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04x21 - The House That Jack Built

Posted: 07/30/21 05:29
by bunniefuu
♪ What would you do
if I sang out of tune? ♪

♪ Would you stand up
and walk out on me? ♪

♪ Lend me your ears,
and I'll sing you a song ♪

♪ I will try not to
sing out of key, yeah ♪

♪ Oh, baby, I get by ♪
- ♪ by with a little help
from my friends ♪

-♪ All I need is my buddies ♪

-♪ High with a little
help from my friends ♪

-♪ I'm sayin' I'm gonna get higher ♪ - ♪
try with a little help from my friends ♪

-♪ Whoa-oa-oa-oa ♪

-♪ Oh, oh, oh, oh ♪

-♪ Somebody who
knows quite sure ♪

♪ Baby ♪

-♪ By with a little
help from my friends ♪

-♪ Said I'm gonna make
it with my friends ♪

-♪ Try with a little
help from my friends ♪

-♪ Oh, I'm gonna
keep on trying ♪

-♪ High with a little
help from my friends ♪

♪ I'm gonna keep on
trying now, baby ♪

-♪ Ooh, ooh, ooh ♪

-♪ A rose must remain... ♪

-Once upon a time,

America's sons came home
from a just and noble w*r...

Home to their families
and an ideal called...


-♪ To each his own ♪

-It was a place
where peace of mind

Came by the square foot,

Where the space

Between every linoleum
floor and shingled roof

Was to be filled with
children and dreams...

And where, into every
inch of concrete,

Hardworking men
poured their values.

-There. This ought
to take care of it.

-My father was one of those men.

His values were simple...

As solid as the walls of
the house he took care of.

And he trusted the
preservation of those four walls

To nothing less than
his own two hands.

Dad? Could I stop stirring now?

With maybe a little help
from my own two hands.

-Not just yet.

- Think it'll hold?
- Sure.

A little cement,
a coat of paint...

Good as new.

-Of course, his family trusted
his capable hands, as well.

-Jack? Are you sure we
shouldn't call a repairman?

-We don't need a
repairman, norma.

Just a little crack.

-Oh, I know, honey,

But, I mean, isn't
that pretty serious?

-I know what I'm doing.

-All in all, the
old man had built

A pretty solid
foundation for us...

Whether we liked it or not.

-Honey? Is there something
I can help you with?


Oh, no, no. I just
wanted to borrow these.

Do you mind?

-Well, I suppose not.

-Thanks, mom.

-Except... Why do
you need plates?

-For my new place.

-New place?

I thought you were living
in the dorm this summer.

-I was.

I mean, I was going to, but then
I found this house off-campus,

So I'm gonna be
living there instead.

-You? In a house.

-That's what I said.

-Bear in mind,

This from a girl who once
swore all she needed in life

Was a knapsack and
a bowl of brown rice.

What do you need a house for?

-Well, I mean, it's roomier,
and it's closer to work.

It's what I'm gonna do.

-What are you gonna do?


Karen's thinking of
moving into a house.

-She's not moving
into any house.

-Why not, daddy?

-Now, obviously,

My father had his carefully
considered reasons.

-Because you're not
moving into any house!

Look, daddy, I've
already made plans,

And the dorms are
really crowded, and...

-But it was clear nothing
was gonna budge the big guy

On this one, until...

-It was gonna be a lot
cheaper than the dorm.


- Karen evoked my father's
fourth commandment...

"Thou shalt save money on rent."

-Sounds good to me.

-And with that, the
issue was settled.

For dad, anyway.

For the rest of us,

There were still some questions.

How can a whole house be
cheaper than living in the dorm?

-Simple... I got a roommate.

-And that explained it...

Kind of.

-So, have we met this
roommate yet, honey?

-For my mother,

The issue didn't seem to
be quite so open-and-shut.

-No, mom. I don't think so.

-But you two get
along together well?

-Oh, yeah. We're fine.

-And this house, what's it like?

-In fact, for some reason,

Mom had a hold of this house
thing like a dog with a bone.

-I don't know. It's, um,
just a big, old house.

Roomy, lots of
windows. It's a nice place.

-Well, maybe we should...
Drive up and see it.

-All of us?

-Come on, mom. We don't
need to go up there.

-Yeah, mom. Besides, the
house still needs a lot of work.

And that's why we're
getting such a good deal.

Maybe you should
wait a few weeks.

-Well, if you think so.

-And once again, the
issue was settled.

