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04x14 - Courage

Posted: 07/30/21 05:21
by bunniefuu
♪ What would you do
if I sang out of tune? ♪

♪ Would you stand up
and walk out on me? ♪

♪ Lend me your ears,
and I'll sing you a song ♪

♪ I will try not to
sing out of key, yeah ♪

♪ Oh, baby, I get by ♪
- ♪ by with a little help
from my friends ♪

-♪ All I need is my buddies ♪

-♪ High with a little
help from my friends ♪

-♪ I'm sayin' I'm gonna get higher ♪ - ♪
try with a little help from my friends ♪

-♪ Whoa-oa-oa-oa ♪

-♪ Oh, oh, oh, oh ♪

-♪ Somebody who
knows quite sure ♪

♪ Baby ♪

-♪ By with a little
help from my friends ♪

-♪ Said I'm gonna make
it with my friends ♪

-♪ Try with a little
help from my friends ♪

-♪ Oh, I'm gonna
keep on trying ♪

-♪ High with a little
help from my friends ♪

♪ I'm gonna keep on
trying now, baby ♪

-♪ Ooh, ooh, ooh ♪

[Leroy anderson's "the
syncopated clock" plays]

-Over the course of
the average lifetime,

You meet a lot of people.

Some of them stick with
you through thick and thin.

Some weave their
way through your life

And disappear forever.

But once in a while,
someone comes along

Who earns a permanent
place in your heart.

Someone like, say...

-Hi, kevin.

- Miss hasenfuss,
my dental hygienist.

-Hi, miss hasenfuss!

-I'm ready for you now.

-Actually, she was more
than just my dental hygienist.

-So, have we been brushing?

-You bet. Every day.

-Let's take a look.

-Our relationship went beyond

Lower incisors and upper
bicuspids and dental floss.

She was someone I
could really talk to.

-[Muffled] so, how
are you doing?

-Oh, busy. You?

-Well... You know.


-She smelled like ivory
soap and herbal shampoo,

And knew all the
right things to say

To make a man
feel like... A man.


-And even though we
only met twice a year,

It was pretty clear
we had something...


-Last one. Say "che-e-e-se!"

-[Muffled] che-e-e-se.

[Mechanical whirring]

-Here, we'll let the
doctor take a look at these.

But I'm sure they'll be perfect.

As usual. [Chuckles]

-But it wasn't until
the x-rays were over

And the big lead bib came off

That our relationship
really came alive.

-So, how's school going?

-Oh, great! I graduate
ninth grade this year.

-Really? That's quite
an accomplishment.

-Well, you know...

-We shared things,
man to woman...

Woman to man.

-You know... I've never really
told anybody this before...


Promise you won't laugh?

-Uh, no.

I-i mean, yes. I promise.

-I've always thought I'd like
to go back to school some day.


-I think so.

There's only so far in life
you can go cleaning teeth,

You know what I mean?

-Oh! Oh, of course.

-But I'd never have the courage.

All those tests.

Tests scare me.

-God, was she cute!

-Well, you know, tests
really aren't so bad.

I mean, I've taken
a bunch of tests.

I bet you'll do fine.

-Hmm. You really think so?

-Oh, absolutely. No
question about it.

-Thanks for the
vote of confidence.

But I think I'm just not a
very courageous person.

Not like you.


-And there you had it.
Total mutual admiration.

I admired her for her, uh...

-I saved you the blue one.

- Toothbrushes...


-And she admired
me for my courage.

-What's the matter? You chicken?

[Farting sound]

- Courage in ninth grade
being a relative thing.

-No, I'm not chicken.
I'm just not crazy.

-He's chicken.
[Both cluck mockingly]

-Come on, guys.
Knock it off, will you?

-Look, all he has to
do is slip this thing

Onto mr. Gardenia's
chair in study hall.

It'll be a riot!

-Yeah, well, maybe I
don't think it's so funny.

[Both cluck mockingly]

-You guys, leave him alone.

If he doesn't want to do
it, he doesn't want to do it.

- Yeah.
- Okay, then. You do it.

-Well, why don't you
do it? It's your idea.

[Both cluck mockingly]

-At 14, true heroism has
less to do with actual logic

And more to do
with pure stupidity.

-Okay. I'll do it.

But you guys have
to do it next time.

- Yes! Yes!
- All right!

- Yes!
- You guys are
completely idiotic.

-Maybe so.

But I wasn't the kind of guy
to shrink from a challenge.

I was a man of action.

-Hey, butthead.

-A man with a brother.

-Hasenfuss called.

-A man who got phone calls
from his dental hygienist.

-She did? What'd she say?

-What do I look like,
your secretary?

She said she wanted to
see you this afternoon.

-Now, since I wasn't
due for a checkup

For another six months,

This could only mean one thing.

