02x13 - Time to crime

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Cold Case". Aired: September 2003 to May 2010.*
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02x13 - Time to crime

Post by bunniefuu »

August ,

Higher. Mommy, higher!

Do an underdog, mom.

All right, Miss Fish.

One underdog coming up.



Baby, wake up.

Wake up for mommy.




Record lows out there, Scotty.


Hey, Lil.

Kinda chilly in here, too.

I hear you went to
Christina's bar.

From who?

From her.

Me and Nicky went for
a couple of beers.

Not like we knew
she was working there.

Ain't that right?


- I ain't interested in your sister, Lil.
- Good.

'Cause she's a train wreck.


- And she didn't hit on you?
- No.

You know the Mayor's
g*n recovery program?

Turn in a w*apon,
get a pair of sneakers?

This kid from Strawberry Mansion turned it
in a month ago for a pair of Allen Iverson.

And FIU finally got around to it?

Tunrs out the g*n got
a body on it.

Drive-by sh**ting, .

- The job ever come in?
- Unsolved.

- Victim was a six year-old girl.
- And this is what k*lled her?

Rifling matched the projectile
found at the scene.

This is Jason James
and his son Jason Jr.

Stupid here's the one who took my g*n
without permission, turned it in.

How was I supposed
to know it was hot?

Saying I did.

Mr James, how long did you
own this g*n?

Five years.

Bought it at a g*n show,
Barearms Bonanza.

- Got proof of that?
- Nah.

But I remember the guy
I bought it from.

Uncle Sam Murray.
Wears that crazy hat and everything.

g*n's got a history, Mr James.

It k*lled a little girl.

So maybe it was a good thing
I turned it in.

- Take off those shoes.
- Dad, it's snowing outside.

Get 'em off.

You ain't profitting off
of someone getting k*lled.

How much you pay for this,
back in ?


That's cheap.

Well, it was used.

Drive-by at Langston Hughes Park.

There at that time was
a drug w*r over turf.

Kayla Odoms was hit on a b*llet
ricocheted off the basket ball pole.

Yeah, it got her on the chest.

Cops in ' figured the real target
was one of the players or onlookers.

Two of the spectators were ex-cons,
one was a known drug dealer,

six others was petty records
at the scene.

It's a big suspect pool.

caller, Rodney Johnson calls it
in from a pay phone three blocks away.

Three blocks?

Cell phones were science fiction
in ' , Scotty.

Got anything on the car?

B's, two door sedan.

No ID on the make or plates.

I'll send Vera and Jeffries
to talk to the family.

We'll go see the g*n dealer,
who sold the MAC to Jason James.

Yeah, this Uncle Sam character.

What do you guess the time
to crime was on this w*apon?

Less than a week?

What, for a MAC- ?

I bet someone bought that bad boy,
used it on a crime that very day.

We lost Kayla years ago.

Why we gotta relive it now?

Mom, they got a good lead
with this g*n.

Let's start with you, Mr Odoms.

Where were you when
Kayla got shot?

I was driving a cab,
till one thirty.

And you, Darnell?

Home, watching TV.

The man you see here,
he was just a pup back then.

Turned that day.

Kayla was k*lled on your birthday?

Do you know, she'd be now.

Can you remember who was
at the park that night, Mrs Odoms?

I just remember Kayla talking
the blue streak on those swings.

That girl, she could talk.

So I wasn't paying much
attention to anyone else.

Till after...

You think Darnell liked
the fishes I gave him?

I know he did.

You don't think he'd mind
I named them for him?

He can change them
of he wants to.

No, he can't.

Gourmis gotta be called Kissy-face,
because the way their mouths go.

You know what Darnell
wants to be when he grows up?

- What?
- An ichthyologist.

- Ichthyologist?
- Yeah, fish doctor.

- Where do you get these words?
- From Darnell.

He's really smart.

Higher, mom. Higher.

- Do an underdog, mom.
- All right, Miss Fish.

One underdog coming up.



Baby, wake up.

Oh my god.

Don't touch me.

Nobody touch me.

