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01x14 - w*r Mantle

Posted: 07/30/21 14:56
by bunniefuu



[animals growling in distance]


[animal growling]


[device beeping]




- [console beeping]
- We're being hailed. It's… Rex.

Hello, boys. Sorry to cut right to it,
but I could use your help.

What do you need, Captain?

I received a distress signal
from a clone trooper,

but I'm a bit tied up at the moment
to retrieve him.

You want us to recover a reg?

He's an old friend, and he's in trouble.

I need you to get him out.

Out of what exactly?

[device beeping]

Can't talk right now.
Sending you his signal. I'll be in touch.

What was that about?

The distress signal sent by CC-
is originating from Daro,

a terrestrial planet in the Outer Rim with
no known settlements or installations.

What's he doing all the way out there?

Well, does it matter?

We've gone on missions before
without much intel.

But this would be stretching it.

Rex wouldn't ask us for help
if it wasn't urgent.

Echo's got a point.

May I remind you that
we are in the middle of a job for Cid.

If we deviate, we will not be compensated.

No money means no food.

Oh, yeah. Tech's got a point.

But Rex's friend is in trouble.

That's more important than getting paid.

Well, the kid's got a point.

Fine. We'll check things out.

But… [sighs] …I don't like it.

The operation is ahead of schedule.

Ensure every viable clone is mobilized.

And the Kaminoans?

We have our orders.

Keep an eye on them…
until the time is right.

Mistress Nala Se,

isn't leaving the facility
against protocol?

Your training will continue elsewhere.

We'll still be soldiers, won't we?

Of course. That is what you were made for.

You best hurry. I will join you later.

The Empire has canceled
all of our contracts.

[thunder rumbling]

Our success with the clone army
is known galaxy-wide.

Surely, we will find other clients
who value our scientific advancements.

The Empire is not like the Republic.

We have empowered them
to our own detriment.

I fear they will destroy us rather
than allow this operation to continue.

We must leave to ensure our survival.

Gather those essential.
I will arrange for our departure.

Yes, Prime Minister.

We are approaching Daro's atmosphere.

I'll bring us in low to avoid
any possible tracking scanners.

We're banking a lot on a clone
we don't even know.

- [console beeping]
- Rex trusts him. And I trust Rex.

The signal is coming from that direction.

- [device beeping]
- The beacon should be right ahead.

Found it.

[beacon beeping]

So, where's this reg?


We're already too late.

The clone was being hunted.

He was dragged.

That way.

[Hunter] Hang on.

There's something here,
inside that mountain.

- I believe you are right.
- [beeps]

My scans are being jammed.

You said there was nothing on this planet.

That data appears to be inaccurate.

Wrecker, you and Omega wait on the ship.

Wait, why can't...

Coming here was up for debate. This isn't.

[Echo] What is it?

[Hunter] A shuttle landed here.

[Echo] What exactly is in that mountain?

[Hunter sighs] Only one way to find out.

[Hunter] This looks like
some sort of military base.

[Tech] Not one that I've ever heard of.

[ship approaching]

[Hunter] Come on. Let's get a closer look.

[Echo] I'm clocking a couple of commandos
and squads of clone troopers.

And they've updated their armor.

Let me see.

[Tech] The mountain's natural composition

makes this base well-fortified
and nearly impenetrable.

This is no longer
just a simple extraction.

Let's get back to the Marauder
and leave word for Rex.

But what about the mission?

[Tech] We do not know for certain
if CC- is even in there…

or if he is still alive.

[Hunter] We'd be going in blind
without any reinforcements.

You did that on Skako Minor
when you rescued me.

I'd still be trapped in that place
if you hadn't.

If there's a chance that trooper's
being held against his will,

we have to try to get him out.

It's still your turn.

- I know. I'm thinking.
- [Gonky honking]

- [comm beeps]
- [Hunter] Wrecker, do you copy?

Yeah, we hear ya. Did you find the reg?

Not yet.

But we did find an Imperial base
built inside this mountain.

We're going in.

Wait for us!
We'll help.

Negative. Stay on the ship.
You're our backup.

Comms will be jammed once we're inside,
so keep alert.

I'll need to tap into the central database
to pinpoint CC- 's location.

There are entry points we can access
in the lift shaft. That's our way in.

[Hunter] Get ready to jump.

[Hunter] Anything?

[Echo] This encryption's new.
This might take a while.

[Echo] This doesn't make any sense.

The muster report lists clone
commandos and , TK troopers.

[Tech] TK trooper?
I'm not familiar with that designation.

- [Hunter] How much longer?
- [Echo] Almost got it.

Found him. Cellblock , four levels down.

Hey, newbie, how about you be useful?
Get me some food.