[Farting noise]


It had to be personal.

-Boy, you got here fast.

-Oh. I was just in
the neighborhood.


Did you... Want me?

-Kevin... I have
something to tell you,

And I'm not quite sure
how you're gonna take it.

-Maybe not.

But standing there, the
possibilities seemed endless.

-What is it?

-You have a cavity.

You're gonna have
to see dr. Tucker.

[Mechanical whirring]

[Hinge creaks]

-Okay. Let's have a look-see.



[Metal scrapes]

Thank you.


[Gasps] hasenfuss, look at this.

Just as I thought. Cavity.

Lower second bicuspid.

Big sucker.

-Now, a word of
explanation here.

I'd never had a cavity before.

Still, under miss hasenfuss'
watchful eye, I figured,

How bad could it be?

[Electricity crackles]
- aaah!



Is that sensitive?



-Kevin, are you all right?

- [Panting]
- of course I wasn't.

But then, I did have an
image to maintain here.

-Fine. It was... Fine.

I-it was... It was just a...

A charley horse.

In my leg.

-Well, you sure were
brave. A lot braver than me.

That cavity looked
pretty serious.

I probably would have
jumped out of my skin.

-Nah, it was nothing.

-After all, that smile
was reward enough

For a few moments of agony.

Especially now
that it was all over.

-Make an appointment
on your way out.

-An appointment?

-Well, that sucker's
not getting any smaller.

We're gonna have
to drill it and fill it.

[Chuckles] book
him, hasenfuss. Next!

-Was this guy joking?
No way I was coming back.

-How's wednesday sound?


-A cavity? Oh, honey,
that's too bad.

-She didn't know the half of it.

-Well, I suppose that's why
we have dentists, don't we?

I'm sure dr. Tucker will
take good care of you.

-Thanks, mom.

-But it wasn't dr. Tucker
I was worried about.

It was looking like
a craven coward

In front of miss hasenfuss.


-It was time to seek help...

From the grand poobah
of tooth decay himself.

-Wayne... You go to
dr. Tucker a lot, don't you?

-None of your business.

-Well, when you do,

And he, you know,
fills a cavity...

Does it hurt much?


He gives you novocaine.

-Of course! Novocaine!

-And that works?

-Sure. You don't feel a thing.

Once you get past
that needle. [Shudders]

-What needle?

-The big one. 'Bout the
size of a telephone pole.

See, he jams the thing
right into your gums!

Then all you hear are sounds.

Crunch! Crack!

Zzzz! Zzzz! Zzzz!

Then you feel tooth
fragments flying everywhere!

Oh, and then there's
that unbelievable smell.

Got to be sure you
don't gag or something.

And other than that...

It's a piece of cake.

-That guy. What a kidder.

-Are we ready?

-I think so.

[Chainsaw revs]

-Open wide!

[Laughs evilly]

[Chainsaw revs]

This may...

Sting a little.

[Laughs evilly]

-Help! Help me!


-Oh! Is that sensitive?

[Laughs evilly]

-Miss hasenfuss!

-♪ Actin' funny but
I don't know why ♪

-And I thought you
were a man of courage.

-♪ 'Scuse me while
I kiss the sky ♪



[Crickets chirping]

-Fortunately, by the next day,

I'd pretty much managed
to calm my fears.


-Hi, kevin. You ready?

-Uh... I think so.

-Sure. Nothing to
worry about here.

Just a simple, little filling.

-Miss hasenfuss...

-Something wrong?


It's just...

-Who was I kidding?

I had to tell her...
Tell her I was scared.

Maybe she'd respect
me for my honesty.

-It's just...

There was this fire.



Yeah, at my house,
so I got to go.

-Oh. I-i hope nobody was hurt.

-No! No, nobody was
hurt. I just have to go now.

Right now.

[Siren wails]
- there. Grace under pressure.

[ Man screams in distance]

-Do you suppose
that was squasnick?

-I don't know.

I don't know what to think.

-The night of the great
dentist-office bailout,

I faced a sobering truth.

-You scared, kid?

-I wonder if we can take it.

All the way, I mean.

-I had fled in the
face of battle,

In front of miss hasenfuss.

I was... A coward.

-It's the fear of being afraid

That frightens me
more than anything else.

-Just remember what
the old man told you.

-I was unworthy
of my proud lineage.



-You were in combat, right?

-Sure. I was in combat.

-Were you scared?

-Well... I don't know
if I'd call it scared.

We had a job to
do, and we did it.

-Fear has nothing
to do with cowardice.

A fellow is only yellow

When he lets his
fear make him quit.

-You know, when you're
out there in the trenches

And the smoke is
stinging your nose,

And the b*ll*ts are zipping
past your head like flies...

You don't have
time to be scared.

