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08x04 - Never Say Never

Posted: 07/26/21 16:26
by bunniefuu
Previously on ER:

Marfan's is difficult
to detect.

The residents have
never heard of it...

Which is why
we have attendings.

You had the right information.

You didn't bother to look at it.

We paged you three times.

You can't get rid of him

just 'cause the two
of you don't get along.

They say you're
not a real doctor

until you've k*lled

a few patients.

You don't know a
damn thing about me.

I know you're fired.

You're a sad,
cold-hearted bitch.

Luka and I broke up
a few days ago.

Abby, I'm sorry
if I hurt you.
You didn't
hurt me.

It's going to be a pain
to lose Susan Lewis.

Big mistake.



Oh... sorry.



His buddies said
he just passed out.

Passed out?
There's rigor mortis

and lividity.

We had a bit
of a crowded scene.

It was easier
just to grab him.

Well, it's going to
be harder to dump him.

Come on, Doc.

No. look,
I'm not tying up a room

with a dead body.

Take him
to the morgue.

You've got a morgue.

No, come on, let's go--
load him up.

We reserve the right to
refuse service to anyone.

This is
a county hospital.

Let me know when you start

paying taxes
and wearing clothes.

This should be
enough Elemite

and make sure all
your bedding gets
washed in hot water.

And the dog, too?

Sure, why not?

And make a follow-up

with your regular
health care provider.

This is our regular
health care provider.


Hi, I'm looking
for Mark Greene.

Talk to the clerk.

Dude, it only
takes, like,
two minutes

to freeze a wart off.

Actually less,
but you still

have to wait
like everybody else.

Hi, I'm looking
for Dr. Greene.

Fill this out,
take a seat over there.

No, I'm not a patient.

We're having lunch.

Chairs are thataway.

Okay, but you'll
tell him I'm here?

I'll tell him.

You might want to know my name.

County General.

Excuse me.

Pardon. My fault.

Maybe you can help me.

I'm looking for Mark Greene.

Yosh? Labs back
on gall bladder

in Exam One?
Check with
the computer.

He's a friend of mine.

Hold on.

Have you still
not forgiven me?

My angelfish died.

I'll buy you
another one.

There were two of them.

I'll buy you three.

Maybe you
can help me.

I'm looking
for Dr. Greene.

Check with the clerk.

Go ahead
and call the mayor!

Shut us down
for all I care!

Dr. Lewis!

Dr. Lewis.

Yes. Hi.



Ralph Binks.

Six years ago
I was tapping

the electrical main

Took 20 amps in the ass.

You treated me, said I
was going to be just fine.

Right, right.

Well, I wasn't.

My life has been

a living hell
of static cling since then.

So thanks, Doc.

Thanks for nothing.

Bet I know what you

came here for!

Is that it?

So she just
got on a plane?

Sent for the twins
the next day.

Haven't seen her since.

Dr. Kovac don't
know what happened.

Dr. Kovac?

Tall, hunky guy, dark hair.

You can't miss him.

Can someone move
Mr. Schnack

before we have to hold
the wake ourselves?

Ah... She's still here?

Worse. She's
in charge.

Excuse me, ladies,
we have patients

breaking the
eight-hour mark.

Don't be
a stranger.

I won't.


Hey, Kerry.

What a surprise.

Are-are you here
for the ACEP Assembly?

No, I'm here on
some interviews.

In Chicago?

I'm meeting Mark for lunch.

He's in
with a bad GSW.

Yeah, I finally got
someone to talk to me.

Who have you gone to?


Oh. Rush, Northwestern,
a couple of privates.

Looking for a staff position?


Well, good luck
with that.

Thank you.

Nice to see you again.

You, too.

Welcome back.

Sort of.

Do you mind?

I work here.

Chest cavity's
filled with clot.

Sats are down to 60.

Lap pad.

Who's that?

Susan Lewis.

Your friend
from Scottsdale?


Says Scottsdale
on the phone bill.

Metzenbaum scissors.

She looks great,
doesn't she?

Pericardium's tense with blood.

What's she doing here?

We're supposed to have lunch.

There's a big
bleeder underneath.

You didn't say anything
about having a lunch.

I didn't?


Can you feel the defect?

I just can't put
my finger on it.

Something must have

It's "Miss."

Miss McDuffy.

