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09x07 - Tell Me Where It Hurts

Posted: 07/29/21 15:37
by bunniefuu
Previously on E.R.:

Congratulations, Mr. Nathan,
you're on call tomorrow night.

32 hours straight.

Labs on your baby.

You two need
to figure this out.

I was going to call first,
but Jody got sick.

Who's Jody?

You show up here with this girl

who's barely out of her teens.

Aren't you due back at the base?

Not for a couple of weeks.

Couple weeks?

There it is--

You can see his heart beat.

You can tell it's a boy?

Because I can't.

No, it's just a...
figure of speech.

It's just a pronoun.

Are you hoping for a boy?

Not particularly.

I mean, a boy
would be nice

but I...
I don't care.

I don't even really
want to know.

As long as
it's healthy, right?

The rash of Lyme Disease
is called...

Erythema migrans.

Starts two to 20 days
after the tick bite.

But it occurs in only 60
to 80 percent of cases.

The hallmark
of the rash is...

Erythmatous plaque.
Central clearing.

Yeah. And the most common
neurological symptoms?

Facial nerve palsy.

Okay, all right, settle down.

This is a teaching hospital,
not medical Jeopardy.

Where are all the doctors?

Who are you
looking for?

Anyone. Carter, Weaver, Pratt;
I'm not picky.

Uh, Carter's
stuck in triage

Pratt's on at midnight,
and Weaver's MIA.

What else is new?

Kovac is sleeping.

With who?
Thought he was suspended.

He's back--
in the lounge.

Hey, Harkins, you want to try

casting a Colles' fracture
on a cranky old lady?


What's the antibiotic
of choice?


Beth, this is Erin.

She's going to be putting
your cast on.

Miss Garrison?

I can't feel
a pulse.

Oh, geez,
she's cold.

She's dead?

Bag her
on 15 liters.

I need a crash cart
in here.

Sister Beth?

She was a nun?

She is.

Oh, boy.


Nathan, let's shake a leg,
come on.

looking for you, man.

Be right there.

( heavy sigh )

ER. Please hold.

Think you could take
this somewhere else?

Me? I need to
use the computer.

Use one of the ones
over there.

I don't want you
anywhere near me

when God strikes you dead
for k*lling that nun.

I didn't k*ll her.

You didn't save her.

She was an 87-year-old
woman in poor health.

What, you only save
the healthy ones?

She stroked out;
no one could foresee that.

You don't have
to explain to me.

I'm not the one
who's going to be
doing the judging.

GSW ten minutes out.

Wake up Kovac.

Is Dr. Corday
still down here?

John Doe;
found him down in the park

altered, no signs
of serious trauma.

Promise me you won't let them
near my face.

Promise me you won't.

Sir, what's
your name?

Do you know
your name?

They dropped
right out of the trees--

right near my face.

near your face, sir.

Don't, don't let them near me!

Whoa, whoa,
settle down.

Okay, get five
of Haldol!

Don't let them bite me!

Relax... sir.

We're trying
to help you!

( screams )

Stop it!

It's the damn dyskenesias.

Still need the Haldol?


We got it.

All right, put him
in soft restraints.

You okay?

Yeah, I'm
fine, thanks.

Are you okay?

Nothing that 12 hours
of sleep wouldn't cure.

Okay, put him
on pulse ox

two liters O2
by nasal cannula.

Mineral oil on the
cotton balls should
act as a solvent.

Come on in.

Let's, uh,
get him inside.

Make sure his nasal
passages stay clear.

Hey, Jody,
what are you doing here?

Um, I'm looking
for Eric.


Hi, Abby.

Hey, what's going on?

Where's Eric?

I was hoping you knew.

What do you mean?

I don't know.

We were in Indiana

on our way back
from my parents'...

They had a fight.

It was hardly
an argument.

I mean, he got
really angry.

I was just asking him
about us and our future

and stuff like that

and he took off.

I didn't mean
to upset him.

Maybe he went back to his base.

No, I called.

They said he's been U.A.
for two weeks.


Unauthorized absence.


He's AWOL?

Joel Seaton, 67--

syncopal episode
at Navy Pier.

Paramedics found
him dehydrated,
systolic of 90.

Came up
with 500 saline.

Joel was diagnosed
with pancreatic cancer

three months ago.

