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08x12 - A River in Egypt

Posted: 07/26/21 16:43
by bunniefuu
Previously on ER...

And I'm not leaving
this house.

And I don't care
if I'm uninvited.

I'm not going to
let your father
break up this family.

You said you were picking up.
Who's lying now?

You're right.
The truth is

I was searching
your room because
I don't know

if I can trust you.

You came on to me.

You are not out.

( quietly ):
I am not out at work.

I don't got time for this.

No, I got stabbed!

Where the hell were you?

Are you going to blame me
for taking dr*gs?

I am blaming you
for not being my mother!

Who? Who was it?

Who the hell were
you talking to?

The shopping network,
I swear.

At 3:00 in
the morning?

I couldn't sleep.

I just wanted
some earrings.

Don't lie to me!

No, stop it, Brian!

Who were you
talking to?!



Nobody, I swear.
Brian, please!

Call the police!

Shut up!

Please, call the police!

Shut the hell up!

Stop it, Brian, stop it!

Shut your lying...

( loud thud )

...filthy mouth!
( woman screaming )

( woman screaming )


Can't sleep?

I was hungry.

What are you eating?

PB and chips.

It's good.

Pass some over.

Did I miss the part

where the giant tomato's chasing
Mason Dixon down the sidewalk?

You know this movie?

It's a classic.

I don't really get it.

What's to get?

The tomatoes are K*llers.

Yeah, I figured
that part out.

This is good.

Told you.

This reminds me of when
I used to get up at 5:30

in the morning
to watch the Smurfs with you.

You liked Smurfs?

No, you liked the Smurfs.

I liked the news.

So we did what
I wanted to do.

It's hard to argue
with a two-year-old.

( both chuckle )

Seems like last week.

We need some milk.

Watch this.



( Rachel laughing )

Ooh, it's gross!

This is so stupid.

( still laughing )

You weren't out,
were you?

Nah, I went for a walk.



At 3:00 in
the morning?

It's the only time I can.

Except you can't.

I'm under house arrest now?

Not yet, but you're making me
think about it.

You talk to my teachers

screen my calls,
search my room, which even...

my guidance counselor

considers totally uncool.

Okay, that's enough.

I have to report
to the hospital

after school.
It's like living in a prison.

Go to bed.


Here comes the warden.

Why won't you just

for once treat me
like a thinking person?

What's going on?
When you
start showing

a little better judgment,
maybe I will.

Yeah, I should've when I decided
to come live with you.

I said turn it off!

I want to watch the movie!

Well, that's too bad.

I'm calling Mom.
I'm moving back to St. Louis.

It's not that easy.

Why? You don't want
me here anyway.

Hey, quiet, both of you.

You're going to wake the...

( loud slam )

( baby crying )

All set, ma'am.

Your complaint will
be kept on record.

My complaint?

What about hers?

She says it was
just an argument.

Well, yeah, it was an argument--

he was beating the crap
out of her.

She says he wasn't.

She was screaming

for help.

Not anymore.

Is that it?

Not much else
we can do.

But we appreciate
the call.

Hey, let's get
some sleep, honey.

You must be a real
light sleeper.

( kettle whistling )

Oh. Did I wake you?

Late shift.

I'm sorry.

No, I had to get up
in two hours anyway.

You don't drink coffee.

Actually, I do.

I distinctly recall
you hating coffee.

Yeah, when I was 15.

Oh, it wasn't
that long ago.

What would you like
for breakfast?

( chuckling )

You're offering to cook?

Momentary weakness,
take advantage.

All right, eggs.

Have you, um...

spoken to your
father recently?

Uh, yeah. He called
a couple days ago.

Where's he staying?

He, uh, rented a place
on Michigan.



Do you have his number?



He didn't
give it to me.

Well, I'm sure
that he intends to.

Did he say something?

Maybe you should just let it sit
for a little while.

( cracks egg loudly )

Actually, I was hoping
that you would call him for me.


Or better yet

the three of us could
dip ourselves in a vat of acid.

We made mistakes, John.

I made mistakes,
I know.

But I don't believe that
it's too late to fix it.


I know we
argue a lot.

We didn't mean
to bother you.

You were screaming
for help.

I know.

I called help.

Brian and I have
been together
since high school.

And there's a lot
of history and a
lot of passion...


Anyway... I'm sorry
to bother you.

Is it your ankle?

I'm okay.

