02x05 - Who's your daddy

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Cold Case". Aired: September 2003 to May 2010.*
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02x05 - Who's your daddy

Post by bunniefuu »

Hand back...

Like this?


Teach Dad something, too.

Oh, no. Men don't
dance the Bobaloki.

I'm done, can I see?

You have the most beautiful
mother in all the world.

Will I look like her one day?

Beauty is an illusion.

A nice one.

Get in the bathroom.

Lock the door, both of you.

Do as your father say.



Mom, wake up!

Mom! Dad! Wake up!

Mom! Dad!

Right over there.

Excuse me,

that Sergeant said
I should talk to Detective Rush?

I'm Rush.

This is Detective Valens.

Can I show you guys something?

You got a name?

Kara Dhiet.

How about you?


You know about Ebay, right?


Cause I was foolin' around
looking for some textbooks,

when I came across this.

It was my mother's bracelet.


I'm wearing at here.

That was few days before
my parents were k*lled.

- When was that?
- July, ' .

- I called it in.
- You were there?

In the neighborhood.

And your connection to Kara is?


They were shot in a home invasion.

I was too young at the time to know
what got stollen but now,

I remember this bracelet.

And you think whoever k*lled
your parents stole it that night?

Maybe if you find the Ebay dealer
then you can trace how he got it.

It's a good thinking.

Girl's smart as a whip.
Gonna be valedictorian.

Here are my numbers.

Home and work.
Daryl's on there, too.

You two live together?

Nah, I live with my own uncle.

He hangs with me
at the restaurant.

keeps the riff-raff away.

Imperial Jade, Kensington.

I know it.

My dad was an architect.

My mom a dancer.

Six years old, everything
was normal, happy...

and they're gone.

My own uncle'll
never talk about'em.

You know what I'm saying?

You wanna get the truth.

Talk about your odd couples.

Read my mind.

Summer of ' ,
the height of the crack boom.

And home invasions.

Theory at the time was
robbery gone wrong.

Doer enters, thinks no one will be there,
panics, and then kills the couple.

Taking nothing,
except maybe this bracelet.

Father shot in the chest,
mother point blank.

Execution style.

g*n was never recovered.

The daughter told you they were
professionals or some kind?

Yeah, an architect and a dancer.

Says here that he worked in construction
and she was a seamstress.

Tracked down that Ebay dealer.

Says that he bought the
bracelet off a widow named, ah..

- Wilma Whiting, couple of weeks ago.
- She got a record?

No, but her son's doing time up
at Frackville for a burglary in ' .

So, maybe he gave
her the bracelet?

Vera and Jeffries are at Frackville
on Sherman's job now,

they can pay him a visit.

This Daryl Booker, came in with Kara,
he wasn't just a caller.

He was also a suspect.

Along with half the crackheads in Kensington.

But half the crackheads in Kensington
aren't maintaining a relationship

- with the victim's daughter.
- What kind of relationship?

-year-old guy hanging
with a pretty -year-old?

What do you think?

Good Samaritan.

College advisor?

Ha, I bet a lot it's
something less high-minded.


Got a minute?


So what's the theory?

What do you got me pegged as?

Kara's pimp?

The sugar daddy?

Black mambo?

We need you to fill us in on
some missing pieces, Booker.


Well, it turns out that the
bracelet was solid gold.

Valuable. / We're thinking
the k*ller must've had some

inside information knowing that poor Cambodian
couple had something worth breaking in for.


Did you know the Dhiets? / No.

You were out on that corner
that night. By their apartment.

Read my statement,
that's what it says.

We've read up on you Booker, know you've
served four years for drug posession.

With intend to sell.

I came home to Philly from Vietnam,

and dealt smack because
I picked up the habbit myself.

I did my time,
I got clean in prison.

End of story.

So why the police
suspected you in ' ?

Black man with a record,
loitering in the area?

Suprise I wasn't
convicted and locked up.

How'd you come
to make that call?

You wouldn't understand.

Try us.

EnigmaÀÇ Sadness




- Help!
- Get off, girl!

Shoo! Fly! Ain't the Five-O! Go.


