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05x12 - Grandpa's Car

Posted: 07/31/21 18:45
by bunniefuu
-♪ What would you do
if I sang out of tune? ♪

♪ Would you stand up
and walk out on me? ♪

♪ Lend me your ears,
and I'll sing you a song ♪

♪ I will try not to
sing out of key, yeah ♪

♪ Oh, baby, I get by ♪
- ♪ by with a little help
from my friends ♪

-♪ All I need is my buddies ♪

-♪ High with a little
help from my friends ♪

-♪ I'm sayin' I'm gonna get higher ♪ - ♪
try with a little help from my friends ♪

- ♪ Whoa-oa-oa-oa, yeah ♪
- ♪ ooh, ooh, ooh ♪

-When I was a kid,
anytime I needed a lift,

There was my grandfather.

The guy was always
good for a ride.

Sure, he was as
old as the hills,

But to me, gramps was
hercules in bifocals,

Superman in suspenders.

He was ageless... Timeless...

One man in a million.

You could always count on him.

-Where is he?

He's late again.

-Not that everyone
shared my view.

-Probably just friday
traffic on the turnpike.

-He said 5:00. I
come home early.

You're making his
lamb chops for him.

-The lamb chops will keep, jack.

-I know lamb chops,
norma! They dry out!

And then he'll show up,

And he'll start complaining
about dry lamb chops.

-It was kind of a ritual
around our house.

When gramps visited,
mom cooked, dad groused,

And i...

-Dad, could I have the
keys to the car tonight?

- I borrowed the
keys to the car.

-I got to go out. I'm
picking up the guys.

- What guys?
- Dad!

-Oh, honey, aren't
you gonna wait

Till your grandfather gets here?

-Mom, he'll see me
when I come back, okay?

-Not that I wasn't anxious
to swap boring stories

With the old guy.

It's just...

-So, dad, can I have them?

- When you're 16,
there are priorities.


Wait... A minute.

Where'd you say you were going?

-Come on, dad, do I really
have to answer that?

-It didn't seem fair...

The spanish inquisition

For two lousy hours
in a four-door sedan.

[Telephone rings]

But be careful.

-I will, dad.

-After all, I was a
responsible driver.


-Good on turns,
fair on parking...

-Kevin, wait.

- Bad on exits.

-It's your father.

-Where is he?

-The police station.

-What the hell is he doing
at the police station?

-He's had an accident.

[Siren wailing]

- Let's get out of here.
- Dad, what happened?

-Absolutely nothing, john.
Now let's go find my car.

-One thing was clear, anyway.

Gramps' accident had been
something less than fatal.

- What, you hit somebody?
- It was nothing like that.

It was a little fender-bender...
Couldn't be avoided.

-Wait a minute, wait a minute.
Let me get this straight, now.

-Just a minute. The car was
parked on the side of the road.

I just nicked it as I
went by. That's all.

-You hit a parked car?!

-John, don't start
with me on this!

-But, dad, you...

-John, the important
thing is, nobody got hurt!

Isn't that right, kevin?

- Uh...
- Good! Now let's go find my car!

-Oh, albert. Are you all right?

-Yes, I am, norma.

And thank you very
much for asking.

Now, if we could all stop
standing around, gawking,

We might go home
and have some dinner.

-Just a minute, mr. Arnold.


What do you think you're doing?

-This your designated driver?


-The man's had three
accidents in six months.


Seemed there were
one or two things

Gramps had failed
to mention to us.


-Now, listen, sonny...

Don't you have
something better to do

Than going around,
harassing taxpayers?

-You were driving
on probation, sir.

Probationary accidents result

In the immediate suspension
of driving privileges.

I believe you were
informed of that.

-Well... Just let me
inform you of something.

I have an oldsmobile
to drive here.

-I'll drive, gramps.

-After all, no sense
letting a golden opportunity

Go to waste here.

-No, you won't. I'll drive.

-You most certainly will not.

-Well, fine. I'll
drive your car, then.

-You ride with your mother.

We've had enough
accidents for one day.

- But, dad, i...
- Kevin!

- John!
- Folks...

Don't forget to buckle up.

-And there it was...
The final word.

-You can't do this, you know!

He can't do this, you know.

-Hell hath no fury like
a grandfather scorned.

-Dad, he can do it.

He did it. It's done.

-Come on, albert.

I made your lamb chops
just the way you like them.

-That cop wouldn't
know a good driver

If he got run over by one.

-Honest, gramps, I mean, did
you have the pedal to the metal?

Were you gunning it?

-What are you talking
about? 25 Miles an hour.

-25 Miles an hour, and
you... You still hit the guy?


-You had to admit, it
didn't really make sense.

-Because he wasn't
wearing his glasses.

Am I right, dad?

You weren't wearing your
driving glasses, were you?

-They don't fit
right, is the thing.

There's this cockamamie
earpiece that don't work right.

Besides, my eyes are just fine!

-Dad, earpiece or
not, you're stuck.

You don't have a license,
so you can't drive a car,

And that is that.

