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08x05 - Start All Over Again

Posted: 07/26/21 16:27
by bunniefuu
Previously on ER

Who's that?

It's Susan Lewis.

We're supposed to have lunch.

You didn't say anything
about having a lunch.

If you want the Chief Residency

it's yours.

Jackie, it's Peter.

If you're there, pick up.

Hey, Roger, it's Peter.

I need you to pick up Reese
from school.

I found her.

It's your mother.

Is that breast milk?
You're contaminated.

Scrub out,

What do you want me to do,

You could let me stay here.

It's a big move.

Do you guys
have a satellite dish?

Well, you're not
winning me over.

Signed you up for Tuesday.

You serious?

Yeah, it's, uh...

No, it's my pager number.

Yes, Dr. Kerry Weaver.

No. It's nothing serious.

I just, uh, have some
personal information for her.

All right. Thank you.

Oh, good morning.

Good morning.

You all set?

Oh, yeah.
I forgot how jammed

the El can be
during rush hour.

Is there any chance
I could get a locker?

Oh, sure.

Fourth to the right.

I'll have them
take the name off.

Welcome back.



Watch out, coming through.

I heard it,
but I didn't believe.


Oh, we missed you.

They actually talked you

into coming back
and working here?

Bad idea?

I didn't say that.

Frank, could you call

Someone took a dump
in Exam Two.

Hey, Frank, our mad
crapper's back, huh?

If I catch him, he'll
be pooping in a bag.

What happened to the board?


Hey, Spanky's in
Curtain Three

complaining of

I'm not
touching him.

I'll take him.

I don't think you want that
on your first day back.

Here. Leg injury,
Curtain One.

Welcome back, Dr. L.

Thanks, Malik.

So what's the
story with Spanky?

He likes nurses...
a lot.



Dr. Lewis?

Are you Susan Lewis?


Cleo Finch.
I'm the Senior

on nights this week.

Nice to meet you.

I have a few


Curtain Three, worst
headache of his life.

Do a spinal tap if the
head C.T.'s negative.

Okay, no problem.

Well, well, well,
Dr. Susan Lewis.

Dr. Benton.

Just when I thought it was safe
to come to the E.R.

I missed you, too, Peter.

I know.

So, can I buy
you breakfast?

I just got here,
but you can get me lunch.

Oh, sorry.

I have to sign out
and get to Schaumburg.

Another interview?

Nope. The job's all mine.

I'm meeting the medical director

Oh, congratulations.

Nosebleed and sutures--
Scott Marisol.

Check on him in 20 minutes
and wear a mask. He's a spitter.

Right? Are you
going somewhere?

I've been offered
the chance

to run a pediatric
urgent care.

Five doctors,
eight-hour shifts.

No overnights.

Yeah, but it's...

In Schaumburg.

It's 40 minutes away.

Uh, I.V. drug user with
a sh**t's abscess.

Whisked off to eco
before I could drain him.

Anything else?

Yeah, they just
brought in

a homeless lady
with maggots

and I'd see her
before they start
crawling away.



( loud whistling over TV news )

Mark, can you get the water?

Have you seen
my vertigo notes?

I got it.

My vertigo notes.

They were right here.

We need to leave
in ten minutes.

Oh, I'm ready as soon
as I find my notes.

Hello. Uh-huh.
Oh, hi.

When did you last have them?
Last night.

Yeah. Uh-huh.
That'll be fun.

Okay, hold on.

Uh, Dad, can I go
to a party tonight?

It's a school night.

Something's burning.

Just for dinner.
It's Claire's birthday.

Who's Claire?

A girl from the school.

Sorry. Do you want some cereal

or something?
Uh, no.

I'll get
something later.

Uh, let me talk to her mother.

Is your mom there?

Mark, I have an 8:00

Hi, this is Mark Greene.

Yeah, Rachel's dad. Yeah.

I just was wanting to see
that you were going to be there.

How did you meet Claire?

She's my partner in art class.

Mm-hmm. What are you working on?
Yeah, okay,
All right.

Call me after dinner
and I'll come pick you up.



( doorbell rings )

Katherine's early.

Good. I don't need
to get dressed in the car.

Hi. Is Rachel ready?

Who are you?

Dad, this is Andrew.

He's giving me
a ride to school.

It's nice to meet you.
Here are your notes.

Dining room table.

When did this happen?

Oh, sorry, I forgot.

Andrew has a car
while his dad's out of town.

You have a license?

Yeah, well, I got it in June.

I have no accidents, you know.

Yeah, we can take you to school.

No, it's good.

Now you guys won't
be late for work.

Well, I guess she's
making friends.

I don't like
taking my clothes off.

You'll have to if you
want to be examined.

Can't you just listen
to my stomach?

I think something's,
like, blown loose.

It keeps making
these weird noises.

Maybe you're hungry.

Yeah, and maybe
I'm bleeding into my belly.

