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08x10 - Mr. Monk and Sharona

Posted: 07/25/21 07:38
by bunniefuu
[Vacuum whirring]


Oh, no.

No, no, no, no, no.


[Rattling dies]

[Knock on door]

Uhh, just... Come in!

Door's open.

[Whirring] Ohh! No! No! Ptuh!

[Monk spitting]

Natalie, Natalie, Natalie!


Natalie! Ptuh!

What happened?

It just blew up in my face!

Call 911.

No, no, no. We don't have to call 911.

Just come with me. Oh, I can't see.

Oh, it's a code red, Natalie.

I... i don't know what code red means.

Code red!

We talked about this. We had practice drills.

Okay, just... just... You're gonna be fine.

Just splash some water on your face.

Okay. Splash it on your eyes.

[Sputtering] Ahh.



Ahh. [Coughs]


Hello, Adrian.

What year is this?

[Randy Newman ragtime theme]

♪ It's a jungle out there

♪ disorder and confusion everywhere ♪

♪ No one seems to care

♪ well, I do

♪ hey, who's in charge here?

♪ It's a jungle out there

♪ poison in the very air we breathe ♪

♪ Do you know what's in the water that you drink? ♪

♪ Well, I do, and it's a-ma-zing ♪

♪ People think I'm crazy 'cause I worry all the time ♪

♪ If you paid attention, you'd be worried too ♪

♪ You'd better pay attention or this world we love so much ♪

♪ Might just k*ll you

♪ I could be wrong now

♪ but I don't think so

♪ 'cause it's a jungle out there ♪

♪ It's a jungle out there ♪


[Vacuums shut off]

Okay, can I ask you a question?

I have been wanting to ask you for a long time.

Oh, sure, anything.

Um... that Friday before you left, you took a shirt to the drycleaners, short, number four.

Sharona, they said they never got it.

That's what you've been waiting to ask me about?

It looked a lot like this shirt, but it was number four.

No, no, no. Uh, you know what?

I remember.

I took it to your drycleaner.

And they were closed, so I took it to another one down the street.


[Both laughing]

So, Adrian, how have you been?

You look great.

Thank you.

Do you remember the name of that establishment, the other cleaners?

No, I don't remember do you have the ticket?

I know, you always... You always, um, you know, put the tickets in your purse.


Yeah, but it's been five years.

This is not even the same purse.

Oh, yeah.

Okay, fine. Fine.


You know what? It's not here.

It's not here.

But it might be in the garage at home where I keep all of my old stuff.

So when I go home, I'll check for it.

All right?

Oh! You got it, you found it.

No, picture of benjy.

Oh. Can you believe it?

He's looking at colleges now.


The only question is can I afford to send him?

That's always the question.

Look at him. He's all grown up.

Where is he now?

Um, he's home, working a summer job.

Is he anywhere near that garage?


I promise you, when I get home, I'm gonna check the garage.

I promise you.

But will you please forget about the ticket?

Okay? [Whistles]

You haven't changed at all. Oh, well... not at all. I mean, it's... it's amazing.

Even the apartment. It's exactly the same.

It's amazing.

No, that's not true, actually.

I switched to 75 watt bulbs in the hallway.

Really? Oh, yeah; Oh, yeah.

Oh, that is something. Well... no, that is real progress, Adrian.

I am very proud of you.

I didn't like it...

So I changed back.


"So, sharona, how are you doing?

What have you been up to?"

Oh, well, thank you very much for asking.

Um... i am still in Jersey.

And I'm nursing again.

Really? Mm-hmm.

But isn't benjy like 17?

No... I'm working as a nurse.

Oh, well, that's different.

I'm an administrator.

I... i'm... i manage a veterans hospital.

I get it, yeah.

Oh, well, they must...

They're very lucky to have you.

And Trevor... how's Trevor?

Oh, we're separated for good this time.


No, no, no, no.

This was the best thing for both of us.

You still have some schmutz over there.

Wh-where? Right there.

Hold on, hold on.



You still got it.

It's like riding a bike.

[Laughing] Oh, man.

