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01x03 - Awakening Part 3

Posted: 08/10/21 07:31
by bunniefuu

[Guttural scream]

[Deep growl]

previously on gargoyles...

They've turned into stone
for ever?

[Magus] the terms of the spell
were that they would sleep

Until the castle rises
above the clouds.

There's much
we can do for each other,

They're attacking the castle!

Got it!

What do you figure
that was all about, detective?

I don't know,
but I am going to find out.

a most unfortunate accident,

One of the newly installed
in the castle exploded.

Mr xanatos is quite willing
to pay for any damages
that might have...

Mr burnett,
I heard a*t*matic weapons
firing up there.

Now you can let me
look the place over

Or I can come back with
a warrant and a lot more cops.
It's your call.



Must have a heck of
a heating bill!

Detective maza,
I've just called the mayor

To offer my profound apologies
for what happened.

What exactly did happen here,
mr xanatos?

And please, don't try to
tell me it was
"an exploding generator".

Owen was a little confused.
That's for the press.

The truth? My men repelled an
invasion by a rival corporation

Trying to steal
our new technology.

[Gasps] "repelled an invasion"?

You're a private citizen,
xanatos, not a country.


Detective, I am the owner
of a multinational corporation,

Which is bigger than
many countries you could name.

I assume you have permits for
the weapons I heard being fired
up here?

[Xanatos] of course.

Wow! Look at all this stuff!
It's fantastic.

What do you suppose this does?


[Pans clatter]


Let me out! It's cold in here.

-We'll save you!
-You push and we'll pull.


[Both] urgh!

-[All] aaargh!

Excuse me, mr xanatos.

There seems to be a problem
in the kitchen
with our new guests.

I hope I've answered all
your questions satisfactorily,
detective maza.

Owen will show you out.
Excuse me.

If you'll come with me?


Is there a problem, detective?

That stone gargoyle up there.

I could have sworn
I saw it move.

[Nervous laugh] yes.
This old place is rather
spooky at night.

I've thought the same thing
more than once.


-Good night, detective.
-Good night.


Sorry, pal, but this
investigation isn't over yet.

Don't tell me. This is where
dracula shows up.

Ha! A good laugh would be worth
a lot of money right now.

[Sniffs] [growls]

[Deep growl]

[Cocks p*stol]

Ok, pal, let me see you!
Nice and easy.








Ok. Just take it easy.

-What were you in my castle?
-You... You can talk?

Who... What are you?

My kind have no names,

But you humans
call me "goliath".

Your "kind"? You mean,
there's more than one of you?

[Deep breath]


Wait. Don't go.

Uh, look,
we need to get down to
the street or up to the castle.

-Since you can fly...
-I can't fly.

I can only glide
on currents of wind.

There are none strong enough
here to lift us back up.

So we're stuck here?

Huh? Aaah!

Hold on.


-Trust me.
-I don't believe this.



-[Gasps] I forgot about him.
-He won't hurt you.


Now, once again,

What are you doing here?

And, please, don't fall off
the building this time.

A fine mess
you made of that kitchen, lads.

When I heard that crash,
I thought that...

Look! Goliath is talking
to that human.

So, a thousand years ago,

You were betrayed
by the one human you trusted.

Does anyone else
know about you?

Only the man called xanatos.
He brought us here.

Oh, this can't be happening.


-Is this a new friend, goliath?
-Boy, I hope so.

This is elisa maza.

A... Detective?

Second class. Nypd.

What exactly
does a detective do, lass?

Well, uh, when somebody
does something wrong,

I find out who and arrest them.

Who says what's wrong?

Well, we have a justice system.

Laws, penalties, assessments
that the people decide.

You mean, the humans decide?

You have to go now.

Wait! Will I see you again?
I'd like to know
more about you.

Look you saved my life.
I owe you.

Let me help you understand
this city,
you need to know how it works.

If we're to defend the castle,

I suppose we need to be
prepared for
whatever's out there.

-Very well.

Tomorrow's my day off
I'll meet you
in the afternoon--

-At after dark.

Why am I not surprised?

Ok. Here. After dark.


Not here. Over there.
On that rooftop.

-Why there?
-Why were you sneaking
into the castle?

A good detective trusts no-one.

That's one thing
we have in common.

It seems that much has changed
from what we knew.

Yes, and if we are to survive
in this new world,

We need to learn about it
and the humans who rule here.


It is almost done, xanatos.

My friends and I
must sleep soon.

This won't take long.
I'm asking for your help,

That team
who att*cked us earlier

Stole something very important
from me.

The box they took contained
three of these disks.

-Think of them
as magic talismans,

Each one containing
hundreds of spells.

It is vitally important
that you and your friends
get them back for me.

Perhaps you should use a...


You are learning fast.
I can't go to the police.

I've had to forestall
an investigation of the fight.

Think of the trouble it would
cause if they learned of you
and your friends.