Could it be a complication
from my surgery?

I don't know.

My X-ray vision
isn't working.

Are you mocking me?


'Cause it sounds
like you're mocking me.

No, I'm taking you
very seriously

which is why I'm
going to examine you

as soon as you
get undressed.

You just want
to see me naked.

I want to examine you.

Yeah, examine me naked.

Can I get a male
doctor in here?

A straight one?

First day of school

and you're already
making new friends?

Oh, yeah, I'm a shoo-in
for homecoming queen.

So far, so good.

Oh, yeah. A
foul abscess

a neurotic granny,
naked boy here

and I had to break
into Chen's locker.

Did you steal
her stuff?

Weaver gave it to me.

Oh, what are you using
for maggots these days?


Good thought,
but Kerry's immune to it.

You're enjoying this,
aren't you?

Colonel Dixon's
Magical Maggot Mix.

Seriously. You paint
it on with milk.

The admit desk,
the patient status board.

The paramedic radio
is over this.

Dr. Greene and
Dr. Lewis--

two of our

Welcome. Don't k*ll anyone

and I'll mix you up
a fresh batch.

Dr. Lewis is a wealth
of medical knowledge

but do not ask her
where anything is.

She is just
getting reoriented

after a five-year
sabbatical herself.

Five years?

Post-traumatic stress.

What happened?

You don't want
to know.

Here, fill these out,
and then come find me.

Do you have a pen?

Come prepared.

Want the tour?

I think I can find
my way around again.

All right.
New group of

Yeah, I get
to baby-sit 'em, too.

Hey, it's the burden
of being Chief Resident.

You've heard.
Yes, I have.

Oh, uh, nurse, nurse?


Are you talking to me?

I'm sorry. I don't
know your name.

Oh, you haven't met Abby yet.

Abby Lockhart, Dr. Susan Lewis.
Dr. Susan Lewis, Abby Lockhart.

Susan used to work here.

That's the rumor.

Abby, could you set
me up for suturing

in Exam Three?
Set you up?

Open a kit, some 4-0 nylon,
#7 gloves, betadine.

It's all in the room.

New chest pain in two.

Altered LOC over here.

Hey, Mooney.
I'll take it.

I want you to get started on
the chest pain here with Abby.

You know the routine.

Oxygen, aspirin, nitro,
times three.

I can't believe
you are back.

Stanley, you're
with us.

You look great.
I love your hair.

My brother could
be dying here.

Oh, Howard Norden.

Ready, steady, lift.

No response to Narcan.

We were just talking.
That's it.


Is he taking
any medications?

Uh, not that
he's told me about.

Lack of disconjugate gaze
and conjugate deviation

rules out a
structural lesion.

CBC, chem panel, 12 lead

tox screen
and a Head CT.

Did he have a stroke or...

It's too early
to say.

The abrupt onset suggests

CNS bleed, seizure, even
cardiopulmonary anoxia.

Pulse ox is 99.

Don't let him die.

No tremor, asterixis,
of myoclonus

suggestive of a
metabolic encephalopathy.

I'm trying to listen.

You want a portable chest?

Ask Professor Carter.

How would you describe
your pain?

It hurts.

Is it stabbing,
burning, tearing?

What's the freaking difference?

Okay. I'm going to give you
some medicine under your tongue.

And open.

Let me know
if it's better.

Was that three sprays?

Yeah, nitro times three.

At once?

I don't feel so good.

What's happening?

We're just going

to put your head down

for a minute there,
Mr. Stegman.

I feel so dizzy.

Everything's blurry.

Okay, you're going to feel
a little bit more oxygen

flowing through your nose.

How's the pain
in your chest?

Worse. Oh!


Is it bad?

No, just a little bit low.

Was that the wrong medicine?

No. Everything's okay.

This just happens sometimes.

Dr. Mooney is one
of our best.

I'll got write
my note.

Yeah, do that.

Neuroleptic malignant

It's in the differential.

Where did you come
up with that?

Photographic memory.


Oh, and I delivered a lecture
on coma last week.


Time. Yesterday, it
seems you couldn't
start an IV.

Oh, it was longer
than yesterday.


That kid Mooney
saw my patient.

Oh, how did he do?
What did you tell
him about nitro?

The basics. Three sprays.
Three sprays--
that's right.

Bam, bam, bam.

All at once?
No, no. You're supposed

to give them every five minutes.

I think you left
that part out.

How's his pressure?

Zero over zero. He's dead.

I'm kidding.

Ha, ha.

I pulled him through.

Keep a short
leash on your
students, huh?

All clear.

I'm going to go check
on this guy.

You got this?

Yeah, I think so.

Did you see him get hit?

No, um, I went
to return the shopping cart

and he was just laying
by the car.

What have you got?

Weak pulse,
shallow resps.

What's your dad's name?

It's Alan.

