02x14 - Revolution

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Cold Case". Aired: September 2003 to May 2010.*
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02x14 - Revolution

Post by bunniefuu »

Congratulations Terry & Suzanne

November ,

Check, check...
check one, check two, check three...

Seems like before I left,
you and Suzanne were this big.

riding your sting rays around.

Now she's getting married.

Me too, soon.

I thought you were jazzed about it.

I am.

You need a drink? You hungry?

- I can get it.
- You sure, Brian?

Ah, ladies and gentlemen.

Okay, uh...

Let's uh...

let's just get this over with
so we can eat, huh?

Mr. & Mrs. Terry Lucas!

Oh, thanks a bunch for coming
everyone and uh- Ma, Dad?

Thanks for the new mustang!

Everybody, you got five minutes

before we charge you for
your drinks, so get going!

Oh, um...

me and Terry also wanna say a special
welcome home to Fishtown's own w*r hero.

My maid of honor's brother and
a brother to me, Brian McCormick!

I would've brought it for tonight
but I didn't wanna embarrass her...

when Suzanne and I were
little girls we wrote all...oh.

Don't tell me that guy's your boyfriend?

Fiance, actually.

That guy?

With you?

Now that's not right.

I'm not sure you should
be smoking marihuana.

This is a wedding.

Just trying to get in the spirit.

This is a new look.

Yeah, yeah. Slept like crap.

Who we calling on here?

Benny Warren Cousins.

We got an arrest warrant for him
from .

What's the story?

Well, a local Fishtown girl was
found strangled in his apartment.

Eleanor McCormick.

What¡¯d they get from
their first time around?

There wasn't a first time.

Warren hightailed it to Canada
the night of the m*rder.

Mounties couldn't help?

They couldn't find him.

Think he changed his name up there,
went underground.

No one's heard word one from him
in years.

What brought him back to Philly?

Father's funeral.

He's holed up with an old buddy
in this place.

Busy-body neighbor recognized him.
Called it in.

Let's go.

Philadelphia PD for Warren Cousins.

I'm Warren.

Warren Cousins, you're under arrest for
the m*rder of Eleanor McCormick.

Ellie's dead?

Witnesses saw Warren hassling
Ellie at her best friend's wedding.

He was the singer.

Trying to get a piece?

Only Ellie's engaged, shuts him down.

A few weeks later she got the life
choked out of her in his place.

Autopsy shows bruises
on her knees and neck.

- Strangled.
- By someone with dirty hands.

Unidentified residue across her throat.

Prints come with that?

It's only partial.
No help.

Let's have Franny take a look
at the autopsy.

Maybe modern medicine tells us more.

Yeah, maybe lab can ID the dirt.

Found a relative of your girl.

Brother Brian still lives
at the old address.

You and Will sit down with him.

You don't believe in shaving anymore?

It was a... late night.

Why are you looking so haggard?

I should go home and start over again.

There's no reason.

I haven't spoken to Ellie in years.

That's sort of the point here, Warren.

I mean I didn't know she was dead.


I wouldn't k*ll her.

We had a relationship, I loved her!

So, true love made you change
your name and disappear for years?

I went to Canada because
I was a draft resister.

And all those years you never write
to her. Pick up the phone?

I couldn't, I was a fugitive!

What about down here?

No one told you that the cops
were looking for you?

I broke off all contacts with my old life.

The buddy I went to Canada
with came back in the ¡® s.

He called me when
he saw my dad's obit.

And you never asked after Ellie?

Ellie was the one who got away.

I still thought about her but I let her go
when she didn't come north with me.

How we doing?

Oh, Warren says Ellie
was going to Canada, too.

Just like Bonnie and Clyde, huh?
Running from the law?

That was the plan.
But she never showed up.

Couple of hints in that story, Warren.

Yeah, like her being dead
in your apartment.

She left her suitcase there earlier
that day.

Maybe, she went to get it and
someone k*lled her.

