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01x02 - Awakening Part 2

Posted: 08/10/21 07:22
by bunniefuu
[Theme music playing]


[Guttural scream]

[Deep roar]

Last time on gargoyles...

Goliath: attacking a castle
full of gargoyles
at nightfall. This is crazy!

And hakon knows it.

I say take all your gargoyles
and make sure they're gone.

I can scare those cowards away
without any help.

-I can't let you.
-I won't go alone.

Remember, you and I are one.

We're too late!

The vikings, captain!
We are att*cked!

It is worse than that,
your highness.

I haven't lived this long
by taking foolish chances.



Angel of the night.

[Guttural cry]

These bowstrings have been cut.

There was betrayal here.



I'll be...

Were any more
down in the rookery?

None. Only us.

All the humans are gone.
Taken prisoner most likely.

Then we will find them.

We will save the humans.

And we will have our revenge!




My friends the gargoyles
will come, mother.

Nay, the gargoyles
were destroyed, tom.


Mmm, the magus is
worth more alive than dead.


True. But I'm sure your uncle
the king will pay handsomely

To see his niece
returned alive.

You blackguard! If I had
my book of spells, I'd...

Might you be referring to
this book, magus?

Magic spells, huh!
Makes me glad I can't read.

-[Magus] no! My spells!

-Oh, traitor.

I'll see you are both
hanged for this.

Do not vex me, princess.
Or it's your neck.


They're coming!
Run for your lives!


You said they wouldn't
follow us.

If you hadn't
destroyed the others.

Your precious gargoyles
have come, princess.

The gargoyles?
You're a dead man, hakon.

Maybe, but not before you.

Let her go! Princess!

Help! Somebody help! He's going
to slay her! Princess!


I told you they'd save us.

You fools! She'd be alive now
if you hadn't come.

-What's he talking about?
-They would have ransomed us

-But you invaded their camp
and now...
-What's all this?

-Where's the princess?

And could I but wield a sword,

I would send you all
to join her.

But this will
have to do instead.


Dum castellum super nubes




You are the betrayer?

It was not supposed to
be this way.

All of my kind are dead.

And now,
you too will join them.

I told you to take
the other gargoyles with you.

-If you'd only listened.
-Untie her!

-He's the one you want.
He shattered them!
-You lying scum!


I've been denied everything.

Even my revenge!

Goliath, i...

Goliath, you've got to
help your friends.

Stone? At night?

What sorcery is this?

Sorcery indeed!

And now you shall join them!


Oh, magus, what have you done?


I thought you were dead,
your highness.

I was mad with grief.

Reverse the spell.

-Bring them back!
-I... I cannot!

The page with
the counter-spell was burned.


Now I am truly alone.

You turned them to stone

The terms of the spell
were that they would sleep

Until the castle
rises above the clouds.

We've done you
a great wrong, goliath.

Magus: I know that no apology
can be enough, goliath.

I wish there was
something I could do.

What will you do now, princess?

I'll take my people
to my uncle.

It's no longer safe
for us here.

I have a request.

You have but to name it.

The eggs in the rookery
will soon hatch.

They will need guidance.

Never fear.

We will watch over them
as if they were our own.

There is something...
You can do for me, magus.

Cast your spell one more time.

At last, castle wyvern.

[Bell rings once]


Make the offer now, owen.
This instant.

May I say one last time,
mr. Xanatos,

That the costs of this venture
will be astronomical.

Start hiring crews.
I want to begin
as soon as possible.

It may prove difficult to find
the necessary manpower.

The castle has
a bad reputation.

The locals consider it haunted.

You know the answer, owen.

Pay a man enough and he'll walk
barefoot into hell.

Don't disappoint me.





We are awake. We're alive!

We're together again.



[Siren wailing in the distance]

Gargoyle 1:
hat's this? Where are we?

[Deep roar]

You are the one called goliath?



-How long has it been?
-This may be a shock.

A thousand years have gone by
since the spell was cast.

I learned about the castle
and you six from

An ancient book that recently
came into my possession.

The magus who cursed you wrote
the whole story down in there.

Now, I'm sure
you have questions.

How did you break the spell?

It was designed
to end when the castle rose
above the clouds.

The eggs in the rookery?

Gone, I'm afraid.

You are the last of your kind.

Why have you done all this?

I was fascinated
by the magus' story,

I wanted to see if it was true.

And now that I know it is,
I want to be your friend.

There's much
we can do for each other,

Such as?

-[Approaching helicopter]

I'm not expecting anyone.

You'll be safer
if you stay here.

Secure the area.

-What do you want?
-You'll know, soon enough.

What's going on?
Who are these people?

They're attacking the castle.
That's all we need to know.




Nice mask.


Leave him alone.

Are you a viking?

These weapons!
We must be battling sorcerers.

Even so, we will protect this
castle. It's all we have left.


Time to take the gloves off.







[Panicked shouting]

Get back!

You'll wind up street pizza.

Claw marks?


-Got ya!

[Screaming continues]

[Impact grunt]




Got it!


Let's go.
We got what we came for.

I don't think so.

[Panting] I've never seen
weapons like those before.

And that flying creature
that carried them off.

-A dragon without a doubt.
-It wasn't a dragon.

It was a machine of some sort.

Thank you.

Without you and your friends,
who knows what those
thugs might have done.

Someone I once trusted
said the same thing to me.

And then destroyed my people.

Hmm. I can see I'll have to
work hard to earn your trust.


-Owen, we need a cleanup crew
-Why were you att*cked?

The richer you are, the more
enemies you have.
And I'm very rich.

Goliath, this is your home,
as well as my headquarters.

I hope you'll consider
working with me
to keep it safe.

It's your decision, lad, but...

We've nowhere else to go.

This castle is our home, no
matter where it has been taken.

-We'll stay here.

I know you've been used poorly
by men in the past,

But all that
is about to change. Trust me.

You broke the spell of sleep
that imprisoned us xanatos,

And for that we are grateful.

But we will
never trust humans again.

I can tell this relationship

Is something
we'll all have to work at.

[Goliath] hmmm.

What do you figure
that was all about, detective?

I don't know.
But I'm going to find out.

next time on gargoyles...

This investigation
isn't over yet.


S-stay back.

Let me see ya. Nice and easy.



[Theme music playing]