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03x14 - Picks and Strikes

Posted: 08/06/21 18:28
by bunniefuu
Uh, what are you doing?

I work here now. I need a new job

and I need a break from the tech world.

This is my sister, Mariana.

She's our new receptionist.

This is so cool. It's like Serial.


I'm back.

ALICE: We thought Scott was gone.

Apparently, they have
to give him a chance

to change his behavior
before they fire him.

How are things at the Coterie?

There's nothing going on
between me and Dennis.

I'm gonna prove that
I'm ready to be with you.

Isabella is back. She's pregnant.

The baby's mine. And
she's going to stay here

as long as she needs to.

I didn't hurt Zach.

Tommy is the sweetest guy.

I discovered that Katie and Zach

didn't follow each
other on any platform.

- She wasn't his biggest fan.
- Are we really going to infer

that Tommy's girlfriend
is the real k*ller?

If she has motive and opportunity, yes,

we will, if we have to.

I know I've been bad

Real bad

♪ Still, I think I'm gonna do it again ♪

I just can't help myself

When I get the call

- Do you have the cash?
- Depends.

You have the names?

I can't resist the urge

I gotta do wrong

They call me trouble


I was never here.

I'm gonna live it up

Until the very end

They call me trouble

I really dig my name

Hey, uh, Scott, can I, uh,
talk to you for a second?

♪ Until the very end ♪


I'm gonna live it up

Do we have a deal?

You bet.

Until the very end

♪ Oo-ooh, they call me trouble ♪

I really dig my name

I'm gonna live it up

Until the very end

Until the very end

♪ Pa-pa-pa ♪
♪ Pa-pa-pa-pa-pa ♪

♪ Pa-pa-pa ♪
♪ Pa-pa-pa-pa-pa ♪

♪ Then we'll find our peace of mind ♪

You and me, Bel Ami

Pa-pa-pa, pa-paaa

I can't believe that there are teachers

who are campaigning to
keep the police on campus.

And they're in the majority.

DAVIA: If only they could see

how effective restorative
justice has been

in reducing disciplinary issues.

You know, maybe Solomon would sign off

on, like, an RJ art showcase.

You know, to prove how
committed the students are.

That's a great idea.



Uh, did you need something?

Yeah, I was just gonna...

get something from the fridge.

Uh, you remember Matt?

I'm not sure I wear it as well as you.

Yeah. Hey.


We, uh... We just had a school meeting.

I should probably go.

- No, you don't have to go.
- It's... It's late and, uh...

I'll see you tomorrow.

- Have a good night.
- Yeah.



Can't even remember
what I came up here to get.

There's leftover snacks
from the meeting.

That's okay. Thanks.

Um... Oh, hey!

I, uh, have a gig tomorrow night.

- Oh.
- At Smitty's, if you're free.

If not... um, no big deal.

I'll see what I can do.

- It's a school night.
- Yeah, of course.

Putting it out there, you know.

No big deal.

Hmm, okay.

KATHLEEN: Jury selection is the
most important part of any trial.

Your job is to watch the
potential jurors like hawks.

I want to know every smile, sigh,

nervous tic, and eye roll they make.

If they like me, if they hate me...

"Summons number -C."

June Patrick.

MARIANA: Wait...

Wait, how did you know that?

I have a photographic memory.

Red blazer with white
top-stitching, navy tee,

tartan plaid mini kilt, tan ankle boots,

pearl choker, and charm necklace.

What you were wearing
the first day we met.

Wow. Very impressive.

Oh, it's a fun party trick.

We have a limited number of strikes.

If we don't use them wisely,

we could get stuck with a few bad
apples who will rot the barrel,

and then we will have lost the trial

before we've even begun.


Watch out for those little doors.


How did Kathleen get that guy
to sell us the jury pool list?

With Kathleen, there are some
questions it's better not to ask.



Here's June Patrick.

That's amazing.

When did you come up with this program?

It was a project I did at MIT.

It's just a basic search algorithm.

I made a few tweaks to it this morning.

So if you went to MIT,

why are you answering phones here?

I just needed a break
from the tech world.


Oh, yes.

- _
- Uh, June Patrick.

Uh, former high school teacher.

Grew up in Pasadena.

Married. Has two kids,
three grandchildren.

Uh, political views not clear.

