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05x05 - And the firm had two partners...

Posted: 07/29/21 08:33
by bunniefuu

♪ One, ooh la-la ♪

♪ One, one, ooh la-la, one. ♪



With just the lipstick, nothing fancy.

I'm in a bit of a

rush today. Um...

I know I said that the soul within me,

no man can degrade, but...

I may have been mistaken.

- I like the monkey.

WOMAN: I just finished my
second double shift this week,

and the administrators here

are telling us not to spend too
much time on certain patients.

I've seen people die
that shouldn't have.

MAN: This was a

once-in-a-century pandemic.

Once in a century.

The medical workers are
being championed as heroes.

They gave of their time,

- they gave of their lives...
- Do you have a question,

- Mr. Glubman?
- How can you now

sue the same heroes

for the death of one person?

That person was my daughter.

And I am sorry for your loss, Mr. Rivi,

but Harbor Hospital is not responsible

- for your daughter's death.
- Pia's death.

Use her name.

She died in your hospital

with no one to hold her.

To comfort her, kiss her cheek.

She was in perfect health,

and you...

you let her die.

We let nobody die, sir.

CARMEN: Well, then release the records.

It's your hospital. Why are
they being denied to us?

We've already said
HIPAA rules prevent us

from sharing Pia's medical records

- with unauthorized recipients.
- I am her father.

Unauthorized includes family members.

Legally, she was an adult and
entitled to medical privacy.

I have a new exhibit to introduce.

A video created by a
Harbor Hospital employee.

WOMAN: And the crazy thing is

we treat our VIPs like they're royalty.

But if you're not a VIP?

COVID is a k*ller,

but if you're Black or
brown at this hospital,

that's worse.

CARMEN: Did Pia Rivi

receive inferior treatment
at Harbor Hospital

because she was Latinx?

Of course not.

That... that is offensive.

And, uh, we will need time to verify

that this "video" is real.

Well done. Bien hecho.

Ah, muchas gracias.

It comes from having
a good investigator.


I want you to meet my wife. She, uh...

she kept me sane when I was in prison.

There she is.

Wait, wait, wait. Wait.


This is Carmen.

CARMEN: Hello, Mrs. Rivi.

The hospital administrator
told the lawyer

that if we really had this Dr. Debby,

they would have to settle at $ million.

Would $ million be
acceptable to you, Mr. Rivi?

Anything to make them hurt.

I want them to know
they hurt my daughter.

Nice meeting you.

Thank you.

JULIUS: Thank you for
sitting down with me.

I just want to make sure that,
this, this hand-off is, uh,

seamless and nothing
falls through the cracks.

I appreciate that, as does Kurt.

I've been in touch with
the FBI, Madeline Starkey.

Her, uh, suspect, Dylan Pike,

he's not as tight-lipped as Kurt.

No one is as tight-lipped as my husband.

How can I help?

On a scale of one to ten,

what is Kurt's willingness
to take a deal?

He's not on that scale.

That is not an option.

I'm fairly certain

that I can get him less than one year.

- Two-year probation.
- Why are you even discussing deals?

Kurt is innocent.

So was I.

But we decided that jail
time was the best option.

You know as well as I, that...

sometimes, it's not about innocence.

Jay brought you some information.

What was it?

I can't divulge that.

He clearly found something
incriminating about Kurt,

or you wouldn't even
be considering a plea.

Diane, I'm not at
liberty to discuss priv...

Your lawyer-client privilege

extends to everyone at this firm.

You're not asking me as a lawyer.

You're asking me as his wife.

And I'm not going to
participate in any charade

that ignores the spousal
issues at play here.

Then I should leave.


Talk to your husband, Diane.

He gives me permission,

I can talk.

Bad news.


You first.

I found Dr. Debby.

Her full name is Deborah Hammond,

and she passed away,
two weeks ago from COVID.


You say "darn".

I won't be offended if you say "damn".

Parental training.

- Ah.
- I also start every email with "Dear".

- What?
- Uh...

Nothing. Uh...

- G-Go ahead.
- Are you okay?

Uh, yes. It's just the lights.

I had a COVID thing last year.

- It's nothing serious.
- Oh. Uh...

Harbor Hospital sent over
the breakdowns we subpoenaed,

but their stats don't show
any substantial disparity

between races when it
comes to COVID deaths.