Uh, there's no suitcase
in the crime report.

So, how's the story really go?

A screw-up like you sets
his sight on a pretty girl,

can't close the deal
so she gets punished?

You got it all wrong.

Ellie's the one who came after me.

When me and Suzanne were seven,

we planned our whole life out
and wrote it in a diary.

I would have brought it tonight
but I don't want to embarrass her.

See, she wrote pages and pages

about how she was moving out to Hollywood
and becoming Mrs. Elvis Presley.

Hey, that's no fair, she did too!

But, I'm so glad she found
her real true love here in Fishtown.

Because the life that I wrote in that diary

was that she was my neighbor,

my maid of honor,
the Godmother of my children,

and my best friend for life.

So, here's to that.

I don't know why I came out here.

I don't even know you.

Maybe that's why.

Stupid, right?


I saw your brother in there.

See his girlfriend ditch him?

Wish I knew what to do for him.

How ¡®bout just talking to him?

Bet that would mean something.

You going to Vietnam?

No, It's not a cause I'd give my life for.

So you're one of those.

What are you?

Not sure, lately.

When you said it wasn't right
about me and my fiance?

What did you mean?

Do you know¡¦

It's impossible not to look at you.


No, it is. It's not just you being pretty.

It's how you are.

I ¡¦ really enjoyed your singing.

I know you have a guy,

but I'm a valentine's day baby.

I just say it if I feel it.

We were together weeks after that.

Then I left.

A one conversation at the weeding,

and Ellie chucks her marriage plans
to take up with you.


I still don't hear how she ends up
dead in your place.

I don't know how that happened!

All I know is I loved that girl.

And that always ends well.

This works out nice.
We got room in the trunk?

Brian McCormick?

You the detectives that called?

It's about Warren Cousins,
he's back in town.

What does the creep have to say
for himself?

Says it wasn't him
who k*lled your sister.

You got ideas otherwise, Brian?

She's dead in his apartment
that gives me ideas.

Warren says he and
your sister had a relationship.

- He does, huh?
- Anything to that?

Well, something had hold of
Ellie those last weeks.

Maybe Warren.

Seemed like something beatnik.

You okay?

Yeah, yeah. I couldn't sleep last night.

That's all.

- Oh, hold on. Dad!
- He knew it.

- Pat, Brian needs you!
- It's okay, Mom.

Hold on, hold on, I'm here.

I got to admit I'm nervous.

What was it like there, Brian?


Mosquitoes there
are like freaking crows.

How about the w*r part?


¡®Cause they're saying
we're losing and not prepared.

Is it true? / Ellie, your brother wants
to brag, he'll do it to me over beer.

- I just want to hear about it.
- Eleanor...

it's starting.

The birthdates of today's
draft lottery are as followed:

You never know who to trust over there.

- When they did this,
- June, th

it was just a little girl.

She comes up to me like she
needs help.

Opens her hand.

May, th

- October, th
- Oh, man! That's Terry.

February, th

November, th

March, th

Give me your fingers crossed
for me, babe?

Hey, what's the matter with you?

Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey-

- My birthday wasn't called yet.
- I know, I know.

You're real strange lately, Ellie.
You know that?

What was she crying about?

Don't know.

The guy she's in love with since
she was twelve just got saved.

Made no sense.

Okay, Brian.

It's been most of my life now, but¡¦

never settles with you.

Not being somebody's
older brother anymore.

What got Ellie so upset that night?

Maybe a shock to her what
her brother said about Vietnam.

- Lab did a rush job for you.
- Get anything good?

Swab the residue around
your girl's neck?

Found minute traces of chrome in it.

Came from the doer's hands?

Maybe flaked off a car?

Besides the knee and neck bruises?

There was an abrasion above
her eye from an earlier injury.

Earlier by hours?

More like days.

So chrome on the doer's hands plus,

someone roughed her up recently.

What if, it was the draft lottery
Ellie was reacting to?