What sort of treatment have
you been on, Mr. Seaton?

Megace and gemzol.

They said I might have a year
with the chemo.

I'm not doing too good.

He's had two stents
in his common bile duct

to relieve the obstruction.

It's probably clogged again

which explains
the fever.

How's your pain?

Every night I go to bed

I keep hoping
I'll wake up in the morning

and I'll be better,
and the pain will be gone.

Think there's a surgical
alternative that could help?

I'm afraid not.

What happens

if you don't do anything?

You'll get
more jaundiced.

Slip into a coma

from liver failure.

Your kidneys will fail,
and your heart

will stop from
a high potassium level.

Is that a painful way to die?

Not once you slip
into the coma.

We can arrange for
home hospice care.

A nurse will visit you
twice a day

to give you the pain
medications you need.

When my wife was living,
she used always to say

I'd probably die
in my Barcalounger

the football game.

I'm starting to think
that's not such a bad way to go.

Does that mean
you're no longer interested

in further treatment,
Mr. Seaton?

( screaming )

Sorry. Let's have Ativan now.

( whimpering ):
I can't see.

All right, just relax.
I can't see.

I need some flush.

Did you try to k*ll yourself,

No, it was an accident.

He didn't mean it.

Okay, page E.N.T.
and Optho.

Get me a woods lamp
and flourescein.

Who, Greg?
Who shot you?


Who's Tommy?
Is he a friend?

He's my brother.

He's ten.

Okay, two view
of the face

along with a trauma panel.

Look at this light, Greg.

Can you see
this light?

A little.

Where did Tommy get the g*n?

He was playing
with our dad's g*n.

I tried to take
it away from him
so he wouldn't

hurt himself, but it went off.

We'll do everything we can
to make you comfortable.

Thank you.

Let me know

if there's anything
else you need, okay?

Thank you.

We should have pursued
other options.

With Corday.

There are other treatments
to consider.

I did; I asked for
the surgical consult.

She didn't think
it was a good idea.

Yeah, but what if it's in
the patient's best interest?

I know you went up against
Carter on a terminal patient

but that's
not your job.

You're a med student.

I'm saying it could
just be this guy's
having a bad day.

We try to do what's
best for the patient

and respect
their wishes.

If we're lucky,
we get to do both.

This is one
of those times.

Have Pedes page me
when he comes out of surgery.

Dr. Kovac?

Mike Dobbs.

I think you know
my wife, Heather.

Look, we've been having
some rough times recently

but I'd appreciate it
if you'd stop seeing her.

Maybe you should speak
to your wife about this.

Yeah, I did.

Are you married?

I was.

Well, then you know
how hard it can be.

Look, I'm
not trying

to thr*aten you
or anything, man

but I got two daughters.

What am I supposed to tell them

when their mother
doesn't come home at night?

I don't know.

Just trying to keep my family
together, that's all.

Hey, Eric, it's me again.

Listen, could you please
call me back?

You don't even have
to talk to me.

If you just leave a message
on my machine

I'd appreciate it.

Thank you.

Looks like your day's
sucking as bad as mine.

Yeah, I just, I'm worried
about my brother.

I can't
get in touch with him.

At least you haven't
k*lled anyone.

I'm 0 for two.

All these patients
could be my next victim.

Aha. "I think I have the crabs,
and it itches bad."

So, you're not taking
the chest pain in four?

Not if he wants to live.

The guy in Exam Two
has scrotal swelling.

Pretty safe bet.

Uh, I'm not
that desperate.

At least
it's medical.

He's pushing 300 pounds.

It's a big scrotum.

( chuckles )

He's a heart attack
waiting to happen.

Half these
patients are.

Old, diabetic, old,
old and diabetic...

Did you reach him yet?

No, I keep getting
his voice mail.

Oh, screw it, give me
the swollen scrotum.

Maybe he's off with a buddy,
or something.

Dr. Carter,
could you reassess

my allergic reaction
in Two?

Yeah, I'll be right there.

Where's Jody?

She's checking into a hotel.

Do you want to get a cup
of coffee or something?

He didn't respond to
Benadryl or Cimetidine.

Try solumedrol.

I did; he's
still wheezing.

Try an albuterol treatment.

It didn't work.

Maybe I should
push an IV epi.

I'll be right back.