We need to find someone at the hospital

willing to back up Dr.
Debby's allegations.

I'll get on that.

- Yes?
- Uh...

A bunch of us hit the bar across
the street, on Wednesdays,

to de-stress.

If you ever want to join us,

we'd love to have you.

I generally like to cling to my stress.

It keeps me sharp.


I'll think about it.

DIANE: You're not hearing me.

I hear every word you say.

Then why are you willfully
withholding information?

Anything you tell me

is protected by the firm's privilege

and marital privilege.

Then why did you call the FBI?

- Maybe I should go.
- No, stay.

It was the right thing to do.

I never thought it would
blow back on you.


We need to discuss
this Congressional tour

that you arranged for Dylan Pike,

the day before the insurrection.

DIANE: Pike was a veteran.

You work at the VA.

Helping him was, was part of your job.

JULIUS: We're not
constructing rebuttal, yet.

I want to hear, in Kurt's own
words, what he was thinking.

I was doing him a favor. He asked.

I made a call. That's it.


Do you plan on being a
part of every conversation

I have with Kurt?


I'm a good lawyer, Diane.

[GRUNTS] But I'm a
lousy couples therapist.

You could find one of
those for a lot less.

Did I make you think
I wanted a therapist?

I just need to know when
I'm talking to my colleague,

and when I'm talking to Kurt's wife.


Let me ask you, as his wife,

are you still talking
about taking a deal?


He's done nothing wrong.

And if I ask you as a lawyer?

It's not good.

The Feds want a head.


So, you shot Dr. Debby's videos?


Yeah, I tried to do the
one-shot Goodfellas thing

down the hallway, into the ICU.


f*cking hospital rules.

I had to keep throwing in a cut.

Dr. Debby had you upload
the videos to TikTok?

Yeah. I edited them
together with a whip pan.

I got this really cool software.

What do you mean,
"edited them together"?

TikTok only lets you
upload about a minute.

You know, four -second
videos strung together.

I helped Dr. Debby
pick which takes to use.

I added the captions, the filters.

I added the whip pan.

- She did a lot of takes?
- God, yes.

People think this disease

only affects old people or poor people.

But let me tell you...

Last week, the husband
of our CEO was admitted.

Sharon Booth's husband.

Of course, they rolled out
the red carpet for him.

Which meant we had to move five
other patients out of the ICU.

Poor things. [SOBBING]

Can I get a copy of this?


♪ ♪


♪ ♪

Look out. Coming through.

Coming through! Coming through!

- Coming through! Move!

This guy's in bad shape.

- Out of the way!





Hi, Diane.

Ugh, why isn't my office like this?

- Your view's so pretty.
- What do you want, Madeline?

I want that throw pillow,
two of them, just like that.

I'm not Kurt's lawyer anymore.

This way.

Well, I think you should see these.

I'm not Mr. McVeigh's lawyer.

Yes, but you are his wife.

As you can see, these are the b*ll*ts

taken from your apartment
when we searched it.

As you can see, when we opened the boxes

of Kurt's shotgun shells...
Hold on. Hold on.

We found initials drawn
on each of the shells.

Look, here's a T.M.

A B.T.

Another T.M.

At first, we were confused
about the whole initials thing.

You know? But then
Dylan Pike pointed out

that they were the
initials of legislators

of the Illinois General Assembly.

Could you get security up here?

- This woman is harassing me.
- Harassing?

Someone like me? A federal agent.

This federal agent is harassing me.

Please ask security to meet me upstairs.

So, that's right, Dylan Pike informed us

that your husband has designs
on a similar insurrection

against the General Assembly.

He also had these zip ties,

and plans to kidnap five
top Springfield legislators

and put them on trial. Whoa.

You understand, I'm a seasoned lawyer.

This doesn't work on me.

I'm not going to run

crying to my husband, "How could you?"

The very fact that you came
to me and not Kurt's lawyer

shows how weak you
think your evidence is.

So, here's a piece of advice, Madeline,

one wife to another.

If you believe these photos,
don't bring them to me.

Take them to Julius, and
tell him to make a deal.

And good luck.

I'm going to guess you're Carmen Moyo.

I am.

Who are you?

Ricardo Diaz.

Well, only my mother
calls me Ricardo though.

Most people call me Racehorse.