They're hurt.


After that night,

I started looking out for Kara.

But, what about
her aunt and uncle?

They don't look after her?

They're good people.

But they work long
hours at the restaurant.

So out of the goodness
of your heart, you play daddy?

Must rob you of
something, soul-wise,

suspecting people
of unsavory motives all the time.

What was on her mouth

that you wiped off?

Piece of dirt.

As a complete stranger, but
you felt compelled to clean her up?

Woman had a beautiful face.

It bothered me.

Any idea who the k*ller might be?

If I'd had an idea,
I'd have done something about it.

I want this crime solved.

For Kara's sake.

What I want.

What she needs.

- Needs?
- Move on with her life.

Get outta here.

Girl's gifted.

Going places.

Don't forget your shoes
on the way out.

I don't deny it.

I gave that bracelet to
my mom for her birthday.

Nice present.

Where d'you get it?

It was a fellow-sufferer,

white dude.

Traded me in that bracelet for rock
back in the dark days,

when Satan had
dominion over my soul.

This fellow-sufferer,
he got a name?

If I'd knew, I'd tell you.

Remember his face, though.

Fugly. (aka. f*cking ugly)

You're gonna have
to do better than that, Dolla bill.

Yeah, we checked
your employment records.

You worked exactly
one legit job in your life.

On a construction crew.
In ' . With Sen Dhiet.

I don't deny it.

I worked with Sen. Liked it.

So you don't deny having the bracelet,
and you don't deny knowing Sen.

I don't deny the truth.

Truth is, that you're looking
good for a double h*m*, Dolla.

And considering you're up
for parole in two months...

Our old boss.

The foreman. Brad Atwater.

That's who you
should be talking to.

Why is that?

Sen hated him.

Kinda Atwater
skimmin' his paycheck.

Skimming, how?

Atwater had Sen
by the short hairs,

Just like all the
illegeals working for him.

And was Sen doin'
something about it?

Tryin' to rally the
troops to protest.

Like Moses to the Pharaoh.

Alright, Dolla.

We'll run this down.

Maybe come back.

Bring picture of fugly for you.

We read about the home
invasion at Sen's place.

I've met them at the site once.
She was really lovely.

You happend to remember where
you were that night, Mr. Atwater?

Remember correctly.

I was fixing potholes
in the driveway til pretty late.

Ten thirty?

Brad's a big do-it-yourselfer.

Well, regarding
your construction crew,

we heard some talk about you taking
some kickbacks from some of your workers.

I'll leave you to this.

Need help, honey? / No,

I just need to lay down.

- Fibromyalgia.
- Her pain is unbelievable.

We keep going to specilaists, but...

Don't worry about me.

So... the kickbacks.

I don't wanna get into trouble
over some creative accounting.

We're h*m*.
We're not lookin' into that.

I had this thing going, with a pal,
who worked at the INS.

- He's dead now.
- What kinda thing?

At that time, I had five kids.

One on the way.

Plus my wife's medical condition,

The thing?

We would go on raids,
bustin' illegals.

Gave work visas to one
who had something to trade.

And sent 'em your way?

And we both get
a cut of their paychecks.

But Sen and Channary were legals.

They had work permits.

Their permits were legal,
but they weren't.

Depeche ModeÀÇ 'Policy of Truth'


Nobody moves!

Get up against the wall.

Everybody keep their hands
where we can see 'em.

Get up against the wall.

Where do you think you're goin'?

Honestly, you must let us go.

We'll be in great danger
if you send us back.

Shut it.

No! I will not let you.

Not let me?

You have a passport, my friend?

A Visa?

I have something else.

Khmer ruby. Very rare.

Let me see what I can do.

Well, it's your lucky day, ruby boy.

I got two legit work Visas for you.

These are the Dhiet's Visas?

You don't want'em?


Back home,
they'll k*ll the kids too, right?

Are there no other way?

Legit work Visas don't go on trace.

So what's it gonna be?

Life? Or death?

They were easy targets.

I was in such a money jam.

This other couple. The real Dhiets?

What happened to them? / Deported.

