02x21 - Creatures of the night

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Cold Case". Aired: September 2003 to May 2010.*
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02x21 - Creatures of the night

Post by bunniefuu »

August ,

- You are here.
- I'm sure am.

- Does this mean?
- I did it.

- We are going to New York?
- Tomorrow.

- Finally gonna see Broadway.
- No, you're gonna be on Broadway.

- Kelly Witkowski, up in lights.
- And you're gonna open your coffee shop.

Coffee bar.

Am I crazy, Kel? Thinking people paying
buck for a capuccino or an espresso?

The only crazy thing is
you doubting yourself.

- There's no looking back.
- Onward and upwards.

Now, come on.

it's just a jump to the left

and a step to the right

- Come on.
- I can't dance.

You can do anything.

Caramel Macchiato.

Pay you back?

Yeah, right.

Triple americano.

Rocket fuel. Thanks.

Latte with nutmeg?

Yeah, you got a swirly?

No, your highness,
shall I fetch you one?

That'd be good.
And a napkin.

Just got off the phone
with the Trenton D.A.

What about?

Serial k*ller named Roy Brigham
Anthony is about to get paroled.

Serial k*ller, didn't get life?

He made a deal in ' .

He confessed to homicides they
suspected him for but couldn't prove.

And he got..?

to life with mandatory time
off for good behavior.

And he's behaved.

And served his years.

Now Jersey's deals
come back to haunt them.

Yeah? So why are they calling us?

Well, they're hoping
that we can find a m*rder

Anthony did in Philly, then we can
extradite and lock him up here.

- He spent time here?
- Summer of ' when he was .

So we look at all the
cold jobs from that summer?

Getting the feeling
we're off to the Garden State.

Yeah, the warden
at Rahson's expecting you.


If this guy walks,
he's gonna k*ll more people.

Jersey D.A. say that?

No, Roy Brigham Anthony did.

We got a pattern
on this Roy Anthony.

He k*lled men and women at night
with his bare hands.

But no sexual abuse right?

Rules out Maggie here.

Ditto for Victor.
He was k*lled in the morning.

No robbery, just took
a trinket from each victim.


Yeah, they found a trunk full in his basement,
matched all of them to the victims except one.

This gold charm.

That a goat?

One other thing, all his victims were
wearing uniforms of some kind.

- Uniforms?
- Yeah.

Eliminates all these jobs,
except Mike Cahill.

What's his story?

Night doorman
at the Caryle Building,

found at the Tasker-Morris
subway station in the wee hours.

That's a rough part of town.
He have a record?

No, but he was wearing
his doorman's uniform.

Let's see if Mike carried
a goat charm around.

Guy's our best shot.

He's out only shot.

Hi, I'm Roy.

Detectives Valens and Rush.


- Atlantic City?
- Philadelphia.

I spent a few months there.

That's why we're here.

Wondering if you met up with
this man during your time there.

Mike Cahill.

No, sorry, ma'am,
I've never seen him before.

Well, maybe you
remember him better like this.

Oh, dear.

You've gotta admit.

Looks a lot like your handiwork, Roy.

God's work can be brutal.

That's what you call it, huh?

Just obeying orders.

From God?

He shines a light
on someone's face and

I don't have a choice.

Well, he shine a light
on Mike, summer ' ?

I don't know that man.

Seen this goat
charm before, Roy?

Not that I recall.

Sure it didn't come
from one of your victims.

Cuz it was in the trunk
with all your other trophies.

- Was it?
- Yeah.

And we think that you took it off of this
kid after you made him your first k*ll.

No, sir.

Let's hear about
your stay in Philly, Roy.

From the beginning.

Well, my father took me
there when I was .

Fresh from Provo.

It must've been a shock.

Big city and all.

It was indeed, ma'am.

I stayed with my aunt Louise.

I don't want to hear back from aunt Louise
about any misbehavior, Roy.

- No, sir.
- He'll be fine, Edward.

Aunt was good
enough to find you a job.

- You turn your wages over to her.
- Yes, sir.

- And wear the garments.
- Yes, always.

- Or what?
- Hellfire and brimstone, sir, gnashing of teeth.

He's a good boy, I can tell.

You heard about the girl, in Provo?

Yes. That's why he's here.

For a clean slate. To reform.

I'll wear my garmies.
I'll have only clean thoughts.


Never ever disrepect the Lord.


- Are you listening to me?
- Yes, sir.

Do not disrespect
the Lord, I won't, sir.

When are you
coming back for me?

It depends, on how
well you obey the rules.

Oh, I'll obey, sir. I promise.

So, what did you
do to this Provo girl?

I lusted for her.