Where's Mr. Glubman?

[CHUCKLING]: I don't know.

When I called him, he was crying

too much to explain where he was.

Maybe you were too
formidable an adversary.

You're his replacement, Mr. Diaz?

Just Racehorse is fine.

Well, Mr. Glubman promised
me a settlement offer.

[SCOFFS] Yeah, well,
that's not going to happen.

I enjoy fighting too much.

And you look like a fun opponent.

Look, I hope you don't mind if
I depose one of your witnesses,

a Dr. Deborah Hammond.

Dr. TikTok.

Dr. Hammond is deceased.

Well, that ought to keep
her answers brief.

I seem to remember hearing
that there was an acute shortage

of trained medical personnel
due to the COVID pandemic.

Is that what you
remember as well, Doctor?

Okay, uh, are we done here?

Yet, even in the midst
of a nationwide shortage,

you were let go.

See, the way I see it,

smells of incompetence.

Or retaliation.

See, I wonder, Doctor,
if you wouldn't agree

that there are a number
of factors that go into

the type of treatment
a patient receives,

and some that have nothing to
do with race or connections.

For instance, there's
the patient's own wishes.

Is Harbor Hospital prepared

- to make a settlement offer?
- No.

But they are prepared to respond to one.

You see, as of : a.m. this morning,

a counterclaim for defamation was filed

- on Harbor Hospital's behalf.
- Great negotiating tactic.

Here's the thing, Miss Moyo.

Ask your drug-kingpin client if
he's happy about being deposed.

Remind him he has to answer
every question I ask him

on the record.

Then we'll talk settlement.

I'll get back to you.


You're a year out of
law school, sweetums.

[CHUCKLES] Let's see how
you do against a real lawyer.

Good luck.

♪ ♪

♪ ♪

- Synced and corrected by[font color="# BFFF"] Firefly[/font] -
- [font color="# ffff"]www.addic[/font] -

♪ ♪

♪ ♪

♪ ♪

DIANE: So...

This is what the AUSA said
they found in our house

when they searched.

Are they yours?


The shotgun shells and the zip ties?


Dylan Pike says you're
leading an insurrection

of the Illinois Assembly,
and these are the initials

of the legislators that
you intend for each b*llet.



Is that not true?

Did she say why every legislator
had the same initials

T.M. and B.T.?

These aren't initials?

No. Why would I put initials
on buckshot shells?

T.M. means Tungsten-Matrix,
a metal alloy shell.

And B.T. is Bismuth-Tin,
a non-toxic alloy.

And the zip ties?

Those are five-inch zip ties.

They're too thin for humans.

They're used to tag a deer.

[CHUCKLING] Okay, Kurt.

This is where my ignorance of
hunting, uh, works against me.

So, please, feel free
to keep clueing me in.

Just ask me questions.

And, Diane...

you should never let
Starkey come to you.

- You should always send her to me.
- Please. She chased me.

Don't let her chase you.

The bigger issue, if you
ask me, is Dylan Pike.

He's a coward.

Who's lying about Kurt
to reduce his sentence.

I would agree.

Which is why, it's-it's
just insane, Kurt,

for you to stay silent.

And I know it's your code.

- Your stupid cowboy code.
- You keep saying that.

- Because it's true.
- No.

No, because I don't like
how the authorities

use lies like these to get
me to turn on someone.

Dylan Pike is going
to send you to prison,

because he knows you
won't respond to his lies.

I mean, John Wayne doesn't punch
first, but he does punch back.

- I'm just a John Wayne cartoon to you?
- JULIUS: Wait. Wait. Wait.

Kurt, you don't want to name names.

I can respect that.

But, uh, how did Dylan Pike

know about the marking
system on your shells?

We talked when we were
at the firing range.

And were there other people there?

I can't say that.

But you can talk to those other people.

And if they contradict
what Pike was saying,

then, maybe, we can
undercut the Feds' case.

DIANE: So, you're saying
that Kurt could go

to these other witnesses
and get them to back him up?


Then Kurt isn't turning over names.


Marissa, what are you
doing? I need your help.

I need you to follow someone.

Are you sure you don't want to
be asking Jay to handle this?

Since he's a full-time investigator.

No. I'm asking you.


I'll get on it.



Ms. Reddick,

you've met Mr. Rivi, and
this is his wife Isabel.