And did that mean going home,

to poverty? Or worse?


So by accepting those visas, Sen...

- might've got those people k*lled?
- Like he pulled the trigger himself.

We tracked down the
deported Cambodian couple.

It wasn't easy, I'd tell you that.

Congratulations. / So?

Well, according to Human Rights Watch,

the real Sen and
Channary Dhiet were ex*cuted

three days after
arriving back in their country.

So by taking those Visas Kara's
parents really did get them k*lled.

Maybe relatives of the dead couple
showed up in Philly some time later.

Wanna revenge on the
people posing as their family.

Shot them, they took the bracelet as
a bonus maybe knowing it was valuable.

'Cause there's a special
Cambodian ability to appraise jewelry?

Just offering a theory, boss.

Let's look for Dhiet's relation
in and around philly in ' .

Well, Kara lives
with her aunt and uncle?

Yeah, in Kensington.

They must've known
about the name change.

If her Parent's weren't really Dhiets.

Swing by the courts. Nick,

pick up Jefferies and pay 'em a visit.

Sen and Channary
were good people.

Except their name
weren't Sen and Channary.

Let's talk about you
telling us their real names.

Kara's father, was my brother.

Varin Toan.

And his wife?

Kanita Yasovarman.

Could you spell that?

So, they came over at ' ,

' .

Kanita was a member
of the royal family.

That's why they had to leave
Cambodia. / I don't follow.

The regime changed.

Very dangerous for the people
with connection to the royals.

They had to sell
everything to get here.

And get a new identity.

Now the real Dhiets,
the one's that were deported,

did you know them? / No.

Any of the relatives? Friends?

No. No one.

Sen was a good man.

And his wife?

- Not such a good woman.
- How so?

She was a fool.

Too proud to accept
who she was now.

Instead of royalty, you mean.

I tried to make her change,

but she was stubborn.

The CureÀÇ 'Just Like Heaven'

Why do you always
wear that dress?

Because it is beautiful.

You draw too much
attention to yourself.

It is the only dress I owe.


Wear pants.

Stop pretending.

Look at your fingers.

They rough on sewing.

Look at the holes
in your stockings.

They don't exist.

You should dress like
the person you are now.

I am who I will always be.

No. Not here. Not anymore.

Here. Now.

Just delusions.

Yo, Yo, mama san.

What's up?
We love you long time, baby!

Is that delusion too?

Had an air about her, huh?

People think that she was better
than them, that she was still rich.

But she was a seamstress in Kensington.

People think Asians hide money.

Keep it secret.
Under their pillow.

But Sen and Channary were broke?

Except for the bracelet.

Did anyone else know
that Channary was royalty?

- No one.
- Not even Kara?

And let her become like her mother?

You got the same amount of shrimp in
your kung pao as Igloo's over there.

See right here?
I got , he got .

I counted.

So what? You want three more?


Make up for the insult.

Kara, got a second?

Yeah, sure, course.

You find the bracelet?

Maybe we should talk alone.

Daryl can hear
anything you gotta say.

So, the bracelet.

We found it.

Turns out it's very valuable.


Kara, we found out some things about
your parents that might not be easy to hear.

Like what?

For one thing, they weren't
going by their real names.

They weren't Sen and Channary?

They weren't Dhiets either.

How's this relevant to their murders?

They were here, illegally.

And there may have been danger
associated with them getting fake visas.

I know about immigration.

People screw people over,

you're not saying that my parents
did that to this Dhiet family?

It's possible. / No.

No way.

My parents were honorable.

There's more.

Is this really necessary...

You wanna stay?

Stop interfering.


what else?

Your mother Channary, was royalty.

- What?
- She was part of the royal family.

That's why they had to leave Cambodia,

and probably why
they had that valuable bracelet.

Oh, no.


I thought that
they were just stories.

What were?

Daddy thinks I'm going
to be beautiful like you,

but I don't think so.

You're a princess,

of course you'll be beautiful.

Beauty's on the inside, Kara.

In your veins.

Can I take this to show-and-tell?

Oh, no, no.

Why not?

It's just a trifle.

A part of something,
bigger and grander.