Let me take
a look at it.

I don't need any help,


I'm sorry. I'm
late for work.

It's got to be hard for her.

Well, she should deal
with it herself.

Maybe she doesn't
know how.

My mother's not
the retiring sort.

She's tougher
than he is.

Well, nobody's tough

when their life's
falling apart.

( sighing )

You haven't
met her yet.

They're out of vanilla.

Jennifer Lampkin.

Yeah, her ex-husband.

Where are we
on Mrs. McCabe's
gall bladder?

I convinced Surgery
to take her.

How'd you manage that?

I explained that
she had been to the
ER over ten times.

That pain meds
and a clinic
appointment were

no longer

And they accepted that?

Even got her
paperwork started
for Medicaid.

That's excellent.
I have attendings

that can't turf a stable patient
to Surgery.

Have her call me
at the hospital.

It's about Rachel.


Someone's a teacher's pet.

Rumor is he's
about to be

to hall monitor.

What's all this?

Weaver's got a crush.

Oh, yeah. I
I noticed

a little

Or I'm doing well
on my rotation.

Whatever it takes.

Michael, have you ever seen
the erythema multiformae?

Just in
the books.

Come here.
Now's your chance.

Oh, so it's
Michael now,
is it?

( laughter )
Anybody home?

Dr. Greene,

with s*ab wounds to
the face and abdomen.

Good vitals.
ETA ten.

Uh-huh, give it to Susan.

She's great with inmates.

Thank you.

David Zachery,
beat up in a brawl

in an after-hours
hip-hop club. No LOC.

You having any trouble
breathing, David?

Ain't my name.
He goes
by Dimon Z.

You have any
chest pain?

BP 120/70,
pulse 90.

No, my back,
and the twins is moping, man.


I got some serious jug damage.

What does he mean?

My boys hurt.

Ah. Did you get kicked?

Not there.

Okay, can you wiggle
your toes?

Oh, damn, that kills!

Whoa, whoa, whoa.

What happened
to your lip?

Some bitch with a ring.

What started all this?

Bunch of thugs looking
to crank a name.

Oh, yeah?
Dimon's famous?

A major label signed him
just a month ago.

Hey, Chuni,
can you give...


...a room?
Sure. Come on.

You take care
of my man, all right?

What's a common

etiology other
than drug reaction?

Viral infection.

Any one in

Dr. Weaver, Sandy Lopez called
you back.


Herpes Simplex
That girl fire fighter.

Sandy Lopez
from the 38?

That hot one?

The gay one.

Get out of here.

My cousin Rico used
to have a huge crush

on her in high school.

She wouldn't even give him
the time of day.

Yeah, well,
I've seen your
cousin Rico.

I don't blame her.

Abby, 50 of Benadryl
in Exam One

and cover the lesions
with one percent hydrocortisone.

I just got here.

Clock in and get busy.

She said she'd stop by

before her shift to see you.


Are you guys friends?

I treated a
man in her unit
last night.

15-foot fall,
femur fracture,
blunt head trauma.

Gallant, let's get a good
neuro exam on Mrs. Barisch.

Abby, are you okay?


You look a little...

Thank you, Frank.

Abby, grab a gram
of Cefotetan.

BP stable, pulse 100,
protecting his airway.

That your prisoner?

Yeah, what happened?

He must have
been jumped in
County holding.

He's testifying
against a lifer.

I didn't snitch.

I was subpoenaed.

No blood in the nares.

Foreface stable,
neck non-tender.

You're beautiful.

Thank you.

Four, maybe five
superficial cuts

no deeper
than the sub-cue.

Draw up 40 cc's
of lidocaine.

No rebound or guarding.

Push a hundred mikes
of fentanyl.

No. No dr*gs.

You're in pain.

It reminds me
I'm still alive.

Push the meds.

They must be next door.

You got the narc keys, Yosh?

No scrubs?

I didn't have time to change.

Where's the foley?

Belly's benign,

Dimon, we're
going to have

to put a tube in
your penis, okay?

( groaning ):
You are so wrong.

It might be

For you,
'cause I ain't doing it.

We have to check your urine
for blood.

I'll pee in the cup, dog.

Keep that tube away from me.

Carter, your dad's
on line two.

Can you take a
message for me?

DTR's are two
plus and equal

toes down going

Where's the fentanyl?

All we have is morphine.

They haven't restocked.
Try the lock-up.