You could be locked up
for study or even worse.


You're the only gargoyles left.

-Humans will fear you.
-And betray us.

what would you have us do?

My sources have discovered
that those thieves

Were hired by a multinational
company called cyberbiotics.


It's like a...

A living tapestry.

Your naivety is refreshing,

The stolen data are being held
at three different locations.

The first is a research center
on an island in the bay.

The second is deep beneath
the city, heavily fortified

The third is been kept in
a huge air fortress

That flies in a holding pattern
over the city.

All three places
must be hit simultaneously,

So none will be able
to notify the others.

It seems an absurd amount
of protection, I know,

But rest assured
the information
is that important.

Why do you want us to help?

This must be done
before their scientists break
the encryption codes,

Before they translate
the spells.

This is much different
than protecting the castle.

It will endanger the lives of
my charges. I cannot risk that.

Think about my request.

I'm sure our enemies
mean to use this information

For some terrible purpose.


Don't worry.

Everything's going
according to plan.



Where do you think
you're going?

To explore the city.

After all we can't spend rest
of our lives in the castle.

He's right.
If we're going to live here,

We've got to know
all about this city.

-Its people, its devices...
-Its food!

Oh, very well.
The three of you may explore.

But stay close to the building
and stay out of sight.


[Door creaks]

Hello? Anyone there?


There you are.
Why were you hiding back there?

I wanted to make sure
you were alone.

Not to worry. You look like
you could handle
a whole swat team.

-what are you doing here?

Just making certain
you were not being ambushed.

You guys are paranoid
even for new york.

Are you coming on the tour?

What do I call you, anyway?

Must you humans
name everything?

Nothing's real to you
till you've named it,
given it limits.

It's not like that.
It's just that...

Well... Uh...
Things need names.

Does the sky need a name?

-Does the river?
-The river's called the hudson.


Fine, lass.

Then I will be the hudson,
as well.

Great. "Hudson" it is.
I don't know how I'm going

To keep people
from noticing you.

We'll stay on the rooftops.

Easy for you with those wings,
but what about me?


Well, that answers
that question.

[Clears throat] let's be off.




I think not.

This new world is too big,
too bright, too loud.

Now that I know
you're all right,

I'll return to
guard the castle.

Well, looks like
it's just you and me.

What do you want to see?

The dangers that thr*aten me
and my kind.

Lighten up, will you?
You're bringing me down
and I'm a cop.

What do you think so far?

Such amazing changes
men have made while we slept.

Stone streets.

Finer than those
the romans built.

-Towers of glass and iron.
-Yeah. I'm used to it.

But I guess it's pretty
impressive to an out-of-towner.

I see no walls
to guard this city.

How do you protect it
from invaders?

Well, our biggest worries
aren't from outside,
they're from inside.

That I am all too
familiar with.


Aye, boy, I know how you feel.

It's a strange new world.


[Sighs happily]

Well, now, this isn't too bad.


[Rock music]


Don't tell me.

There's a charming,
undiscovered bistro
behind that dumpster?

-Give it a rest, margot.
-[Engine fails to start]

What do you expect? You only
paid 40 grand for the car.

There must be interference.
I can't get through.

Wonderful! Priceless!
Now what do we do?

Maybe I can fix it.

You have to call a repairman
to plug in the coffeemaker!

[Man] you got a problem, pal?

Hey, maybe we can help.
I had a year of auto shop.

Uh, no problem.
I just called the police.

They'll be here any minute.

-Got a passport, mook?


You're on our territory
and we don't like visitors.

-Papers, please!

-Give him your wallet, brendan.
-I don't have much cash on me.

Oh, we're real sorry
to hear that... Brendan.


Aren't you boys late
for your 4h club meeting?

it just keeps getting better,
don't it?


Police, huh?
We're very impressed.

-I'm warning you guys.
-You're warn...?

Have it your way.



-It's a monster!
-Trash it!


[Punch thuds]

Stay back! Margot, run!

-Human gratitude?
-I guess.

You know, goliath,

You're the best thing to happen
to this city in a long time.

I've never seen
so many wonders.


-I've got to see how it works.

What a beautiful device!



-Wait. Come back!

-Goliath said not
to let anybody see us.
-I didn't mean him to see me.

I just wanted
to look at his machine.

-Be careful.
-It looks easy enough.


Maybe we'd better not tell
goliath about this.

We're probably the only couple
in the park who don't have
to worry about muggers.

This world is just as savage
as the one I remember.

You're judging it the way
humans have judged you.

And sure, the city shows
an ugly face sometimes, but...

There's more to it than that.

There's beauty here,
moms that sing to their kids,

The way my mom used to.

-Goliath, what is it?



-[Elisa screams]


What do you want?

We're just tying up loose ends.

[Man] next on gargoyles...

Yo, taxi.

This is how they found us.

[Xanatos] there's someone here
I want you to meet.

[Theme music playing]