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08x11 - Beyond Repair

Posted: 07/26/21 16:42
by bunniefuu
Previously on ER:

How long have you been sober?

Almost five years.

Your mother's not coming.

John, we're getting divorced.

Stop, please!
Paul, Paul...

Please stop!

Check the stylet.

We believe he may
have schizophrenia.

Paul wouldn't hurt anyone.

He couldn't.

I'm not deformed!

Temperature's 95.

Don't stick me!

Get off of me!

Get pregnant.

I was pregnant.

I had an abortion.

You never even
told Richard, did you?

( man and woman yelling
next door )

( arguing continues )

Both of you, shut up.

You want to know
what your problem is, Brian?

( phone ringing )

MAGGIE ( on machine ):
Hello, Abby?

Abby, are you there?

Hello? Abby?

I thought I'd catch you

before your shift.

Anyway, I wanted to wish you
a happy birthday.

Hi, Mom.

No, I was just getting up.

Thank you.

( shivering )

Ooh! Your feet
are like ice!


I put on some coffee.

What time is it?

It's about 7:30.

You sleep okay?

Yeah. You?

Mm. Except for the snoring.

I don't snore.

Oh, yeah, right.

Like a truck driver.

I don't snore.

( snoring )

Stop it.

( snoring )

( laughing )

Oh, yeah?

Oh, wait a minute.

( laughing )

I've arranged
a nurse's aide for you

for while I'm at work.

A nurse?

Just for
a couple weeks.

I've got half a dozen people
in this house every day.

Well, then one more
isn't going to hurt.

If it gets
any colder

I'm going to winter
in the Bahamas.


I thought
I heard someone.

Is it just me

or is it
freezing in here?

Mom, what are
you doing here?

I assumed you
could use a hand

while your grandmother

How are you
feeling, Millicent?

I've been better.

Where's Jack?

Uh, Kansas City,
I think.

You don't know?

He's on an extended
business trip.

We missed the pleasure
of your company at Christmas.

You know how
the holidays can be.

Where are you staying?

I was hoping
to stay here.

In the house?

Yes, if that's
all right.


It is freezing
in here.

Would somebody please
turn up the furnace.

I will go get Alger on it.

It won't start.

Did you flood it?

No, it won't
even turn over.

Did you leave your
lights on again?

You probably did.

Excuse me.
No, I didn't.


Do you have
any jumper cables?

No, sorry.
I take the El.

I guess you're not
the only one today.

Give me the keys.

My husband's not really
a morning person.

Hi, I'm Joyce.

We just moved here
a few weeks ago

from Virginia.
Hi. Abby.

We're in 205.

I think you guys
are right beside me.

Nice meeting you.

So, I guess
we're neighbors.

Just a wall
between us.

Well, maybe, uh,
you could come over

for coffee or
something sometime.


Hey, can we give you
a ride somewhere?

No, thank you.

Are you sure?

It's really cold
out there.

I'm fine.

I told you.
You flooded it.

Welcome to Chicago.


Oh, son of a bitch.

You're leaving?

I phoned the Pediatric
Cancer Society

to inform them she wasn't
coming to their luncheon

and they managed

to corral me.

You don't really
have to do that.

She wasn't
planning on going.

She just does that
for effect.

I'm aware
of her behavior.

But they actually
were expecting her.

You'll be back tonight?

You're really staying?


Unless I'm not welcome.

No, no, it's just...

I thought
you were covering.

Dad's in Denver,

Your father told you.

Well, it was
pretty obvious.

He was here for two days
at Christmas without you.

You thought
he was still here.

Uh, we, uh, left it
a little open-ended.


I'm sorry, John.

I should have
phoned you

and let you know
that I was coming.

Yeah, well.

It's good to see you.

( door opening and closing )

Sanitation guys found
him in a dumpster.

Minimally responsive
to deep pain

thready pulse
in the 50s.

You sure
he's not dead?

He's still
moving air.


Abby, can you
bring this guy in?