Hemacue is 14, urine dip's
positive for heme

and leukocyte esterase.

Gross blood?

No, but it's cloudy.

Okay, send a UA.

Over 50 red cells
and we'll image the kidneys.

Where did Abby go?

I need another 20
of lido with epi.

I'll get it.

Hey, he says
he'll call you

when he gets
to New Orleans.

Your dad.

He's flying
to New Orleans at 3:00.


How about a head CT?

It's not necessary.

Well, she's never
had headaches before.

What if it's a
subarachnoid bleed?

That presents as sudden onset
of severe pain.

She's got a mild
chronic headache.

Well, she could have

I think a CT is a good idea.

An outpatient work-up
should be fine.


Hi, it's Kerry.

I heard you were going
to come by

before your shift, but...

I'm a little backed up here,
so let me call you later.

Thanks, bye.

Where's Aisha at?

Getting her
lip sewed up.

Marcus Welby, I'm
going to live?

No internal injuries.

I was worried they put
a cap in you, man.

When I go, brah,
I'm taking the
world with me.

Can I talk to you
for a sec?

This is my boy, CC.

Hey. I want to go over
your lab results.

It's cool.
He can stay.

I got to stay in
bed for a week

and be waited
on hand and foot?

The l-s-spine series
looks good.

( softer ):
But your urine was cloudy.

That why it burns when I whiz?

Yeah, you've got chlamydia.


Good news is,
it's very treatable.

You get that
from nasty booty, right?

It's sexually transmitted, yeah.

No, Aisha's clean.

You got any other partners?

No, man, I love my girl.

Are you two practicing safe sex?

Ain't hurt
nobody yet.

That would be
a "no."

Are you saying Aisha's
stepping out?

Well, let's run
some more labs.

We'll see where we are.

I'm going to need
to get

your consent
for the HIV test.

No, man, she's true.

No, no, it's standard
for any patient with an STD.

He needs one of those?

Mm-hmm. I'll have a nurse
come back, draw some blood.

Whatever, man.

Hey, can I get
some more pudding?

I will see what I can do.

Abby, when you get
a chance, can I get
a red top in Two?


You okay? You
look a little...

Don't say it.

That seems to be
the general consensus.

Too much clubbing?

Well, I was up
most of the night.


Not for fun.

Well, I don't know,
but I saw Frank

a little drag-ass
this morning, too.

You caught me.
I was up all night

slapping Frank's ass raw.


You haven't seen him sit down
today, have you?

Come to think
of it...

Hey, Frank, have
you sat down today?


You a little sore today?

No, why?

Uh, your split lip vagalled when
she saw the lidocaine needle.


the rapper's girlfriend.

Better add on a DNA probe.
He's got chlamydia.

Dad, hey, I got
your message.

No, I was wondering
if you wanted to
squeeze in lunch.

Dr. Weaver,
Romano called again.

What did you tell him?

Told him you
were tied up.

He said to leave
your personal life at home

and get to his office pronto.

Well, no, if you're
already at Midway

I'll just come
meet you there.


Okay, see you
there, bye.

Hey, John, do you know
why Dr. Chen is here?

Deb's here?

Did she say anything to you?

No, actually, you know
I haven't really talked

to her lately.

Doctor, listen...

I wanted to ask you.

Can I get me
one of them tests?

What test?


You know,
that's only

contagious through
sexual contact.



Okay, right.

Uh, Abby, can you start
a new chart here?


You can never trust these ETAs.

You know I'm still waiting
on that hypotensive TC?

Got diverted to Mercy.

Oh, great.

I'm waiting for
a chest pain.

Hey, did you reach her?




What did she say?

She wants to
think about it.

Think about it?
She's her mother.

Well, we can't let Rachel make
these decisions, you know.

Act up, get angry at one

and then punish us
by moving back to the other.

You know, Mark, you
might consider
boarding school.

She could use
some structure.

Yeah, I could sell her off
to pirates.

You develop a sense
of self-worth

community, responsibility.

It worked well for me.

Yeah, but...

But what?

You're British.

Mark, she's out of control.

Thank you, Elizabeth,
I'm aware of that.

Yes, and she's disrupting
our entire life.

I am working on it.

Are you? Or are you
just waiting for
it to blow over?

Julio Echeverria,
passed out in a cab line

at the Bismark Hotel.

GCS 14, complaining of shortness
of breath and chest pain.

Mr. Echeverria,
any heart problems?