Alan, can you
open your eyes?

GCS is 245.

Is he waking up?

Uh, not just yet.

Mark, look at this.

We need a backboard.

Blood count's normal.

( metallic drilling )

Chemistry is okay.

Nothing on
the tox screen.

All his labs
look good.

Why is he still in a coma?

How much longer
up there?

Has he ever seen
a psychiatrist?

I don't think so.


Whoa, whoa, whoa,
whoa, whoa, whoa.

Coming through. Need a portable
chest and pelvis.

Your brother has signs
of psychogenic coma.

What's that?

When we try to open his
eyelids, they flutter.

He responds to a
Q-tip in the nose.

I don't think
it's a real coma.

What do you mean,
he's faking?

( drilling stops )

What about the...

shaking and the frothing
at the mouth and everything?

I'd like to get
a psychiatric

Yeah, yeah,
that'd be great.

He has been under
a lot of pressure lately.

Hey, what's
taking so long?

You're still dressed.

We'll move him
to a quieter room.

Don't I get a
gown at least?

I could catch cold.

It's bad enough
I'm bleeding out.

Go back to your bed

and the nurse
will bring you one.

How long till the psychiatrist
gets here?

I'll let you know.

Can I just talk
to my surgeon?

A British chick
with red hair.

Will you shut up?

Systolic's up to 100.

All right, let's roll him.

Set up the Sonosite for six.

Large abrasions to the back.

Did a car crush him
against something?

Uh, I-I didn't see.



Sir, you're in a hospital.

Do you know
what the date is?

Daddy, I'm so sorry, Daddy.

She didn't see me.


What's he saying?

I don't know.

Sorry for what?

Were you in the car?

I'm sorry.

Looks like a liver lac.

I'll got get her.

All right, let's intubate,
etomidate, and sux.

Where were you stationed?

In Birmingham.

I have an uncle
in Birmingham.

Does he work
in the steel mills?

The university.

We handled mail
for seven million soldiers.

65,000 pieces every eight hours.

My goodness.

Nothing beats a letter
from home.


( groaning ):

What do you think?

It's a perforation.

A small hole in the colon.

It's from her diverticular

I'm afraid you'll need
an operation to fix it.

But she's so weak.

It's really the
only option.

Well, can't we wait
a few days?

Then she'll become
extremely ill

and surgery could
be dangerous.

If I were your mother

would you recommend
the operation?


Then we'll do it.

Dr. Corday?

I have a Mr. Ashman, says
you repaired his hernia.

Chubby, drug-seeking

I don't know
about drug-seeking.

Complains of
abdominal pain.

What's his exam like?

Didn't do one.

Then why are you
talking to me?

Some surgeons like to treat
their patients primarily.

Not this one.

Well, he's going to
say he's tender.

You'll be seeing
him eventually.

Maybe, maybe not.

Oh, I'm pretty certain.


Who gets the vent?

Curtain Three.

I have to start
a dopamine drip.

Curtain Two,
abdominal pain.

He's still
fully clothed.

He needs a gown,
don't you think?


( loud whacking )




Somebody! Ah!

You thought you could fool me?
Is that it?

Mr. Norden.

( screaming )

Stop it!


You take a loan
from Mr. Bennett

he expects his money back.

You pay it by Monday
or next time

it's going
to be your head.

You understand?

I need a nurse
in here.

Oh, my God.

Are you all right?

He broke my legs.

He's not your

Would you like me
to call your mom?


It's just us.

God, we were having
such a great day, too.

He just...

He took me out to lunch
'cause I got into law school.

Early acceptance?

He even...

He even laminated a copy
of the letter to his toolbox.

Well, what is that?

What are they doing?

They're just
taking X-rays.

Oh, is something broken?

He may have a
crushed pelvis.

I mean, is that really bad?


He might need surgery.

Oh, God.

He had to have been run over
or pinned against something.


It was a wall.


Look, I...

I thought I was in reverse.

It was such a tight space.

He was out front,
waiting for me to back out.

I thought...

I thought it was in reverse.

Mr. Stegman's
troponin is positive.

I sent Mooney
to the library.

Good call.

C.P.K. on Norton.

That's Susan's

Dr. Lewis.

She always been so

She's not high-maintenance.

She's great.
I like her.

Abby, could you get
a rectal temp in Room Four?

Anything else?

That should do it.

Hey, I heard about
your hit man.

Oh, more like
an enforcer.

Well, never
a dull moment.

I could use
a dull moment.

Okay, pick a chart,
any chart.

This is a setup.

No, just go
ahead. Pick.

You sure?


( giggles softly )

Female abdominal pain?

What you got?

Suture removal.

This is definitely
a setup.

On a scrotum.

Oh, maybe not.

All right,
where is he?


Mr. Ashman, I assume.

You paged
for a consult.

Curtain Two.

Epigastric tenderness
on exam.

As predicted.

