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05x10 - Try, Try Again

Posted: 08/08/21 06:54
by bunniefuu
♪ Here's the story ♪

♪ Of a lovely lady ♪

♪ Who was bringing up
three very lovely girls ♪

♪ All of them had hair of gold ♪

♪ Like their mother ♪

♪ The youngest one in curls ♪

♪ It's the story of
a man named brady ♪

♪ Who was busy with
three boys of his own ♪

♪ They were four men
living all together ♪

♪ Yet they were all alone ♪

♪ Till the one day when
the lady met this fellow ♪

♪ And they knew that it was
much more than a hunch ♪

♪ That this group must
somehow form a family ♪

♪ That's the way we all
became the brady bunch ♪

♪ The brady bunch ♪

♪ The brady bunch ♪

♪ That's the way we
became the brady bunch ♪

♪ [Piano waltz
playing on stereo]

[Music stops]

Ok, kids, that's fine
for today, thank you.

What about the
recital, miss clairette?

Well, those of you who have
been chosen to participate

Will find your names
on the bulletin board.

Jan, may I see you a moment?

(Marcia) oh, cindy,
we got chosen!

[Girls chattering]

Yes, miss clairette?

Jan, dear, I know how
hard you've tried in class...

You don't have to
tell me, miss clairette.

I'm not in the recital.

I'm sorry, but, you know,

Ballet comes much easier
to some than to others.

And I'm one of the others.

There'll be future recitals.

Thanks, but I won't
be around for them.


[Smacks lips]

Not quite right.

And just what is wrong
with our spaghetti sauce?

Too much oregano.

That's impossible. I put in the
exact amount the recipe called for.

[Slurping] it's
possible, mrs. Brady.

I did the same thing you did.

See, now that's
why the old saying,

It's "too many cooks
spoil the spaghetti sauce."

Well, we're willing
to turn in our aprons

Whenever your highness is
ready to take over. Right, alice?

Yes, I'll, uh, make you a
lifetime gift of my ladle.

Anytime. Anytime,
except now. I'm busy.

Ah. See? He's all talk, alice.

Can't even boil water
without burning it.

I happen to have been a pretty
fair cook in my bachelor days.

Sure. Then your can opener
broke and you had to get married

To keep from starving. Well,

For your information,

I could create a souffle that
would leave you begging for more.

More what, mr. Brady?

Yeah, well, I could. I could.

All right, we accept your offer.

Whenever you're ready
to take over the kitchen,

Just holler.

That's a deal.


Lucky shot.

Oh, you wish!

Ok, wise guy, let's see
how you do against me.

(Bobby) here's the ball.

Great throw.


Hi, honey, how was
ballet class? Hi.


I wonder what happened.


Hi, mom.

Hi, what happened to
jan at ballet class?

You tell 'em.

You're better at breaking
bad news than I am.

Thanks a lot.

Cindy and I and some other girls

Were chosen for
the recital. Jan wasn't.

She sank right in the
middle of swan lake.

She really tries hard.

It's just that her feet always
won't do what she wants them to.

Not everybody's cut
out to be a ballerina.

Maybe she'll improve
after some more lessons.

She can't.

Miss clairette said
she quit the class.

Quit? Wow, she's really
taking this hard, mrs. Brady.


Marcia and cindy told
me about the recital.

I'm really sorry, honey.

They also told me you
quit your ballet class.

Mom, I'm about as
graceful in ballet slippers

As an elephant is in ice skates.

Oh, jan, you can't
be all that bad.

I am.

I'm the stumble-foot
of the century.

And I really wanted to dance.

Well, honey, maybe
ballet just isn't your thing.

Sure, but what is my thing?

Well, there are other
kinds of dancing, you know.

Miss clairette's school
teaches tap, jazz, folk.

Yeah, that's true.

Well, you'll never
know unless you try.

Think about it.

Listen, it took me 3 days
to get prepared for this.

What's it called?

Souffle aux trois fromages.


Please, a little less breathing

Until I get this into the oven.

Would you... Um, no.

Hey, everybody!
Get a load of this.

I took your advice, mom.

I'm taking up tap dancing
in miss clairette's school.

So I hear.


That's why I've been coming
home late these past few days.

I wanted to surprise you.

I'll bet the kitchen
floor is, too.

Look what I learned today.

