02x07 - Intimate Stranger

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Xena: Warrior Princess". Aired: September 1995 to June 2001.*
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Xena helps people free themselves against injustices.
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02x07 - Intimate Stranger

Post by bunniefuu »

She's over here.

Are those men with Theodorus?

Yes, they're sure to be
heading back to him.

You ok?

Yeah, just anything to do with Callisto.

I understand.

That's why he has
to be brought to justice.

All of Callisto's men.

Think you can find your way back to Argo
in the dark?




Welcome home, Xena.

What are you doing here?

You're on your way to Amphipolis.

I came out to meet you.

But I'm not.

This is dangerous.

You shouldn't be here.

But you are coming home.

Back where you're loved and needed.

Back where you belong.

Who are you?


What do you want?


Well, I told you.

I just wanted to welcome you back
into my fold.

I have no idea what you're talking about.

I'm talking about your execution of Callisto.

That's not what happened.

No? Didn't you serve as judge...,

...jury and executioner?

Or am I missing something?

A young girl was before you.

She had committed unspeakable crimes.

But, just like you.

You were given a chance to reform.

A chance you never gave Callisto.

Xena, help me, please.

Don't let me die.

You can't let me die.

I am you.


Who are you to judge the things I've done?

I can change, Xena.

I can change.

You did, I can.

Please, help me.

Hurry, help me!

I'm scared, Xena.

Please, please.

No, Ares, no!

Help me.

Gabrielle, wake up.

Gabrielle, wake up.

Xena, come on.

You can't go on like this.

Gabrielle, do you think I ex*cuted Callisto?

No, I think that you did what you had to do.

These dreams... They're all about her.

Ares taunting me,
saying that I m*rder*d her...

That I never gave her a chance to change.

Callisto chose her own path,
not you.

I'm sure that maybe there was
some goodness that could be mined...

...but it wasn't your responsibility.

Just because you didn't try to change her...

Just because you didn't show her
the mercy...

...that other people have shown you...,

...doesn't make you a m*rder*r.

What are you saying?

I'm saying that if Hercules
had treated you...

...the way that you treated Callisto,
you'd be dead now.

And you deserve it more than her.

After all, she didn't create you.

In the time of ancient gods...,


and kings,

a land in turmoil
cried out for a hero.

She was Xena.

A mighty princess

forged in the heat of battle.

The power.

The passion.

The danger.

Her courage will change the world.


Gabrielle, do you dream?


I used to have the most vivid dreams.

You know,
my best stories came from them.

I haven't dreamt once
since Perdicus died.

The stories just aren't there, anymore.

What's the matter?

Are we on the right trail?

Yes. Looks like they're headed
toward that deserted village over the river.

But someone else
is following Theodorus...

And that someone's gonna get himself k*lled.

Why were you following me?

To bring you to justice!

The same way Xena and I
brought Callisto to justice.


All she could ever think about was Xena!

And it got her k*lled.

What do you say, boys?

Shall we see what the mighty Joxer
is made of from the inside?

Oh, no, no! No, wait,
wait, wait a minute!

You don't want to k*ll me!

You're gonna need a hostage
for the athenian army.

That's Xena!

And the entire athenian army!

Regroup, into the woods, now!

Yeah! I'm really getting mad now!

That's right, 'cause you're
dealing with Joxer, the Magnificent!

Don't worry, I cleared the place out for you.

They're gone.

Are we going after him?

No, not in the darkness.

Right behind you...

They won't get far. We'll camp here.

I'll get the blankets.

Hello. Hello!

Calm down, Joxer. We saw ya.

Great. Well, you think you can cut me down
without dropping me flat on my face?


I let her die, Gabrielle.

At the time, I thought it was justice...

...but, I don't know now.

This is such a mess.

You wish you hadn't k*lled her...

Joxer wishes he had k*lled her...

And I wish she had
never been born.

I guess Callisto won, after all.


Hello, Xena.

Oh, how I've missed you.

Do you know how boring
Tartarus can be?

Same old t*rture every day, every day.

Makes me appreciate what we had.

This is a dream.

Oh, you're only half right.

Dreams are the fine line
between the real world and the underworld.

And with a little help, well...

That line can just disappear.

What kind of help?

Help from a god, perhaps.

What are you doing, Ares?

What's your plan?

My plan?

My plan is what it's always been. To find
that one special warrior who'll lead...