I don't think so.

How many am I getting?

Maybe three more.

( groaning )

You got lucky.
These cuts aren't deep.

Whoever did this
didn't want to k*ll you.

I'm well liked.

Or you did
it yourself.

that "Get out

of Jail Free" card?

Yeah, something
like that.

You're the first woman I've
talked to in 14 months.

Yeah, I get that a lot.

In high school I was voted
most likely to marry a convict.

You know, you don't
have to do that.

It could get infected.

Yeah, I wouldn't
want to die

before they get a
chance to k*ll me.

You're on death row?

Cell number FD414.

Scheduled June 6, 02.

The almanac says
it's going to rain.

Who believes the weatherman?


Well, at least I know
how and when and where.

Not like all these poor saps
you see every day

who go to work
in the morning

after fighting with their wives

and never get the chance
to say...

I'm sorry




I'm out of gauze.

Could you, would
you, uh...

would you keep me here a while?

Just so...

I don't have to be there...

a little bit longer?


you might need to be observed
for a couple hours.

Thank you.

Kinney, let her go.

I'll straighten him out.

Uh, that's all right.

Don't lose my tie.
It's a rental.

We'll put everything
into a bag.

Where were you going?

Our Lady of Grace.

Pulse is 90,
sats is 95%.

to about

of the way up.


Rather harsh

You have cardiac damage.

Maybe a heart attack
that started last night.

I have to go.
It's my daughter's wedding.

I'm afraid you're going
to miss it.

( gagging )

Emesis basin!

( retching, splattering )

An aspirin and five
of Metoprolol.

Probably mitral valve

We'll need to
do an echo.

Mr. Echeverria,
you're too sick to go anywhere.

We're going to have to put you
on a monitor.

Would you like us
to call your daughter?

( coughing )

No, don't ruin it.

She'll wonder
where you are

when there's no
one there to
give her away.

She won't.

That was fast.

Nucleic acid
amplification test.

Pretty new.

What'd it say?

Positive for chlamydia.

But we can
clear that up

with a single dose
of Azithromycin.

Is that okay
with protease inhibitors?

You're HIV positive?

For a year now.

I do the clinics.

Does Aisha know this?




Thanks. Uh, are you on
the triple cocktail?

My CD4's pretty good

but I'm just hoping
they'll develop

a once-a-day before too long.

Wait here.

* I hung with this girl,
her name was Lydia *

* She was so freak,
she gave me chlamydia. *

That ain't even funny.

( both chuckling )

Aisha, can you
give us a minute?

Get me a soda, boo.

Root beer?

You know it.


Your rapid HIV
test came back.



No way.

I come here with a bum back,
and you're telling me--

I'm sorry.

I don't do needles,
and I ain't no f*gg*t.

Well, you're positive.


I don't know.

But Aisha should
be tested, too.

I told you, she's clean.

She needs to be tested anyway.

I got confidentiality, right?


You can tell
her yourself.

What if I don't want to?

She's at risk.
You need to tell her.

The high five is heavy.

I ain't letting
that word spread.

Dimon, it is really important
that we find out

how you contracted
the virus.

No root beer, D.

Let's jet.

You need to sit back
in the chair.

This is messed up.
We're out of here.

No, Aisha, I need to take
another look at your lip.

There's a chance we might need
to run some more tests.

She's fine.
You could be at risk
for a range of STDs.

At risk?
What's going down?

Don't get into it now.
You got it,
didn't you?

Back off, bro.
You got to
come clean, man.

What are you
talking about?

Shut it!
We're past
the fronting here, dawg.

You a punk, dawg.
D.! Are you

Shut up.
What is wrong?

We're ghost.
Hey, Malik?

What are you doing?


Ah, Kerry.

Your response time is
impressive, as always.

I didn't know
that we had
a meeting.

You remember Dr. Chen.

I'm on shift, Robert.

Dr. Chen would like
to be reinstated.

We're fully staffed
at the moment

but if something opens up,
I'll keep you in mind.

I'm not asking you
to consider it.

It was your choice to step down.

I've changed my mind, then.

Oh, I'm sorry that
only with hindsight

you've decided...

I didn't decide anything.

You decided I was expendable.

I'm not the doctor
that blew out that man's aorta.

No, you're the doctor
who wasn't there.