What are his sats?

83. On oxygen.

Medical facility, please.

Hi, I'm calling from Chicago's

County General
Emergency Department.

We're treating a patient from
your base-- Eric Wyczenski.

We're going to need
his medical records faxed over.

I don't have the chart
in front of me.

Does it matter
who the doctor is?

Okay, uh, uh, just a second.

Um, the physician's name
is Dr. John Carter.

Excuse me.

It's okay.

How are you feeling, Greg?

My eyes hurt.

Can you see anything?


Hey, Chuny...


I'm sorry...
about everything.

Me, too.

Am I blind?

You have a shotgun pellet
inside your eyeball

but we're bringing
in an eye specialist
to repair it.

You were lucky--
you could've blown
your head off.

My dad would be less mad at me
if I was... dead.

He shouldn't be angry
with you at all.

You probably saved
your brother's life.

Hey. Can I talk to you
for a second?




Is there anything
wrong with him?

Not that I can tell.

Neighbor heard
the baby crying.

Found mom down in the backyard,
the kid still in the swing.

Mom's got no sign of trauma.

Could be
a possible mixed O.D.

G.C.S. four-one-five,
but she's uncooperative.

B.P. 122/78, pulse 84.

Okay. What's her name?

The neighbor wasn't sure--

thought it was Tenji or Tong-yi,
something like that.

She didn't have any ID.

I'm Dr. Carter.

Can you tell me
your name?

I have a 16-year-old boy
who's going to go blind

if he doesn't get here fast.

Then tell me where he is

so I can at least call
for some initial orders.

He's where?

Eyes open to painful stimuli.

Is your name
Tenji or Tong-yi?

Is she oriented
to person?
Her little boy's fine.

Does she understand

Gag reflexes present.

I smell alcohol
on her breath.

Got your bloods.

what do you want?

C.B.C., uh, lytes,

and acetaminophen levels.
( phone ringing )



What about charcoal?

Where are you?

The 2001 recommendations
from the American Academy...

Jody came by;
she's looking for you.

Okay, I need to see you.

I need to talk to you
about a couple things.

She can't tell us
when she took it.

Right. 25 of charcoal.

I need some Surgilube
and an N.G. tube.

Abby, she needs a Foley
and a urine tox screen.

Damn it.

And... let's change
the saline to D5

half at 75 an hour.

Blunted deep tendon
reflexes-- could be benzos.

Oh, should we try

Only if you want her
to start seizing.

Did you lose him?

Yeah, I lost him.

It's not unusual to experience
these sort of feelings

when dealing
with a chronic illness.

Mr. Nathan

may I have a word?

Excuse me.

What's he doing
in there?

Oh, that's Dr. Harvey;
he's the attending psych...

I know who he is.

I asked you
what he's doing.

He was down on a psych consult
on another patient

and I asked if he would come
and speak with Mr. Seaton.

Did you run this
by Dr. Lewis?


But Dr. Harvey agreed.
Mr. Seaton was depressed

and wasn't in a position
to be objective

about his own treatment.

He's refused treatment.

But now he's willing
to consider other options.

A Whipple, for instance.

A Whipple?

No, please don't tell me
you suggested a Whipple
for this patient.

I'm not sure who brought it up.

Well, whoever did
must be utterly insane

because nobody in their
right mind would be suggesting

a six-hour operation
for this man.

An operation
that requires

months of recovery,
assuming he ever recovers.

And for what?

He's dead in two months
if we do nothing.

That's right.

But only you seem to be
unwilling to accept that.

Well, shouldn't
we at least present him

with all the facts
and let him decide?

You've done enough,
thank you.

Normal vitals,
satting well on room air.

Did you get
your phone working?


Tox screen is positive
for barbiturates only.

Blood alcohol level
is only .065.

Urine dip's negative,
but ICON's positive.

She's coming around.


Do you know
that you're pregnant?!

You speak English?

Where's Chen?
Maybe she can
translate for us.

I want to rule out
an ectopic.

Where's the, uh,
portable ultrasound?
I'll get it.

Uh, can I do it?

Yeah, I'll be
right back.

I'm sorry, Abby

but that was right in
the middle of a trauma.

I know.
Maybe he'll
call back.

Did you check
your home machine?

No, I didn't have
a chance to.

Well, how did he sound?