A very clean, very unusual...

Very sad bike.

Is it off? Is it off?

Yeah, yeah, yeah, yes!

Hold on, hold on.

Have you got it?

Yeah, i'm... [giggling] Yeah?

Morning, Mr. Monk.

You got it?

That's okay. Ahem!

Oh! Hello.

Natalie, I didn't hear you come in.

It... i-i'm...

Um, it's not what you think.

Wh-what's not what? Who thinks?

I can explain! All right?

This is sharona.

Sharo... sharona-sharona?

No. Mm-hmm.

Oh, my gosh, I've heard so much about you.

I'm Natalie teeger. Oh, my god!

I feel like I'm meeting a celebrity.


It's so nice to meet you.

It's so nice to meet you.

I got this myself.

Okay, she got me the wipe. It's just a wipe.

I mean, come on. There's nothing going on.

Sometimes a wipe is just a wipe.

I'm talking too much.

Am I still talking now? God, I'm still talking.

Mr. Monk, it's okay if sharona hands you a wipe.

Yeah, what... so how long are you here for?

Um, a day, maybe two.

Just a day! Maybe two.

You know, I'm gonna need some lawyers, 'cause my uncle Howie died.

Oh, I'm so sorry.

Yeah, well, you know, I wasn't very close to him and I didn't really know him that well.

But, you know, I was the only family he had.

So that's why I'm here. Yeah.

Oh, so you're here to claim the body?

No, he's already been cremated.


He died at the eastdale country club.

Have you ever been there?

Me? No, I couldn't afford to park my car there.

Not on my salary. Oh, yes.

I'm sorry, I forgot.

You work for ebenezer monk.

Right. [All laughing]

That's funny. That's good.

Trouble ahead.

Anyway, he fell down the staircase on the golf course.

It was their fault.

Some of the stones were loose.

So we're gonna sue them. Oh, good for you.

Actually, I'm gonna meet my lawyer in 20 minutes.


Hey, why don't you guys come with me.

'Cause it won't take long, then we could go out for lunch afterwards.

We could, you know, catch up and have some fun.

I would love that.

That sounds great, sure. Come on.

Natalie, I have a question.

Does he still eat the same thing every day for lunch?

Well, wait, what is it?

Turkey club, lightly toasted, hold the lettuce, hold the bacon...

[Both] Hold the Mayo.

Five slices of Turkey cut four ways on a square plate.

Oh, my god, half the time he sticks me with the check.

Oh, my god, he still does that?

I swear, I don't know how I survived on $950 a week.

I don't know.

[Phone ringing]

Mr. Monk.

Yeah, yeah. I'm almost finished.

You paid her $20 a week more than me?

She had a kid! I have a kid!

Her kid ate more.

That's not fair, and you know it.

Okay, fine, I'll pay you the same.

On one condition.

When we go to lunch, don't talk to her.

I mean, you can talk to her, but not about me.

Don't compare notes.

And sit at separate tables.

And if she offers to pick up the check, for god's sake, don't argue with her.

Ms. Fleming, we represent the eastdale country club.

Now, our client would rather not drag this through the court for weeks or years.

We understand that no amount of money could ever compensate for your loss.

But we're hoping this will ease at least some of your pain.

Think about it.

Take your time.

We don't have to think about it.

Whatever your offer is, it's not enough.

Howard Fleming was in the prime of his life.

Your client knew the stones on that staircase were loose.

They'd been warned about it on more than two occasions.

My client didn't come all this way to be insulted.

Holy Jesus palomino.


We accept.

No backsies.

Sharona? You okay?

Oh, my god. What happened?

I thought at the most they were gonna offer me five to ten grand, but this is real money.

This will pay for benjy's college.

Not just community college. Any college.

He can go anywheres that he wants.

Sharona, that is so great. I mean, congratulations!


I'm sorry circumstance.

Oh, no, no, it's okay. I only met the guy twice.

Oh, my god.

Is this what good luck feels like?

I mean, because I never actually had it, you know?


What? Is there a problem?

There's something wrong here.

Don't you say that.

