03x14 - Promises to Keep

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Law & Order". Aired: September 1990 to May 2010.*
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03x14 - Promises to Keep

Post by bunniefuu »

(narrator) In the
criminal justice system,

the people are represented by two
separate yet equally important groups:

the police who investigate crime

and the district attorneys
who prosecute the offenders.

These are their stories.

This is nuts.

I'm not doing this
after 7:00 again.

Honey, we're not
exactly alone here.

Two kids come up with knives,

and these yups will
run to our rescue?

This is no way to lose weight.

Maybe I'll get my
stomach stapled.

Honey, you have
an eating disorder.

You need professional help.

[horns honking]




(Logan) Plastic
jogging suits, $400.

Whatever happened to sweatpants?

If I wanna be warm
for a late-night run,

I'd rather go to Florida.

Girl was strangled.

Lividity, the rigor, I'd
say three hours tops.

No sign of r*pe.

Gorham, Jennifer, 31.

Doctor at St. Theresa's.

Guy grabs her purse,

was running down
Central Park West

tossing stuff out as he goes.

Found the pills at 90th Street,

the make-up thing at 86.

Has her initials.
Checkbook at 78th.

No cash, no plastic.

You gonna ask him, Lennie?

Breaks my heart.

Hate to make him look stupid.

Detectives Einstein
and Galileo, excuse me.

You think, uh, that this
young lady was homeless?

This a trick question?

The keys, did you find the keys?

See, if you don't
find a key ring,

it means maybe
somebody else has it.

Go check the
breadcrumb trail again,

and in the meantime,

put somebody on her door
so that nobody gets inside.


First-year guys, like puppies.

You gotta show them the
stick before you throw it.

And the flashlight?

Thank you.

(Steinmetz) Judging
from the bruises,

I'd say he went at
her from the front.

(Briscoe) He must have
been staring straight at her.

If you're thinking
prints, forget it.

He wore gloves.

You're gonna take
somebody's purse...

I know you bash her head in,

stick a knife in her ribs,

you pull on the
strap until it snaps.

Yeah. So, what kind
of mugger strangles?

Unless they knew each other.

You smell romance?

Love at last sight.

Hey, you know as
many crackheads as I do.

I don't know any who
mug on 94th Street

and break into
apartments on 21st.

What did she have
here he wanted?

And he strangles her,
he comes 50 blocks.

He leaves the TV,
he leaves the VCR.

Look at this. He
leaves the desk clean.

This guy probably makes
his bed in the morning.

Gentlemen, that's a Medeco lock.

He couldn't have picked
that if he was Willie Sutton.

He used the keys.


I had a woman last winter,

got mugged outside a fundraiser,

Metropolitan Museum.

Guy takes her purse,
never looks back.

He winds up with $36.

He left the fur.


Now this place,
the guy went over

like he was taking inventory.

This girl was
k*lled by a junkie,

then I believe Elvis is
at Radio City tonight.

You have no ideas?

Whatever he wanted,

it wasn't on the
pawnshop Top 10.

It's ground floor.

You don't need a PhD to get in.

Why strangle her
and travel 50 blocks?

It's one motive to
k*ll, another to steal.

What's a doctor got,
anyway? State secrets?

Hospital said she changed
her shift last-minute.

Didn't say where she was headed.

[phone ringing]


Yeah. Thanks.

The parents never
got your message,

went to the apartment
looking for the girl.

They're at the morgue
now with the boyfriend.

Why would Jenny be in the park?

She won't even take the subway.

We think your daughter
may have known her attacker.

Was there anything
in Jenny's apartment

that somebody might've wanted?

What are you saying?
She was a doctor.

Ellen, I don't
think that matters.

She didn't have
anything valuable.

The hospital said
she left in a hurry.

Did she mention any trouble?

Mr. Garrett?

No, Jenny would've told me.

Something was
wrong when you called.

Something bad.

I should have done something.

You called them tonight?

I was worried. She was late.

What time did you call?

(Ellen) Around 8:15.




Never took the gloves off.

No prints on the
purse or anything in it.

Hospital's on the East Side.

You walk across the
park at night for exercise?

Hey, the boyfriend's
in the Village.