I'll take the whole thing then.

I wish you could,

but the whole is... lost.


I wish you could
have seen it, though.

All gold and rubies.

Look at me, Kara.

I took it anyway.

- To show-and-tell.
- Your parents never knew?

I bragged my whole class about
a treasure chest full of jewels...

gold and rubies.

Who was there?

All the kids, the teacher,
the assistant.

Did I get my parents k*lled?

Because of my lies?

That was nice, Detective!

That was just what Kara needs!

More upset in her life.

You're the one who
brought her into h*m*.

Looking for the truth.

The truth about their murders.

Not about hurtful secrets that don't
do no good airing after all this time.

What were you doing on that
corner the night they died, Booker?

You were clean like you said.

Not dealing. / Buying?

It's got no relevence
to what happened to them.

Kara know you were
hooked on smack? / Nope.

She know you were
in prison? / No.

Girl needs a father
figure to look up to.

Not all girls.

See you ain't wearing
no wedding ring.

Well, you know, I just can't find
the right ex-con, drug-dealing

smack addict to settle down with.

You got man issues, don't you?

I think you're the
one with issues, Daryl.

You're hiding something.

I'm going to find out what, so back off.

Let me get back to it.

Yes, sir.

New list of people to check out.

Kara told her first grade class,
her family had a hidden treasure.

Scotty's got something, too.

Talked to this old-timer
at the Buddhist temple in Cambria,

knew the Dhiets back in Cambodia,
and they got a niece livin' in Philly.

- Get a name?
- Mei Dhiet.

And she goes by her
married name, Tong.

Kara's Aunt.

Who looked me in the eye, and said
she didn't know anyone named Dhiet.

If Mei knew that Kara's parents got
her relatives k*lled, then she must have...

Gives a one good motive for m*rder.

You said you didn't
know the Dhiets, Mei?

- I don't.
- C'mon, Mei!

We know they were
you're aunt and uncle.

Kara's father made a deal to save
his family by getting yours deported.

Which lead to them be ex*cuted,
and you taking revenge.

No. / No?

You just let that slide, no big deal?

Sen had no choice.

He must protect his family.


I don't blame him.

Last time we talked Mei,
seemed you really hated Channary.

I did.

But not why you think.

Edie Brickell & New BohemiansÀÇ
'What I Am'

Wish my wife would
bring me lunch like that.

Sen's a lucky man.

You are beautiful.

We must be getting back.

Sen's a bright guy.

He's a great architect.

You know who I am, right?

Who my friend is, at the INS?

I know who you are.

Cause, Sen's been
mouthing off lately,

complaining about getting
shortchanged, paycheck wise.

He work very hard for you.

Well, how about you make up for...
Sen's misbehavior.

What do you say about
a little cultural exchange.

No, thank you.

You wanna translate here?

Cause I don't think
Miss. Saigon understands me.

I am from Cambodia.

Saigon is in Vietnam,
and I understand completely.

Who the hell does
that bitch think she is?

You don't want her.

She... crazy.

She cut your thing off
when you're not looking.

Well, I guess that just
leaves me and you now.

I think Channary, upset Atwater.

Maybe get family deported.

So I paid price for her.

What d'you have to do?

That man... Atwater?


Evil how?

Make me do things.

Sex things.

Like lick his boots.

That's why I don't tell police,
or my husband.

I'm sorry, ma'am.

It's too late for sorry.

Nothing decent has been written
about writings, since the poetics.

You trust me, Aristotle's the b*mb.

Robert Richter.

Yes? / You were a teacher's
assistant at Adams Elementary in ?

To be continued.

Adams Elementary
was a long time ago.

You had a student
named Kara Dhiet?

Maybe, I can't remember.

Well, she remembers you.

She's not the only one.

You know this guy?

Dolla Bill Whiting.

Why would I know him?

When you were a part time assistant
teacher, full time crack head?

He ID'ed you as the man who traded
a gold bracelet for some rock.

I knew this would come
back to haunt me one day.

I just knew it.

Yeah, well. Boo.

Well, hypothetically there's,

there's this statue of limitation
on breaking an end to it, right?