I have the touch.

Better hurry
before he finds his clothes.

Dr. Corday, there's a code
in the S.I.C.U.

One of your patients.

You'll have to
keep them hidden.



Hi, I'm Dr. Lewis.

How long have you had
your stomach trouble?

Since yesterday.

How long is this
going to take?

Well, I don't know.

It depends
on what's wrong.

Well, I need to be
home in two hours.

No matter what.

Pressure's good: 110/60.

T.K.O. the saline.

Send up the
last two O-neg.

Is he going
to be okay?

He's responding
to blood transfusions

but he needs surgery
to repair his liver.

Hold the elevator.

Well, can I go
up with him?

Malik, can you take her
to the surgical waiting room?

Why don't you
just wait right here

and I'll come back
and get you.

Dr. Greene.

You want
one shot I.V.P?

We'll do it upstairs.

That's two-plus
for heme.

Got it.
Dr. Greene.

Did you get a B.A.L.
on the daughter?


I smelled alcohol
on her breath.

D.U.I. with bodily injuries
is a felony.

She wasn't driving.

Now she says she was.

Did you get the C.T.?
Radiology's waiting.

Peter took him
straight to the O.R.

She's changing
her story.

It's an admission
of guilt.

Kerry, did you smell
alcohol on the daughter?

Uh, I don't know.

Okay, is she
in custody?

Are you arresting her?

You could still draw
a level.

Give her a break.

Her father's
in critical condition.

Because she hit him
with the car

while under the influence.

Doesn't seem drunk to me.

Forget it.
I was asking a favor.

But I'll call
a phlebotomist from...

Wait, hold on.
You'll get your draw.

Just wait until her dad's
out of surgery.

How long is that
going to be?

Couple hours.

My sergeant wants me back
on the streets.

I can't stay here
and baby-sit.

Well, come back.
She's not going to go anywhere.

Take your time,
and think it over.

No, you don't understand.

I have to have an abortion.

You have other
options, you know.

No, not for me.

My parents are so strict.

They'll k*ll me.

Everybody thinks that.

No, it's
different for us.

I have to be a virgin
on my wedding day.

I think if you
give them the chance...

No. If they find out
that I've had sex...

I'm no longer
their daughter.

They'll send me away...

out of the country

and I don't want
to live there.

I can't.



Do you know what
an ectopic pregnancy is?

A miscarriage?

Not exactly.

It's where the fetus grows
in the Fallopian tube.

So, then I have
to have an abortion.

It's more complicated
than that.

You'll need surgery.

An operation?

Right now.

Well, how long
does it take?

You leave the hospital
by tomorrow.

No, I have to be home
for dinner in an hour.

If you don't have surgery
immediately, it could rupture

and you'll bleed to death.

Then I'll come back Saturday.

You may not make it
to Saturday.

I don't care.

I need a doctor
in Trauma One right now.

You know what, we'll
figure something out.

Pregnancy is confidential.

We don't have to tell
your parents.

Dr. Lewis,
status epilepticus.

Okay. You stay right there.

I'll be right back,
okay, Amal?

Amal, okay?

Paramedics gave
four of Ativan

but she's
still seizing.

How's the airway?

Pulse ox is borderline.
You may have to tube her.

Give another two
of Ativan.

Oh, you got this one?

Who are you?

Susan Lewis.
It's, uh, my first day.

Oh. Resident?


Tachy at 130.


We'll do it together.

How long has
she been seizing?

We got the call
20 minutes ago.

Any history?

Husband only speaks Spanish.

Okay, let's prep
a gram of Dilantin.

I'll intubate.
We should intubate.

Go ahead.

Push 70 of Zemuron.


I have to go
to the pharmacy.

It's the best
nondepolarizing agent.

Maybe, but we
don't stock it.

100 of sux.

I'll get the airway.

( clears throat )

Push the Dilantin.

360. Clear.

Still in fib.

How long since

20 minutes.

360 again.
Give an amp of epi.

I just did.

Trying to raise
the dead, Lizzie?


Septic hemocolectomy

maxed out on Dopamine
and Levophed.


Go directly to the morgue.
Do not pass "Go."

Do not collect $200.

Okay, that's it.

I'll call the family.

Not that I'm
keeping score

but isn't this your
third postop death

this week?


We call that
a hat trick.

Thousand of Dilantin
on board.

Get ready with phenobarb.

The husband.

Sir, does your wife
have epilepsy?

Creo quo no.

Can we get a

No, it's okay.

?Esta tomando medicinas¿

Solamente una.

Es una droga
para prevenir


?Come se llama medicina¿

Tengo la botella.

She's on an anti-TB med.


?Toma algunas mas¿

No. Como dice alli,
once cada dia.

?Once pastillas¿


No, solamente una al dia.


It's an overdose
because the label

is in English.

It says, "Take once a day."


In Spanish that means 11-- once.

