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02x15 - Revelations

Posted: 08/06/21 05:21
by bunniefuu
[GOLIATH] One thousand years ago, superstition and the sword ruled.

It was a time of darkness. It was a world of fear.

It was the age of gargoyles.

Stone by day, warriors by night.

We were betrayed by the humans we had sworn to protect, frozen in stone by a magic spell for a thousand years.

Now, here in Manhattan... the spell is broken, and we live again!

We are defenders of the night.

We are gargoyles.

They're called the Illuminati. They run everything.

Previously on "Gargoyles":

Glad you could make it, Detective.

-He never told you he used to be FBI? -He neglected to mention it.

He called me last week with a new lead on the Illuminati Society, a secret organization so powerful, it's supposed to be running the world.

He's determined to prove their existence.

It dates back to the '20s, a gangster named Mace Malone who vanished in 1924.

What does he have to do with the Illuminati?



[MAN] Now that's what I call an entrance.

Who's there? What is this? I want answers!

Welcome to the Hotel Cabal.

Although we've served a wide variety of guests over the years, you're our very first gargoyle.


Temper, temper. I'd pace myself if I were you.

From hereon out, things only go from bad to worse.


See what I mean?

It's going to be a bumpy night.

What a majestic beast.

[MATT] Goliath is some piece of work.

The Illuminati will be pleased, Mr. Bluestone.

You make an excellent Judas.

It's a gift.

[MATT] 12 hours ago I was just an overworked, underpaid police detective.

So what am I doing here with a 100-year-old gangster watching a gargoyle fight for his life?

I guess it all began when I dropped in on Agent Martin Hacker, my ex-partner from my days with the FBI.

Hacker was on my case as usual.

This sort of thing got you bounced from the bureau. Are you trying to blow your badge?

Cut to the chase. Did you find anything on Malone's stepson?

What difference does it make? Mace Malone vanished, what, over 70 years ago.

He's probably dead. Even if you figure out what happened, how would that prove this all-powerful Illuminati Society of yours really exists?

Did you find anything on the stepson or not?


You don't know what I went through to get this. All right.

He's in the witness relocation program.

I wanted to follow up right then, but the Illuminati would have to wait. Duty called.

Uh, Captain! Was Elisa in there?

No, Detective. I haven't seen her.

Are you sure? Her car's out front and I can't find her anywhere.

Well, I've been in there for the last 20 minutes and she hasn't.

Guess you'll have to keep looking.

There you are. I've been all over looking for you.

I was just, uh, returning a mop. The sink in the women's locker room spilled over.

I've spent the last half an hour cleaning it up. What a mess.

She was lying right to my face. I couldn't believe it.

So you were looking all over for me? Something up?

Uh.. yeah. Uh, I got a new lead on Mace Malone.

-If it pans out... -Let me guess.

The Illuminati.

After the Silver Falcon case, I learned it didn't pay to keep my partner in the dark, but Elisa passed on checking out the lead.

Bottom line - she didn't believe in me either.


Don't the feds clue you guys in?

Till the day I die, I'm just a retired banker who likes to spend his afternoons in a health club.

Happy for you, Jack, but I'm not here about you.

It's your mother. According to my research, she was Flo Dane, the silent film star.

That's you at her memorial service 15 years ago.

-You see your stepfather anywhere? -The man was a bum!

Mace Malone walked out on us when I was five. Nobody ever saw him after that.

Take a closer look at the back row.

[JACK] Well, what do you know.

It could be him.

That bum! What else can I tell you?

-Where can I find your mother? -Pine Lawn.

We laid her to rest under her real name - Dreidel. Flora Dreidel.

If you find Malone, tell him I said he's a bum!


I helped you bring that TV into the building the day we met. You said it was for a friend.

Actually, it was for me. You found my, uh... little hideaway.

All these books, these videos, are yours?

A hot plate? Enough food for a family of gorillas?

-So I bend the regulations when I unwind. -[CLOCK CHIMES]

Uh-oh. Sun's almost down. Time to roll, partner.

So, how'd it go with Mace's stepson?

According to Pine Lawn, an old man comes by every Thursday to leave a rose on Flora Dreidel's crypt.

I know it's a long shot, but... tomorrow is Thursday.