Well, to start
with: I'm tired

I'm depressed,
I can't concentrate

I've got headaches--
oh, and hives--

and I'm bloated
and constipated

and it hurts here, too.

Any chest pain?

Oh, that's the worst
of all.

I see. Well, that just
about covers everything.


Can we get a CBC,
Chem 20, TSH, Free T4

troponin, CK with MB,
lipase, EKG, chest X ray

urine and a culture?

That it?

I've got
a yeast infection, too.


Want to see it?

Maybe later.

Come on, be a sport--
do the pelvic.

I think that might
just put me over the edge.

Into what? Celibacy?

Into taking it.
You're not
taking it.

I think
I'm taking it.

You like it
here too much.

Abby, I don't
have a job here.

Weaver offered
you shifts.

I can do shift
work anywhere.


It's tenure track
clinical faculty position.

You want to be
a professor now?

It's better
job security.

Like you're in it
for the money?

And my money
says they have

yeast infections at
Northwestern, too.

Well, I'll let you know.

If you really wanted it

you would have
taken it by now.

I'm going to have
to let them know.

clocked it.
Clocked what?

I have to let them
know by Friday.

Tomorrow's Friday.

I know.

John, can you take
the hypochondriac

with the spider bite
in Curtain Two?

You asking me
or telling me?

Whatever gets you
to do it.

I told the creep
all we had

was travelers checks.

Wouldn't do him
any good.

Pretty brazen
for a mugger

to hit you
in broad daylight.

Oh, he didn't
hit us.

Stan tripped over a curb
trying to get away.

Um, Dr. Weaver?

Yeah, I'll
have the nurse

set you up with
an ice pack.

He doesn't need
an MRI?

Not this time.

positive list.

Make sure Frank
routes them correctly this time.

Mm-hmm. Sure.

Last week
the cafeteria ended up

with our UTI

Anything I should know
about this meeting?

What meeting?

With Romano. Risk
Management called me

so I'm assuming it's
about the Marfan's death.


Has there been a wrongful
death suit filed?

In-house review
is standard procedure

in this kind
of circumstance.

It's not an M&M. These
are lawyers, right?

Their job is to protect you
and the hospital.

And assess exposure.

It's normal.

Dave was fired.

I just thought maybe...

Dr. Malucci's termination
isn't reflective of anything.

There were other concerns

other issues involved.

Am I in trouble,
here, Kerry?

I found it in my slipper.

I figure you need to milk it
for anti-venom.

Actually, Chicago
doesn't have any
dangerous spiders.

It doesn't?

Mm-mm. Not
native anyway.

So this one hopped on a bus
across the border.

All I know is
that little
bastard took

a chunk of
out my foot.

That looks
like a flea bite.

Flea bite? I can feel the toxin

making its way
to my heart.

One percent Hydrocortisone cream
and Benadryl for the itching

and get yourself a flea b*mb.

That's it?

That's it.

See, look, you've
got this down.

Why would you
want to leave it?

Pardon, Miss?

What's your name again?


I'm Nicole.

We met at the bar
with Luka.

I was your waitress.


What happened to your hand?

I cut myself.

Not bad, but I think
it needs to be, uh...

How do you say?


Yeah, sutured.

That man--
he won't tell Luka I'm here.

He's so rude.

Hmm. Do you want me
to take a look at it?

I was hoping Luka could look.

Well, Dr. Carter is
very good at suturing.

Luka's not working today?

No, I think
that he is.

Isn't he, Abby?


Sure. Come on,
I'll get you a room.

Thank you.

Hey, don't hurt him.

What are you doing?

I'm letting him go.

You said
he was innocent.


Frank, I think
I need housekeeping in here.

Funny, that's not
how I remember you.


Son of a bitch!

That is.

Dr. Lewis!

What are you doing here?

Susan, Carter.

Right. Susan, hey.


( laughing )

Oh. Well, would
you believe I'm
looking for work?

In Chicago?

Yeah. Never say never.

Oh, that's great.

Wow! You look...


Yeah? You look, uh...

the same.

Are you, uh... interviewing?

Yeah. I have a meeting
at Northwestern today.


A clinical faculty position?

Yeah. Why?

I was just offered that job.

Oh, no. It's in the ER.

No. I switched back
to emergency medicine.

Oh. When?

Uh, forever ago.

So you must be Chief Resident.