It's not on m*rder.

What the hell do you think I did?

Why don't you tell us?

The kid, Karen--


Whatever. The one with
the fine looking mother?

So you knew Channary?

Yeah. From, from
parent-teacher conferences.


Anyway, the um--,

the kid kept jawing on and on
all the time about all these jewels they had.

And you,
with crack habbit to support.

Broke into their place.

Busted through the kitchen window.
But I didn't find squat!

Except for that bracelet.

How about the part when
the family comes home and you sh**t'em?

There was no one home! I swear!

We'd better take this guy in.

Oh, no! Wait, wait, wait! Listen!

Listen, you wanna good lead?

I got one.
This is good for one-one.

We're listening.

There was this guy,
nobody mess with.

The last stop of the night,

jonesing to get a high on,

I saw them together.

House Of PainÀÇ 'Jump Around'

Sophie, Got any rock for me?

You're already livin' on credit.

It's a far cry from
the opium dens in saigon.

From Phnom-Penh, too.

Now we become ghosts.


For a while, anyway.

Never expected to see
a babe like Channary in a crib like that.

You sure it was Daryl
Booker with Channary?

You ever met Booker?

Then you know.

Man leaves an impression.

Richter said he busted
the kitchen window to get in.

Check it out.

Already boarded up.

It's tough for a dead
couple to do house repairs.

The search on Atwater is running dry.
No priors, no registered weapons.

- Still checking phone records.
- Well, we know what he did to Mei.

Let's bring this some
bitch in and sweat him.

Can't. He already lawyered up.

Lil. / What's up?

Friend of mine at VA got a hold
of Booker's classified military records.


- Was he special ops or something?
- No, he was a grunt just like me.

Except his luck was worse.

He served at Tiger company
at Quang Nai province.


Well, a lot of those guys, including
Booker were brought up on charges.

What did they do? / A legitly
massacred locals execution style.

Like Channary.

Now, Booker beat the court martial and
was dishonorably discharged instead,

- for psychiatric reasons.
- He snapped?

A lot of guys snap,
a lot of guys recover, Lil.

I don't know where he came out.

Had to drag my ass
in here, didn't you?

Show me you the man.

I knew you were
hiding something, Booker.

Eye witness saw you smoking
opium with Channary, who you said...

you didn't know.

So I knew her, big deal.

No big deal, Why lie?

I got a theory about you.

- Why you got it in for me.
- Answer the questions.

Becuase I did for Kara
what no man ever did for you.

You mean lie to her?

Pretend you're
something you're not?

Taking interest in her.

You didn't have no father, did you?

I got a theory about you too, Daryl.

I think that m*ssacre you did
in Vietnam got under your skin.

You don't know nothing about that.

I've seen pictures,
of Channary. She...

- was beautiful.
- Yes, she was.

You tried to get her to
leave Sen but she wouldn't,

so you snapped,
k*lled them both in a rage,

then adopted Kara
cause you felt guilty!

No! / You were on that corner that
night buying for her, weren't you?

- Channary was in agony.
- So you helped her?

With opium?

On the outside
she was in peace, serene.

Inside she was dying.

- Answer the question!
- Yes, I was buying for her.

But the fool that
was selling was late.

Past ten thirty.

Pass the time
those shot were fired.

- This fool have a name?
- Name and address, he'll tell ya.

So, you've had an alibi all this time.

You think I want Kara knowing
her mom was an opium fiend?

- That she was like me?
- Like you?

- How?
- Damaged goods.

You were in love
with her, weren't you?

First time we met.

I knew we, she had a mutual interest
in forgetting about the past.

The CureÀÇ 'Pictures of You'

You are here all the time.

Just like me.

I read the New Testament once.

Long time ago.

I'm trying to figure out
how to live in this country.

I thought this would be
a good place to start.

It's a place.

Where are you from?



I was there once.

Past life.

During the w*r?

Not supposed to talk about that.

Yes, secrets.

Did you ever smoke opium?

In south east asia?

Yeah... why?

I don't know anyone here.

And I need to forget.

Forget what?

My secrets.