I haven't even
clocked in yet.

I know, but you
have a coat on.

Hey, I know this guy.

Oh, man!

Is this great,
or what?

Empty chairs, empty racks.

Nothing like sub-arctic

to keep the freaks
at home.

Yeah, except
it's freezing in here.

Maintenance is
checking the furnace.

This is what we get for punching
holes in the ozone layer.

Uh, isn't the
greenhouse effect

supposed to
make it warmer?

Greenhouse effect,
my ass.

It's 40 below
out there.

What's this?

This is
Icicle Andy.

You want him,
he's yours.

I thought he froze
to death last year.

The Iceman
cometh back.

Trauma One's open.

Get his core temp

pump in some
warm saline

and throw a heating
blanket on him.

Oh, I'd keep that on
if I were you.

He's bradying down.

No, look,
now it's a-fib.

Sounds like rhonchi
on the right.

Probably pneumonia.

I think he's decreased
on the left.

Do you want to put in
a chest tube?

Uh, not if
I can help it.

This guy's got
bad vascular disease.

We'll never get
a line in him.

prep for lavage.

Oh, man, look at
this dude's hands.


Can you get
a pulse ox?

I don't know.

Can barely get the monitor...

( groan )

What's wrong?

It snapped off.

Ah, he gave you the
finger, huh, Abby?

Can they reattach that?

Not without superglue.

Okay, let's get

a central line kit,
betadine and some

warm blankets
to start.

No, you can't
come in here.

You have to go back.

Where's my mom?

She's not in here.

Yes, she was.

You got this?


You lost your mom?

It's not one of these
two ladies right here?

She was in there.

Okay, well, maybe
she's all finished.

Do you want to see
if we can find her?

I'm Abby.
What's your name?


Douglas what?

Douglas Leeman.

Okay, Douglas,
right this way.

What's your mom's name?



Is that short
for Beatrice?



Just B.

Just B, okay.

Abby, can you
help me?

Uh, sure.

Frank, this is
Douglas Leeman.

He's lost his mom.

This is Frank.

He's very good
at finding people's moms.

Douglas, you like

When did the
chest pains start?

This morning.

But I've been
feeling crappy for...

a couple of days.

I thought it was just a cold
or maybe the flu.

Bibasilar rales.

Have you experienced
any shortness of breath?


I thought I'd step outside,
catch a breath of fresh air.

I got so dizzy
I fainted.

Three plus pitting edema
on both feet.

Have you ever had anything
like this before?


Do you have
a heart condition?


Are you on
birth control pills?

No, I'm trying
to get pregnant.

I've been taking
fertility dr*gs.


For how long?

Um... what's today?

Uh, the tenth.

Yeah, then
I'm on my tenth.

All right.

Let's get a CBC

chem-20, a DIC panel,
and a d-dimer.

Am I having some
sort of reaction

to the dr*gs?

It's possible

but we need to run
some more tests

to know for sure.

You've got fluid
in your lungs

which could be
a sign of a blood clot.

A blood clot?

It's unlikely, but I
just want to make sure.

It could be a possible side
effect of the medication.

Let's do
a doppler.

I'll be back.

Do you want me
to call your husband?

I'm not married.

Oh, boyfriend?

I decided to have
a baby on my own.

Got tired of waiting
around for Mr. Right.

I know that story.

Chest x-ray
and an EKG?


And set her up
for a VQ.

Haven't seen you
around lately.

I've been working nights.

How was
your Christmas?


What'd you do
for New Year's?

I worked.

That's always fun.

Did you make
any resolutions?

Uh, I'm going
to help out more.

Help out more where?

Uh, no, Europe.

I've, uh, volunteered
to go to Bosnia

for two months with
Doctors Without Borders.


Yeah, I speak
the language.

What brought this on?

I don't know.

Change of scenery.

Good, huh?

Hey, nice hat,

Hey, Frank, I thought you said

you were going to get
the heat turned up.

They're working on it.

Oh, really?