...the world into peace and prosperity.


No, not anymore.

Funny... I never really
got to know Callisto...

...until after you k*lled her.

She has potential.

I didn't k*ll her, Ares.

Oh, keep telling yourself that,
dear, and maybe, someday, you'll believe it.

See, you let me
sink into the quicksand.

What's the difference?

Personally, I always preferred an up-front,
face-to-face, k*lling worthy of a warrior.

Simply allowing someone to die
doesn't soften it.

You m*rder*d her, and it's time you admitted it.

All right!

I am guilty of m*rder.

I've been waiting for you to say that.

Gabrielle, wake up!
I understand, now.

Callisto is free.

Somehow, she's back,
and she's working with Ares.

What are we gonna do? If Ares...

We have to go to Amphipolis.

I can't explain it, but
that's where she's headed.

She wants revenge.

I think she's going to k*ll my mother.


Joxer will only get himself k*lled.

Gather up our things.

Welcome back, Callisto.

I wonder how Xena's
enjoying her new surroundings.


Come on. Come on, girl.

Callisto's going back
to get her army.

But I'm going to beat her to it.

If I can remove Theodorus from power...

...then maybe they'll be just stupid enough
to follow me.

What's the matter, girl?

Something's wrong with Argo.

I think you should take her reins.

No, no, you hold her.

She's picking up on my feelings.

She was like this the last time
I went up against Callisto.


I have something important to tell you.

You should've k*lled Callisto.


I was wrong.

You had every right to, not me.

For me, it was m*rder.

And the guilt is going to destroy me.

I don't think I can
do it again.

It's up to me?

Is that what you're saying?

No, Gabrielle.

But she's going to try and k*ll my mother.

She has to be stopped.

Well, I can do that, but what then?

I've never felt so...


This is ridiculous.

What you're saying is impossible,
and it's exactly what I'd expect of you, Callisto.

She got to me
through my dreams, Hades.

Through my guilt.

And Ares is helping her.


That is possible.

The dead can invade
the dreams of the guilty.

You're smart, so smart.

No wonder
Xena had to k*ll you.

No, Callisto. Tartarus is your eternity.

I was down here with Marcus, remember?

That's no secret.

You'll have to do better than that.

I stabbed Marcus in the heart
because I love him.

You saw it.

How many people would know that
but you?

No one, except Marcus,
and he wouldn't tell anyone.

I can't believe Ares would do this.

He's really overstepped the bounds
this time.

If you help me, we can defeat him.


Your guilt allowed her
to escape, Xena.

You're not totally innocent here.

I will give you one full day.

After that, someone goes back to Tartarus.

Take it or leave it.

Again! Again!

Come on, Gabrielle,
focus on your enemy.

This is new for me, ok?

It is not new, it's just buried.

You had that fire when you went up
against Callisto the first time, remember?

Yes, I remember!

I don't want to go there, again.

I can't do this, Xena.

k*lling, it, the idea...

That is not what we're talking about.

Callisto is already dead.

We need to send her back to Tartarus.

Now, come on.

This is your w*apon.

And this is your enemy.

Now strike!

Come on, Gabrielle.

Brace with your back foot
and lunge with your whole body.

All right, Gabrielle.

I'm Callisto, right here in front of you.

I just look like Xena,
but really, I'm Callisto.

So k*ll me.

I said "k*ll me", little girl.

Come on, right here in the chest.

Put me out of my misery.

You are pathetic!

Remember, I k*lled your love.

I took my sword and stuck it through him,
and I felt his warm blood on my hand.

You can't even avenge his death.

Very good, Gabrielle.

I'm sorry I had to do that.

But you had to face it...

And well, you weren't going to fet there
without it, were you?

I think I'm gonna be sick.

For a moment there, I thought
you were Callisto and I...

...I hated you.

Well, hatred's not something to be feared.

It's a part of all of us.

And for some of us,
it's all we ever really know.

I know that was hard,
and I'm very proud of you.

Now you stay here and wait...

Rest a while...

...while I deal with the scum
who's been following us.

Oh, very good, my sweet.

You're gonna be so good
once I finish training you.

What are you doing with that girl?

That's my business.
I have plans for her.

Stop thinking of revenge.

Xena has already escaped the underworld.

Don't you even think of taking her on.

Don't even think of stopping me.

Hades has given Xena one day.