Lots of fun-with-family photos.

So number is a mother
and grandmother.

She's big on family.

So will she empathize more
with Zack or Tommy?

That's what we're about to find out.

What are your feelings
towards Asian people?

I have lots of Asian friends,

but I'm allergic to MSG.


Hey, you sure you don't
mind me painting in here?

The smell isn't making
you nauseous or anything?

Hmm, no, no, no. Not at all.

I'm just happy to have the company.

You know, I really love
your art, by the way.

It's kind of like living
in a gallery in here.

- Thanks.
- Yeah.

What are you working on?

I'm looking at jobs...

and cribs.


You're not making a Pinterest
board already, are you?

Maybe a little. Nesting
urge is strong, okay?

You know, I would love to
do a mural in the nursery.

Like maybe a solar system or something.

Hmm, that'd be amazing.

Or, like, the sky and clouds.

What about, like, an underwater scene?

- Hmm.
- Like reefs and fish.


What about... deep sea whales

and stingrays?

Okay, sounds like someone wants a boy.

No, no, no. Not at all.

I'm just... thinking something
that's not gendered.

My sister, Jasmine, is trans,

and she kind of had a
tough time growing up.


Hmm, I never thought about it like that.

Yeah, no one does.

We're socialized to think pink
for girls and blue for boys.

But what if we let our kid pick?


You know, once they're old enough,

let them decide if...

they want mermaids or monster trucks.

Or both.

I think that sounds perfect.

All right, my beautiful individuals.

We must weed out the
problematic sketches.

So, uh, Magda,

"Don't Make Me Take Out My Hoops."

It's hurtful to the Latinx community.

Sanjana, "The Masala Monologues,
a One Yoni Show."

Uh, it's one woman. It's not inclusive.

- It includes me.
- Well, okay.

Uh, "Conspiracy Theories."

That's pretty... We're good?

We good? Yep. I think,
yeah, we can keep that.

Uh, Derek, "Great Al Qaeda Baking Show."

No? Good. Just wanted
to hear you say it.

Okay, uh, Alice, "The Dumb Asian."

No, that is out.
"Alice the Nail Lady," out.

"Alice's Mom Wants a Divorce." Out.

[SIGHS] Oh, by the way,
I am just banning all accents.

Anybody ever...

All our work is being
thrown out. Bullshit.

SCOTT: And "Asian TSA Agent."
What were we all thinking?

All right. We need new material stat.

So pair yourself with a writer,
and let's get to work.

All right?

Brings me back to the middle
school dodgeball days.

Always picked last. I get it.

This isn't triggering at all.


Anyway, you want to work together?

Maybe write a new sketch? I have...

Sorry, I already said
I'd work with Derek.

Have you ever been the
victim of a violent crime?


Did they find the person who did it?


She may be subconsciously looking
for justice in her own case.

Yeah. Too risky.


Have you ever received
a speeding ticket?


He's, uh, too squeaky clean.

And definitely a rule follower.

Prosecution's dream juror.

Are you an animal lover?

No, I hate animals.

All animals?

Yes, every one of 'em.

MARIANA: Who hates all animals?

What a creep.

We move to strike juror
number one, Your Honor.

We'll strike number ten.





All right, jury selection
has concluded for today.

All jurors shall report back to this
courtroom promptly at : a.m.

Court is hereby adjourned.

Six jurors seated. Six to go.

Yeah, we have some good ones
in the mix but, you know...

so do they.

We have to bring our A-game tomorrow.

Okay? And we have got to
get Tommy to lighten up.

He's shutting down,

and it's not gonna help
us if he looks guilty.

Hey, starfish. How you doing?


Why? What... What have you heard?

Nothing, but some major emo
streaming out of your loft.

Also, Lindsay told me Scott
cut a bunch of your sketches.

I think coming back to the
program was a huge mistake.

Not only did all my sketches get cut,

but nobody wants to write for me.

Why don't you write for yourself?
Write your own sketch.

I can't.

I mean, we were gonna, but then
Scott came back with his rules

and Ruby caved.

So I stood up, and now
I'm the comedy pariah.

Well, I think you're a hero.

You've grown so much.

Standing up for yourself and others,

that takes courage, and...

it's very attractive.


Thanks for saying that, uh,

but I don't know,
feels like a lost cause.