What's she doing
on the West Side?

What time did Danny boy
say he called the parents?

Mother said 8:15.

Ah, excuse me, I put on
the wrong cologne today?

He says he was waiting for her.

When she didn't come,
so he called her parents.

He must have used
a carrier pigeon.

There's no calls to anybody

from his apartment after 6:30.

Did I say I was home?
I went out for a walk.

You said you were
waiting for Jenny.

I was upset. I
called her parents

from a pay phone on the street.

Why? Does it matter?

You called her parents?

If somebody's looking for
me, they call my precinct.

I called the hospital twice.

We were gonna do
Chinese for dinner.

I thought she forgot.

Look, I-I-I'm trying
to get through this.

I've got nobody to
cover my classes.

I've got a 2:00. I'm sorry.

So he was upset
and went for a walk,

or he wasn't and
wanted to go to dinner.

Or he was worried
and called the hospital.

Kid's got more stories
than the Arabian Nights.

He said he used
a pay phone, right?

He's out on the street,
he's gotta raise his voice.

Background noise?
I don't remember.

(Logan) Did you talk
to him, Mr. Gorham?

Leonard was in the study.

Why are you asking about this?

Dan and Jenny
were... were just like us.

They were a happy couple.

On the phone, when Dan called,

maybe you heard
music or traffic...

We know what happened.
She was att*cked.

Someone broke
into her apartment.

Ellen, what about
the psychiatrist?

It's worth a try.

Maybe she knows something.

Dan and Jenny saw
this woman together.

Nervous jitters
about the wedding.

This doctor's got
a big reputation.

Diane Meade.

Teaches at Physician's Hospital.

I tell my students:

"Don't think you're invulnerable

just because you're young."

Oh, this is terrible.

I don't know how
much help I can be.

I only saw her briefly.

We're thinking
whoever k*lled her

might have known her.

Her boyfriend was also
one of your patients.


Detective, you might as well
ask if she strangled herself.

Mr. Garrett seems a little edgy.

Well, his girlfriend's
just been m*rder*d.

If you're asking if they
had a history of v*olence,

the answer is no.

History changes.

She was att*cked this week.

I'm her psychiatrist.
I would know.

Can't you tell us anything that
might have led to her being k*lled?

There is one thing.

I don't know if
it's significant.

She had a self-esteem problem.

If she felt insecure, she
might drink too much,

make passes at men.

It was just for the attention.

She'd never follow through.

If I was her boyfriend,

I'd have a
follow-through of my own.

Dan didn't know.

Jenny told me this
in her own session.

I feel a little uncomfortable
talking about my patients.

You said she might
drink too much?

She was a surgical resident.

I didn't say she had
a drinking problem.

I can't believe it
affected her work.

You've got the wrong doctor.

I supervised her on rounds.

Well, unless I'm reading
the wrong newspapers,

doctors aren't exactly
strangers to substance abuse.

I sat next to Jenny
at the annual picnic.

A drinker?

Two glasses of champagne,

she switched to mineral water.

I'm not saying she
was a picture of bliss.

Surgeons never are.

Most people aren't
blissful, doctor,

but not many of them wind up

getting strangled
in Central Park.

You don't think she was mugged?

I, uh,

I pulled her file
when you called.

Now, I don't know
if it means anything

but two, three months
ago, late, end of her shift,

her boyfriend, Mr. Garrett,
came by to pick her up.

Apparently he
was a little wired.

She took him upstairs.

To cool him down?

To the psychiatric ward.

[woman chattering on PA system]

I wouldn't give you information

about a homeless methadone case.

Obviously I can't
release records

about one of our own residents.

Listen, doc, she
brought him up here,

she wasn't a patient.

We really do have to know.

And they say
doctors are bullies.

There are rules.

Now, if you could think of a
way I wouldn't violate them...

You mean like if a
m*rder*r was about to flee?

Is that gonna happen?

You don't wanna know.

[phone ringing]

Garrett, Daniel.
October 12, 10:40 p.m.

Highly agitated, given
intravenous meroxin,

checked out 11:58.

They doped him
up and let him go?

We wanted to keep him here.