Uh, no.

That would be Dr. Chen.

Deb Chen?

It's Jing-Me, now.
Jing-Mei now.

Jing... what...
Frank, what is it?

I don't know
what she calls herself.

Yeah, so...


( laughs )

( sighs )


Hey, Kerry, what,
are you lurking

around the
men's room now?

You changing
teams again?

You're scheduling meetings
with my residents

without consulting me?

I'm sorry. Did you
not get the memo?

What memo?

The one that says
I run the place.

Yeah, Dr. Chen is
my responsibility.

I expect to be notified

if she's to be questioned
by Risk Management.

Fair enough. Consider
yourself notified.

Good, I want
to be there.

No, you don't.
I don't even
want to be there.

As Chief
of the department

I try not
to interfere

with Risk Management

So now
it's an investigation?

Information gathering

whatever you
want to call it.

They have a
few questions.

Dr. Chen approached me.

She was scared.

She wants me
to come with her.

She's a big girl.

She talked
about lawyers.

Do you want it
to escalate to that

or do you want me
to come?

Does she have
something to hide?

No, the truth is bad enough.

I think we should be
trying to protect her.

You sure you don't
have a little
thing for her?

Oh, Robert.

Okay, fine.

3:00. Seventh floor
conference room.

Good femoral
with compressions.

Stop CPR.

( knocking )

No pulse, no pressure.

Your friend's back.

What do you feel?

Probable entry wound

in the left ventricle.

It feels ragged
through the mitral valve.

How big?
Too big.

Nothing's organized
on the monitor.

He's gone.
You want to call it?

Let's see if
we can piece
anything together.

Okay. I'll be right back.

O silk on a
needle driver.

Hey, can you give me
ten minutes?

Oh, yeah

if there's still
an express to
Oak Park.

Yeah. You
look great.
You look great, too.

Dr. Greene.

Got a six-year-old boy

with vomiting
and severe dehydration.

Get Cleo.
He's got a
genetic disorder.

Tachy at 120,
B.P.'s 90/60.

You know what?

I don't want
to be late.

I'll just come
back after my

Okay. That's great.

Elizabeth, how are you doing?

Forget it. Go.

Good to see things
never change.

Knock 'em dead.

You, too.

How long has he
been vomiting?

Three days straight.

He's dry as a bone.

And you waited
'till now to
bring him in?

He has a geneticist at Mercy,
but our insurance got messed up

and they weren't able
to see us.

Is he Down's?

No. Trisomy 18.

I thought they didn't survive
past age one?

They don't.
He's special.

Yeah, uh...

Belly's hard as a rock.

Elizabeth, you better
get in here.

Let's do a rectal temp.

I can do that if you want.

No, no.
We'll let the nurse do it.

She only means she does it
for him all the time.

What is it?

Possible bowel obstruction.

Six-year-old boy
with Edward's Syndrome.

Six? I thought
that was impossible?

Well, apparently not.

No luck
with the IV.

Prep for a subclavian.

It feels like
a loop of bowel.

I'll try to reduce.


Um, it's
probably perfed.

I'm surprised he
doesn't have a fever.

He will.
There's probably
dead bowel

in addition to the obstruction.

Let's take him to the OR.

He's vomiting.
Let's roll him.

Please, this has to stop.

Once we get the
line in, we'll

give him some Compazine.
I'm in.

That's not what she's asking.

She wants you to give him
something for the pain.

Titrate six
of morphine.
No, to end it.


Please, just end it for him.

Haleh, I need to go upstairs.

Have each resident
pick up at least two
of the fast tracks

as soon as their sicker
patients are tucked in.

They don't
listen to me.

Oh, and make sure

Mrs. Hertel gets
her gentamycin.

Two per kilo?

You ready?

I'm going with you.

Why? What's wrong?


Dr. Romano assures
me it's routine.

Then why are
you going?

To represent
the department,


Oh, God.

Jing-Mei, no one is out
to get anyone.

You do this job
long enough

you'll make
a serious mistake.

That's true for everyone.

That's encouraging.

Mr. and Mrs. Schudy?

Has he stopped


We've given him
morphine for the pain

and antibiotics
and fluids.

You must think
we're awful people.


No, I think that, uh

when a child is this ill,
emotions can escalate

and I don't think
you really want

what you asked for.

No. No, of course
we don't.