And that got you
shipped out of town?

It's against our beliefs.

Outside of marriage of course.

So you were pretty
scared of your dad.

- He was a powerful man.
- He was military.

That's why you
k*lled people in uniform.

They reminded you of him?

I loved him.

But you couldn't obey his rules and
that made you lash out.

I followed the rules.

You still get orders?

And the light still shines.

That's why I'm glad I'm getting out.

I have a lot of work to catch up on.

Sure I remember Mike.

He worked the door at the building.

For two years.

We're trying to connect him
to this guy. Ever seen him?

Sorry. Who is he?

Serial k*ller.
Roy Brigham Anthony.

He the guy m*rder*d Mike?

- Could be.
- Oh, that poor kid.

In years, he was probably
my favorite employee.

- Good guy?
- Charmer. Always had a smile.

And he would go
the extra mile for the tenants.

Do you remember anything
unusual about the day he died?

- I remember he quit.
- That day?

He gave his notice and
said he headed to the Big Apple.

To do what?

He had a business idea.

Thought there was
a future in gourmet coffee.

Which there was. / Kid would've had
the Starbucks folks beat by a decade.

Anyone unhappy about him leaving?

Everyone. Like I said,
he was a favorite.

But anyone in particular?

Helen Hargrove.
Her husband owned the building.

She and Mike were close?

Well, you'd see
those two chatting / ,

and he would tell
her his business plan, etc.

She a big fan of his idea?

Big fan of Mike's.

I'm sorry, Denny,
I've changed my mind.

I'm not feeling up to going out.

This is Beverly Sill's last tour.

I can't make it tonight.

Don't you mean every night?

I don't know what's wrong.
Really, I don't.

This is getting tiresome, Helen.

Have a good evening, Mr. Hargrove.

- He's angry.
- I don't blame him.

- Will I see you tonight?
- No.

No? Mike?

We have to stop, Helen.

No, we don't.

You need help.
Which I can't give you.

You help me every night.

If you don't put
an end to this, then I will.

- What do you mean by that?
- I'll tell your husband, everything.

- You wouldn't.
- I would.

Some hanky panky?

Well, like I said, she was a fan.

And I did see him in her apartment.

Quite a few times, late night.

Maybe him going the extra mile
for her got him some trouble?

Mr. Hargrove did have a temper.

And his wife entertaining
the doorman might have set him off.

No "might" about it.

Looks like Mike Cahill was running
around with a lady tenant.

Married lady tenant.

Kid's caught in a love triangle.
That gives revenge motive to the husband.

Which means
maybe Roy ain't our guy.

And Jersey's out of luck.

Doorman in Rittenhouse Square
and a Mormon kid in East falls.

Now how did they meet up
at the Tasker-Morris stop?

Maybe Roy's aunt
could shed some light.

One of you's Scotty Valens?

- Who's asking?
- Mark Phillips, NYPD.

Yeah, I'm Valens.

Excuse us, boss.

I understand
you're Christina's guy.

That's right.

Dating your partner's sister,
that's gotta be tricky.

What do you want, Phillips?

This is a courtesy call. Cop to cop.

I got a warrant for your girl's arrest.

Based on?

I'll talk to her about that.

Yeah, well, whatever it is, it's crap.

Okay. You don't want to get involved,

I'll treat her like a skell.

I'll pick her up tonight and
haul her ass back to NY.

Or? / Or you could
arrange a conversation.

This could go easy or hard.

Don't cop talk me. Okay?

Your call, pal.

I need some time,

to talk to her.

I gotta see someone tomorrow.

Day after?

That should be good.

It's gotta be.

Cuz I ain't leaving Philly without her.

Hey, Scotty,
Roy's aunt is here.

Yeah, okay.

What did this
NY detective want?

This girl I been with,

he's saying she did
credit card fraud.

Which is crazy.

Does Lil know this guy's
looking for her sister?


But she washed her hands.

Anyway Chris just needs
to talk to him, sort it out.

He's got it wrong.

Long way to come
for getting it wrong, Scotty.

Roy stayed with you
for months in ' .

Yes, before the difficulties
in New Jersey.

The murders, you mean.

We're looking into
a Philadelphia m*rder now.

He didn't do that here.

How do you know?

I don't I guess.

We think Roy may have come
in contact with this man, Mike Cahill.

Roy didn't mix
with people very much.

Outside of his co-workers.

Where'd he work?

At the Franklin Grill,
he was a busboy.

Ever bring any friends home?

He didn't make friends here.

Did Roy ever mention anything
to you about God's light?


I wonder if he's
the one who hurt Roy.

Hurt him?

