15x19 - Underworld - part 3

Episode transcripts for the 1963 classic TV show "Doctor Who". Aired November 23, 1963 to December 6, 1989. (First to Seventh Doctor)*

Moderators: Kitty Midnight, Kitty Midnight

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What began as an encounter in a London junkyard in 1963 was to become a national institution in the United Kingdom. The crotchety old man - a renegade Time Lord from the planet Gallifrey - who calls himself "The Doctor" has regenerated several times, traveling with several companions for over five decades.
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15x19 - Underworld - part 3

Post by bunniefuu »



Part Three

Original Air Date: 21 January 1978
Running time: 22:21

JACKSON: Right. Blast it.

TARN: Yes, I will immediately. Thank you, Master. (to Rask) Round up the slaves to watch the sacrifice.

TARN: Gas! Shut down the gas! Fumigation! Shut down the fumigation!

DOCTOR: I wonder where it all went?

JACKSON: Did you find it? Did you find the way to the P7E?

HERRICK: No, sir, but this man tried to k*ll me. Look at this.

TALA: Who was he?

HERRICK: I don't know, but the communicator kept calling him Officer Klimt.

JACKSON: Looted from the P7E.

IDAS: Doctor?

DOCTOR: Shush.

LEELA: Doctor!


LEELA: I found another w*apon.

DOCTOR: What? Good.

LEELA: Well, we've got to protect ourselves somehow.


IDAS: Are you, are you really from the stars?


IDAS: The stars really exist, then?

LEELA: Of course they do.

IDAS: And that is not the sky?

LEELA: That is the roof.

IDAS: Roof?


IDAS: Will you take me with you when you return to the stars?



DOCTOR: But we've got problems with the ship.

IDAS: Ship?

LEELA: Yes. With this, here.

IDAS: Yes, your citadel. Yes, we have a citadel, too.

DOCTOR: You do?

IDAS: Yes.

DOCTOR: Where is it?

IDAS: It's where the Seers live, in metal rooms like this. It's where they hold the sacrifices. It's where my father is.

DOCTOR: Could you take us there?


DOCTOR: Why not?

IDAS: There's no time.

DOCTOR: No time? Don't say that to me, I'm a Time Lord. Come on!

LEELA: Do not worry. He has saved many fathers. Come on!

ANKH: Slaves must see the sacrifice, to show them who rules. See to it, Tarn, or you will be next.

TARN: Yes, Master.

RASK: Make the most of these few moments, sl*ve. Enjoy them to the full. They are your last.

DOCTOR: I see. The Oracle tells the Seers.

IDAS: And the Seers tell the guards, and the guards tell us.


LEELA: And you do the work?

IDAS: Yes.

LEELA: Revolution! Wait, Idas. Has no one ever thought of revolution? Has no one ever rebelled?

IDAS: My father did.


DOCTOR: Shush, shush.

K9: Ready.

DOCTOR: Yes, good. Idas, K9 has made us a map of the tunnel. K9, find Jackson, bring him back here then follow us. Off you go.

K9: Retrieve and follow. Affirmative.

DOCTOR: Recognise that?

IDAS: The Tree. We call it the Tree.

DOCTOR: The Tree at the End of the World. Where are we?

IDAS: Here.

DOCTOR: Where's your father? I see. Can we get from there to there quickly?


DOCTOR: Why not?

IDAS: It's forbidden.


IDAS: It's guarded by invisible dragons. Not even the guards can use it, only Seers. They have special powers.

DOCTOR: So do I, Idas. So do I. The Tree at the End of the World's always guarded by dragons. They're fire dragons, aren't they, with tongues of flame.

LEELA: Do not worry. Come on.

IDAS: No, Doctor. That's where the dragons live.

DOCTOR: Really? We'll see if they're at home, shall we? Here, try that.

DOCTOR: No, throw it, don't eat it.


DOCTOR: See the source?

DOCTOR: Got it with that one?

LEELA: Got it.

DOCTOR: Give it a blast.

DOCTOR: Now the door.


DOCTOR: In you go.

LEELA: Oh, no. There's nothing there.

DOCTOR: Yes, there is.

LEELA: No, there isn't.

DOCTOR: Yes, there is. Gravity.

LEELA: Gravity makes things fall.

DOCTOR: Towards the centre. This is the centre. Centre of the planet. Zero gravity, as in space. Watch.

LEELA: Come on. How do we move?

DOCTOR: Just push.



DOCTOR: Ready?


DOCTOR: And push.

They all push upwards with their arms.)

DOCTOR: And push.

DOCTOR: You all right, Idas?

TARN: Gate patrol! Alert! Alert!

ORACLE: Is the time right?

ANKH: The time is right.

ORACLE: Is the sl*ve ready?

ANKH: He is ready.

ORACLE: And those who watch?

ANKH: They are full of fear.

ORACLE: Then shall not the sword ask its question?

ANKH: It shall be done.

ANKH: Let the Lamp of Life be lit.

ANKH: Lamp, burn.

ALL: Lamp, burn.

ANKH: Sword, fall.

ALL: Sword, fall.

ANKH: Ask the question that hangs over all.

ALL: Ask the question that hangs over all.

IDAS: And then the sword falls.

LEELA: Why go to so much trouble?

DOCTOR: Intimidation. The more ritual and mumbo-jumbo, the greater deterrent. That's the whole point of official sadism.

K9: Faster. Imperative move faster.

RASK: Don't move! Throw down the w*apon.

DOCTOR: Throw it down.

RASK: Move!

RASK: Inside! Just in time to follow your father. Move!

ANKH: Ask.

RASK: The intruders, Master. Captured.

ANKH: Bring them forward.


ANKH: They too will answer the question of the sword. Continue.


ANKH: k*ll him! k*ll him!

