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06x18 - Poker

Posted: 08/02/21 07:17
by bunniefuu
[Joe cocker's "with a little
help from my friends" plays]

-♪ Baby ♪

-♪ High with a little
help from my friends ♪

-♪ Said I'm gonna make
it with my friends ♪

-♪ Try with a little
help from my friends ♪

-♪ Oh, oh, I'm gonna
keep on tryin' ♪

-♪ Get by with a little
help from my friends ♪

-♪ I'm gonna keep
on tryin', now, babe ♪

-♪ Ooh, ooh, ooh ♪

-♪ When I grow up to be a man ♪

-If there's one way to
describe adolescence,

It might be this...

It's a gamble.

-♪ That turn me on as a kid? ♪

-An adventure into
the unexpected.

A step into the unknown.

-♪ That I wish I hadn't
done what I did? ♪

-It's a time of life that
pits hope against fear

And logic against prayer.

A game of luck and opportunity.

Not unlike, say, for instance...


All right, I call.

A pair of queens.

So let's see 'em.

-Two 2s.

-Nothin' but ace-high.

-Two pair.

9S and 4s.

-The bi-monthly, friday-night
high-stakes poker game.


Junior year, it was ritual.

-Three kings.

Don't worry, guys.

It's going to a good cause. Me.

-Of course, it was more than
just a rotating tournament,

Depending on whose parents
were out for the evening.

And it was about more
than just cold, hard cash.

-Okay. Nickel ante.

-This game was
defined by personality.


-Okay, boys.

How about a little
night baseball, huh?

9S are wild. 3S are wild.

Any picture card
with facial hair... Wild.

-There was the

-Straight poker.

- And the all-american.

-Paul, your bet.

-There was the cautious...

-I don't know. Let me
think for a second.

-Paul... While
we're still young.

And the impatient...


Three cents.

- And, of course, the
supremely confident.

-A... Quarter.

-A quarter?

That's kind of steep, isn't it?


-And despite our
different styles,

We maintained the easy
give-and-take of friendship

That I knew would endure
well into the future.

Don't put the glass
right on the table.

My father will k*ll
me if he sees a stain.


I'm... I'm fairly certain
these chairs of yours

Are aggravating my prostate.

-This hand's an all-time beaut.

You should frame it.

Hang it on the wall.

-Okay, then. Who needs cards?

- Give me four.
- Anyone else?


-Uh, give me two.

Uh, um, no, wait, um...

Better make that three.



-None? You sure?

-I fold.

-I fold.

-Well, then...

Guess I'm the lucky winner.

-Still, we weren't old men yet.

We were teenage boys...

Innocent. Uncomplicated.

-So, is anyone hungry?

- Hungry.
- Let's go.

- I got chips.
- The 8:00 snack break.

A chance to mix
simple pleasantries

With complex
carbohydrates and starch.

-I can't believe it.

Do you guys have any idea

What you're putting
into your bodies?

-What do you mean...
This isn't healthy?

-I'd hate to see your
digestive tract in 10 years.

-Tell you what... You don't ask,

And I won't offer, all right?

-Kev, don't you have
any fruit in this house?

-Yeah. It's on the bottom.

-No. All I see here
is an apple pie.

-Right. Apple's a fruit.


-Forget it.

I got an orange in my car.

Least I plan ahead.

-Boy, he doesn't quit, does he?

-What do you mean?

-Well, it's just that
he's kind of like, um...

How shall I say it?

Not fun.

-A major downer.

-What are you
guys talking about?

-Uh, kev...

About the ski trip
over spring vacation...

-Yeah, we're all
still going, right?

-See, the thing is...

We don't think we're gonna
have room for pfeiffer.

-Well, what do you mean?

I thought all of us were going.

-Well, it's not paul so much.

It's just that, uh...

Chuck's car only...
Only fits four people.

-You can check the manual.

-And my uncle's cabin
only has four beds.