She took 11 pills a day?

We need Pyridoxine.

At least six grams.

It's the only way
we're going to stop this.


puedes ayadarla¿

Si, vamos a ayudar.

Pavulon while we wait.

What did you say?

I said we'd help her.

I am diabetic.
I need water.

Well, then, we'll
start an I.V. for you.

Oh, nyet.

I drink, I throw up,
I feel better.

No, no,
nothing to drink.

You have gall stones
the size of golf balls.

( speaking Russian )

I have golf stones?

You have gallstones.

Abby, can you
start a line here?

The crash cart.
He's crashing.

What happened?

It looks like V-tach.

Does he have a pulse?

I don't think so.

Charge to 200.

Stanley, have you ever
shocked a patient before?

Uh, no.

Okay, this one's
all yours.

No, that's okay.

I am right here.

Charged and ready.

I want you to apply
firm pressure

and before you press
the buttons

back off...
say "clear."


( Carter groans )

Did you get shocked?

You were supposed to say "clear"
before, not after.

Normal sinus rhythm!
I've got a pulse!

Well, so does he,
thank God.

Were you touching
the bedframe?

E.K.G. lead?

No, his arm,
right here...

Ouch! Hold on.

I'll get you
an ice pack.

Feels like someone
kicked me in the chest.

Well.. consider yourself
lucky, Mr. Stegman.

How long
has she been seizing?

Almost an hour.

Four grams of
Pyridoxine on board.

She needs one gram
per gram ingested.

Give another four.

We don't have
another four.

Go to the pharmacy.

I can't.

Send another nurse.

This is all we had
in the whole hospital.

Okay, send couriers to Mercy,
Northwestern, Parkside...

Parkside closed last year.

Every nearby hospital.

We need all
the Pyridoxine

we can get.

V-fib. Starting compressions.

Charge to 200.

( sighs )

Damn it.

The daughter was driving?

Yeah. Crushed him up
against a brick wall.

You wonder why
I don't have kids.

Lizzie, what you got?

Perfed diverticulum.

Yeah, well, be sure
you clean under
your fingernails.

Don't want another
postop infection.

Dr. Benton, there's
a Roger McGrath
on the phone.

Dr. Benton's in surgery.

Take a message.

He says it's important.

All right,
hold the phone.

He's crashing!

Get me four more units
of packed cells!

Let's go, Peter.
Good news can wait.

Bad news
will never go away.

I'll call him back.

Hold compressions.


Start pacing at 140.

Courier's got
Pyridozine from Mercy.

Will be here
in ten minutes.

Turn up the gain.

No capture.

Resume compressions.

How long has she been down?

No cardiac activity
for 35 minutes.

You want to keep going?

pH is 6.8.

( sighs )

We'll never get her back.

I'm calling it.

Stop C.P.R.

Put the husband
in a quiet room.

I'll be right there.

Good pickup.


I would have missed
the diagnosis.

Lot of good it did.

Feeling any better?

Yeah, the boys bounce back

Ow! Oh, I think I might've
tweaked it again.

You want to have
another doctor take
a look at your back?

How about your front?

( woman retching violently )

She's tossing
her cookies.

No, cookies.
Chicken, potato, and ice cream.

Oh, Dr. Carter.
I'm really sorry.

It's not your fault.

Should we order an X-ray?

No. It's just a spasm.

It could be somatic dysfunction
at the myofascial junction.


I studied alternative medicine
in Hong Kong.

I could try a muscle
energy technique.

You know, I think
you've done enough
for one day.

Okay, help me mobilize
the liver.

Bovie and pickups.

Peter! Where's Reese?


Reese isn't in the playroom.

You were supposed
to pick him up
at school.

I tried; he wasn't there.

Free up
the falciform.
Where is he?

I thought you had him here
in daycare.


Who let this guy in?

Carla's mother pick him up?


Systolic's down to 60.

Four-sucker bleed.
Lap pads, let's pack
off the liver.

All right.
Her name is, uh,
on the card at school.

Okay. I'll try her.

Yeah, good idea. You call
Grandma, you call Grandpa

and I'll roll
this guy over

so we can all kiss his ass

Sign here.

Corday finally see him?

No. I drank that
Russian water.

Yetna's water?

Yeah, I'm better now.

No thanks to you.

Here, take this;
you're going to need it later.

Have you seen the
girl in Exam One?

She took off.

She said she'd be back
at 9:00.

Why didn't
anyone get me?

Because you were busy
with the arrest.

She has an ectopic.

Well, you didn't
tell me that.

Where's her chart?
It's here, somewhere.

Could you find it,

Could you pull up Razavi
on the computer

and print out
her "redge" sheet?

Excuse me. We're here
to see Dr. Carter.

She fainted.

I did not faint.
I was dizzy.

You'll need to see
a triage nurse.

Is that you?

Through those doors
and to the right.