According to this, it was One
Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest.

Our resident and
his psychiatrist.

Read between the lines.

They practically threw
furniture at each other.

Who was throwing what?
Who checked him out?

His private psychiatrist.

Made a lot of noise.

Dr. Diane Meade.

It was a bad week.
My computer crashed.

I lost 40 pages.

My son said he made a mistake.

He shouldn't have
been in a hospital.


Why are you doing this?

You tell her parents
you think I k*lled her.

You embarrass
me with her mother.

I stayed in the hospital
to calm down Jenny.

Your girlfriend always
try to commit you

when things weren't
going too well?

Or were you there
because she drank

and hit on other men?

Your therapist tells us
maybe you weren't enough.

Dr. Meade talked to you?

About me and Jenny?

Dr. Meade wouldn't do that.

Hey, my girlfriend
went after other guys,

I could lose my temper.

That's a lie. Dr. Meade
wouldn't say that.

You've done
damage to my patient.

I told you that in confidence.

You didn't tell us he
was still your patient.

I'm in a difficult position.

My former patient
of mine is m*rder*d.

My code of ethics says

I'm not even supposed to
tell you who my patients are.

Doc, we opened the door,

you could've pushed us through.

Miss Gorham was a young doctor.

Her instinct with
someone she loved

was to put him in the hospital.

admirable, and wrong.

All right, let's be
clear about this.

The hospital admitted him,
and they gave him the dr*gs.

If I went in there with
a mild panic attack,

they'd sedate me.

Dr. Meade, you told
us Jenny Gorham drank.

Now, how come
no one else noticed,

including Mr. Garrett?

We do all kinds of things.

The people we love
don't always know.

I've looked at my
responsibility here.

I've decided what
I can and can't say.

I've already said too much.

We told her the first time that
we saw her the kid was a suspect.

Yeah, privilege or not,
she could've told us

that she bailed him
out of a hospital.

Fellas, when you're
finished tag-teaming the doc,

let me remind you
that she's protected

by statute from giving
patient information.

Maybe you've heard
malpractice insurance

costs more than
the debt of Bolivia.

Well, I'm not
planning to sue her.

ME's report on the Gorham girl.

Better than bedside reading.

Blood alcohol level, 0.15.

Are we wrong about this?

What, she got drunk and
picked up the wrong guy?

They found her at 94th, right?

How many bars you think
there are in 10 square blocks?

I eat any more peanuts,
I'm gonna be sick.

What's the matter? It
brings back bad memories?

I can't complain about those.

Just the morning after.

Well, how many more
bars you wanna hit?

Until we find out something,

or until I finally
order a drink.

Who's this? Natalie Wood?

I don't think she's
been in here.

I think she drowned
out in California.

You know, I missed
your act at the Improv.

Now, you wanna tell me if
you recognize her or not?

Used to come in once a week.


After-work office crowd.

I don't know, I
felt sorry for her.

She sat alone,

gobbled up happy-hour food.

Boss didn't like it.

Sucking up chicken
wings, not buying drinks.

(Briscoe) What did she drink?

Seltzer, straight up.

Till a week ago, she
comes in, really quiet.

Sits down looking at her watch,

like she's supposed
to meet somebody.

This time it's gin,
enough to fill the tub.

You know, it's like
the Twilight Zone.

Everybody says she didn't drink.

The bartender says
seltzer, except for last week.

Yeah, and the shrink
says she drank all the time.

Like she knows the girl
was loaded when she got hit.

Oh, so now it's a conspiracy.

The doc makes up a story about

the girl's drinking to
cover the Garrett kid.

We're missing something.

Yeah, well, let's start
with "M" for "motive."

No, that's not what I mean.

Look, we found the girl
in the park at 94th street.

She got hammered on gin
at the Elephant Bar here.

Stuff from her
purse we found here,

here, and here.

(Cragen) Okay, so
where's the buried treasure?


71st Street in
Central Park West.

Dr. Diane Meade.

What, and the dead girl
had an appointment with her?

Dr. Meade said she
was briefly a patient.

The Garrett kid still is.

Okay, she's sittin' in the bar,

she checks her watch,
she gets up and leaves.