Hey, someone call an ambulance.

Ain't no phone working
around here.

Besides it ain't no use anyway.
The girl's dead.

She's not dead.

- She's gonna wake up.
- I'll find a phone, all right?

Just.. don't worry.



I didn't let her out of my arms till the
paramedics got there thirty minutes later.

What were you doing at
the park at ten p.m.?

It was stifling that night.
Me and Kayla couldn't sleep.

We went out for a walk.

If we just stayed home,
Kayla would be alive.

You couldn't have known
what was gonna happen that night.

I've been telling her that
for years.

We both have.

Don't matter.

It's still my fault.

Always will be.

Well, here's a handsome couple.

- Uncle Sam Murray?
- Let me guess.

Firearm for the missus.

Strictly safe defense.

Am I right?

You sold a MAC- to a man
named Jason James five years ago?

I've been selling quality firearms
for close to years.

You can't expect me
to remember one sale.

Well, that's why we brought this.

You recognize him?

He do something wrong?

g*n did something wrong.

Little girl was k*lled with that.

Hey, that ain't my fault.

I'm a dealer.
I don't gotta do background checks.

Where did you get the g*n?

You saying I had something
to do with the sh**ting?


If you owned it in ' .

That is a wild accusation.

I resent it,

I abhor it,
I deny it.

Hey, Uncle Sam.
Listen up.

You had the g*n at .
We gotta trace it to ' .

So where and when did
you get the MAC- .

I got it in ' .

Keep going.

I was visiting my dad at the Delaware
Downs housing projects.

Don't sh**t, players.
I'm unarmed.

You with the housing
authority, mister?

Can't say that I am.

Wel, you ain't no ganster, so...

Put that thing down, son.


Are you crazy, boy?

This is a real g*n.

Ain't no b*ll*ts in it.

What do you call those?

Where the hell did you get this?

- I ain't telling.
- Give it back!

You lucky to be alive,
you know that?

Now git! Before I really bust
a cap in your scrawny asses.

Those boys came this close
to meeting their maker.

This close.

You didn't tell their parents?


Kids ran in the apartment across
the hall and slammed the door.

Slammed it, huh?

So you just walked on out of there?

Those kids were lucky
I showed up when I did.

Lucky for you, too.

Free g*n and all.

Hey, I saved their lives.

And made bucks to boot.

They're gouramis,

you don't have them yet.

I know.

Dad helped me pick
them out.

They're gonna be all right
in this heat?

For an hour, sure.

If they're not, Darnell
can fix 'em.

He's gonna be a fish doctor.

There's something going down.

We gotta enhance this.

The Philly PD way.

You know, any other city, they'd
have one of them zoomer sticks.

Ah, quit griping.
Your eyes are better than mine.

See the guy in red shorts?

- Yeah.
- Cedric Browning.

I arrested him couple of years ago.

Maybe this household heated
it up a little bit later that night?

Girls Gone Wild?

Video tape the Odoms family
made, day of the m*rder.

It was the brother's birthday.

You got anything?

Well, there's some kind of
scuffle going on here.

We'll check it out.
Might be connected to the sh**ting.

Uh, boss had a snafu
with the g*n.

What's that?

Well, the serial number showed it was
manufactured at Barkan Industries.

They have a record of it leaving
the factory in August ' .

Going for where?

The Second Amendment.
A gunshop in West Philly.

- So what do their records say?
- That's just it.

The Second Amendment says they never received
the credit g*ns that included our MAC- .

So that baby was born, left the
hospital, never made it home.

Maybe it was delivered to
the wrong store?

Or maybe someone kidnapped it.

The owner at Barkan Industries says
he's gonna see through his records.

- No warrant necessary.
- What a guy.

Now, we gotta find out where
that g*n went, Nick.

- If it was delivered to the wrong store.
- Or if it was stolen before it ever got to one.

It sounds like fun.
Wish we can help, but..

- We're on the street, boss.
- Delaware Downs?

Uncle Sam said these kids
with the MAC went back

into an apartment catty-corner
to his dad's.

