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02x09 - City of Stone: Part One

Posted: 08/06/21 05:18
by bunniefuu
[GOLIATH] One thousand years ago, superstition and the sword ruled.

It was a time of darkness. It was a world of fear.

It was the age of gargoyles.

Stone by day, warriors by night.

We were betrayed by the humans we had sworn to protect, frozen in stone by a magic spell for a thousand years.

Now, here in Manhattan... the spell is broken, and we live again!

We are defenders of the night.

We are gargoyles.

Humanity is our enemy, Goliath.

Previously on "Gargoyles":

I'm called Macbeth.

-I want your queen. -Queen? We have no queen.

No? What about Demona?

-You know Demona? -Know her?


I named her.

This has gone on all day. We should go in.

Uh-uh. They got confirmed IDs on the hostages. Captain says keep trying.

It's getting late. Tired people make mistakes.

Let's stop right here before somebody gets hurt.

We will never give in. Our cause is worth any sacrifice.

-Think they're starting to see it our way? -Not yet, but they will.

-What are you gonna do to us? -If our demands are met, nothing. If not...

-Please, just let us go. -It'll be over soon.


It-it's a monster.

sh**t it.


Stay back. Don't hurt me.

You have more to fear from your own cowardice than from me.

Relax, folks. You're safe now.

-Get away! -Don't come near me.

Don't gush all over us, OK? It's kind of embarrassing.

We will go now. The police can deal with them.

The cause is everything until her own life is threatened.

Still, it's good that you saved her.

If you forgot what she's forgotten, that every life is precious, then you'll be no different from her.

I'll never be like this t*rror1st.

We were not talking about this t*rror1st.

-The children! Where did they go? -What children?

Come on. They were right here a second ago.

Please, there were no children here.

If there were no children, then what did we see?

And who were they talking about?

Those Vikings may return at daybreak, Goliath.

I say take all your gargoyles and make sure they're gone.

I agree. Let us go out in force and put an end to these pigs once and for all.

Too dangerous.

-I don't want the castle left unprotected. -Their leader swore he'd be back.

It's best to hurry them far away now and not take that chance.

Very well, but I shall do it.

I can scare those cowards away without any help.

That's too dangerous for you. Let me come along at least.

You and the others will stay with the castle.

You are my best warrior. I leave you in command.

-No, I cannot let you. -I won't go alone.

Remember, you and I are one, now and forever.

This ruins everything.

The plan was to have all the gargoyles away during the attack, so we could return to claim an empty castle.

The plan can still work. I'll signal Hakon, tell him to attack during the day.

-The humans will still be taken. -Fool! Have you forgotten?

Gargoyles are stone by day. We'll be helpless.

Not while I'm about. I swear, I'll keep your clan safe.

Listen, quickly. There's something...

[SIGHS] Never mind.

It's nothing.






It worked.

At last, my clan is free of human rule.

Where are they?







I can't face him. Not yet.

My... angel of the night.


I'll come back later, say I was seeking him.

He'll be so glad that I'm alive.

Stone? At night?

How can this be?

Oh, my love.

What have I...

-What have they done to you? -[HORSE NEIGHS]

It's always, "Gillecomgain, milk the cows. Gillecomgain, check the stables."


Who's there?

-Show yourself, you thief! -[ROARS]

Agh! My face!

That'll teach you humans to betray us.

-Everything is ready. -It had better be.

Relax, this is state-of-the-art equipment.

-We can override all broadcast channels. -Cable as well.

You have, I trust, kept your end of the bargain?

This is how I've lived all these years.

A spell stolen from the Grimorum Arcanorum.

With it, we can steal one minute of life from all who see and hear the spell.

Add it up and it equals centuries of time.

Even when shared between us.

We will broadcast throughout the day, ending at sundown tomorrow.

You should return then, Xanatos.

Be careful. Either watch or listen to her, not both.

Of course.

"Omnes conspecti."