Isabel is asking for you
to wait outside, Carmen.

Of course.

I have to interpret for her.

We lost our interpreter last week.

Bueno. Dale.

Harbor Hospital replaced
their lawyer with a ringer.

Racehorse Diaz.

Yes. That is my understanding, but...

h-he's a mercenary.

But a tough mercenary.

Diaz wins every case he takes.

But he's not unbeatable.

- No!

No. ¡Carajo!

LIZ: "I don't want that
girl on our case..."

Oh, uh, Mrs. Rivi, Carmen
is very resourceful.

And I'm not as up-to-date on your case.

I-I would only hold her back.

RIVI: Does our business matter to you?

Of course.

Your associates, across the hall,

joked about my husband being...

... a k*ller w*tback?

They what?

I want to know if our
business matters to you.

Because we can easily
take it somewhere else.

Mrs. Rivi, Mr. Rivi...

I apologize for my associates' behavior.

I will read up on your case,

and I will join it today.


Did one of you use a
Mexican slur about Rivi?

You're all fired.

All of you.

Collect your things and go, now.

You took these videos, Mr. Novacek?

Am I pronouncing your name correctly?

Yeah. And yeah, I took the videos.

Let me show you another one.

Oh, I want some food.

I'm hungry.

Where's my food?


What is your point, Mr. Racehorse?


Let me tell you, Mrs. Reddick.

It's so good to have you join us.

I welcome the competition.

Now, did you take that
Tiktok video too, Elliot?

- But you posted it for Dr. Debby?

- Yes.
- Good.

Let me show you another one.

♪ Twelve... ♪

♪ Bed... ♪

♪ Pans... ♪

Oh! Oh!


She's a bad person because
she made fun videos?

So, tell me, Mr. Novacek, did Dr. Debby

give you specific instructions

as to the time of day to
post her videos on TikTok?

Yeah. : a.m. to : a.m.

Hmm. And why was that?

It's the best window
for follower engagement.

Much as I don't want to
disparage the good doc,

it seems her social
media popularity was...

- Important?
- Objection.

On what grounds?

General assh*le-ry.

Did Dr. Debby ever mention
to you why she cared

about follower engagement?

- I mean, it's not a bad thing.
- I'm not judging, just asking.

Uh, she was trying to build her brand.

She thought she could get on

one of those Married
to Medicine

WOMAN: Dr. Debby?

She was heroic for her patients.

She cared.

So, you don't think she
was looking for attention?

Look, I don't want to speak
ill of the dead, but...

... she was complicated.

A clout chaser.

She'd pull folks from their stations

to do confessionals for the camera.

Could that be interpreted

as just trying to get the message out?

Yeah, well, that's less important

when we needed her, and she was down

some social media rabbit hole.

Did you ever see the "Dance
Dance Nurse Challenge"?

♪ When the trap burst ♪

♪ Don't talk that trash to me ♪

♪ Don't slick back... ♪


♪ 'Cause my clique get
money like athletes ♪

- ♪ That's a whole damn bag ♪

♪ We stackin' these, huh ♪

♪ Don't talk that trash to me ♪

♪ We be puttin' in work,
dawg, bag the piece... ♪



You okay?


Uh, w-where did you film this challenge?






♪ ♪


JAY: Mexico.

MAN: Why Mexico?

I want to go one day.

I've never been.

MAN: I-I've been to Puerto Vallarta.

[STRAINING]: The beach is pretty.

Real pretty.


Why are we here?


Because we're dying.


When did you last see a doctor?

MAN: Yesterday.

No. No, it was, it was...
It was Thursday.

What's your name?

- Woody.
- Jay.


I'm reaching out my hand.

Can, can you grab it?

I'm trying.

Let's do this.

Let's keep each other alive.




What is that?

[GROANING] Oh, I don't know.

What number do you want it to be?




I don't know.

I don't know either.


We should not be talking.

You heard about Dylan?

I don't want any part
of it. I'm actually

trying to de-stress here,
if you don't mind.

Dylan told the FBI that I was planning

to as*ault the Illinois Assembly.


My mother agreed to babysit
an hour a week. I had to beg.

This is my mommy-rejuvenation time.

[SIGHS] It would really help me

if you would tell the
authorities the truth.

You did not give them my name, did you?

