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02x08 - Vows

Posted: 08/06/21 05:17
by bunniefuu
[GOLIATH] One thousand years ago, superstition and the sword ruled.

It was a time of darkness. It was a world of fear.

It was the age of gargoyles.

Stone by day, warriors by night.

We were betrayed by the humans we had sworn to protect, frozen in stone by a magic spell for a thousand years.

Now, here in Manhattan... the spell is broken, and we live again!

We are defenders of the night.

We are gargoyles.

You and I are one, now and forever.

Previously on "Gargoyles":

-Marry me. -Are you serious?

-It makes perfect sense to get married. -True.

But what about... love?

Now, Xanatos!

[GOLIATH] She's alive.

[XANATOS] So now you know my weakness.

Only you would regard love as weakness.



It's so unlike you to attack first. I simply invited you here to talk.

Our previous encounters have not encouraged me to trust you.

If you say so. Fox and I are getting married tomorrow night.

-I want you to be the best man. -You cannot be serious.

Demona will be there. And she's promised to be on her best behavior.

[HUDSON] Only you can decide what you will do, lad.

It's crazy to even consider going.

You're right.

Hello, Father.

It's bad luck to see the bride before the wedding.

Fox and I make our own luck.

I'll go change for tonight.

-What do you think of the place? -Why do you need all this?

Oh, reason not the need, Father.

I wanted it, so I took it.

-And the armor? -I assure you, it's purely defensive.

Against what? What kind of life do you lead?

You would have been better off as a poor fisherman like me.

If I ever get my hands on the man who sent you that coin, I swear I'll teach him not to meddle with my family!

That's ancient history, Pop. Besides, that coin was only worth about 20 grand.

I'm now worth... well, considerably more.

An anonymous stranger sent you a museum piece worth a fortune.

All of this came from that.

You didn't earn any of it, boy.

Someday I'll prove to you I'm a self-made man.

Ah, Judge Roebling. Thank you for coming early.

We have a video for you to view before the ceremony.

The best man and maid of honor are... somewhat unusual. Right this way.

-Will Goliath actually show up? -Oh, he'll be here.

I'll bet my future on it.

My love! You're here.

We must go immediately or we'll miss Prince Malcolm's wedding.

Go on, then.

With this ring, I thee wed.

With this ring, I thee wed.

Exchanging tokens to seal their pledge of love.

A strange custom... but fitting.

Take this token of my love. Cherish it always, as I will cherish my half.

Upon this, I pledge my heart to you forever.

I accept your token, my... angel of the night, and vow that you and I are one, now and forever.


Is it wise to wear the emblem of the Illuminati Society in public?

A necessary risk, Owen.

Thank you, Goliath.

You don't know how much this means to me.

As best man, it's your job to hold on to this for me until the exchange of vows.

-That's when... -I understand.


I'm only attending this farce because Xanatos insisted and I need to keep him as an ally.

I neither know nor care why you're here.

This is not the first wedding ritual we've attended together. Don't you remember?

I'm not interested in reminiscing.

We are here today to join David Xanatos and... uh...

What is your real name, my dear?

Fox is my real name. Legally.

Uh... join David Xanatos and Fox in matrimony.

The rings?

I now pronounce you husband and wife.

You may...

Now the fun begins.

This is your wedding. Have you no respect for anything?

I'm sorry, Pop. I'm in a bit of a hurry.


Long ago, we also exchanged vows. I know you remember them.

I promised to keep this always.

And I have.

So have I.


Goliath, you're a sentimental fool!

You fell right into our trap.

Now I have the Phoenix Gate and I intend to use it.

Deslegrate muri tempi et intervalia.

[OWEN] it seems the honeymoon has begun earlier than expected.

-Where are we? -The question isn't "where"... but "when?"

[DEMONA] Deslegrate muri tempi et intervalia.




If I might be of service.

-Come on. impress me. -[YELLS]

-[XANATOS] Having fun? -[FOX] A marvelous time.

We are most grateful for your aid, strangers.

But we cannot... Oh.

Good friend, I am the Norman ambassador.

My companion and I bear precious gifts for Prince Malcolm of Wyvern.

You wear strange garb, but you are also an excellent fighter

[WHISPERS] and a fellow Illuminatus.

I would be honored if you and your party would accompany us to Castle Wyvern.

I warrant Prince Malcolm will be very generous in his appreciation.

Ah, Demona.


Not Demona, but her younger self. And myself as well.

You're away from your post, lad. I said the battlements, not the tower.

Lad, is that you?


We are much pleased at your safe arrival, ambassador.

But where, prithee tell, is my bride?

It was hoped that by traveling in secret we could avoid the attentions of rogues and thieves.

We were wrong, but these kind strangers rescued us most valiantly and saved my life.

These tokens are but the first of your reward.

Tonight you'll have fine food, fine lodging and fine clothes.