He'd come home late
at night with injuries.

From what?

He'd never say.

Roy, are you hurt again?

Where do you go?
Who does this to you?

Please let me in.

- It hurts.
- Poor thing.

Roy, do you remember how Mary Magdalene
poured oil on Jesus's blistered feet?

Yes. / Well, that's what
I'm gonna do for you now.

It feels good.

One day, roy, maybe
not so far from now,

you'll meet a nice wholesome girl and
she'll touch you not just on your hands,

but here where it really counts.

And it'll be all right because
she'll be good and pure.

Yes, Roy. Only good and pure thoughts
come from a good and pure girl.

I think I'm going crazy, aunt Louise.

Why do you say that?

- I hear things.
- What kind of things?


That's when I knew he was lost.

You ever find out who hurt him?


I probably should
have done more for him.

But late that summer, he ran away.

I hate to admit it but,

I was relieved.

Serial k*ller in the making.

That'd be a tough house guest.

And lucky he didn't hurt you.

Broke my heart. That hurt.

Thank you for coming to me.

I don't leave the apartment.

I wouldn't either,
I lived like this.

It's psychological, I'm afraid.


I got that. About snakes.

We're looking into
the m*rder of Mike Cahill.

He was your doorman back in ' .

Oh, that dear boy. It was awful.

What do you know about it?

Just what I read.

Cuz we kinda heard Mike was
more than just your doorman.

He was a friend.

Keep going.

He was years younger than me.

It's been done.

I'll be honest,
I wouldn't have said no.

But it wasn't like that.

Then why was he always coming
to see you late at night?

He was helping me.

This was when
my agoraphobia started.

- What's that?
- Fear of the outside.

- So Mike would run errands for me.
- Like?

Pharmacy runs,
cheese cakes to go.

And that's it?

He would stay and keep me
company some nights.

We'd play gin rummy.

Your late husband didn't
know about you problem?

I tried to keep that from him.

I was hoping it was temporary.

So did you see
Mike the day he died?

He came to tell me
he was leaving.

Don't cry, Helen.

I never thought
that you'd actually go.

I gotta take that leap.

Why does it have to be New York?

You know why.

- Kelly.
- She belongs on Broadway.

Lucky girl.

I want you to promise you'll
see a doctor, get some help.

How can I make you
change your mind?

You can't.


I have something for you.

A Yemenese herder came across
a dancing goat eating red berries.

He tried one and realized
why the goat was dancing.

That's how coffee was discovered.

So the legend goes.

It's for your coffee bar.

Thank you, Helen.

I'll be rooting for you.

You gave him the goat.

Last night of his life.

This Kelly was his girlfriend?

A waitress at the diner
where he'd get my cheese cake.

What diner?

The Franklin Grill.

It's where Roy worked.

All I did was call in
some credit card numbers.

- Meaning you used them.
- No, he did, my boss.

Yeah, who was
also your boyfriend.

Greg, yeah.

So he was ripping off his customers using
their accounts but you didn't know that?

No, I didn't.

I didn't, Scotty.

How is he telling this
Phillips it was your idea?

Because he's a liar.
He's pissed that I broke up with him.

They got phone calls
with your voice on them, Chris.

I just said I called in the numbers.

I'd been working there for weeks,
he gives me these account numbers,

says, call them into Bendel's.

- The department store.
- Said they had a standing deal.

They got flower arrangements from us,
we got stuff from them.

- And that sounded legal to you?
- I don't know, Scotty.

I was just trying to keep a job.

If that's the truth,
all you gotta do is tell this guy.

- It's the truth.
- Then meet with him,

straighten it up. / I hope
he believes me as much as you do.

I'll call him, set it up.

- You'll be with me?
- Yeah, of course.

Then I'll be okay?


I'm sorry.

I do believe you.


Larry Papas, manager
of Franklin Grill in ' ,

this is Lilly Rush.

Roy Anthony worked for you?

Gonna be on my tombstone.
"He hired a serial k*ller."

Mr. Papas also knew our victim.

Mikey, always gave me
grief about my bad coffee.

So did Roy and
Mike meet at your diner?

Not that I remember.
If those two met, it was through Kelly.

Mike's girlfriend?

Waitress, actress.
I called her a wactress.

And your boy Roy,
he had a real thing for her.

Really? / Oh, mooned over her
like she was a madonna.

So maybe he was jealous of Mike?

I can't say for sure what was
going on in that kid's head. He was off.

- Off how?
- He was distracted, uptight.

He had rules, real rigid.

You remember what they were?

Religious stuff,
like don't disrespect the Lord.

His father told him that.

That was big with him.

Even if you crossed the line,
he'd have a cow.