Well, hopefully the buck
stops there.

One g*n can pass through
a lot of hands in years.

All we need to know is
who was holding it in ' .


So Christina didn't come
on to you?

- Nah.
- Not how I saw it.

Well, you left, Nick.
You didn't see anything.

- You gotta call it off.
- Don't worry about it.


- It's what you call 'ill-advised'.
- Hey, I'm on it, okay?


Philly Homicide, ma'am.

We're tracking a m*rder w*apon.
It was last seen in this apartment in ' .

' , you say?

I was here in ' .

Hell, I was here in ' .

Feel like I've been here
since' .

Man saw two boys out
in the stairwell playing with a g*n.

MAC- .

- And they ran into your place.
- Well, that figures.


Those boys are my grandsons.

- Where'd they got the g*n?
- Where I kept it under floor board,

- thinking they'd never find it.
- So that g*n was yours?

Not exactly.
I stole it.

- Mind telling us from who?
- Am I gonna catch trouble?


From a family I was working for.
This was, what, back in ' .


can I have a word, please?

Shut the door, please.

Is there something you'd
like to tell me?

I don't think so, Eric.

I think there is.

I think you found something
under my mattress.


- You're lying.
- I got vacuuming to do.

You're the only one who
comes in here.

I know you took it.
Now give it back.

What? / Give back to me, Truly,
or I swear to god..

I see these pictures you draw.

List of all those people
with skulls by their name.

Ever hear the word privacy?

I ain't gonna let you
sh**t up yourself,

this house or anyone
else for that matter.

Then I'll just get another g*n
and hunt you down with it.

You can try Eric.

Just remember you ain't
the only one gonna be armed.

I took that kid's g*n
for his own good.

Then my grandkids nearly
got k*lled with it.

Any idea where Eric got hold
of that MAC- ?

Nope. Never had a chance to
find it out either.

Got fired the next day.

No good deed goes

Sounds like you might've
saved some lives there, Truly.

Maybe, maybe not.
Who's to say?

Just finished retooling.

On account of the as*ault
w*apon bans being lifted.

It's about time they stop meddling
with the Second Amendment.

Sold many MACs back in ?

MACs were the w*apon of choice
among certain populations back then.

You got the invoices, which stores
the g*ns were shipped to?

All that records post '
are computerized.

Pre ' , however..
is a different story.

That's unfortunate.

If in case my MACs was delivered
to the wrong store by accident,

I'm not liable, right?

We're just looking for
the sh**t, Mr Barken.

Yeah, unless you pulled
the drive-by in ' ,

you got nothing to worry about.

Good, good.

I just make them.

Can't control who buys them.

Take all the time you need.

Nice guy.

Eric Morrison?

Yeah, I'm Eric.

Did I do something?

You know a woman who
used to work for your family?

Truly Sinclair.

Yeah, sure.

Well, she says she took a g*n
from you in .

- Yeah.
- MAC- .

- Yeah.
- How long did you own it?

Six, seven months.
Why? Is Truly in trouble?

'Cuz.. she kinda saved my life.

Yeah? How?

I told my parents Truly stole
money from me.

But she told them the truth
about the g*n.

- But they believed you?
- No.

They believed her.

Came down on me like
a ton of bricks.

But Truly says she was fired
the next day.

Yeah, she was.
For stealing.

My parents were jerks.

So you're years old. How do
you get your hands on a MAC- .

That's kind of a funny story.

Maybe not that funny.

See, we lived near this..

this riding club where I used
to draw pictures of satan and stuff,

freak out the riders.

Hasta la vista, baby.


- Okay, let me try.
- Wait, I wanna see what I hit.


Check this out.
It's terminated.

What's that?

Holy crap.

You shot a horse.

Gross, its guts are
spilling out.

I didn't mean to sh**t that.

- Let's get the hell out of here.
- We can't leave it like this.

What are we supposed to do,
call a vet?

You gotta put it out
of its misery.

- You sh**t it.
- I'm not sh**ting a horse.

Let's just get out of here.

- They just left it there?
- He didn't suffer long.

