02x16 - Revenge

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Cold Case". Aired: September 2003 to May 2010.*
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02x16 - Revenge

Post by bunniefuu »

August ,

Hey, look at this, Kyle.


- Oh my God, put it back!
- It's Tommy Bonzai?

I don't want Tommy
Bonzai on my shirt.

Why not? I thought you
loved the Bonzai Brigade.

'Cause I gotta look cool.

Kyle's gotta look 'cool'.

Tell her why.

Tell her why.

Shelby's gonna be
in my class this year.

Shelby Bryman?

Everyone knows miss Drake
seats alphabetical, so...

She'll sit next to me.

Got it.

Strikin' Tommy.

Look, how do these grab you
for cool, hmm?


Oh yeah...

Twenty five bucks a pop?

C'mon! It's just a couple of shirts!

One Shirt?

Maybe one.

- Yeah!
- Let's hit the dress room.

I can go by myself.

I dunno.

I'm not a baby, Mom.

He'll be fine, I promise.


You gotta pretend
to try these on, c'mon.





[ BREAM, K. M - ]



Thanks for dropping by.

Thanks for nothing,
you owe me a dime.

Our Lord rested on Sunday,

so does a Sixers defence.

- Jannie was here yesterday.
- Yeah.

Final arrangement for the baptism.

Her boy's growing like a weed.

Something goin' on with her?

- Not that I know of.
- Have you talked lately?

Must've been a few weeks,
I'm swamped at work.

Well, work is why I called you.

In , I took confession from
the neighborhood kid, Bernny Gantz.

He was caught up
in a kidnapping.

- Kidnapping of who?
- A little boy.

Kyle Bream.

They found him dead
in Salem Harbor.

This Gantz confessed
to the m*rder?

No, said he was
just paid to watch him.

Where do we find him?

All Saint's Ground.

Got himself k*lled last week
robbing the jewelry store.

So that's why you're
freed up to tell me.

Berny never did much with his life.

Maybe some good could
come from his death.

I'll pull the job.

Take another look.

Give Jannie a call.


I will.

Kyle Bream, nine years old. Disappeared
from the department store in Torresdale.

A day later, the parents
get a ransom call.

FBI come in?

They set up a money drop,
put undercovers at the scene.



Dad puts a cash in
a prearranged dumpster.

Ten minutes later, guy comes
diggin', the feds move in.

Well, he's the wrong guy.
Just a vagrant.

Kidnapper never showed.

Figured he made the feds,
got spooked.

And the Breams
never saw Kyle again.

Body was found a month later.

So the heat's on, kidnapper
cuts his losses and kills the kid.

They ever get close
on who snatched him?

No phone trace,
nothing on store cameras.

Maybe the late Berny
Gantz gets us closer.

Gantzs was the guy who told your
brother he was paid to watsh Kyle?

- What'd you find on him?
- He was small time.

Theft, credit card crime,
forgery charge.

Tried to fake a power ball ticket.

He's a real brain truster.

His older brother Manny.
Same shed, Different tool.

A lot of the same arrests as Berny.

Could be a team.

Hey, Manny.
Mind if we step in your office?

Off... office?

I just eat here.

It's the best kubide
west of the Nile.

Yeah, we wanna talk
to you about Kyle Bream?

- Who?
- Nine year old.

Got abducted and
m*rder*d in ' .

Yeah, your brother
Berny was in on it.

Berny had his own life.

Well, you got mirror-image rap sheets
to say different, you were partners.

We can't get Berny on m*rder,

him being dead and all but,
we can still get you.

Whoa! Back the truck up.

We had nothing to
do with that kid dying.

So just the kidnapping then?

You can talk to us or the feds.

They'll be real interested
in your little operatoin here.


Just some fake IDs for kids.

Selling forged papers out of
a middle eastern restaurant?

Two word, Manny.

Patriot Act.

They can put you in a hole,
no lawyer, no trial.

No kubide.

This guy hired us to watch the kid.

We were babysitters, that's it.

What guy? Give us a name.

No names.
That's how he wanted it.

- Anonymous-like.
- How'd it work?

One crew to snap
the kid, one to watch.

No names, no faces.

I only saw the guy once.


Ah, you rat bastard!

Hey, kid. You wanna play?

You can't do any worse
than this mook.

My Dad's coming to get me.

Sure he is.

I'm gonna miss the first day of school.

That's the breaks, kid.

I'm supposed to sit next to Shelby.

- That's him.
- Dad?

- Take him in the other room.
- C'mon.

- Kyle's in the other room?
- Come in, you're clear.