Is that why the thermostat
in the lounge says 56?

Get used to it.

We're heading into
another ice age

like the one that
k*lled the dinosaurs.

Cold didn't k*ll
the dinosaurs, Frank.

Cholesterol did.

Mr. Ellis in Curtain
Three can go home.

Miss Renfrew in Four
needs to be admitted.

Got a minute?

Uh, no, not really.

I hope your day's

shaping up
better than mine.

Doubt it.

I was picking up Rachel's
laundry after you left

and this fell out
of her jeans.

She's smoking.

I don't think she uses it
to light campfires.

What are you
going to do?

I don't know.

Did you find anything
else in her pockets?


Mark, what if it's
not cigarettes?

Her boyfriend tested
positive for marijuana.


I should search her room.

You think that's wise?

Well, if she's doing dr*gs,
I want to know about it.

You know, asking her
doesn't guarantee

I'm going
to get the truth.

Yeah, but searching her room--

that's such a violation
of her privacy.

You suggested that I r*fle
through her pockets.

In the course of doing laundry.

Dr. Greene.

Ian Nevinger, 29,
burned in a garage...

We'll talk about this.

Looks like
some fumes ignited.

Ha, this is adorable.

Don't you think?

It's pretty cute.

You want to buy it?

No, they won't let me
send him any gifts.

He must be getting
pretty big now, huh?


Oh, they sent
a video of him walking

just before Christmas.

It won't be long now

before he's asking to borrow
the keys to the car.

( chuckling )

( sighing )

You know, I'm starting to wonder

if I'm making
any right decisions lately.

Eh, it's mid-year.

Something will open up
by the spring.

Yeah, well, maybe they'll
open back up at County.

Hey, cool.

Have you seen these?

These are really neat.

John, um...

What would you say
if I told you

I asked the waitress
at Doc Magoo's

if she remembered
Weaver being paged

the night we lost
the Marfan case?

I'd say that place is
full of people with pagers.

I know.
I was desperate.

So, what,
she didn't remember?

Not about
Weaver getting paged.

But she remembers
Weaver coming back in

looking for
her pager

and finding it
in the bathroom.

She couldn't answer
my page, John

because she didn't
have her pager.

Are you sure?

I believe it.

Don't you?

Yeah, that explains it.

What are you going to do?

He die?


Did you know him?

Only as Icicle Andy.

I think he was
a Vietnam vet.

I heard bums are reincarnated
as pigeons when they die.


I think it's
the other way around.

Check it out.

Tickets to tonight's
Blackhawks game.

And they're
good seats, too.


Where'd he get those?

Any ID?


Just two dollars,
some change and matches.

Are you going
to keep the tickets?


Can I have them?

Why not?

I think it's called

He ain't using them.

Well, somebody might
come to claim the body.

( laughing )

I'm serious.

Yeah, right.

I need them.

Look, the tickets are
only for tonight, Abby.

Ain't nobody coming
for this guy.

Forget it.

Oh, come on, Abby.

Abby, look,
he's straight-up dead.

Abby, can you take a look
at something?

What patient?

Uh, Mr. Paninski--
unstable angina.

I called CCU.

I just wanted to make sure
I didn't miss anything.

Did you do a rectal?


You better.

Because if his stool
is heme-positive...

The heparin, right.

Thank you.



You said you were going
to find his mother.

I tried.

No B. Leeman
checked in today.

I'm beginning to think
somebody dumped him.

He said his mother

was in Trauma One
with a headache.

Can you double-check it
with the admit log?




How's it going?

What are you doing here?

It's colder in here
than it is outside.

You look great.

( chuckling )

So, how are things?

They're good.

Good. That's good.

You seeing anyone or...

Oh, yeah.

I'm breaking hearts
all over town.

What do you want, X?



Can I call you X?

'Cause it's almost
like sexy

so people might think
it's short for ecstasy
or triple-X

which stands
for porn, uh, now

except for in cartoons
where it stands for poison

which I always thought
was funny, but...