Fifth birthday called.

February , Valentine's Day.

Lover boy, Warren.

She was crying cause he got drafted.

Maybe she did love him.

Just getting in?

I slept at the bar.

Sure you did.


Because, I'm a detective?

I met someone.

He from the bar?

Yeah, but it's not like
how you think though.


It's someone good for a change.

We talk and laugh¡¦ and connect.


He taking you out for
your birthday tomorrow? Cause¡¦

If not, I am.

That would be great.

I wouldn't have guessed it, but um¡¦

It's been good having you here.

Part of your story holds up, Warren.

Maybe Ellie did fall for you.


Some parts are still shady.

All the stuff was at home and
accounted for, no missing suitcase.

I told you what I know.

It was a light blue, white handles.

You know anything about her fiance?

Bud Lydecker.

Just saw him at the wedding.

Well, you two got together.

Means, Ellie must have broken up
with him, right? / Yeah.

Know anything about how he handled it?

Getting traded in for...

for a long-haired draft dodger.

Probably wasn't thrilled.

Any specific backlash?

I didn't think so at the time, but¡¦

Ellie did come to see me one night¡¦

about a week after the wedding?

Hey! / Hi.

I did not think you would come.


Oh, this is-

Oh, yeah! The, the bride!

Oh, yeah. My husband would flip
his lid to see this place.

I just saw this woman with like,

paint on her, and nothing else.

Can I get you something?
Beer? Dope?

- You guys?
- Oh, no! No.

Look, you know what? Maybe I would.
The Beatles do it. So you know.

I'll have a beer.

- Uh, this powder room?
- Yeah, it's right over there.

I talked to my brother.

You did?

It was bad for him over there.

My parents still don't want to hear it,

but I think he wants to talk.

Like you said.

I keep thinking about the thing
that you said.

I keep thinking about you.

Yo, yo. That's twisted, man!

That was him, El.
You know it was.


No one.

You think Bud threw that brick?

Must be who they meant.



Maybe he's the one who should
be cooling it in here.

Let me go see at my dad's arrangements.

You're still our number one guy, Warren.


Did you find anything else out¡¦
about Ellie?

She cried when you got drafted.

Take a look around. Go on.

I'm losing them.

Nice timing.

You want another years?

Ah, crap. Go ahead.

You said it was about Ellie?

Wondering how you took it when she
threw you over for this Warren guy.

I'm the one threw her over.

I dried up on us after my buddy
Terry's wedding.

Cut her loose.

So that brick through her new guy's
window that was you saying

- "We could still be friends?¡±
- Ah, the brick.

Yeah, I'll cop to that.

But I didn't know the hippie lived there.

That was meant for ¡®Bridezilla.'


On account of her behavior
at the wedding.

Oh, my God!

Oh, my God, oh my God, Ellie!

Suzanne, what are you doing?

What are you, an interpreter?


Bud, just, just turn around, okay?
I got to pull myself up here.

I undid all those buttons?

Please, just leave, okay?

I'll k*ll you!

- Don't look at me like that.
- Geez, Suzanne!

I know, El. I know.

Now look at me.

After what you told me,
don't be a hypocrite.

Whoa, what the heck is that about?


You, damn itt!
What are you two talking about?

Just forget it, Bud.

Fishtown b*tches!

So you break up with Ellie,
because her best friend's a cheater?

Birds of a feather.

Ellie'd be following suit soon enough.

Besides, I'm with the same girl
since I'm twelve.

I was done.

What Suzanne mean,
Ellie was a hypocrite?

Something related to
their chick conspiracy.

I didn't press for details.

You'll have to ask ¡®zilla' herself.

You got an alibi for when Ellie died?

Working late at the sugar factory?

My pop waited up to tell me.

She's the first person I knew close¡¦
that died.

Hmm, Ellie.

You finally got that singer, huh?

Warren Cousins? Yeah.

He's in custody for Ellie's m*rder.

