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06x21 - Summer

Posted: 08/02/21 07:21
by bunniefuu
-I guess things never turn out
exactly the way you planned.

I know they didn't with me.

Still, like my
dad used to say...

Traffic's traffic.

You go where life takes you.

I remember a time. A place.
A particular fourth of july.

The things I saw in that
decade of w*r and change.

I remember how
it was, growing up,

Among people and places I loved.

Most of all, I remember
how it was... To leave.

[Joe cocker's "with a little
help from my friends" plays]

-♪ Baby ♪

-♪ By with a little
help from my friends ♪

-♪ Said I'm gonna make
it with my friends ♪

-♪ Try with a little
help from my friends ♪

-♪ Oh, I'm gonna
keep on trying ♪

-♪ High with a little
help from my friends ♪

♪ I'm gonna keep on
trying now, baby ♪

-♪ Ooh, ooh, ooh ♪

- ♪ I'm'a gonna raise a fuss... ♪
- Summer of 1973 was a time
of restless energy.

The first generation to
grow up on "sgt. Pepper"

Was heading out
into the world...

Searching for truth,
looking to find themselves...

- ♪ But there ain't no cure
for the summertime blues ♪
- having a blast.

[Machinery whirring]


That july, I was working in
my dad's furniture factory,

Sanding the edges off about
500,000 pieces of wood per day

-Hey, scrote! Pick up
the slack, will you?

-Shut up, wayne.

-That's no way to talk
to your supervisor!

-You're not my supervisor.

-If I'm not your supervisor,

Why am I wearing
a jacket and a tie?

-[Scoffs] got me.


-In what had to rank

As the dumbest
career move in history,

I'd traded my job
at chong's chinese

For a future in sawdust.


Your checking the machine
after every load, right?

-Right, dad.

And you're being careful?

-Yeah, dad!

-The worst part was, for
some inexplicable reason,

Everything my father did
irritated the heck out of me.

-Dad, what are you doing?

-Checking the machine.

- I just told you. I checked it!
- I heard you.

-And vice versa.

-So why'd you ask
me in the first place?

-What'd you say?

-I didn't say anything!

-All right! Let's just
get back to work!

Pay attention to
what you're doing!

-I always pay attention.

[Grinds loudly]


-Face it.

Nothing was going right...
My job, my future, my family...

Not to mention the last
night I'd spent with my girl.

-♪ Sealed with a kiss ♪

-This song is really stupid.

I mean, what is
someone gonna do...

Kiss an envelope or something?

-Yeah, I guess so.

-Winnie, are you sure
you want to do this?

-Well, it's a good job.

-What, being a lifeguard
at some stupid resort?

-Kevin, my uncle went through

A lot of trouble
to get me this job.

Besides, what's wrong
with being a lifeguard?

-W... Nothing.


[Sighs] you're gonna
be so far away.


-Course, what I wanted to
say was how much I'd miss her.

-It's gonna be just...

So inconvenient.


-Whose stupid idea
was this, anyway?

-I think it was yours.


-You were the one who said

That we should spend the
summer finding ourselves.

-No, I didn't say that.

What I meant was we
should find ourselves,

But, you know,
still be together.

Uh, keep our space, only...

Not really.

-Yeah, that was
it in a nutshell.

-Kevin, do we have to argue?
This is our last night together.

I'll think about
you every minute.

-And, well, putting
it that way...

-Me too.

-What was I worried about?

We'd think about each
other every minute.

-I have to start looking
for bathing suits.

[Clattering, screeching]


Kevin, I told you
to pay attention!

[Machine stops]

-Safe hands make a safe factory.

- Yeah.
- Shut up, butthead.

-Oh, well.

So my plans for summer had
turned to carpenter's glue.

At least I still had
my loyal friends.

-We're leaving.


-We're driving cross-country.

We take off in three days.

-You're kidding.

We're going to new
york, then new orleans,

And then san francisco.

-This town is closing in on us.


-I guess it's just me
and you this summer.