I don't know, maybe
we're both just too tired.

Kenny needs
round-the-clock care.

I imagine he would.

Just tell us what
you need to do.

Well, your son has
an incarcerated
inguinal hernia

which we can repair--
it's a simple procedure--

but we will have to evaluate
his internal organs.

If he's been obstructed
for a while

he may need a colostomy.

How many has he had so far?


Three laparotomies
and a VSD repair.

He's had more surgeries
than birthdays.

I was opening
for lunch.

The back gate gets
stuck sometimes.

It doesn't look
deep enough
to suture.

Let's irrigate and give
her some Keflex.

My boss wanted me
to finish my shift.

He's such a...

What do they
say here?

A capitalist?

What did he want
me to do?

Bleed on
everybody's food?

Good thing
he let you off.

You don't want it
to get infected.

He didn't let me.
He fired me--

after a year of working
there seven nights a week.

Abby, where's
that irrigation kit?

( coyly ):
It's coming, Dr. Kovac.


I'll be right there.

There may be
a little scarring.

Will you be able
to find another job?

I don't know.

He kept saying he'd make
problems with my visa.

I think he can, too.

Is everything
okay back there?


Had you looked at the X ray

do you feel that you would
have recognized

the widened mediastinum?

Yes, I think so.

Well, how confident
of that are you?

I don't know.

Standard of care is to take
a chest X ray to rule out

aortic dissection
before ordering


That's right.

So why take one if
you're not going
to look at it?

Dr. Chen has already
admitted to a critical error.

No need to belabor
the point.

We're just trying
to understand
what happened.

The treating resident
told me the X ray was clear.

He thought
I meant hemothorax.

I thought he meant
signs of dissection.

Dr. Malucci.

He's been terminated

the incident.

That helps,
I suppose.

In essence,
the mistake
was the result

of a miscommunication
during a time-sensitive
critical care situation.

Except for the
chain of command issue.

What issue?

How did you get involved
in this case?

Chief Residents or Attending
are called on to sign off

on any use
of thrombolytics.

Chief Residents
who are Attending.

I am an Attending.

You are now

but at the time,
you were five days

from officially
your residency.

My appointment
started July 1.

I was making up days
from my maternity leave.

Dr. Chen was given
the authority

of an Attending
while a Chief Resident.


If she wasn't
Board eligible

she wasn't authorized
to make this decision.

I thought I was.

Who was your Attending?


Who was your

Dr. Weaver.

We're talking
five days.

And where was Dr. Weaver?

Excuse me.
I'm sitting
right here.

You can ask me.

You're here as a representative
of the department.

I'm interviewing Dr. Chen.

She was out of the hospital.

I was right
across the street.

I was getting a meal
with the understanding

that Dr. Chen would
page me for critical cases.

And did you page her?


Before or after you authorized

the use
of thrombolytics?

Before and after.

I never received a page.

Three times total.

You could have come to get me.

I didn't know where you were.
Carter knew.

He found me in time to stop you
from cracking his chest.

Dr. Romano, this is precisely
why I like to interview

participants separately.

The fact is

this is a systems error.

The cafeteria
isn't open at
2:00 in the morning

so you need to leave
the building to get a meal.

Hmm. You might consider
brown-bagging it next time.

I'm done.

All right, well, this has been
very enlightening.

Thank you, Dr. Chen.

I'm sorry?

You're excused.

Kerry, you stay.

That's got to be
a record.

35 minutes
for a finger cut.

Do you need something?

scalp lac.

He's a handful.

They didn't pull you
out of court, did they?


I thought you were
going to take a
stool sample.

I will, Miss McDuffy

but you have
to go back and lie down.

Because I
have to go.

I have a friend
who's having

some trouble
with her visa.

I thought you could
help her out.

Do you know


About my condition.

Not until your
labs come back.

Work visa... French.

Does the fact that I have
bad B.O. mean anything?

That is
entirely possible.

Great. I'll
send her over.

You have
to lie down.


Thanks, I owe you.



I thought she was going
to protect me.

She was going
to protect herself.

What did you expect?

I don't know.

It just never
occurred to me

that she had
to protect her own ass.

Well, maybe your asses
aren't mutually exclusive.

Yeah, well, that's why
she's still up there
and I'm down here.

Look, Weaver's political,
that's true

but she's smart enough
to protect her own.

