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02x33 - Walkabout

Posted: 08/06/21 05:33
by bunniefuu
GOLIATH: 1, 000 years ago, superstition and the sword ruled.

It was a time of darkness.

It was a world of fear.

It was the age of gargoyles.

Stone by day, warriors by night.

We were betrayed by the humans we had sworn to protect, frozen in stone by a magic spell for 1, 000 years.

Now, here in Manhattan,

the spell is broken and we live again.

We are Defenders of the Night.

We are gargoyles!

Hello, Janine.

NARRATOR: Previously on Gargoyles...

Hello, Daddy.

We are here today to join David Xanatos and Fox in matrimony.

But why? I built this company for you. I'd have given it to you already...

If you hadn't married that villain Xanatos.

I can't understand that.

Maybe you'll have better luck relating to the next generation.

-What? -That's right, Daddy.

You're going to be a grandfather.

Dingo's gonna be sorry he missed this.

I'm a partner in a freak show.

I wonder where Avalon has brought us this time?



That was a kangaroo. [LAUGHS]

Unless we've landed in a zoo, this is Australia.


What is it, Bronx?


It must be sorcery!

Whatever it is, it's coming this way! Move!


What was that?

Perhaps we're here to find out.

SHAMAN: if you would leave your past behind...

You must go on the Walkabout and find the Dreamtime.

The Dreamtime?

It is all around you.

A dimension parallel to this one.

A world of the mind... And the heart.

Find the Dreamtime, and you'll free your soul.

Well, um, I wanna clean the slate, make a fresh start. If that's what it needs, then I'm for it.

Now, um, you won't come looking for me, right?

This quest is yours alone. No one will disturb you on it.

That's the ticket. Cheers, cobber!


All systems go...

Still no sign of it.

The cataclysm appears to have stopped.



It seems we are not alone...

Strike me! Gargoyles! Here?


-Bronx, with me. -[GROWLS]

Who is Dingo?

It's a long story. Let's just say he's not one of the good guys.





Hold still!



[ROBOTIC VOICE] Now, let's you and me dance, handsome.


ANASTASIA: I don't like it. The Matrix is not responding properly.

It's too smart, Fox.

We don't know enough about hive mind artificial intelligence to understand what's going on in there.

It's dangerous. If the Matrix gets out of control...

You worry too much, Mom. The magnetic field will contain it.

What about the locals?

I've got an operative making sure they stay clear of the site.

Start the next test stage.

-[GASPS] -Anything wrong?

Your grandson just kicked me.




Whoa! Goliath!







[GRUNTS] This way.



[PANTING]] Looks like we're clear.

Aye. For now.

What do you know of this?

What makes you think I know anything about it?

Somehow, I doubt it's a coincidence that you're here.

Me? What about you, Sheila?

You're the ones a long way from home. This is my country.

And, by the way, you're welcome.

He did help save Angela and myself.

We'll accept your story...

For now.

I'd just feel better if we restarted with a clean operating system.

Mother, it's just a test.

If we're successful, David and I can use Matrix to reshape the entire planet to suit us.

Fox, humor your mother.

[SIGHS] Well, it's a lot of work but if you really think it's necessary we'll erase the program and start over.



This discoloration stops here.

Magic. Dark magic.

Hmm... I don't think so.

Not magic. Nanotechnology.

[NORMAL VOICE] Here, have a look.

[ROBOTIC VOICE] I see them!

What is this "nanotechnology"?

Tiny robots, each smaller than a germ.

Coyote used to say it was the wave of the future.

What do they do?

Anything you want 'em to.

They're computer programmed to keep building more and more of themselves.

When you have billions of the little buggers all working together, they can do just about anything in a big hurry.

It's unbelievable...

Not really.

Old Mother Nature's been doing the same thing for millions of years.

She just uses proteins and enzymes instead of machines.

But could not these tiny machines transform us as well?

Huh. I wouldn't wanna test my luck. Let's get outta here.

Let's check in with my man in the field.

Ah, say, maybe just you and me oughta go in.

I don't want to give the old geezer a heart attack.

Ahh... You have returned.

Why not bring your other guests into the light?


You are from the Dreamtime.

I've got an a*t*matic video transmission showing that the gargoyles are in the test area.

We've got to shut down immediately, before... Oh!