I think we should go
through those doors

and right back to the car.

Please, John Carter...
Dr. Carter's very busy.


Excuse me. If you want
to see a doctor

you need to sign in
at Triage.

Gamma, what are you
doing here?
Ask him.

She fainted outside
Marshal Fields.

I did not.
Did you hit your head?

No. I didn't faint.

This is your grandmother?

Uh, Gamma,
this is Susan Lewis.


I'm terribly sorry,

Well, I guess you're
only rude to strangers.

Mrs. Wilson!

Mrs. Wilson,
your surgery
went very well.

( mumbling ):

You're finished?

Yes. You're on your
way to Recovery.


I need your address.

I got to send you
at thank-you note.

Dr. Corday?
Dr. Corday?


Carmen Torino from
Infection Control.

Do you have a minute?

What do you need?

To speak to you
in private.

Okay. Keep her fluids
at 125 an hour.

Vitals Q-15, CBC in 30.

You lost another patient
today, from sepsis.

Uh, yes, but, uh, he was
debilitated before surgery.

I understand.

However, his death triggered

a formal investigation
by my department.

Excuse me?

You need to be cultured.


In case your body's
carrying bacteria

that's infecting
your patients.

Can you stop by the clinic
in an hour?

I'm afraid that's

I have a patient waiting
for me downstairs.

Your surgical privileges
could be suspended

if you don't cooperate.

If you have concerns,
talk to my chairman.

I already have.

Drs. Romano and Anspaugh
have given us

their full support.

Did she sign out AMA?


Call her back.

She thinks she'll
be deported if her
parents find out.

Tell her parents that she needs
surgery for an ovarian cyst.

And falsify
a consent form?

I'd rather keep them
in the dark.

She's pregnant.
They don't have
to know anything.

Hmm. You trust her
to come back?

I think so.
I hope so.

Dr. Greene,
Dr. Corday on Two.

You home yet?

Susan, hi.

Uh, I heard you lost one,
the INH overdose.


Yeah, those can be tough.

How long is
it going to take?

Um, anyway, I've been meaning
to talk to you

about the nursing shortage.

That blood alcohol came back
just over the limit.


The girl,
who hit her father-- .092.

Is he still in surgery?

Want me to tell a cop?

No. I will.

Anyway, if you could
pitch in a little

it'll make
everyone happy.

The nurses are complaining?

Yeah, I explained
that you're used
to better staffing

so, you know,
they'll cut
you some slack

until you're up
to speed.

Okay, okay. No problem.

Can you cover my last hour?

Aw, my first day back

you're already
dumping on me.

Elizabeth's stuck.
I have to get home to the baby.

L.P. results are pending
on Etzler

and Nguyen's getting a V.Q.

Anything else?

Yeah, you could pick me up
some milk and Huggies

on the way home.

B.P.'s 120/80.

Take down the packing.


Carla's mom has been
home all day.

Try Jackie.

I tried. I got Joanie.

Did she pick him up?


Retrohepatic caval injury.
More suction.

Call the police, now.
I got to go.

Lost another two liters.

Sternal saw. Peter,
do a pringle before
the guy bleeds out.

Shirley, go get Edson.

Prep a number
eight atrial shunt.

I need to be relieved.

Peter, you take your hands
off his liver

and he's going to die!

Your EKG looks good.

I told you, I'm fine.

Alger means well

but sometimes,
he's annoyingly

You gave him a scare.

I was a little woozy
getting out of the car.

We call that near syncope.

I call it
skipping lunch.

You need to eat.

I'll do it.

You been sleeping okay?

( sighs )

Are you, uh, depressed?

I miss him, John.

Me, too.

Have you thought
about therapy?

I said, I miss him.

I'm not mentally unstable.

Sometimes, it's good
to talk about it.

What's to talk about?
He's gone.

And I have things to do.

If I leave now,
I can still make
the Donor's Reception.

Whoa. We need to monitor
your heart overnight.

In here?
I don't think so.

Well, let's just wait

I've been waiting.

I've already missed
two appointments.

If everything checks out

you'll be back
on your feet tomorrow.

There are no more tomorrows,

This is it.

Your grandfather and I used
to think

we had a lifetime of tomorrows.

Hello, is Amal there?

Oh, I'm sorry.

Uh, this is Susan,
her friend from school.

I just had a question
about our math homework.

Oh, okay, great.

Yeah, I'll call back after
dinner. Okay, thanks.

Dr. Lewis,
Mr. Gadasco's still waiting?


His wife died--
the overdose.

Oh, my... Oh, damn it!
I completely forgot.

Señor Gadasco...

¿Como sigue, doctora?

Le dimos el antidoto,
pero siguido convulsionando.

Parace grave.

Convulsiono tanto que le dio
un ataque del corazon.

Dios mio.

Le dimos choque electrico
y todo el medicamento

para salvarla,
pero no respondio.