I wouldn't do that.

There were others there; ask them.

I did.

They won't come forward.

All I can see...

is my little girl...

without me.

I cannot do that to her.

I have to protect my child.

I cannot get arrested.

You won't.

I'm really sorry.

But my daughter comes first.

Hey, stay.

Fire a round with me.

It helps.


[g*nf*re CONTINUES]






Trying to sleep? [CLEARS THROAT]


My mom said, when you can't sleep...

[GRUNTS] ... sing.

Sing what?


♪ Yesterday was so good ♪

♪ But today is so bad ♪

♪ Now I'm wondering... ♪

Fantastic Negrito?


I don't know.

Do you see Frederick Douglass?


Who's that?


Reach out your hand.


Here they come.

They think you're in a coma.

Those are pneumonia.

The rest can be heart failure.

They don't think we're
conscious, do they?

No. You're in a coma.

As far as I know,

the Hippocratic Oath
only covers medicine,

not TikTok.

So, you deny your husband
received any special treatment?

I think she already said that, but sure,

let's have her say it again.

All right. This time I'll
make it more interesting.

Our hospital staff has gone
through anti-racism training,

and it is a priority for us

that we give all of our
patients the equivalent care.

- Irrespective of race?
- Yes.

We've had more deaths in our
hospital from heart failure

and pneumonia than from COVID.

LIZ: Great. Well, can-can
I see those numbers?

[WHISPERS]: Ask about
pneumonia deaths by race.

I think they switched COVID deaths

to pneumonia among Blacks.

- How do you know?
- I don't. Ask.

- LIZ: Pretty straightforward. I mean, if you say...
- May I interrupt?

I have a quick question
to ask, if you don't mind.

- Go ahead.
- Ms. Booth,

do you know the racial
breakdowns for pneumonia

and heart failure deaths
at Harbor Hospital?

Not off the top of my head, no.

No problem.

We'll subpoena them.

Do you have any idea
how many people of color,

whose cause of death was listed
as pneumonia or heart failure,

also had COVID?

BOOTH: There was some overlap there

with patients of all races,

but I-I don't have the
specific numbers at this time.

Did the hospital staff, in fact,

reclassify COVID deaths
among Blacks as pneumonia,

so that only were listed?

BOOTH: How...

How did you get that number?

LIZ: That's not the question.

The question is whether it's accurate?

The hosp...

I will have to check with my staff.

Well, please do.

We'll be waiting.

DIAZ: Let's call a recess.

I wouldn't mind stretching my legs.


Take your time stretching them,


Where did you get that number?

I was at the hospital.

Yeah, but where did you get the number?

A memory.

Can we get any more of these memories?

I don't know.

- What else?
- What else do I remember

- from being at the hospital?
- Yes.

I checked the records,
and you were there

the same time as Pia.

What I remember...

- won't be helpful.
- Why not?

Well, I remember Frederick
Douglass and Karl Marx

sitting in a corner talking to me.

DOUGLASS: That's not a good idea.

- You had hallucinations?
- Yes.

So, you're not sure what's real

- and what isn't?
- Yes.

But the number of COVID
deaths being reduced,

- you had an exact number.
- DOUGLASS: No one wants an investigator

who can't distinguish between
reality and hallucinations.

JAY: Could you say that again?

- No one wants a...
- But the number... - Not you.

Are you hallucinating now?


I have some long-haul COVID symptoms.

And that results in some...

- cloudiness in my thinking.
- Good.

- "Cloudiness" is good.
- But your memories

about the reduced COVID numbers,

- they were specific.
- Hmm.

JESUS: That's because the nurses thought

you were in a coma
and couldn't hear them.

- But he was in a coma.
- Right, and he could hear

- in a coma.
- The soul transcends the body...

- For a few weeks,

I was in a coma and...

I could hear the nurses talking over me.

- JAY: Uh, they couldn't hear me...

- What? What?

CARMEN: So, you heard them admit things

they wouldn't admit to a patient?

Or you imagined you heard them?

That's the question.

See, I'm not sure.

Could we talk over here?


I'll need you to go back
through all your memories,

and try and distinguish
between the real ones

and the imagined ones.

Are you okay?


Functional, anyway.

- Thank you.
- Mm-hmm.

Oh, here we all are.

Diane, I'm so glad you could make it.