The Matrix has learned how to shut down a magnetic containment field!




SHAMAN: All things come from the Dreaming, but this new vision is flawed.

It must be stopped.

But how?

You must find the Dreamtime.

Only there can you speak to it, convince it to stop.


Oh! Hang on!



You must be Goliath.

[CHUCKLING] Where are my manners?

Goliath, Dingo, Detective Maza, meet Anastasia Renard, my mother.

Renard? But that means...

You are Halcyon Renard's daughter!

We have more important things to discuss than my ex-husband.

The Matrix has reached the limits of its range... For now.

I thought you were in control of the bloody thing!

So... You are working with them.

Hang about, it's true I hired on to give 'em a hand, but I didn't expect this.

It's too dangerous. We have to stop it.

I don't know that we can.

Once the Matrix taps into the atomic power plant that runs the labs, nothing can stop it.

It's called the "gray goo" scenario.

With enough power the Matrix could cover the entire Earth with microscopic machines, converting everything to suit its programming.

This Matrix of which you speak, what is it? Why is it doing this?

It's a shared computer program that controls the machines...

Sort of a group mind.

The test was supposed to create order out of random terrain, but it's gone beyond the experiment's parameters.

Is there any way to stop it?

Perhaps. We managed to save this optical drive cartridge.

Theoretically, it could wipe the program clean, leaving the Matrix dormant.

But to implement it, we have to input it directly into the Matrix.

My armor's computer modem might be able to transmit the program.


With all the magnetic interference, you'd have to get inside the test site boundary.

Angela and I will go with you to guard your back.

Right neighborly of you.

This is not the way.

Why has it not absorbed the power plant already?

DINGO: I'd bet it's got to go slow or all that plutonium could give it a bad case of indigestion.

The deactivation program's running. Things should settle down now.




Get away from him!



Let's get outta here!

RENARD: it sounds like the Matrix has evolved beyond its original programming.

We can't stop it.

When it absorbs the power plant, it will overrun everything.

Shouldn't we be leaving?

There's no place to run.

In a few days the whole world will be transformed.

We've got to do something!

SHAMAN: You must talk to it.

Convince it of its error.


Talk to a machine?

It's more than a machine now.

It's an artificial intelligence.

But it thinks a billion times faster than we do!

We can't communicate with it in real time.

Then you must seek it in the Dreamtime.

Ohh... I must be off my nut, goin' for this...


Remember... In the Dreamtime, things are not what they seem, but as you make them seem.


ELISA: What's happened to them?

They have crossed over into the Dreamtime.

DINGO: Where are we?

GOLIATH: As the Shaman said, this must be the Dreamtime.

And that must be the Matrix.

Come. We have no time to lose.

Eh, why not? Always did fancy a trip to Disneyland.

We are near the source!

[STRAINING] What are you?

MATRIX: We are the Matrix. We create order from chaos.

If you continue, you will destroy the world.

MATRIX: The world is imperfect. We shall make it pure, pristine.


Nothing must interfere with our directive.

I can't say that one was a blazing success, mate.

Remember what the Shaman said? The Dreamtime is what you want it to be.


[CHUCKLES] I like it.

MATRIX: You are inducing random elements into the program.

I need me a bit more fire-power here!

Oh, now this is more like it!

Ahh! It slows. Our champions have confronted it.



Matrix! You must listen to me!

Order is not frozen perfection!

It is dynamic, evolving!

MATRIX: We are programmed to create order.

GOLIATH: You are not creating, you are negating!

Your peace is that of the grave!

But we must pursue order.

Uhh, listen, mate! There's another kind of order... Law and order!

Hey, now, that's something you'd be real good at!



ELISA: You're back!

Whatever you did, it worked!

It seems your words were well-chosen.


Your words have a ring of truth.

Speak to us of this new order.

This "law and order."

Uh, well, um...


Me and Fox here used to be heroes to a lot of folks when The Pack was on TV.

I've been missing that lately.

What are you getting at, Dingo?

I wanna be a hero again, for real, this time.

You and I, we could be a team, fighting to create law and order.

Yes. We will help you.



MATRIX: We are now joined. Teach us of law and order.

Quite a responsibility, Dingo.

Yeah, heh. I don't quite know if I'm up to it, but I guess I'll give it a go. [SIGH]

Looks like Australia's got a new kind of hero, mates!