Don't find anything, because if this is not an accident, then they're not responsible, and then they don't have to pay.

Do you understand?

Right. Okay, right... no!

I want you to stop looking at this.

It was an accident, okay?

Say it was an accident.

No, I want you to say it was an accident!


I know that look.

I remember that look.

I hate that look.

[Muttering softly]

Mr. Monk, I think they're over there.

They call him Mr. Monk, huh?

I know. It's weird.

I can't call him by his first name.

It's just not me.

Adrian, do you mind if she calls you Adrian?

Of course not. Why would I mind?

Okay. Adrian. Yeah, see, I don't like it.

Me either. Are you serious?

Good. That's it.

All right.

Plant the left foot, honey.

Focus on the ball.


Well, you looked great.

That's the important thing.

Mr. Walsh.

Is this a bad time?


I can't think of a much worse time.

I'm sorry to... thwack!

To bother you.

I'm Adrian monk.


I know that name.

Oh, yeah, you're in the news.

The detective.

That's right.

And this is my assistant Natalie teeger and sharona Fleming, my other assistant.

My ex-assistant.

My other, former... Hi.

My other ex... I'm a really big fan.

I saw you four years ago at brookhaven.

That was heartbreaking.

That was a rough beat.

And I left the circuit shortly after.

Took the job here, married this beautiful woman, the best decision of my life.

I'm Carolyn.

And this is my long-suffering caddy Gary Hanks.

Hi. Hello.

So you said Fleming.

Is this about Howard Fleming?

Yeah. He was my uncle.

Oh. I'm sorry.

How are you doing?

She's fine. I read the police report.

I understand that you actually saw the accident?

Yes, sir.

We both did. I'll never forget it.

It was on the 12th fairway, right over there.

It's all in the report.

It was early. What, about 7:30 or so?

I had about a 7-iron into the green.

Pulled a really bad left and long.

It was the worst shot I've ever seen him make.

So we were behind the green in the shrubs looking for the ball, and we heard this yelling.

And it was Howard.

[Yells] I know him slightly.

I'd seen him around the club.

Gary had a cell phone, so I told him to call 911.

The battery was dead. Piece-of-crap phone.

Thanks for nothing, fujikawa cellular.

Gary went for help. I stayed with Howard.

I tried cpr.

Tried everything.

By the time the paramedics had gotten there, he was gone.

I'm sorry.


Adrian, you're going the wrong way.

The car's over there.

It'll just take a minute. I want to see the crime scene.

It's not a crime scene.

Don't call it a crime scene.

What's wrong? I don't understand.

They both saw the accident.

It sounded legit to me.

Yeah, me too.

Can't we just say it's an accident and get on with our lives?

Get on with our lives.

Sharona, he was your uncle.

I barely knew him.

I met him twice.

Oh, oh, my god.

It's my... my cuff. Oh, stop whining.

It's only water. Just shake it off.

Shake it off.

Here. Don't tell her I did this.

Sharona, would you lie down on the ground right here where they found your uncle?


Natalie, would you? No.

So what do you think?

I think I made a mistake.

I mean, look, the third step is very loose.

He obviously slipped and hit his head.

So it was an accident!


Oh! [Laughs]

Thank you, god.

Benji is going to college, and I got to tell him this.

That's great. Natalie?


Ahem. Can I see that? Sure.

He didn't fall. What?


Look at this. Look.

All the golf clubs are still covered.

There's no golf club on the ground anywhere near the body.

I don't think he was golfing at all.

And look at this... He teed off at 7:10.

He died at 7:30.

How did he get to the 14th green in 20 minutes?

Doesn't make any sense.

Are you sure?



You have to tell her.

I know.

Are you gonna tell her? No.

[Knocking on door] 'Scuse me, um...

I'd like to lodge a complaint against one of your officers.

What did he do?

He hasn't written or called me in five years.


Sharona Fleming.

Get in here!

You look fantastic. Thank you.

We've got regulations against public displays of affection, which I'm officially waiving.

It's so good to see you. It's good to see you.

Hey, I heard you got a new girlfriend.


[Gasps] Oh, my god! You won the lottery!