- He okay?
- Keeps asking about his dad.

Worried school started without him.

This will all be over soon enough.
I gave the parents the terms.

They'll get the kid as
soon as they pay up.

What if they can't pay up?

They got a hundred large
in bearer bonds in their safe.

They'll pay.

Bonds in the safe.

- How did he know about that?
- Beats me.

All I know is when the drop
went south, he got cold feet.

he paid us off.

And you left Kyle with him?

It was business.


So is this.

We packed up
Kyle's room last year.

It's hard to..

know what to keep.
What to let go of.

- Sure.
- Or what to do with the room.

Maybe one day it
will be a nursery again.

We might have a lead.

Someone involved in the kidnapping.

Did you own some bearer bonds,
Mr. Bream back in ' ?


We cashed them
in for the ransom.

The FBI thought our best chance
was to along with their sting.

I didn't want to.

DId they go against your wishes?

Kent thought we should
take their advice.

- So we did.
- They explained the percentages.

This was our best shot.

Unfortunately those percentages
didn't apply to us.

- That's not Kyle.
- They said to stay back.

It's not him,
they can't put Kyle in a bag.

He's gone, baby.
Oh God, he's gone.

You said to work with them.

I thought... / You said
that's how we'd get him back.

You said he could go by himself
to the dressing room!

- Baby...
- You promised he'd be fine...


We believe, who ever
knew about the bonds,

had something to
do with the kidnapping.

- No one knew about them.
- You sure about that?

Yeah, I never told a soul.


My sister.

I told her.

In case something ever happened
to us I wanted them to know.


She and her husband.

You told Ed?

Who's Ed?

Things didn't turned out so good between
you and Tina Bream's sister, huh Ed?

Didn't even make it to
the second anniversary.

I had a problem...
I guess you guys know that?

Locked up three times
for dr*gs, twice for theft-

I was stealing to support my habit.

Slippery slope.
Petty thefts, kidnapping.

- m*rder-
- No!

Manny Gantz picked you
out of a photo spread.

You snatched Kyle,
k*lled your own nephew.

I didn't k*ll no one.

You needed money, the in-laws
had it, you knew how to get it.

Yeah, but when the things got hinky
with the ransom you got nervous,

- and now Kyle's a reliablity.
- I'm outta here...

Hey, Ed. You ain't listening?

We got a witness.


I'm a scumbag.

I took Kyle but...

When I saw feds at the drop
I got scared so

I made other arrangements.

So you're Kyle.

You like comics, Kyle?


They made this one
into a movie, right?

- It was a video game first.
- You're right.

You like video games?

My Mom says,
Sega makes your head soft.

Hey, I got a Sega.

My head's okay.

You can come play games
at my house if you want.

I want my Mom and Dad.

I'm told they went on a trip.

Without me?

I don't know why.

Was it 'cause
my shirt costed $ a pop?

You know that is a lot
of money for a shirt.

No worries.

See, you and me...

We could take a trip of our own.

An adventure.

You can have
your own secret identity.

Like Peter Parker in Spider Man?



I like that name.

Me and this guy...
made a deal.

What kind of deal
are we talking about?

What did you do with Kyle?

I sold him.

Hey, babe. Hi.

I'd thought you'd bring the baby.

He's with Mom.

She coming Friday?

Of course.

I saw your uncle yesterday,
and he thought you'd seemed upset.




I saw Brad Witham last week.

I was having dinner at Olson's.
He was behind the bar.

Are you sure it was him?

I know that smile.


Remember how you
wanted to press charges?

- Yeah.
- Or at least go find him and-

You and Mom stoped me.

I wish you hadn't listened to us.

Oh, Jannie... / Why was I worried
about how people would think of me?

Who cares about that now?

You were so sure of what
you wanted you begged me.

I know.

You wanted to just forget it.


I was eighteen.

I was wrong.

So what do we know about
this guy who bought Kyle Bream?

- Name's Rudy Taner.
- Was anyway.

- Suspect's a cold job, too.
- For real? How'd it go?

Guy was shot a few months
after Kyle turned up dead.

School administrator, , lived in...
Malrow Park. Nice neighborhood.

Well, someone took him out
in his nice tomato garden.

Well, the assigned took evidence
from the home computer.

Turn's out Taner was
running a website.


- Kiddy porn.
- Oh, man.

- Kyle was an investment.
- So why kil him?

Let's go with the feds, see if
they red-flagged visitors to the site.

This guy got a family?

- Looks like he had a wife.
- And didn't she get the prize.

This boy may have stayed with you
and yor husband in the fall of ' ?