Okay, we need something a
little spicier than this tea.

- Chai?
- No, silly.

We're going out for a real drink.

- No.
- Yes.


- Yes! Yes!
- No. No.

Give me some release

Before I'm too far down

I'm begging you, Greyhound

Save me from this

I've been down to the river

Where I tried to drown

Tales of a long-lost sinner

♪ Lost like the chains
that sunk to the ground ♪


[SOFTLY]: Excuse me.

Woo! Okay, wow, that was...

That's gonna be a tough act
to follow. [CLEARS THROAT]

Um... Anyway, hi.

My name is Dennis Cooper,

and I'm gonna be playing an
acoustic set for you tonight.


If I do say so myself,

we k*lled it today.

I hope Kathleen doesn't notice

that some of her scotch is missing.

That is a tomorrow problem.


why are you taking a break
from the tech world?

Really, why?

I was working with my friends on an app.

We wanted to do our own
all-female Fight Club startup.

But I was secretly dating our old boss

who was responsible

for the toxic work environment
that we walked out on.

And when I finally told them,

they felt betrayed,

and there was nothing I
could do or say to fix it.

So now you know the secret underbelly

of Mariana Adams Foster.

We all have our secret underbellies.

What's yours?

I secretly wish Tony would
walk into an open manhole

so I didn't get overlooked

in his overbearing, privileged,
white male shadow.

You can laugh.


But I do love him.

I just... wanted to go to court today.

Not that I didn't have way
too much fun with you.

It's just...

[SIGHS] sometimes I...

I feel invisible around here.

Well, you are very visible to me.

I think you're brilliant and
definitely the best dresser here.

Uh, next to you.


♪ I'm coming down like pouring rain ♪

♪ Novocaine is coming down ♪

And I feel it all over

You're putting me to sleep.

Thank you for that feedback.

Well, we do have a special
guest with us tonight

who most certainly will
not put you to sleep.

Davia, will you come on up
here and give me a hand?


Wait, what are we doing?



Now this might be a mistake

♪ That I'm calling you this late ♪

♪ But these dreams I have
of you ain't real enough ♪

- ♪ Started...

... past, how the things...

- Woah!

You're trash, man.

- WOMAN: Get off the stage!

MAN: ... Pay for some singing lessons.

Hey, listen up, a-hole.

I don't think you're
very nice either. Okay?

It doesn't even look
like you're old enough

to have those tattoos.
You should check his ID.

He looks like he's not even
old enough to be in here.

Why don't you go home...

♪ ... leave them all breathless ♪

Thanks God 'cause we feel so blessed

♪ Try to stay humble,
but we're too magnificent ♪

It's a beautiful thing

Got this world on a string

♪ When you love the one that's
leaving you breathless ♪

♪ Showing you things
that you never seen ♪

♪ When you love the one
that's leaving you breathless ♪

We should go.

Okay, but how was I supposed to know

it was a class for senior citizens?

It was listed as "water ballet."

But nothing excuses you

from showing up wearing
a floral swim cap.

I thought it was going
to be cute and retro,

like ' s synchronized swimming,

not aquatic Zumba for
people born in the ' s.

What was your excuse?

Stiff joints.

Well, I don't regret it.

It was our first real date.

Ugh! Asian-fetish frat guys incoming.

Ladies, uh, could you,
uh, settle a bet for us?

So my compadre here has five
bucks on you two being twins.

And I'm like, "No,
they're just friends."

- We're not twins or sisters.

I can totally tell you apart.

I mean, I did a semester in Tokyo.

So ignorant to think that
you can't tell the difference

between a Japanese person
and a Korean person.

We're Chinese.

SUMI: And, actually...

we're dating.

Oh, too bad. What a waste.

They're totally gonna do it, right?

Never fails.


[WHISPERS]: Can we watch?


Gross! It's always the same.

You know, those kind of guys act
like they can say anything to us.

Because they don't really see us

as people deserving of
any kind of respect.

We're just... fantasy objects.

Hey, girl.

Does anyone ever tell you
you look just like Lucy Liu?


And Gemma Chan, Jamie Chung.

- Hmm.
- Kelly Marie Tran.

- Kimiko Glenn.
- Ah!


You mean Awkwafina?

No, baby. Aqua-fina.