What do you want?

Oh, look, I, um...

Well, I wanted to talk
to you in person

so you didn't hear this
through the grapevine.

Oh, my God.


Are you going to jail?



I'm getting married.

( chuckling )



You'd think I would have
learned my lesson.

I'm glad one of us did.

What is she, rich?

Hardly. She's a teacher.

Not that one you had
at the museum.

No, no... no.

Her name's Corrine.

She's, uh,
she's really great.

She's really down to earth.

I think you
might even like her.

How old is she?

She's 34.

She has
a six-year-old son, Adam.

Really great kid.

You're going
to be a father?

Stepfather, yeah.

It's kind of
hard to believe, huh?

Yeah, uh...

Instant family.

I always wanted kids, so...

Since when?

Uh, you know, just a while.

I guess we just never talked
about it, you know?

And you, uh, felt
that today was the day

you had to tell me
about all this?

Is today a bad day?


Um... so, what?

Am I supposed to
give you my blessing?

That's up to you.

Well, I have to get
back to work.


I hope
that it works out this time.


Oh, Aspen's great.

There's three
separate mountains

so you don't have
to be an expert.


What is that?


I don't know.

Yeah, they've got runs
for every level.

Is that your jaw?


That click, click,
click sound.

Oh, my God.
You can hear that?


I can't help it.

I think I have this
TMJ happening thing.

Here, chew.


Come on. Just chew
so I can hear it.


LEWIS ( giggling ):
Get out of here.

I'm going to get
back to work.

I'm going
to take care of this.

You should see a dentist
about that jaw.

Yeah, either that

or you should find someone else
to eat lunch with.

I'm sorry about that.


I should have
said something to you sooner.

It just sort of snuck up on me.

I hate it when that happens.


It's really more about
friendship than anything else.


( slams locker door )


Don't sweat it, Carter.

Where's Frank?

Hey, Douglas.

Did you find your mom?

Are you getting hungry?


Would you like
to eat pizza?

A hamburger?

My mom says fast food
isn't good for you.

Well... she's right

but the fast food we serve
here at the hospital

is specially formulated
to be nutritious.

So would you like
some French fries?


Sit tight.


I'm working on it.

Well, work harder.

He's been here for
a couple of hours.

If I find his mom,
can I have the hockey tickets

you pinched
off that stiff?

Has anyone seen
Dr. Kovac?

What do you need?

Mrs. Stipes' pressure's down.

Frank, find Luka.

What happened?

She got dizzy.
Systolic's at 80.

I opened up
the saline.

How you doing, Merril?

Is it a PE?

I don't know.

Crank her oxygen up to 15 liters

and grab some dopamine
off the crash cart.

She's got muffled heart sounds
and JVD.

Malik, we need
a pericardiocentesis tray

and a sonosite.

Pressure's down to 70.
You think it's tamponade?

Unless you got
any better ideas.

What happened?


signs of
pericardial infusion.

You thought she had a clot
from hyperstimulation?

You can third space
anywhere, even
around the heart.

There it is.

Here you go, Abby.

Okay, glove up.
You can assist.

Lidocaine's ready.

Abby, I think I found
that kid's mom

if she doesn't have
the same last name as him.

I don't know.

Okay, hook up the
alligator clip.

Belinda Matheson, she
came in last night
with a headache.

Turned out to
be a brain bleed.

Insert subxyphoid,
45-degree angle.
Last night?

Yeah, they admitted
her to neurosurg.

Watch for injury current.

I can't believe
that little boy sat

in Chairs all night,
and nobody noticed.
There it is.

Can you take him upstairs
to his mother?

Uh, that could
be difficult.
She's dead.


Blood pressure's back up to 90.

She stroked out
a few hours ago.

Second syringe.

What do you
want me to do?


Um, well, just try
to find his dad.

Systolic's 110.

And get him some French fries.


Good pickup.

Did you get in touch
with the father?

He said he lives
in Los Angeles.

He doesn't know
the number.