-And that's when it hit me.

If my father was that brave,
then maybe I had it in me, too,

Somewhere down deep.

-There's only one thing that
ever scared the pants off me.

-What's that?

-The dentist.

[b*mb whistling]


-I was left with one option...
Hide among women who shop.

-Honey, is something wrong?

-No. No.

-Oh, it's your tooth, isn't it?

-No. I-i-it's nothing, really.

-Now, how long did you
say it would take dr. Tucker

To recover from
that ski accident?

-Oh, what tangled webs we weave.

-Mom, I got to go get some...

- Butter.
- Butter.

-Price check

On a 5-pound bag
of dog food, please.

-Face it. I was a
man on the run.

Running from fear, humiliation.

Running from...

-Kevin! Hi!

- Hasenfuss.


-Jennifer! Hi!

-Mrs. Arnold. Hello.

-Oh, my gosh, here they came...

The woman I'd lied to

And... The woman I'd lied to.

[Train whistle blows]

The rock and the hard place.

-How've you been?

-Fine. You?

-Good. Look at all those books!

-Yeah, I've been kind
of reading up on things.

I've been thinking about
taking some classes, but...

I'm not sure,

Even though kevin
tells me I should.

Right, kevin?
- Oh.


-But I'm afraid I'm just
not as brave as he is.


-Anyway, I can't stop to chat.

I have to be getting
back to the office.


-Dr. Tucker's office?

-I was trapped, like a
rat in a ski accident.

- But I thought...
- Mom?

-It was time for some
subtle creative thinking.

-Uh, you know, she's got
to get back to the office.

And... You know, there's
gonna be traffic getting home.

And have you seen the lines
at those checkout counters?

-Oh. Well, I guess
we really should go.

-I'm sure we'll bump
into each other again.

-Phew. I was out of
there. Free and clear.

-Oh, and kevin, don't forget to
reschedule your appointment.

And I'm so sorry about the fire.

-A fire?

[Alarm blaring,
alarm bells ringing]

-So much for the best-laid
plans of mice and men,

Particularly mice with mothers.

There was no putting this off.

It was act now
or face the chair.


-Dr. Tucker?

I'm kevin arnold...

Your patient?

-Is this an emergency?

-Well, kind of.

See, I need to make
an appointment.

-Well, speak to hasenfuss.
She keeps the books.

-Well, that's kind
of the problem.

You see, I was wondering

If someone else could
assist with the filling.

-What's wrong with hasenfuss?

-Well, nothing. Nothing
at all. She's great.

I-it's just...

I'd just... Rather have
someone else, that's all.

-Well. She's off tuesdays.

Why don't you
come by about 4:00?


-You're the customer.

-And it was done.
I'd been spared.

-Dr. Tucker?

You won't tell her, will you?

That I didn't want her there?

-Doctor, i-i forgot
to remind you

You have a 9:00
tomorrow morning.

I have to be getting
back to work.

-The next few days,

I guess you could say I
was kind of off my game.

Maybe it was my tooth.

Maybe it was something else.

All I knew was...

[Door opens]

-Kevin arnold?


- Oral hygiene was never
gonna be the same again.

-I'm ready for you now.

-The thing is, even
though I knew

Miss hasenfuss
wouldn't be around,

I could almost see her there,

In that room where we'd
shared our hopes and dreams.

-Kevin. Hi.

-You're here?

-Did you come for your filling?


-Good. You should
get that taken care of.

-Listen... Miss hasenfuss.

-I took your advice.

Um, I'm leaving.


-My god. She was taking
this harder than I'd thought.


-I'm going back to
school full time,

To become a dentist. [Chuckles]

I think, maybe, for children.

I mean, now's as good
a time as any, right?

[Chuckles] oops.

I guess I'm kind of nervous.

I'm sure you'll do just fine.



I'll take all my kids to you.

-[Chuckles] promise?

-And at that moment,

I learned a little something
about fear and courage.

If this woman was brave
enough to take life by the horns...

Maybe I could too.

-Miss hasenfuss?

I, uh... I have this filling.

Would you assist?

[Leroy anderson's "the
syncopated clock" plays]

-In the end, that appointment
wasn't any big deal after all.

In fact, it was kind of a
nice way to say farewell.

And sure, maybe it
was the novocaine

Coursing through my
98-pound body, but I could swear

Miss hasenfuss
had a tear in her eye.

And when it was all over,

There was nothing
left to say but...

-Don't forget to brush.

-[Slurred] you, too.

-I never saw miss hasenfuss
again after that day.

But I like to think that
filling meant as much to her

As it did to me.

It's funny, but even now,

Whenever I pass a
professional building,

I can't help but
look for her name...

And remember.

Good night, miss hasenfuss...
Wherever you are.