So what if the boyfriend's
gettin' his head shrunk?

She goes over to meet him.

They walk uptown,
go into the park,

and he kills her.

The shrink forgot to tell
you he had an appointment?

I got a feeling there's a lot
this shrink forgot to tell us.

Okay. Let's call the
boyfriend in for a chat.

You finally figure
it out, Danny?

What the hell
were you looking for

in Jennifer's apartment?

I don't know what
you're talking about.

After you dragged
her into the park.

What did you want?

Listen to me, you piece of crap.

You emptied her desk.

You got fingerprints
on the handles.

That's not true.

Oh, but you did
go to the apartment.

What happened that
night? She tease you?

She tell you about
her other boyfriends?

Is this kid ever gonna
ask for a lawyer?

We offered twice, he won't ask.

He thinks it'll make
him look guilty.

(Briscoe) You been
sitting here an hour,

telling one lie after another!

I think that's your cue.

Hey, Lennie.

You wanted to
k*ll her, didn't you?

But you had to wait
till she was drunk!

Hey! Come on! Come on!

Don't do that.

What are you doing? Come on.

(Logan) What are you doin'?

I'm sorry.

Look, he's a little high-strung.

You want some coffee?

We got a soda machine,
you need a soda?

You want anything?

I'm sorry about that.


I wanna help you, Dan.

So, let's just start at
the beginning, okay?

W-Why was Jenny gonna meet you?

She was my girlfriend.

Yeah, I know. I mean, but...

Was there any
trouble between you?

I mean, she was pretty looped.

Dan, listen to me.

You're gonna feel a lot
better if you just tell us.

I didn't k*ll her.

I already know
you k*lled her, Dan.

I just wanna know
how it happened.

You told Dr. Meade, right?

Eventually she's
gonna have to tell us.

She won't tell you anything.

Dent number one: He
admits he told the shrink.

Donny gets the toaster oven.



You figure he saw the
shrink before he did it?

He strangles her, freaks.

Where'd he call
the parents from?

Dr. Meade's office.

Call to the Gorhams, 8:19.


Who did this, huh, pal?

You didn't even have the
decency to cover her up.

Would you stop it, please?

The kid feels bad
enough as it is. Come on.

You do feel bad, don't you?

You went to Dr. Meade's,
and you asked for help.

You even called Jenny's
parents from her office, right?

She was pretty.

It was her birthday
this week, wasn't it?


I just wanted it to be okay.

I couldn't be with both of them.

You couldn't be with who, Dan?

If she just brought the diary.

She was supposed to bring it.

You gotta
understand, I need her.

She wanted me.

Jenny didn't understand.
It wasn't just the sex.

I have to be with her.

I need her.

Yeah, sure. You needed Jenny.




Dr. Meade.


At least consider
the possibility.

Indifference. m*rder two.

Manslaughter. Extreme
emotional disturbance.

He was having a love
affair with his shrink.

Even if it's true,
he admitted motive.

You're in the hospital
for gallbladder surgery,

they cut your leg.

You don't think that
happens in psychiatry?

He went in well,
he came out sick.

Says Mr. Garrett.

Ben, he did not
intend to k*ll the girl.

It became a tug of w*r:

the shrink versus Jenny Gorham.

You know how strongly I feel?

I got a show cause order.

Dr. Meade is barred
from visiting him at Rikers.

Carol, before we plead him,

I've gotta know more
about his state of mind.

Okay. Send in your shrink.

I guarantee, you won't
be asking 25-to-life.

I don't know how it happened.

You loved her.

I didn't think anybody
could love me.

Do you still feel that way?

Dan, I need to see the
records of your treatment.

It doesn't matter.

It does matter.

You don't wanna
hurt Diane, do you?

The records could help
us keep you out of prison.

I need your permission.


Was it Jenny's idea
to see a therapist?


No, maybe hers.

I wanted it to work.
She didn't like it.

She thought Dr. Meade
was on your side.

If only she'd brought the diary.

Tell me about the diary.

It's just my thoughts
and feelings.

About your affair with Diane.

You didn't think
anyone would read it.

But Jenny did.

I had to get it back.

I couldn't lose Diane.