That depends
on who you ask.

He sounds great--
he's happy, he's carefree

he's having the time of his...


I think just the, uh,
fact that he called
is a pretty good sign.

Yeah, he's manic, Carter.

Say, Abby!

Here's two of
the country's finest

looking for a patient.

I'm Sergeant Andrews
with the Air Force's

Office of Special

I understand you're
treating Eric Wyczenski.

No. Uh, we were,
but we're not now.

He left against medical advice.

Any idea of where he
may have been going?

Uh, no. I'm sorry
we can't be more helpful

but we have an emergency
coming in.

What about the doctor
who treated him?

He had to take a trauma

If you leave your card
with the desk clerk

we'll call you
if he shows up again.

What was all that about?

I was just about
to tell you.

( sighs )

These are your brother's
medical records?

I said we were treating him.

You'd still require
his signature.

And a written request
from his attending physician

which in this case was...

You forged my name, too?

Do you know how much

trouble we could get
into for this?

Just read it.

No. I have no right
to read this

and neither do you.

Okay. He took a leave of absence
for post traumatic stress

following a near-miss incident.

Yeah, so? He's an
air traffic controller;

it's a stressful job.

He had therapy,
but was never medicated.

Probably no reason to.

Just a reaction
to the event.

Okay, what if
it isn't PTSD?

What if it was depression?

The initial presentation
of a bipolar disorder?

He's too old.

He's not,
he's under 30.

Well, then he'd be

at the far end
of the curve.

He's been suffering from
insomnia, lack of appetite...

Both of which are consistent
with PTSD.

Okay. Six months ago,
he was depressed

now he's cycling up
to a manic phase.

The timing is perfect.

I know this.

Well, then, why didn't
the Air Force catch it?

Because they're not
looking for it.

Look: "No family history
of psychiatric disorders."

He's lying to the doctors.

Like you did
to get those records.

( sighs )

Oh, I thought this was
a surgical consult.

It was.

What happened?

The fat lady sang.

Fat man in this case.

We did everything
but order him a deep-dish pizza.

Just say no to dr*gs

and double
bacon cheeseburgers.

You know, his size is
probably something

that he couldn't control.

Certainly not
if he was running downhill.

( Malik chuckles )

Nathan, we didn't mean
to offend you.

You didn't.

I'm sorry,
I'm having a really bad day.

Not as bad as him.

What the hell
is that?
I don't know.

You can't drive on
here, you idiot.

Which one of you is
Dr. Abrams?

I'm Abrams.

You need to come
with me now.

I've got a 14-year-old boy
with a ruptured globe

who may lose his eyesight

because you didn't answer
your page.

You're insane.

Get in the car.

Get out of here.

Get in the car, now.

You don't have to listen
to this guy, Vic.

Are you a doctor?

I'm an oral surgeon.

Then shut up!
Let's go!

What about my clubs?

You, take his clubs.

You're doing a good job
clearing patients today.

Easy to be fast
when you're just k*lling them.

I'm going to be taking
some time off.

Yeah? For what?

Uh, to deal
with some personal things

that I've been putting off
for a while.

And with Romano
out of commission

you'll probably be the one
forced to pick up the slack.

Bad idea.

Do you mind?

We're having a
conversation here.

I don't mind.

Well, I do. I mind.

I mind your insinuations
and your smart-ass comments.

This is an E.R.;
people come here
because it's an emergency.

And guess what?
Some of these people
are going to die.

I've saved
hundreds of lives.

Dr. Lewis...

You know that drunk you
intubated this morning?

( sighing ):

Well, he asked
to take his tube out.

Chuny, he can't talk
if he's intubated.

I think you better come.

He's going to vomit
and aspirate.
Ah, geez.

( hushed ):
20 bucks says
she kills this guy, too.

Frank, did my brother call?


Are you sure?

Let me double check.

Hey, Abby.

Tell Abby what you just told me.

An unauthorized absence can be
a serious offense.

But if it's a first offense

and you can prove
extenuating circumstances

then you can usually get off

with a minimum
of punishment.

That's good to know. Thanks.

Do you have a minute?


Your girlfriend Harkins
was looking for you.

( chuckles )

Um, why are you talking
about my brother

to med students?

Gallant's in the Army.


So I'm just trying
to get information.