Quiet, traitor!

That's Captain Traitor. [chuckles]
Insubordinate plebe.

- [punches landing]
- [groaning]


Are you CC- ?

That depends. Who's askin'?

- [beeps]
- [Hunter] Rex sent us.


In that case, the name's Gregor.
Now let's move out.

[comms chatter]

[comms chatter]

They're gathered for inspection.
There's no way past 'em.

[Echo] If we can't reach the lifts,
we can't get out of here.

[Tech] I can redirect them.

[control panel beeping]

Armor like that,
I take it you're CCs like me?

- CT- s.
- Defective clones? [chuckles]

If you ask me, it's the ones who want
to stay here who are really defective.

[Echo] What was your assignment?

- I was an instructor...
- [alarm blaring]

[Hunter] What's going on, Tech?

I keyed a Code-
to redirect their forces.

I don't know what happened.

Clone codes don't work here.
You just triggered a security alert.

Intruders on level six!




Is there another way off this base?

Only one way out. Up.

[Tech] Look at this.

These are not clone troopers.

That's what I've been trying to tell you.

These are our replacements.
If you can believe that.




[Tech] Are you sure you know
where you're going?

Hey, I'm the one who escaped here before.

- And you were captured.
- After I made it out.


[Hunter] I thought you said
you trained these guys?

I didn't teach them everything.
That wouldn't be very smart, would it?

[alarm blaring]


- [beeps]
- [Tech] We need an authorization code.

[Hunter] Got it.


[blaring continues]

These new troopers,
what do you mean they're our replacements?

Well, we clones are soldiers
of a Republic that doesn't exist.

These recruits come
from all over the galaxy.

They swear loyalty to the Empire.

They're not as skilled,
but there's an endless supply of 'em.

[Hunter] Numbers aren't everything.

- [Tech] You were saying?
- We'll, uh, take a detour.

[Gonky honking]

How can you be so relaxed?

Oh, I'm preparing.
I'm chargin' up before I charge in.

We should've heard from them by now.
What if something went wrong?

I'm sure
they got everything under control.

[Tech] Hunter!


- [controls beeping]
- [Hunter] How bad?

Ha! Don't worry about me. This is nothing.

I got blown up once and survived.

[chuckles] I can survive this. [groans]

[Echo] They have all access points
to the central ring blocked off.


- There. Those pipes are reactor conduits.
- And?

Well, they should lead to
the main reactor's external exhaust port.

That is our path to the outside.

The exhaust vent's
halfway up the mountain.

We can't survive that jump.

but we would be able to signal our ship.


- [Gregor groans]
- [device beeps]

[groans, coughs]

How did you even end up in this place?


I was sent here with other commandos…


…and quickly realized I wanted out.

[pants, chuckles]

It turns out the Empire
doesn't take too kindly to desertion.


Yeah, no kidding.

- [comm beeps]
- [Hunter] Wrecker, Omega, come in.

- It's them!
- [comm beeps]

We read you, Hunter.

We have the target,
but we ran into some trouble.

- We need a pickup.
- On our way!

On our way! [laughs]

They're escaping through the reactor port!

Ooh. [chuckles]
Glad we're not going that way.

- [comm beeps]
- [Omega] We are on approach!

We see you.

- Keep it steady, kid.
- I'll do my best.

Little closer!

Come on!

- I can't hold it!
- That is sufficient. I'll take it from here.

Wrecker, get on the tail g*n.

[groans, screams]

Shields are down. We're losing power!

[Gonky honking]

Gonky, we need you!

It's working! Systems are back online.


We're coming back around. Be ready!




[grunting, groans]

[Gonky sputtering]


- [beeping]
- Multiple system failures!

[Tech] We cannot take many more hits!

- [comm beeps]
- Get the ship out of here.

I'll find another way back.

Negative. The odds of escape
are not in your favor.

[Hunter] Go, Tech!
That's an order!

No! Turn around!
We have to go back for him!

Hunter, tell them to come back!
Order them to come back!

Sorry, kid. I can't do that.


[thunder rumbling]

Admiral, what can I do for you?

I am disappointed, Prime Minister.

You promised the Empire
your full cooperation.

- That is what I have given.
- Mmm.

A disturbing matter
has been brought to my attention.

Your Chief Scientist was gathering
medical personnel to flee Kamino.

This is most surprising.

I will ensure a proper punishment.

While I never found your clone troopers
to be overly impressive,

I do believe you will be of great service
to the Empire.

A scientist, I have use for.

A politician, I do not.

I'm afraid
your services are no longer needed.

[thunder rumbling]

I figured you'd show up.


I was hoping for the whole squad,
but you'll do.