I don't see
it again.

What does
it look like?

The spider.

Nat, it's a big insect--
big, hairy.


I mean, you're
a reflection on her.

You were her choice
for Chief Resident.

She'll defend you,
if only to defend herself.

How's your back?
Hurts like hell.

35-year-old male
impaled himself

after a slip and fall
off a roof.

How much blood loss
at the scene?

Not a lot. We packed
around the wound

and stabilized it.

No KO. B.P. 100/70.

Don't touch me!

What was he doing
on the roof?

Wife said he was
trying to get
free cable.

Where's my wife?

Bye, baby.

I can't believe
we have to cut
him open again.

Would you like
me to go over the
procedure with you?

No, we know it
by heart.

Right, then I'll
just need you

to sign
the consent then.

It shouldn't take more
than a couple of hours.

There's a waiting area
just down the hall.

Do you have
a cafeteria?

Uh, yeah, third floor.

It's the only time
my husband and I

get to share
a meal together--

when Kenny's
in the hospital.

I understand.

Thank you.

Any messages?

Elsa Alacaron called;
said she doesn't
want the job.

Did she say why?


No new nanny yet?

No. Not one that signs.

Oh, yeah, right.

That must be hard to find.

You look tired.

So do you.

Parenting will do that to you.

Hi, this is Peter Benton.

I got your message.

I was... I was hoping
you would reconsider.

If you could at least
call me back

I would really appreciate it,

Thank you very much.

( screaming )

What do we got?

Fragments into
the peritoneum.

Ooh, that's a hell
of a fragment.

B.P.'s down to 70.

Bolus two liters
wide open.

Central line kit.

Can't you take that out?
It's k*lling him.

We have to do it
in the O.R. If
we do it here

he could bleed

Hemacue is ten.

You should take
her outside.

Two units
O-neg standing by.

( screaming )

Can't you give him something?

We did.


Possible diaphragmatic rupture.

Okay, let's red line him.



I love you.

No, no. Shut up.

You're not saying that.

I do.

Stop it. You'll be okay.

Where's the O-neg?
Waiting on Dr. Chen.

Let's move.

Need some help?

No, I've almost got it.

Didn't she leave a guide wire
in some poor schlub's chest?

That was over six years ago.

She was
a medical student.

But now there's a pattern

and if we don't show that
we took corrective measures

we could have
real exposure

if she kills
anyone else.

That's a little dramatic,
don't you think?

The guy's dead.
You can't get more dramatic.

There's no reason to think

that she's going
to k*ll anyone else.

Can you
guarantee that?

Oh, come on.

What happens
the next time

you take a 20-minute break

off-campus, Kerry?

How much does the technicality
in her status

really factor in?

You mean, can you end
the blood trail with Chen?

I want to know what kind
of support to expect.

For you or the department?

For me.

Well, I won't tell you
what to do.

It's your ER, but I expect
the family's going to want

accountability beyond
Dr. Malucci.

B.P. 's stable at 110/60.

Mr. Warshaw?
I'm Dr. Benton.

We're going to put you
to sleep and make
any repairs, okay?

No, don't.

Don't what?

Save me.

Mr. Warshaw,
I know the medication

has you feeling a little
strange, but don't worry.

You're going to be okay.

Just let me die.

Was this a su1c1de attempt?

Not that I know of.

Dr. Benton, your
niece called.

Her car broke down.
She can't pick up
your son.

( stammering ):
It-it has to be

an accident.

Mr. Warshaw,
your family needs you

so just hang in there, okay?

They need the money more!

( yelling )
Oh, my God!

Grab his hands,
grab his hands, grab them!

What the hell?

No pulse.

All right,
starting compressions.

What happened?

Don't just stand there,
bag him.

You want to
tube him instead?

Still no pulse.

I need to clamp the aorta.


The O.R. is
20 feet away.

He'll never make it.
Ten blade!

B.P.'s 40 and dropping.

Whoa, watch your step.

Ten blade.

I need scissors
and a rib spreader,
let's move!

I got to go to the O.R.
and get a tray.

Forget it!

Help me pull
this apart.

Just do it!

Here we go.

Oh, God...
( ribs cracking )

Got it! All right, let's get him
in the O.R., move!

( classical music playing )



I don't have time to
listen to music anymore

except at work.

Up on the bovie.