Rudy and I were
seperated by then.

Was that because of his website?

I found out about that after
he died like everyone else.

Never suspected?

I had a night job, a weekend job,
plus this during the week.

- I didn't have time to monitor him.
- So you divorced him.

He left me.

Ditched me to raise
Archie on my own.

Archie's your son?

Yeah. / Did he ever spend time
with his dad after you two split?

He'd stayed with him
on the weekends when I worked.

You weren't worried about that?

But he would never...
not his own son.

You ever see this kid?

- But his hair was different.
- How so?

It was blond like Archie's.

I remember thinking they
could have been brothers.

- Where was this?
- At Rudy's house.

One Sunday when
I went to pick up Archie.


Gotta go, right now!


Mom? In here.

You're early.

I wanted to get to the store
before it closes, so get your stuff.

But Dad wanted me
to make milk shakes.

If I don't shop tonight I can't go again
until Wednesday, so let's move it!

Put your coat on,
I'll get your stuff.

No! Mom! You can't go in there!

It's Parker, some family friend.

Why is he in your bedroom?

His Parents are out of town
so Dad gave him my room.

I don't like Samurai Planet.

He got the wrong ones,
I like Bonzai Brigade.

I've got all issues at home.

What are you doing here, Sandra?

I uh- got off early.

- Let's go, Archie.
- Can't I just stay, I mean-

- Maybe Dad could bring me home.
- Next time kiddo.

Get your coat.

Hey, nap time in minutes, star.

His parents are
colleagues of mine.

They're both sick.
It's a real tragedy.

Archie said they went out of town.

Well, it's a cover story.

He looks like Archie
when he was-


Yes, he does.

Such a wonderful age.

I didn't know anything was wrong.

I didn't.

Your mom, saw this kid
at your dad's place.

Yeah, that's um-

that's uh-
what's he's name...uh-



Yeah, my Dad take him in for a while.
He said he had some problems at home.

That's what your pop said.

Yeah, he was like that generous.

Kid's real name was Kyle Bream.

He got m*rder*d after
your dad took him in.


You're not saying that my Dad
had anything to do with that?

You Dad bought Kyle from
the man who kidnapped him.

- No.
- Archie...

- He was a child pornagrapher.
- Oh, not that crap again.

There's evidence, his website.

My Dad gave this kid a home
after his own parents bailed on him.

Can we throw the football, Dad?

Practice my spiral?

Sure. Later.

What's wrong, Parker?


Tell me.

I didn't really care if I had cool shirts.

I know but people get
overwhelmed sometimes.

That's what happened
to my Mom and Dad?

Little boy can be very expensive.

That's why they didn't want me?


But Uncle Rudy does.

And he won't leave you.

Can we practice now?

Whatever Parker wants.

Parker isn't good at football.

My Dad just tried to help him.

Kyle had brown hair.


Your Dad changed it to look like yours.

Your Mom says you
could have been brothers.

And your meaning is what?

My Father was a good man.

[ BEST SMILE: Brad Witham ]

Hey, Boss.

What's the latest?

This Rudy Taner did
a Stockholm Syndrome on Kyle.

Had him believe that
his parents ran out on him.

That's explains how he kept him there.

Also had a son Archie thinking
he was the world's greatest dad.

A kid's gotta
believe in someone.

Got the FBI file on Taner's website.

There's pictures.

- Of Kyle?
- Among others.

That might not be the worst of it.

Federal watch list for
paying members to the site.

Check the 'B's.

Ken Bream?

Kyle's dad had himself
a membership.

You like boys, Ken?

What are talking about?

Your membership
the 'boysinbloom.com'.

Kyle showed up on that site.

- As a model.
- That's some kind of coincidence.

It's not what you think.

Then what is it?

My husband didn't have anything
to do with what happened to Kyle.

You don't really sound
convinced to that.

I just shouldn't have believed him.

About what?

That Kyle would be okay by himself.

At the store.

We're not talking about
the dressing room, Tina.

Then what?

Mrs. Bream, your husband was accessing
child pornagraphy on the Internet.

I know.

Rudy Taner.
You know him?

Know. / See, the innocent answer
would've been "Rudy, who?".

- Or just "Who?".
- I would've taken either.

- I didn't know him.
- Didn't?

Hey, pervert!
We're talking to you!

- What did you call me?
- I know what you are.

- I make a study out of people like you.
- You don't know anything!

Then tell us.

It was Rudy Taner's site.

Pictures of little boys?

Including Kyle.

I'm the one who told Ken about it.

How did you know?

We got crank calls
after Kyle died.