Gonna be busy tomorrow.
That Sunday school crowd.

Always is.

They come here after church?

No, they come here
instead of church.

What? / Sure, parents give them
a buck for the collection plate,

they sneak over here
and buy breakfast instead.

- But that's disrespectful.
- Of their parents?

- The Lord.
- Yeah, it's good for business though.

It's good to cheat God?

Come on, God's a rube.

Roy, what are you doing?

He shouldn't disrespect the Lord.

Okay, but you don't
gotta hurt yourself.

Really, relax kid.

Why'd you do that?

It was either hurt him or me.

That feels good.

You're so sensitive.

I can't help it,
I have these feelings.

- Pent up, right?
- Right.

And you need an outlet?

You're so pure and good.

I'm just like anyone else.

No, you understand me.

Roy, you know what you need?

A late night double
feature picture show.

- Okay.
- Maybe we'll go this Saturday.

So Roy gave himself those injuries?

He turned from hurting himself
to hurting others.

Are you saying he k*lled people
cuz they cursed to big man?

Well, maybe a combination of things.

Were you wearing
a uniform that day?

My kitchen whites.

Uniform plus disrespecting God.

Equals burned hands.

So what else gets thrown
in that turns it into m*rder?

I never did make it to New York.

I was still pretty broken up over Mike.

You remember a busboy
you worked with, Kelly?

Guy named Roy?

Sure. From Utah.

Kind of an oddball.

An oddball that k*lled a bunch of people,
we think starting with Mike.

No kidding.

Oh, god.

I introduced them that night.

How did that go down?

I took Roy to see the
Rocky Horror Picture Show.

Roy Brigham Anthony
and Rocky Horror?

It's midnight, avenue theatre,

I thought it'd
broaden his horizons, you know.

And a movie could do that for him?

Oh, it's not just a movie,
it's an experience.

It was time of my life.
I played Janet.

I can see that.

So Mike was at this experience too?

Yeah, he always came to watch.

Except that night,
things went wrong.

- Roy, meet Mike.
- Hi.

Why's he wearing those clothes?

Cuz he's a tranvestite from
transsexual, transylvania.

And an alien.

Our god's from another
planet, near the star Kola.

Roy's a Mormon.

Are you sure we
should be here, Kelly?

Sure, I come every week.

- Another admirer, huh?
- He's just a lonely guy form work.

Wait till he sees you in your big number.

- Come on, Mike.
- Who am I kidding, Kel.

You're so beautiful and talented.

Don't do this. / And I'm just
a doorman with a high school diploma.

But you're gonna be
a businessman, a coffee tycoon.

I'm gonna lose you in New York.
You'll gonna get famous while I flop.

I gotta do my number.

I can't go, Kel. I'm sorry.

Well, I'm going, Mike.

With you or without you, you choose.

Come on, Roy.
Be my Rocky.

I thought there's no use getting

into heavy petting

it only leads to trouble
and seat wetting

now all I want to know

is how to go

I've tasted blood
and I want more

I'll put up no resistance

I want to stay the distance

I've got an itch to scratch

I need assistance

touch-a, toucha-a,
touch-a, touch me

I wanna be dirty

thrill me, chill me, fulfill me...

Roy Brigham Anthony.

Aunt Louise.

Aunt Louise at Rocky Horror?

Ruined the whole number.

What'd you do when
she dragged away your costar?

I left the stage, left the
theatre and took the train home.

Without Mike?

He was still sitting
in the front row,

doubting himself as usual.

What train did you take, Kelly?

The , from the
Tasker-Morris station.

Where Mike was found.

I always wondered
he followed me there.

Maybe to say
he was coming after all.

It's possible.

I like to think so anyway.

Mike gets an ultimatum from Kelly.

Maybe makes a decision,
goes after her.

Which puts him at
the Tasker-Morris stop.

Yeah, but Roy's
with his aunt Louise.

And probably getting
a hell of an earful.

So how does he end up
at the train platform ?

And what happened there
makes him k*ll for the first time?

How late is she?

Over an hour.

- You told her , right?
- I told her.

Cuz I got : .

What time you got?

Something must've happened.

- Like maybe she split.
- No, she said she'd be here.

Did you clown me?
Help her out?

Careful what you ask me.

Yes, screw cop to cop courtesy.

I'm so whipped
I'll do anything for this bread.

But keep going, please, anything.

You've been having rough times?

What does that matter?

Trying to figure out why
you're off your game with this girl.

Why you acting like you know me?

You're a cop.

Skels lie to you everyday.

You should be wise to a con.

Well, she ain't that.

I'd been in that situation.
Power of the pretty girl.