All these years, and you still have a soft spot for Flora.

Must have been tough becoming dead to the world, abandoning your wife.

But you had no choice. The Illuminati decided you were irreplaceable.

Excuse me?

Nobody knew more about underworld dealings than Mace Malone.

Once the gangs found out an outside faction knew their secrets, you were a marked man. You had to disappear.

Thanks to you, the Illuminati had the goods to cut themselves in.

They've been organized crime's silent partner ever since.

Young man, how long have you been plagued by these fanciful delusions?

Not as long as you've had this tattoo.

For a man pushing 100, you're amazingly well preserved.

How accommodating of the Society to provide members with rejuvenation dr*gs.

You should see the dental plan.

[MALONE] We've been aware of you for some time, Detective.

Despite all the roadblocks we've thrown in your path, you've managed to persevere.

-Yeah, I'm funny that way. -You are impressive that way.

What if I told you the Society might be willing to offer you membership?

Provided you pass a loyalty test.

You want me to prove my good faith? How will you prove yours?

With a bit of information.

Courtesy of David Xanatos - one of our lower-echelon members.

You've got my attention.

You OK? Our shift's almost over and you haven't said three words all night.

Let... me... drive.

-Hey, pal, it's my car. -I insist.

All I could think about was what Elisa had told me.

I was feeling hurt, betrayed and, most of all, angry.

Make sure you buckle up.


I saw Malone today. The old man had a lot to say - not just about the Illuminati.

Uh, that's great, but easy on the gas, OK?

He told me I knew someone who could blow the lid off another conspiracy.

One a lot closer to home.

Matt, slow down! This is nuts.

This is the end, Elisa. The end of all the lies and deception.

Only your gargoyles can save us now.

Are you out of your mind? You almost k*lled us.

I won't give up until I get the truth, Elisa. The truth about you and the gargoyles.

I know you're out there!

Oh, I know all about you. Now show yourselves!


I know. I know. This is where you shake your head and tell me I'm wasting my time.

They... they don't follow me everywhere I go.

Come on. This time I'll drive.

This sounds like a stall. What do you mean we have to wait?

We didn't get back in time. You can't see them now.

Meet me back here ten minutes before sunset.

You won't be disappointed. I promise.

The rest of the day wasn't a total loss, not a by a long shot.

I have a meeting with the gargoyles tonight. Your information was accurate.

So much for our good faith.

-Now we come to yours. -Just tell me what I have to do.

Bring us a gargoyle.

A few hours later, Elisa and I rendezvoused in the clock tower.

She took me outside, but I still didn't know what to expect.

Statues? You've brought me all the way up here to show me statues?

-Give them room. -"Give them room"?


Heads up, lads. We've got a bit more company than usual.

So... you finally decided it was time?

Better late than never.

So they've taken an oath to protect the city, as they once protected their castle centuries ago.

Except these days the people we watch over have no clue that we exist.

Aye. And that's fine by us.

Elisa's done well by you, Bluestone.

You've proven yourself a loyal partner and a righteous policeman.

-And you'll keep their secret, right? -Oh, I'll keep it.

But I want a favor in return.

Trust is not a commodity to be bartered for.

Time you and I talked, Goliath... man-to-gargoyle.

Goliath was nobody's fool, but Mace Malone had made it clear - if I didn't deliver the big guy to Hotel Cabal, I could kiss the Illuminati goodbye.

Don't you think it's about time you told us what's up?

Malone has an office in a condemned hotel. All the entrances are sealed off.

If Goliath can get me inside, I can find the proof I need to expose the Illuminati.

We'll back you up, lad. Just say the word.

We don't want to lay siege to the place, Hudson, just sneak in and out.

-This job is for two. -Make that three.

Not this time. If you trust me, Elisa, really trust me, stay out of this.

All right. I'm out of it.

-I can get us past the lock. -So can I.

After me.


-Bluestone! -Help!



Now that's what I call an entrance.

Who's there? What is this? I want answers!

So do we, gargoyle. So do we.


-Why didn't you use the key I gave you? -I lost it on the way down!

Why didn't you warn me about that blasted chute?

Any advance hesitation on your part might have made the gargoyle suspicious.

But you played your part well. Now the fun begins.

[MALONE] Welcome to the Hotel Cabal.