Hey, hey! Oh!


Couldn't you dance in place?

I'm sorry, dad.

Was tap dancing your idea?

I guess so. I...

I suggested that she try
another kind of dancing

To cheer her up.

What about the old soft shoe?

Ok, you ready to record?

Yeah. Ok, go.

[Jan tap-dancing]

Guess who?

The blonde woodpecker?


I'm trying to learn a routine.


Now look what she's done.

Maybe we can glue
it back together.

That's not the problem.

What do we do about
us coming unglued?

That was a delicious
breakfast, ladies.

Thank you, mr. Brady.

No suggestions on how to make
it better from the super chef?

I think he is backing away
from his offer, mrs. Brady.

Mmm, I am not. I have already
made a souffle, haven't i?

Uh, you almost made a souffle.


I will tell you what I'm
gonna do, you wise guys.


Come saturday,

I am gonna prepare
not just a simple dish,

But an entire gourmet dinner.

Consisting of what, mr. Brady?

None of your business.

But, honey, we have to know
what the ingredients are

When they ask
us at the hospital.


(Bobby) dad?

Ask your mother. I
gotta go to work.

Mom, will you do
something about jan?

I'm beginning to
hear tap in my sleep.

We'll talk about it
later, ok? Have a good day.


Bye. Bye.

Good morning. Hi, morning.

Mom, you've got to do
something about jan.

She's really bugging us.

Talk about noise pollution.

Aw, be patient with her, kids.

I'm sure, after a
few more lessons

She'll get much better at it.

No way.

I saw a bear on t.v.
Do a better tap dance.

Mom, jan really has
no talent for tap dance.

Marcia... No, I guess I don't.

I'm sorry, jan.

I didn't mean to
hurt your feelings.

That's ok, you're right.

I have no talent
for tap dancing.

In fact, I have no talent
for anything at all.

Now, jan, that is not true.

Yes, it is.

I didn't know jan was there.

Jan just has to keep looking

Until she finds something
she really does well.

Hey, I've got an idea.

Maybe I know just
the thing for jan to do.

I'll check with her
right after school.

Uh, marcia, what is it?

Just as soon as I arrange
it, I'll let you know.

Oh, here, here. Take your lunch.

Have a good day.
Bye-bye. You too.

You look great, jan.

Better than when I
was a drum majorette.


And, you know, being
a drum majorette

Has lots of fringe benefits.

Like what?

Well, like a band full of boys.

Oh, I hope I can do this.

If I can, anybody can.

It's a cinch.

That was a good idea marcia had.

Jan looks so cute in the hat.

Well, here, let me show you.


Now, you hold it
right about there.

Get it going.

Now, at first, you
hold your wrist like this

So you can get used to
the twirling motion, see?

Think you got
it? Yeah, I think so.

Ok, now try it. Ok.

Hold it right.


Hey, you're getting
the hang of it!

Great! Faster!

Come on! Faster!

Now toss it.

[Glass shattering]

Lucky we saw that coming.


Why don't you say it?

I'm strictly a no-talent!

I'll never be good at anything.


Ah, ah, ah!

I'm ashamed of myself, greg,

And I will never do it again.

Unless I think it'll help.

[Door closing]

(Marcia) hi. Hi.

Anybody for hot chocolate?

Oh, great, alice.

Hey, how'd the
ballet recital go?

Marcia and cindy were terrific.

They were the best in the class.

Mom, dad, don't be so unbiased.


Everything ok at home?

Everything but jan.

She hasn't left
her room all night.

I tried to talk to her,
but on a scale from 1 to 10,

She figures herself
at about minus 3.

Jan's a big girl now.

She's gonna have to learn
to face that kind of a problem.

Well, you 2 girls get to bed

Right after the
hot chocolate, ok?

Good night, alice. Good night.

Good night, greg. Good night.

Good night, all.

Poor jan.

She must be the most
miserable member

Of this whole human race.

And that's a race
you can't quit.

And it's the only race in town.

Problem is she's lost
all her self-confidence.

And the question is,
how does she get it back?

Simple. All she has to be

Is good at something
instead of bad.

Someday there'll
be a pill we can take

For instant good.

Wait a minute.

There is a way she
can be instant good.

Hey, it just might
work. It's worth a try.

Ok by me.

Ok by me, too

And I don't even know
what you're talkin' about.