Yes. And as long as you know that Diane

is not Kurt's lawyer... I am.

I just thought it was best
to keep us all up-to-date.

And thank you for meeting me out here.

They're cleaning my windows.

They get a bit coated.

I would like to update you on, uh,

just a few things you
presented to Diane.

Oh, the shotgun shells. Yeah.

Apparently, your husband
made them all by himself.

- U-Uh, Madeline.
- Mm-hmm?

Dylan Pike is playing you.

The markings are about pellet count.

T.M. is Tungsten-Matrix.
B.T. is Bismuth-Tin.

Well, that's not all I've got.

Yes, the, uh, zip ties.

- Mm-hmm.
- Not for humans.

They're for tagging deer.

- Check online.

Yeah, well. That's not all I've got.

Ah, yes. I hope not, because this is...

This is disappointing.

- Mm-hmm. Yeah.

Sorry. We still haven't solved
the bird problem, but, um...

You might want to look...

at that.

- What is that?
- It's Kurt's manifesto.

- Really?
- Mm-hmm.

Yeah, it's calling on
like-minded patriots

to stand up for their rights,

- to not allow the left to push them out.

"We can have the nation
we want, but they're not

going to just give it to us.
We'll have to fight for it".

- Kurt didn't write that.
- Diane...

It is signed with a pseudonym,
true, but it was in his files.

- Let me see.
- Sure.

That's a copy. You can keep that.


You want one?




- What is this place?

Can you see what she's writing?

No, I can't.

Here. Pull my hand.

And I'll be in position.



JAY: What's it say?

WOODY: "No Visitors in the Pit".

What's the Pit?

- I think...
- Mm.

I think we're in the Pit.


What was the Pit, Dr. Bernard?

Where is this fishing expedition
coming from, young lady?

It's coming from a land called
"None of your f*cking business".

Would you like Ms. Moyo to
repeat the question, sir?

Uh, no.

Originally it was a waiting room

for patients and their family members.

With the pandemic, family members
were no longer allowed

on the premises, and a lot of
the hospital staff ended up

using it as a break room.
Because it was in the basement,

- we called it the Pit.
- The Pit?

Was it outfitted to care for patients?

- No.
- So, no oxygen lines,

no monitors...

Was that a question? The witness
said it was a break room.

We are entitled to ascertain what was

and was not in the room.

In the month of April ,

there were patients in
the break room, or Pit,

- as you call it.
- We were overwhelmed.

We had to make room where we could.

That included hallways, and yes,

turning our break room into a...

temporary patient room.

[WHISPERS]: Douglass Wood.

Are you familiar with a patient
named Douglass Wood?

- Yes.
- DIAZ: Wait.

What does this have to do with anything?

I don't know. Why don't
we find out together.

According to hospital records,

you were his attending physician

until he was transferred off your floor.

Why was he sent to the Pit?

Again, we had to maximize space.

I don't think you understand
how many near-death patients

were being sent to us every single day.

Had Douglass Wood ever coded
prior to being sent to the Pit?

Yes. He was resuscitated twice.

Were there any ventilators in the Pit?


So you sent someone who had
needed to be resuscitated prior

to a part of the hospital that
didn't have any ventilators?

- Why was that?
- He stopped responding to treatment.

We had other patients who
were responding to treatment

better than he was.

CARMEN: So, you banished
him to the Pit to die?



- Woody, hold on to me.

BERNARD: You think we sent
anyone down there on a whim?

Intake was through the roof.

There were refrigerated trucks
with bodies stacked up inside.

We were working to the point of
physical and mental exhaustion.

Douglass Wood and Pia Rivi died

because, back then,

we knew less about the
virus than we know now.

Blame the federal
government for that, not me.

Well, are you aware, Doctor,
that the overwhelming majority

of patients who were sent to
the Pit, including Douglass Wood

and Pia Rivi, were Black or brown?


Come on, sing...

- He's not letting go.
- We got a call to move him.

"We got a call".


MAN: What'd he say?

WOMAN: I don't know. "Who", I think.

BERNARD: I don't do
statistical analysis.

CARMEN: You also never set
foot in the Pit, did you?

BERNARD: No, I didn't.

WOMAN: Here.

- His friend is dead.

♪ ♪


CARMEN: I have no further questions.

DIAZ: Doctor...