Cuz you found the g*n
in those bushes?

I did what Chip and Dale couldn't.

You ever get your hands
on another g*n?

My parents started to watch me
like a hawk.

Then I graduated high school,
got away from guys like Pate.

Anger kinda just dissipated.

So how'd Pate come
into that MAC- ?

Main Line yacht club.

Bought it from some guy
named Witherspoon.

At least that's what I heard
him bragging about.

Okay, Eric.

Hey, if you see Truly again,
would you apologize to her for me?

You know, for being
such a demented kid?

To tell her yourself.

Ain't like she lives in Antarctica.

That MAC- was not delivered to any
gunstore in the greater Philadelphia area.

Yeah, and I got the
paper cuts to prove it.

So it was stolen.

Got us thinking about who
was delivering those g*ns for Barkan.

So we checked the employment
rolls at Philly Hall ' .

That's cover who transported the g*ns?

Interesting name on their
list of drivers.

Rodney Johnson.

That caller.

Maybe a target of the drive-by
since he was out on the court that night.

That's some coincidence.

Or not. / This guy transported the g*n
that almost k*lled him?

Clincher is that guy fighting with
Cedric Browining on that video tape..

Rodney again?

One and the same.

Lot of roads all leading
one direction.

Right to Rodney Johnson.

Talked to your old boss
at Philly Hall, Rodney.

Said you were fired because your cargo
had a habit of coming in late and light.

Those accusations were

One of the MAC- s you were hauling
turned out to be a m*rder w*apon.

k*lled a six year old,
Kayla Odoms.

You remember Kayla.
You called in the .

Yeah, I remember.

So who do you figure
the sh**t was that night?

How do I know?

- Because you sold them the g*n.
- Me?


Statute of limitations
on theftery is up, right?

Then I admit.

I moved a lot of g*ns.

So who did you sell one to
that might want to see you dead?

Look here,

my aka back then was Big MAC.

On account of how many
g*ns I flipped.

- How many?
- Hundreds.

And I made it a point
of not getting to know my clientele.

Let's talk about
Cedric Browing, Rodney.

- What's your fight with him about?
- Excuse?

At the park.
The night of the m*rder.

You were hassling each other.

That was a personal dispute.

He was in my face cuz his woman
was casting them ferrochromes my way.

And you weren't waving them off?

- Maybe it was him.
- Cedric wasn't the sh**t.

He was selling peanuts
at Phillies game that night.

You get into lot of
domestic disputes, Rodney?

With boyfriends, husbands, maybe?

I tried not to mess with
the married ladies.

- Tried?
- I failed on occasion.

One in particular.

Guess it don't make
no difference now.

- Who?
- Dead girl's mum.


Mr Witherspoon?

I'm Witherspoon.

Who wants to know?

Philly PD.

Philly PD, huh?

Whatever it is, I didn't do it.

We hear you sold a w*apon
to a kid named Pate back in ' .

' , it's possible.

I had a small problem with
the grain industry back then.

How's that?

I needed whatever cash
I could muster.

So you sold a MAC-
to a teenager?

My judgement was impaired.

So where did you get the MAC?

You ever heard of Chicken Little?

Cuz that night, I was Chicken Little.

What night would that be?

The night my better half
kicked me out of the house.

I slept by the river.


I was sure it was my wife sending me a not-
so-subtle message to blow my brains out.

- When was this?
- August, ' .

I remember because I swore
off the hard stuff right then and there.

The hard stuff, mind you.

Not the entire family
of acoholic beverages.

That look at the car you got,
you sure you were seeing it straight?


It was a Plymouth.

Like the song.


Before your time.

Can you remember anything
about the driver?

- Anything at all?
- No.

Just the car.

And that it wasn't my wife's.

Cuz she was on a oneway
train to Augusta that night.

Last time I ever saw her.

Rodney Johnson.

Worst mistake of my life.

Who knew?

- No one.
- You sure?

If you're thinking about my husband,
don't. Cuz he didn't know.

How can you be so sure?

Because I've been with him
for the last years.