Kids will
do that to you.

God, have you ever seen
this many adhesions?

Is it part
of the disease?

That and heart defects,
mental retardation

multiple gut problems.

Move to the right,

Your hands-- they're
blocking his shot.

Make sure you get
the cecum.

Robert, I'm in the middle
of surgery.

No, you're in the middle
of an historic case.

A six-year-old trisomy 18
has to be some kind of record.

Hey, I said stop it.

Don't forget, we need close-ups
of the palmar creases

and rocker-bottom feet.

I hope you have permission
to do this.

This is
a teaching hospital, Lizzie.

It's in the interest

of science.

Oh, for God's sake.

Shirley, suction.

How these parents
can keep this kid alive

in good conscience is beyond me.

Oh, get a shot
of that.

Fistula end
looks nice and pink.

Let's tack it down.

Okay, now, over here

this one's for
the coffee table.

Smile, Lizzie.

Perfed the cecum up
through the omentum

and the superior
mesenteric vein.

I've got the cross-matched.

There's no answer
at the garage.

Your brother-in-law
isn't there.

Try my sister.
What's her number?


The portal vein seems intact.

Oh, one, what?

Four, six.

What time is it?

Almost 4:00.

Sixth unit is up.

He's exsanguinating.

JACKIE ( on machine ):
We're not home
to take your call.

Leave a message
and we'll get back to you.

Jackie, it's Peter.

Are you there?

I need you to pick up Reese.

No way I'm going
to make it in time.

I'm stuck in surgery.

Jackie, if you're there,
pick up.


Check the ostomy output
Q six hours

and change the dressing.

How'd it go?

As well as it could,
I suppose.

Where are they?


His parents.

I don't know.

I don't think
they've been back

since you went in.

Are you sure?

They never
checked in with me.

Well, they can't
still be eating.

So you're not going
to take it?

Mark, he asked me out.

Consider it a bonus.

In the middle
of the meeting.

Was he good-looking?

He spits when he talks.

So you're going to let
a little saliva hold you back?

No big deal.

I have three more
interviews set up.

Well, you could stop
and come back here.

Yeah, right.

We're looking
for an attending.

No, you're not.


You saw what it was like
down there this morning.

Weaver didn't
mention anything.

Ah, does that surprise you?

I thought it was cooler
than a tattoo.

You could have at least
called me, you know.

And say what?

"Hey, how's it going?

By the way, I have
a brain tumor."

Or written a letter.

Oh, like the one
you wrote me

telling me that
you were engaged?

It wasn't an engagement,
and it's over.

Is that why
you're moving back

or did you collapse
from heat exhaustion?

Well, after Chloe moved

there wasn't much reason
to stay.

I can't follow my sister's
family around forever

and I'm not exactly
desert girl.

I just missed it here,
you know?

The city, the weather...


Hey, Mark.

Have you seen the Schudys
in here?


The parents
of the Trisomy boy.

Did he make it through surgery?

Yes, his eleventh.

Susan, this is
Elizabeth, my wife.

Elizabeth, Susan.

Nice to meet you.

You, too.

Susan's moving back to Chicago.

Would you like some coffee?

I don't drink coffee.

I'm breast-feeding.

Excuse me.

She seems nice.

Grade four liver lac.

Pressure's 60/nothing.

All right.
Hang more blood.


( suctioning )

What'd they say?

Hold on.
They're deaf.

It has to go
through the text translator.

Ask them if
they can keep him
there until 6:30.

stellate lac

with elements
of crush injury.

I'd start pressors if there was
something left to press.

They can't. You have to make
other arrangements.

Tell them it's
an emergency!

And your son's getting upset.
He's crying.

Hang up.


Just hang up.

Tachy at 120.

Put it on speaker.

Who's that?
Just call it.

Suction. Get
more lap pads.

Let's pack this thing off.

Change it.

Another clip.


Hey, Roger, it's Peter.

I wouldn't normally ask you,
but I've got an emergency.

I need you to pick up Reese
from school.

Everything all right?

Yeah, I'm in surgery.

Right now?

Yeah, Jackie's not around

and Joanie got stuck.

Uh, no problem,
I'll take care of it.

All right,
I'll pick him up after work.

Fine, don't worry.

I'm on my way.

Where the hell
is vascular?

Dr. Mitchell will be here
in ten minutes.