Trabajamos con ella
por dos horas

pero se murio.



No! No! No!

Lo siento mucho.

¿Como es posible
que eso paso?


¿Que voy a hacer, señora?

¿Que voy a hacer?

Once. La bottella decia once.

Yo se. Calmate, por favor.


Seguimos las direcciones.

Pensabamos que estamos
haciendo todo bien.

Yo se... que debe
ser dificil...

¿Que les digo
a mis hijos?

¿Porque tuvo que pasar?

Lo siento.

¿Porque tuvo que pasar?

Lo siento mucho.

( gasping )


It has to be
a nasopharyngeal sample.


Ooh, sorry.

Felt more like
a brain biopsy.

The enterobacter
from you patients is
a very resistant strain.

I'm aware of that.

You may be colonized.

Open wide.

Quick swab
of the tonsils.

( choking )


So, are we finished?

Just need to do a pelvic.

You've got be kidding.

A surgical tech in Ohio
was passing nocardia

from her vaginal flora.

Thank you for sharing that.

I'm nursing.

You want a sample
of my milk as well?


Then a cath'd urine
and a stool sample.

If you can't go now,
you can take it home

and bring it back
in the morning.

Inflate the balloon
and tighten the rumel.

How is he? Is he
going to be okay?

They're still
working on him.

Why did you leave him?

There's another surgeon
with him.

How much longer?
Look, I have
another emergency

so just wait
in the room, okay.

They want us to come
to the station and
make out a report.

This is Dr. Benton
at County General.

Listen, I need you to send
a detective down here.

I don't care!
My son is missing!

So get off your ass, do your job
and send someone down now!

What's the ETA?
Two minutes.

Flip you for the airway.
He's already

What are we getting?

Mercy's sending us a GSW,
and we're out of beds.

You coming?
Yeah, I need gloves.

Move Trauma One to Exam One...
Whose chart is this?

Oh, that's mine.

Code the charts
at the time of discharge

so they can go to billing.

I'll do it right now.

Yeah, and be sure
the nurse's notes...

Did this patient leave
the hospital?

I'm not sure.

You're not sure?
She an ectopic.

It's under control.

What do you mean?
She's not here.

It's complicated.

I'm trying to protect
her privacy.

You should be trying
to protect her life.

She'll be back
in two hours.

If she's
still alive!

Lost his pulse
on the scene.

I gave her my word
I wouldn't tell her parents.

You're putting her
life at risk

so she doesn't
get into trouble.

You have to trust me
on this one.

Prep for a thoracotomy.

Okay, give me the gown.

Call your patient
right now.

You're being completely

If she's sick,
they can bring her in.

Not if she's dead.

You got too many names
on the list.

Everyone helps out.

How's the school supposed
to keep track of ten people?

Any stranger could say
he was his uncle.

We've never had
a problem before.

You sure you got
there on time?


Hey, what are
you doing here?

Where were you?


( sighs )
What's going on?

You picked him
up from school?


He was acting out.
He bit a little girl.

You were in surgery,
so they called me.

Yeah, well, you had us worried.

I left a message
on your voice mail.

It wasn't Peter's
night to pick him
up, it was mine.

You're still picking him up?

We have dinner every
Tuesday and Thursday.

He's had three fights
at recess this week.

Hey, you fighting?

The teacher wants to know

if there are any problems
at home.

She thinks he may need
a little more stability.

What are you
trying to say?

Just telling you
what she said.

He wasn't getting
in fights when he
was living with us.

Know what? Maybe he
should just live in
one home for a while.

Peter, he's my stepson.
We've got an agreement.

Yeah, but we need to think
about what's best for Reese.

Well, if he's
acting out

maybe it's because
he lost his mother.

Hey, hey, hey, look.
We'll talk about this later.

I just need to go call
the police and get him home.

All right?

Dr. Weaver?


O.R. called.
They don't think

Mr. Pomeroy's
going to make it.

Okay, I'll go up.
Can you do the coroner's forms?

Yeah. Hey, Chuni,
can you tell my grandmother

I'll be about
five more minutes?

And see if Dr. Lewis called
that ectopic girl.

( sighs )


What are you doing?

It's late, John.
I've been a good sport.

No, no, no, you
cannot leave.

Fainting can be
a warning sign

for a heart attack,
for stroke...

I'll take my chances.

Well, if you leave now,
you're going to be

signing out against
medical advice.

I've already done that.

Come on, there's still

some more tests
we can do.

I'll see you
at home, John.

Don't forget
to turn out

the porch light
when you come in.

Check on her in
about an hour.

Good night.

Sorry if I offended her.

Oh, don't worry
about it.

She never takes
me seriously.

What do you expect?
She changed your diapers.

That's true.

Any focal neuro findings?

EKG changes?

No, I monitored her
for three hours.

Yeah, she should be okay.

Weaver's looking for you.