She said she
couldn't see me again.

You found the diary at Jenny's.

I didn't. I don't
know where it is.

You still want to
see Diane, don't you?

Does Diane know I'm here?

Could you tell her?

Could you tell her
I have to see her?

You invaded her office.

We had a warrant, Larry.

A subpoena would've been fine.

We were concerned that
Dr. Meade's patient records

might not exist
after the subpoena.

We're interested in
her actions in this case.

Aha, reality's on vacation.

Are you suggesting
that it's my fault?

He was angry, but
nobody could've foreseen

he would hurt somebody.

Mr. Garrett says you
were having a love affair.

I'm his psychiatrist.

Besides, I'm old
enough to be his mother.

Uh, Doctor, Daniel
Garrett was at your office

the night he k*lled
Jennifer Gorham.

I was going over some notes,

and I asked him to
wait in the living room.

About ten minutes later he
said he'd changed his mind

and he wanted to go home.

He certainly didn't tell
me he k*lled the girl.

I'm getting a strange
sensation here.

What is it, the coffee?

You thinking of
charging Dr. Meade?

Uh, maybe we can settle
this before it gets any further.

Doctor, would you
be willing to meet with

Elizabeth Olivet,
our psychiatrist?

Diane, I... I... I urge you...

Larry, I've nothing to hide.

(Larry) Diane, I
remind you that my...

Please. Have Dr. Olivet
call me for an appointment.

It's hard to tell
from your notes.

Do you take long notes?

My patients, if I
write something,

they want to know why.

Well, do you have to tell 'em?

I don't wanna fight for
control of this session.

I'm basically an
Adlerian, anyway.

I never bought Adler.

Everything's about power.

It's the human experience.

The need for control.

You saw my conclusions.

The Gorham woman, Dan,

ignored as children,

wanted from each other
what their parents took away.

What did you want from him?


Are you neutral here?

Were you neutral
with Dan Garrett?

Dan fantasized a sexual
relationship with me.

It didn't exist.

I can't imagine it
hasn't happened to you.

My turn for a question.

You have a patient.
You do your best.

He commits su1c1de.

Do you feel responsible?

If I was having sex
with him, I might.

I wasn't.

There's no room for debate.

You want us to plead him?

Dan Garrett had no
capacity to form intent.

Diane Meade turned
him into a dependent child.

Isn't motive intent?

He wanted to protect the shrink.

Listen to what you're saying.

It was her job to protect him.

"Tell me about your mother."

"What are your deepest
sexual fantasies?"

This is what a patient
tells his psychiatrist.

He gives up his entire self.

Diane Meade turned Dan Garrett

into a stick of dynamite
and lit the fuse.

Yeah, but, Liz,
you're not suggesting

we indict Diane Meade?

I'll testify at the grand jury.

Lawyers don't criticize lawyers.

You've something personal here?

I mean about psychiatrists?

When they sleep
with their patients,

I sure do.

She's strong, he's weak.

And he lied about the diary.

He found it. He's
terrified of turning on her.

So, according to you,
Meade k*lled the girl

and the boy was
just the instrument.

That's a fair translation.

You want us to do what?

The medical establishment
will have my head for breakfast.

Forget the public
relations, Adam.

Think about the law.

What's the theory?

His doctor ordered the
boy to k*ll his girlfriend?

She created a situation in
which she knew it could happen.

The boy had no defenses,

his identity depended
on Dr. Meade.

I see.

Prosecution based
on mind control.

Most juries think
psychiatry is witchcraft.

Well, we'll tell them otherwise.

I talked to her. I
read her notes.

Dan Garrett went into her
office unhappy and confused.

When she was done, he
couldn't live without her.

The most important
relationship of his life,

she threatens to cut him off.

She had to know
he could turn violent.

That's the law
we're talking about:

reckless disregard.

She's successful, respected.

Why'd she do it?

Who can explain
sexual obsessions?

Many psychiatrists have
fantasies of their patients.

Most of us handle it.
She crossed the line.

The boy m*rder*d the girl.

His doctor didn't have her hands

around the girl's neck.

We hold psychiatrists

for their patients' behavior.

Yes, in civil cases.