Ah, damn it!

He's ischemic.

More blood.
Hold on.

More blood!

Can't go any faster.

Internal paddles,
come on.

Won't work.

Charge to 15.



Charge to 30.


Let go of me!

Sit still,
John Thomas.

Let the doctors
look at your head.

It hurts!

I know. We're going
to make it feel better.

John, we're going
to give you a shot

so your head
will stop hurting.

My name's John Thomas,
and I don't want a shot!

This is why Daddy told you
not to climb on his boat.

I wasn't climbing!

It's just going
to be a small pinch.

I-I don't a small pinch!

If you stop crying

I'll take you
to McDonald's.

I want to go
to Toys R Us!

Toys R Us!

Ow! Ow!

Hold still.

I'm almost finished.

Stop it, John Thomas,
or I'm going

to tell Daddy
you were climbing on his boat.

I'll tell Grandma you were
playing with Daddy's penis!

Ow! Ow! Ow!

( screaming )

I think he's going
to Toys R Us.

Oh, yeah.


I haven't seen you
smile for a while.

Forgot how pretty you were.

Thank you.

I guess.

Oh! Can I help you?

Yeah. Find the big,
hairy spider on
the loose.


Cleo, have you seen
Kenny Schudy's parents?

Not since
you sent him up to O.R.

I can't find them.

Did you try the chapel?

Yes, and the bathroom,
and the snack areas.

Maybe they went home.

I don't know
where home is.

You can't be serious.

Be like you never left.

Elizabeth, tell Susan what
a great place this is to work.

Haven't the time.

Either she doesn't like me,
or she's mad at you.

No, she's just focused.


Have you eaten yet?


Let me buy you lunch.

I'm not hungry.

( sighs )

I want you to know
I went on record against this

but the administration...

Am I being
fired, Kerry?

No. No, no,
of course not.

You're on a year's probation

and subject to a month's
suspension without pay.

I argued your case
to the best of my ability

but Risk Management feels
that given your history

they needed to take
corrective measures

to mitigate
any further incidents.

My history?

The guide wire.

Oh, God,
you're going to use that?

You'll also have to resign
your Chief Residency.


I understand

how upsetting this must...

What about you?

Are you going
to resign anything?

My involvement or lack thereof
is not at issue.

Yeah, yeah,
you made sure of that.

Look, this is only
a temporary setback

after which
you'll be back on track.

Were you even wearing your pager
that night?

This isn't about me.

Someone obviously

Yeah, just blame everyone
but yourself, Kerry.

Look, I'm sorry that
this had to happen...

You are not sorry...
just relieved.

Jing-Mei, I...

Go to hell, Kerry.

I quit.

No, she wasn't terminated.
She resigned.

You needed to demote her?

Risk Management seemed
to think there might be

some liability issues

Oh, right. I bet.

What do you mean?

This is a teaching hospital.

Exactly, and she was
the one who was supposed

to be doing
the teaching.

Jesus, Kerry,
who you cutting loose next?

Look, I'm going
to miss her, too.

This saddens me, too.

It's easy for you
to be upset and angry

about it when you don't have
to manage the situation

but guess what,
I'm angry and upset, okay?

I mean, I think it sucks

only I don't have
anyone to complain to.

You're asking me
to feel sorry for you now?


I just wanted you
to know what was going on.

Hopefully, this will be
the last person

I'll change for a while.

I want to hire Susan.


Yeah. If you have
a problem with that

bring it up at the
next staff meeting.

We need doctors, Kerry.

Mom and Dad stayed
just long enough

to give consent, huh?

Doesn't mean anything.

The entire document
is a lie.

Fake phone numbers,
phony addresses.

I'm not even sure
his real name is Kenny.

God knows he can't tell us.

20,000 bucks later

and only his parents have
any quality of life.

Probably in the Bahamas by now.

He requires
an enormous amount of care.

Obviously, it became
more than they could handle

after six years.

Yeah. Boo-hoo.

Robert, it had to be
extremely draining on them

physically, emotionally.

You want to be a parent?

Shut up and do your job.

Nice workout, Peter.

Flogging a dead guy
for an hour.

Probably burned
a thousand calories.

( TV playing )

Mrs. Warshaw?

He lost his job six months ago.

Said it was the worst thing
that could happen to us.

He lied.