You don't know how cruel.

At first, I thought
she was one of them.

Mrs. Bream?

I saw your boy.


Your son Kyle, I-

I saw him.

- My son is dead.
- Last fall.

In a house on highland street.

Don't do this.

The man who lives there, Rudy Taner.

He hurt my boy, too.

- I don't believe you.
- It's true.

He took pictures of your boy.

- There's a website-
- Get away from me!

He likes Bonzai Brigade.

But not Samurai Planet.

He said he had all
the good comics at home.

Twenty four issues.

Rudy lied to me.

But I believed him.

I'm so sorry.

I'm sorry...

She told me.

And I told Ken.

Why not go to the police?

I didn't have a lot of faith in
the authorities at that point.


It was time to make things right.

I went to that site
that woman told Tina about.

Bought a password.

And there was Kyle in...

We know.

She blamed me.

For losing him, and for the FBI.

- I had to make it up to her.
- By doing what?

Turn around.

- Who are you?
- I was Kyle Bream's Dad.

The boy in the harbor.
I read about him.

I'm so sorry.

You got nerve.

Mr. Bream. / Do you know the feeling
when you wake up from a nightmare,

and you realize...

it's just a dream?

How good that feels?

That relief?

When I wake up, I realize...

it was all real.

- I didn't k*ll him.
- I saw the pictures.

That's all it was.
It was just pictures.

And that was enough.

You deserve worse than this.

But it'll have to do.

Then let me tell you the truth. 'Dad'.

He was the best piece of...

I never thought I'd get away with it.

Then months went by, then years.

You know we're gonna
have to charge you.

It was wrong, I know but...

I'm not sorry.

It didn't help though.

He's still gone.

You told Tina Bream what was going on
in that house but you didn't tell us.

- I've got caravan in minutes.
- You knew what was happening with Kyle.

Plus a client is waiting for me to call.

Hey, Sandra.
Stand still.

He was her son.

She deserved to know.

Telling her, got your husband k*lled.
Was that kind of what you intended?

I saw that boy's picture in the paper,

and I knew what Rudy had done
and I thought he should pay.

For what he did to Kyle?

- Or to Archie?
- He never touched Archie!

You told Mrs. Bream Rudy lied to you.

You weren't just talking about
that day with Kyle, were you?

That's why all the night jobs,
the weekend jobs, never goin' home?

Would have meant having to deal with it.

I never thought a man like
Rudy would look at someone like me.

So you let him hurt your own boy?

I pretended I didn't see.

It was easier that way.

to believe.


That I was his star.

He always call me that.

Before Archie was born.


Your mom's sorry, Archie.

For what your dad did.

For not stoping him.

I don't know what
she means by that.

Why are you protecting him?

He hurt you.

He hurt Kyle, too. Didn't he?

He was there for me.

She wasn't.
She was never around.

- She works three jobs to support you.
- To avoid me, you mean.

Look, whatever your mom's
failings were, your dad did worse.


No, he-

- He loved me.
- That ain't love, Archie.

He couldn't hurt Parker.
Because Parker went away.

You make a mean milk shake, son.

Doesn't he, Parker?


I gotta go to the bathroom.

Come here.

Hey. Keep the door open.

Why do you watch him like that?

Like what?

He's never going away, is he?

I'm going online,
keep off the phone.

- Dad?
- What, Archie?

Why don't you like me anymore?

Get your stuff,
before Mom blows a gasket.

A deal's a deal.
He's bought and paid for.

- I'll get your money back.
- I don't want the money.

I have what I want, please.

I made a mistake.

Uncle Ed?

You're saying Kyle's
uncle came to the house?

I told you my Dad was innocent.

What happened when Ed came?

He took Kyle away.

That was the last time
I ever saw him.

I told you I gave Kyle
to that Taner Guy.

- Sold him.
- And that was the last you saw them.

- Right.
- That's wierd.

Got a witness who puts you
at Taner's place after the fact.

- What witness?
- His son.

- He said you came back for Kyle.
- Did a repo.

- Someone offered you a better price?
- Oh, no...

Maybe you thought it was
safer if Kyle was dead.

- No tracks.
- C'mon, No!

- No? You ain't go back there?
- Yeah, okay! I went but that's-

He was your nephew, Eddie!

It's blood.

I smoked up all the money.
Six weeks straight, I'm flying.

Then I come down,

Seen what I've done.

I went back there
to make things right.

Uncle Ed?

Uncle Ed,
what are you doing here?

- I came to take you home.
- This is his home.

- Right, Parker?
- Parker?

Archie, take him to his room.