We were to have been married tomorrow, but this attack makes me anxious.

We shall be wed this very night! Prepare the great hall.

Is your father's wedding gift safe?

I shall present the Phoenix Gate to my husband after the ceremony.

So you see, Huds... I mean, my mentor...

I am not a creature of sorcery, I am a visitor from the future.

And I suppose you glided back in time on the wind?

No! Sometime in the future I attended - or will attend - the wedding of an enemy, and I was - or will be - tricked into helping send us all back here by magic.

I don't know what my enemies purpose in this time, but I particularly fear for my younger self and... his angel love.

I need your help to protect them from their future.

-It's quite a story. -Will you help me?

Very well, lad. I'm with you.

Curse those strangers!

Because of them, my bandits failed to steal the Phoenix Gate.

I must have it!

With the Gate and the Grimorum, I'll need only the Eye of Odin to secure the ultimate magical power.

You, my apprentice, will steal it from the princess and bring it here to me.

As you wish, Archmage.

What are you hatching now?

That envelope contains my personal instructions for the Illuminati Society, plus two smaller sealed envelopes.

The Society is to wait one thousand years and then deliver the first envelope to a young David Xanatos of Bar Harbor, Maine.

It contains one of the coins Prince Malcolm gave me earlier.

It's practically worthless now in 975AD, but by 1975 it will be worth about 20 grand.

The second envelope is to be delivered 20 years later.

It contains a detailed account of how the coin was obtained.

That's how I knew how to set this all up.

I received instructions from myself last week.

So you see, Pop, I am indeed a self-made man.

I'm so proud of you.

All right, Mr. Big Shot Time Traveler, you sent off your little letter before answering one important question.

How do we get back home?

-Demona. -Who?

Who are...? You look like... But this cannot be.

-Oh, I am quite real. -But how?

Soon. But first we must go somewhere private.

I know from experience that my arrival through the flames will attract one other.

Deslegrate muri tempi et intervalia.

-He must not investigate. -Aye, I'll waylay him.

Yes, I am you.

Your future self. You know I speak the truth.

I've come back to bring you a warning.

This is your future.

See the destruction. The death of our kind surrounds us.

Your one true love is frozen in stone at night.

The humans did this, and you can stop it!

You hold the power in your hand.

To use the Phoenix Gate you have but to think of a place and time.

Speak the incantation and you will be transported there.

With it you can accomplish anything.

Do not give it to the Archmage. Do not share it with...

Do not share it. Use it!

Destroy all the humans. Rule the gargoyles. Rule the world!

It's all within your grasp!


Believe me, I know exactly how you feel.

But you cannot trust him.

He's weak. He cares more for the humans than for our clan.

The greatest favor you can do him would be to put him out of our misery forever.

You must know I'm right.

Can't you see I am what you will become?

I will never be like you! [ROARS]

-I do not wish to hurt you. -And I do not wish to be you.

If I must beat this lesson into you, so be it.

-It's for your own good. -No!


Are you injured?

You... The others...

All gone.

What am I to do?

-Do nothing. -Nothing?

Do not worry.

Do not wait or look for this catastrophe. Live in the moment.

Attend the petty jealousies and angers that prey upon your heart.

Fortify yourself with love and trust, and you need not fear this future.

But most of all, fulfill the vows of love you make, for they can surely save you.

I shall.

-You have my oath. -I had hers once, too.

-I am not sure I remember the incantation. -I do.

Deslegrate muri tempi et intervalia.

I think we've found our ticket home.

If I didn't fear the damage you would do to the time stream, I'd gladly leave you here.

But you won't. Because you didn't.

Time travel's funny that way.

Goodbye, young angel.

Remember your promise.

Deslegrate muri tempi et intervalia.

I saw the Phoenix flame.

You lost the Gate - admit it, you stupid beast!

-But I... -Fulminus benite!

I will tell Prince Malcolm that you stole the Gate.

Why would you suspect this child of stealing anything from the prince?

And even if she did, precisely who would she have been stealing it for?

I will not forget this.

Those three strangers have disappeared.

The theft of the Gate can be blamed upon them.

My love! You're here.

We must go immediately or we'll miss Prince Malcolm's wedding.

Go on, then.

It seems the honeymoon has begun earlier than expected.


Get away from me, you sentimental fool.

You may have prevented me from altering the past, but you failed too.

You see, I have clear memories of your little inspirational about keeping my vows of love.

I never forgot it. And it changed nothing.

-Obviously, history is immutable. -More's the pity.

Well, Pop, did you have a good time at the wedding?

-What's this? -A simple American penny.

It's not worth much now, but in a thousand years... who knows?

It's my wedding present to you, because it's all you seem to care about.

-You shouldn't have let him go! -We should go and rescue him.

I don't think that'll be necessary.

You promised you wouldn't go.