Ok, now make it sound legitimate

So jan doesn't get suspicious.

[Whispering] all right?

Boy, it'll be the first time

I've ever thrown
a ping-pong game.

[Whispers] here she comes.

[Birds chirping]

Greg, we just don't have
time to play ping-pong.

But I need the practice.

I'm sorry. You'll have
to find somebody else.

We're busy.


Jan, how would you like to do me

A really big favor?


Well, I'm entering
this ping-pong contest

And I need all the
practice I can get.

You wanna practice with me?

I can't practice by myself.

Well, ok, but I'm not very good.

Oh, hey, don't worry about it.

Listen, you'd be doing me a
really big favor, thanks. Ok.

Ready? Yeah.

Good shot.

What kind of a spin
did you put on the ball?

One for me. You serve again.

You did it again.

Are you sure you haven't
been practicing on the side?

No, honest.

You're better than you think.

20-17, Game point.


That's it, I won!

I actually beat you. I won!

[Clapping] oh!

Look, do me another favor, huh?


Don't tell peter or bobby.

I could never live it
down. Sure, I'll protect you.

Thanks, jan. Good game.

And I own that hotel, too,

And you owe me $1,500 besides.

That wipes me out.
You win again, jan.

Do you wanna play one more time?

No way! You're too good for me.

You're a financial genius.

I guess I am pretty good.

You're a regular howard hughes.

See you later.

Man, she's sandbaggin' us.

Yeah, I thought you said

You weren't any good at darts.

I didn't think I was.

Oh, this gives me 40 points.

You're skunkin' us.

Well, we can't all be winners.

I'll practice, and I'll
challenge you tomorrow.


Great. No girl's gonna beat me.

You're a better actor
than richard burton.

You're a better actor
than elizabeth taylor.

(Mike) h-help!
Somebody lend a hand!

Oh, well, I'm on my way.

I'm about to lose
the eggs. Alice, quick.

Got it! I got it, I got it.

Oh, honey, what's in the bag?

Uh, sorry, every item is
classified "top secret."

For that gourmet dinner

You're going to cook, mr. Brady?

Yes. And anyone caught snooping

Gets the firing squad.

Um, alice, I think I know

Why he's keeping saturday's
menu such a secret.

Why, mrs. Brady?

So when he messes it up,

We won't know what
it was supposed to be.

They do say that 90% of
the domestic accidents

Occur in the kitchen.

Laugh if you must,

But remember what
I said, "top secret."


Hi, anybody seen jan?

She went to the
library, honey. Why?

Oh, I just thought I'd let
her beat me at checkers.

Why do you want to do that?

To give her confidence.

To make her think
she's good at something.

That's what we've been doing.

How long do you and
your brothers and sisters

Plan to keep losing to jan?

I don't know. A
couple of months.

I'll ask greg.

Cindy, look, it's nice that
you kids wanna help jan,

But you're not being very
honest with her if you do that.

Honey, it's not a real victory

If everybody's just
pretending to lose.

I guess you're right.

So I'm speaking for all
the kids. We're sorry.

We were only trying to help.

Yeah, well, thanks for
what you're trying to do.

Greg, why don't you go round
up the kids for dinner, ok?

Ok, they're out in back.

You know, I would
say that goes to prove

How much your brothers
and sisters care about you.

It also proves something else.

It proves that
everybody feels sorry

For little jan brady, the loser.

That's exactly what
I am, a born loser.

Jan... Wait a minute, honey.

Listen, all they're trying to do
is give you a little confidence.

I do have confidence.

I'm confident that
I'm a no-talent loser.

No, no, everyone
has talent somewhere

And you'll never
find where yours lies

If you quit trying.

Your father's right, jan.

You have to keep trying in life.

You'll never succeed at
anything if you're a quitter.

But I don't know
what else to try.

I'm sure there are lots
of things she could do.

There are all kinds of
things going on at school.

There are club activities,
there are plays...

Plays! That's a good idea. Yes.

Why don't you look
into that tomorrow?

Maybe I will.


Ok, I promise.

I guess I've got
nothing to lose.

Nothing except your no-talent.


[Whistling] hi, mrs. Brady.

How about a little
afternoon snack?

Oh, no thanks, alice.

I wish you'd say yes. Why?

Because it would give me a
chance to peek at the food

Mr. Brady has in the freezer.