-Needs a little fix-up, huh?

-Oh, no.

-Daddy, it's being handled.


But someone's got to
make sure it's done right.

Maybe we should drive
up and take a look, huh?

Right, kev?


Why can't he help?

-Looks like you're
daddy's little helper.


-So, how about next saturday?


Next saturday's okay.

-And at long last, the issue
was put to rest for good.

Okay. So. We'd chew up a
perfectly good saturday.

The way I saw it, we'd
pound in a few nails,

Hang a few pictures, and
be out of there before noon.

After all, how much
work could there be

In a house the size of...

The taj mahal?


You're early!

I-i told you it still
needs some work,

But the landlord's
giving us a real deal

If we do some of the repairs.

You just got to
have a little vision.

-Uh-huh. We had
vision, all right.

While mom was envisioning walls

Festering with
cockroaches and rats...

-It's... Nice, honey!

- I was envisioning sweat,
splinters, and hard labor.

Whereas dad saw
something we didn't...

-Lot of work in this place.

- Pure opportunity.

-Okay, kev. Where
do we want to start?

-Uh, actually, daddy,
lunch is almost ready.

-Well, in that case,
where's the john?

-Well, at least the condemned
man was gonna get a final meal.

-You guys like jicama?

-If you could call it that.

-Let's try it and see.

Where did you learn how
to cook like this, honey?

-Oh, I don't know.

Just something I picked
up along the way, I guess.

-Still, you had to
hand it to karen.

In her own kitchen, she
actually seemed... At home.

So maybe there was
more to her new life

Then we'd been
giving her credit for.

-Hi. Sorry I took so long.




-I, uh, brought the groceries.

-Uh, good, good.

You can just put
them down here, okay?

-Right. Gotcha.



Hmm. Friendly
delivery-people in these parts.

-Well, thanks.

-Oh, no problem.

-Now, something
wasn't quite right here.

I just couldn't
put my finger on it.



-Maybe mom couldn't, either.

-Aren't you going to tip him?

Nah. This one's on the house.

Well... Bye.


-So, maybe it was nothing.

Or maybe not.

-Okay, everybody.

What's that smell?

-Stir-fried vegetables,
sautéed bean-curd,

And jicama salad on the side.

-Well, it looks
wonderful, honey.

Right, kev?


Yeah! Wonderful!

Hey, what could be better?

A hearty meal with the
family, a new hearth and home,

Back-breaking projects ahead.

-Lots of work to do.

-So it's a good thing
we came up, right?

-No kidding. Place
needs a man's help.



-Can I come in?


- Hi.
- Hi.

-What, did the guy change
his mind about the tip?



-Seemed pretty clear an
explanation was in order.

-And who are you?

-I live here.

-Uh, everybody...
This is michael.

-And, with those
polite formalities

Out of the way, we sat
down to break bread.

-What do you
mean, you live here?

What does he
mean, he lives here?

-You didn't tell them yet.

-W-well, i-i didn't quite
get around to it yet.

-Tell us what?!

-Mom, dad, you know,
i-i told you that...

That I was gonna be sharing
a house with somebody.

-Nice to meet you.

-Somehow I guess I'd
envisioned karen's roommate

A little less... Male.

-You know, um,
michael's a carpenter.

And he's... Gonna be
renovating the house.


Y-you can probably tell it
needs some pretty serious work.

-Like I said,

The landlord's giving us
a huge break on the rent.

-But I had a hunch rent was no
longer foremost on dad's mind.

-You know, daddy, maybe...
Michael could help you out.

Or you could help him out.

-Yeah! Yeah, I got a lot
of work to do upstairs.

And we were thinking about

Renting out three
of the bedrooms.

-This place has five bedrooms?

-Uh, actually, it only has four.

-Let's see here.

A little quick math...
Four minus three equals...

Where do you sleep?

Believe it or not, at the time,

It was an innocent question.

We braced ourselves
for the inevitable.

My father was gonna
make mincemeat of this guy,

Tear him limb from limb.

-I'm gonna take a walk.

-Or he was gonna take a walk.


-I knew this was a bad idea.


Excuse me.

-I don't want to
talk about this.

-Well, it's not
that easy, karen.

We're going to talk about it.

-Yeah. Like daddy
really wants to...

-This isn't going well, is it?

-Karen, he loves you.

-Well, he's got a funny
way of showing it!

- Well, what did you expect?!
- I don't think so.

-Um, maybe we should go outside.