It wasn't in here?

I couldn't find it.

Did you call his school?


Well, I'm sure they have
a number, Frank.

I thought
you used to be a cop.

I was.
Well, act like a cop.

Track the guy down.

Did someone from
neurosurg come down
and talk to him?

Not yet.

Which ER doc
treated his mother?

Weaver. She's working
a half shift today,
so she's not in yet.

Do you want me to page
somebody from neurosurg?

I don't know. I think
somebody should come down

and tell the little boy
his mother died.

No, she didn't.

Douglas, I need to talk to you
about your mom's headache, okay?

Let's sit down.

All right, um...

It was pretty bad.

Um... it was caused by

a blood vessel
in her brain

that... ruptured.

It broke

and the doctors
tried really hard

but they couldn't fix it.

Can she go home now?

No, Douglas, I'm sorry.

She died.

My mom has a headache.

She's not sick.
I want to see her.

Where is she?

Mom! Mom!


Mom, where are you?






She's dead.
Stop saying that.

Why do you keep
saying that?

I know it's hard
for you to understand.
I want my mom.

I know you do.
I just want my mom.

( sobbing )


Shh, it's okay.

He finally went down?

He's exhausted.

Poor kid.

I finally got
a hold of his dad.

He's in Australia
on a business trip.


The soonest flight he
can get is a redeye
tomorrow night.

So, Social Services are going
to have to take him till then?

Sorry. I'll call them.

That's all right.
I'll do it. Thanks.

Can you grab me
the minute he gets up?


Abby, do we do psychiatric
transfers to other hospitals?


I have a patient
in Curtain Three.

He was admitted with
a tiny scalp lac
from a slip-and-fall.

And he's insisting
he be moved out
of Curtain Three

and he wants me to call
his caseworker from
some private hospital.

Is he altered
from the fall?

No, but he seems
pretty agitated.

Did you... get
a psych consult?

Not yet.

It probably wouldn't hurt.

The paramedics brought me
to this hospital.

I didn't want to come here.

Can you just please call
my caseworker

and move me to
another room?

You don't have
to do that.

You don't have to do that.

It's just
a precaution.

What happened?

I slipped. That's all.

Is this
your patient?

Yeah. I saw him
in the hallway.

Brief LOC after he slipped
on some ice.

History of migraine.
That's not his only history.

What's with the restraints?

I don't want
to cause any trouble.

Just, please, just
call my caseworker.

We will. Dr. Lewis.

Can you please just get me
out of this room?

Don't worry. We'll move you.

What kind of caseworker?


He's monitoring my
conditional release.

He has the card.

Release from where?

Dr. Lewis, now.

Okay, two of IV Ativan

five of Compazine,
and a trauma panel.

He's schizophrenic.

He's been here before?

He stabbed Carter and
k*lled a med student

two years ago.


He stabbed Carter?

What's he doing out?

I don't know. The police
are on their way

but I think we
should transfer him

before Carter sees him.

No. I need to get a CT.

He can get a CT at Mercy.

He has a head injury...

He stabbed two people
in that room...

...loss of consciousness,

And k*lled one of them.

I'm not transferring

a man at risk for
an intracranial bleed.

I don't care
what he did.

Am I calling this
psychiatrist or not?

No. I'll call him.

We'll find out his status,
we'll get the CT

and then we'll take it
from there, okay?

Abby, the morgue called.

They're ready for you.

Move him
to the Suture Room

close the blinds,
and don't let

I got it.
Dr. Carter see him.

And get his name
off the board.

She looks like Snow White.



I drew you a picture.

( whispering )

You took him
to the morgue?

He didn't believe
his mother was dead.

Well, then
you call Psych.

Advice you might
have given yourself

18 hours ago.

Hey, hey, hey.

She vagalled in Triage.

No one even told me
she had a kid with her.

Well, she did.

Not yet.

Why not?
Abby, why not?

Because we're trying to find
another family member.

Who's we?


That's not your job.