You ain't hearing me, Phillips.

I'll go get her, bring her back.

I'll wait till .

Then she becomes a fugitive.




"Sorry. C."

Ever seen the Rocky
Horror Picture Show, Louise?

Certainly not.


That's for heathens.

Well, the night Mike Cahill died,
one of those heathens saw you at the theatre,

spitting fire and brimstone.

Is that a fact?

Why not tell us that?

- I couldn't.
- Because?

Because I made
a mistake that night.

That I'll never forgive myself for.

What mistake was that?

Louise, you're protecting
a serial k*ller.

Don't you think I know that?

I made him who he is.


Roy called me and

asked if he could go to
that so-called entertainment.

And you agreed?

No, I said to come home.

But he went anyway.

He disobeyed.

Because of that girl.

- Kelly Witkowski.
- He went astray, lusting for her.

So you went to
the theatre to get him?

And entered this den of sin and..

All these people dancing
in their underwear.

Including Roy.

Especially Roy.

You've committed
the ultimate sin, Roy.

- You've turned away from god.
- No, I haven't, aunt Louise.

Dancing up there in your garmies,
cavorting with a harlot.

She's not a harlot,
she's my Mary Magdalene.

Roy Brigham Anthony.

Do not compare that
low woman to god's disciple.

No, Kelly's pure, nice.

A nice girl wouldn't do what
she was doing outside the marriage bed.

Then I should marry her.

That's the sinner talking.
That's what got you in trouble in Provo.

But I want someone, aunt Louise,
I'm so alone.

You've got to listen to god, Roy,
or you will be lost.

Is that who talks to me?

Who else?

I thought that voice
meant I was crazy.

Joseph Smith heard
an avenging voice.

So did Beigham Young,
your name's sake.

And they weren't crazy.

They were the Fathers
of the latter day saints.

Then I'll listen.

It would be a sin not to.

I have to go find Kelly.

Creature of the night

Creature of the night

Creature of the night

Creature of the night

Creature of the night

Creature of the night

Creature of the night.

Now do you see
why I'm responsible?

Cuz you told Roy to listen.

I thought it was
god speaking to him,

but it was satan.

God shines a light, huh, Roy?

Speaks to you?

That's right.

That sounds real holy
and righteous and all,

but I ain't biting.


I don't buy this prophet act,
god talking.

It's bogus.

Watch out, Roy doesn't like
you disrespecting the Lord.

You like thinking you some
special messenger of god,

but you're just a regular
frustrated guy who wanted a girl.

You obviously don't understand.

You went after Kelly that night.

Followed her to the subway.

Because you liked her little show
in the theatre, wanted some more.

But instead of Kelly, you found Mike.

- That's where it came all together.
- The perfect storm.

I don't know what you mean.

I mean there was
Mike in his uniform and

maybe he broke one of your rules
and disrespected the god.

We know what that makes you do.

Makes you wanna do harm and all
the while, there's that little voice talking.

The one aunt Louise said to listen to.

God's voice is not little.

- And now things are really brewing.
- I do his work.

You just needed one more
thing to push it over the edge.

What was the last ingredient, Roy?

- Turned you into a k*ller.
- I've already told you that.

What, that god's light crap?

- What did you say?
- You heard me.

God's light is not..

God's light is real.

It's real.


Roy, what are you doing here?

- Where's Kelly?
- Gone.

- I have to speak to her.
- Yeah, me, too.

- Now.
- What's the big emergency?

I have to marry her.

Get in the line, pal. I'm first.

No, really, she's my Mary.

She's going to New York, Roy.
I'm going with her.

- You don't understand.
- Hey, watch the uniform.

- She's my Mary Magdalene.
- Who's that?

Don't you read the Bible,
go to church?

Look, Roy, I know
you're a Jesus freak.

What? / Personally, I don't give
a rat's ass about god. I'm sorry.

Over at the Frankinstein
Rocky Horror Picture Show

There's a light.

Over at the Frankenstein place.

There's a light.

Burning in the fireplace.

There's a light, light

In the darkness

of everybody's life.
Request For Extradition

In the velvet darkness,

Of the blackest night,

Burning bright,

There's a guiding star.

No matter what or

who you are.

There's a light.

Over at the Frankenstein place.

There's a light.

Burning in the fireplace.

There's a light, light.

In the darkness

of everybody's life.

The darkness must go down

the river of night's dreaming.

Flow morphia slow,

let the sun and
light come streaming

Into my life.

Into my life.

There's a light.

Over at the Frankenstein place.

There's a light.

Burning in the fireplace.

There's a light, a light.

In the darkness

of everybody's life.
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