After that she'll take your place
in Tartarus for eternity.

You're only to avoid her until then.

Now k*ll the girl, and move on.

First things first, Ares.

I promised you my allegiance.

I promised you an army
to rule the world.

You promised me satisfaction!

I did, didn't I?

Who was following us?

Just one of Theodorus' men.

Don't worry. I scared him off.

We have to get moving.

Right, I'll get Argo.


No, Argo has to stay here.

She hasn't been herself.

I don't want her getting hurt
because of me.

Are you sure?

I mean, she's been
a little skittish, I just...

Gabrielle, let's get moving along.

I have to get Argo's bridle off
and hide the saddle.

You go on. I'll catch up.

You can't figure it out, can you?

I look like Xena...

I even smell like Xena.

But something tells you I'm not.

Poor, dumb animal.

You don't know what's going on.

You don't know whether to run or stay.


You should've run.


It's gonna be ok, girl. It is.

I'm so sorry.

What did she do to you?

Hold still, hold still. Easy, girl.

Ok, it's ok.

I know what she was trying to do.

But it's not gonna work.


Stay back. I mean it.
That's Xena's horse.

And I don't know what you did to her...

...but I'm not gonna give you
the chance to finish the job.

Joxer, put your sword down,
and I'll explain.

Over my dead body.


Ok, girl, this is gonna hurt a bit.

But I have to put this
against your lung.

Joxer, listen to me, and listen good.

I am not Callisto.

It's me, Xena.

Callisto's working with Ares.

I only have one day. Less, now.

Prove to me, then, that you're Xena.

Have you ever seen Callisto use pressure points?


Ok! Ok, you're Xena.

Release it! Release it!

You're Xena, then...

So did you, I mean...


Whoever, try to k*ll Argo?

No. She knew it would be more painful
if I had to put Argo down.

But I know a few things
she doesn't.

Argo won't die.

Thank you for trying to protect her.

Only someone with a brave heart
would stand up to Callisto for a horse.

Well, it's ok, 'cause, you know
I do have a brave heart...

...and I'm, you know, a pretty big guy,
and everything and...

You're welcome.

It's Xena!

No! Don't give her a reason.

Put the swords away.

She's no threat
if we're no threat.

Is that what you think of me?

Oh, yes, Xena.

You only k*ll when threatened.
...Some sort of code you have.

Callisto gave you an excuse
to k*ll her, but not me.

So we talk.

I don't really feel like talking.

Then get out of here,
or just k*ll me in cold blood.

Yeah, Xena, k*ll him!


Who will you follow now?

You, Xena, Warrior Princess.


Xena! Xena! Xena! Xena!

Take my army to Amphipolis.

Capture the town and bring everyone here.

Don't forget a soul, understand?

And don't k*ll anyone.

Yes, Xena.

What? What is it?

I don't know.
I can't tell yet in this body.

But I think someone's...

Joxer... Take a nap.

I'll just catch it and throw it back.

Where's Gabrielle?


Oh, well, I'm Xena now.

So she's my little friend.

Of course,
if anything ever happened to Gabrielle...,

...pretty Xena would be crushed,
wouldn't I?

Maybe something
has already happened to Gabrielle.

Maybe I've already k*lled her
and hung her up from that tree.

I like that move.


Go on.

You can take her out with the dagger
or you can let her k*ll you.

Looks like someone's going to die...

And either way, I win.

k*ll her, Gabrielle, hurry!

Gabrielle, wait! Listen to me.

I'm going to tell you the impossible.

I'm Xena!

She's up to something, Gabrielle,
don't trust her.

Callisto tricked me with my guilt!

She's working with Ares.

Remember Perdicus.

You k*lled Perdicus!

Ask her if she knows your dreams,


You told me all you could dream about
since Perdicus died was what?

Ask her.

What was it? What was I dreaming?

She's trying to trick you.

What was it?

You've been dreaming of this moment,
the moment you finally get to avenge his death.

No, Callisto.

Gabrielle hasn't dreamt anything
since you k*lled Perdicus.



Are you really Xena?


-But, how could she...
-I'll explain later.

I almost k*lled you.

It's me, Joxer.

Just a reflex.


She got away from me again, didn't she?

We have to hurry.

I don't have much time before Hades
calls me back to Tartarus.


Callisto has your village.

She's taking them to a cave.

-To use 'em as hostages?

She wants my village
to die the same way hers did.