They pay damages,
it's called malpractice.

Seven states, Adam.

It is a crime for a therapist
to have sex with her patient.

Has any psychiatrist ever
been held criminally responsible

for his patient's behavior?

That's the glory of the system.

First time sets precedent.

I don't wanna think
where this is heading.

The boy is your case.

Find a way to make
the jury believe him.

And Briscoe and Logan
talked to all their friends.

Not one of them
backed up the kid.

Jenny Gorham was ashamed.

Think she'd tell anyone she's
not having sex with her boyfriend

because he's doing
it with his therapist?

A jury needs a
reason to believe him,

assuming he'll even testify.

And with all due respect,
Liz, I need a reason.

Do you think Meade would
visit the kid if she could?

Yeah, I think she
has to be worried.

So we call Carol Janssen,

have that show
cause order lifted,

and make sure the
kid knows about it.

A warrant to tape?

(Robinette) Oh, Ben, we can't
tape him. He's a defendant.

Not if we plead him.

So drop the papers tonight,

and the kid cannot
know about the taping.

(Meade) You look tired.

It's hard to sleep in here.

Diane, I wanna k*ll myself.

I'll never have to
please anybody again.

You're still angry.

No, I'm not angry, Danny.

The lawyer told me to do it.

Don't you still love me?

I can't get through
this without you.

(Danny) I need you to
put your arms around me.

(Meade) We don't know how
long you're gonna be in jail.

I need to make love to you.

I think about it at
night, I can't sleep.

I'll protect you.

Will you take care of me?

What else are you
gonna tell them?

I wouldn't have
told them about us.

I was scared.

You're still scared, Danny.


No, I'm not.

I'm scared you don't love me.

Me loves you.

Me loves you, too.

Me misses you a lot.

Me misses you, too.

She didn't say they had sex.

He said it.

It backs up his credibility
on everything else.


Uh-huh. On the way out.

Diane Meade, you're under arrest

for the m*rder of
Jennifer Gorham.

You've the right
to remain silent.

Anything you do say
can and will be used

against you in a court of law.

You have the
right to an attorney.

Taping in a prison
visiting room.

Do they plan on
tapping my phone?

I won't be giving them a
warrant for that, Mr. Webber.

No right to counsel
has been violated.

Mr. Garrett had a plea bargain.

That is not the issue here.

What happened
to patient privilege?

It's his privilege.
He waived it.

She had an
expectation of privacy.

Excuse me, gentlemen.

Can we get on to
the larger issue?

Ben, Mr. Garrett's plea,
when was it entered?

The agreement is in place.

The entering it
is just a formality.

What is this, a dinner party?

Who gets the gold napkin ring?

Plea is final when
approved by a court.

Your Honor, with
all due respect,

his rights are
not at stake here.

It's a constitutional right,

so what if he didn't get hurt?

Privacy expectation's
a little muddy.

Difficult case.

Crummy warrant.

The tape is inadmissible.

Constitutional right to counsel.

He was looking for a
reason to exclude the tape.

(Schiff) Reads
the editorial page.

Psychiatrists have better
lobbyists than oil companies.

What kind of
witness is this kid?

We don't know.

Olivet will be
good on the stand.

Put me on the
stand. I'll be good, too.

Wanna go ahead?
Indict for man two.

Leaves you room
to bring it down.

You still need to
back up the kid.

What about the diary?

Supports his testimony.


I read your memos
like holy writ.

I don't have his diary.

(Stone) Paul, call Liz.

Tell her I wanna see the
Garrett kid as soon as possible.

Diane said she'd leave you.

She threatened you.

Is that how we treat
people we love?


You did find the
diary at Jenny's.

(Stone) Dan?


We're trying to make
this work for you.

You gotta help us
make it work for us.

We need your diary
to convince a jury.

So you put Diane in jail?

If she's responsible, maybe.

It's at my mother's place

in the bottom
drawer of my dresser.

The relationship between
a patient and a psychiatrist

is one of the most
powerful in the patient's life.

Why is it so powerful?

Patients are desperate for help.

They put all their faith in
a therapist as an authority.

So they're susceptible
to almost anything

the therapist says.