-So, what are you
guys trying to say?

Even though it was pretty clear.

[Door opens]
- [clears throat]

So, what did I miss?

-Now, paul pfeiffer

Had been my best
friend for 17 years.

I'd always told him everything.



No, we were just, uh... Talking.

-Well, come on, guys.

Let's get back to the game.

-After all, paul was
just being himself...

-Want an orange?

-No, thanks. Come on.

As opposed, to, say...

Some of the rest of us.

-Chuck, the bet is a quarter.

You threw in a nickel.




-By 8:30, chuck coleman's
natural ebullience

Was fading fast.

So, chuck, what's
wrong with you?

-Nothing! I just have
some stuff on my mind.

-What kind of stuff?

-Uh, you know...

Eh... Me and alice.

-What, are you
guys fighting again?

-No. It's nothing like that.

-Well, if you're not fighting,
what are you two doing?

[Romantic music plays]

-There are moments in
life that alter history

And change the
course of human events.

You didn't.

This was one of them.


-All right, chuck!

-Way to go, coleman.

-It was a stirring revelation

That merited only one response.

-You know, I hope you used
some kind of protection.

[Music stops]


-I said, "I hope you
used protection."

-Of course I did, pfeiffer.

I mean, what kind of
stooge do you take me for?

-Ask an idiotic question...

-Look, are we gonna
play cards or not?

- No, I'm out.
- Me too.

-Yeah, me too.

-And speaking of idiotic...

-Oh, you're not gonna
smoke that thing, are you?

Do you have any idea what
it's gonna do to your lungs?

Not to mention my sweater?

I don't believe it. He's
actually lighting it.


-Paul, come on.
It's only a cigar.

-Look, I have some air
freshener in my car.

I'll be right back.

-I guess you could
say paul's consistency

Was getting a little
too consistent.

-Uh... Brother.

-And so maybe it was time

To have a little
talk with old paul...

I'll be back in a minute.

To clue him in to
public opinion...

Delicately, diplomatically.

Paul, you're being a real pain.

-What? What's that
supposed to mean?

-Well... You just got
to lighten up a little.

-Lighten up about what?

-Well, for starters,

You can forget about
the air freshener.

-Do you know how
much it smells in there?

-Paul, who cares?

It's just the guys,
and we're playin' poker.

I mean, don't make such
a big deal out of it, okay?







-That's not a straight.

-Of course it is. Look.



Do you know what 2-3-4-5-9 is?


-Boy, randy, maybe you
should be studying your math.

-Yeah, really funny.

-Which, of course, it was.

To us, anyway.

-Hey, will you
guys just shut up?

For your information,

I failed my last three
trigonometry tests.

When I flunk out, I bet
it'll be really hilarious.

-Oh, come on. You're
not gonna flunk out.

-Oh, yeah?

My guidance counselor
says if I don't pass,

I'm not gonna graduate.

What do you say to that?

-And, of course, there
was only one thing to say.

-Three kings.


-Of course, some of
us were taking the news

Harder than others.

-Chuck, it'll be okay.

I still have a chance to pass.

If I apply myself...
- Who cares about you?

-What's the matter, chuck?
You can't beat three kings?

-I think alice is pregnant.

-Here, congratulations.
Have a cigar.

-I knew it.

I knew it.
- Shut up, paul.

-Look, I was just
trying to help.

-Yeah, well, don't.

It's been said sobering
news travels in bunches.

And after 90 minutes of poker,

There was no shortage
of sobering news.

-How could I be so stupid?

-Chuck was on the
brink of fatherhood.

-Well, at least
you're passing trig.

-Randy was on the brink
of repeating the 11th grade.


-And I was on the brink
of hating my best friend.

-Knock it off, pfeiffer.

-Not till you put
that thing out.

-But in addition to it all,

In addition to the
gut-wrenching teenage melodrama

Playing out before us,

One other thing
seemed slightly amiss.