Don't you think he would've
mentioned it by now?

Unless he had a reason not to.

He didn't know.

And you can't tell him.
Promise me.

Sorry, Jessie.
I can't do that.


Why should he suffer now
because I was a fool years ago?

Because I was lonely
and selfish.

Did you know Rodney had
other women?

I was stupid, not blind.

You saw him with
someone else.

That day,

at Darnell's birthday party.

Do you think Mr and Mrs Kissyface
will have babies, Darnell?

No. Gouramis don't mate in captivity.

It's good cake, babe.

Thanks, mum.

No problem.

You like the mitt more
than the fish?

Nah. I like them both the same.

You all right?

Yeah, sure, I'm good.

Well, I got a double shift tonight.

You gotta go?

years old.

You a man now.

Happy birthday, son.

My birthday is coming up too.

Yeah, we know.

Mum, dad's leaving.

Don't you wanna say goodbye?

I was such a fool.

Thought my heart was
actually breaking.

Crazy right?

Considering what God was about
to teach me about real heartbreak.

It wasn't chance, was it?

You going back
to that park that night.

Now you know why Kayla's
dying is my fault.

Did you go to confront Rodney?

More like to kick his
worthless ass.

But by the time I got there,
he was already playing ball.

So you waited.

Took Kayla to the swings.

Any justice in the world and
that b*llet would've hit me.

Not her.


Come in, it's freezing.

Nah, I can't.

Why not?


That night,

it was a mistake.

- It was?
- Cuz..

- you know.
- No, I don't know.

Your sister..

It's ill-advised.

Scotty, I know what this is.

You're thinking about Elisa.

I can't be anything with
anyone right now.

- Sorry.
- Well.

For the record, I'm not.

Look, I don't plan on telling Lil.

Me neither.

It's better that way.

If you change your mind,

I'm right here.



We sure Mike Odoms didn't know about
his wife's affair with Rodney Johnson?

Jessie says no.

Cuz Lil just got a DMV report from ' .

The car that was seen dumping
our MAC- off the bridge

was a Plymouth Volare.

And guess who owned
a Volare back then.

Please don't say Mike Odoms.

Maybe he didn't confront Rodney
face to face.

Maybe it was at a distance.

So we're saying if Mike
found out about Rodney...

Maybe he set out to get rid of the man
coming between him and his wife.

And trying to k*ll Rodney,
he shot his own daughter.

My wife is a good woman.
Don't try and tell me otherwise.

We're not saying that, Mike.

But we are saying Jessie had an
affair with Rodney Johnson in ' .

And Rodney Johnson was
the target of that drive-by.

So what?

You think I tried to k*ll him?

My wife stepped out on me
with a low-life like Rodney..

Think about what you're saying
to me, detectives.

We're saying you had
a motive to sh**t Rodney Johnson.

The oldest reason in the book.


No. You're saying
I k*lled my own daughter.

I'm not gonna sit here
and take that kind of disrespect.

All right, Mike.

How do you explain that your car
was ID'd as the sh**t's?

I can't.

I was working.
It don't make no sense.

Could someone have borrowed
your car?

I know I didn't let no one use it.

And Jessie would've said
if she did.

So who else could've
taken it?

There wasn't nobody else
home to take it.

Except Darnell.

Darnell was years old.

I knew how to drive
when I was .

Well, Darnell didn't.

now, I know that for a fact.

An absolute fact.

My boy did not know
how to drive.

You don't recognize him?

He's awfully young for
one of my customers.

Come off it, Rodney. You'd sell to
a toddler if they had the cash.

Look again.

It's possible I did a business
with a boy looking like this.


Keep in mind, I wasn't selling
at a K-Mart with them fluorescent lights.

Semi or full?

The Big MAC don't inventory semis.

Bad boys are selling all converted.

We'll take six.

You're the man, Big MAC.

Been a pleasure
mercantiling with you.

I wanna buy a g*n.

That's good.

Cuz I'm fresh out of
milk and cookies, young blood.

- Have you ever seen Miami Vice?
- Crockett and Tubbs

Those were my boys.