You were
for making

a mistake, but rather
than accept it...
The only mistake I made

was allowing you
to sacrifice me...
You ran away in anger

rather than accept
any responsibility. you did Malucci

to save your own ass!

Easy, ladies! If I want to see
a good cat fight

I'd watch The View.
Let's try to keep this civil.

I respect your
abilities as a doctor

but the position's
already been filled.

We're prepared
to file suit
unless that

and two other
conditions are met.

Dr. Chen's record
needs to be expunged

and an official
statement of

attached to her file.

We're trying not to tarnish
any more reputations here.

I don't respond well to threats.

Dr. Weaver...
No, you know what?

You can't screw up and then
whine about being mistreated.

Jing-Mei, you need to grow up.

I don't think it's broken

but I want to get an X-ray
just to be on the safe side.

He's got it,
doesn't he?

What do you mean?

Dimon. He's got
the high five.



You know we
can't discuss

Dimon's medical status
with anybody but him.

I feel you.

But I see he's tripping
'cause he...

he never hit me before.

Does he know that
you're HIV positive?

My viral load's been zero
and he only gives.

I told him wear a rubber anyway.

He said what for?

Wasn't sex to him.

He's on the DL.

Uh, the DL?

Down low.

See, he ain't gay.

He can't be a f*gg*t
and be legit.

He only does guys
'cause women get so stressful.

Uh, does Aisha know about this?

I was just keeping it going...

waiting for the day

he'd come around and get real.

I didn't even think about her.

CC, it is really
important that
we find her.

She has a pager,
but I don't know the digits.

You think you
can get it?

I can try.

Thank you.

Let's order a water's view
to rule out an inferior
orbital rim fracture.

I got a lunch.
Just page me if he
gets that number.

So "down low"
is bisexual?

No, on the side,
in secret.

In the closet.

No, to be in the closet
you have to be gay.

He is gay.

CC's gay, Dimon's
on the down low.

Well, if he's having
a**l sex with his
friend, he's gay.

Not to him.
He's got a girlfriend.

He just sort of gets down
with his buddy for release.

Uh-huh, so down low
means "in denial"?

Yeah, basically.

Have you injured
it before?

Not that I remember.

You feel a pop
or a snap?

Uh, I'm not sure...

Over the bone
or to the side?

Okay, there?


All right, that's a
pretty good sprain.

How'd you do that?

Oh, my husband bought me those
roller shoes for Christmas.

I was practicing.

Turns out I was a little worse
than I thought.

Has the swelling increased?

You triage her?

No, we're neighbors.

I saw her this morning.

Oh, could be an avulsion
off the lateral malleolus.

Get an ankle series.

Is it broken?

I don't see a fracture

but Dr. Weaver's going
to have to check it out.

Am I going to have
to get crutches?

Maybe until you
can bear weight.

You're definitely going
to need some help

getting around
for a few days.

How are you getting home?

I'll call Brian.

It's not all
him, you know.

I give as good
as I get.

Well, I don't see him
sitting in an ER

needing X-rays.

Well, that's not
the way it seems.

Our walls are
pretty thin, Joyce.

He's the only guy
I've ever loved.

Will you talk
to a social worker?

Someone with experience
who could maybe help you

lay out some ways you might want
to deal with this?


I think you came here
for a reason.

I can help you.

Yeah, I came here

'cause I didn't want to answer
a bunch of questions.

And if a patient
with the same history

and exam presents
again tomorrow

I expect you to order
the work-up I requested today.

Do you understand?
Yes ma'am.

Dr. Weaver, glad I caught you.

You can go away now.

I was going
to have you paged

but I couldn't be sure
you'd be wearing your pager.

Robert, you're not going
to be intimidated by these
baseless accusations?

Oh, they have someone
on record, Kerry.

About what?

Some waitress at that dump
across the street said

that you were in there
looking for your pager

the night Chen and Malucci
k*lled that guy.

It's an important detail,
don't you think?

I don't need
to hear it, Kerry.

No explanation, no spin.

Just fix it.

Fix what?

All she wants
is an attending position

with standard pay scale

and a personal apology from you.

No, I-I can't do that.

Well, there's a first time
for everything.

I wouldn't have any kind
of authority over her.

We've settled with this
dead kid's family.

I am not going to open
it back up again

because you have a
management problem

created by your own
negligence and deceit.

She's not interested
in taking down you
or the hospital.

All she wants
is her job back.

Give it to her today.

And super-glue that pager to
your forehead if you have to.