Do we understand each other?

-It was a bitter pill,

But there was nothing
more gramps could say...

Except, of course...

-Aren't lamb chops
supposed to be juicy?

[Fork clatters]

-Still, you had to hand it
to the guy... He had spunk.

He had nerve.

He had the bunk next to mine.

-You know when I learned
to drive a car, kevin?

-When, gramps?


The man that sold it to
me taught me how to drive,

And I drove it off the lot.

That was my license... Know-how.

No state, no son to
tell me what to do.

You know what I mean?

-[Sighs] look, gramps...

-It seemed pretty clear we
were gonna be up all night

Unless somebody
put out this fire.

- The law's the law.

So just... Promise
you won't drive.


It'll make dad happy.

It'll make mom happy.

It'll make me happy.

So, what do you say?

-And where all the king's horses

And all the king's
men had failed before...


Let's just get some shut-eye.

-There. Easy.

And in that spirit of
peace and tranquility...

We all slept a little easier.

[Rooster crows]

-He's gone again.

I haven't seen anyone
so stubborn in all my life.

-Now, calm down, honey.

-He behaves like a teenager.
Where the hell did he go?

[Door opens]

-Morning, people!

- Albert?
- Dad, where have you been?

-Oh, just out for a ride.

-Dad, what the hell were
you doing in the car?!

-I was getting
fresh-squeezed juice...

And some eggs.

I came down early this morning
to make my famous waffles...

Couldn't find an
egg in the house!

-Damn it, dad. You
weren't supposed to drive!

You don't have a license,
and your eyesight's shot!

-What are you talking about?!

I see like an owl!

Here, let me show you.

Hold that.

Hold it right there.


"Lulla may's great
buttermilk flavor

"Pancakes and waffle mix,

Since 1917."

And on the bottom...
"7-Cent coupon inside."

-It was amazing,

A virtuoso display of
visual pyrotechnics.

-Now read a box you haven't
been buying for 25 years, dad.

-A box is a box, john.

-Aw, this is ridiculous.

-Albert... It's just that
we're worried about you.


Well, let me tell you
something right now.

You don't have to
worry about me.

-Come on, gramps, be reasonable.

-You too, huh?

Anybody else?

-I felt sorry for the guy.

I wanted to say
something, but...

-I see.

Well, I can tell
I'm on my own here.

Maybe I'll come back when
somebody appreciates me...

And my waffles!

-Just a minute, dad.
Where are you going?


-Now, we all knew
gramps was bluffing.

Problem was, he
was also packing.

-You're not driving home, dad.

-John... I am driving home.

-You're not driving home!

-And there it was
again... The final word.


Let the boy drive me.

-Aw, gramps, i-i
don't want to...

-Not you... Him.



-He's got his
license, doesn't he?

That's what you need in
this state to drive, isn't it...

A license?

How about it, son?

You want to drive your
doddering old grandpa home?

-And, suddenly, I was
trapped between a gramps...

And a hard place.

-Sure. I guess I could.

-Good. Let's get moving.

-And from that point on...

There was nothing
left to say but...

-Drive carefully, honey.

-Okay, mom, I will.

[Engine turns over]

-And so it began...

-Go easy on the gas.
She's got a hell of a punch.

- The great overland
automobile trip

To grandfather's house of 1972.

Sure, it was further
than I'd ever driven,

And I'd have to
take the bus back,

But that morning,
behind that wheel,

I could feel the call of
adventure... Excitement...

The unexpected...

-Pull over.

-Beg your pardon?

-Stop her right here.

- For about a block and a half.

-Gramps, what's going on?

- Get out.
- What?

-I'm driving.

-But, gramps, you
know what dad said.

- Your eyes...
- Come on! Let's go!

-You're riding shotgun!


-And that's when
the true meaning

Of what was transpiring hit me.

-Move it!

-Suddenly, I saw clearly.

I'd been duped by the master...

Hoodwinked... Blindsided.

-Here we go!

[Tires screech]

-I should have known all
along that my grandfather was...


- Always in the driver's seat.

-Beautiful country, huh?

Beautiful stretch of highway.



-It's a terrible thing

When your own flesh and
blood plays you for a sucker.

-What's the matter?
Cat got your tongue?

-Not that I was bitter
about it or anything.

-You know, I was
supposed to drive!

And you promised me last
night that you wouldn't...

-Hey! I didn't know
you had so much spunk.



I appreciate your
company, kevin.

-Maybe so,

But the guy sure had a
funny way of showing it.

[Tires screech]

-Gramps! Whoa!

-Hang on, now! [Laughs]

-What are you doing?

-Pit stop.

-Pit stop?

-Two pieces of cherry
pie, hold the pits.

-Anything else?

-No. Pie will be just fine.

-Turns out our pit stop was
about 5 miles off the highway.

-What do you
think of this place?

-What are we doing here?

-You're gonna sample the
best pie you ever tasted.


Margaret and I used to stop
here on our way to see you guys

Before they put the parkway in.