But I don't
want him

to go to another
strange place.

Their holding

is a lot more

than the ER
or the morgue.

He'll just be passed

from one stranger
to another stranger.

They have
the personnel

and resources
to deal with it.

Call them now.

"You're honest,

"and a judge... a good
judge of character.

"You often ramble
incoherently when agitated.

Even your dog
doesn't like you."

My dog died a year ago.

It's a joke, Frank.

This amuses you?

Carter, what's your sign?

Gemini, why?

Oh, horoscopes
from the Internet.

"You're open to new ideas,
compassionate, a risk taker..."

That's true.

"You tend to overstay
your welcome at parties

and you often
smell like cheese."

Don't you have
some work to do?

Abby, your turn.

No, thanks.

What's your sign?
Come on.

"Out of Order."

Who moved Libertique
out of the Suture Room?

The hand surgeon
is stuck in surgery

for the next 40 minutes,
and we needed the room

for an extensor
tendon repair.

Oh, I'll do that.

No, no, no. The-the...
surgical intern's got it.

Can you take
a look at this...

watery diarrhea?

You need to start an IV?

Maybe. I don't know.

He's... he's
pretty miserable.



You okay?

Yeah. Mm-hmm.

Abby, the
light source

on the fiber-optic
is down.

Get me a spare.


Can I see a doctor
this century?

Hang on.

I hang on any longer,
I'll be dead.

If you're talking,
you're not dying.

He was found not guilty
by reason of insanity.

Shouldn't he be in
a state forensic hospital?

He was. He was.

He was stepped down

to a less
restrictive facility

about ten months ago

and now he's on
conditional release.

Bradying down with 60.

Mig of atropine.

I need that scope.

I've got it.

Pulse ox 78.

I need a smaller tube.
Number seven. Suction.

He's agitated.

He's nervous.

The guy's out
of board and care

less than a week

he hits his head
on some ice

and the paramedics
bring him here

of all places?

He got out in two years?

Who are you?

I was working
when he att*cked my friends.

I'm sorry.

He was a law student.

A professor there
got some colleagues

to do some
pro bono work.

They filed a writ

of habeas corpus
and won.

That's unbelievable.

But I can't say
I disagree.

Most schizophrenics
are nonviolent.

Well, this one was, wasn't he?

And when they are,
they rarely are twice.

He's not a danger
to himself or others.


Not on his meds.

There are safeguards
in place.

He needs to
be supervised

taking his medication

every day.

Did he get his head CT?

They're almost
ready for him.

Abby, can you
check this foley?

I think
it's overflowing.

Clamp it.

I did.
It's overflowing.

Just get him out of here.

Anyway, I want those
restraints removed.

Uh... no.

He is coherent
and lucid.

I have been
working with him
for over a year.


Susan, I swear to God

if you take off
those restraints...

You keep
somebody posted
outside his door.

He needs
reassurance and
respect right now.



I'm sorry.

He needs our respect?

Abby, go.

Looks like over a liter
in the last hour.

BP's 110/70
and her sats are up.

Good. You need
to send out her
repeat potassium.


He said something
about the ICU.

Yeah, maybe for
a couple of days

just for safety.

It's the fertility dr*gs,
isn't it

that's doing this to me?

The doctor has
to review your labs.

I could try to find
him now, if you like.

I'm sorry. It just...

It must be the damn hormones.

I'm not usually a crier.

It's okay.


Sometimes being a woman

sucks, you know?

( sighing ):
It has its moments.

You grow up praying
you don't get pregnant

every time you have sex.

And then, when you finally do
want to have a baby, you can't.

It's so unfair.

You been trying
for a long time?

I just keep thinking

that maybe I had my chance
and I blew it.

You don't know that.

No, I've been pregnant.

A few years ago.

It was an accident.

I had just started a new job
and this new relationship.

It didn't seem
like the right time.

It happens.

I only waited till I was ready

so that I could be
the best mother I could be.

I'm sure you're going to be.