You were also the attending
physician for Pia Rivi,

who was the plaintiff's daughter.

- Were you not?
- BERNARD: I was.

- DIAZ: You sent her to the Pit?
- No, I didn't.

DIAZ: Well, she was
pretty bad off, wasn't she?

BERNARD: Her condition
rapidly deteriorated.

Hmm. And from her admitting forms,

you were aware of the fact
that she was Latinx, yes?

- I was aware of it.
- Well,

given the slanderous accusations

- made by opposing counsel...
- Objection.

... why wasn't Miss Rivi
sent to the Pit?

I'm not proud of saying this, but...

... we knew who her father was.

DIAZ: Hmm.

And knowing who he was,

you knew he was a convicted
narcotics trafficker

who had committed, or
ordered to be committed,

- m*rder on multiple occasions.
- BOTH: Objection.

Setting aside whether it's true or not,

the hospital staff was aware of it?


And did knowing that

affect the kind of care she received?

She had a private room
and round-the-clock nurses.

We did everything humanly
possible to keep her alive.

We were terrified of what
would happen to us if we didn't.

We're still terrified.



When I was...

Um, when I had COVID,
and I was in the Pit,

I heard the nurses say they got
a call to get me out of there,

out of the Pit.

And that probably saved my life.

Was that you?

Jay, I'm...

No, I mean, I'm...

- I'm sorry. I...
- That-That's okay.

That's okay. I...

was just trying to figure out who.

I wish, I wish that it had been me.

But I-I just didn't know
how bad off you were.

Me neither.

Maybe it...

it was your sisters.

I mean, I think they knew.

Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, my sisters.


This is quaint.

I guess walls can be overrated,
in some situations.

May I help you, Mr. Diaz?

No. It's how I may help you.

I'm calling Rivi as my next witness.

Mr. Rivi's testimony
has already been taken.

Well, not by me.

I'm no Counselor Glubman. [CHUCKLES]

There's always another
option for you, of course.

Oh, yeah?

What is that?

Drop the case?

No. No, no, no.

We're willing to settle.

I think I can get the hospital
to agree to a payout of, uh...

Ten dollars.


Call me by tomorrow.


That's Racehorse's go-to.

He'll, uh, he'll get Rivi under oath,

ask him about his businesses,

try to get him to incriminate himself.

What should I do? I
don't want to lose this.

Well, then you need to tell your client

the upside and the downside.

This can only be his decision.


- Yes?

I want to learn from you.

I don't...

My attitude is knowing.

But it's, it's just my attitude.

It's not who I am.


When I was your age,

I acted exactly the same way.

I wanted to be perfect.

So, I acted like I was perfect.

Because bluff is-is always
a part of it, but just...

Just let me help you, when I can.

Ask questions.

I will.

Tell Rivi,

it's his decision whether
to go forward or not.


if Racehorse does depose him,

we'll find a way to punish him.

I like the sound of that.

My guess is Rivi will, too.

DIAZ: Señor Rivi.

When was the last time
you saw your daughter

prior to her hospitalization?

In, uh, .

So, you hadn't seen her in
the six years before she died?

RIVI: We talked on the phone.

DIAZ: Oh, that's nice. How often?

- RIVI: Once a month.
- Mm.

Well, I suppose "often" is relative.

How often do you talk to
your daughter, Racehorse?

I'm not being deposed, Liz.

Yes, but you just made
a comment about "often",

and I just, I just want to compare it

to, uh, the three times
that you've spoken

to your daughter in
the past three years.


You talked to my daughter?

No, I just find that Instagram

is a cornucopia of treasures these days.

Can I continue?

I think the word you're
looking for is "May I?"

- But sure, go ahead.
- Mr. Rivi,

would it be fair to describe
your relationship

with your daughter as strained?

RIVI: We loved each other.

Yeah, we had issues.

But, um...

we were working through them.

Well, did these issues have anything

to do with you being a m*rder*r?

LIZ: Do not falsely label
my client. Carmen?

His sentence was overturned.

Apologies. Señor Rivi,

what right do you have
to sue Harbor Hospital

for pain and suffering,
when your own daughter

- wanted nothing to do with you?
- LIZ: Okay, Racehorse.

You're just creating
your own narrative here.