I thought it might help.

Yeah, well, you didn't have
to say it was my brother.

Excuse me, Carter.

This is Mr.
and Mrs. Yeung.

Their child was
brought in.
Which one?

The three-year-old,
he was brought in
with your patient.

Oh, I... I'm sorry,
I thought she was the mother.

No, Tong-yi's our nanny.
I'm Aidan's mother.

Is our son okay?

Yeah, he's fine.

Chuny, you can take
Mrs. Yeung to see her son.

Sure, this way.

Sir, if I could just ask you
a couple of questions first.

Yeah... okay.

Um... is Tong-yi
a drug user?


Has she been depressed?


Can you think of any reason why
she would want to hurt herself?

She wouldn't do that.

She tested positive for
barbiturates and alcohol.

Well, she's been up
all week with Aidan.

He had an earache.

She might've taken
a couple of sleeping pills

maybe a glass of wine.

But she is not suicidal.

Does she have a boyfriend?

I don't think so.


I just... I don't know,
maybe she's got some problems

in her personal life.

Well, if she did,
we'd probably know.

She lives with us.

Has been for
four years now.


Can I see her?

You wanted to see me?

Did you review Zollinger?

Was I supposed to?

He's under,
Dr. Corday.

Thanks, Shirley.

We're really going to do
a Whipple on this guy?

He's a little old,
isn't he?

I thought you didn't want
to do this.

I didn't,
but thanks to you

Mr. Seaton and
his family seem to think

the operation is
worth the risk.

Of course, they may have
second thoughts

after we resect his pancreas,
duodenum, gallbladder

and a large portion
of his stomach.

He's got a daughter
and grandchildren.

Any extra time he gets,
he can spend with them.

He can get up to
a year from this.


If it comes with a small miracle

which may be in order,
seeing as you seem
to have become

the patron saint
of the terminally ill.

Are you prepared to assist?


You got us into this.

We're still running
some tests.

Okay, Sonosite is ready.

I need both
trauma rooms.

Double MVA en route,
auto versus motorcycle.

Can I take these two?


Grab trauma gowns and gloves.
Come on.

Can we take her home?

She should stay overnight

for observation.

In that case

I'd like to have her moved
to a private facility.

Did you ask her
why she did it?

( speaking Chinese )

( speaking Chinese )

( speaking Chinese )

She's not depressed.

It was an accident.

She had taken a couple
of sleeping pills

with a glass of wine
to help her sleep.

And she's sorry
to have caused you any trouble.

She said all that?


Suction here,
so I can see the field.

Are you okay?

I've been up
for 24 hours.

It throws off
my meds.

Does it usually
bleed this much?

There are numerous branches

off the superior
mesenteric artery.


Do we tie off
or bovie?

( alarms sound )

down to

Okay. Bolus a liter
and check a crit.

Like this?

You need to isolate the source
of the bleeding.

Come on, Nathan.

I need better exposure.

Wait, stop, stop.

You're up
against the portal vein.

Pull out before
you tear the wall and k*ll him.

Shirley, can you take over,

No, just tell
me what to do.
I'll do it.

I'm trying.

Shirley, suction.

( metal crashing )

What was that?

T-tube for the common bile duct.

Do you have another tray?

We can autoclave this one.

I don't have 30 minutes

to stand around
waiting for this.

Tell me what you
want me to do.

Nothing. Shirley

pick up the instruments,
get them resterilized.

This will pass in about an hour.

Carl Vanosh, 32,
motorcycle driver

versus stakebed truck.

Had to be extracted.

Unable to breathe
for three to four minutes.

He's purple.


I'll meet
you inside.

This the driver of the truck?

No. Motorcycle passenger.

Quinn Vanosh,

BP falling
after two
liters. 90/60.

Nobody told me
they were bringing in a kid.

He's tachy
to the mid 120's.

We were going to tube him,
but we were almost here.

Go get one of the attendings.

Which one?
I don't care.

Who's that?

I thought you were treating her.

I am.

Dr. Chen is
translating for me.

I should be doing that.

Oh, that's okay.

We're a full
service facility.

Excuse me.

( speaking Chinese )


( speaking Chinese )

Hmm. She didn't know
she was pregnant.

Did she say
who the father is?


Ask her if she's sleeping
with her boss.