-Yeah, except, uh,
I'm gonna be busy

With advanced
summer-school courses.

-Oh, yeah, I was
gonna do that, too,

But I decided to have a life.

-Terrific. What am I
supposed to do now?

-Well, why don't
you come with us?

-Yeah. What do you say, kev?

-Oh, come on, man. We'll...
We'll be on the road!

-Living by our wits.

-We'll go wherever
we want to go.

-Do what we want to do.

-If we want to wake
up in kansas city...

-We'll wake up in kansas city.

-And faced with the
call to the open road,

The song of the highway,

The lure of total

-You're dreaming.

Your parents are
never gonna let you go.

- There was really
only one reply.

-I'm in.

-You're out.

-What do you mean?
It'll be a great trip.

-Now, where are
they going exactly?

-New york, new
orleans, san francisco.

-San francisco?

-Don't forget to put
some flowers in your hair.

-Look, dad, I just don't
think you understand.

I mean, this trip
will be good for me.

I'll be out on my own.

-Forget it.


-You wouldn't survive
two seconds on your own.

-Oh, yeah?

-What are you gonna live on?

-Hey, I got money saved up.

And besides, we'll
be living on our wits.


-Oh, brother.

-You know, honey,
karen's gonna be flying in

On the fourth of july weekend,

And I thought it
would be a good chance

For all of us to be together.

-Look, there's no sense
discussing this any further.

You're not going,
and that's final.

-Geez, what was this... A
family or a firing squad?


See, I don't know why
I asked you anyway.

This is my life, and
it's my decision.


And I'm gonna do
what I have to do.

-And so, three days
later, I got up at dawn...

-Hey, thanks for letting
us use your sleeping bag.

-No problem.

- To say goodbye to my friends.

-Hey. We'll send you a
postcard from new orleans.

-You're gonna have a great time.

-Nah, come on. It
won't be that good.

Yes, it will.
- Yes, it will.

[Both laugh]

I keep thinking were
gonna meet these two girls,

And they're both gonna
fall in love with me.


-Good luck.

-We're not eating
till st. Louis.

[Engine revs]

See ya!

[Engine backfires, horn honks]

[Machinery whirring]

-It came down to
this... I'd been stranded,

Buried in the
blue-collar brigade.


-Kevin. Is everything okay?


Yeah. I just wanted
to talk to you.

I really miss you.

-Well, I really miss you, too.

[Up-tempo music playing]

-You do?

- Of course I do.
- Winnie!

-Yeah. That's what I needed.

A loving voice. A
sympathetic ear.

-How's the job?


-It is?

-Well, it's pretty good.

You know, there's a
lot to do over here.

-Oh. That's good.

I'm really happy for you.

-So how are things with you?

- Well...
- Hey, winnie! [Laughs]

- You know, working
for my dad isn't exactly...

-[Laughing] stop it! Cut it out!

-Come on! [Laughs]


-Come on. Stop splashing.

- What's going on?
- Oh, it's nothing, kevin.

But I got to get
back to my job, okay?

-Oh, uh, yeah. Sure.


-I'll talk to you soon.

-Well, sure. I just...

[Dial tone]

[Machinery whirring]


Just great.

-And I don't know.

Maybe it was winnie or
the noise or the heat,

But at that moment, I
felt like I was gonna burst.

-I don't believe it. What
are you doing here?

-I was just making a phone call.

-You're supposed to
be out there working.

I can't leave you
for one minute.

- What's your problem?
- What was that?

-Dad, get off my back!


-You're on top of
me every second,

Telling me how to run my life.

"Do this," "don't do that."

I hate this job!

-What's going on here?

-You know what your problem is?

-Yeah. I can't stand it here.


You think you're
too good for this job.

-And that's when it happened.

I looked at those guys,
and all I saw was mediocrity

And hard work

And being chained down
the rest of your life.

-Yeah. That's right.

That's right.

'Cause maybe this job
is good enough for you,

But it's not good enough for me.