I feel like I did.

Is she here?

There she is. She is... Here.

Wow, you look great.

Thank you, Randy.

It's really good to see you, Randy.

And... And what?

I don't know, I'm just waiting for the punch line.

You always used to set me up and hit me with a zinger.

What, I did that? Only all the time.

Oh, my god, was I awful?

No, you were...

Truth is, I missed it.

Excuse me for repeating myself, but you look great!

Hey, Randy, did you pull that rap sheet?

Uh, no, I didn't get a chance.

Isn't it right there in your hand?

Oh. Yeah. There it is.


This was it.

Yeah. Howard Fleming.

He's clean, no priors, no convictions.

Oh, this is about your uncle.

Yeah. Yeah, monk told me about that.

That's tough. I'm sorry.

Yeah. What's this, two lawsuits.

1998, a yacht club in key west, he slipped and sprained his neck.

2004, hit by a car.

A Mercedes. Settled out of court.

He was just unlucky.

A little too unlucky.

What is that supposed to mean?

She didn't mean anything. Nobody means anything.

Nobody means anything? What does that mean?

Doesn't mean anything.

All I'm saying is your uncle Howie seemed to fall down a lot.

Yeah. Into some pretty deep pockets.

Adrian, you were there. You saw the steps.

You said it was an accident. It's an accident!

Definitely. Absolutely.

No question about that. Okay.


Just to be sure, maybe we...

Maybe we should swing by his apartment and take a look around.

Just to be...

What? Sure.

Can't hurt. No.

Monk... can I talk to you for a second?

So... Yeah.

You're gonna go to the uncle's apartment and check things out.

And you're gonna take Natalie and sharona.

Can I give you a bit of advice man-to-man?

Big mistake.

Oh, I know.

Monk, you have...

You're barely... you're...

You're very...

You're a fragile person. Thank you.

These women are gonna drive you crazy.

You're gonna have a breakdown. Oh, I know!

I love Natalie, and I love sharona too.

They're both wonderful women. You got lucky twice.

But together... They're like bourbon and vodka.

I love them both, but I can't have them at the same meal, because they don't mix.

These women are so different, monk.

They're gonna tear you apart like a piece of saltwater Taffy.

I know, I've been a piece of Taffy all day.

Natalie's been acting like Mary, queen of Scots.

She wants more money.

I mean, she won't lay down in the dirt when I ask her.

I'm losing her.

And it's only gonna get worse.

What'll I do? What...

Well, you're gonna have to leave one of them here.

I can't. I can't choose.

Well... be careful.

Can I call you if it gets weird?


Uncle Howie liked the ladies.

How do you know?

Just trust me. He liked the ladies.

This is me. This is my first communion.

I wonder why he kept it.

You're family.

I only met him twice.

Look at this.

What? What is it?

I think your uncle was broke.

Let me see that.

No, no, no, let me see. He was my uncle.

He was my uncle.

Okay, okay, okay, okay.

I'll just hold them all up and you can both see.

I hate this case.

It's not a case. It was an accident.

I hate this accident.


What are those doing in here?

My god, he was practicing.

Practicing what?


Sharona, I'm sorry, but your uncle Howie was a con man.

That's what he was doing on the golf course.

He was staging an accident, so he could sue the country club.

Right, so he was pretending to fall, and then he really fell.

It happens. I guess con men can trip, too.

Well, I don't believe it.

You're not perfect. You could be wrong.

Maybe, but I'm not.

This doesn't mean anything, cushions on a floor?

You know what I say?

I say that we keep looking.

We go back and we talk to the golf pro again.

He was a witness.

No, that won't do any good.

Wait a second, wait a second, wait a second.

Is this just about the money?

Yeah, of course, this is about the money.

Natalie, if this was a con game, if he fell on purpose, I won't see a nickel.

But it's not like you lost any money.

You're just back where you started.

Which is broke!

Which is trying to put my kid through college!

Not everyone has zillionaire parents.

Hey, hey, hey, I've never taken a dime from my parents.

Well, then give them my number.

I hate this case.