Cuz the g*ns they use
is the kind I want.

Choice of professional
gangsters everywhere.

Converted MAC- .

Fully a*t*matic as*ault w*apon.

Thirty rounds per second.

How much?

For a beginner banger like yourself
out to make his bones,

a Benjamin.

That's including the b*ll*ts?

One clip.

You need more, you come
back and see me.

This shit your luch money
or what?

Can I have my g*n?

You bad, now boy?

So who is this boy?

Jessie's son.



I didn't know Jessie had a son.

Why would you?

Considering your interest
in the women.

You know, Kayla would be
alive today if it weren't for you.

How you figure?

You provided the motive
and the w*apon.

And there ain't no 'statue' of
limitations on aiding and abetting.

Come on now. / Maybe the DA can
bump it up to conspiracy to commit m*rder.


I didn't pull no triggers.

- Don't need to.
- Just gotta give the assist.

Mr and Mrs Odoms.

Figured you'd be coming.

And we knew why so we got
something to say.

Well, you don't need
to say anything.

I fired that g*n.

k*lled Kayla.

Mr Odoms.

It's too late for that.

Went home in my cab.

Got in my car and drove by the park.

- Shot it up.
- It's true.

I saw him.

I didn't wanna say anything,
cuz I love the man.

That true, Darnell?

You don't gotta
confess for me, dad.

- They know.
- They don't know nothing.

Do you?

I wish I didn't.

I really do.

We've already lost one child.

You can't take away
the only one we got left.


- I'm sorry.
- He was .

Courts will take that into

Why'd you do it, Darnell?

To keep them together.

How'd you know it was Rodney
coming between them?

Heard my mom on the phone.

And then at the birthday party,

I saw the way she was looking at him.

And I just knew.

Then I thought about
my dad in his cab.

Working his ass off.

And when my mom told me
she was going

to take Kayla out
for a walk that night..

You knew you could take the car
and no one would know.

If only I would've known
you were going to that park,

I would've never pulled that trigger.

I didn't know.

I didn't see you,

or Kayla.

Till it was too late.

You bad now, boy.(?)





Wake up.

Wake up for mommy.

Michael JacksonÀÇ 'Man in the Mirror'

I'm Gonna Make A Change,

For Once In My Life

It's Gonna Feel Real Good,

Gonna Make A Difference

Gonna Make It Right ...

As I, Turn Up The Collar On

My Favourite Winter Coat

This Wind Is Blowin' My Mind

I See The Kids In The Street,

With Not Enough To Eat

Who Am I, To Be Blind?

Pretending Not To See Their Needs

A Summer's Disregard,

A Broken Bottle Top

And A One Man's Soul

They Follow Each Other On
The Wind Ya' Know

'Cause They Got Nowhere To Go

That's Why I Want You To Know

I'm Starting With
The Man In The Mirror

I'm Asking Him
To Change His Ways

And No Message Could Have
Been Any Clearer

If You Wanna Make The World
A Better Place

Take A Look At Yourself, And
Then Make A Change

I've Been A Victim Of
A Selfish Kind Of Love

It's Time That I Realize

That There Are Some With No
Home, Not A Nickel To Loan

Could It Be Really Me,
Pretending That They're Not Alone?

A Willow Deeply Scarred,

Somebody's Broken Heart

And A Washed-Out Dream

They Follow The Pattern Of
The Wind, Ya' See

Cause They Got No Place To Be

That's Why I'm Starting With Me

I'm Starting With
The Man In The Mirror

I'm Asking Him
To Change His Ways

And No Message Could Have
Been Any Clearer

If You Wanna Make The World
A Better Place

Take A Look At Yourself And
Then Make A Change

I'm Starting With
The Man In The Mirror

I'm Asking Him
To Change His Ways

And No Message Could've
Been Any Clearer

If You Wanna Make The World
A Better Place

Take A Look At Yourself And
Then Make That...


I'm Starting With
The Man In The Mirror,

I'm Asking Him
To Change His Ways

No Message Could Have
Been Any Clearer
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