You don't want to work
here, I don't want you here.

-And after 17 years of living
under my father's thumb...


I quit.

I'm out of here.

- That next morning I took
my life savings of 130 bucks

And packed my bag.

-Honey? I wish you
wouldn't do this.

-I got to go.

-No, you really don't, you know.

You could just
put that bag away...

-I got to be on my own.

I got to find myself.

-I know, but you can
find yourself here.

People don't realize it,

But there's lots of places
you can find yourself.

I mean...

You can go into a
restaurant, lost,

Not knowing what you're doing.

And all of a sudden...

You can find yourself.

-It was wise and touching
and kind all at once.

-It can happen anywhere.

-It came from the heart of
the woman who'd loved me

And raised me.

And I could only think
of one thing to say.

-Mom, I got to get going.

I'll call when I get someplace.

[Engine turns over]

-All I knew was I
was 17 and on my way.

I was gone.

And I didn't look back.

[Creedence clearwater revival's
"up around the bend" plays]

-♪ There's a place up
ahead and I'm goin'... ♪


It was more than
just a full t*nk of gas

And a highway under my wheels.

It was me on my own,

With no one to answer
to but the call of summer.

And fun.

-♪ Come on the rising wind ♪

-Not that I'd taken
off without a plan.

I knew where I was going.

-Welcome to the cascades.
Will you be staying?

-Take care of my car.

-Yeah. It's a classic.

-Never mind that.

This was perfect... Fresh
air, sunshine, and, of course...





I can't believe you're here.

-Yeah. Me neither.

-I mean, you just got in your
car and drove all this way?

-Well, yeah.

I wanted to see you.

-It was what you might
call a hero's welcome.



-Well, I mean, you're
happy to see me, right?

-Of course I'm happy to see
you. I'm very happy to see you.


-I just can't believe
you're here, that's all.

-Yeah, well, things
kind of blew up at home.

I, uh, I had a fight
with my dad, and...

Kind of quit my job.

-You did?


-[ Chuckles]

-Kevin, that's awful.

-[ Chuckles weakly]

-Well... Not exactly.

I mean...

You know, I thought this
way we could be together.

And, you know, maybe I
could get a job here and...


-Well, yeah.

Maybe you could put a
word in for me or something.

-Well, maybe, but I don't
really know anybody.

- Hi, winnie.
- How you doing?

-See you at the pool.

-Hello, winnie!


-Listen, winnie, if you
don't want to do this...

-No. Of course I do.

Maybe I could help.

What kind of a job
would you want?

-It doesn't matter.

You know, I could be
a lifeguard or a caddie

Or an assistant tennis
coach or... You name it.


Hey, watch it.

-Tennis, anyone?

In another dazzling career move,

I'd gone from sweatshop lackey
to bottom-of-the-barrel busboy.


-Mr. Arnold. You
ready to get to work?

-Yes, sir.

-You have to set
up all these tables.

Got it?


-What'd you say?

-Butter. I brought some butter.


Can't you do something
about your uniform?

-My tux is in the cleaners.

Welcome to the cascades
resort and tennis club.


-You should always bring out
three extra baskets of rolls.

These people are like locusts.


-Hey, busboy.

My coffee's cold.


You are batting
zero today, buddy.


Clearly, this wasn't gonna work.

So maybe it was time to
present my full résumé.

-Listen, mr. Dexter?

-Yes, arnold?

-This job isn't exactly
what I had in mind.

-Well, they're digging a
new septic t*nk out back.

How are you with a shovel?

-On the other hand...

-Never mind.

- Maybe it was best to
let sleeping dogs lie.

After all, I hadn't come up here

To investigate the
wonders of plumbing.

I'd come up here
for just one reason.

That would be it.



Not that I was
concerned or anything.

-Winnie. Hi.


Hi, kevin.

Kevin, this is eric. He's
the head lifeguard here.


I'm the new golf pro.

-Oh, that's a joke, right?


