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02x17 - Upgrade

Posted: 08/06/21 05:23
by bunniefuu
[GOLIATH] One thousand years ago, superstition and the sword ruled.

It was a time of darkness. It was a world of fear.

It was the age of gargoyles.

Stone by day, warriors by night.

We were betrayed by the humans we had sworn to protect, frozen in stone by a magic spell for a thousand years.

Now, here in Manhattan... the spell is broken, and we live again!

We are defenders of the night.

We are gargoyles.

Previously on "Gargoyles":

Call me Coyote.

-Coming? -No. I'm staying here.

The whole escape was staged to give you a shot at an early parole.

Plus, I got a chance to test this prototype robot.

Let's book, sis.

-But they destroyed it. -Robots are nothing, Fox, my dear.

True love is so much harder to come by.


-Let's move! -[ALARM BELL]


I'd like to make a withdrawal.

-So, we've finally sunk to robbing banks. -Hey. It's a living.

-It's a quiet night. -Guess again.

You won't believe who crawled out of hiding.

-[BROADWAY] The Pack! -I've been waiting for a shot at them.

Don't lose the element of surprise. They are formidable opponents.

Move, move, move!

This'll keep us on top of the most wanted list.

Should've remembered your ATM card, Hyena.

Didn't you ever learn not to bother people at work?

Just save the big one for me.



If we take out Goliath, this fight is ours.

Now you're talking.


This isn't over!

-We can't just let them get away. -Helping Goliath is more important.

-We should've stayed and finished 'em off. -Oh, our would-be leader speaks.

As it is, Dingo's the only one who got away with the money.



Anybody expecting visitors?

May I come in?


Next time you may not be so lucky.

I don't like to think this way, but it's time you chose a second-in-command.

Someone to take your place if the worst happens.

If... one day I cannot lead... you shall, my friend.


You were my second, and I passed the job to you.

There's no point in going backwards.

Not when you have three hearty warriors to choose from.

And choose you must.

[JACKAL] What kind of scrap heap did you crawl out of?

Claws in, brother. Let's hear what old Coyote has to say.

Thank you. I've merely come to offer my humble assistance with the gargoyles.

Hope you can swim, metal-mouth, 'cause we don't need your help.

Suit yourself. But it's such a shame to see you beaten by the gargoyles when there's so many resources at your disposal.

We're listening.

For example, have you ever considered the bounties of genetic engineering?

Or maybe cybernetics is more your style.

And they say clothes make the man.

And my personal favorite - the glory of robotics.

Save the horror show for Halloween. But that armor is sharp.

I'm sure tired of taking punishment, and I'd love to be able to give some back. What's the catch?

It's all compliments of the hard-working men and women of Xanatos Enterprises.

Xanatos? Figures. Why didn't he come himself?

Mr. Xanatos is a very busy man.

[XANATOS] And so the game begins.

[LEXINGTON] Ah, time for the nightly demonstration of my leadership skills.

-Speed is the key. -Slow and steady wins the race.

I believe it's Mr. Fast and Steady who stopped the most crimes this month.

You can't put off the decision on a second-in-command forever, lad.

Yes. I know.

Our SWAT team's got the Pack pinned down in an abandoned building.

I knew the Pack would not stay hidden.

-We must summon the others. -No time. It's all going down now.

Tear gas doesn't cause that kind of expl*si*n.

-You win a gold star, Detective. -What manner of trickery is this?

As you may have surmised, that expl*si*n was just for the tourists.

The real action's right up here.


-[DINGO'S VOICE] G'day, mates. -[GASPS]

What's the matter? Never seen a cybernetic Jackal before?


Even the Archmage's sorcery brewed no creatures like these.

-We have defeated them before. -Not the new upgraded models.


-That's the source of the trouble. -Follow it!

I'll take care of this forest demon.

Round and round Jackal goes, where he stops... only he knows.





I hope you're not planning to eat your catch.

Now that I'm in charge, I'm not taking any more of your cracks.

[COYOTE] Ah, Goliath. I'd like you to meet my better half.

You're not our leader, Wolf. You're barely our species!

I can't believe what you did to yourselves.

We did what you were afraid to.

And we agreed whoever bagged the biggest gargoyle would lead the Pack.

[COYOTE] Sorry, Wolf, I think my Goliath tops your Hudson.

Oh, Coyote, honey. Is that you?

