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02x18 - Protection

Posted: 08/06/21 05:23
by bunniefuu
[GOLIATH] One thousand years ago, superstition and the sword ruled.

It was a time of darkness. It was a world of fear.

It was the age of gargoyles.

Stone by day, warriors by night.

We were betrayed by the humans we had sworn to protect, frozen in stone by a magic spell for a thousand years.

Now, here in Manhattan... the spell is broken, and we live again!

We are defenders of the night.

We are gargoyles.

Previously on "Gargoyles":

[ELISA] Dracon!

Sorry, Detective, you got the wrong guy.

Look, just get me a warrant and I'll drag that...

We've got no evidence.

You made one mistake, Dracon. You messed with my partner.

-I did it, Elisa. -We pulled it off... partner.

Maybe we should give them what they ask for.

Hey, we've been at this location 34 years.

Why should I pay some hoodlums now to let us stay open?

-But, Artie... -Forget it, Lois. End of discussion.

Huh. No name.

Oh, well. The owner'll probably claim it first thing in the morning.


There he is. Pull over.

Nice job on that restaurant, Glasses. That'll send a message.

You pay Tony Dracon to protect your place, or you may have no place left to protect.

Uh, just got some disturbing news, boss.

-Somebody's muscling in on your territory. -Go on.

The latest information says it's a crooked cop.

And he didn't come to me first? Nobody remembers their manners.

I hear the cop is a she.

So find this lady cop and send her a message, fast.

Already on it, boss.

Sir, do you have any idea who might have done this?

-Oh, yeah. I know exactly. -No, he doesn't!

He doesn't know anything.

Yeah, well... It was probably an accident.

Unsurprisingly, witnesses seem afraid to come forward.

But this bombing has fueled police speculation that mob boss Tony Dracon is tightening his grip on the protection racket in this area.

-What a shame. -What is this "protection racket"?

Criminals extort money from innocent people by threatening to damage their stores if they don't pay.

-Saw it in a movie once. -And they call this "protection"?

Why do the police not stop it? Where is Elisa?

Good question. I haven't seen her for a few days.

Bluestone. You seen your partner?

Elisa? No, sorry.

I just brought in Pal Joey here, an associate of Tony Dracon.

We're gonna discuss the restaurant bombing.

Never heard of it. I don't get out to eat much.

Well, if you see her, tell her I want a word.

You got it, Captain. Hey, inside, smart guy.

Way we hear it, Tony Dracon is behind this bombing.

Oh, yeah? Way I hear it, some cop on the take is moving in.

-Why not ask her about it? -I don't have to take that from a punk like...

[ELISA] Back off, Matt.

-Elisa! Where have you been? -Don't crowd me, Bluestone.

Give us a minute alone. I got a few questions for him.

-So why can't I hear them? -Because, Mr. Clean, you don't want to.

Yeah, sure. Whatever you say.

I want you to take a message to your boss. Think you can handle that?

-You paying attention? -Hey, hey, lighten up.

Tell Dracon his territory is my territory.

Maza. Out here, now.

-[ELISA] What's up? -I've received a tip that you've been demanding money from storekeepers.

Oh, please, Captain. You don't believe that garbage.

-Captain, I'm innocent. -You'd better be.

Captain, Elisa would never be mixed up in anything like that.

Save it for the investigation, Bluestone.

You know, you have been acting very strange lately.

I don't believe this! One anonymous tip, and all of a sudden I'm a criminal?

-After all the time I put in here... -Detective?


Until this is resolved, you're suspended without pay. I'll need your g*n and badge.

I expected more from you, Captain.

I feel the same way, Detective.

Look! There goes Elisa. I can't believe she left again without stopping by.

Yes. Something must be wrong. Come.

Maza? You gotta be kidding!

This is for real, Tony. And she was acting plenty weird.

-[PHONE RINGS] -Hold on, Joey. I got another call.

Dracon here.