- Kyle, don't you wanna go home?
- He 'is' home!

It's okay Uncle Ed.
I'm too expensive.

- What d'you do to him?
- I loved him.

Which is more than
you can say. 'Uncle Ed'.

So the parents, they don't know about
the whole child peddling side of the family?

- Aren't you the black sheep.
- You can't just keep him here like this.

- That's why we're gonna go away.
- Where?

Canada maybe?
Or Europe?

Just him and me, no distractions.

You're crazy, Kyle!
Get out here.

Kidnapping, to life!

That means, stone cold
sober in a six by nine cell.

Think about it.

You're out of money.

Don't be ashamed.

We all have our needs.

Will a thousand do it?


- Get away from me.
- Five?

We have a winning number.

God, help me.

I left him.

I hadn't had a hit in days,
you don't know what it's like.

Well, guess I'm missing out.

Archie said you took him.

I'd give anything if that were true.

- What do you have?
- Scotch, neat.

- Mccallen, oban?
- Twelve.

Pretty girl, maybe you'll get lucky.

You never know.

Get her a few drinks, and her taken
home, she's good to go, right?

Even if she says otherwise.

Do I know you?

You don't remember.

Maybe the name, 'Stillman'?

Jannie's dad.

It's been like twenty years.


- Look, I don't know what she told you-
- She lives in this neighborhood now.

This is her home.

So tonight, you're gonna quit this job.

You can't tell me what to do.

I can do a lot, Brad.

Eighteen years ago,
my daughter kept me and you apart.

But time's changed.

You get me?

You and Kyle's Uncle tell
different stories, Archie.

You gonna believe
a meth head kidnapper or me?

Oh, you agreed on one thing.

Ed came back for Kyle
but he didn't leave with him.

Hey, your dad persuaded him otherwise.

My dad wouldn't k*ll Parker.

Even after he got tired of him?

Like he got tired of you?


- Not Parker.
- Why not?

Because he was his 'star'.

Reminds me of home.

My Mom had
a two pack a day habit.

- Good for her.
- Little vodca to smoothe it all out.

Some nights more than a little.

Then it was my job to
clean her up, put her to bed.

That sounds great.

It sucked.

I did it anyway.

Know why?

Because after I tucked
her in some nights?

She'd reach out, like this.

And that made it okay.
Her doing that,

loving me.

I would've done anything for that.



Like you did.

For years.

For your dad.

But then...
Kyle came along.

Took your bedroom, your stuff.

Your dad found someone new to love.

And he was going to take him away.

And leave you behind!

Canada or Europe.

You were only thirteen.

You needed your dad.

I believed him.
You know?

- You believed?
- What he always told me.

That I was his 'star'.

Couldn't let Parker have my Dad.


Come on. Get up.

We're leaving.

Where are we going?

Tell me where you live
I can take you home.

- I am home.
- No, this is 'my' home.

Not yours.

Your mom and dad
never went away.

They didn't?

[ Missing Boy's Parents
Make Public Plea ]

They've been looking for you.
That's you.


You ready to go home?

Those lights?
That's Torresdale.

That's where your house is.

This is as far as I go.

The rest is up to you.

I can't swim that far.

Listen to me.

Your mom and you dad?

They're there waiting for you.

Look, you can make
it little guy, go on!

Can you come with me?

No, this is my home.

- He doesn't even like you.
- He does like me!

He's my Dad.

Look, he's coming!
You gotta go!

Where is he? / He's right behind us.
You gotta go now!

I can make it. Right, Archie?


Keep going.

You can make it little guy.

Oasis 'Don't Go Away'

A Cold and frosty morning
there's not a lot to say

About the things
caught in my mind

As the day was dawning
my plane flew away

With all the things
caught in my mind

And I don't wanna be there
when you're coming down

And I don't wanna be there
when you hit the ground

So don't go away

Say what you say

But say that you'll stay

Forever and a day
in the time of my life

'Cause I need more time

Yes, I need more time
Just to make things right

Damn my situation and
the games I have to play

With all the things
caught in my mind

Damn my education
I can't find the words to say

About all the things
caught in my mind

And I don't wanna be there
when you're coming down

And I don't wanna be there
when you hit the ground

So don't go away

Say what you say

But say that you'll stay

Forever and a day
in the time of my life

'Cause I need more time

Yes, I need more time
just to make things right

Me and you what's going on?

All we seem to know is how to show

The feelings that are wrong

So don't go away

Say what you say

But say that you'll stay

Forever and a day
in the time of my life

'Cause I need more time

Yes, I need more time
just to make things right

So don't go away
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