[MATT] That brings us to where we left off.

It's going to be a bumpy night.

I'm sure you've noticed by now this is no ordinary hotel.

The Cabal is designed to decimate one's grip on reality.

Once your defenses are down, we step in and strip your mind of its most precious memories and darkest secrets.

By the time a guest leaves here, he's little more than a mindless cretin.

Funny how the least little thing sets him off.

I know what you're thinking - open window.

Too good to be true. But too tempting to pass up.


I'll bet that smarts.

But you know what they say - no pain, no gain.

Bravo, Goliath. You've earned a breather.

Trouble is, nothing's what it seems at the Hotel Cabal.

The strength I was expecting, but not the boundless fortitude, the indomitable spirit.

This is a true warrior.

Breaking him may take a bit longer than usual.

Uh, speaking of which, suppose I'd gone down the wrong chute?

With no key? Bad news, my boy.

A warm body is all it takes to activate the automated mechanisms in any one of these rooms.

Without one of these to deactivate the rooms, anyone caught in there would be bouncing off the walls forever.

Mace! Check out the screen. Where's Goliath?

Not to worry. He must be in one of the adjoining rooms.

-This... this makes no sense. -[ALARM SOUNDS]

-Now what? -It's the security alarm.

Impossible. No one could navigate his way around the rooms like that.

Unless... The key you dropped!

Somehow the gargoyle must have found it.

It's allowing him to pass unharmed from room to room.

At this rate, he'll be out in minutes.

Oh, man! There must be some way to stop him.

Things are out of control now.

I'm running out of options.

Wait. Mace... You can't be serious.

-I mean, what would the Illuminati say? -If I wasted the gargoyle?

It'll be a black mark, no question of that. I'll be severely reprimanded.

But if I allow Goliath to become the first prisoner who ever escaped Hotel Cabal, the flushing sound you hear will be me and my 75-year pension going down the drain.

Notice the one-way mirror.


-I can't miss. It's checkout time, gargoyle. -I don't think so, Mace.



-Going up? -As a matter of fact, I am.

Hold on!

You played me for a fool, Bluestone!

You and the gargoyle were in this together!

What can I say, Mace? [LAUGHS] When you're right, you're right.

I'll see that you get yours, Bluestone.

Nobody double-crosses Mace Malone!


Poor Mace. Wonder how long it'll take him to realize he dropped his key.

[MATT] OK, I admit it. To save Goliath's life I had to forfeit my chance to get in good with the Illuminati, bust their organization wide open.

I believe this is yours, my friend.

Thank you for lending it to me.

But I still came out ahead, which is more than Mace can say.

I'm close, so close. One more door.

Yes! Just one more door.

[SOBS] Just one more door and I'm home free!


Just... tell me why. Why did you keep me in the dark for so long?

It's not that I didn't trust you. I guess... I just didn't want to share them.

As long as I was the only human they confided in, it made me feel... special.

I think I know what you mean.

That might be why I've chased the Illuminati for so long.

People may have thought I was a nut case, but at least I stood out.

So, you two finally found each other.

Yeah, I guess you could say that.

-See you tonight, Captain. -Have a nice day.

Hacker! What are you doing in this neck of the woods?

Oh, passing through.

Man, you look like you've been through the wringer.

-[LAUGHS] You don't know the half of it. -[LAUGHS]

I may know more than you think, partner. A lot more.

An Illuminati pin? You?

You've been one of them all along? I oughta knock you flat on your back!

Well, I wouldn't blame you, Matthew.

Truth is, you already floored me once. You were never supposed to get to Mace.

That's why they partnered us - said I'd make sure you stuck to wild goose chases.

Mm. You see, I figured Malone's stepson was just another dead end.

After all, the guy hadn't seen Mace since, what, 1924.

But then... [LAUGHS] you had to muck everything up with that photograph and the Flora Dreidel connection.

-I mean, who knew? -I'm not laughing, Hacker.

Neither are we, Matthew. Like Mace said, you impressed us.

The pin makes it official. You passed the test. You're Illuminati now.

But wh...? Goliath got away.

Your job was to get him there. It's not your fault if old Mace couldn't hold him.

-See you again soon, Matthew. -Yes, you will.

[UNDER BREATH] And that's a promise.