Yeah, that's what I'm telling you. The cop's here right now, demanding money.

OK, I'll... OK, I'll try to stall.

-So, if you're a cop, where's your badge? -I left it at the cleaners.

Now let's get down to business. You want protection, I want money.

Exposed wires are a code violation. They could cause a fire.

Gee, the building inspectors are gonna have a field day with this place.

I wouldn't be surprised if they close you down... if something worse doesn't happen.

Aw, come on, huh? Come on, gimme a break here.

Look, uh... Can't we come to some... understanding?

Sure. You pay me every week, or else I get very unhappy.

And when I'm unhappy, I just make everyone's life miserable.


Could we have a word?

-Gee, fellas, what's the problem? -You're the problem, Maza.

Yeah? Well, I've got a solution.

-Whoa! Hey! -[GLASSES] What's happening?


-It's those monsters! -Oh, not now.

This exit is closed.

Oh, don't hurt me! Oh, please, don't hurt me.

-Elisa, are you all right? -I was fine until you came along.

I told you to stop following me everywhere. Are you a puppy?

Elisa... If they have some hold over you...

Look, I'm gonna make this real clear for you.

First, put him down.

The other one too.

Now, I'm trying to do some business with these men, so why don't you two run along?

Get it? Leave me alone.

But, Elisa...

You tough guys gonna stand there all night?

-[MAN] Come on, let's get outta here. -[GLASSES] Yeah, let's go.

She must be under some kind of magic spell.

Maybe there's another explanation.

You're kidding! The monsters are under her control?

You shoulda seen it, Tony. Maza talked to those things like they were little kids.

OK. You boys get back to work.

And keep that money flowing.

But first, show the lady in.


Mr. Dracon will see you now.

Come on in, honey. You thirsty? Hungry?

My personal chef makes a dynamite Caesar salad.

Let's drop the act, Tony. I'm moving in on your operation.

-You can't be too happy about it. -Actually, I hate it, sugar.

And I hate it when you call me "sugar."

Whoa! OK, OK.

You wanna be straight, Elisa? Fine. I admire that in a lady.

So, tell me, how did a straight sh**t like you end up on the take?

How'd a noted criminal such as yourself stay out of jail?

Power, money, good lawyers.

You kidnapped two cops and you're out on bail. Business as usual.

Kinda makes me wonder what's the point.

Hah! Touché.

Hmm. Maybe I will have something to eat after all.

Matthew, you've been coming into my store since you were a boy.

Always tilting at windmills. What makes you think you're not in over your head?

I know my job, Mr. Jaffe.

One way or another, we're gonna nail Dracon.

And this time, it's gonna stick. Oh! Whoops. Showtime.


-Can I help you? -Other way around, Pop. I can help you.

See, this is a dangerous neighborhood.

There are bad people out there.

Armed robbers. Arsonists. Vandals.

-And, uh, you could protect us? -For a fee, of course.

We hear a lady cop's making the same pitch. How do we know who's in charge?

We're in charge. The competition is being eliminated.

Well, that's your story.

You got a boss? Have him come and guarantee that he's the man.

We're willing to pay, but only once. I mean, that's reasonable, isn't it?

I don't think you people understand.

If you don't pay, you get no protection. And without protection, you're out of business.

Or worse.

I didn't come to this country to be bullied by a petty thug like you.

-Get out! -We're not afraid of you.

We won't pay you or anybody, ever.

It's your funeral. Just don't say I didn't warn you.

-Think he bought it, Captain? -I don't know.

But we've hung out a lot of lines. One of 'em's gotta hook Dracon.

Mm. I love jalapeños.

-Keep the jar. -Thanks.

I think I could get used to living like this.

You know, Glasses was telling me about your little run-in with those flying monsters.

Really? Exactly what did he say?

That they did what you told them. If you told them to work with us, we could control this whole city.

Hold on. You've seen what those things are like. They're wild, unpredictable.