Oh, yes, I have all the affidavits.

I'm leaving right now.

I'll meet you downstairs.


Oh, hey, uh, what are you doing here?

Are you busy?

Uh, yeah, actually.

I'm due in court like ten minutes ago.


I just need to talk to someone, and I just remember how good I used to feel after I talked to you, so...

Really? Mm-hmm.

Yeah, okay. Walk me downstairs.

What's going on?

Randy, Adrian thinks my uncle's some kind of scam artist.

We went to his apartment, and there were some pillows on the floor, and Adrian thinks he was practicing how to fall.

Well, that makes sense.

It does? Doesn't it?

That doesn't mean he's a con artist.

I mean, lost of pe... Ohh!

Lots of people practice how to fall.


In case they fall. It's common sense.

Yeah, but, sharona, you got to admit, if monk thinks your uncle's running some kind of a scam, he's probably running some kind of scam.

Ohh! Randy, Adrian is not... He's not infallible.

He's been wrong before.

Remember the ski instructor?

Adrian said he was the guy, and it ended up being his twin brother.

Do you remember that one?

Yeah. No, he was the guy, remember?

There was no brother.

He was pretending to be his own twin.

Well, I still don't believe it.

Well, look, you're talking about track record, why would this be the one case he screws up?

'Cause he's not thinking straight.

Natalie's turned him against me.

Why would she do that?

'Cause she's jealous. Adrian likes me better.

Did he say that?

No, but I can tell.

A woman can tell who likes who.

She can?


Ah, Perry Walsh, 904.

Where you going?

Ninth floor.

The elevator's over here.

Mr. Monk always takes the stairs.

Yeah, I know he always takes the stairs, but I always made him take the elevator.

It's good for him.

Thanks, I appreciate it, but I don't want to make him uncomfortable.

But sometimes he has to be uncomfortable, otherwise he'll never learn.

I'm not his psychiatrist, I'm his assistant.

Then why don't you try assisting him, instead of pandering to him?

How about this? It's the ninth floor, right?

Let's take the elevator up to four, and then walk up five flights.

Yeah, that sounds fair.

Or we take the elevator up to level five and walk up four flights.

Can't argue with that.

You treat him like a child.

He's not a child. I did not say he was a child.

I said you're treating him like a child.

I'm being supportive.

You're not being supportive. You're enabling him.

Here's what we're gonna do. We're gonna get on the elevator and take it up to 18 and walk down 9 flights.

[Elevator dings]

That way everybody's miserable.

[Knock at door]

[Out of breath] Mrs. Walsh, sorry to bother you.

Is this a bad time?

No, it's fine. I was just working out.


We're here to see your husband.

Come on in. He's in the kitchen.

I'll go get him. Thanks.

Are you okay?

Uh, it was a long walk.

Is the elevator broken?

[All speaking at once]

I still don't know what we're doing here.

We already talked to this guy.

We should talk to him again.

He was there. He witnessed the accident.

It wasn't an accident.

It was an accident. Here we go.

Mr. Monk?

Ah, you remember sharona and Natalie.

I mean, Natalie and sharona.


Hi. Nice surprise.

Can I get you something to drink?

Uh, no, thank you. We're fine.

We have a few more questions about the incident.

We think that Mr. Fleming might have fallen on purpose.


It's just a theory.

On that morning, did you actually see Mr. Fleming play any golf?

Well, now that you mention it, no, I don't believe I did.

Yeah, but he fell, right?

I mean, he really fell.

He... he didn't pretend.

Well, I was 50 yards away.

It looked real to me.

I don't know if he's that good of an actor.

[Fake cough]



On second thought, I'd love some water.


I'll be right back.

Doesn't mean anything. Don't say that.

[Whispering] Be cool! Just...

Just be cool.

I'm cool. No, you're not.

Look at this.

His wife is reading these books:

The passions of Erica, it's a series.

See? Volume 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10.

Where is volume four?

I'll tell you where it is.

It's in your uncle's apartment.

I saw it lying open by the couch.

She left it there.

They're having an affair.

What? Uncle Howie?

Do you think that he knows?

