, look, before we go in I just want to say something.

Now I know I'm not always the most romantic guy, But I should be, because you deserve it.

Happy anniversary! Surprise! Oh, Charlie.

What happened? Ask dad.

He planned the whole thing.

For your anniversary we'd like to serve you.

A traditional moroccan feast.

But since that ended up on the floor, We bring you Peanut butter toast.

This is so sweet of you kids.

You know, I think this turned out to be.

A pretty great anniversary after all.

I don't even mind that I'm sitting in couscous.

And now it's time for the entertainment.

Ladies and gentlemen, may I present to you The dancing Duncans! Isn't it amazing how a little piece of cloth.

Can make someone so happy, Even when it's covered in tire tracks and butt sweat? I'm gonna wash it after you fall asleep.

But it's so funny, because we love our blankies so much, And then one day we forget all about them.

And if you're like me, you'll grow out of yours by the time you're five.

Good night.

But if you're like Gabe, You might bring it on your honeymoon.

Good luck, Charlie.

Hey, you know what? I'm kind of hungry.

Pass this your dad.

Anything else? I had chicken yesterday.

Got anything else? What, no fixings? Hold on.

Hey, honey, aren't you gonna have something? Oh, I almost forgot.

Okay, Who ordered nachos? That would be me.

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