-I'm gonna go for a swim, okay?

-I'll watch the pool.

-And, uh, don't forget to
take off your sunglasses.





This is the pool, huh?

[Whistle blows]

-Great. A woman with a whistle.

-Listen, kevin?

Employees aren't really allowed
around here during the day.


[Clears throat]

But, uh, I'll still see
you tonight, right?




The lifeguards are kind of
having this meeting by the lake.

And I kind of
promised that I'd...

-Winnie... Is it just
my imagination,

Or am I spoiling your
plans or something?

-What are you talking about?

-You know, I came all the
way up here to see you,

And now I'm... Not
gonna see you.

You know, I just feel like
I'm getting in the way here.

-No, it's not that.

-Well, then, what is it?

-I was just really
surprised to see you.

And it's really
busy around here.

You just got to
give me a chance to...

Get used to it.

-And of course,
the way she said it,

It sounded reasonable enough.

-Okay. Sure.

-Thanks. I really appreciate it.

-Yeah. Well, you know, I got
to unpack tonight anyway.

So, uh, I'll just... Hang out
with the busboys, okay?

[fly buzzing]

-So I hung out with the guys.

-Howie, you mind moving
your feet a little?

-Yeah. No problem.

[Fly buzzing]

-And what a crew they were.

-You guys think I look a
little like steve mcqueen?

What do you think?

-Oh, yeah. I'm always
getting you two mixed up.


-Yeah, this was some fun.

Kind of like living in a zoo.

-Hey, what do you guys
do around here for fun?

-Well, there's lots
of things to do.

-Needleman's got
a pile of magazines.

-Is there anything else?

-Well, yeah. You know,
there's poker with the band.

-But you don't want to
play poker with the band.

-No. You definitely don't want
to play poker with the band.

[Men speaking spanish]

-[Exhales sharply]
mind if I sit in?


-You got money?

-Yeah. Sure.

-Then make yourself comfortable.

-Oh, here we go.

-You want a pepsi?


-No, thanks.

-You know what you're
doing? This is the band.

-Yeah. These guys
play for big stakes.

-Yeah, yeah. Don't worry.

-10 Bucks.

-I mean, hey,

Who'd these jokers think
they were dealing with here?

Besides a chump
with a pair of 2s?

-Oh, man.

-I'm in.

-[Speaking spanish]

-I raise you 20.

-Oh, geez.

-Obviously the merengue
business was booming.

-That's 20 to you, kid.

-20 To you.

-I know, howie.


My manhood was on
the line... Such as it was.


-I'm in.

-Okay, kevin.

- Cuatro.
- Tres.

- How many?
- Give me three.

-He's taking three.

-After all, I knew a
little bit about cards.

-Dame tres.

-One lucky draw,
you're in the chips.


-10 Bucks.

- I could bluff.

-I'll raise you 20.

-[Speaks spanish]

I fold.

-El foldo.

I fold.

-And I raise you 20.

What's it gonna be,
kid? You in or out?

-Like they say... When
the going gets tough,

The tough get going.

-I'll raise you 20 back.

-I fold.

-Well, what do you know?

The pot is mine.

-[Laughs] okay, kevin!


-Way to go, kev.

-I won! Ha!


-And my dad said I
couldn't survive.

Well, I was surviving
just fine, thank you.

I was on my own
and doing all right.

There was just one more thing

That could make
this night perfect.

-Excuse me.

Excuse me.
- Huh?

-Have you seen winnie cooper?

-Winnie cooper? Yeah.

I think she's with eric, right?

-Um, yeah. Winnie and
eric are right over there.


-♪ If she is bad,
he can't see it ♪

♪ She can do no wrong ♪

♪ Turn his back
on his best friend ♪

♪ If he put her down ♪

♪ When a man loves a woman ♪

♪ Spend his very last dime ♪

♪ Tryin' to hold on ♪

♪ To what he needs ♪

♪ He'd give up all
his comforts ♪

♪ And sleep out in the rain... ♪