How would you characterize sex

between a patient
and a therapist?

It's exploitation and abuse.

Even if the patient wants
a sexual relationship

the therapist should know

that it's not based on
love but dependence.

The alleged sexual relationship

between Dr. Meade
and Mr. Garrett,

how would that
affect Mr. Garrett?


Counsel will approach.

She can't testify about
the boy's state of mind.

He'll do that himself.

Uh, People v. Cowell.

Your Honor, testimony
on state of mind

is allowed when
the subject is beyond

the jury's normal experience.

It's parallel, Mr. Webber.

This is certainly beyond
ordinary experience.

Objection overruled.

Dr. Olivet?

Dan Garrett's
relationship with Dr. Meade

left him entirely dependent.

He'd become a child, as
if he needed her for food.

Without her affections he
literally believed he would die.

If, as alleged,

Dr. Meade threatened
to end that relationship,

do you think she would
have known that Mr. Garrett

would have grown violent?

Yes, I think she
should've known.

(Stone) Thank you.

It started as once a week.

She said I should come
twice, then three times.

Some weeks I'd go every day.

Who made the appointments?

Diane, Dr. Meade.

She'd call me at home,

sometimes at school in the lab,

if she had a free
hour I would go.

Mr. Garrett, how
often did you have sex

with Dr. Meade?

Almost every session,

four or five times a
week, sometimes more.

(Stone) And what did Dr. Meade
say about your relationship

with Jennifer Gorham?

She said Jenny was controlling.

She called her

a manipulative bitch.

When Jenny found my diary,

she told me if I didn't
stop seeing Diane,

she'd give the
diary to the hospital

and Diane would be ruined.

(Stone) And what
did Dr. Meade say?

She said if I
didn't get it back,

she'd never see me again.

Now describe for the
court what happened

the night you k*lled
Jennifer Gorham.

I told Jenny I'd
break up with Diane.

I tried to end it,

but we made love on
the couch in her office.

Jenny was waiting
for me outside.

I couldn't lie to her,

she got angry.

She said she didn't
bring the diary.

I grabbed her.

I didn't mean to,
it just happened.

(Stone) Thank you.

Mr. Garrett, all this time
you were seeing Dr. Meade,

were you, uh, happy?

I was depressed.

I didn't know what was
happening to my life.

So you needed professional help.

Now, you testified

that Dr. Meade would
no longer see you

unless you broke
up with Miss Gorham.

Did Dr. Meade tell
you this was necessary

for your mental health?

She said I was too dependent.

Did she tell you
that after a period

away from Miss
Gorham that you might be

able to re-establish
the relationship

in a healthy way?

No, she said I
could be with her.

That we'd always be together.

And you wanted to spend
your life with her, didn't you?

I thought about
her all the time.

You... you were obsessed by her.

Now, are you testifying

that Dr. Meade was
obsessed with you?

She said we could be together,

she promised me.

Mr. Garrett, did
Dr. Meade tell you

to strangle Jennifer Gorham?

No, of course not.

I needed Diane!

I couldn't go on without her.

They believed him.

She's in a bind, Adam.

Can she admit she
had sex with him?

(Robinette) The jury
already thinks she did.

Is this about facts?
There are no facts.

You wanna believe
she was reckless,

define "reckless."

A, B, C: She threatened
him, he was volatile,

she knew. She's guilty.

Emotions plus logic,

just hope that they put
them together the way you do.

[phone buzzing]


Oh, no.

Thank you.

The Garrett boy is in
the Rikers hospital ward.

Tried to hang
himself in his cell.

Mr. Garrett was very depressed.

Clinically it's called
a borderline disorder.

Feelings of power mixed
with deep insecurity.

Did you have a
sexual relationship

with Mr. Garrett?

Yes, I did.

(Webber) Is that
considered ethical?

No, it's not.

I felt he needed
untraditional methods

to learn to trust.

To see another
human being as giving.

I admit it was unconventional.

And yet you went ahead.

One of the central
ideas of therapy

is to give a
patient a safe place

to do and say anything.

Mr. Garrett felt he
couldn't be loved.

I wanted to show him he could.

Did you ever suspect
that he might be

capable of v*olence
toward Jennifer Gorham?