Your husband came in
with severe injuries.

We tried everything we could
to save him, but...

he died.

I am sorry.

He never told me
why he wanted cable so bad.

We don't need cable.

Is there a way to stop it
from happening again?

Get her to stop
picking her nose.


Did you order a beta
on Karen McDuffy?

The hairy woman?

No, it's about
the only thing
I didn't order.

You should have.
She's pregnant.

Huh! What?

Yep. I guess
there really is

someone for everyone.

Um, no.
I think he went home.


Oh, that smells good.

What is that?

Chocolate chip cookies
with a little oatmeal.

I made them
to thank him.

He got his immigration lawyer
to help me.

That Luka. What a great guy.

Do you want one?

Oh, no. They're Luka's.

I would never touch
Luka's cookies.

No, please,
have one.

Are you sure?

Yeah, I've made plenty.

Is he working tomorrow?

I don't know.
Is Luka working tomorrow?

I don't know,
I don't know.

Can you make sure he gets them?


Mmm! You better put these
in your locker.

These are good.


Yeah. Maybe the best

I've ever tasted.

Thank you.

No, thank you.

All right.
I appreciate it, Abby.

Any time.

Carter, I need
to speak with you.

What is it?


Is something wrong?

Uh, there's not enough
time for our nomination process

and practically speaking

it'd be better to have someone

who's familiar
with both staff and procedure.

You lost me.

If you want the Chief Residency,
it's yours.

Dr. Chen resigned.

Are you sure?
I just talked to her.

20 minutes ago.

Is she serious?

I don't assume
it's something
she'd do lightly.

She resigned the
Chief Residency

or she resigned


What happened?

It's unfortunate.
I can't talk to you about it.

But it has to do with
the Marfan's Syndrome death?

I can't talk about it.

But I want you to know
that your circumstance aside

I should have chosen you
for the Chief Resident

in the first place.

And the truth is you've
handled yourself and
your recovery

with grace and confidence

and I appreciate
your professionalism.

Thank you.

So I assume it's a yes?

Um, can I have some time
to think about it?

Well, sure.
Find me in the morning.

Get housekeeping
to clean that up.

You call me back
for something important

but you have no idea
where it is?

I know exactly
where it is.

It's just not there
right now.

This is crazy.


How come I have
a feeling

this could have waited
till I finished unpacking?

It's all about

Open it up.

Oh, my God.

You saved this.

Yeah, well,
someone found it

a couple years ago when
they moved the laundry.

I was going to
send it to you.

Peeling paint,
frequent fliers,
the lousy pay

you know you want it.

This is very sweet

but you're not
winning me over.

I already told Kerry
that it was a done deal

so if you pull out now

it would make me
look really stupid.

You serious?

Signed you up
for Tuesday.

It's mildewy.

I'll dry-clean it.


How's he doing?

Good, good.

We, uh, we played,
had some spaghetti.

He conked out about
half an hour ago.

Listen, Roger,
I really appreciate
this man, thanks.

No problem.

It was nice. I miss it.

Yeah. So, how you doing, man?

( sighs ):
You know.

I miss Carla, too.


Want me to get him?

No, no, no, no.
I got it. I got it.



Hey, Reese.

It's time to
go on home.

Come on, come on, it's late.

No, we can't.
We must go home.

Reese, come on.

He's half
asleep, Peter.

Maybe you should let him stay
the night.

I don't want
to bother you.

No, it's no bother.

( sighs )

All right.

I can drop him off
in the morning.

No, no, I'll come by.

About what time?



It's true.

No, it isn't.

( laughing ):
It is.

You're right

I always knew she was capable

of stuff like this.

I guess I fooled myself
into thinking

that she wouldn't do it
to me.

She offered you
the job yet?

I'm not sure
that I want it.

Yes, you do.
You've always wanted it.

I'll pass, if it
means you'll stay.

You should take it.

I don't want to be
here anymore.


If it's not you,
it'll be somebody else

and I'd rather it be you.

Are you going to try
and stay in Chicago?

I don't know.

I think there's still
a spot open at Northwestern.

Promise me, John,
that whatever

sacrifice you make
for this place

you just make sure
it's worth it.

( crying )

( dance music plays )

( background conversation )

How's it going?


Uh, vodka, please.

On the rocks?


Here you go.


Another round?

Yeah, four, thanks.