LEELA: Go! Come on.

IDAS: Yes.

DOCTOR: Into the tunnels! You'll never beat them here!

LAKH: k*ll her!

ANKH: k*ll them!

DOCTOR: Into the tunnels.

RASK: Gate control! Breakout! Slaves! Stop them!

HERRICK: This is more like it! Come on!

JACKSON: Herrick, come back!

LEELA: They've got us on both sides.

IDAS: We could try a rush. Well, we must do something.

IDMON: We must, son. We must.

JACKSON: Cover him!


JACKSON: Come on, Tala. Herrick?

HERRICK: No, Captain. No, you go on. I've waited a long, long time for this. I'm not going to miss it now. Go back, Captain! Goodbye and good luck.

JACKSON: Goodbye, Herrick.

RASK: Good. Not dead yet. Take him inside for questioning.

NAIA: We are born, live and die in the tunnels, until now.

LEELA: There is nothing else?

NAIA: Nothing but the quota. This rock for the crushers.

LEELA: Rock?

NAIA: For fuel. For reprocessing into food so that we can go on working to get more rock. And then there are the skyfalls.

IDMON: Yes. They say they're accidents, but they're not. They can't be. It's the way they keep our numbers down so there's just enough of us to do the work, and no more.

IDAS: (holding a shield g*n) If only we had more of these.

JACKSON: (holding the sword) We can't use the shaft again. They'd wipe us out before we got to the bridge. Is there another way?

IDAS: To the Tree? No.

LEELA: Doctor, Naia says they eat rock. Processed rock.

DOCTOR: Did I ever tell you about the time I went to Blackpool, hmm? If they process rock, they must take it in somewhere. Into the ship, the P7E, mustn't they?

LEELA: Crushers. Naia said something about crushers.

DOCTOR: Crushers. Yes. Yes, there must be another way. Tell me, why do you think Idas calls the tunnel system the Tree?

LEELA: Why shouldn't he? Idas has never seen a tree, has he. Why would he call it a tree?

DOCTOR: The Tree of Life. The race bank. The gift of immortality on the Tree of Life guarded by the dragon.

LEELA: The Oracle?


LEELA: Oh, that's just a myth, a story.

DOCTOR: Ah, myths often have a grain of truth in them, if you know where to look. Everybody here, except us, comes from the same stock as Jackson and company.

LEELA: The same stock?

DOCTOR: Yes. How else do you think they got here on the middle of a new planet?

LEELA: I don't know.

DOCTOR: They're the descendents of the people who came on the P7E. Jackson's probably Idas' great-great-great-great-great-great- grandfather a few times back.

LEELA: Great, great, great

DOCTOR: Yes. Don't worry about it.

LEELA: Great, great

DOCTOR: There is another way into the Citadel, you know.

JACKSON: The bridge'll be guarded.

DOCTOR: But not the goods entrance. They still need fuel, don't they? And they need food and they need rock, and the rock has to be crushed somewhere. Isn't that wonderful? Bring that sword.

DOCTOR: What do you think, Jackson?

JACKSON: It must be done in silence, without giving them a chance to use their weapons. One shot and the alarms'll go and they'll know we're in. It's difficult.

LEELA: But possible, if we can get behind them.

JACKSON: Possible if we can get the maximum of surprise, and if the Doctor's plan works.

DOCTOR: Well, it's not my plan exactly, but it has worked before. A fellow called Ulysses pulled it off a little while ago.


LEELA: Ulysses. Come on.

LAKH: Where are you from?

HERRICK: Minyos.

ANKH: Liar.

ANKH: Minyos was destroyed a hundred thousand years ago.

LAKH: Where are you from?

HERRICK: Minyos.

ANKH: Liar!

TARN: He tells the truth, Master.

LAKH: Silence! We are the only survivors of Minyos.

HERRICK: You? Never.

ANKH: What do you seek here? Why have you come?

HERRICK: I seek the future.

TARN: There is more, Master. He is holding back.

LAKH: What else? We can make your brain boil inside your skull. What else?

HERRICK: There's no reason why you should not know. We are Minyans. We're in search of the cylinders containing the race bank.

ANKH: Race bank?

LAKH: What cylinders?

HERRICK: The cylinders containing the genetic inheritance of the Minyan people. It was placed on board your ship, the P7E.

ANKH: You are mistaken.

LAKH: He is lying. More.

TARN: There is no more, Master. He speaks the truth.

HERRICK: The Quest. The Quest.

ANKH: This is not a ship. Not your P7E. And there is no such thing as this race bank you describe.

HERRICK: If you were Minyans,

LAKH: The guards and slaves are the only people of true Minyan descent. We have evolved far beyond them.

HERRICK: Then who are you?

ANKH: The servants of the Oracle. Seers of the realm of Hedas.

IDMON: The crusher!

The Doctor
Tom Baker

Louise Jameson

Voice of K9
John Leeson

James Maxwell

Alan Lake

Jonathan Newth

Imogen Bickford-Smith

James Marcus

Godfrey James

Jimmy Gardner

Norman Tipton

Guard Klimt
Jay Neill

Frank Jarvis

Richard Shaw

Stacey Tendeter

Voice of the Oracle
Christine Pollon

Assistant Floor Manager
Gary Downie

Rupert Jarvis

d*ck Coles

Film Editor
Richard Trevor

Incidental Music
Dudley Simpson

Cecile Hay-Arthur

Graham Williams

Production Assistant
Mike Cager

Production Unit Manager
John Nathan-Turner

Script Editor
Anthony Read

Special Sounds
d*ck Mills

Studio Lighting
Mike Jefferies

Studio Sound
Richard Chubb

Theme Arrangement
Delia Derbyshire

Title Music
Ron Grainer

Visual Effects
Richard Conway
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