They're not like you and me. They don't understand business.

You don't want to mess with them. Trust me.

They don't care about money, or power...

-I don't know, Elisa. -Money and power sound... very appealing.


Tony Dracon, I'd like to introduce you to Broadway and Goliath.

-We've met. -Hey, Elisa. Are those jalapeños?

Uh, yeah. Keep the jar.

Now, this is what I call muscle.

But why me? Why now?

We need to hook up with someone who knows the angles.

And with Elisa as your partner, we know you can be trusted.

I'll level with you, uh, Goliath.

If we take control of this city, a few people might get hurt.

I'm not overly fond of humans... with the exception of Elisa.

So, she's your woman, huh? I can understand that.

You've got good taste, my friend. You and I can definitely do business together.


Chill! Chill!

Tony, we got situations developing...

-They're everywhere! -Boys, boys.

You'll upset our... guests.

-Guests? -Make that "partners."

-We're all gonna be working together. -And if ya play it smart, there'll be plenty of lettuce for everyone.

So, what are these "situations" you wanted to tell me about?

Well... There's a grocery store where they'll pay, but they heard about Maza, and they want assurances from the man in charge.

And they know it's not you. Am I right?

There's also some dry cleaners that want to be heroes. They won't pay at all.

OK, let's move.

Maza and I will pay the grocers a visit, let 'em know we're all one happy family.

You two take out the dry cleaners. Pal Joey can show you the place.

Shall we? It's like our first date, su... uh, Elisa.

You sure know how to show a girl a good time.

You, uh, want to ride with me?

We provide our own transportation.

-If you can't beat 'em, join 'em. -As long as Elisa is safe.

And to assure that, I will follow her.

Go to the dry cleaners without me.


What was that?


I don't need any monsters to do my job.


Knock out the people, blow up the building. Simple.

Didn't even wait for us. Why are bad guys always in such a hurry?

Sorry, pal, but I'm gonna have to change your plans.

-[MAN] Let him go! -Get him!


Better make sure the people in there are OK.

No! The b*mb!

Come on...



Uh, now, look, we don't want trouble. We're waiting for the guy in charge.

I'm Tony Dracon. They don't get more in charge than me.

Well, finally. So what's the deal?

Simple. You pay me regular, you got no problems. You don't pay, big problems.

What kind of problems?

What is this, a test? We'll shut you down, burn you out or blow you up.

-That clear enough? -Crystal clear, Tony.

So clear, you're under arrest.

[SIGHS] We could've been great together.

Sorry, sugar. I've already got a partner.

-Don't do anything stupid. -You mean, like come here alone?

Don't worry. I had to be sure about Maza.

So, now I'm sure. You all remember my associates.

Get down!

Nice doing business with you.

Glasses, when we're clear, finish 'em off.


Enough of these games!

[DRACON] I agree. Nail him!

No, you don't!


[GOLIATH] I would never join with the likes of you!

You blackmail the innocent, and call it protection.

I should drop you right now, down into the gutter where you belong.

But gargoyle justice is not human justice.

You now have the evidence you need against this leech?

Airtight. Thanks for the help.

Then I will go check on Broadway.

I hope to see you soon.

-Count on it. -[SIRENS]


Nice work, Detective Maza.

I've got two more upstanding citizens right here.

You know, somebody left us a couple of tied-up thugs, too.

Here's what I don't get. How did you guys wind up on Dracon's balcony?

I didn't have a chance to let you in on it.

It was obvious you were acting strangely.

I figured out that you were undercover.


I still don't understand how Dracon could ever believe that you would turn to a life of crime.

The corrupt are the first to believe that somebody else can be corrupted.

And it's not impossible. None of us are perfect.

That's why we need protection, even from ourselves, sometimes.

Then I will protect you.

You will protect me.

And together, we will protect this city.

Sounds like a plan. You know, these are great. You should try one, Goliath.


[ECHOING] Jalapeño!