Excuse me.

I'm looking for
Julio Echeverria.

He had a heart attack.

Check in at the desk
down the hall.

Dr. Weaver, I need help
in Trauma Two.

That's Dr. Lewis.

Sats are dropping.

What's wrong with him?

I don't know.

15 liters by mask.

( labored breathing )

Sir, I need you
to take a deep breath.

Did you get a 12 lead?

No ischemic changes.

What happened?

Hyper-resonant with
decreased breath
sounds on the right.

Lung exam was normal
15 minutes ago.

Is this new?

Yeah, they had
to straighten me out.

Prep for a chest tube.
I need lidocaine.

What are you doing?

A broken rib
your lung.

We need to put a
tube in your chest

to help you get
more oxygen.

We have to.

I don't want it.

You'll die if we don't reinflate
your lung.

I don't care, I'm ready.

Ten blade.

Hold on, Kerry.

We need consent.

I'm dead anyway.


( patient gasping )

Curved Kelly.

Susan, I need
the Kelly now.

Please... they'll keep beating
on me...

Susan, open up
some Vaseline gauze.

( louder gasping )

Susan, now.

Sorry, I was looking
for a parking place.

Oh, you want a drink?
I'm boarding.

I should be boarding now.

Oh, no, thanks.

So what's so urgent?

Nothing, really.

I was just checking in.

So how's the new place?

Sparsely furnished,
but there's something
to be said for that.

For sparseness?

Clarity, although if
I knew your mother

was moving
into the house

I would've taken some
of the New York furniture.

Yeah, she mentioned to me

that she doesn't have
your new number.


You should give her a call,
check in.


You were married to her.

She wants to negotiate.

I don't know when she
started looking at life

the way other people
read the stock reports,
but, uh, it's over.

I don't think she shares
that assessment.

You're her
ambassador now?


No, I'm just suggesting...

you take time to make sure
this is what you want.

I do, thanks to you.


Mmm, I was part
of this lie

this illusion we were living
in order to hold it together.

It took losing Dad and thinking
about what you said

to make me see that, uh...

I was lost.

I can't find my way back
with her.

I don't know.

I've never ever seen her reach
out like this before.

That's my flight.

Careful, John...

she's an emotional vampire.

Is he dying?

He's had a pretty
big heart attack.

He may need surgery
to replace a valve.

Why didn't you tell me
you were coming?

I was scared you wouldn't want
me there.

After all this time,
you show up now?

I've got 200
people waiting.

Please, go, go...

and be happy.

Six years... and nothing?

Why, papi?

I should've let you
come back home.

It was a mistake.

Why now?

My little girl's
getting married.

It's supposed to be
the best day of my life.

I'm sorry.

I didn't mean to ruin it.

And you're not going to.

I'm happy now.

Rene is a wonderful man...

and I don't need you anymore.


Miss Echeverria...

I've got the best caterer
in all Chicago

setting up for me
at the Hilton.

Let me talk to you
for a minute.

Nothing's refundable.

Your father
is very sick.

I don't care.

You don't want to
leave it like this.

Just like he didn't care
when I called him from Wichita

begging him
to let me come back home.

He wanted to see
you get married.

Look, he abandoned me, okay?
Turned his back.

Nobody does that.

Only a stubborn, cold,
heartless man!

He's trying to reconnect.

You're not going
to make me cry.

This makeup took three hours.

He was fine
when I left him.

I didn't touch him.

He has broken ribs
and a collapsed lung.

He was flailing against
the side rails.

We had to restrain him.

With your night stick?

Why do you care?
He's a m*rder*r.

He k*lled two teenage kids
on their way to a movie.

( crashing )

Oh, my God!
Get it off of him!

What happened?
I don't know.

I was looking at the X-ray
and he just flipped the gurney.

Mr. Kinney, are
you all right?
Help us!

Wait, chest tube's out
of the thoraseal.

No, no, no, no.
He pulled his leads off.

One, two three.

Mr. Kinney?

Pulse ox is dropping to 85.

Mr. Kinney, open your eyes.

Blood from the ear canal.

Mr. Kinney?

Left pupil is nine millimeters
and sluggish.

GCS is 1-2-1.

Probably an
epidural bleed.

20 of etomidate, 100 of sux.
8-0 ET tube.

Bag him, Susan.


Get a head CT
and call neurosurgery.

Kerry, the guy's
going to die

in a couple months
by lethal injection.

