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01x01 - Awakening Part 1

Posted: 08/10/21 07:16
by bunniefuu



[Tires screech]


[Explosions continue]

Get back! Get back!

Maza. 23Rd. What's going on?

You got me, detective.
Must be a heck
of a party up there.


Get back!

Or you'll wind up street pizza.


Claw marks?



What could be strong enough
to leave claw marks
in solid stone?

[Angry shouting]


Stand fast!
We can hold them back!

Aye. And catch boulders with
our teeth while we're about it.

It's your choice,
then, me lads.
The catapult, or me.

Back to your posts!

In a few more minutes
the sun will be down,
and then we'll see some fun.

Attacking a castle full
of gargoyles near nightfall.

This is crazy!
And hakon knows it.

No, my friend,
that's not crazy.

Questioning my sanity when
I'm in earshot, that's crazy!

I say those gargoyles
are naught but chiseled stone.

And even if they aren't,
it's worth the risk
for the plunder within.

Attack! [Yelling]



You are trespassing!




Fight, men.
They are not invincible.


Shall we let our brothers
and sisters have all the fun?

Not afraid, are you?

Afraid? Me?

Huh! Why, all of nature
trembles at my passing.

I can see why.



-Watch your back, old friend.
-Watch your own.


-Why, thanks, goliath.
-I could not do otherwise.

These rogues no doubt followed
that band of refugees

We gave shelter to last night.

Hey, look, mother!




Face me, human, if you dare.

I see you've met our watchdog.


And my second-in-command
as well.

I grow tired of this.
Take what's left of your men.

And be gone!


This isn't over, monster.
I'll be back!

Good work!
Our arrows made them run!

They'll think twice
before coming back.

Goliath, we owe you our lives.

As we owe you ours every day.

[Pipe and drum music]


[Lively chatter]

I don't mind telling you,

I thought we were under
the sword there for a while.

Aye. A fine soldier is our
captain of the guard.

Ha. Captain of the gargoyles,
you mean!

He'd fit right well
on the cornices with them.
It's a fact.


Our thanks for a battle
well fought, good captain.

The credit is not mine to take,
your highness.

Without goliath
and his gargoyles

Our defense
would have proven useless.

Please, don't mention
that monster's name
in my presence.




Beg your pardon, your highness.

I took the liberty
of asking them to appear

And be recognized
for their bravery.

Captain, we are most
seriously displeased.

To allow beasts
in the dining hall!

You speak wisely, princess.
These are unnatural creatures.

No good can come
from associating with them.


Goliath, we named you well,
it seems.

You are as good
as the philistine giant
who fought david.

You would do well to remember,

That the biblical goliath
was also a bully and a savage.


If you will excuse us,
your highness.

In the future, captain,
you will make your reports
to my advisor, the magus,

Not directly to me.

My apologies for this, goliath.

No apologies needed.
We are what we are.

Her opinion
will not change that.

Have you no pride?
No sense of justice?

We saved them and they
repay us with contempt?

She is right, goliath.
You deserve better than this.

These cliffs were our home

Ages before they built
their stone fortress.

They should bow to us.

It is the nature of humankind

To fear
what they do not understand.

Their ways are not our ways.


There are times when your
patience astounds me, my love.



Man: you seek the fall
of castle wyvern.

What of it?

Perhaps a bargain can be made.

-[dog barking]

I'm listening.

[Insects chirrup]

Those vikings may return
at daybreak, goliath.

I say, take all your gargoyles
and make sure they're gone.

I agree.

Let us go out in force and put
an end to these pigs once
and for all.

Too dangerous. I don't want to
leave the castle unprotected.

Their leader swore
he'd be back.

It's best to harry them
far away now

And not take that chance.


Very well. But I shall do it.

I can scare those cowards away
without any help.

That's too dangerous for you.
Let me come along, at least.

You and the others
will stay with the castle.

You are my best warrior.
I leave you in command.

-No! I cannot let you.
-I won't go alone.

Remember... You and I are one.

Now and forever.



Here, catch.

Back this way!

This way! Over here!


[Laughter] yeah, I got it.
I got it. Wait.

-watch out!

Quick! Here, here! Good.

[Amused laughter]

Oh... Oh, look...


Back this way!
Back this way! Over here!


Yeah, I got it. I got it!
Wait! Toss it!


I'm tom. What's your name?

Except for goliath,
we don't have names.

How do you tell each
other apart?

-We look different.
-But what do you
call each other?


Go! Get away from us, monsters!

-But, mother...
-We wouldn't hurt the lad,

Keep away from him, you beast!


You're the beast, you...

No, if they think
we're beasts and monsters...

Then perhaps we'd
better live up to the name.


[Growling and roaring]

Huh? What is it?
Are we being att*cked again?

You three! Down to the rookery
until I return!

I'll deal with you then.

-and take him with you.

[Soft growl]


We meant no harm.

Are you blind? They were not
at fault. The humans were.

No matter who was at fault,

I cannot condone fighting
between their people and ours.

I will make it
up to them later.

Now I have business
to attend to.


It's them, right enough.

But the tracks
are very light for horses
carrying armored men.

They're not far ahead. Come!

Sent to the rookery.
How embarrassing!

I haven't been down here
since I hatched.


I hope we're not
down here long.
He might eat us.

It's not long until sunrise.

-Perhaps we should return.
-There they are!


Out of my way!

They were leading the horses
to decoy us from the castle.

We're too late!


[Growl dies]



Captain! Captain!

The vikings, captain!
We are att*cked.

It is worse than that,
your highness.

Move! Now!

Not that I'm ungrateful
for your help but...

Why? Why betray your own kind?

They are not my kind.

Well, to work.

There's little enough time
for it.

-This is unnecessary.
-Are you mad?

In a moment they'll be
flesh again
and my men will be their prey.

Once your band is out of sight,
they won't follow.

-It's not their nature.
-Ah, well, in that case...


Care to discuss
the matter further?


I haven't lived this long
by taking foolish chances.




Angel of the night.


Goliath: next on gargoyles...

You are the betrayer?

You turned them
to stone forever?

They're attacking the castle.

Go! We got what we came for.

What do you figure that
was all about, detective?

I don't know.
But I'm going to find out.

[Theme music playing]

[Guttural scream]

[Deep roar]

[Theme music playing]