-The thing is, it
didn't make sense.

Here we were,
reliving old memories,

And I had no idea why.

-Millie around today?


-Millie... She runs the place.

-Uh, never heard of her.

- "Never heard of her"?

[Chuckles] I just saw
her! I was just in here!

I was in here, about, uh...

Two years ago.

You don't remember?


-Gramps, he's never
heard of her, okay?

-Well, just, uh...

Say hello to her if
you see her, anyway.

-Sure. Anything you say.

-But one thing was clear.

Memory lane had
changed more than a little

Since gramps last
strolled down it.

-You feel okay, gramps?

-Oh, yeah, fine. Why?

- Nothing.
- Oh.

-Still, since he'd asked...

-Do you want me to drive?



It's just that I figured
that way, maybe, uh...

You know, we could
make better time.

-Are you in a hurry?

-Yeah, kind of.

-Not to be rude or anything.

Still, keep in mind, I
had a bus to catch.

-Well, okay.

If you're in a hurry,
we'd better... Step on it!


-So, we stepped
on it, all right.


-Trouble was...

It was gramps who
did all the stepping.

[Benny goodman's
"sing, sing, sing" plays]

That afternoon, we stopped at
every monument and landmark,

Every fruit stand and roadside
museum known to mankind.

-[Laughs] good to see you!

-Not to mention a
few that weren't.

The worst part was I
just couldn't figure out

Why gramps was
doing this at all.

-It's amazing, isn't it?

-It's okay, I guess.

-All I knew was
the longer it took...


-The more impatient I got.


-By 4:00, we'd made
more pit stops

Than most racecars
make in a lifetime.

-Did I ever tell
you about the time

That me and nate
molnar took seven weeks

To drive my old jalopy
across the country?


-We broke three
wheels the first week.

Then... Then we broke an axle

In the smallest
town I've ever seen.

It was about 100 miles
outside of, uh, sioux falls.

-It was crazy.

The guy kept rambling on and on

About every detail of his life,

And I was held there, c*ptive.

-Wait a minute, wait a
minute. Did I say sioux falls?

No. No, no. It was rapid city.

Wait a minute. Wait a minute.

It wasn't rapid city. It
was a little town, about...

Right west of there, uh...

-But I just didn't
care anymore...

About sioux falls...

About his wandering,
windbag stories.

-Well, anyway, we... We...

We broke an axle there,

And we thought we were gonna
have to stay there seven days!



-Watch out!
[Horn honks]

[Tires screeching]

[Horns honking]

[Tires screech]


You all right?

-I think so.

-But I wasn't. I'd
had it. I was fed up.

-Geez, gramps, didn't you
see where you were going?!

-Well, i...

-You could've gotten us k*lled!

Look, you're looking out
the window, telling stories,

Not watching the road!

That's how it happened
yesterday, wasn't it?

You weren't paying
attention, were you, gramps?

-I was paying attention!

-Then how'd you
hit a parked car?

-It was the sun!


-The sun.

It was real low.

It was glinting in
the rear-view mirror

And catching a
whole row of hubcaps

Along the side of the street.

You know what it's like

When you suddenly
can't see anything

Because of the glints
and the... Traffic.

-And I guess that's
when it hit me.

For the first time, this man,

Who'd always been
hercules to me,

Didn't seem quite the same.

For the first time,

My grandfather seemed... Old.

-Gramps, let's just go home.

-We didn't talk much
the rest of the way.

Something had come between us...

A gulf of silence...

A gulf of time.

-[Sighs] home.

-We sat there...

A 16-year-old who
was always in a hurry...

A man whose eyes had
grown old before his time.


Make me an offer.


-For the car.

-What are you talking about?

-She's got a lot of miles and...

Got a dented bumper.

How's, uh...

How's $1?

-A dollar?

-Is it a deal, or you
want to haggle with me?

-I didn't know what to say.


$1 Sounds good.

-It was the hardest thing
I'd ever seen gramps do.

-How are you gonna get around?

-Oh, well, uh...
The town's close.

I got, uh, cabs. I got buses.

I got feet.

And I got a fine grandson

Who will drive me around
when I come to visit.

-And maybe that's when
I began to understand...

About a lot of things.

-Well, come on, pay up.

Your credit's no good with me.


Tell nobody what you paid.

I don't want anybody
to think I'm an easy mark.

No, no, no, no. You don't...

You don't have to come in.

I got the guys coming
over to play poker.

-'Course, we both
knew he was lying.

We both knew why.

We both knew he was letting
go of more than just a car.


Cold mornings...

Pump the gas three times
before you turn the key on.

-Three times.

-Yeah, I don't want
you calling me

To ask me how to turn her over.

-I promise.

-Now, get out of here.

Drive safe.

-I will.

[Engine turns over]

-Some gifts are simple.

Some come at a price.

Some you buy for a buck...

And last you a lifetime.

I guess everybody
remembers their first car.

I know I remember mine...

Not because it
was my first car...

But because it was
my grandfather's last.