Ask her
if she's sleeping with him.

( speaking Chinese )

( speaking Chinese )

CBC and plates,
crit times three.

Chem seven, urine and foley.

He's got Tardieu's spots.


Facial petechiae.

What fell on him?
A truck.

Kerry, we need
help in here.

He's got crepitus
over the left chest.

His pelvis
is tender.
Sats 93.

It hurts
to breathe.

Kerry, I need help in here.

Quinn? What's wrong?

Left breath sounds decreased
with right tracheal shift.

( alarms )
Sux and fent are in.

Sats are still 90.

He needs a
central line

and probably
a chest tube.

You're doing fine, Susan.

Just take a deep breath.

It's decreased
on the right.

I think he's got
tension pneumos
on both sides.

What's wrong
with my son?

We're working on him.

What do you want me
to do?

Bag him up.


Okay, don't do this to me, kid.


( speaking Chinese )

Your wife
seems upset.

She's worried
about Aidan and, uh, Tong-yi.

That's all.

Oh, our doctor's coming
to move her to another facility.

Hey, what was
your relationship

with Tong-yi again?

I told you.

She works for us.

Right, she's lived with
you for four years?

Have you been
sleeping with her?

Excuse me?

Have you been
having sex with her?

'Cause she's pregnant.

She says the
baby's yours.

Even if that were true, Doctor

it's really none
of your business.

No, it is my business.

It was my business
the minute

she became my patient.

Well, she won't be your patient
much longer.

Hey, Carter.

Eric, where
have you been?

Everybody's been
worried about you.

Come inside.

Oh, Jody was driving me nuts.

Nothing like a road trip
to bring out a person's issues.

Please limit your personal

to two carry-on items.

She must have peed 1,000 times

between here and Indianapolis.

She's worse than a beagle.

She's probably got a bladder
thing happening. I don't know.

Wait a second.
I thought you guys flew.

Oh, we were until
she got airsick.

carsick, homesick.

The girl gets
sick a lot

which supposedly
runs in her family.

Don't get me started
on her parents.

Let's just face it.

If she turns out
to be anything
like her mother

she's going to be
too much woman
for me to handle

and I don't
mean to be mean,
but she's big

like sumo big,
minus the agility.

I'll come upstairs later
to see how you're doing.

Will you still talk
to my dad?

I'll do even better.

I'll convince him
you're a hero.

You know, the in-house team
could have done this.

You are the
retinal specialist.

According to the CT

the other eye has a pellet
in it, too.

Now, I can't even promise

I'll be able to
save his sight
in that eye.

Then perhaps
if you had come here sooner.

Ophthalmology isn't
emergency medicine.

You know, some
guys wait a week

to do this kind of surgery.

You know, all you
did was stop me
from sh**ting an 82.

Tell it to him.


Dr. Lewis needs
you in Trauma One.

Oh, thanks.

Hey, Abby.

So, I'm in a position
where I can buy the Cessna

or two planes that need some
fixing up for the same price.

I'll be at Admit
if you need me.

( clears throat )

I've been calling you.

So I hear.

I'm sorry Jody dragged
you into this.

She's immature.
She likes the drama.

What can I say?
It's the Jerry Springer

generation, you know.

You were supposed to be

Did they call here?
Uh, no.

That's the second time this year
somebody's messed up my leave.

I can straighten it
out with a phone call

but I'll have
to report for
duty on Monday.

We should do something crazy.

Do you guys want
to go somewhere?

How about you, me and Carter
fly to Vegas, huh?

We could do a
little gambling.

Maybe hit an Elvis
wedding chapel.

You guys could take
care of business.

You may now kiss
the bride.

Shh, shh.
Thank you
very much.

Eric, just come
here. Just stop it.

They said
you're suffering

from post
traumatic Stress?

That was nothing.
They cleared me.

Every controller I know has
had a couple PTSD assessments.

It's our way
of working the system

to get a little
extra time off.

We even joke about it.

How do you know when an air
traffic controller is suffering

from post traumatic stress?

His tackle box is missing.

You know,
he's gone fishing.

But I hate going fishing.
I mean, I...

Remember when I got that...
that hook stuck in my finger?

Do you remember that?
It was a frog lure.

I got your
medical records.


You didn't tell them
Maggie was bipolar.

Oh, you did what?