Now, alice, we promised.

You're right, I'll wash
my mouth out with soap

For even suggesting it.

When you're through,
will you suggest it again?

I'm weakening.

[Footsteps approaching]

Mom, I did it.

I found something at school

That I'm really interested in.

What, honey?

I'm trying out for the
lead in the school play.

Oh, jan, that's wonderful.


Anyway, the play's about
an american girl in paris

Who's starving and painting

And trying to pay her bills.

While I'm telling you all this

I should be learning my lines.

I have to know every
one of them by tomorrow.

Why so soon?

Because I signed up so late.

Girls. They're
absolutely unpredictable.

Maybe that's why they
grow up to be women.

(Mrs. Ferguson) that was very
nice, children, thank you.

Next are jan brady
and billy naylor.

Well, here goes.

Ok, jan, now remember,

Right, self-confidence.

What's the painting, jan?

Oh, well, I'm supposed
to be painting in the scene

So I started this last
night when I was at home.

It'll make it easier for me.

Ok, well, you and billy may
begin when you're ready.


Come in.

No, jan, you wait till
the landlord knocks.

Oh. Sorry.

[Knock on door]

Come in.

[In french accent] mademoiselle,
I've come to give you

One final chance
to pay the rent.

But, monsieur, I
must have more time.

I've almost
finished my painting.

Jan, you have
another line, dear.

Oh, right. Sorry.

Let's start again.

Come in.

I'm supposed to knock first!



Come in, billy.

Jan, he's the landlord,
not billy. Go ahead.

Mademoiselle, I
have come to give you

One final chance
to pay the rent.

But, monsieur, I
must have more time.

I've almost
finished my painting.

Oh, uh.

Uh, I'm sure I'll sell it.

Who would buy such
a horrible painting?

I must have the rent!

She is long overdue!

But I have no money.

Oh, here, hold this.

[Exclaims] hey!

I'm sorry, billy.

(Billy) hey!

Jan, dear, are you
sure you're up to this?

I mean, you did have
only one night to learn it.

No, mrs. Ferguson,
I'm not up to this.

Maybe our next play.

There won't be a
next one for me.

Mom, jan's tryout
was a disaster.

She couldn't get anything right.

Poor kid.

She's going to be more
miserable now than ever.

Hi, mom, hi, pete.

Hi, jan.

Were you putting me on?

No, she really
bombed out, honest.

Boy, did I ever b*mb out.

Well, I'm delighted to see
you're so happy about it.

Well, it's what
happened afterwards

When mrs. Ferguson
called me back.

You had left.

What happened?

Well, you know that
picture I painted for the play?

Mrs. Ferguson is
also our art teacher.

She says that I show a
real talent as a painter,

That my painting was terrific,

And that she wants me
to enroll in her art class.

Oh, jan, that's great.


Now, how about that?

She tries out as an actress
and winds up an artist.

You and dad were right, mom.

If I hadn't kept trying, I
would have never known.

Hey, I wonder if it works
the other way around.

Maybe if I tried to paint,
somebody would discover

How much raquel welch
and I have in common.

Would you believe
shirley temple?

Is tonight's menu
still a top secret?

No, it is now declassified.

Vichyssoise, caesar salad,

Chocolate mousse in the icebox,

Tomatoes parmesan
in the broiler,

Asparagus hollandaise... Oh.

And the piece de resistance,

Boeuf bourguignon
aux champignons.

Oh, honey, it looks
and smells delicious.

You are the greatest.

Yes, that's true.

I have too much humility
to disagree with you.

Well, call the kids,
'cause dinner's ready.

Oh, that presents a problem.


The kids are going to a
surprise party tonight.


You mean after I've
slaved over a hot stove,

Making all this food?

Alice and I will eat our share.

Honey, I've got enough
food here for 9 people.


Well, call alice to the table.

I'll start serving it.

Talk about lack of appreciation.

All the money I spent
preparing all this gluck.

(All) surprise!

A surprise party, huh?

Well, you gotta admit
you were surprised.

(Children) we want to eat!

We want to eat! We want to eat!

Hold it!

And I got a surprise for you.

Oh, what?

[In french accent] the
cook has resigned

And you are serving the dinner.

Well, what did I
tell you, alice?

I knew we'd wind up
doing all the work.