-Uh... Sure.

-What's wrong with that?!

-Well, for one thing,
you are not married.

-Seemed like a good
idea to get out of there.


I suppose I felt a little funny,

Fraternizing with the enemy.

-You ever been on a
motorcycle before?


-Well, then, come on.

I know a place that makes a
great bean-curd sandwich.

It was a joke. Come on.

-Ha, did this joker really think

He could win me
over that easily?

Okay, so I took the ride.

Didn't mean I had to have fun.

-How's your burger?

-It's good.

-Yeah, karen's great,

But I've had just about all
the sprouts I can handle.


-Man, your sister's a p*stol.

Probably takes after
your old man, huh?

He's pretty steamed, isn't he?

-You could say that.

-Think he'll get over it?

-I don't know.

-Man, I hope so.

I mean, I was hoping this
would go a little better.

Family's a pretty
important thing.

-Yeah, well, then why
are you guys doing this?

-Well, I'll tell you
why I'm doing it.

Uh...'Cause I love her.

-The funny thing is,

Listening to the way he
talked about my sister,

I couldn't help
but... Like the guy.

And it seemed dad
might like him, too.

If he'd just give him a chance.

But I guess when
it comes to family,

Things are never that easy.

-Mr. Arnold isn't back yet?

-You want some help, mom?

-Oh, I don't think
so, honey. Thanks.

-I missed you.

-I missed you, too.

How's your dad?

-That afternoon I
realized something...

-I knew he'd act this way.

-It's okay, karen.

- About my sister...

- We'll get through it.
- About being young...

About being in love...

About things that should be
simple, and somehow never are.

-Look, mr. Arnold, I know we...

-I, uh...

Took a walk, did some thinking.

I asked myself if, uh...

Maybe I'm the one
who's wrong here.

But I just keep coming
back to the same answer.

I can't allow this, karen.

-What do you want me
to say to that, daddy?

You want me to move
back into the dorm?

-As a matter of fact, I do.


-Your mother and I didn't
raise you to live this way!


You mean you didn't
raise me to fall in love?

You mean you didn't raise me

To want to share my
life with a loving man?

-You know damn well what I mean!


These aren't the dark ages.

Times have changed.
Things have changed.

-I haven't changed!

-You never listen, daddy.

-I'm not listening to this.

You're moving out of here.

-Look, maybe, uh, you're
being a little hard on her.

-This is between
my daughter and me.

-Maybe, sir, but it's also
between your daughter and me.

-We're going.

Kevin, get my toolbox.


-I'm not staying here.

-You were the ones who
wanted to come see how I'm living!

Well, this is how I'm living!

-I don't have to take that!

-Fine, daddy. Don't take
it, but this is how it is!

-I raised you with values.

I raised you to have
better values than this!

-I don't need your values!

-♪ Come gather 'round, people ♪

♪ Wherever you roam ♪

♪ And admit that the waters ♪

♪ Around you have grown ♪

♪ And accept it that soon
you'll be drenched to the bone ♪

♪ If your time to
you is worth savin' ♪

♪ Then you better start swimmin'
or you'll sink like a stone ♪

-Welcome back.

-♪ For the times,
they are a-changin' ♪

-Hey, dad, you better
check the basement.


-♪ Come writers and critics
who prophesize with your pens ♪

-The floor's a little wet.

-♪ And keep your eyes wide,
the chance won't come again ♪

♪ And don't speak too soon,
for the wheel's still in spin ♪

♪ And there's no tellin'
who that it's namin' ♪

-In 1971, generations
were clashing.

Maybe then, more than ever,

Values and ideals were at w*r.

And somehow, we couldn't
help but get swept up in it,

I guess.

-♪ Come, senators, congressmen,
please heed the call ♪

♪ Don't stand in the doorway,
don't block up the hall ♪

♪ For he that gets hurt
will be he who has stalled ♪

♪ The battle outside ragin' ♪

♪ Will soon shake your
windows and rattle your walls ♪

-Guess I didn't
fix it very well.

-♪ For the times,
they are a-changin' ♪

-You did your best,
honey. I know that.


-♪ Come, mothers and
fathers throughout the land ♪

♪ And don't criticize what
you can't understand ♪

♪ Your sons and your daughters
are beyond your command ♪

♪ Your old road
is rapidly agin' ♪

♪ Please get out of the new
one if you can't lend your hand ♪

♪ For the times,
they are a-changin' ♪