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02x26 - Kingdom

Posted: 08/06/21 05:28
by bunniefuu
[GOLIATH] One thousand years ago, superstition and the sword ruled.

It was a time of darkness. It was a world of fear.

It was the age of gargoyles.

Stone by day, warriors by night.

We were betrayed by the humans we had sworn to protect, frozen in stone by a magic spell for a thousand years.

Now, here in Manhattan... the spell is broken, and we live again!

We are defenders of the night.

We are gargoyles.

Previously on "Gargoyles":

Et hic navis frugum regate ad orae Avalonis.

I have been considering a second-in-command.

Brooklyn, my friend. Leadership is a heavy burden.


Maggie, no!

-This is the cure! -The risk is too great.

Any risk is better than living as a monster.

Like you're an expert on evil monsters.

Join my clan.

Thank you, Goliath. But it seems I have my own clan.

-Any luck, lads? -Not a trace of 'em.

I've been up the East Side and down the West. No sign of Bronx or Goliath.

It's not like Goliath to disappear for nights with no word.

Guys, I was just at Elisa's place. Her mail's been piling up.

And it looks like poor Cagney hasn't eaten for days.


Do you think Elisa is with Goliath and Bronx?

Good question. Here's another.

What do we do now?

Why are you looking at me?

Because Goliath chose you to lead the clan should something happen to him.

And I'd say disappearing without a trace qualifies as "something."

Hey, he'll come back. He has to.

Yeah? But what if he doesn't?

Come on! Lighten up, you guys.

-They're probably on a secret mission, or... -Yeah, right.

I'll check Elisa's parents' place. I might find out something.

Yeah. I'll talk to Matt. Maybe he's got some information.

Then I suppose I'll venture to the Mutates' home in the labyrinth.

The lass's brother Derek may know where she's gone off to.

While I'm there, I'll say hello to your friend Maggie for you, lad.


Uh... Maybe I should go there myself.

If you insist.

I'll wait here...

...just in case.

[MAN] No! No, please.

Please, get away from me.

Where are you running to?

Don't tell me you forgot to bring a present for your old buddy Fang.

Come on, what you got for me? A jelly doughnut? A boom box?

The Sunday sports section? What?

W-Wait! Wait!



Take a look at me, Al. Do I look like the kind of guy who can waltz into a store and plunk down change for a pack of bubblegum?!

Well, do I, Al?!

Do I?

[MAN LAUGHS] Do it up to him, Fang! Yeah!

[MAN #2] Fry him up bad!

Leave him alone!



Brooklyn? What's going on here?

Hey. Hey, Talon.

I'm just minding my own business and this creep jumps me.

You call shaking down a helpless human minding your own business?

I told you before. Everyone is welcome here in the labyrinth.

And the weak are to be protected, not exploited.

Who died and made you king?

Down here, nobody's king. Understood?



Shouldn't you do something more about him, Derek?

He'll come around eventually.

I'll show him who rules down here.


Oh, brother.

-Whoa! -Hiya, Matt.

Ohh! I'm still not used to you guys.

Sorry. Have you seen Elisa lately?

Not for days. The whole squad's been looking for her.

-I thought she was with you guys. -No. Goliath and Bronx are missing too.


Did they say anything about their plans? Where they were going?

It's like they just disappeared into thin air.

I haven't heard from Elisa in a while.

I just assumed she was busy up in the real world.

It looks like she's missing. Goliath and Bronx, too.

You think Xanatos is behind this?

Wouldn't surprise me. Think about it.

First he turns us into flying bug zappers, then he tries to trick you into bumping Goliath off.

And, hey, let's face it, Talon.

He's always hated your sister.

I'll make that slime talk.

Talon, I don't know if that's such a good idea.

Talon, wait.

Why do you provoke him?

If he goes after Xanatos in that state, he's liable to get k*lled.


And wouldn't that be a crying shame?


Sorry, guys.

I listened in at the Maza house. They're just as worried about her as we are.

It's Goli... Oh.

-Hi, Talon. -I told you they wouldn't find anything.

I say we go after Xanatos and force him to talk!

Good idea, Talon. Yeah.

Hang on. What if Xanatos isn't responsible?

I'm not sure it's a good idea to let him know Goliath's missing.

Then what do you want to do?

Aye, lad. It's your call as leader.

Forget it. Let's just go.

Someone must stay here. There might be some word.



You're no Bronx, but you'll have to do.

I really don't think this is how we should approach Xanatos.

You wanna be in charge? Speak now or hold your peace.

Don't you just hate it when guests drop by unannounced?

Shall we test the new security system, sir?

Why not? A little test never hurt anyone.



Easy, Brooklyn! I got you covered.

-Good sh**ting. -Come on!