It's a long time coming.

Suzanne, Warren says that he
and Ellie were in love. True?

She was dreamy about him.

No other man could compare.

- Not Bud?
- Bud or the rest of the species.

We heard about that brick incident.

Bud said that was on him.

I knew it.

But he mentioned a different reason.

- Something about your wedding night?
- Yeah.

Mistakes were made.

What did you mean that night?

Calling Ellie a hypocrite?

Oh, she told me about meeting Warren,

and it was suddenly making
her question things.

Oh, like settling with Buddy boy?

And ending up with her mother's life.

Same thing crossed my mind
walking down the aisle.

So at the reception all I'm thinking is,
¡®What did I just do?'

Enter the drummer.

So was Ellie gonna do something
to change her plans?


Which, my parents never got us
that mustang.

He's been in the driveway
every single day of this month.

Doesn't have a word to say to me.

Suz, I don't think it's like this
with everyone.

Well, his birthday got called,
so he's a little upset.

You wanna be like this?

Suz, there are men who are different.

You could have a new life with.

And they'd let you be who you are.
That's what they want.

And they would never-

they would die first, Suz.
They would never hurt you.


You wanna leave here?

Go someplace far out and start over,
where Terry can't find us?

Cause Warren's going to Canada
and we could, too.


Uh, you got a lot to say today, huh?

Just uh- catching up, Terry.



Don't you yammer about me
when I'm out working!

Do you understand?

And don't bring stupid talk into
my house.

She don't need anymore wild ideas
than she's already got.

That's what you say!

Okay, okay!

That's the conversation.

Oh, by the way.

I know where you go at night, Ellie.


He meant Warren's place.


Where Ellie was k*lled.

Where was Terry the night she died?

- Out till morning, getting blitzed.
- Hmm¡¦

He wouldn't have hurt her.

We grew up together, all of us!

But he was in a bad way then, right?

You said Terry was working
on a mustang?

Yeah, ' .

His true love. Trust me.

It's a chrome bumper.

What kind of person makes a kid
run those at : in the morning?

You coming down on me for that?

No, we're homicide,
It's a little more serious.

Sit-ups until the whistle.

You remember Ellie McCormick?

Yeah, sure. Great girl.

We hear she tried to get your wife to
pull a ¡®Thelma & Louise' on you.

Run off together¡¦leave you all alone.

You'd be short a punch bag
thanks to Ellie.

Girls were always talking.

It was just talk.

But you took them seriously.

What you call her again?

It was something unflattering, I think.

Plus there was chrome on her body.

Like on your mustang.

From your hands to her neck.

And you knew where
she went at night, right?

Oh, heck! Okay.

Straight story.

I went over there, once.

To give Ellie what for?


I heard the girl scheming.

I thought maybe I could change my plans.

Cause all I had to look forward to
was going to die in a jungle.


What are you doing here?

I know what you're thinking of me
right now.

But I'm just not in my right way.

I'm flipped out.

You know I'm going to Vietnam, right?

I know your birthday got called.

And I saw your brother at the wedding.

Katie looking around during the dance songs,
embarrassed to be with him?

That can't be me.

You're nothing like him, Terry.

I gotta go.

Ellie, wait!

I know Suzanne doesn't love me.

So maybe¡¦

maybe I should just beat it to Canada
where you and that guy are going.

Can I talk to him?

No! You can't come in.

I'm scared.

Like your boyfriend?

He's not scared.

He has beliefs.

Find your own way to Canada.

So, you wanted to duck the draft, too.

Didn't have the nerve though.

Got lucky.

Ended up watching the border in Korea.

How'd you know where to find Ellie?

From Bud.

Bud was still keeping tabs
after they were over?

He was only camped out
there night after night.

Thought he gave Ellie the brush-off?

Hey, it's not for me to say.

But if that's how it went,
why's he stalking her?

- I already talked to the other two.
- Yeah, I know.