What are you, the KGB?

No, I just...

Sergeant Eric Wyczenski.

You called the MPs?

No. No.
Why did you do this?

You're under arrest
for unauthorized absence

from the United States

Air Force.

Hold on a
second, guys.

Somebody was supposed
to cover for me

and he got in a bad accident.

I was on the road.

I didn't find out
until now.

I-I called my CO.

I'm headed back
to base now.

I came here to
tell my sister.

They called here looking

for me and freaked her out.

It's been a
huge mix-up.

Abby, tell them
what's going on.

We'll figure that out
on the way back.

Hold on. That is very

Let me get my stuff
out of my car!

Let me get my stuff.

Don't hurt him.

let me go.

I can explain everything.

Okay? Just... I need to go!


I can't be arrested.

I've got a job to do.

Can't we talk about this

or at least let me give him

something to
calm him down.

We can't do that, ma'am.

Is this
what you wanted, Abby?

No, no.
Are you happy now?

Yeah, that's right.

Lock me up
and throw away the key.

Eric's been a bad boy.

Thanks a lot, Abby.
Thank you.


Oh, damn it.

Bag him.
Was he
ever awake?

He was for a few minutes.

He wasn't mentating well.

He's stage four shock,

Both lungs are up.

Breath sounds with bagging.

Third unit of O-neg.

You want to try this?

No, you got it.

Stabilize the neck.

I'll do a cricoid.

Damn. Suction.

He's so small.

Short chin.

Anterior too.

Not your lucky day, huh?

( alarm sounds )

Sat 88, pulse
down to 90.

You need help in here?

Yes. Suction.

He'll need another central line

for pressors.

What do you see?

I can't see squat.

Okay, let's
take a break.


Tube, now.

Bradying down to 80.


Got it.

Bag him.

Good job.

All right.
You got this?


Where are you going?

I have other patients.

Susan, you're
not finished here.

He's in good hands.

What's happening?

We put him on a vent
and he dropped his pressure.

Good lung sounds.

Give me
a spinal needle.

Lost the pulse.
Starting compressions.


Could be
a tension pneumo.

Breath sounds
could be transmitted.

Sats are dropping.

Could be

Try the other side.


Milligram of epi.

Good pulse
with compressions.


Holding CPR.

Looks like PEA.

Betadine the chest.

and roll him
left side up.

Blunt force trauma, Luka.
It's over.

Mediastinal air
after intubation.


No pressure, no pulse.

What is he doing?


the chest cavity.

Pericardium looks clear.


( squeaking )

Okay, bag him
a couple of times fast.

( squeaking )
Hear it?

Hilar leak.



How long?

Almost a minute.


Got it.

Cross clamp.

Can you get me a 50cc syringe

with an 18-gauge


going up-- 50's.

Evacuating the air.

That's why he
couldn't pump blood.

Weak pulse.

Got a pulse.


So you can stay here

you can be safe here.

Can you explain the concept
of a woman's shelter?


( speaking Chinese )

( speaking Chinese )

What is she so afraid of?

Living in poverty,

Take your pick.

It's called "trafficking
in persons."

You know, young women
are brought over

from some
foreign country

they get
offered jobs

and wind up as
indentured servants.

I can't leave my baby.

Uh, you don't have to.

This is...
this is your baby.

Nobody's going
to take your baby.

Not this baby.


The three-year-old?

Is Aidan your son, too?


Okay, Kit, let's try
a t-piece trial.

Normally we would
have extubated

in the OR, right?


No chest wall

Stats are going
down to 89.

Why isn't he breathing
on his own?

AC of 14.

I'll go talk
with the family.

No. I'm afraid
I get to do that.

I knew something was wrong,
I knew it.

I told you.

It's going
to be okay.

No, it's not.
Don't say that.

He's sick.

I don't even know
where they took him

and the Air Force
is not like the police.

I can't just go there
and bail him out.

I don't even know
who to call.

( sighs )

And what if they put him
in some VA loony bin?

That's not
going to happen.

How do you know?

'Cause we'll get him
a good lawyer.

We'll help him
through this.

Why don't you go home?

I'll get somebody
to cover your shift.

I can't.

Go home.

Get some rest.
Call me if you need me.

Hey, I thought
you'd left.

How's that kid?

He had a Hilar leak.