Did you call your
ectopic girl?

I'm going to give her
till 9:00.

It's a bit of a risk.

Danger is my middle name.

Any other catastrophes?

It's been like
an acid flashback

without the good parts.

I don't know
what I was thinking

when I said I'd come back.

You weren't, but at least
you're working with friends.


Excuse me, uh, Pickman's got
a woman in active labor.

Show time.

( woman groans )

Denise Frankel.

She's crowning.

"Show time"
is right.

( screams )

Oh, I need to push.

Go ahead, push.

( moans )

Membrane's ruptured,
fluid looks clear.

How many other
kids have you had?

This one's coming fast.

( sighs )

Take your foot off the pedal.

I'm not on it.
The bed's rising.

Your foot must...

I'm nowhere near it.

Must be... a short?

What's happening?
Just a little
technical difficulty.

Oh, man.

Water broke, it must have
flooded the switch.

Late decel. Okay, we have to get
this baby out.

I can't deliver
the baby like this.

Well, get Luka.
He's tall.

take over.

What-- where
are you going?

What are you doing?

Excuse me?
Get down. Get down.

Okay, just blow, just
blow through the pain.

Drop your arm over the side.
I need to start an IV.

Give me a hand.

Oh, you're
kidding me?

What are you doing?

Just setting up
some equipment.

Fetal heart
rate's 140.

Don't drop my baby.

Don't worry,
Dr. Carter

used to be
in the circus.

Yeah, as
a clown, right?

Human cannonball...
until I got fired.

Okay, give a big push.


Head's out.

Cord's tight
around the neck.

Can you reduce it?

Uh, I don't think so.
How about a clamp?

Toss it.

Second clamp.


Is it a boy or a girl?

One more push,
and we're about to find out.

( groans )

( yells )

It's a boy.

Is he okay?

Oh, he's beautiful.

Can I see him?

Yeah, as soon as we strap on
a parachute.

Ooh, yeah.

Hi, Mom.

( sighs )

( laughs )

( sobbing ):
I k*lled him.

I k*lled him.
I k*lled him.

I'm so sorry.

I k*lled him.
I'm so sorry.

No. No...

I need to see him.

I need to see him.

Miss Pomeroy?

We're going to
have to leave now.

What? What do you mean?
What are you talk--

I'm required to place
you under arrest.

It was an accident.
He was my father.

Is this really

We only had a couple
of glasses of wine.

We only had a couple
of glasses of wine.

Let her say good-bye.

Where is he? Where
did you put him?

Let her say good-bye.
Where is he?

This way.

Oh, God, I'm sorry.

I'm sorry.

I got Ella's
diaper culture.

Oh, you didn't need
to do that, Mark.

Hey, not with the food.

I triple-bagged them.

Did I hear
a phone ring?


She still
hasn't called?

Not yet.

The party was
over at 8:00.

I know.

So, call her.

I don't have her
phone number.

Look it up.

I didn't get
Claire's last name.

Mark, if your
at a party

you need to know
these things.

Yeah, well,
I talked to the parents.

I thought everything
was okay.

We don't even know
where she is.

I told you
about the party.

Do you know
what time it is?

It's only 10:15.

You were supposed
to call me two hours ago.

I'm sorry.

How'd you get home?


I think I'll check on
the little one.

All they had were
hot dogs and burgers

so some of us
went out to eat.

Uh-huh, "some of us,"
or you and Andrew?


I need to know these things.

That sounds
like something
Mom would say.

I wasn't drinking.
I'm not doing dr*gs.

I'm just making some
new friends, okay?

All you had to do was call.

I tried.

The pay phone was broken.

If you don't believe me,
call the restaurant.

Don't ever let
this happen again.



You know, if I had
a cell phone

we could keep in touch.

Yeah, right.

Seriously, just
for emergencies.

We'll see.


You guys do good work.

So do you.

I'll call you when
it's time to build
his tree house.

( laughs )


Dr. Lewis.

I'm so sorry I'm late.

It was really hard
to sneak out.

I am so glad
you came back.

I told the nurse
I'd be here at 9:00.

Well, people say
a lot of things.

You said it
was important.

Mm-hmm. Abby,
can you find us a room?


Good to see you.

Uh... where's her chart?

Weaver's got it.

Amal's chart?


I don't know.
Where is she?

I don't know.

She's on a call
in the lounge.

Oh, damn it.

Get off the phone.

Yeah, I work at
the E.R. in County...

She's here, you don't
have to call.


I told you,
she'd be back.


Amal, the ectopic.

I didn't call her.


Hello. Hi.

I'm sorry we got disconnected.

No, actually, I got your number
from an investigator

who specializes
in finding birth parents.

Did you give up
a daughter for adoption?

I understand.

No, I-I...

I am sorry.

I thought this was
from a reliable source.

I won't--
I will not bother you again.

Good night.