Bag him now.

He asked for no
heroic measures.

He's a death row inmate
attempting su1c1de.

He can't ask for a DNR.

Tube him-- now.

Whatever you say, Kerry.


I got your message.

Yeah, we've been
backed up all day.

You told me to come by.

Actually, I left
another message
on your machine

that I would get
back to you later.

Well, I'm here, okay?

I came to see Marty
from the 38.

So what did
you want to say?

Dr. Weaver, Dr. Chen's
looking for you.

Yeah, tell her to wait.

I just wanted to make sure
that you were all right.

I heard it was
a pretty big fire.

I'm fine.

Good, good.

Dr. Weaver, can you sign
an order

for a Social Services consult?

They won't come down here
without a signature.

Not now.

Well, it's Joyce Westlake,
the ankle.

There is domestic v*olence
involved, so I...

Yeah, I'll come down
and talk to her.

So that's it?


You're going to keep
playing this game.

I'm not playing any games.

So what, you just want
to check on me?

( softly ):
Is that all right?

Could you just write the order
and I'll take care of it?

( voice breaking ):
No. Abby, I'm the treating
physician, okay?

( sniffling )

I'm sorry...

It's all right.

Why are you avoiding?

I'm-I'm not.

Look, hey, can you tell
I'm just a little swamped?

Kerry, excuse me.

You want to talk to me,
talk to me, okay?

I'm not going to be hanging
around for your convenience.

You know, forget it.

Come on...
Forget it.

Please, wait.
No, good-bye.

Let me just,
let me just check--

You know...

Good-bye, Dr. Weaver.

You packed me a lunch?

We call this
an escape kit.

Money, medication,
phone numbers--

anything you might
need is in here.

For what?

In case one night, you decide

you don't feel safe at home

and you have to get out
of the house in a hurry.

He's my husband.

I don't need that to feel safe.

Okay, um... But it can't hurt
having it around, right?

So I'll just put
it with the rest
of your stuff.


Joyce, this is Adele.

She's a social worker
here at the hospital.

I told you I don't need
a social worker.

Well, in situations like this
it's hospital policy

for me to interview the patient.

Situations like what?

Abby, I need you.
Brian's going to be here
any minute

and if he finds her in here,
he's going to get upset.

Okay, I'll be back.

Well, has that
happened before?

When a kid named
Ricky gets on the phone

transfer him
to Trauma One.

A choir boy.

He's going to hold up the phone
from the church vestibule.

Did you see it?


Me either.

But I heard it was steamy.

Your rehiring will necessitate
the scaling back

of the hours of others

so don't be surprised
if your return is not met

with open arms.

Oh, I'm sure they'll
look to you for any
scheduling complaints.

You start tomorrow at 7:00.


Hmm, you're putting me
on overnights?

Under the circumstances,
I don't think

you're in any position to
complain about your schedule.

You know that's
not true, Kerry.

So let's stop
lying, okay?

I'm getting
my job back

with the following conditions...

I didn't agree
to any conditions.

I'm returning
as an attending.

I expect shift equity
and equal pay.

I'll report to more
experienced faculty,
but not to you.

We both know
what you did here.


And we know
what you did, too.

So while we're being

let me just say

I'm not the one
with blood on my hands.

If you were
a more thorough doctor

you wouldn't have needed me
there in the first place.

A kiss could mean

Not that kind of kiss.

Guess Kinney's going to
get ex*cuted after all.

The inmate.

He's in a post-op coma

not even
triggering the vent.

Yeah, we did
what we had to do.

$4,000 a day to keep
this guy alive

so they can k*ll him
in five months.

Hardly seems like the
best use of our resources.

You know what,
just save the patients, Susan.

I'll worry about
our resource management.

Is Dr. Carter here?


Hey, Aisha.

See you tomorrow.
See you tomorrow, okay?

I got the page.

Dimon's always had an act

but I thought
he was real with me.

No, I'm just glad
you came back.

What do you need, Malik?


Yeah, well, then
why don't you find
something to do?

Warm for January.

Maybe we'll luck out
and have a mild winter.

Why are
we going this way?

I thought it would be nice
to walk by the river.

I have a lot of homework.

I called your mom today.

And did you tell her
I'm going back?

We talked about it.

And I decided
that it wasn't good for us.

You and me
or you and Mom?

You and me.

I don't have a say?