'Cause you are fine.

Okay, now that is a sketch.

- MAN: Here you go.
- Thank you.

I haven't been bounced
from a bar in a while.

[LAUGHS] I'm so sorry.

No, I loved every minute of it.

I'm sorry I dragged you up on the stage.

Smitty's has changed.
It's gone downhill.

Uh, no, it hasn't.
It's always been downhill.


Yeah. I think maybe you've changed.

To be honest, I love music,

but I don't love the
music scene anymore.

And, uh...

I didn't... I didn't have
a gig when I asked you.

I had to pay to get a spot tonight.

I heard you and Matt talking
about school and kids.

You have that shared passion,

and I guess I just wanted
to share something

that we were both passionate about,

which turned into a complete disaster.

No, not a complete disaster.

We shared our passion
for making a scene.

I just wish that I knew
what I loved doing.

Well, you love cooking.

I love you.

If you want them maybe

♪ We can kick it like ♪
♪ Let's kick it like ♪

Late night on the street

Sipping on Bacardi

Take me back to the ' s

♪ And let's kick it like ♪
♪ And let's kick it like ♪


Well, you love cooking.

Yeah, I do.

We really miss you
cooking at the Coterie.

It used to smell so good,

and now it just smells like $ candles

to mask the scent of week-old takeout.

Well, cooking for people
is a passion, I guess.

Well, I wish you cooked this
because it kind of sucks.

It really does.

Oh, uh, you should talk to Tommy.

He likes you, but do it alone.

Good morning.

Hi, good morning.

How do you think it's going?

Do you think we have a good jury?

KATIE: I don't like juror three.

I feel like she has a crush
on the cute prosecutor.

Uh, well, we have
jurors we think like us.

By the way, um, tell your
friend Izzie I say hi.

It was really nice of
her to come see us.

Oh. I didn't know you spoke to Izzie.


Tommy, um, could we
have a word in private?

So, um, I know you're scared,

but it can't look like you're
shutting down in there.

I'm trying not to.

I just... I don't really
know when I'm doing it.

Yeah, okay, um...

Well, how about when I
need you to lighten up,

I'll, um, touch my right ear.

It can be, like, our
little secret signal.

Okay. Thanks.

Yeah, of course.

Okay, the last couple
of rounds of jurors

have been complete duds,

so both sides have two strikes.

With five jurors to go,

we can't afford to waste any.
So what have you got?

So juror number has almost no
social media profile to speak of,

but seems to have an antagonistic
view on romantic relationships.

Yeah, he's an incel.

I know an angry virgin when I see one.

There goes one strike.

Okay, so what about juror
number one and number two?

I mean, it's a bit of a
conundrum on both sides.

Asian jurors generally have a reputation

for being more pro-prosecution, but...

Rothman will almost certainly strike him

since he and Tommy are of the same race.

Black jurors, on the other hand,

are historically more likely
to question police testimony

and favor the defense.

But he's a Marine,

and military tend to give tremendous
weight to authority figures.

I mean, I just can't risk
having that on the jury.

That's our last strike.

Okay, what if I told you...

He helps build houses
for Habitat for Humanity.

He voted for Obama and Hillary Clinton.

- Aww, and he rescues...
- Cats.

He has high empathy.

Not your typical jarhead.
This could be good for us.

I agree.

So what we need to do

is make Rothman think we're
gonna strike the Marine,

so he doesn't.

Okay, how do we do that?

Ask him a question that goes
to his military service?

Something about chain of command.

He will answer like a good soldier,

which'll make Rothman think
that we won't want him.

Great. Callie, you'll do it.

But it was my idea.

You tend to come off a
little arrogant, Tony.

The jurors don't respond
to that. No offense.

None taken?

It's in your hands.

Bait Rothman into our little trap.




Uh, unicorn fetish pig incoming.

God, I hate those porkers.

What's up, unis? Looking good.

Care to settle a bet for me?

Are you two twins or just friends?

We're not related.

We look nothing alike.

I mean, I totally knew that.

I did a semester abroad
at North Pegasus State.

- So...
- We're unicorns.

Not winged horses.

Yeah. Not all equine-sapiens look alike.

Okay, whatever. Hmm, care to dance?


Actually, we're dating.

Yeah. We're about to trot home
and canter up a little foreplay.