He not only knows.

He did something about it.

[Dramatic sigh]

He k*lled your uncle.

Oh! Come on!

Think about it.

Howard was sleeping with Carolyn Walsh.

What are the odds of her husband witnessing his fatal accident?

It's off the charts. It's virtually impossible.

But they weren't alone. The caddy was there.

Yeah, the caddy saw the whole thing.

That's the beauty of it. It was a perfect plan.

I don't understand.

I'll tell you later.

No, no, no, no, no.

You have to tell me now.

Say "here's what happened."

Well, he's right there.

Just tell me.

Say "here's what happened."

Here's what happened.

Walsh knew his wife was cheating.

He found a letter or overheard a phone call.

Somehow, he knew, but he didn't say anything.

He kept it a secret.

He began planning his revenge.

We've got orange juice if you'd like.

Juice is good. Fresh squeezed would be good.

[Whispers] Keep going. No! He's right there!

Okay, get over here.

Here, get in here. Just... Get in!

I'm not getting in there! Get in!



Okay, keep going. We're in a closet!

I can't do this in a closet.

Yes, you can! Just tell me what happened.

Quickly. Come on.

[Monk talking in indecipherable fast-forward voice]

And Walsh came running up and k*lled him... the end.

Can we go now? Wait... no!

I don't understand. Neither do I.

Just do it again. Just slow down.

Oh, my god.

It was Walsh's idea. He came to your uncle.

He said he had a plan to rip off the country club.

Howard would pretend to fall down the stairs.

Walsh would be the unimpeachable witness.

They'd sue the club and make a fortune.

Walsh must have known Howard was broke.

He knew he'd take the bait.

Okay. Where was I?

He took the bait.

That morning, your uncle was on the green.

He was in position.

Meanwhile, Walsh made sure he and the caddy were close enough to see everything.

Your uncle thought it was just another scam, but Walsh had other ideas.

Can we at least open the door just a crack?

[Whispers] Keep going.

The caddy ran off to get help.

That left Walsh alone with your uncle.

It was a perfect plan, two witnesses.

Walsh himself and his caddy had seen your uncle fall down those stairs.

Nobody would ever suspect it was m*rder... the end.

Can we open the door now?

Hey. We were just taking a little tour.

Is this oak?

Mr. Monk, he knows. That we know.

I think we're done here.

[Grunts] Hooh!

Are you... Okay?

I'm waiting for the screaming to stop.

There's no screaming. The screaming inside my head.

You were in a closet in his house.

He was standing right there.

He obviously heard everything.

Why didn't you just leave the apartment?

I tried! I told them to be cool.

I actually said, "be cool."

Just step outside the house. Talk in the elevator!

He doesn't take the elevator. Ha.

Well, we don't have a case because you tipped him off.

I just got off the phone with him.

It's a brick wall. They're all lawyered up.

What about his wife? She's not talking either.

That's 'cause he probably threatened her.

If this is a homicide, and I believe you're right, because you always are, we're up against it.

We've got nothing! We have no physical evidence!

Why you looking at me? It wasn't my fault.

What does that mean? Nothing.

What, are you blaming me now? Whoa, wait a minute.

It's not her fault. I mean, her uncle died.

She's got the right to ask a couple questions.

Randy, you weren't there.

Neither were you. No, I wasn't there!

[All shouting, overlapping]

Monk! Monk, what do you think?


Where we going? I have $52.

How far will that take me? Let's find out.


Okay, if we hear anything, we'll let you know.

Is that the captain? Randy.

What did he say?

No news.

[Exhales] Well, he can't go too far.

He can't sleep without his Trudy pillow.

Or that special red toothbrush.

Or his little flossing kit.

Or the sound machine with that fog horn noises.

Actually, that one broke.

And they discontinued the model.

Really? What did you do?

I went out and bought an actual fog horn and made my own tape.


[Laughs] I'm not kidding.

I have an actual fog horn sitting in my garage.

I do not know how you put up with him.

I don't know how I put up with him.

Actually, I do.

I loved him.

I swear, this was the best job I ever had.