Kovac had
to crack his chest.

Pedes surg
is with him now.

It looks like he's
going to pull through.

( sighs )

You would have
done the same.

Kerry, I k*lled
three patients today.

It would have been four

if I would have
stayed with that kid.

No, you were unable
to save three patients.

You didn't k*ll them.

I mean, I've seen you
save twice that many

without breaking
a sweat.

Go home.

Have a drink

maybe two.

Tomorrow's another day.

But if you lose
more than one patient

you're fired.



How you doing?

Good, good.

Did you?


Are you
going to?

No, you can.

No, you should.

Come on.


Susan, um...

we're going to have a baby.



Uh, I am.

Oh, my God.



Thank you.

Thank you so much.

Tong-yi, where you going?

She's going home.

I'm not talking to you,
you step back.

This is between
me and my patient.

She signed out
against medical advice.

All right, Deb,
call the police.

Don't bother.
She won't press charges.

We have laws

against sl*very in this country.

Tong-yi, you don't
have to do this.

( speaking Chinese )

I'll bring the car around.

( speaking Chinese )

All right,
don't do this, Tong-yi.

It's wrong. It's wrong.

I need my job.

I have family in China,
they need my money.

We can help you
find another job.

I can't leave my baby.

If you go back there

they're going to
take your baby

just like they
did with Aidan.

I spend more time with him
than they do.

You should,
he's your son.

Does he even know
that you're his mother?

He doesn't.

But I do.

How's Mr. Seaton?

He's still on the vent.

When you first came
to me, you requested

that I treat you like
any other medical student

on my rotation.

And I appreciate it.

I know your disease

presents you with
innumerable challenges

and the very fact
that you're standing here

is testimony
to your character.

But the truth is
I would fail

any other student
with a similar performance.

I realize I have to make
certain adjustments

to accommodate my disease.

No. No.

Political correctness aside

you are
physically handicapped

and I would be doing
a disservice

to your future patients.

So that's it?

What's the appeal process?

A promise.

I will pass you

if you do not practice
clinical medicine.

You can do radiology, psychiatry

but you must give me your word

that you will
never treat patients.


I can't do that.

Then you will fail,
Mr. Nathan.

( sighs )

Is someone
sitting here?

No, no.

You look like you've had
one of those days.

Yeah, you could say that.

What do you do?

I'm a jockey.

Ah, he has a sense of humor.

Not really.

It's pretty dead
in here tonight.

That's the way I like it.

I don't believe that
for a second.

You look like you know
how to have fun.

You think so, huh?


( cell phone ringing )

Excuse me.


No, I can't talk
to you right now.

Yes, he came to see me.

Yeah, I think you need
to stop calling me, okay?

Sorry about that.

( phone ringing )

Why don't we, um...
get out of here

and see what kind of
trouble we can get into?

Where would we go?

I'll leave that up to you.

Okay, I think I know a place.

It's 300 an hour.

2,000 for the night.

( chuckles )

You coming?


I've been
calling you.

I was on the phone.

Did you reach him?

Might have to wait
till morning.

Well, I got some

fish and chips
from Brennan's.

I'm not hungry.

I bought it
on the way home from work.

It took me an hour
to get it out of the bag

and then another 45 minutes
to pour it in the glass

and I still haven't had a sip.

I just want everything
to stop, you know?

I just want to stop thinking...

Hey, hey, hey,
hey, hey.

I'm so glad you're home.

I'm sorry.

I'm so sorry.

I wanted you
to be wrong.

For both of you.

My family's so screwed up.

If I were you

I'd run for my life
and never look back.

You don't hold the monopoly
on screwed-up families.

You met my mother.

She's not certifiable.

I have an idea.

I think we should get them
all together for the holidays.

Gamma, my parents,
your mother...

I'm really scared
for him, Carter.

I know.

And it's so unfair.

'Cause he was such
a good kid.

And we went through
so much growing up

and I really thought
I got him through.

I thought...
he was safe.

He's going to get all
the help that he needs now.

We're going to make sure
that he does.

And nothing that you did
or didn't do

would have prevented this.

It's just that Eric...

uh, he was the only
constant thing in my life.

He was the only thing
I could ever really count on.

That's not true anymore.


'Cause I really need something
to hang on to right now.

I'm not going anywhere.