- So what am I doing here?
- I guess we didn't get the truth just yet

about how you and Ellie ended.

Well, you can go pound sand
if you don't believe me!

Maybe, you just misrepresented
how that final talk went?

You ever had a fiance?

And yes, she screwed
my head up good.

Well, that's what Ellie did to me.

So maybe over time,

I wanna remember a little different,
you know?

- Pride thing?
- Now you put in the time.

You're the long-term guy.

Some new act waltzes in,
she goes nutty.


You can't talk to him about it.

What, a rational conversation with a woman?

I never had one.

Well, you tried and two seconds later

they got you frothing at the mouth, right?

Pretty soon,
you got to mess on your hands.

And how'd it went, Bud?

You can't have her,
no one can?

Hey. I took it harder than
I said but come on!

I didn't k*ll her!

You staked her place out.

I watched for her one night.

Few nights! / I heard a week.

So a week!

Believe me, I wasn't the messed-up one.

I went to the door finally,

walked into World w*r III.

Ellie? Ellie!

Damn it! let me in there.

Where is he?
Show me where he is!

Bud, keep it down!

He's bad news Ellie, I'm telling you!
Look at you!

You answer me one question, okay?

Are you serious?

about giving up years in Fishtown,

then, run off with this hippie guy,

who you've known for six weeks?

- You don't understand Bud.
- Who do this to you?

Don't you, don't you remember?

that time we went down to Atlantic city,

just the four of us,
for beers and surf and turf?


And, and I went into the water and you,

you came in and pull me out?
Remember that?

I do Bud. / Yeah?

Yeah. / So?

So I'm in love with Warren.


Yeah¡¦well, that's screwy.


Maybe me and Ellie weren't perfect
but I never laid a hand.

But Warren did?

He acts like this peace-lovin' guy.

Not behind closed doors.

So, ever hear from that New York guy?

He doesn't know where I am.

Which is a good thing.

And badly?

He got overly invested. / Hmm¡¦

Like um¡¦Joe Dennison?
And Danny Ross.

- Steve Regis?
- I was never with Steve-

Liar! / I wasn't!

Hey, I wouldn't admit to it, either.

There's someone good now.

Yeah, yeah. What about that?

Well, actually he's a cop.

Do I know him?


Not Valens.

I can't believe you're doing this again.


- I should've guessed.
- Valens isn't like Patrick at all.

Don't talk about him.

I would never do that. Lil.
'cause of how it hurt you.

Don't you know by now you ruin
everything you touch?

I don't ruin things.

Happy birthday.


I'm leaving for work at seven, you can
come by after that and pick up your stuff.

- Something wrong?
- Nope.

Let's do this.

I'm back in the cell in two hours,
can't this wait?

No, it can't, Warren. / I'm starting
to believe you did love Ellie.

I've only been saying that from the start.

Well, it's always the guys
who love too hard

that end up smacking their girls around.

I never touched her.

There was a witness outside
your apartment.

Heard screaming, v*olence.

It wasn't me. / Oh!

Ellie got her face bloody all by herself?

I promised to her that I'd never tell.

But I guess I've been keeping promises
to a ghost for a long time now.


It was Brian.

Yelling in my apartment.

- He the one hurt her?
- He was detoxing.

Not in his right mind.


A lot of guys came back with the habit.

I knew the signs as soon as
I saw Brian at the wedding.

It was¡¦ugly, you know?

He got so pissed off one night
he threw a plate at Ellie.

Cut her face.

Why d'you get involved in it?

Ellie wouldn't leave with me with Brian sick.

Plan was, after he got clean, Ellie
and I would go north.

Take it easy.

You take care of Brian at home, okay?

So¡¦eleven tonight?


You okay?

I don't know if I can do this.

El¡¦we're all packed.

Your stuffs up there ready to go.

I don't think I can leave my brother.

He's in the clear now.

What if he relapses?

No one else here knows.
We'd be all alone.