Unless I waited too long.

( sighing )

looking for you.


She wants to know
why you didn't call

Family Services
on that boy.

I am. I will.

The on-call social worker
for the ER, please.

Did someone
claim them?


The tickets.

Oh. No.

Lewis was asking for one.


Thank you!

No, just have him paged. Thanks.

Abby, when you get
a chance, I need

a thick-and-thin

and a culture
in Curtain Three.

And your diarrhea patient
was heme-negative.

Just a little

I sent him home
with some Immodium.
Carter, I have

a five-year-old
with abdominal pain

and I'm worried
about intussusception.

Is there any blood
in the stool?

No, but he had a...
a palpable mass.

Hey, sweetheart.

Here's Daddy.

Hey... mmm! Hey. Hi.

I'm okay. I'm okay.

Daddy slipped

and fell
and he hit his head

but I'm okay.

They put you
in restraints?

Yeah. It's just
a precaution.

a little paranoid.

Oh, it's you.

I'm sorry.

What happened?
What's he doing here?

He slipped and fell

outside his
office building.

His office building?

He's on conditional

You're out.

I'm better.

I'm sorry.

That wasn't me who
did that to you... your friend.

You know that, right?

You're a doctor.

You know it's a disease.

I'm being treated.

I'm okay now.


I'm glad you're okay.


( vomiting )

I'm starting to get it.

Although that little puck
is hard to keep track of.

They should give it a color
so your eye can follow it.

What, the puck?

Yes, I mean,
like bright pink or red

or flashing lights
or something like that.

Okay, a flashing
pink puck.

( laughing ):
Why not?

'Cause it's hockey.

I love the Hawks.
You got the tickets?

You got the tickets.

You have the tickets!

Hey, what's wrong?

Uh, nothing.

I hugged him.
You what?

Oh, yeah, I'm the Bruce Lee
of love, girl!

( laughing )

Maybe I just need
some fresh air.

Ho ho...

Wait a minute.
You're not out?

Huh? Who are
you hiding from?

I'm not hiding.

Then what the heck
was that?

You don't want your friends
to see us together?

They're not my friends.

They work for me.

How do you think
that makes me feel?

I'm sorry.

You came on to me.

You are not out.

I am not out at work...

Well, you need to be.


I'm sorry.

I don't got time for this.

Okay... Okay.

Bye, Dad.

He'll be here tomorrow.


Have you ever been
to Los Angeles?




I think you'll like it there
because it's sunny.

Not cold like it is here.

Excuse me.

Can you give this

to Dr. Carter?

I think
you'd better do that.

Well, they're
discharging Paul.

I have to drive him home.

They wouldn't
have released him
if he weren't better.

He's taking
his meds.

He's in therapy.

He has a disease
but it's being treated.

I mean, that's
what you do here.

You treat disease

so people can try
to move on with life.


He's my husband.

We're his family.

I can't give up on him.

Good luck.


Um, Lewis
discharged Sobriki

and his wife asked me
to give you this.

Guess you couldn't protect me
from her either, huh?

Uh, yeah, I'm sorry
about that.

I just, I...
Don't worry about it.

Forget it.

Are you off already?

Half shift.

I'm off in a half hour

if you want to get
something to eat.

I should get home.

Or maybe just...
coffee and pie?

I had a pretty
crappy day myself.

Gammie just got out
of the convalescent hospital.

I should go home
and check on her.

Are you going
to be okay?

I'm going to be fine.

Thank you for asking.

Any time.


I have a real nice place
for you to stay...

No, I want
to stay here!

You can't, Douglas.


I want to stay here...

But this is a hospital.

And you have
to go someplace

where you can get
some sleep.


And get something

to eat
and maybe take a bath.

I'll stay with you!

Douglas, I don't...


I don't stay here all the time,

but you can come
visit me

whenever you want, okay?

I promise.

I've got you.

Come on.


We'll get you
some ice cream.

You'll be fine, Douglas.

Wait! I'll stay with you!