-He started it.


You cheated.

We were in the
presence of a crook.

Okay. Now, where were we?

After an hour and a half

Of our monthly rotating
friday-night poker game,

This guy's cheating...

This guy's flunking school...

This guy might be a father...

This guy is annoying everyone...

And this guy?


You cheated.

-I did not!

My fingers were greasy
from the potato chips.

I-i-i'm sure a card, you know,

Just shot right out of my hands.

All right, all right.

Then ask yourselves this...

Why would I possibly
cheat at cards?

-Well, the way I see it,
your motive is greed.

-Excuse me, lieutenant columbo.

Maybe I'm just a better card
player than all you guys.

You ever think of that?

-I can't take this anymore.

This is insane!


-And somehow I couldn't
avoid the thought

Maybe chuck was right.

You okay?

-Listen, i-i know
what you're thinking...

That my life would be over.


-No. I-i know how it sounds.

But it wouldn't
be that bad, really.

I mean, alice and i...

We could live in
my parents' attic

Until we graduate high school.

And after that, we could
move into the garage.

-Chuck, why don't you wait
until you find out for sure?

I mean, it's not like you're
a doctor or anything.

-You think so?


Yeah, I mean...

How much do you really
know about biology, anyway?

Apparently just
enough to be dangerous.

-Excuse me. I got to
make a phone call.



-We were in here.

You know, chuck and i.

-Right. And now chuck left.

And I'm gonna make a phone call.

- And I don't know.
- Hello?

-Maybe because of
what the guys had said

Or maybe because of
the way he was acting,

But suddenly I was beginning
to see paul in a whole new light.

-I mean, my dad expects me
to go to some great college.

I don't know how to tell him

I might not even graduate
from high school.

-I would suggest doing
it over a nice dessert.


-Hey, I'm watching
you, billings.

So hang on to
your cards this time.

-Okay. I'm back.

-Oh, were you gone?

-And so, there we were...

Five friends playing poker.

-Hey. Maybe if you
dealt a little slower,

My cards wouldn't end
up in the cheese puffs.

-Five friends
arguing and sniping,

Carping and whining.

Taking umbrage at even
the pettiest offense.

-Yeah, well, maybe if you
learned how to shuffle,

You could deal
once in a while, huh?

-You call that dealing?


-Five friends who
couldn't agree on a thing.

-Hey. We're out of food.

-Except one thing.

-Yeah, someone should
run out and get more.

So, who wants to go?


-What, and leave you
guys with all the cards?

-All right, fine. I'll go.

-No way. He'll just go
out and get another deck.

-All right, I'll go.

But I'll take the
deck of cards with me.

-Of course, kev, how do
we know you won't cheat?


So, naturally, there
was only one solution.

We did what any five
petty, squabbling,

Distrustful best
friends would do.

God, why does it take
five guys to go get food?

-Because we're hungry.

-Because we're morons.

-Hey, who you calling a moron?

-Hey, figure it out, sherlock.

-Hey, look, can you guys

Maybe quit picking
on each other?

-I'm gonna go get
the stuff, okay?

-No. You go, and
you'll come back

With 12 pounds of fruit.



-What did you say, paul?


-No, 'cause I heard
you say something.

-I didn't say anything.

-Well, here's what I say.

Maybe you're a moron, but
let me tell you something.

Stewart and irene coleman
did not raise any morons.

-No, you deserve all the
credit for that, right?

-I'm out of here.

-Me too.

-No, not those.

They're bad for you.

-God, paul, what
is your problem?

-What problem?

-I'm not sure if I
was angry at paul

Or if I was angry at myself

For suddenly hating
my best friend, but...

You know, it used to be
fun to hang around with you.

And I don't know what it is now,

But being with
you is like being...


-I don't know.

I just think...

But what I didn't want to say
was that paul had changed.

-You know, kev, you've changed.


Hey! What's that
supposed to mean?