"Omnes auditi."

"In nocte usque."

"Ad saxum commutate."

Stop! This is not the spell you...

"Dum caelum ardeat."

You are the tricky one, so we'll just make sure you stay put.

Omnes conspecti.

Omnes auditi.

In nocte usque.

Ad saxum commutate.

OK, Cagney, I'm out of here.

[FEEDBACK] ...specti.

-Omnes auditi. -Demona?!

In nocte usque.

-Ad saxum commutate. -It's on every channel.

Dum caelum ardeat.


Isn't this exciting, Luna? It begins again.

Concentrate, sister, or it will end here as well.

Phoebe, Seline, have patience.

We have waited 975 years. We can wait a little longer.

Omnes conspecti.

-Maybe they won't come this time. -[DISTANT ROAR]



Filthy beasts!

The Hunter will wipe your thieving kind off the face of this Earth!

Not while I live.



I'm tired of starving and sick of acting like a common thief.

I don't see why we just can't make peace with the humans.

Do you think the humans want peace?

We are all that are left of our kind in this world.

And the Hunter begrudges each of us our lives.

I will not let him win.

We bring word of the Hunter.

I do not know you, but you are welcome among us.

-Give me your news. -He st*lks a human target at Castle Moray.

If you and Clan Moray ally against your common enemy, you can defeat the Hunter.

I need no human allies. Let the Hunter strike at his target.

For, as he does, he becomes the prey.

My prey.

-Checkmate, milord. -What?


Ah, Gruoch, you're a clever lass.

And quite a beauty.

Hey, Bodhe, you should be proud of your daughter.

You are too kind, Lord Findlaech.

But what about young Macbeth here? Is he a match for the lass?

[FINDLAECH] Come here, son. Show our guests how well you play.

Aha! And see to it you do better than your father just did.

Um... Yes, sir.


Aye, Macbeth is a good boy, a sight more steady than his cousin, Prince Duncan.

Aye, it's a fact that Duncan will rule.

But a question as to how well.

He's young yet. The weight of a crown should settle him a bit.

Aye, one would hope.

But he will be our king, for well or ill.

And by the sigil of Moray, Findlaech pledges his loyalty.

But enough talk for tonight, old friend. It's time I saw Gruoch up to her bed.

Of course, of course.

Macbeth, see our guests to their chambers and return straight away.

Wretched kitchen lad. Probably napping by the stove again.

-[DOOR OPENS] -There you are. Get to work, laddie, or I'll...


Guards! Guards!

You are the Hunter. I know that.

But who sent you to hunt me?

Speak, curse you.


Here, Father.



-[GASPS] -Daughter, no! It's too dangerous.



No, please!

-Now I have you. -Now I'll finally have my revenge.



Know what it feels like to be hunted, human.

And know that it is the last thing you will ever feel.


-[GRUNTS] -Thank you.




-Prince Duncan. -At last.

What news of Clan Moray, Gillecomgain?

Findlaech, high steward of Moray, is dead. As you commanded.

And Macbeth?

-He lives. -Oh, no matter.

Findlaech was loved. With his support, his son could have been king.

But without his father, cousin Macbeth is just another poor relation.

Bring food and drink. This is cause for celebration.

You have done well, my Hunter. Your reward is the stewardship of Moray.

[DEMONA] Omnes conspecti.

Omnes auditi.

In nocte usque.


-Hey, partner, what's the rush? -No time to talk, Matt.

I'll say. The phone's are jammed with complaints about that broadcast.

-How about helping us out with them? -In a minute, OK.

-Pack Media studios? -Of course.

Take it from a professional, David. That Demona broadcast isn't riveting TV.

I didn't watch it and I told you not to watch it either.

-What can I say? I was curious. -[PHONE RINGS]

Wait, someone's calling.

Mr Xanatos, we have a problem. Demona lied to us.

The spell she cast was not what she said it was.


I hope tonight's quieter than last night was.