No, I regret I didn't see that.

I consider it a
personal failure.

Thank you. Your witness.

Uh, Dr. Meade, you
really have me confused.

Are you now testifying
that you were not in love

with Daniel Garrett?

I may have become
over involved with him.

But I was in control
of the situation.

In control of Dan Garrett?

Of my involvement with him.

Well, do you normally,

uh, charge people
money to have sex?

It was therapy,
Mr. Stone, not prostitution.

But you didn't
always charge him.

So does that mean that you
wanted to have sex with him?

Like many therapists,
when my patients

can't afford my
rates, I reduce them.

This is, uh, People's
Exhibit Number Seven.

It is Daniel Garrett's diary.

Would you please read from
the first marked passage?

"Diane told me to curl up on
the floor and call her 'Mommy.'

"If I get rid of Jenny,

"she says she'll be
my mommy forever.

Then we had incredible sex."

I never told him
to get rid of her.

He was in the fetal
position to experience

his infantile need
for protection.


Would you please read the
second marked passage?

"Diane gave me a pillow.

"She said, 'Pretend it's Jenny.'

"She said, 'Beat the pillow.'

I got sexually excited.
We did it on the floor."

Now, Dr. Meade, is
that standard practice,

having sex on the floor?

And is it meant to help him

or is it, indeed,
meant to make him

more dependent on you?

I want to release my patients

from dependence, not create it.

Isn't it true that you
told Daniel Garrett

to get rid of Jennifer Gorham?

No, it's not.

And isn't it true that you
knew he was dependent on you

and that he'd grow
violent when he confronted

the threat of losing you?

I never threatened Dan Garrett.


Doctor, do you feel
any responsibility

for the death of
Jennifer Gorham?

I tried to heal a wounded man.

I failed, but I tried.

32 hours.

I don't care why
they convict her.

So long as she has no
chance to do it again.

[phone ringing]



Just a minute. Webber and Meade.

Send them in.



Dr. Meade's
prepared to end this.

I'll surrender my
medical license,

no hearing, no dispute.

Uh, Dr. Meade, the
State will hold a hearing,

and that tape with
you and Daniel Garrett

will not be excluded.

You'll lose your license anyway.

Reckless endangerment two.

A misdemeanor?
Man two, six months.

I told her, "Don't
admit anything."

But she's afraid they'll
convict on the sex alone.

Criminally negligent,
D felony. No time.

Give us a minute.

She admits she's responsible.

Does it make it easier
to keep Danny out of jail?

Perhaps, but if they acquit,

everybody forgets it happened.

And she sees patients
without a license.

This way, she
pleads to a felony.

They won't be
lining up at her door.

Finally, Dr. Meade,
do you understand

you are pleading guilty

to criminally negligent homicide

in the death of Jennifer Gorham?

Yes, I do.

Defendant is sentenced
to five years’ probation

and will surrender her
license to practice medicine

in the State of New York.

Mr. Garrett, do you understand

you are pleading to the crime

of manslaughter in
the second degree?

Yes, I understand.

(Judge Quinn) Mr. Stone,

you're asking for Mr. Garrett
to be sentenced to four years

in a state mental facility.

He's pleading to manslaughter.

Isn't a prison
sentence appropriate?

Your Honor,

you must know that this office

did not make this
recommendation lightly.

Yes, I understand.

I... I really think we must
ask ourselves what happens

when a young man turns his life

over to a person trained
in the human psyche,

someone who abuses his
trust, and someone who knew

how to manipulate him

because her profession
demands that she know that.

Now, Dr. Meade
admitted her responsibility.

Certainly that
mitigates Mr. Garrett's.

And finally, the
People are concerned

that the defendant may
not survive his prison term.

In effect as a death
sentence, Your Honor.

I'm moved by your
compassion, Mr. Stone.

But I'm afraid I don't agree.

Dr. Meade has
admitted to negligence.

Mr. Garrett has caused

the death of another
human being.

One is clearly
worse than the other.

This court sentences Mr. Garrett

to serve a prison term
of no less than four

and no more than 12 years.

Sentence fits the crime.
Court is adjourned.

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