You hated here?

Did you hate Vietnam?

My name's Daryl.


But my real name is Kanita.

Why not tell Kara
you loved her mother?


Without her finding out how
busted up her mom was inside.

She don't need to know that.

Maybe not?

Sure she don't need to know
who their parents really are.

Just who they want them to be.

You don't believe in the truth?

Not if it hurts more than it helps.

You're not gonna tell Kara, are you?

You okay, Daryl?

Oh, sure, I am!

What are you doing here?

My aunt saw them bringing you in.

Why are you bothering him?

He'd never do anything to hurt me.

She's just doing her job, sweetheart.

How could you see
Daryl k*lled my parents?

He didn't even know them.

I made a mistake.

You should've arrested
that psycho Atwater.

Brad Atwater?

Sen's Boss?

I heard my aunt tell
my uncle what he made her do.

Get on her knees?

Lick his boots?

- That true?
- We're looking into it.

I always saw my aunt was so cold,
but she did that for my parents.

For me.

Like I should be shot.

Take her home?


Let's get outta here.

- Still here, huh?
- Yeah, yeah...

had to write up my Booker interview.

Guy didn't do it, huh?

I was wrong about him.

Took him for a letch, a predator...

or something worse.

Being cynical's
a hazard of the job, Lil.

Jeffries got Atwater's
phone records back.


Six calls logged from Atwater's
house to Sen and Channary's.

All within a week before the m*rder.

That's something.

He shot her.

- Both of'em.
- Put that g*n down.

Boots is how I know you did it.

Never could figure out how
Channary got that dirt on her mouth.

Till I found out you liked
women lickin' your heels.

Don't do it, Daryl!
Man's not worth it.

I k*lled plenty of people.
One more won't matter.

No, you know that's not true.

You got a ghost rattle under
around behind your alias like me?

I was there.

k*ll anyone?


When I was eighteen, Daryl.
When I didn't think like a man.

But you and me,
we're not eighteen, now.

But Kara is.

And every girl needs
a father figure like you said.

Tell me you can nail this bastard.

We've got phone records,
ties him to Channary before the murders.

That's crap!

I never called that woman!

I did.


I called her, to hear the voice of
the woman who was driving you crazy.

Oh, Lord!

- Pharmacy speaking!
- She was the one you couldn't have.

You know how many pills
she's on for this Fibromyalgia?

Was he really fixing
potholes that night, Brenda?


- But then he went out.
- Shut up, Brenda!

And when he came back,

he burried something in the driveway.

- In one of the potholes.
- The g*n.

You think they're gonna believe a wack
job like you with your made up disease?

You got what you need? / Yeah,

we got it.

Talk about Channary, Brad.

What happen that night?

Woman was uppity.

Acted too good for me.

So you went to
teach her what's-what.

That morning
she came to the site.

Brought Sen
his lunch, as always.

I say, hello.

She doesn't even
acknowledge me.

So, Sen was just
a casualty that night, huh?

She was the one!

Who is it?

Brad Atwater.

Your Boss.

Mr. Atwater,
what can I do for you?

Ask your wife she knows.

He wants me to be with him.

Must be a mistake.

No mistake.

Hands and knees.

Hands and knees, or he dies!

You think I'm foolin'?

First lick the boots,
then move on up.

Look what you made me do!

Now, I gotta k*ll you, too!

Ain't you even gonna beg?

You don't exist.

ScorpionsÀÇ 'Send Me An Angel'

The wise man said

just walk this way

To the dawn of the light

The wind will blow into your face

As the years pass you by

Hear this voice from deep inside

It's the call of your heart

Close your eyes and your will find

The passage out of the dark

Here I am

Will you send me an angel

Here I am

In the land of the morning star

The wise man said

just find your place

In the eye of the storm

Seek the roses along the way

Just beware of the thorns

Here I am

Will you send me an angel

Here I am

In the land of the morning star

The wise man said

just raise your hand

And reach out for the spell

Find the door to the promised land

Just believe in yourself

Hear this voice from deep inside

It's the call of your heart

Close your eyes and your will find

The way out of the dark
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