For all your client's stated
concern about the treatment

of Black and Latinx people
at Harbor Hospital,

I wonder if it ever occurred to him

how many of them died from
the dr*gs he got rich peddling.


Oh, so business isn't
good? I could imagine

a prison stay wouldn't
be great for sales.

Unless you had a trusted
number two at the helm.

You're just sounding
desperate, Racehorse.

It's funny, I actually have
it under good authority

that business has never
been better for you.

But you just got out, so...

... who's been in charge
while you were gone?


You're, you're going to have
to actually ask a question

if you want to get an answer.

No, I think Isabel knows
what I was asking.

But I will repeat it for the camera.

I asked Mr. Rivi,

was your wife in charge
of your drug empire?

Objection! This has nothing...

And is she, in fact, still in charge?!

- That's it!
- Ah.

This is over!

[CHUCKLES] It's a good way
to get around FBI bugging.

Have a wife who relies on sign language.


LIZ: Oscar...



- LIZ: We need security up here!

- Security!
- CARMEN: Oscar, no!

- LIZ: Gentlemen, please!
- _

Stop it!


CARMEN: Oscar. Oscar!


Dejalo. Dejalo.


- CARMEN: Oh, God.
- LIZ: We need a medic!

We need a medic on the
rd floor, right now!

Oh, shit.


- No puedo, Oscar.
- LIZ: Racehorse?



♪ The wheels on the bus
go round and round ♪

- ♪ Round and rou... ♪


Hello. I'm Kurt McVeigh's wife.


I think we should talk.

You need to come clean with the FBI.

- What do you mean?
- I mean,

you need to give the Feds
the names of all the people

in your group, so that
Kurt doesn't take the fall,

since he's done nothing
wrong to any of you.

I haven't done anything wrong either.


"I'm more ambitious

for a reputation of personal courage".

I recognized that phrase from
a video you shot for the NRA.

- Straight out of Churchill, isn't it?
- What do you want?

What I want is for you not to exist.

What I'll get is for you
to go to the Feds

and clear my husband
of all these charges.

I'm not guilty. I didn't do anything.

I don't give a f*ck.
You wrote this manifesto.

You're hiding the names
of your little g*n group.

And my husband is being
f*cked over in the process.

So, you tell the Feds
that he is innocent.

I have to pick up my daughter.

Yes, I know. I checked you out online.

I think it's strange that a
dedicated g*n-rights advocate

would have any issues
with being publicly tied

to this little manifesto.

But... Mm.

I guess you're worried what
your Gymboree group might think.

You have until tomorrow.

After that, I'm telling
the FBI that it's you.

- ♪ Round and round, the whe... ♪
- Shit!

JAY: Diane...

I need to ask you a question.


When I was at the hospital, a year ago,

someone called for me.

Uh, to get me into a hospital room.

Was that you?

Was it me?

Who got me out of an area
where patients were sent to die?

I wish I could say yes, Jay.

I didn't know you were in trouble.

I-I would've called.

DAVID: Why the f*ck
aren't you asking me?

I make calls all the time.

What're you talking about?

Well, think about it.

I know everyone at the
Harbor Hospital board.

I did half of their divorces

and went to college with the other half.

I kept track of any of
our troops that got sick.


You didn't really?

- Did you?
- Of course I did.

It takes a call from someone like me.

That's how you get the
best seat in the restaurant,

or a hospital room.


Thank you. I...

Jay, it was a business decision.

Forget it.

The moment has passed.

Does it mean less when
your patron is an assh*le?

I don't know.

You're alive.

I'm not.

I'm sorry.

I am, too.

Thank you.

I know the risk you're taking.

That's great news.

Again, thank you.


Okay. Good.


Want one?

Good news?

Julius was right.

One of the other sh**t
is coming forward

to contradict Dylan Pike.

Oh. That's great.


It's amazing how close we
came to disaster just then.

[CHUCKLES] It always is.

You watch my back, I'll watch yours.

It's a deal.


This moment will never come again.



♪ I was waltzin' ♪

♪ With my darlin' to the Tennessee ♪

Are we gonna be okay?

♪ Waltz ♪

- ♪ When an old friend ♪
- We're gonna try.

♪ I happened to see ♪

♪ I introduced him to my loved one ♪

♪ And while they were dancin' ♪

♪ My friend stole ♪

♪ My sweetheart from me. ♪