-I mean, you hang
around with those guys,

And all you care about is
being cool in front of them.

-I do not.

And besides, they're
your friends, too.

-No. They were
your friends first.

We were friends,
so I just came along.

-What, so I can't have any
other friends other than you?

That's ridiculous.

You know, I call you when
the guys get together.

I invite you to the
poker games. I...

-Yeah, and that ski
trip over spring break...

I bet you were gonna
invite me to that, too, right?

That's what I thought.

-Hey, I can't even sit in
the car with you morons.

-Shut up, chuck.

You know, I wouldn't
have be here

If it wasn't for your cheating.

-Hey, mr. Math whiz,

Don't you have some
studying to do or something?

-Look, shut up about
my math already.

At least I don't cheat.

-Maybe you should.

You haven't won a
hand in three months.

-Why don't you both take a hike?

You sound like you're married.

-I don't believe you guys.

You know, you make me sick?

-Oh, yeah?

Well, what are you
gonna do about it?

-What am I gonna do about it?

What are you gonna do about it?

And, of course, there
was only one answer.

Gentlemen... The ante is $1.

The last hand of the night.



-The play was intense...

The conversation at a minimum.


-What had begun three hours ago

As a simple game
among friends...


- Had, by 10:30,

Developed into an
all-out grudge match.


-I'll take two.

Suddenly, we were no longer
boys playing a man's game.

We were men.

Men at w*r.

Defending our turf...

Standing our ground.

-All right.

I bet 20 cents.



-And I'll raise you 50.


It was time to show no mercy...

Take no prisoners.

The bets were down.

Pair of jacks.

-A straight.


-Two pair... Jacks and 9s.

-Three 7s.

-It's up to you, jeff.

And then...

-I fold.

I got nothin'.

-You mean I win?

-You win.

-I won.

I can't believe it. I won.

-At the very brink of
disillusionment and despair,

Randy mitchell,
the perpetual loser,

Finally won a hand.

[Telephone rings]

I'll get it.


Yeah. Yeah, hang on.

Chuck, it's alice.

-[Breathes heavily]


That's great.

Uh, that... That's great.


Me too.

I'll call you when I get home.

Okay. Bye.

She's not pregnant.

-And there you had it...

Fortune in men's lives.

Face it...

In poker and friendship,

Anything could happen.

And anything usually did.

See you later, guys.

-Thanks, kev.

Guess I'll go hit the books.

-See ya.

-Boy, I will never
have sex again.

Hey, wait up!

-Hey, jeff. Sorry
about that last hand.

-Well, he deserved to win one.

See you monday, man.


-Hey, coleman. You
still owe me 7 bucks.

- I do not.
- I want an iou.

-The funny thing is,
that night, cleaning up,

I kept thinking
about that last hand.

The one that had turned
things around for randy...

For all of us.

The one jeff had lost.

Wait a minute.

Jeff won.

I felt pretty foolish having
questioned the guy's integrity,

His honesty.

The fact that this
deck had five kings.

[Door opens]

-The door was open.

I forgot my jacket.


I guess that
silence said it all...

That things had changed
between paul and me...

That the unspoken ease of
our friendship was slipping away.

-So, I guess I'll
see you in school.




I just wanted to say that, uh...

But there was no way to say it.

Those 17 years...

He knew what I meant.


-After all, standing there
on the edge of adulthood,

We knew that the problems
of men were not easily solved,

That life was a risk...

That growing up was a gamble...

That the time for
bluffing had passed.

-Come on, paul. Let's
see what you got.

-Uh, is this a 3 or an 8?

-An 8.


After 40 years,

I should think you could
afford a new deck of cards.

-Still, you never knew.

Jeff, what's that
under your sleeve?

-My cuff link.


Well, that cuff link

Better not be able
to beat three queens.

-Never mind.

-With a little luck, things
just might turn out okay.

-What you got?

-I got bubkes.

-So, anyone hungry?