Hit the road, Sparky. I'm in charge here.

[LAUGHS] Oh, really? I didn't see you take out Goliath.

You're not siding with this... glorified toaster oven?

I find him very attractive.

Well, that's sicker than usual.

-OK, hairball. I'm with you. -What a choice.

A robot who thinks he's human or a human who's gone to the dogs.

So, what's our next move... boss?

Ah, not a bad night. Two muggings broken up.

One mugging and one burglar who's considering new career options.

Three muggings and an armed robbery. Just have to know where to look.

It's about time Goliath told us his choice for second-in-command.

Yeah. Hey, where is Goliath?

And Hudson? I was just keeping his chair warm.

And Bronx. Hey, if they lugged Bronx along, the situation's got to be serious.

Goliath is mine.

All in good time, Wolf. It's 3am. We'll release their pet at 4:30.

Just before sunrise.

We follow him home and smash the rest where they roost.

-Precisely. -Can't argue with logic like that.


-You seem to be in check, my dear. -I still have a few moves left.

If I was leader, I'd make sure that my clan knew where I was at all times.

If you were leader, I'd be somewhere else at all times.

[BROOKLYN] Guys, guys! Check this out!

The fire was quickly contained as police had earlier received a tip that former television stars the Pack, now wanted felons, were inside.

So the Pack is back.

-Goliath must have gone after them. -Let's go!

-This is a paid commercial message. -Wait. That voice... It's Fox!

Tired of walking down Lexington Avenue?

Sick of taking that long bus ride up Broadway?

Fed up with bumper-to-bumper all the way to Brooklyn?

-She's talking to us. -Don't pack it in. Take the train.

She wants us there, where the tracks cross.

-I know that spot! -It's gotta be a trap.

Goliath and Hudson might be in danger.

Do we have any choice?


Clever move.

I'd say I've still got the edge.


I say forget the flea collar and finish off these gargoyles now!

Just follow the leader, Wolf. His idea is a good one.

A sight better than trading in pieces of your own body like used car parts.

-What's your problem? -I'm a partner in a freak show.

-Whoa! That's not the Pack I remember. -Who cares? Let's go get 'em!

Wait. They were powerful enough to trap Goliath.

You may be afraid to fight without Goliath. I'm not.

-Me neither. -Guys, we won't get two chances at this.

I have a plan.


[WOLF] Finally, some action.

[COYOTE] Wolf, Jackal, make them come to you.

We'd better hang together... or we'll hang separately.

Looking for this? [GRUNTS]


Goliath! Elisa! Hudson! Are you all...? Oof!


-Going somewhere? -No, he's not.

-That's not much of a punch. -Aaagh!

I wonder if gargoyles taste like chicken.


Time to put this puppy into orbit.

I know you're around here somewhere... you flying rat.

That's Mr. Flying Rat to you.

Never liked thrill rides. They always end too soon.

-Uh-oh. -Tickets, please.

-Speed is the key. -Slow but steady, partner.

Finish him, Jackal. If this old one's awake then so is Goliath!

But I haven't shown him all my accessories.


There's never a silver b*llet around when you need one.

You're gonna need more than that.

I should've figured it was crazy to stick with this crew after they went Frankenstein on me.

Oof! Argh!

Here's a little pick-me-up, Dingo.


I like being stronger than any of you.

[BROOKLYN] But not stronger than all of us.



Destroy. Destroy.




Remind me not to get hit by one of those.

Good advice. But now you'd better go. That last train's sure to call this in.

We'll just tie up some loose ends first.

Oh, man. Who did this?

What I wanna know is, where do we take 'em?

A hospital, a machine shop... or a vet?

I have something to say.

As you know, I have been considering a second-in-command.

I've had a choice in mind, but was concerned that to reveal it would drive a wedge between you.

But you have each proven yourself to be worthy warriors and, more importantly, an excellent fighting team.

I now see what I should've seen all along. That nothing can divide you.

Brooklyn, my friend. Leadership is a heavy burden.


Congratulations, lad.

Yeah. That goes double for me.

-Hey, you deserve it, buddy. -Ow. Oh.

Uh... Goliath?

Be careful, huh? I'm in no hurry to take your place.

-Checkmate. -Well played.

Aren't you angry? I know you don't like to lose.

But I have won, my darling.

For in you, I have found a true equal.

Care to play again?