Every day was an adventure.

[Breathes deeply]

Funny thing is... Adventures are never fun when you're having 'em, you know?

Sharona, I'm sorry.

Oh, no. No, no, no.

I'm the one who should be sorry.

I was totally out of line.

You're doing a really good job with him.

Natalie, you're really patient with him.

It's more than I ever was.

No, I'm not. Yeah, you are.

You're a Saint.

Sharona, the reason why I can be nice to Mr. Monk and I can be patient with him is because you did the hard part.


You were here right after Trudy when he couldn't even get out of bed.

[Exhales] I don't know.

I think I might've been too tough on him.

You needed to be tough.

He was in a bad place.

You got him here.

You got him to me.

Mr. Monk.

You found me.

Have you been here all day?

I've been here for 12 years.

Mr. Monk, you can come home now.

We're fine. Unh.

Hey, I know you saw us fighting, I know you got scared, and we're really sorry about it.

Yeah, but we talked about it, and we decided we really have to nail this guy Walsh.

Absolutely. I don't care about the lawsuit.

I don't care about that money. You were right.

Howie Fleming was my uncle.

He wasn't perfect, but he was family, and we can't let Walsh get away with it.

So we want to go back to the country club.

Mm-hmm, I mean, maybe we overlooked a clue or something.

What kind of clue?

We don't know. That's where you come in.

Come on. Come on.

Let's go home. We'll make you dinner.

Is Tuesday still chicken pot pie?

Why, what have you heard?

Of course it is. I don't even know why I asked.

[Sharona grunts]

Even a cancelled card can come in handy sometimes.

Where do we start?

Where do we start? Right here.

This one's locked. Wait, hold on.

Where'd you learn that? Self-taught.


The battery was dead. Piece of crap phone.

Thanks for nothing, fujikawa cellular.

It's from the caddy's cell phone.

Walsh must've switched batteries.

That morning, Walsh put a new battery in the caddy's phone.

One that wasn't charged yet.

He had to be sure the caddy couldn't call for help.

Is that it? Is that proof?


He could explain this. But maybe...

What? The caddy's cell phone.

If the new battery is still inside it, it would have Walsh's fingerprints all over it.

He'd have a hard time explaining that.

My god, we have to find that caddy.

Hey, Mr. Walsh, how you doing?

Oh, my god. Walsh.

Forget the caddy. We gotta stop him!

Number three.

And... nice putt! Excellent.

Let's go to 14.

It's all over Walsh.

Oh, god.

Unh! Oh!

Mr. Monk, are you okay?

Let him go. Just let him go.

He wins. It's over, it's over.

Jerry! Your cell phone!

I need your phone!


[Sharona and Walsh grunting]



Okay. We got him. We did it.

I was back there...

I was making sure he didn't double back.

What do you say?

Are we gonna talk to this caddy?

Come on, let's not... Dillydally.

Let's go.

Let's go!

Sit down. Beautiful.

Mr. Hanks.

Yeah, we need your phone. My phone?

Yeah, the police are gonna keep it for a while.

What do you mean they're gonna keep it for a while?

It's a long story. Don't worry.

The city of San Francisco will provide you with an upgrade.


You were right.

He's my uncle.

I know I only... Met him twice, but twice is enough.

I guess I never... ow!

Sharona! Are you okay?

Oh, god, I think I broke my arm.

Oh, my god.

I can't believe they never fixed that step.

Benjy's going to college.


Oh, god.

You sure you don't need a ride?

Oh, no, no, no, my friend is picking me up.

Oh, sharona, it was great to see you.

You too, boss.

You know, I have to say I'm gonna sleep a lot better now i...

The truth is I was really worried about you, but not anymore.

You're... you're in really good hands.

[Horn honks]

My ride's here. Okay.

Okay, get ready.

Here comes the hug.

Listen, I'm gonna come back in a couple weeks, okay?

Got a lawsuit I gotta file.

I'll be here. I'm sure you will.

Natalie, if things get too crazy, I want you to call me. Promise?

I'll put you on speed dial. Travel... Safe.

Bye! Bye.