What about our plan?

Look at him, Warren¡¦

Do you still love me?

I love you so much.

Then come with me.

You know you're the first person to ever
tell me I could be bigger than this place.

It's true.

Thank you for that.

Baby, don't talk like you're not coming.

I just need time.

They're picking us up
at eleven at the bus station.

Ellie, I know what I'm asking you.

But it's cause I love you.

And if you come with me¡¦

I'll love you my whole life.

I know.

And if you don't come,
I won't make it hard for you.

I'll let you go.

I'll see you tonight.

I made them wait until midnight.

Then I waited for a long time after that.

Thinking she was gonna knock
on my door one day.

She made a choice.

Well, Brian didn't say anything about this.

Not a great look-back.

Probably the worst time of his life.

I was just about to go to sleep.

Graveyard shift?

It's a good schedule for me.

I could never lay down at night.

Did you wake up?

- The night Ellie left.
- Left where?

The night she packed her suitcase.

Left to go to Canada. Did you wake up
and find her room empty?

She wouldn't go anywhere with that guy.

Brian, we know you came back
from the w*r with a drug problem.

A lot of guys struggle with that.

Well, that stuff holds on tight, right?
Can't just give it up easy.

So maybe you slipped up.

The night Ellie decides to leave.

You went to Warren's to talk her out of it,
only you're in such a haze¡¦

you do something you regret.

Something you're just sitting on
for all these years.

No, I wouldn't do that.
I got clean.

There was chrome on her neck, Brian.

From your chair. / No!

You got that junk in your veins and

now your baby sister goes behind
your back and sneaks off.

You got nobody,
you're down so low, you break.

I was clean!

When I did it.

Ah, God.

For the first time in so long¡¦

I was clear.
I could see right to tomorrow.

And all the way down the line.


How did you get up and go?

Ellie, you really gonna leave me?

Sorry I didn't say goodbye.

Hurts too much.

So don't.

I love him, Brian.

I want to start a life with him up there.

While I'm down here, alone in the house?

Not alone.
Mom and Dad are there, Kate¡¦



She's gone.

El, there's not gonna be anyone for me.

Sure there is. / No, I-,

I don't work how men do.

That's not what a man is.

It's about who you are on the inside.

How you treat people,
how you love them.

Oh, but that's where it's all rotten¡¦.


El, the little girl who did this?

She recognized me.
that's why?

Because we went into her hut and
we dragged out her parents and her grand parents

and we threw them in a bunker
and tossed in a grenade.

She finds me later.

So starving...

She's probably pounds, wet.

And all I was thinking was
¡®I should have k*lled her, too'.

El, you are the only one
I can tell these things to.

You're not rotten.

You don't know!


Because you get to leave
and forget and I am stuck here!

For the rest of my life!

What about me?

Brian, it's all right.

No, I'm stuck!

Just, just let me, let me...

I'm stuck!

I'm stuck!

I'm stuck!

'I say a little Prayer'
by Aretha Franklin

I say a little prayer for you..

From the moment I wake up

Before I put on my makeup

I say a little prayer for you..

While combing my hair now

And wond'ring what dress to wear now

I say a little prayer for you...

Forever, and ever, you'll stay
in my heart, and I'll love you

Forever, and ever, we never
will part, oh I love you

Together, forever, that's how
it must be living without you

Would only mean heartbreak for me...

I run for the bus dear,

while riding I think of us dear,

I say a little prayer for you

At work I just take time,

and all through my coffee break time

I say a little prayer for you...

Forever, and ever, you'll stay
in my heart, and I'll love you

Forever, and ever, we never
will part, oh I love you

Together, forever, that's how
it must be living without you

Would only mean heartbreak for me...
Nobody but me...

Forever, and ever, you'll stay
in my heart, and I'll love you

Forever, and ever, we never
will part, oh I love you

Together, forever, that's how
it must be living without you

Would only mean heartbreak for me...
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