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02x31 - Grief

Posted: 08/06/21 05:31
by bunniefuu
GOLIATH: 1, 000 years ago, superstition and the sword ruled.

It was a time of darkness.

It was a world of fear.

It was the age of gargoyles.

Stone by day, warriors by night.

We were betrayed by the humans we had sworn to protect, frozen in stone by a magic spell for 1, 000 years.

Now, here in Manhattan, the spell is broken and we live again.

We are Defenders of the Night.

We are gargoyles!

NARRATOR: Previously on Gargoyles...

JACKAL: I'm sure tired of taking punishment.

And I'd love to be able to give some back.

Have you ever considered the bounties of genetic engineering?

Or maybe cybernetics is more your style?

They say clothes make the man.

And my personal favorite, the glory of robotics.

What's the catch?


It's all compliments of the hardworking men and women of Xanatos Enterprises.

XANATOS: Come. We've got a full day's work ahead of us.

The Emir is having trouble meeting your deadline.


Even the Archmage's sorcery brewed no creatures like these.

What's the matter?

-Never seen a cybernetic Jackal before? -[MECHANICAL WHIRRING]


Man, I've had it with this working class hero bit.


When Xanatos helped us skip the country I didn't know we were going to be sl*ve labor.

Patience, my hirsute friend.

After tonight it'll all be over and we can go our separate ways.

We've done our jobs, Emir, you'd better have done yours.

Xanatos won't be happy if this project doesn't...

Xanatos isn't here, Coyote. I am.

Besides, he will not be disappointed.

Before midnight has passed we will have what man has dreamed of since the beginning of time.

And the healing will finally begin.

Let's get back to work.

Midnight can't come soon enough for me.

By the way, robojock, like the new design.

Wanna make sparks fly?

Later, perhaps.


EMIR: it is not long till midnight.

Go and bring back the sacred Tanna leaves.

-Where are we? -Well, judging by the scenery, I'd say Egypt is a pretty good bet.

We have to take a closer look at that.

ANGELA: it looks like the world's biggest gargoyle.

The sphinx.

It was ancient long before I was hatched.


Over here, quickly!

What was that thing?

A robot named Coyote.

Are you sure? He was smashed into scrap metal weeks ago.

Xanatos' image was on its video screen.

He must have rebuilt the robot.

And probably upgraded it, so it's more dangerous than ever.

But what's Coyote doing here in Egypt? And is the rest of the Pack with him?

Hmm. I'm not sure.

But at least we know why we are here, to protect this ancient land from their evil.



HYENA: Argh! These blasted leaves are giving me hay fever.

It is almost midnight. Let us prepare for the ceremony.

He pressed these carvings in this pattern...


Ignite the braziers!

By the Scroll of Thoth, by the sacred Tanna leaves, by the power of Amon-Ra, I adjure and compel you!

Come forth from your dark domain, Jackal God, Keeper of the Dead!

Come forth to do our bidding!

Well, look who's crashed the party!

Deal with them!

Hope you've enjoyed your visit to Egypt, Goliath.

'Cause it's about to be cut short!


COYOTE: I'd sure like to know how you got here, but I'm programmed to sh**t first and ask questions later.












The spell was a success!

Behold the Jackal God, the Lord of Death himself.


Well, shave my chest and call me baldie.

Dingo's gonna be sorry he missed this.

The original model.

You're not needed here now. Leave me.

Xanatos will want to know if you've secured immortality for him.

He'll get his report when I'm ready! Not before! Now go!

Hear me, Guardian of the Gate.

I demand a favor.

ANUBIS: I grant but one boon, mortal.

And it will be given to you as it is given to everyone, when your time has come.

You took from me my only son, Anubis!

Two years ago, in a pointless car accident.

ANUBIS: Death is always pointless.

That is the point.

Don't toy with me, Jackal God, I want my son back.

I will make you give him back.

What you ask is unthinkable.

Your son has passed. Let him rest.

Death comes to us all.

Not anymore.

With you trapped here forever, death has no sting.

No one can die.

And so my threat is very real.

WOLF: I say we finish off the gargoyles and Maza.

I'm tired of them giving us grief.

Second the motion.


I would enjoy that too.

Unfortunately, I was not programmed to expect them here.

Without definitive orders, they get to live.

I'm giving the order.

You don't qualify.


Shouldn't one of us be in there to look after Xanatos' interests?

Are you volunteering?

You're not exactly Mr. Subtlety.

All right. Go ahead.



EMIR: I demand reparation!

My son was cruelly and unfairly taken from me!

ANUBIS: On the contrary, death is the ultimate fairness.

Rich and poor, young and old, all are equal in death.

You would not like to see the Jackal God play favorites.

Think what you're doing.

All over the world there is birth, but no death.

Our planet cannot support so many lives at once.

My only concern is my son.

Return him to me or suffer the consequences.

Very well!

If you will not give my son back I will take him back!

The Papyrus of Thoth contains a spell that transforms the reader into an avatar.


A human who becomes a vessel for a supernatural being.

I don't think I like the sound of that.

I will use the spell to join with you, and so command life and death myself!

No! You cannot do this!

Death stole my only child before I had a chance to say goodbye.

To hold him again...

...I will move heaven and earth with my bare hands!

ANUBIS: You cannot comprehend the forces you unleash.




Stop it! You'll bring down the whole temple!

What's going on here?

Take these interlopers out and dispose of them!

Is that an order, Emir?

-Yes! Get rid of them! -Cheerfully.


Come on.

What is this place?

A mastaba, or burial chamber.

The perfect resting place for you four.

I'm not ready to rest just yet.

-Get them! -Where'd they go?

COYOTE: Over there!

She slices, she dices.


Naughty, naughty!

No use hiding, big guy.


COYOTE: Go ahead. Take your best shot.

You wanted my best shot.

COYOTE: Yes. Now take mine.


This is our chance! We've got to stop the Avatar!



In the names of Osiris, !sis and Seth, let Anubis and I now be one!





What in blazes is that?

I think it used to be my brother.

This can't be what Xanatos had in mind.


[IN DUAL VOICES] It's not.

[CHUCKLES] Never did like that robot.

Well, I did.

Every time I meet a guy I can go for, you have to ruin it!

[IN DUAL VOICES] I'm sorry. Did I upset my baby sister?








Life and death at my command.

I like it.

No! I was to be the avatar!

You know, I think I'll keep you alive to watch as all life on this planet withers and dies.

After I bring the gift of death to this world, maybe I'll reunite you with your son.







Let the purge begin!


If you can stop this you must act.

I know you grieve for your son.

But we've all lost souls we care for.

GOLIATH: Must I lose my daughter to prove that this is evil?

Then we will stop him without you.

Now, while he's distracted...

You can't stop me, you fools!

I am Death!

EMIR: The papyrus, with it I can make myself the avatar.

Your final moments have come!

In the names of Osiris, !sis and Seth, let the spirit of Anubis flow into this vessel!



[IN DUAL VOICES] Now, I understand.

What is dead and gone cannot be restored.

But the stolen energies can be re-channeled.


What will you do now, Anubis? Will you bring back your son?

No. The Jackal God cannot play favorites.

I understand that now.

And I also understand that no one must ever have access to such power as this.

ANGELA: What...

What do you think happened to the Pack?

I'd rather not think about it.

How did you two manage to attack Jackal after he aged you?

I could barely move.

Gargoyles age at one half the speed of humans.

Fortunately, Jackal did not know that.

And the Emir?

What do you think happened to him?

If there's any justice in this world or the next, he's with his son now. At rest.