Gallop into the sheets
and ride to the finish!

Oh, sweet. Can I watch?

BOTH: Neigh!


Uh, I haven't seen this sketch before.

Which... Uh, which writer wrote it?

Did you, uh... Hello?
Which writer wrote it?

Actually, I wrote it.

Juror one,

what do you do for a living?

I'm retired, was a life-long Marine.

Oh! Well, thank you for your service.

Uh, when you retired,
what rank were you?

Master Gunnery Sergeant.

CALLIE: Wow, that's impressive.

Um, during your time in the Marines,

did you ever question a
superior officer's order?

No, ma'am.

- CALLIE: Not once?
- JUROR : Never.

Even if you thought they were wrong?

JUROR : You don't question
your commanding officer.

CALLIE: Thank you, sir.

No further questions, Your Honor.

JUDGE: The court will
take a -minute recess,

and then counsel will make
their next round of strikes.

ROTHMAN: They're clearly
going to strike the ex-Marine.

That saves us a strike.

I'm not so sure about that.

Why not?

Just a hunch.

You wrote it yourself, Kwan?

Well, uh, comics may
collaborate with the writers,

but they are not permitted
to write on their own.

So you can't just come in
here and change the rules.

So I'm sorry, the sketch is out.

Actually, Alice didn't change the rules.

When you were at sensitivity
training for that one day,

we decided to give the comedians
more creative agency.

SCOTT: By "we," uh, do
you mean you and Alice?

'Cause we certainly know who's
calling the sh*ts around here.

"We" as in me, who is now
co-directing this program.

Assistant director,
I believe is the official title.

Yeah, well, the point
is Alice's sketch k*lled

and deserves to go to the next round.

Agreed. Hey. [CHUCKLES]
Very, very funny, Kwan.

Let's have you collaborate
with Jeremy, please,

and I will send you notes,
uh, by tomorrow.

- How's everything going?
- Great! Great.

We are working hard and making a
sensitive and inclusive showcase.

- I'm glad to hear that.
- Yes.

Yeah. Great. Great job, everyone.

- Uh, have a great night.
- RUBY: Great job.

I work so hard

♪ Take the world ♪
♪ And that's just the start ♪

/ all the time...

Triple macchiato, please.

Got it.

Hmm. Why don't you just inject it

- into your veins?
- Oh, I would if I could.

Jury selection is tedious work.


How are you feeling so far?

Pretty good. You?

We're pretty confident.

Why do I get the feeling you're
gaming us with the ex-Marine?

I have no idea.

- Why do you?
- You have certain tells.

Especially when you're trying
to pull one over on someone.

- Really?
- Mm-hmm.

Yeah. You bite your lower lip.

Okay, you think you know me so well?



- CALLIE: Oh, you have your own tells.
- JAMIE: Ha!

Like, uh, whenever you're
unsure about something,

like right now, you, uh, kind
of squint and lift up your chin.

What other tells do I have?

Oh, if I reveal those,

then you'll try to hide them from me.

Where's the fun in that?

Coffee break with the opposition?

BARISTA: Order for Callie.

I was just leaving.

- Hey.
- Hi.

What was that all about?

It's nothing.


Hey! I didn't see you there.

I was just picking some
mint from the garden.

Do you know something I don't?


I found out before we talked.

So we're having a girl?

I'm so sorry. I didn't know
about your sister yet,

and I... I feel so embarrassed.

But I was just going over
the Pinterest boards

to make it more gender neutral.

It's okay.

Um, I should have asked you
before I looked at the results.

I'm... I'm just still not sure
how involved you want to be.

Well, we should probably
start talking about that.

And how we're gonna do
the co-parenting thing.

Yeah. I guess we should be as
prepared as we possibly can, huh?

Mr. Rothman, your move.

Prosecution moves to strike
juror number two, Your Honor.

KATHLEEN: Predictable.

Of course, you would
strike the only Asian juror

that we've had so far.

It's a little easy, don't
you think, Kathleen?

- JUDGE: Counselors, please.
- [SIGHS] Of course, Your Honor.

The defense would like to
strike juror number .

JUDGE: So noted. You each
have one strike remaining.

The prosecution moves to
strike juror number...



JUDGE: So noted.

Mr. Rothman, you are out of strikes.