( door closing )

Abby, my cellulitis
patient is allergic
to penicillin...

Can you give
IV erythromycin?


What about

No! I'm not
your attending.

I'm not a resident.
I'm a nurse.

You want me
to assess a patient

you want me to push meds

you want me
to check vitals

explain a situation
to a family member

that's fine.

What I will not do
is carry you through med school.

You want to be a doctor?

Start acting like one.

Rachel, can I talk to you?

What are you

I was picking your stuff up.

You're searching my room.

It's a pigsty.

That doesn't give you the right

to go through
my things.

You mean these things?

I can't believe you did this!

Are you smoking now?

I asked you
a question.

Hey, Rachel!

Are these
your cigarettes?

I bought that pack like
a month ago on a dare.

To see if I could pass
for 18.

And the condoms?
What kind of a dare
is that?

They gave those out
in health class.

And you decided
to keep them?

You'd rather
I not have them?

You need to stop lying.

You don't
believe me anyway.

You go through

my private things.

I was looking
for dr*gs.

You said
you were picking up!

Who's lying now?

You're right.

The truth is I was
searching your room

because I don't know
if I can trust you.

Then fine!

whatever you want.

I'm smoking! I'm on dr*gs!
I'm having sex!

Lots of sex
with lots of guys

because I'm the school slut.

Are you happy?

( door slamming )

Yes, this is John Carter.

I have a private duty nurse
for my grandmother

who was supposed to start today.

She's not here.


I sent her home early.


She was aggravating

so I sent her
home early.

She'll be back
at 6:00 a.m.

It's a 24-hour service.

I'll get up...
if there's a problem.

What are you doing?


I mean, you show up
unannounced, uninvited...


And now you're making
health care decisions?

Your grandmother asked me
to ask her to leave.

I was trying
to be helpful.

Well, do me a favor.
Don't try to be helpful.

It's not one
of your strong suits.

Excuse me, John.

I've had enough abuse
from my mother-in-law

I don't need any more
from my son.

I'm sorry?

I'm sorry

but I have helped Gamma
through this.

I have tended
to her medical needs.

I have made
her health care arrangements.

So you need
to consult with me

before you do anything
like this.


Call them back.

Yeah, you bet I will.

But I'm not leaving
this house.

And I don't care
if I'm uninvited.

I'm not going
to let your father
break up this family.

Family, huh?

What family would that be?

Don't be sarcastic.

You checked out

of this family
20 years ago.

Excuse me.
I'm going to bed.

No. I'm not going
to let you put

some kind of revisionist spin
on this

with you as
the injured party, no.

Step aside...

No, I got stabbed!

I got stabbed in the back!

Where the hell were you?

You were in the same place
you've been my entire life.

You were someplace else.

We came back.

Three weeks later.

We were stuck in Tokyo

and you said
you were fine.

Well, I wasn't fine
and it wasn't okay.

Are you going to blame me
for taking dr*gs?

No, I am blaming you
for not being my mother!

Bobby died.

And I lost a mother.

May I go to bed now?

Yeah, run away...

( sniffling )

Oh... Oh, God!

Thank you.

We've got to call the super
about that, too.

It gets stuck
in the cold.

And I'm guessing
it's going to stay cold
for a while.

Hopefully not this cold.

I told Brian

January wasn't the best time
to move

but that's when
the semester starts.

He's in law school.

Did you get locked out?

We had a fight.

So I went
to the store.

Another half hour,
he'll be asleep.

Are you from Chicago?

For a while now, yeah.


Minnesota. You?

Idaho. The potato part,
not the white supremacist part.

You want a beer?

No, thanks.

Come on. Have a seat.

You look like you've had

a long day.

Thank you.

Mmm, you got a card.


It's nice to get
one personal piece of mail

mixed in with all
the bills and junk.

Your birthday?


Is it your birthday?


( chuckling )



8:03 p.m.

Well, congratulations.

You've made it.

Happy birthday.

( bottles clink )

Thank you.