Maybe in a few years,
but, no, not yet.

Rachel, I want you
to stay here.

I missed too many things
in your life

to let you leave
angry with me.

I'm your father.

I'm not going to pass you off
when things get rough.

And what makes you think
things'll get better?

We both try harder.

Neither one of us is
very good at listening.

I just don't want to be treated
like a kid.


I don't want to be treated
like an old man.

Brian... Brian!

Hi, what happened?

Hi. Uh, everything's okay.

Joyce's ankle was
bothering her.

She sprained it
pretty badly.

Aw, geez. I told her
those things

don't have
any ankle support.

She's not a great
skater as it is.

They can be dangerous.

Listen, I'm sorry
you got pulled

into this little
domestic drama.

I think you got
the wrong idea.

Evidently I did.

We both have tempers

and once in a while
things get out of hand.

This is really
none of my business.

Well, if it infringes
on your life it is.

Our neighbor in San Francisco
thought there was an earthquake

ran out into the street
in his underwear.

It was just Joyce smashing
all my softball trophies

because, well, I went
to a playoff game

instead of going out with her
folks when they were in town.


Anyway, they told me
Room Three, it's over here.

Yeah, it is, uh...

but, you know,
Joyce is almost finished

so if you like,
you could pull your car around

and I could wheel her out
and we can meet you.

I can get her.

Yes, but it's a long walk
to the parking lot

and she's really supposed
to stay off the ankle
for a day or two so...

Well, is there a problem?

Abby, I'll, uh,
talk to you later.

Thank you.

Hey, baby, how's it going?

Better, the
throbbing stopped.

They give you lots of dr*gs?

A few.

Well, there's an upside.

You hungry?

A little, yeah.

Why don't we go over
to Angelino's

and get some pasta

and get a bottle of Merlot,
what do you say?

Mmm, I feel more like
a cheeseburger.

All right,
it's your call.

Thanks, Abby.

Uh, is this yours,

No, I have what I came with.


Who are you?

We got a call, Kerry.

No, I mean, who
the hell are you?

I live my life
without apology.

Yeah, that's right,
your life.

You make choices
for your life

you don't make
choices for mine.

I didn't choose to be lied to
or have my time wasted.

I never misrepresented myself.

No, you just pretend to be
something you're not.

Lopez, let's go.

You know what,
that's my employees

my colleagues,
my workplace.

I choose to keep
my private life to myself.

You can't separate
who you are

from what you do.

That is not
your decision to make!

I stand up and face it
every day.

You want the life
without the hardship.

You don't get one
without the other!

Not with me, anyway.

So you did this
out of spite

to teach me some kind of lesson?

I did you a huge favor.

You just don't know it yet.

( sirens blaring )

What are you doing?

The light went out.

Why didn't you
tell Henry?

I'm not incompetent.

I'm capable of changing
a lightbulb.

( gasps )
( bulb clatters )

Here, come down
from there.

I'll get it.

Oh, screw it.
I'll get it later.


Have you been drinking?

Uh, Norman Tucker sent
Millicent a bottle

of 40-year-old Bordeaux
as a get-well gift.

And you what,
helped her open it?

I spent the entire afternoon

at that children's cancer center
for Millicent.

There was this,
uh, one boy...

I came home
and I made the mistake

of getting in the middle
of an argument

between Millicent
and her physical therapist.

Yeah, Gamma's having
a little trouble

losing her independence.

Hey, hey, hey...

Sit down.

She told me
that my presence was

in fact hindering
her recovery;

that if she needed
a caregiver

I would be the last person
she'd call.

It's a defense mechanism.

What are you doing?

I'm checking your pulse.

Did you speak to your father?

60 and weak.

Are you taking something?


He's giving up on me.

When did you start taking Xanax?

I have a prescription.

And you took it with alcohol?

( violent wretching )

How many pills
did you take, Mom?

I'm so sorry...

I'm sorry, you shouldn't have
to go through this.

How many?


I just took two.

She asked me to leave.

( sniffling )

Do you want me
to leave, John?

( sighs )


You're right.

I failed you.

I failed your brother...

and then I failed you.


He was tired

before we even left for France.

That was 20 years ago.

Millicent insisted

he just needed some fresh air.

He'd been inside all winter.

It delayed the diagnosis
by less than a month.

It... wouldn't have changed

I was his mother...

I just stood by...
while it was eating him alive...

( sobbing ):
I just stood by.