Gentlemen, what a pleasant surprise.

To what do I owe the honor?

You know perfectly well.

I see you've managed to incorporate your handicap quite nicely, Owen.

-[OWEN] Thank you. -Let's stop this before someone gets hurt.

Now, who wants to tell me what this is all about?

-Drop the act, Xanatos. Where's Elisa? -I'm afraid I haven't seen her.

Yeah, right. Just like you haven't seen Goliath and Bronx.

Hmm. Now we're getting somewhere.


If you don't know anything, why were you sh**ting at us?

Do I really need an excuse to have a good time in my own home?

But if you feel I'm hiding something, search the building.

You worked here, Talon. I believe you know your way around.

And Lexington, check my files.

All right. I will.

You won't get off that easily, Xanatos.

-Goliath missing? -An intriguing development.


So anyway, me and Chaz were checking out the tunnels.

Like, looking around for stuff. So we start digging and find this.

Only we can't get in. And then we figure you guys can just, you know...

Yeah, yeah, I get the picture. I get the picture!

Let's do it, Claw.

Wait! Come here, come here. Go back.

What was that?

Oh, cool.

Yeah. Looks like some kind of space-age blasters or something.


Open up, you stupid...!

Give me that.

All right, boys. The store is open.

You never know when something like this might come in handy.

-Satisfied? -I can't find anything in here, -other than the usual shady deals. -A man has to make a living.

We looked everywhere. No luck.

He let you look. What did you expect?

Come on.


I promise you, I will utilize all my resources to help track down Goliath and Elisa.

We don't want any help from you.

I wasn't aware I needed permission.


Another night has passed, and still no word.

I'll be back tonight. We could all use some rest.

So, what's our next move, laddie?

Stop asking me that! I don't know.

So, the king finally returns to his little domain.

Open up, Fang. I'm not in the mood.

[MOCKINGLY] "Open the door, Fang. Protect the weak, Fang. Fang this, Fang that."

For someone who's not in charge, you sure like dishing out orders.

Please, open the door, Fang.

It's been a long night and I'm very tired.

Yeah. You're tired all right...

Tired and weak!

That's why I'm taking over.

Yeah, right. You and what army?

This army, pal.

And you're our first prisoner of w*r.

Now, we can do this one of two ways.

You can follow my orders, like Claw, or you can move into a new living space, like your little girlfriend here.


Let's get outta here!

Claw, please! I know you're afraid of Fang, but help me.

Thanks. I'll get help.


What happened here?!

Boy, are you asking the wrong guy!

Give me that.

Hey, what about Maggie the Cat? Should we go after her?

What for? Where's she gonna go in broad daylight looking like that?



Chill, kitty. It's just us.

-Maggie? -Fang's taken over the labyrinth.

He's got all sorts of weapons. And Talon... I couldn't help him.

-[HUDSON] What's all the commotion? -Talon needs our help. Let's go.

I thought you didn't want to lead us, lad.

This has nothing to do with what I want.

You'd better come this time. We need all the help we can get.

Is that an order, then?

Yeah. I guess it is.



What's the matter, Talon? Feel a little cooped up?

You feel a little claustrophobic?

How do you like being a lowly subject?

I never claimed to be in charge.

I thought we could all work together. We still can.

And do what?

Baby-sit a bunch of worthless deadbeats?

Well, I got a hot news flash for you, buckaroos.

There's a new sheriff in town.

From now on, you all follow my orders!


Derek! Are you all right?

I wouldn't be worrying about him if I were you.

Brooklyn, I got no gripe with you.

Leave now, and Maggie goes free.

All right, Fang. But she comes with us.

-We're just leaving Talon? -I'm the leader, and I say forget him!

I like the way you give orders.

What makes you think I'd go with you and leave Derek?

Then stay with him for all I care.

I'm sure you'd make wonderful cellmates.

Yeah, I thought that would shut you up.

Now say goodbye to your boyfriend and let's go.

Goodbye, Derek. I won't forget you.

Hey! No hard feelings, guy.


Claw! Do something!

Come on, already. You wanna be weak like them?

Aw, man.

Guys, guys! It was all a joke. Come on! You know, Mutate humor.

Come on. Let me out.

Let me out!

Don't let me catch you two around here again.

From now on, all weapons are banished.

In the labyrinth, justice prevails.

Even for those who don't believe in it.

Thanks for the save, Brooklyn.

Seems neither of us can escape the role of leader.

Yeah, try as I might.

So, what are you gonna do now, lad?

I'll lead the best I can, but that doesn't mean we give up hope.

Or the search. We'll find them. I swear to it.

Agreed. But our main responsibility is to protect those who are still here.

Yeah, that's what Goliath and Elisa would want.