By fire.

And she wants me there to see it.

So, what's the plan?

We have to get some things first.

Callisto used my guilt
to betray me.

I have to turn that back on her.

Get in there!

Is this everyone?

Everyone we could find.

Get the torches ready and stand by.

Xe... Callisto is coming.

And when she gets here,
we'll burn them all.


No, but it will be done.



What are you doing?

Please, let's go.

Look into my eyes, old woman.

Xena's not home.

Who are you?

Just another loving daughter.

That woman...
Make sure the first torch lands at her feet.

Come on, Xena.

You don't have much time.

Come to me, Xena.

Oh, it's you.

What do you think you're doing?

If you can just wait,
you'll have it all.

In a short time...

In a short time, Xena will be back in the
underworld and I won't have my satisfaction.

You think you know her, but you don't.

I do, and you are giving her
ever opportunity to beat you.

Now, I forbid this!


Forbid me?

No one, god or man,
forbids me from doing anything.

All my anger, all my hatred,
it's for Xena, alone.

When I'm done with her,
you can have what's left.

I won't care.

This... was not my plan.

Funny, it was always mine.
Yes, I used you.

But you can still claim victory
if you let me finish what I came here for.

You're on your own, then.

It's oil! Put out your torches!

Stand your ground!

I said, stand your ground!

We'll be burned alive!

Let's get out of here!


To the river! Come on, run!

Waste no time!

We'll all be k*lled!
Away! Away!

Xena, time's not on your side.

Show yourself.

It's happening, Callisto.

No, I still get my revenge.

If Hades takes you down to the underworld,
you'll still know that I k*lled her.

Xena... You put me to sleep...

This is a dream.

You're only half right, Callisto.

As you said, the dream is the border
between the real world and the underworld.

It makes no difference.

I can still wake up from this nightmare.

And I will have no guilt to make
my dreams restless.

Don't you?

However evil
you think I am, Xena...

My soul is clean,
because it's all on you.

You started this
when you k*lled my family.

Are you thinking of your family now?

Because when you think of the dead,
the dead can hear you.


Look at her, Xena.

You look at my mother!

She's here
to remind you of your past.

No, I'm not here because of Xena.

I've come because of you.


Yes. Every time you k*lled,
you were k*lling me.

How many of your victims
had faces, Callisto?

How many had families?

Sons and daughters
who loved their parents...

How many were just like your mother
when they died at your hand?

No, no, you can't
make me feel guilty.

You're right. Only you can do that.

I've got my own past to deal with.

But I'm not taking
the weight of your crimes anymore.

Look around you.

These people didn't need to die.

No, no, you go away!

I didn't do anything! She did it!

Not me!

You can't shut it out.

It's like a crashing wave.

Once it starts,
there's no stopping it.

I love you, Callisto.

You'll always be my daughter.

But you have to face your crimes.

No, no!

Hold it! Don't move. Who are you?

It's me, Gabrielle, Xena.

How do I know that?

A long time ago, you told me
the cycle of hate has to end.

And the only way
to end it is through love.

It's a hard lesson to learn.

Callisto couldn't possibly know
or understand that.


It's great, 'cause it's... Hey,
remember... You guys? I helped.

You'll be ok, Argo.

No, no.
Don't bother thanking me.

I was just risking my life for you,
is all.

You know, when Xena was Callisto...

I mean, when Callisto was Xena...


It's me, Joxer.

Right. I was just testing.

Get used to it.
I'm in her body.

Right! Of course you are!

Again I want to thank you
for protecting Argo.

You were very heroic.

Well, you know... Us heroes
got to stick together...

...'cause when I come in,
it's two swords blazing and then, and...

Calm down.

I'm calm. See? Nerves of steel.

I'm sorry it took so long.

I didn't want to get out of bed.

Did you sleep?


We better get going.


So, this is it?

I mean, you're just in there to stay?

Looks like it. Gabrielle,
this can't be easy for you.

If you don't want to come with me,
I understand.


It's gonna take
some getting used to.

I mean, of all the bodies to be stuck in,
why did it have to be Callisto...

Try not to think of the hatred you have
for this body..., for Callisto.

Try and think of the love
that you have for Perdicus.

I'll try.

I dreamt a wonderful story
last night.

Do you want to hear it?

I'd love to.

I sing the song of Perdicus.

The boy I knew, the man I loved.
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