Ms. Gale?

We will use our final
strike on juror number .

JUDGE: And noted. One second, please.

Very good.

Thank you very much, everyone.
Court is adjourned.

Well, I just got played like a fiddle.

Looks like you were right, Hunter.

Good news is now we
know you can read her.

That'll come in handy at trial.

DAVIA: And that's why
I'm not legally allowed

to own fireworks anymore.

Yeah, that makes sense.

Should never have been
allowed in the first place.

What're we doing here?

- We hated this food.
- We did.

But we're not going to
hate it anymore, because...

I bought it.

This is what I'm gonna do.

This is my new passion.
I'm gonna cook for people.

Oh, wow.

It's a... quick decision.

I know it seems impulsive, but...

It's gonna be great.

Uh, hey, Rowan,

your photographic memory
gave us the edge over the DA.

And your character analysis was spot on.

Thank you for being a team
player and staying behind.

You'll be going to court
with us from now on.

Well, I couldn't have
done it without Mariana.

She's a computer whiz.

Well, thank you both. I mean it.

You make a great team. Night.

Oh, I'm going to miss you

now that it's just going
to be me at the office.

I guess it's back to answering phones.

I know you don't need my advice,

but there's got to be another tech
job out there that's not horrible.

Because you're wasting
your considerable talent

and k*ller shoe game hiding out here.

Oh, uh, I'd watch my back if I were you.

Oh, is someone out to get me?

Prosecution, second chair, Nicolette.

Over the case?

Don't be naive.

If I'm reading things right,
which I usually do,

she's into Jamie.


Well, she has nothing to worry about.

Yeah, I'm, uh... I'm seeing someone.

And it's serious.

That was fast.

Does he know that you are
still in love with your ex?

To new and improved Alice.

Well, thank you for encouraging
me to write my own sketch.

Thank yourself for doing it.

I think you're right. I have changed.

I never would've been
able to stand up to Scott,

or anyone, before this program.

So if that's all that comes from this,

maybe it'll all have been worth it.

That's not all that's
gonna come from it.

You are gonna get an agent

and that $ , talent deal.

Woah, slow your roll, sister.

New Alice does not think small.

Why couldn't it be you?

Hey, what are we drinking to?

Uh, just Alice's new sketch.

Oh, then I gotta get in on this.

I played a hilarious pig.

Oh, well, I should go.
I have drinks with Ruby.

Wait, I thought that
wasn't happening anymore.

It's just casual. Friends... I think.

Anyway, enjoy the rest of your night.



Well, now, I really wish I
didn't have to go to work.

It's okay. I just needed to do that.

Hey, what if I take a break
from work on Saturday,

and we spend the whole day together?

I'd love to, but I have this
parenting class with Isabella

in the afternoon.

She found out the sex of the baby.

And that got us into a whole discussion

of gender and gender roles.

And we realized that we've so much
to talk about to make this work.

Yeah. I mean, that all sounds amazing.

Maybe we could spend
the morning together?

And hopefully the night?

Yeah, sounds good.

You should get to work.

- May I? Thank you.
- Mm.

Ooh, ooh-ooh-ooh


Now this might be a mistake

♪ That I'm calling you this late ♪

♪ But these dreams I have
of you ain't real enough ♪

♪ Started bringing up the past ♪

♪ How the things you love don't last ♪

♪ Even though this isn't
fair for both of us ♪

♪ Ooh-ooh, maybe I'm just a fool ♪

I still belong with you

Anywhere you

Anywhere you are ♪

♪ Ooh-ooh, these minefields
that I walk through ♪

♪ Ooh-ooh, what I risk
to be close to you ♪

♪ Ooh-ooh, these minefields
keeping me from you ♪

♪ Ooh-ooh, what I risk
to be close to you ♪

Close to you

Ooh-ooh, ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh


You ready to go?

- Yeah.
- ♪ Ooh-ooh

♪ These minefields that I walk through ♪

♪ Ooh-ooh, what I risk
to be close to you ♪

♪ Ooh-ooh, these minefields
keeping me from you ♪

♪ Ooh-ooh, what I risk
to be close to you ♪

Close to you



Now this might be a mistake

♪ That I'm calling you this late ♪

♪ But these dreams I have
of you ain't real enough ♪